You Don't Have To Rush Yourse...

Por SomeTypicalMilk

14.8K 670 624

Y/N's father used to be a famous musician traveling the world. That was before he decided to retire due to th... Más

Please Take A Seat Wherever You'd Like. The Show Will Begin Soon.
Our Next Step? Let's Get To Know Each Other. At Least A Little Bit.
First Day On The Job? Don't Worry! Follow My Guide And You'll Be Safe.
An Average Day At School? Not So Bad.
The Runaway Guitarist.
Well Then, How Should We Celebrate?
Let's Learn More About Each Other And Get Closer As A Band! Again!
Bocchi The Brave!

Welcome To The Stage, Hitori Gotoh... Too Long. How About Bocchi Instead?

2.7K 119 83
Por SomeTypicalMilk

A/n: Welcome back. I'm enjoying writing this. Drawing the art feels weird, but I'm hoping to improve. Also, the characters are now allowed to think. I wonder what their first thoughts will be. With that out of the way, let's start.

Walking towards his comfort place he thinks about Kita.

Y/n: I don't understand. I thought I was doing right by her. Was I that tough on her? Was I not tough enough on her?

He doesn't know what went wrong. He did his best to teach Kita but now he's the one left with questions. 

Y/n: Where did I go wrong? I promise to never let that happen again. But I need to know what that is.

He finds his comfort spot at a nearby park. Where most people go to wait for someone. He was partially hoping that Kita was waiting there for him. Sitting on the bench looking off to the side. They'd make it up and she'd return to the stage. After playing they'd settle the problems together and keep playing as if nothing happened. But no such ending awaited him. Instead, he was greeted by the sight of a girl in pink sitting by herself on the swings.

Y/n: That's a guitar next to her. Could she also be in a band? Maybe I can get some advice from her. Perhaps she also had a dispute with her band, so she came here. Oh well, I don't know if I don't try.

With curiosity in his mind, he sits next to the girl in pink. The girl only takes a slight glance at him before looking forward.

Y/n: Now or never. *He turns to the girl* "Hello, my name is F/n L/n. My friends call me Y/n." 

He waits a few seconds before continuing. 

Y/n: Not very social. She's probably the no-nonsense type. "I'll get to the point. I saw you had a guitar. I'm something of a guitarist myself. I play a few of them. I recently had one of my band members quit. So, well, I saw you sitting here with your guitar, so I thought I'd ask. Has anything similar happened in your band?"

Looking over at the girl, her face is dripping with sweat. Her face is purple and she looks like she could pass out at any moment.

Girl: I-I was hoping this would happen, but I'm completely unprepared!

Y/n: "Miss?"

Girl: "H-h-" Too far! Why'd it have to be a guitarist guy?!

Being her first experience talking to anyone, much less a guy her own age, her soul gives up on her body. Being overwhelmed by the situation, her consciousness starts to slip. She died that day without being able to speak a single sentence to the boy.

R.I.P., random park girl. She died without having as much as a word with a boy her age.

Y/n: "M-miss, are you okay?!"

Girl: I can't die just yet! I've been looking forward to this moment for too long!

Her spirit slowly returns to her body. She coughs for a few moments before painstakingly looking back at Y/n. Her face still purple, she forces an awkward smile.

Girl: He'll be the first one! I'll simply tell him I'm not in a band. That'll end the conversation! This can be my one social interaction for the day. 

She takes a deep breath.

Girl: "I-I NOt a PArt of..." I can't!

Y/n: "I'm sorry, did I catch you at a bad time?"

His concerned expression reaches the girl through her anti-socialness. 

Girl: Is this what all people are like?

Y/n: "I'm deeply sorry for troubling you."

He stands up and bows lightly to the girl.

Y/n: "My apologies for assuming." I should leave her alone. I've caused enough problems for today. For a lifetime, even.

He turns around and looks over to the bench nearby. 

Y/n: I'll sit over there so I don't disturb her any further. I still have reflecting to do.

