* Discontinued series* The un...

By Redlife123z

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This is a sequel for my kindergarten fanfic series. Y/N Pov side After the events at Kid school. You and Jasp... More

Ch 1 Kindergarten hero
Ch 2 Mall
Ch 3 Airport
Ch 4 Hotel
Ch 5 Carla messaged
Ch 6 Breakfast
Ch 7 A dear friend
Ch 8 Arguments
Ch 9 Test
Ch 10 First day
Ch 11 Moping up some evidence
Ch 12 Punishment room
Ch 13 The start of progress
Ch 14 Hot chocolate or Hot cocoa
Ch 15 Obedience
Ch 16 Guity
Ch 17 Fire ants
Ch 18 Mom meet
Ch 19 Truth or Dare
Ch 21 The teach off
Ch 22 Nightmares and Dreams
Ch 23 Breaking rules
Ch 24 Movie date
Ch 25 Under the moonlight
ch 26 The hack to success
Ch 27 Helpful Articles
Ch 28 Operation New Share
Ch 29 Is it worth it?
Ch 30 The secret cover
Ch 31 R.A.I.N
Ch 32 The conference
Ch 33 Santa gift
Ch 34 The court session
Ch 35 Will they accept?
Ch 36 Starting a new journey
I writing a third story
Update/ Roxy

Ch 20 Diana

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By Redlife123z

Kid Pov
Putting my things away in my cubby. I noticed the camera they added in. The cameras alone would be enough trouble for us. Let alone the new day care worker. I was about to join for are S.S.S meet went a girl came over. She had short hair. Dark skin. Black hair and shirt. Along with a pair of green eyes.

" You might not want to have your meets with your friends yet" she whispered. I stand there's horrible. How did she know this? And why is she telling me this " What are you taking about?" " Listen, there a little rumor going around. About you and your friends planning something against the daycare works. These cameras are so sensitive to noise. That with the right settings. They could pick up a whisper." I guess that explains the camera, and how she knows. " How do you know this information? And why you help me?" " My father a security officer. So he familiar with cameras. As for why. Well you might remember me from yesterday." "So that why you looked familiar yesterday. You were that screaming girl from the mom meets." " Unfortunately yes. But send you did help me out, kind of. I should at least give pay you back." " You don't need to do that." " Didn't I already?" " I guess you did. But thanks for the info." She left, and I went to update my friends.

"If we can't even whisper are meets. They how are we supposed to communicate" Gabe said. Who surprised hasn't been coming late lately. " Don't worry. I already have a idea. Gabe, do have any extra notebooks and pencil?" " You kidding. I have like four spare notebooks in my bag." Aviva took a peak inside. " How come you have so much extra notebooks?" " I like to draw." I grab one of the notebook. Writing down my message.

Adam: Will use those as to communicate from now on.

Rush hour came in. So we decided to have are meet later. Everyone got to a seat like normal. Ms. Vaellope, Ms. Emily, Ms. Isabella, and Ms. Lisa stepped out of the staff room like normal. Ms. Isabella put up the punishment wheel like normal. We had are morning welcome like normal. However today wasn't going to be normal. Ms. Vaellope clapped her hands. " Kids, I have some good news to share. Today, will be getting a new care worker. Now isn't that exciting."

All the kids seat in fear. Their were some kids sweating. Others looked to there friends, or started to fiddle around. Some were just frozen. " Children, I like you to give your new caregiver a big welcome." Coming out of the staff room was the new caretaker. She had coconut shells hair. Black fame glasses. A purple dress ( even do it cold out). And very big, ummmm. Since I am a boy. I can't except say it.

It don't matter any way, because as soon as I saw her face. My eyes immediately lit at the sight of her. My hands shaking as I tried to rub them. The beating of heart immediately snap into panic. I was starting to feel out of breathe. Like my body don't know how to breath. I looked over at Carla. She too was in a similar, but probably way less worse feeling.

" Children, I would like you all to welcome. Diana Applegate. Or Ms. Diana for you."

Ms Appplegate. I mean Ms Diana, was looking around the room. That went she noticed me." Pip squeak." All the kids looked at me in confusion. Ok, now would be good time for a pov switch author. Like right now please. " Do you him Diana?" Said Ms. Isabella. I being serious about the pov. Wouldn't you rather find out what mom doing. Or provide see Billy and the others. Ms. Diana gave out a laugh. " Of course I do. He used to be my old students." I think that enough time with me in this chapter. Why not give the other some time? Please. I begging you please. Please change it! Change the pov.

" Really?! Please go on. I rather curious" said Ms. Emily. " Sure, Kid here. I don't actually know his name. So I just call him pip squeak. As he always quite, and seems to always be hiding something. If it hadn't been for the news. I would of never know he could be so secretive. You might want to keep a extra eye on him." How come she not mentioning Carla? Oh right. The time loop ended and stopped. Before she could even meet Carla. " Umm interesting. I will have to keep that in mind" said Ms. Vaellope. "Now moving on, it time for your guys task."

I got the spa task unfortunately. I was on my way to there. When I noticed Aviva was putting on the slip and side shoes. She got the clean task. I watch as she slip and side around. Mopping the floors as she glide with grace. Like a ice skater. All the other kids who had the same task. Ask if they could get a try. Soon, all the cleaning kids. Begin to side around as if it was a frozen lake. With the slip and side being ice skate. Doing there best not to make a noise to wake up Ms. Lisa. Unfortunately misfortunes strike.

" WHAT IN THE WORLD IS GOING ON IN HERE!?" I turn around. Right behind me was Ms. Vaellope. All the cleaning kids frozen. Both Ms. Diana and Ms. Emily, even came out to have a look. " What is that?" She said pointing to there feet. Aviva sided up, and explained. " Looks like I going to have to punishment every single one of you guys. And take this stupid thing way. Along with destroying that notebook." " What?! You can't do that" Aviva pled. Just as the kids were about to turn in there shoes. I intervene. " Actually Ms. Vaellope. You might now want to do that."

She look at me with her eyes wanting to pop out of her face. " Shouldn't you be with the other kids in the spa room. And the why heck would I listen you?" " Because, I have a away to fix your problem with the media. After the hole fire ants incident." The anger in her eyes turn to a more curious, but suspicious look. " And what might that be?" " If you let my friend here. Execute all of her invention. Then maybe, she could make something for you. That with grab the media, and people way from the ant incident. Making them completely forget about it." She paused and thought about it.

" Don't listen to him Vaellope. He probably trying to trick you" yell Ms. Diana. She look at her, then back at me. " It a deal. I let Aviva continue her work. If she can make something in return." " That would be great. However, there is one problem. Unfortunately, do her age. She limited went it comes to supplies. So maybe you could supply her with some." She let a huff. " Fine, I do the deal." She grab my hand. " As for you. You don't think I letting go you unpunished." She pulling me over to the wheel.

Spinning it, till finally it landed on: the ice bucket.

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