Strangers To Lovers

By marie200013

1.1K 885 1

In a world where devotion and love clash, Ella Smith finds herself at a fork in the road. Driven by her need... More

A Date with Destiny at Table Four
"Intoxication and Tension"
"The Unusual Proposal."
"Uncharted Territory of Hearts"
An Extraordinary Night
Chapter 7.
Chapter 8.
Chapter 9.
Chapter 10.
Chapter 11.
Chapter 12.
Chapter 13.
Chapter 14
Chapter 15.
Chapter 16.
Chapter 17.
Chapter 18.
Chapter 19.
Chapter 20.
Chapter 21.
chapter 22.
Chapter 23.
Chapter 24.
Chapter 25.
Chapter 26.
Chapter 27.
Chapter 28.
Chapter 29.
Chapter 30.
Chapter 31.
Chapter 32.
Chapter 33.
Chapter 34.
Chapter 35.
Chapter 36.
Chapter 37.
Chapter 38.
Chapter 39.
Chapter 40.
Chapter 41.
Chapter 42.
Chapter 43.
Chapter 44.
Chapter 45.
Chapter 46:
Chapter 47:
Chapter 48.
Chapter 49.
Chapter 50.
Chapter 51.
Chapter 52.
Chapter 53.
Chapter 54.
Chapter 55.
Chapter 56.

"Glamour and Distraction"

20 17 0
By marie200013

Spending the initial part of my vehicle travel with my family was amazing. During these loud music sessions, he made the decision to keep silent. The volume was lowered a little as the hour went on. My driver will come get me close to the outskirts of the city. Anticipating our meetings, he joked that he would set up a ride to the airport. To avoid worrying about parking, I proposed to park my vehicle outside the city boundaries and drive us to the airport." Nevertheless, I was not a lover of public transportation and would never board a filthy bus.

When it came to the context I was referring to, my words would not be taken seriously because Luke was paid for his work, and I did not think my statement was very significant. In fact, I could have used a driver to drive on these streets because the city was so crowded that the trains and subways could not accommodate them. If we wanted to go into the city, we would probably spend more time riding than in traffic. Nevertheless, I did not argue this, despite this.

When I inquired, "Where are we going?," I realized that my footwear were worn out." There was probably no dress code in the restaurant where we ate. We hope that we do not have to follow. My question was how he knew, and what I wanted to know from him. As I attempted to avoid feeling insulted, I closed my eyes and answered, "Did you believe it was going to work?"It's unexpected." "It seems my attire won't be sufficient." Despite my strong desire to be neutral, I closed my eyes and said, "Did you think it was supposed to work?"

"There was nothing you needed to apologize for." "My dresses are not available." "I am very sorry that you were unable to find any of the dresses that you owned." "I am sorry that you were not able to find any of the dresses you owned." "It is likely that you would have changed anyways, if I had forced you to." Breathe, Ella. "Are you too condescending to speak to me like that? You didn't have to do that." When I returned my gaze to him, I worried whether my shady glance would be seen as an indication that I was being patronizing.

Is there any chance that he is not even aware that he is treating him in a patronizing manner? The haughtiness I came across had a completely different quality. Who was this person and what was his mindset? What would you say about this tale? If I had to cope with it through the night, there was some uncertainty as to whether I would make it through. He took us there in a BMW, just as he had promised. Our driver was a guy in a suit who was waiting for us in a garage in front of Luke's vehicle. Our driver got in the back seat, belted us all up, and then got out of the vehicle.

As we approached the city center, the buildings surrounding us became higher and the streets got smaller. We were expectedly struck by traffic. The fact that my youngster did not voice any complaints satisfied me. As predicted, he just started out the window. I looked out of my window, seeing throngs of people entering and exiting offices and residences. I saw groups leaving and entering places of business. I didn't enjoy crowds since the city appeared to be designed with their wants in mind. This design has a number of nice features.