Before he takes a step he's caught off guard by a clear voice.

Girl: *She takes a deep breath* "I-I'm not in a b-band." Without him looking at him, I feel slightly better.

She tries to look over at Y/n. His curious expression catches her off-guard. 

Girl: "M-my name... My nA-" I can't! This is too far for one day!

Not being able to handle having a conversation, she explodes into an abstract mess.

Y/n: EH?! "Miss?!" Is she alright?!

Girl: But I've already come so far... At least I can say I properly met one person before I died.

The shape with her eyes looks nervously around the park.

Y/n: Is she just shy? Maybe all she needs is a little push. I'll try to support her. But I should make sure I don't sound condescending. "Your name? Since we're meeting for the first time..." *He takes a step forward* "And I did give you mine..." *He takes another small step* "It's only fair I get yours back, right? I can't introduce people to my new friend without a proper name."

Girl: Properly? Friends?! 

She is slowly pieced back together by the wind.

Girl: For the first time... He wants to meet again. Again... He'd be...

After what feels like years to her, she's reformed and bows deeply.

Girl: My first friend.

She attempts to look him in the face. Immediately she can't handle it and stares at the ground.

Girl: "Hi-HiTorI GOToh."

Y/n: "Hitori Gotoh?"

Girl: "ThAt'S my name!"

Y/n: *He smiles* "I see. I'm delighted to meet you, Hitori-chan."

Hitori: First names already?! This is bad!

Her chest tightens up. She can feel a heart attack coming on.

Y/n: "I should be returning back to Starry. But I have no idea how to explain this to the band."

He turns back and walks toward the nearby bench.

Hitori: I should be supportive. "D-do your best."

Y/n: "Thank you." 

He sits downs on the bench and looks off into the distance.

Y/n: "But I have no idea what my best is."

Hitori: I know that feeling.

Y/n: But she does have a guitar with her. "Hey, I got an idea."

He gets up and walks to Hitori.

Y/n: "You have a guitar, yet you're not in a band. S-"

Nijika: "Y/n-kun! Y/n-kun!" Where did he disappear off to?

Looking towards the swing she finds Y/n.

Nijika: He's with another girl... But she has a guitar! He must've searched for a new guitarist. "Ooh!"

She goes over to where Y/n is but stops halfway upon studying Hitori.

Nijika: "Who's your new friend?"

Hitori: "Friend..."

Y/n: "I think she'd like to introduce herself." The more she practices, the better.

Hitori: Does he understand me?

Nijika: "Since I approached you first, I'll start. My name is Nijika Ijichi, second-year at Shima-Kitagawa High."

Hitori: *She looks away* "Hitori Gotoh, Shuka High. First-year." A girl my age. I can handle this better.

She answers back in a monotone voice. Perhaps she's tried from today's events.

Nijika: Any friend of Y/n's is a friend of mine. "So tell me, Hitori-chan..."

Hitori: First name again?!

Nijika: "How good are you at guitar?"

Hitori: "Pretty decent, I guess."

Nijika: "Really?!" He was scouting talent! That's the Y/n I know. How reliable. "Say, we're in kind of a fix here... If you can't do it, that's okay, but..." *She looks away nervously* "It's really okay, but I'm in a real fix."

Hitori: She's not okay.

Y/n: "Just come out with it. The worst she can say is no."

Nijika: "Hai! I'll come right out with it."

She looks Hitori in the eyes as she clasps her hands.

Nijika: "Please, will you play second guitar for our band for today?!"

Hitori: Band?

Nijika: "We've got a concert coming up, and our guitarist just split! The song's not too hard! You'll pick it up right away! Please! Please!"

Hitori: "Um, err..."

Nijika: *She grabs Hitori's right hand* That wasn't a no. We don't have much time left, so... "Thanks! Let's head to the club!"

Y/n: She hasn't even said anything yet! Oh well, we are in a tight spot.

Despite this, Hitori still follows along. Not saying anything to either Nijika or Y/n.

