Only You Shawty. A Justin Bie...

By Meganxooo

468K 9K 973

[A Justin Bieber Love Story] Charlotte Brooks, Justin Bieber, more than friends to everyone around them, but... More

♥Chapter 1
♥Chapter 2
♥Chapter 3
♥Chapter 4
♥Chapter 5
♥Chapter 6
♥Chapter 7
♥Chapter 8
♥Chapter 9
♥Chapter 10
♥Chapter 11
♥Chapter 12
♥Chapter 13
♥Chapter 14
Authors Note: Important.
♥Chapter 15
♥Chapter 16
♥Chapter 17
♥Chapter 18
♥Chapter 19
♥Chapter 20
♥Chapter 21
♥Chapter 22
♥Chapter 23
♥Chapter 25
♥Chapter 26
♥Chapter 27
♥Chapter 28
♥Chapter 29
♥Chapter 30 - Justin's Letter
♥Chapter 31 - Epilogue
The End

♥Chapter 24

10.2K 232 56
By Meganxooo

WARNING: Includes some sexual content - not too much... this is PG-13

PLEASE READ---> I just wanted to say I love Scooter, this is just a character that I thought fitted with the story. I've had all this planned from the start. Enjoy

Charlottes POV

Chapter 24


                Walking into the room of mine and Justin’s hotel, I was pleasantly surprised by the room. I didn’t think we’d get anything stylish, but Justin went for a low key hotel, but still managed to get the master suite. The first thing I went to was the bed, the bed that had golden sheets and was probably the biggest bed I had ever seen. Jumping on it, the bed sunk and I sighed with happiness. Wait, where would Justin sleep? Here? With me?

                Of course I wanted to sleep in the same bed with him, but did he want more? I was still an 18 year old virgin, but Justin on the other hand probably wasn’t. Being surrounded in super models and celebrity’s probably helped him get rid of his V card, although I didn’t like the thought of him with other girls. Justin put down the two suitcases on the floor, and also jumped on the bed next to me, making his own sigh of happiness at the comfort of the bed.

                I turned over to my side, so I could look at him once more. I couldn’t get over the fact that he was back, and he was with me. I also couldn’t get over the fact that we were in London! Justin said after that we could take a tour around the city, as like our first date. We’d have to be careful though… I’d hate to get attacked by paparazzi and for our adventure to finish before it barely started. Justin lay down, with his hands behind his head, making his chest and abs look even more toned through his super tight white tee. 

                "Are you truly happy Charlotte?" Justin mumbled, avoiding my eye contact. Shock rushed through me, did he really think I wasn't happy? Had I not acted happy enough? I was over the moon! I was in London, but most of all I was with Justin. My Justin, not the Justin, my Justin. That thought alone would make my heart burst with happiness. I didn't have to bother with fame, we could just be together like we would of ended up if he hadn't gotten noticed anyway.

                My hand went out automatically, and I stroked his toned chest, drawing random patterns with my fingertips absentmindedly. "Justin, if you didn't think I was happy, don't you think I would of left by now?" I said, in disbelief. I couldn't be happier right now, just to lay in his arms would make me the happiest person in the world. "I'm over the moon, Justin. I'm unbelievably happy, it just sounds too good to be true... if you understand what I'm trying to say..."

                Justin rolled up and sat to face me, his eyes locking with mine and his hands placed at my hips, and mine still placed on his toned chest. He was searching my eyes, seeing if I really meant everything I said. He relaxed after a second, he could read every emotion of mine so easily, he knew me so well. "I completely understand, I can't believe I'm here with you." He said, his eyes swimming with happinesswarmth and love. That stare he was giving me now, one that used to make my insides squirm with joy and excitement, like the feeling I had now. "But I wont let anything spoil this, so we can just enjoy the rest of our lives together" He said almost huskily, his voice rough and unbelievably sexy. How could a boy come out with the sweetest sentence in the world, and have the sexiest voice in the world? I was afraid my ovaries would explode.

                I bit my lip subconsciously, making his golden caramel eyes dart to stare at my lips as I did so. My heart was beating in my chest loudly, making me feel every thud as his lips came closer to mine. We had kissed many times now, but this time was going to be different and mean much more. This was our kiss to start our new life together; and also we were in a hotel room alone for the first time. He crept forward even more, his hot breath blowing across my face as he took a shaky breath, giving me some confidence he was just as scared as I was. He had said one line in a husky voice, and I was immediately turned on. This boy had complete control over me.