Luke gave the driver his commands, and I opened the door right away since I needed some fresh air. Luke gave a startled command, "Pull over here." I raced out of there to see what was going on as soon as the door opened. I jumped out to check what was going on as soon as the door was opened. My eyes took a bit to find the place after glancing around for a while. I had no idea what type of structure it was in, except from the fact that I knew it wasn't Times Square.

As I became older and less used to the city, I started to visit there less regularly. We sensed a thick warmth that was much warmer than it had been when we left Poughkeepsie. The air seemed heavy, and there was a distinct sense of heat. Luke held out his hand and gestured to me, indicating, "This way," as I looked at our hands and considered yanking mine away. I chose not to since he had indicated that handholding could be covered under the contract.

I left the sidewalk to the others as Bennett and I strolled along the street together, leaving Bennett by himself. Without question, his intention was to cling to my hand for as long as possible. There was a big shop with Zander Wang letters on the intersection of Grand Street and 115th Street. A number of individuals departed the shop. Even with his outfit, the guy had a happy demeanor. I wasn't sure whether I had ever seen a lady like her, what with her high heels and black outfit.

I took Luke by the hand and told him I would not be going inside. He turned and looked at me with a grimace. At that point, I felt compelled to tell the truth. I said that I was worried I would get tossed out before I could take two steps, to which they would assume I'm homeless. To which I replied, "Why not?" Luke's face lit up with smiles. He'd taken me inside the store before I could even finish thinking about it.

This was prior to my having finished thinking. He spoke abruptly again. I arched an eyebrow at him as he spoke, but before I could reply, he dragged me into the shop. The inside of the shop astonished me. The arrangement of the mannequins, displays, and presentation was really well done. Employees who worked in sales also thought the corporation was positioning itself. Everyone in the room was staring at my feet as soon as I set foot on the wooden floor. I hadn't opened my eyes in a long time. Since I did not seem to be worth their time, it is possible that my unattractive look led them to conclude that I was not worth their time. A saleswoman's crimson lips twisted fiercely during a predatory gaze, and she locked eyes with me.

Luke gave her a little wave and said, "Mr. Connor!" Arianna's looks somewhat altered as she turned back to face me. Ella remarked, "It's been a while," and Arianna's face changed. I tried to smile at her, but I felt like I should be giving her a scowl instead. I was frightened by her because of her imposing demeanor. She's taller than me, fit, and has a pinstraight hairdo, so all I can say is she's a stunning specimen.

It was clear that she had an abundance of modeling possibilities when she was younger. We moved quickly because Luke shoved me in front of him. In order to save up too many minutes, he urged me to let her try the item you selected. I made every effort to stop him from moving me in any case. I wanted nothing more than to spend time with her by myself, but it was not possible. Arianna gave me a disdainful look for walking, but she motioned for me to follow.

Luke gave me a quick look before turning to face Arianna, saying, "Let's see what we can do about her." I followed her since I was curious to see what would happen next. I sounded like a dog, or something, to him. I couldn't help but evaluate the displays as I passed them because they attracted my attention. The costumes, at least half of them, resembled black drapes wrapped around mannequins rather than actual dresses.

I almost cried out when I saw the price tag and realized how costly it was. It's more expensive than what I could earn in three weeks. Donna did not say anything to me throughout this as we continued to go around the shop. Because of its simple architecture, the facility was quite pleasant despite its outrageous costs and odd designs. There was a lot of air moving through the floors. Surrounded by many personnel, I did not feel claustrophobic as I would have in other apparel shops as I strolled around the store.

This was a result of several individuals ogling me. It seemed like everyone had gone and that there was just one person inside the business at the time. The rear area seemed more private than a fitting room, despite my assumption that it would be one. I wanted to know whether the public may attend the event. Arianna's lips are firmly pursed in a dejected expression throughout the last round of her body. She came up to me right away, took out the measuring tape, gave me a blank look, and measured me.