Hitori: I'm being dragged along.

Nijika: I'll break the ice. "Do you come to Shimo-kita a lot, Hitori-chan?"

Hitori: "Oh, well..." Like I've got the courage to visit a fashion town for trendy people...

Y/n: "This is such a fancy area. I'm almost surprised, Hitori-chan. Do forgive me, but you didn't come off as the type."

Hitori: "I-I don't frequent here..." I've worn the same tracksuit since entering high school. 

Y/n: "Oh. Understandable. Neither do I."

Nijika: "Unless I drag him along."

Y/n: *He sighs* "Unless she wants me to carry around her bags."

Hitori: They're both so fashionable. Nijika-chan has a real rocker-chick vibe. Though, I don't know if I'd describe Y/n-san as a rocker. At least, not based on the outfit alone.

Y/n: Hitori has a curious outfit. She reminds me of a hikikomori. Not changing her outfit besides a shirt change. She also has some severe bags under her eyes. Not to mention her back! I would be screaming in agony constantly if I managed to arch it that far. 

Hitori: And I probably smell like mold. Spending so much time in a closet does that to you.

She takes a sniff of her jacket.

Hitori/Y/n: No, like mothballs.

Y/n: Does she spend most of her time cooped up in her room?

Hitori: Compared to me, NIjika-chan smells like what a high school girl should smell like.

She takes a few curious sniffs at Nijika.

Y/n: *He turns to face Hitori* "Are we walking too fast?"

Hitori: *She immediately looks away* "N-no."

Y/n: *He nods* "The club we're going to play at is called Starry."

Nijika: "My big sister's one of the manager's there."

Hitori: Playing at a club...

Y/n: "And I'm the second manager. I provide funding and training."

Nijika: "He's actually really good at playing anything despite how he looks."

Y/n: "Oi! What's that supposed to mean?"

Nijika: *She smiles* "Nothing~ I'm just jokin' around."

Y/n: "I think I look rather fashionable."

Nijika: *She gets closer to Y/n* "Is that so?" A little more.

Y/n: "It is so!"

Nijika: *She takes a step closer* "Are you sure?" So close!

Y/n: "I'm sure. I'm uber fashionable! I could pass off as a Vogue model."

Nijika: "Isn't that because..."

Y/n: "Not just because of his connections. I've really been working out recently. I mean seriously. I've started routines, eating healthier, and even getting more sleep."

Nijika: "I'll have to check your progress for myself."

Y/n: "Go ahead. Once we're home I'll show you how it's coming along."

Hitori: These two are amazing friends. I'm envious of what they have. Yet, I can hardly look either of them in the face. 

Y/n: "We're almost there. Trust me, you'll love it there. The club has always had a peaceful environment."

Hitori: Playing in a club with other unknown faces... No, I can't back down now! I shouldn't disappoint my first-ever friend. My daydreams of playing at the culture festival start here. And your first solo show at the Zepp super arena! "I'm the girl who sold out the Budokan..."

Nijika: "What?" Is she a little delusional?

Hitori: "Oh, nothing." 

Nijika nervously laughs.

Y/n: "My dad sold out the Budokan three times."

Hitori: "HUH?!"

Nijika: "It's true. He saved articles and framed them."

Y/n: "I think they're in his house in Minato City."

Hitori: Is he for real?! No way! He wouldn't be playing with low-level scrubs like us if he was being serious. Unless... Maybe he isn't that good?

Finally, they make it to the entrance.

Nijika: "We're here!"

Y/n: "This is the place. Watch it, it's a little dark going down."

Hitori: Th-The dark lands?

Nijika: "Good morning!"

Y/n: "We're here."

Hitori: My first club. It's so dark and stuffy. I-it's so soothing! *She sighs in relief*

For the first time since they've met her, she seems to have brightened up.

Y/n: "Hitori-chan, are you alright?"

Hitori: "I'm home!"

Nijika: "It is not!"