                Moving my hands to the back of his neck, I pushed his head down to meet mine, his lips covering mine. As his lips expertly kissed my own, I couldnt help but nibble on his bottom lip and suck it a little, causing him to moan. I couldnt help the smile that sprung on my face, I was glad I had an effect on him. He carried on kissing me, his lips giving more pressure to my lips as our kiss got more passionate and needy. His tongue traced the line between my two lips, automatically giving into him. His tongue massaged my own; making me feel even hotter if that was indeed possible. 

                Deciding to take the lead, and for Justin to think he didn't have complete control, even if he did, I pushed back on him slightly, which he obeyed laying on the bed giving me access to straddle him. My lips returned to his hungrily, and he kissed mine with more passion again. With the current position, I could easily feel his hard on, giving me a deep desire I didn't know I had in me. I found by moving my hips, I could rub myself against his lower area, giving me a couple seconds of pleasure before the desire came back twice as strong as before. I rolled my hips against him again, causing his own hips to buck underneath me by accident, and for me to moan against his lips at the feeling.

                This was all new to me, I had read a few books now and then but this feeling was amazing. It was like shots of pleasure shooting through my body in random directions reaching to the end of my fingertips for just a few seconds before I needed more. As both of our breathing got heavier, with both of us moaning and his hips bucking against mine I rolled my hips faster, sending the shots of pleasure through me more often. Justin's hands traveled downwards slowly, causing a trail of goosebumps on the side of my body. I shivered at the feel of it. As Justin's hands placed on my ass, something interrupted us.

"Its always a good time!"...

                The lyrics blasted off his iPhone. Too quickly, he pushed me off him lightly, so I rolled off him and onto the side of the bed. I sat up confused, as I watched him pick up his phone and read the Caller ID. He sighed and rejected the call. Only as he put it down again, I saw the glimpse of 'Scooter' written across it. Justin's body was now tense, and not only that the atmosphere in the room started to tense too. Justin sat on the edge of the bed now, looking out the window at the amazing view instead of me. I felt embarrassed, a hot flush burned my cheeks as I remembered what I was doing just a few moments ago. My hands were shaking a little, but I didn't realise until I pushed some of my hair back due to the awkwardness. 

                Did he not enjoy that? I mean, that was probably the best feeling I had ever felt, but I'm guessing to the fact that his eyes avoiding me and his body language that maybe he regretted not stopping me. I felt so embarrassed, my belly twisting into knots as I sat there trying not to figit. Not being able to handle it any longer, I reached out and touched his back in what I hoped a sympathetic gesture, but Justin flinched back from my touch. I jumped back too, also surprised. Did he hate me now? I couldn't hold it in any longer, I could feel my eyes getting watery. Picking up my suitcase, I dragged it into the en suite and turned the jet shower on and stripped my clothes. Stepping into the cool water, I let my tears fall mixing in with the water.

                Have I made the biggest mistake in my life? I've ran off to another country, in another continent, with a boy who I'm madly in love with, only with that incident moments ago it seemed if he doesnt even feel half for what I feel for him. I let the never stopping tears run down my face, not bothering to try and stop them. What happens if I got out of the shower and Justin's gone? What happens if he's actually left me in London, all alone?

                 With that thought scaring me, I jumped out of the shower much quicker than I first intended to and put my pyjamas on over my still damp body. My pyjamas probably weren't the best for this country, I mean, I didn't realise how much colder England was. It was always raining. I had my shorts and a tee, but at least once I got under the covers I'd be fine. I put my head upside down and put my damp curly hair into a messy bun on the top of my head. Before stepping out of the bathroom, I felt my stomach twist into an uncomfortable knot with the anticipation of seeing Justin. Did he hate me for making him leave? Maybe he did want the fame after all. 

                Shaking my head, I pulled the door open to find Justin sitting in the same position before I left. I sighed to myself quietly, before turning off the main light but keeping on a small lamp by the bed for Justin. I went over to the side Justin wasn't sitting on, and slipped under the cold covers, trying to stay to the edge as much as possible. 