Throughout the whole measurement, she stated, "You have a pretty body shape," with the same expression. When I heard this, I said, "Okay, thanks so much for your kind words." I'll let you try on the dress Luke has in mind and choose the one that I think looks the best on you. Next, we locate some heels to match it. The salesgirl ordered me to wait in the changing area till I could deliver it to you. She gestured toward a stall located at the rear of the space.

Though I was not sure what to say, I silently nodded. Did I not decide to dress whatever I pleased? Was it not my choice to dress whatever I pleased? I felt that the way things was handled was a little unusual and a little strange. What I saw on the exhibit made me unwilling to give Luke back. That was not going to happen.

It took Arianna around twenty minutes to return, and when she did, she brought three different clothes. Since there appeared to be just a few choices, I was perplexed as to why it took the business so long to choose one. I finished changing out of my clothing and changed into my first dress as I stared in the mirror. When I read that, it was almost as if I started laughing out loud.

Based on how I'm clothed in this material, I may be seen as wearing a dress. Overall, I seemed as if my heads and arms were fixed to a black sheet with perforations made for mobility. I showed Donna nevertheless. That seems to be okay, she said. I thought to myself for a second that I seemed to be wearing a garbage bag. She gazed at me, her eyes narrowing, giving me the impression that I had deliberately insulted her.

She murmured, "I wonder how Mr. Wang's designs don't crash," at one point, to which I responded, "They're tasteless." I rolled my eyes at her and went back to the dressing room, to which she replied, "Go try on the next one." You don't have to be dramatic," I said, rolling my eyes once more. I didn't understand what people in positions of power were trying to say, and if I set my mind to it, I could make a dress similar to this for as little as five dollars. Other than that, the two dresses were the same.

Arianna glanced at me suspiciously and raised an eyebrow when I replied, "This one's not for me, so I'll leave this one in the dressing room." It was obvious that the size of my tits had altered substantially over the prior six months.My boobs seemed like little mountains, against the fabric of a long dress that reached my ankles. This attracted their attention since I was wearing a dress that was too tight on my body. "When I immediately exited the changing room, I pointed to my chest.

There was a thigh-high slit on one side of the dress, but it was pretty short. Because of how tightly it enveloped my chest, it gave the impression that it was bustier. Since I didn't want my bra to show through, this was perfect for me. The satin belt and the dress's waistband both sit slightly above my hips. The mirror I looked in wasn't very impressive, but I still thought it was acceptable.

My love for the dress grew stronger as I wore it more and more, but instead of looking sexy, because of the slit on my leg, I looked sexy. I was very glad I had shaved my legs. When I emerged from the dressing room, I felt a sense of self-confidence as I sank out of the room. This is the one I'm choosing." She smiled petty, replying, "I know you'll like it."

She informed me, her eyes fixed on the trivial, "That's the one I'm choosing." I gave a shrug. She frowned. I remarked, "I wouldn't waste my money on that stuff." "Let's move on to shoes." "Okay," I said, sitting on my old clothing and donning my sneakers as she led me out of the rear room. During the interval, the sales lady spoke with Luke as we made our way downstairs and into the main area.

We walked, and he did not notice me. "It looks great with that gown, but I think you should wear it with a pump that has a peep-toe," Arianna said me as we went by a shoe-filled area. I clicked my fingers and nodded stupidly, not understanding what it meant, and then thought of the exact pair of shoes I had in mind. I listened to her advice and then settled onto one of the suggested leather couches. The woman took one look at my naked feet and took her heels off. Trembled to seize my shoes.

The shoes that were on my thoughts as I nodded and snapped my fingers. I listened to her advice and then took a seat on one of the suggested leather couches. The woman took one look at my naked feet and took off her heels. Watching the fabric of the dress fall back onto my flesh, I lifted my leg high in the air. The way it looked seductive was my favorite feature. I never wore a dress with slits until a few months ago. I looked straight at a pair of black, four-inch heels that drew my attention.

