Chapter eight

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(I literally wrote this while also writing another fic at the same time so if things seem weird or confusing that's probably why lmao)

Strawberry cookie was taken aback at the loud response from Gingerbright, almost dropping Gingbraves gift.
"So you've noticed it too!" Gingerbright yelled, before covering her mouth with her hands when she became self aware at how loud she'd just been.
"So... you've noticed it too..." Gingerbright repeated, this time in a hushed tone.
"Y-Yeah, I-.. I think that might've been the reason Gingerbraves been so distant with Wizard Cookie..." Strawberry Cookie stated, still nervously fiddling with her draw strings.
"A-And I just can't help but feel bad for the both of them! Gingerbrave feeling like he needs to avoid Wizard Cookie, and Wizard Cookie being upset at Gingerbrave for ignoring him! A-And I was the one who suggested a sleepover, when that would be clearly terrible in a situation like this! I-I just wish there could be a way we could... you know... just get them along again!" Strawberry Cookie finished.
Gingerbright listened the other cookie, and went into deep thought not long after, creating a silence between the both of them.
Strawberry Cookie felt herself getting more anxious by the second. Maybe she shouldn't have brought this up? Strawberry Cookie was about to break the quiet between the two before Gingerbright beat her to it.
Gingerbright wore a big smile on her face, before saying. "Hey! Don't worry about it, Strawberry Cookie! I have a plan that's sure to get them talking to each other again!" Gingerbright said.
Strawberry Cookie knew this was supposed to be reassuring, but it somehow made her more nervous than before.
You see, when Gingerbright has a plan, it can go either two ways.
Number one: Her plan works, better than she even expected!
Number two: Everything goes to shit.
And Gingerbright has a reputation of that second one.
Gingerbright grabbed Strawberry Cookies wrist,
"Now, cmon! Let's catch up with Wizard Cookie." Gingerbright said, pulling the other cookie behind her. Strawberry Cookie felt like crumbling right then and there.


The two had eventually caught up with Wizard Cookie, who was waiting at Gingerbraves doorstep.
"There you two are!" Wizard Cookie exclaimed.
"Haha, yup! Sorry we took awhile!" Gingerbright said in return.
"It's fine. When I got here, Gingerbrave told me to give him a couple of minutes before coming in. I'm assuming he's tidying up, or things of the sort." Wizard Cookie explained.
"No worries! we can just wait out here until he's ready!" Gingerbright said, taking a sit on the ground below them.
Little did the three friends know about the cookie freaking out on the other side of the door...