                 "Charlotte, I'm sorry" I heard Justin whisper, his voice gentle and sad. I felt speechless, I didn't understand what he was sorry for. Was he sorry for bringing me all this way and now he was thinking he didn't want this? Or was he sorry for what he was about to do -leave-? So, like the genius I am, I laid there uncomfortably in silence. I heard Justin sigh before the bed sunk down as he laid down next to me. Justin put his arms around my waist and dragged my body closer into his so he was spooning me. I could feel Justin's hard chest along my back, and his strong arms protecting me.

                After a few moments, I replied, "What for?" I whispered back, not wanting to wake him if he had fallen asleep.

                "For completely zoning out when you needed me," I nodded slightly, remembering how he hadn't even moved from my shower when I was crying. "For flinching... Its just I was thinking about things. I haven't thought this through at all! I've ruined your life Charlotte, what about your education? You don't want to be on the run for years because of me-" I silenced him with a kiss, pressing my lips on his which instantly he responded.

                Pulling back from his soft lips, I moved a piece of hair from his forehead to the side, letting my fingertips linger on his head for a few moments than necessary. "Justin, if you were to leave me to live a life without you again, then that would be ruining my life because I can't live without you!" I exclaimed, seeing his face soften. "I want to be with you, and I want you to be happy. You don't want a life in the lights, and I get that because I don't either. I am extremely happy, we can make this work." He nodded in reply, looking a little lost for words. His eyes were happy and bright, his pupils taking up most of the colour. 

                Justin lent up, letting him kiss me once more. This kiss was much more romantic and slow, I was much more tired than before. "Lets sleep, Char." He said lightly after pulling away. I nodded and slid down him a little, so most of my body was on his chest and his arms wrapped around me protectively. Our legs were tangled, which left no space between us at all. I don't care if we never have a place to call home, but if I can go to sleep and wake up with Justin for the rest of my life, I don't care what happens. 

                "I love you, Justin." I said quietly, my eye lids feeling a hundred pounds due to the fact Justin was so comfy to lie on, his cologne making me feel safe and at home.

                "I love you too, beautiful." He said just as quiet, planting his soft full lips on my forehead for a few minutes. Sleep took over soon after, with a smile left on my lips.

************************************************** (never written a fight scene, please tell me how it goes) 

                "Wake up!" Some gruff voice shouted, making me wince at the loudness. What the hell was Justin doing? It definitely didn't sound like Justin. I groaned and snuggled into Justin, who was comfy and warm. "If you don't want to die, I suggest you get up!" The voice shouted again. Die? What the hell was going on? It could only be the early hours of the morning! Justin's body shot up a few moments after the voice shouting and pulled me up with him, pulling my body behind his and his stood defensively around me, putting my safety first.

                I peeped round Justin, to see something I wasn't expecting to. Scooter stood in the middle, with eight SWAT people standing round him, all carrying guns like we were mass murderers on the run. I guess Justins career was worth millions, but seriously? I didn't expect this. A sinking feeling in my stomach made me realise our dream of growing up together was vanished, now they were threatening to kill us. I knew it was all too good to be true...

                "What do you want?" Justin growled, his whole body tense and strong as he wrapped himself around me, caging me in. I had never seen Justin look so angry, he was intimidating. However, Scooter just smirked unafected by Justin's anger.

                Very slightly, I saw Scooter nod making me wonder if I actually saw it at all, but in answer, two men from the SWAT team took the nod as a signal to get us. They came closer slowly, taking a few steps. "What do I want? Ha!" Scooter forced a laugh, "I want the teenage brat of a boy to make me millions of dollars, are you gonna come back with us with no hassle, or am I going to have my team take you and your little pathetic girlfriend down?"

                Justin didn't move. He stayed as still as if Scooter hadn't even spoken, so Scooter nodded again, and the two big SWAT men ran forward. "Duck!" Justin shouted, which I took and ducked to the floor as low as I could expecting him to have followed, only he didn't. Looking up, I saw Justin's closed fist smash into the first guys face who fell to the floor instantly, with a pool of blood coming out of his nose which was at a weird angle. I shuddered, but didn't take my eyes of Justin, where I watched him ram the back of the seconds man head into his knee which he brought up. As he groaned in pain, Justin kicked out, hitting him in the last place a man would want to be hit and he dropped instantly, right next to the first where they both groaned in pain. I sat in shock, with a mixture of pride and repulsive of the smell of blood in the air.

