Devil Doesn't Bargain

By marveltribrid21

11.5K 352 145

MALE READER! Y/N Adams is known for his bad behaviour in college but no one can change him so he's transferre... More

Y/N Adams Bio
Professor Johansson
Party Problems
The Truth
Mother vs Mom
Whatever It Takes
The Saboteurs
Cold Case
What Are We?
Shattered Hearts
Not Over Yet
Guess Who's Back
First Night Back
Hickeys and Moving in
First Time


593 20 7
By marveltribrid21

At eight o'clock, Linda knocks on Scarlett's classroom door, the English professor looks at her boss and friend. 

"Hey Linda."

"Hey Scar. He hasn't been down for breakfast yet."

"I'll check on him, thanks Linda."

"No worries."

Linda leaves heading back to her office and Scarlett walks back to where her and Y/N's rooms are. 

She knocks on the door and gets no answer. She opens the door bringing in the bigger shirt and sees him still asleep in bed. His phone starts ringing showing the name Emma, she answers the phone.

"You're not Y/N?"

"He's sleeping."

"Oh, he doesn't take being woken up well. If you have to though it works better to use the edge of the duvet over his lips."


She puts the phone down and runs the corner of the duvet over his lips. His eyes flutter open as he moves the bear away from him. 

"You have class in forty-five minutes."

He groans pulling his phone to him.

"Morning loser."

"Morning bitch."

Scarlett leaves the room heading back to her classroom. Y/N talks to Emma while in the shower before getting out and drying himself. 

"You weren't lying about the Matilda looking uniform."

"I know."

They both laugh before hanging up as Y/N leaves his room, putting his cigarettes and lighter in the jacket pocket. He walks into the classroom with one minute to spare, also being the last one in.

"You're late Mr. Adams."

"Actually I have one minute to spare."

He walks to the back of class pulling up one of the students and taking their seat forcing them to head to the front. 

Scarlett is shocked at this side of Y/N. So he's different when alone then around others? She thinks to herself. She starts teaching watching Y/N puts his feet up on the desk and lighting a cigarette.

"Mr. Adams, feet off the desk and put the cigarette out."


"Now Mr. Adams!"

Y/N takes his feet of the desk but gets up walking to the window opening it to keep smoking. Scarlett rolls her eyes and continues to teach.

After two hours of teaching and continuously having to deal with Y/N's behaviour the bell rings. 

"For homework, write four pages on a book of your choice and what you think the writer is trying to get across for tomorrow. Mr. Adams, my desk now."

The class leaves and Y/N walks down towards Scarlett's desk with his untied tie. She ties it for him and he smiles at her. 

"Why are you misbehaving already Y/N?"

"I can't help it."

"Well you need to because I am not dealing with it for the whole year. Go."

"Are you still going to get my penguin?"

"If you are good for Ms. Olsen and I will be asking her."

"Got it."

He leaves the classroom deciding to have a smoke before his next class. He heads to the classroom half an hour early finding it empty. He puts his bag in one of the front seats and starts walking around reading the posters on the wall.

Lizzie walks into her classroom surprised by the student already here and walking around reading the posters in fascination. 

"You must be Mr. Adams."

Y/N quickly turns around walking into a chair making her laugh as he smiles awkwardly.

"Yup that's me."

He walks back to his seat watching as she gets set up.

"Ms. Olsen?"

"Yes Mr. Adams?"

"Do you think there is an age where someone should stop sleeping with stuffed animals?"

"No I don't, age should not define what makes you feel safe."

He nods to himself and she watches him with intrigue. He asks her more questions about psychology till the class comes in. 

Throughout the class, Y/N is the best behaved which surprises the people who were in his English class. He keeps taking notes and answers most of the questions. 

"Alright class that's it for today, see you next week."

The class starts leaving no one tending to stay behind. 

"Ms. Olsen?"

She looks up from her laptop in shock to see Y/N still there.

"Everything okay Y/N?"

"Can I have the rest of the slides for the year?"

"Sure but why?"

"So I can write up the notes and then add whatever you say in class to them."

"Do you have a USB?"


He takes the USB from his bag handing it to her as she puts the slides for the year onto his USB handing it back to him. He thanks her before leaving the classroom.

Scarlett is in her classroom packing her stuff up to go meet Lizzie for lunch when her classroom door bursts open followed by Y/N stumbling in out of breath.

"Everything okay?"

"Do you have loads of different coloured pens?"

"Yeah there's some in the top drawer."

She watches him as he walks to her desk and taking all the pens putting them in his bag.

"Can you get me some of my own so I can give you these back?"