It was simple for me to slide my feet into them after removing them and putting them on. I knew the peep-toe pumps were the ideal shoes since I could see my toes through their bottoms. After Donna buckled my shoes, she told me to wear them while I went about my business. I had never worn heels before, so I briefly had trouble maintaining my equilibrium. She was staring at me with such scorn that it was hard for me to ignore her hatred.

I was embarrassed to hear my big shoes clank on the floor. My last pair of heels was quite some time ago, and I haven't worn them since. "Have you ever walked in heels before?" she shouted at me, "Quite a few times." She whispered to herself as she glanced off into the distance. When I turned around, I almost fractured my ankle as I collapsed to the ground. Where is the place where Luke found you?The fact that she wanted me to hear it didn't stop me from asking "

I still want to hear her out. When I was done talking to my customer, I wondered if that was the right thing to say to them. I should not have been surprised that you have reacted this way to what he has told you, as Luke previously explained to me. I was seduced by her, and it didn't matter if she liked me. I didn't mind at all when Luke made a few remarks. My reason for doing so was solely financial. This was something that I had to put up with.

I had to draw my knees together to keep the slits from displaying any flesh on my legs when I suddenly felt self-conscious. In an instant, I noticed Luke come down the stairs and turn to face him. When he spotted me, he froze mid-step and gazed at me for a few seconds. Donna replied, "Mr. "Connor, I apologize if you feel self-conscious. It's important to remember that even if she may not look her best in some pictures, she still looks amazing. When my eyes met his, jaw dropped a little.

"Fine clothing suits you well," he continued as he came up to me and looked over me, asking if I noticed anything about this brand name. "Open. Are the words true? Can you confirm that they were spoken by him? Were he trying to convey literal meaning to his words? Could you please tell me what Luke thought about the way I looked?" she asked, watching us from across the room, her arms crossed. Feeling a little cheeky, I moved so that the slit would split and reveal my leg.

"Do you think my leg is showing too much?" he said during our interview, making a noncommittal remark as he trailed his sight up my thigh where the slit stopped.It's simple to see the guys' backs. Luke cleared his throat and looked at Donna, who had an interesting expression in her eyes. "Of course, let's head upstairs, that's fine with me," Donna said, grinning broadly as I called her. "Can you please give us a call and let us know when we should expect to arrive? 'It will be great to see you upstairs.'"

He said he had turned upstairs. "It was only because of this dress, which I sculpted my bottom to the point of confidence, that I was able to walk in front of the entire group. There's no better way to show off what you have than to show it off. When I saw the total cost of the dress and the heels, I nearly started crying. Is it right that I assumed you were paying me?" Donna asked those of us who were wealthier than most of us. Luke grabbed my shoulder as if he were leaning in closer.

It would be hard for me to persuade her to buy anything, even if I could compel her to. Is it really worth spending a thousand dollars on shoes and a dress that don't go with your style? We crossed our arms at the same time, and Dianna gave us a little smile. Did she really think I would make her feel like this? Being employed here, I would have felt ashamed if I had to deal with the garbage they were selling.

Even though Luke had more than $1000 to spend, he swiped his card without hesitation. I found it difficult to grasp what he was saying and could not comprehend his thoughts as a consequence. If I unexpectedly won the lottery and became a billionaire, I would definitely go to a sale rack first. I told Luke that we could get this outfit at Forever 21 for a lot less money as Donna was packing all of my old items into a bag for me.

Luke and Arianna turned to face me, Arianna shaking her head, Luke grinning. He walked me out of the shop and left Arianna with a bag full of my clothing. I looked for his driver as the wind blew my dress, exposing my legs, and he added, "We'll go to a friend's house to get your hair and makeup done." I felt awkward since I didn't need to introduce myself and I wasn't attempting to make a statement because we weren't in the open.