"Omigoshomigoshomigosh"  Gingerbrave thought, frantically pacing his room. He hadn't expected them to be here so soon. H-He didn't expect Wizard Cookie to be the first one at his door either!! He was freaking out, he really had nothing planned out!
Gingerbrave started desperately started cleaning around his home, thinking about just how this would play out. What he would say what he would do- he just didn't know!! He'd always try and "prepare" for a conversation before it happened, he was just that kind of cookie! But when it involved Wizard Cookie, his preplanning went straight out the window.
After a solid 3 minutes of cleaning and thinking, Gingerbrave just decided to get it over with.
He slowly walked over to his door, hesitantly placed his hand on the knob, and turned it. Revealing his three close friends, sitting on his doorway chatting.
"And after that-! Oh! Gingerbrave, there you are!" Gingerbright said, immediately leaving her place on the ground and hugging Gingerbrave tightly.
"Happy birthday!" She said, with a grin on her face.
"T-Thanks Bright!" Gingerbrave just barely managed to stutter out before a certain white haired cookie caught his eye.
Wizard Cookie also stood up from where he was parched and headed over to Gingerbrave
"Yes, happy birthday Gingerbrave!" Wizard Cookie said, opening up his arms and embracing Gingerbrave in a warm hug.
And Gingerbrave could've passed out right then and there.
Gingerbraves face immediately turned a noticeable shade of red upon the contact of the two cookies.
The butterflies in his stomach swarmed around like crazy, and he could feel his body growing hotter by the second.
He lifted his shaky hands up to his face in an attempt to hide his tomato red cheeks.
"H-hi Wizard Cookie" Gingerbrave stammered as he tried to wiggle his way out of Wizard Cookies touch.
Wizard Cookie immediately notices Gingerbraves odd demeanor and his desperation to escape Wizard Cookies embrace.
"Is there something wrong, Gingerbrave?" The shorter cookie asked, tilting his head to the side.
Gingerbrave felt his heart explode at the others cute
"Huh? What?? No of course not!" Gingerbrave started his terrible lying.
"I was just, Uh, cleaning around my house really fast, and, I'm like, uh, really sweaty! Yeah! it's really gross and... uh... I don't want you to be gross!" Gingerbrave said quickly, knowing that Wizard Cookie wasn't buying it. I mean. Gingerbrave wasn't being totally untruthful, right? Despite his knowledge of the lies, Wizard Cookie hesitantly let go of the other, stepping back so Strawberry Cookie had room to hug Gingerbrave.
Whilst Wizard Cookie clearly didn't believe in Gingerbraves fib, Strawberry Cookie sure did, as her hug was noticeably less tight than the other twos, their bodies barely making any contact at all.
"Well what are we waiting for? Let's head in!" Gingerbright said.
"Ah! Yeah! Come on in!" Gingerbrave welcomed the three cookies into his house.
"Where should we set the gift and cake?" Strawberry Cookie asked in her usual small, quiet voice.
"Oh! Umm! You can just set it over there!" Gingerbrave said, pointing at a small coffee table in the middle of his house.
"I forgot what a nice house you have, Gingerbrave!" Gingerbright said, exploring around the house like it's the first time she's ever seen it.
"Ha ha, thanks..." Gingerbrave said sheepishly.
"So, where's your bedroom?" Gingerbright turned and asked him.
"Oh, uh, it's right down that hallway!" Gingerbrave said, leading the three cookies to room and opening the door for them.
Upon entering the room, Gingerbrave was the first to speak
"I was thinking that you and Strawberry Cookie could share my bed, and me and Wizard Cookie can just sleep on the floor, or something... I'm sure I have sleeping bags somewhere around here..." Gingerbrave said to Gingerbright.
"Hey now wait a minute! I did not agree to that!" Wizard Cookie chimed in, refusing to sleep on the floor.
"Gingerbrave! Don't you know that sleeping on the floor can cause increased back pain?" Wizard Cookie said, starting to lecture Gingerbrave about the dangers of sleeping on the floor. While the wizardly cookie went off, Gingerbright caught Strawberry Cookie eye. Gingerbrights face was scrunched, in a sort of meditative manner. What on earthbread was she plotting?
Before Wizard Cookie could continue his rant, Gingerbright cut him off,
"Hey! I have a better idea! How about me and Strawbs just sleep in the living you and Wizard Cookie can share the bed! That way, nobody sleeps on the floor!" Gingerbright explained, causing Gingerbraves face to immediately redden upon hearing the suggestion.
Sleeping the same bed with Wizard Cookie? His crush?? No way!
Gingerbrave instantly started objecting the idea, however his ramble was swiftly cut off by Gingerbright.
"Okay okay... there's only one way to settle this!" She started.
"All in favor of Gingerbraves idea, raise your hand!"
Gingerbraves arm quickly shot up, but then started to sink lower as he noticed that he was the only one raising his hand.
"Now... all in favor of my idea, raise your hand!" Gingerbright said, lifting her arm mid-sentence, followed by Strawberry and Wizard Cookies arms raising.
"Well, then I guess it's settled! We'll sleep out there, you guys'll sleep here!" Gingerbright exclaimed, wrapping her arm around Strawberry Cookies shoulder.
"Me and Strawbs are gonna go get ready, so we'll leave you two be. See ya!" Gingerbright dragged Strawberry Cookie with her out the room, her arm not once leaving her side.

And now Gingerbrave and Wizard Cookie were in his room. Together. Alone.

It's moments like these that make Gingerbrave wish that he just stayed in the oven.

(Hello everyone! New chapter yay! Just wanted to say to start expecting these next few chapters to be a lot longer than the others, as I am planning on wrapping this story up pretty soon. thank you to the people that have been here since I started this fic back in 2021. You guys have so much patience.)

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