Y/n: *He points over to a group of four* "That's the band playing today."

Hitori: I thought bands would be intimidating. 

Nijika: "After they're done, we'll rehearse too."

Y/n: *He motions to their left* "That there's the PA."

PA: "Good morning."

Hitori: "Please forgive my arrogance."

Nijika: "What's wrong?!"

Y/n: "You shouldn't be rude to PA-san."

PA: I'm not that scary. Am I?

Y/n: "Your sleepiness is showing."

PA: "It's my hair, isn't it?"

Y/n: "Probably the dark shadow over your eyes."

PA: "Ah." Yeah, that'll do it.

A girl with blue hair walks toward them.

Ryo: "You're finally back."

Nijika: "Ryo!"

Y/n: "Sorry it took so long." *He stands next to Hitori* "This is Hitori Gotoh. We call her Hitori-chan."

Hitori: Too close!

She starts to melt as Y/n introduces her.

Y/n: "I met her in the park while pondering about our previous guitarist. What do you know? There just happened to be another guitarist sitting on the swings."

Ryo: "Oh?" Another girl. More competition. 

Her curious gaze penetrates Hitori's nerves.

Hitori: Scary! Is she glaring at me?! Have I wronged her?!

Y/n: *He motions over to Ryo* "This is Ryo Yamada. I sometimes call her Ryu. She plays the bass."

Hitori: *She bows and speaks quickly* "I-I'm Hitori Gotoh! I'm so very sorry!"

Y/n: "W-wait a second! You're fine, really. Ryo-chan's just not the expressive type. Feel free to call her out on her weird antics. She likes it."

Ryo: *She smiles a little* That's not exactly what I like. "I don't, actually."

Hitori: Seems like she did.

Ryo: "By the way, about the manager."

Nijika: "Huh?!" Damn it. What's going on now?

Ryo: "She told you to practice until it was time, but instead you snuck out of the club, so she got mad and went shopping."

Nijika: "N-no way!"

Y/n: "That better not be with band funds!"

Nijika: *She grabs Y/n's hand* "Let's be in the studio before she comes back!"

She pushes Ryo toward the studio.

Nijika: Can't forget our new member. "You too, Hitori-chan. C'mon!"

Hitori: Me too. "R-right!" Real life is scary. But I feel like there's some fun coming up!

Y/n: She hasn't left by now, So I guess this means she accepts the role. This should be fun.

They all walk into the studio. Nijika hands out the set list.

Nijika: "Here's today's set list and score."

Hitori: "Wh-where are the other band members?"

Nijika: "This is everyone."

Y/n: "Minus me. Since it's the first and everything, I don't want to outshine anyone."

Hitori nods her head and begins reading. A couple of moments go by and Hitori starts hitting her chest.

Ryo: "Gorilla?"

Y/n: "Maybe she's generating energy?"

Nijika: "Like a heartbeat?"

Y/n: "Something like that."

Hitori: *She plugs into the amp* Maybe they'll be blown away by my playing!

Nijika: "Let's take it right from the top. It's your first time, so we'll run through it slowly."

Y/n: "You can speed up when you start to feel more comfortable."

Nijika: *She readies her fingers* "Alright, let's go!"

She clacks her sticks three times before they start. After running through the set list, they make a shocking discovery. Ryo and Nijika look at each other and nod.

Y/n: "Allow me."

Nijika: "Hai."

Y/n: "Hitori-chan."

Hitori: "Y-yes?!"

Y/n: "Let me be honest with you. You suck."

Ryo lets out a light laugh. Hitori turns blue with anxiety.

Hitori: H-how can I suck?!

Nijika: "J-just kidding!"

Hitori: I'm guitarhero!

Y/n: "No kidding, you didn't play well."

Hitori: I've got 30,000 subscribers!

Nijika: "Oi!"

Y/n: "But, allow me to explain."

Hitori: "Huh?"

She turns around to find a green chalkboard. Y/n stands next to it wearing a lab coat and swirly glasses. 