                I slowly got up from my sitting position, and ran over to Justin who immediately wrapped his arms round me and put me behind himself as if to protect me. Looking back over at Scooter, he ground his teeth together, showing he wasn't too pleased with Justin's actions. "You brought this on yourself." Scooter said venomously, before the remaining six took charge towards Justin. In an act to 'protect' me, Justin pushed me away from the men charging, causing my back to hit the wall with a thud. 

                "Justin!" I screamed, in attempt to warn him but he was already there, making me wince as he punched another swat man right in the face. Never stopping, Justin span around and hit another guy at his 6 o'clock who stumbled back. He was busy fighting 5 SWAT guys who were taking their turns to be hit, each never landing a hit on Justin. When I watched in awe of Justin's skills, I realised that there used to be 6 SWAT guys as they charged, so that meant one was missin-

                Suddenly, a blow to my stomach causing my whole body to fall to the floor, I snapped my head up looking at the sixth guy. Jumping up quickly and in fear, trying to put the pain in my gut to one side for a moment. I backed away from the sixth guy as he continuously smirked at me. 

He hit a girl? What sick guy would actually hit a girl? I didn't even know how to fight!

                Number six took another step towards me, causing me to bump into some furniture in the meantime. With new anger and adrenalin pumped through me, I brought my hand up and hit him quickly in the face. My hand throbbed in pain and protest as it smashed with the guys lip where his smirk used to be. I brought my hand to my chest defensively and looked at the blood on my hand. Wait, blood? I automatically felt queasy but looking back up to the man I just hit, I saw blood was profusely running down his chin from his top lip. More sickness flowed over me, as I realised the blood on my hand wasn't my own.

                Six didn't take a moment longer to retaliate, and pushed me in one quick movement I didn't even process. A sharp pain run up my spine as I hit the floor sharply, and before I knew it, Six was in my face. "How dare you hit me!" The man screamed in anger at my face, I watched as his face grew redder with anger and his hand flew to my face. Before I'd even thought about it, my hands flew to my own face to protect myself. But my petty defence did nothing as he grabbed a fist full of my hair causing me to scream out in agony. "You dirty little bit-" and the next words he was saying got cut off and before I knew it, the man had rolled off me and had a bigger cut on the back of his head with even more blood pouring out of it than his lip, probably staining the carpet. I looked up to see my hero holding the remains of a broken chair.

Justin hit a guy over the head with a chair?

               I jumped towards Six, and pressed my ear to his chest to be surprised when I felt relieved as I heard his heart beat in his chest and his breaths were deep. He was unconscious, but I was glad Justin and I didn't also have to deal with a murder on our hands too. I would never want a guy to actually die for me. Looking back up at Justin, he held his hand up to me to help me up, and as my fingertips brushed his, a fist smacked him in the side of his head causing him to fall as if he'd been shot. The picture kept rewinding in my head, Justin's messily tousled bed hair swept in his face, his light smile on his lips and as the fist made contact with his head, his smile vanished completely and his eyes snapped shut. 

                "Justin!" I screamed out, my voice strained as if it was in agony. I leaped on Justin's body, my hands keeping his head looking at me. Tears ran down my face as Justin's body was limp, but one thing reassured me, the beating of his heart through his chest. "Justin" I kept muttering, my hands sweeping over all him as I checked for injuries. "You're okay, I'm okay, we're gonna be okay" I whispered, barely even noticing I was talking. Wanting some reaction from Justin, I ducked my head and pressed my lips to his. Nothing, just the softness on his lips. Tears were streaming down my face leaving splashes on Justin's perfect face. How could I deal with all this without me? I needed him.

                I heard some muttering behind me and the next thing I know, I was getting picked up and pulled away from Justin and getting put on my feet. But, I was too weak, my legs wouldn't keep me up so the guy keeping me up sighed irritably and held my shoulders so tightly it hurt but I didn't complain. He kept me on my feet and the next thing I know a cloth was put over my mouth and nose, forcing me to breath in some weird chemical.

                "No, no..." I heard myself mutter dreamily, failing miserably to get away from the man with the vice grip and the weird smelling cloth that covered my face. My eye lids were too heavy and before I knew it, the pain from my shoulders and stomach and back were gone, my face didn't feel wet with tears and all I could see, all I could feel was nothing...



Okay, its not a long chapter, but it is a twist and (don't kill me) a cliff hanger.

So, yeah, my first time writing a fight scene. How was it? Please leave comments, and vote for the chapter! I'll update as soon as I'm proud of the views/comments/votes. 


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