He runs out her classroom as she shakes her head confused leaving to meet up with Lizzie. She knocks on the door of her friend who turns to look at her.

"Hey Scar."

"Hey Lizzie."

They hug and start walking off campus to get lunch in Scarlett's car.

"So did Y/N behave himself?"

"Yeah he was the best behaved."


"Yeah, he answered most of the questions and asked for the notes for the rest of the year."

"He wasn't like that for me."

"I think he is just really interested in psychology."

Later that day, Scarlett is walking towards the area her and Y/N share when she hears loud music and sees Linda banging on the bedroom door.


"He won't turn the music down, students can hear it from their rooms."

"I'll talk to him."

Linda nods and walks away. Scarlett lightly knocks on the door.

"Y/N, it's Scarlett can you please open the door?"

She hears the music be turned down before the door opens and Y/N is standing there. 

"Why are you causing so much trouble today?"

She hands him the penguin and coloured pens.

"Thanks. It's not my fault."

"Then who's is it Y/N?"

"There was some guy banging on your door so I told him you aren't there and he got mad. He started to walk aggressively towards me so I locked my door and tried to drown out the banging with music."

She looks at him as he walks to his desk grabbing her pens and handing them back to her. She sighs knowing exactly who he is talking about. 

"Ms. Johansson."

"Yes Y/N?"

He lightly grabs her hand guiding her to his desk where he sits in his chair letting go of her hand confusing her. He pulls out two notebooks, one his English one and the other his psychology one.

"What do you think of my notes?"

She looks at the coloured coded notes in amazement, everything is neat and she believes it would be easy to study from. 

"Wow, you did all this yourself?"

He nods looking up at her then back at his work with a proud smile. 

"They're amazing Y/N well done."

She looks at him noticing he is still in uniform even though classes ended hours ago. She remembers what Lizzie said about him wanting the notes for the years, he must have been so focused he forgot to change. 

"I'll be back to let you know when curfew is."

"Okay, can you close the door?"


She walks out of the room closing the door for him. After telling Y/N that it is curfew, she is sitting awake watching Netflix. She pauses the show to get some snacks when she hears loud noises coming from Y/N's room.

She walks over to her door opening it and heading across the hall to Y/N's room. She sees him still awake and playing on his PlayStation. 

"Y/N, I said curfew."

"Just a few more minutes, I'm almost done."

Scarlett walks over and is about to turn it off when he gets up picking her up putting her over his shoulder.

"Y/N! Put me down!"

"When I finish."

She tries to squirm off but his arm holding her up is too strong so she relaxes. After a few minutes he puts her down and she points her finger at him.

"I am your teacher. Never do that again! Do you understand me?"

He nods turning off the console, Scarlett leaves the room and heads back into her own. She turns off the TV deciding to go to bed when she hears Y/N's door lock followed by his screams and sobs. She sighs to herself knowing she caused it. She listens to his sobs till they stop after an hour.

The next day, Scarlett is sitting in her classroom teaching. She watches Y/N who won't even look at her. The bell rings and everyone starts packing up to leave.

"Mr. Adams, I need to talk to you."

She watches him walk down but instead of stopping at her desk he just leaves the class. She watches him walk outside and just sighs to herself deciding to correct the homework. 

"Knock knock."

Scarlett looks up from Y/N's homework to see Lizzie walking towards her.

"Hey Liz."

"What you doing?"

"Correcting homework, this is the last one and Y/N's."

"Why do you say his name like that?"

"He won't even look at me after I got mad at him for picking me up when I wouldn't let him finish his game last night."

"I was wondering why he was quieter than yesterday. How did he do?"

"So far, he's made all the points I wanted them to make and he's the only one who did."

"I'll wait."

Scarlett looks through the rest of the homework that went longer than the set four pages. 

"Listen to his conclusion, in conclusion one could say that writers are masochists, they open the wounds that they are trying to heal just so they can bleed. They reminisce and romanticize the pain just so they can weave. Others may not, but some of them do. To see if their cry for help will be heard or just as usual - it'll be ignored too."

"Wow, he wrote that?"

"Yeah, guess he was listening in class even if he acted up."

The rest of Y/N's week is normal for him. His Conflict Studies professor, Mr. Downey Jr is fascinating to listen to and Y/N behaved the same as he did in his first Psychology lecture. Mr. Evans doesn't like him and Y/N fears him. His Sociology professor, Mr. Renner is very funny and again he behaved well. 

He refuses to talk to Scarlett no matter how much she is trying to talk to him and apologise, she never gets to because he avoids her. 

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