I made sure that the slit did not extend any further as soon as I saw it was starting to open. I moaned as he cast a sidelong look in my direction. "We could improve it." The guy requested for a look with worry in his eyes and said, "I just don't want to do that." I pulled at my golden hair. Ella said it best when she said, "Everything can be improved." I appreciate your feedback. I like straightening my hair, but I don't usually do it in the summer. This is due to the fact that, although it is too hot to do so, it is typically too hot. It doesn't seem like a bad design, in my view.

When it came to my appearance, I didn't really give a damn about the cosmetics I wore, did I? Nothing actually was wrong with my skin, and it wasn't injured in the first place. Our driver helped us back into the vehicle once we found him again. I would have been better off walking than saying anything, given the danger of having to walk in such heels. I refrained from speaking, however, out of concern that I would have to in such high heels. When I take into account that Luke is acting strangely toward the public for the first time, I have to say that this is a good indicator.

My session with Alexander Whatever resembled, if memory serves me correctly, my Alexander Anything appointment at the salon I visited a few weeks before. When we arrived, we received weird stares, and when we saw Luke, they drooled over him. Even though I had a good experience with my hairdresser, it was not the most enjoyable. I was drawn to this brown girl with wavy hair because of something charming about her. My eyes literally fell out of their sockets when she was done cutting out dead ends and dousing me in every conceivable kind of spray.

She had been working on me for what seemed like an age, I realized. I had never had a hair appointment done professionally, even after a long time of not caring about how I looked. For me, this was a novel experience. I was hardly the same person as I hated to acknowledge it. I looked better than I had ever looked, no question about it. I informed my hairdresser that I had seen a miracle happen under her hands in answer to her question.

Her name was Darla, it seems, but I'm not sure whether that's accurate. Luke claims that based on the conversation above, we can always do things better. She told me, grinning, "I'm just letting what's already there shine through," and she gestured down at me. I gave him a scowl. I greeted him, and he gave me a warm grin and thanked me for coming. He was both irritating and stupid, and when he made his comments, I wasn't sure whether he was being malevolent or stupid.

Darla gave Luke a filthy look in return and shifted her focus to him. It's Darla that has my interest. "Please accept my sincere apologies for the difficulties I encountered with him," she said to me. He was not good at relating to other people. But when it comes to managing a company, he excels. But he's not very good at meeting new people. He has lived a long life, yet he has never changed the way he acts.

I told Luke right away that what he was doing was not supposed to be done. But I had to inform him what he was doing in this scenario. "I believe he doesn't realize how impolite he acts." I was not used to it. I had never taken off my smock before. I got up and lightly adjusted my hair. "You're ready to begin," she said, removing my smock.

I was able to achieve much better results than I could have ever achieved on my own because of her skill in curling my hair, and at that moment, I noticed her eyes widen as she led me to the front of the store. I cheerfully said "thank you" as I approached the register, and Luke kept staring at me while he spoke, saying, "Thank you for inviting me." What was this about? $150 for hair and makeup? That was crazy! I believe that this was one of those days when everything was as normal as it could be.

I haven't been to a salon in a long time, and I can't even remember the last time I went. Luke stopped me in the middle of reaching for my wallet to pay, and he said, "I will pay you." I pushed my hand back and took out his credit card, and he said, "no, I'll pay." "I don't want to waste your money," I said, pushing my hand back. When I took out my debit card, he said, "You should keep the money, I'll pay for your meal." Darla swiped the credit card, and I followed suit.

I looked at the floor, seeing that I was unable to respond. The patient was partially right-handed, and I was offended by the way he stated that, even though I would have preferred to save the money he gave me. I was certain that I was impoverished, and I knew that I would not be able to improve my memory by having to be reminded every five seconds. As we were leaving the salon, Darla called to wish us a happy evening. "And Luke, would you mind acting like a gentleman for a few minutes?"" She said this in a confused tone before looking at me. "What? I mean, I'm a gentleman, right?He coughed and sneered.

He repeated, "Aren't I? "sounding more doubtful than he had been assured.Instead of battling him at this moment, I chose to let him walk away in grief.

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