Chalkboard: 'Y/n-sensei's Easy-to-learn Guide. Hitori class 1.'

Y/n: "In a band, it's important to be in sync with your fellow live performers. But from what I've seen, your anxiety makes it difficult for you to make eye contact. So you'll be inclined to rush ahead of others. While you may have sounded good individually, it overall brings down the rest of the band. To summarize, you're a great solo player, but in a band, you're sub-water-flea level. Even below regular zooplankton! Phytoplankton, since you're too passive."

Hitori: *She falls to the floor* "Hello. I'm plankton Gotoh."

Nijika: *She stands up* "She sounds like an unfunny comedian!"

Hitori: And thus, Hitori Gotoh turned to dust, and never picked up her guitar again.

We skip an unknown amount of time until the end of the series. 

Y/n: There she is!

A woman walks the aisle with a white bouquet in her hands. Many in attendance praise the girl in their mind.

Y/n: She's as beautiful as ever. I don't know how I got this lucky. To end up with a stunning girl like her.

The woman's slow pace only seems to entice Y/n more. Ultimately, she makes it onto the stand and faces her husband-to-be. She doesn't speak a word as she looks into Y/n's eyes. A small blush works its way onto their faces. It ends with a kiss.

Y/n: "I love you."

Before the woman can speak, she's interrupted by Nijika snapping Hitori back into reality. In actuality, Hitori had jumped into a trashcan. 

Nijika: "Come out, please! The show's about to start!"

Hitori: My only friend just told me I sucked! "I-I c-c-c-can't do it!"

Y/n: Just like with Kita-chan. What is this, fate? I can't allow it to overcome me. "It's not your fault, Hitori-chan. You just started playing with a band today. Of course, you wouldn't be able to play in sync with them after ten minutes of practice."

Nijika: "We're not very good, either."

Ryo: "I'm very good."

Y/n: I'm at a professional level. AH, but that doesn't matter! "Just focus on me, alright? Stay centered in reality."

Hitori: "It isn't like I could do the intro or anything..." He's trying too hard for me.

She looks up with blank eyes.

Hitori: *She laughs awkwardly* I don't want to disappoint them. "I-I could offer up my life to put on a harakiri show! Th-they'll at least remember the name of the band, right?"

Y/n: "That's too metal! Save it for our final performance."

Ryo: "If they boo you, I'll give them a bonk with my bass."

She hits Y/n over the head. It sounds like wiggly jello.

Hitori: "Does a bass make such a fancy noise?"

Y/n: "Brain damage is pretty rock."

Nijika: "Mm. Violence is kinda rock."

Ryo: "It's rock."

Hitori: "You can't justify everything with rock!"

Nijika: "Besides, it'll probably just be my friends who come and watch us play!"

Ryo: "And Y/n is my only friend, so..."

Y/n: "I have very few real friends. The rest are fans. But they don't know I'm here."

Nijika: "Normal high school girls don't know good music from bad."

Hitori: "That kind of take could get you in trouble on the internet."

Y/n: "Could it? Either way, it's time to branch out. Come on, Hitori-chan."

Hitori: "I d-dunno."

Ryo: "I know good music from bad."

Nijika: "Well, you're not normal."

Ryo lets out a pleased laugh.

Nijika: "Hey, that wasn't a compliment."

Y/n: "Ignore them. Let's get going."

Hitori: *She looks away* "Sorry."

Nijika: "But..."

Y/n: "We can't force her. It's impossible to change someone's mind once it's already been made.

Nijika: I can't imagine how Y/n feels. It happened again. "You're right. Sorry for trying to push you so hard."

Hitori: "N-no, actually... I r-really was happy when Y/n started talking to me. I-I'm grateful for the opportunity. I've wanted to be in a band for so long... B-but I couldn't get the people together... So I uploaded covers on the internet instead."

Y/n: Most likely on youtube. Looks like I'll have to do a little investigating. 

Ryo: "What do you usually play?"

Hitori: "M-mostly songs from popular bands from the last few years. That way I could play them right away once I formed a band..."

Nijika: "That's awesome!"

Hitori: "It's not. It's the reason I am the way I am right now. Being a band with other people was a pipe dream after all."

Nijika: "Covering popular songs?"

Y/n: "That sounds like the person you've been listening to recently."

Nijika: "Guitarhero-san." *She looks over to Ryo* "Have you heard of her? She's probably about our age, I think."

Y/n: "She's pretty awesome for her age. I'll send you a link Nijika gave me after we're done."

Hitori: Awe... some...

Ryo: "She comes up a lot in my recommendations, so I've seen her. She really is excellent."

Nijika: "Right?! Though, her naming sense is a bit cringy."

Hitori: It is?

Y/n: "It's the name of a videogame, I think."

Nijika: "Hmm. Maybe that's where she started? Either way, I'd love to play with her one day!"

Hitori: You just did, actually...

Y/n: "Look, what we're getting at here is that even fantastic, popular people are out there playing guitar. So many of them are in places we don't know. People we don't know. We will never know about them. But where they're from, they're legends. We need to start small before we can dream big. We can start by playing on this small stage. Dream of sounding great together as a band. Then we can move on to better goals. Who knows, maybe we'll sell out the Budokan. But we don't know if we don't try."

Hitori: I always figured real-life people didn't care about me at all..."

Nijika: "You can't give up on playing in a band just because it didn't work out today!"

Y/n: "We still have so much to learn about each other. Part of it might be their problem, anyway."

Ryo: "Our problem?"

Hitori: *She tries to look Y/n in the face* But someone this kind has been supporting me, and actually tried his best to help me achieve my dream.

Ryo: "She stood up."

Hitori: It's the kind of miracle most people never experience! I can't let it go to waste! "I... I'm..."

Y/n: "Do you want to give performing a chance?"

Finally catching a glimpse of Y/n's eyes, she sinks back into the trash can.

Hitori: "But I'm still too scared."

Y/n: I get it. It's the anxiety keeping her away.

He heads into the closet and takes out a box of oranges. He dumps the oranges and places it in front of Hitori.

Y/n: "If you're scared, you can play in here."

Hitori quickly escapes into the box.

Y/n: I-it worked?

Hitori: "I-It's the same environment that I play in all the time!"

Nijika: "Where exactly do you live?"

The boxes movements are rather lively.

Hitori: "How are you feelin' tonight, Shimo-kita?!"

Ryo: "She's suddenly more outgoing."

Y/n: "If it works..."

Nijika: "By the way, how do you want us to introduce you?"

Y/n: "Hitori-chan? Do you want us to use your real name?"

Hitori: *She peeks out of the box* "I-I'd rather not."

Y/n: "Any nicknames, then?"

Hitori: "In middle school, they called me, Hey and You there..."

Nijika: "I don't think those are nicknames!"

Hitori: "I never knew anyone well enough to get nicknames from them!"

Ryo: "Hitori... Hitoribocchi. How about Bocchi-chan?"

Nijika: "Another tactless comment!"

Y/n: "I think that works nicely, actually."

Turning to Hitori she seems to have a positive reaction.

Hitori: "I'm B-B-B-Bocchi!"

Her eyes light up brighter than usual.

Nijika: "She likes it?"

Bocchi: "It's my first ever nickname..."

Nijika: "This is making me teary-eyed."

Y/n: "Niji, Ryu, and Bocchi. Looks like the nicknames are all set."

Nijika: "Don't call me Niji-chan on stage!"

Ryo: "I'd prefer to not be called Ryu."

Y/n: "Hai, hai."

Bocchi: "By the way, you haven't told me the name of your band yet."

Nijika: *She gasps* It totally slipped my mind! She's going to think it's lame and leave.

Ryo: "It's Kessoku band."

Nijika sighs in defeat.

Bocchi: "Kessoku band... Isn't that the word zip tie?"

Ryo: "It's brilliant."

Nijika: *With tears in her eyes* "It's the worst pun! We're totally changing it!"

Ryo: "Why? It's cute."

Bocchi: "H-hai."

Nijika: "Band name aside, it's time to play!"

Bocchi starts to retreat into her box.

Y/n: "Don't worry. The objective is to have fun, even if you don't sound the best. First, you need to learn to play as a team. The rest, such as getting better, comes naturally."

Bocchi: "Yes, Y/n-sensei!"

Y/n: "The skill part will come in as we practice. Next time let's work on eye contact."

Bocchi: Next... Time...

Nijika: "Okay, let's go!"

Ryo: "Right."

Y/n: "Do your best!" 

Bocchi: They're okay with there being a next time.

So begins the next step, getting on stage. 

Nijika: "Nice to meet you! We're Kessoku band! We'll play a bunch of songs you probably know, so please enjoy!"

Y/n stands next to the other manager and watches their performance.

Seika: "Who's that?"

Y/n: "A new friend I met today."

Seika: "You didn't ask me about it."

Y/n: I didn't make the decision. But she might get mad at Nijika for it, so... "I thought you liked surprises."

Seika: "Not this kind."

Y/n: "It's like the masked dancer."

Seika: "Where did you find them?"

Y/n: "The park. After the incident."

Seika: "So an opportunity really fell out of the sky for you, huh?"

Y/n: "I guess I'm just lucky."

Seika: "Can they sing?"

Y/n: "A good question."

Seika: "Can they play?"

Y/n: "In a closet with no eye contact."

Seika: "Is that why they're in an orange box?"

Y/n: "Pretty genius, right?"

Seika: "I'd hardly call it genius."

Y/n: "Give them a chance."

Seika: "I can already tell you have an alternate motive for having her."

Y/n: "I thought that was the obvious part?" *He sighs* "Is it so bad to want to cure someone's anxiety."

Seika: "The cure is a slow healing process."

Y/n: "A cure nevertheless."

Seika: "Right you are, professor."

She messes with Y/n's glasses.

Y/n: "Hands off the disguise!"

Seika: "Oh? What if I do this?"

She starts messing with Y/n's coat.

Y/n: "Oi!"

Seika: "Whoops, my hand slipped."

She continues messing with Y/n's delicate outfit until the song is over. Y/n retreats to the others.

Nijika: "Boy, I screwed up!"

Ryo: "Your intro bombed, too."

Bocchi: "Excuse me!"

She breaks out of her box and wanders over to her bandmates.

Bocchi: "B-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-"

She stops in front of Nijika.

Bocchi: "B-before our next performance, I'm going to get brave enough to say hello to my classmates!"

Nijika: "What's with that dramatic declaration?"

Y/n: "Good for you, Bocchi-chan."

Nijika: "Well then, let's start now. Let's have a Bocchi-chan-welcome-party-slash-concert-post-mortem!"

Bocchi: "A-ah." *She takes several steps back* "Actually, I'm pretty exhausted from all this social interaction, so I'm gonna go."

Nijika: "Huh?"

Ryo: "Sorry, I'm sleepy."

Bocchi: "P-pardon me!"

She runs out of Starry with her guitar.

Nijika: "There are no ties in this band at all!"

Y/n: "Congratulations, guys. We did it."

He lets off a party popper. 

Y/n: "You all did great out there."

Nijika: "You think so?"

Y/n: "I know so." While she's no Kita replacement, she's just as good. I only hope Kita was in the audience. Maybe she'll return one day.

He helps Ryo up after she fell over.

Y/n: Oh well, until next time.

A/n: So, what did ya think? Our first chapter with actual thoughts! Were they up to standard? What about the art? Did I improve any? Any worse? Also, how did you like the character introductions? Either way, any feedback is welcomed. Feel free to say something if you have any thoughts or improvements. Until later friends, -Kishimino-san.

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