Eddie Munson One Shots

By ObiWanJenobi

11.5K 501 60

One Shots 2.0! After the previous story was removed, I've taken it as an opportunity to re-write them, hopefu... More

The Kids Aren't Alright
Girls On Film
Heat Of The Moment
One Wild Night
Need You Tonight
Love Bites
The Thing That Should Not Be
Rebel Yell (Part 1)
Rebel Yell (Part 2)
Death of Piece of Mind
Take Me Back To Eden (Part 1)
Take Me Back To Eden (Part 2)
Take Me Back To Eden (Part 3)

Kiss Me Deadly

946 40 4
By ObiWanJenobi

"But I know what I like, I know I like dancing with you"
Kiss me Deadly- Lita Ford

Fuck, I'm lost!

You've walked these woods a hundred times yet here you were, a section that doesn't look familiar to you at all and every direction you go in just seems to become more and more alien.
No matter which way you walked, all the trees looked the same, the leaves, the bushes, the rocks, even the sticks on the floor and you feel the bile in your stomach rise as you start to panic.

Calm down Y/N, just calm down. Freaking out won't help you right now.

You pause and take a deep breath.
You look up and notice the sky is starting to turn dark and a quick glance at your watch tells you it'll be fully nighttime soon and you'll lose any hope of getting out once you can't see where you're going.
You had to get out fast.
You work out the way you were walking and head in the opposite direction, surely just moving forward would get you to the side of a road soon?

As dark started to slowly fall around you, so does the rain. The weather had been dry and warm when you left for your walk, ironically to clear your head, and you were bitterly regretting not wearing anything warmer than a thin t shirt and jeans and when you look down at your converse you see they're now filthy and increasingly getting worse as the mud beneath you gets wetter.
You look around in a panic, trying desperately to find any kind of shelter and through a cluster of trees you can see an old, wooden cabin.
Every part of your mind that remembers every horror film you've ever seen tells you to stay put, hypothermia is a better option than any deranged killer or vengeful spirit you'll find in that creepy cabin but the logical side wins and you take off, running towards shelter as fast as your dirt sodden feet will carry you.

The door sticks but a couple of good kicks and it swings open and a creepy creaking of the wood sends a shiver down your spine.
You peek inside, cursing yourself for not bringing a torch. You'd only expected a quick stroll through the woods by your house, not to end up with the possibility of becoming one with nature for the rest of your life, however brief that may be.

The cabin was definitely abandoned. It was dark but you could see the wallpaper peeling from the walls in the moonlight, the floor was littered with beer cans and old newspapers but there's a circle of boxes stacked in front of an old, worn couch. You feel slight relief at the knowledge it must have been a hangout at some point for some teenagers looking to party, some life had existed here more recently than the 18oos.

You step inside and shake yourself off, your cold wet clothes sticking to your skin in the most disgusting way while you walk around the small cabin a little more and venturing into the tiny kitchen next to the living room. You shut a few cabinets to make some noise, one almost falling off its hinges completely and scaring the shit out of you as it came towards you, until you're satisfied there's no other movement in the property before you go and shut the door, kick your shoes off and look around your home for the night. You'd wait for morning and hope the rain stops, there was no point in trying to find a way out while it was dark. You'd just end up more lost and maybe with some broken bones.

You inspect the couch, hitting the cushions and coughing as dust kicks up in your face, and you sigh, you didn't have much choice. The couch was near the door so if anyone or anything was to sneak up on you it would be an easy escape, finding a bedroom would mean trapping yourself further in than you felt comfortable with.
You lie down and shut your eyes, all the walking and panicking you've done in the last few hours finally catching up with you.
You fall asleep to the sound of the rain hitting the old tin roof above you and silently pray the cabin doesn't choose tonight to disintegrate.


A few hours later you wake up, your body on high alert. Your heart is pounding in your chest and you could feel goosebumps all over your skin. Your brain was telling you not to open your eyes but your body knew something was wrong, really fucking wrong.
You lie still, trying to look like you were asleep but your blood runs cold when you hear something shuffle against the wooden floor next to the couch.

Was that a foot?

You try and slow your heart rate, aware that your chest is probably giving away how much you're panicking internally. Whoever, or whatever, it was might not have seen you. The cabin is dark, maybe there's a chance you've not been spotted.
"I know you're awake" you hear a voice say. It was a man's voice, it was low and husky but there was an air to it, almost inhuman.

Your breathing shallows as you build up the courage to open your eyes. Your senses had already told you that whatever it is is a danger so you try and pump the adrenaline round your body and get ready to run.
You open your eyes and see a dark figure sat on one of the crates facing the couch. It was sat upright and you could already feel it staring at you and it's intentions felt sinister, like you could sense the evil within it.
You jump off the sofa and hurl your body towards the door but the figure is quicker. It jumps off the crate and grabs you and hurls your body against the wall next to the door with a painful thud.

I was so close

You scream as loud as you can but you feel a cold hand press against your mouth. You can feel it's human but the coldness, even for nighttime in Hawkins it was unnatural. You struggle against the pressure being held against you by your attackers body but they're too strong, no matter how hard you struggle you can't get free.
You hear a lighter click and the flame rises up to your face and you watch in horror as the flame stops next to your cheek and illuminates the face of the thing holding you captive.
You close your eyes tight, trying to protect yourself against whatever horror it is that's about to be seared into your brain.
"Y/N open your eyes" the voice says in the same low tone.

How does it know my name?

You open them and recognise the face in front of you immediately. You knew him from school and more recently from the missing persons flyers around town with red pentagrams graffitied over them.
You notice his eyes first, before they were big and brown, now they were tinged with red with dark cireles underneath them. He had a large scar on his cheek, almost like a bite mark and his skin is pale, unnaturally pale. His lips are open as he watches you stare at him and he hears your heart beat faster as your gaze drops to his mouth.

Behind his lips you can see two sharp fangs poking just below his top lip.

He sees the panic in your eyes and the tears start to fall from them. He can feel his excitement as he hears the blood rush through your veins, pumping the panic and terror through your body and he tries to suppress the part of his new form that he despises.

Scared blood tastes so much better and I hate that I know that

"Y/N I'm not going to hurt you but I need you to stay calm" he says. He looks into your eyes and waits for some kind of acknowledgment of his request before he can remove his hand from your mouth.
You nod slowly and take a deep breath as he backs away from you to let you regain your composure.

"Eddie... Eddie Munson? You've been here this whole time? It's been weeks!" You say, trying to calm the shaking in your voice.
He nods, sitting back down on the crate he had been watching you from.
"But why? Why didn't you go back to town?
There are posters of you everywhere" you ask.
You hear him laugh and there's an ethereal ring to it that makes you shiver.
"Because I'm a monster. In more ways than one" he mumbles.
You sit back down on the couch with shaking legs as the adrenaline starts to leave you and your eyes slowly start to adjust to the darkness, letting you see his features better and you can see the look of pure despair on his face.
"You know no-one believes that satanist bullshit? Not with everything else going on" you respond, reminding yourself of the earthquake.
"It's not that. I'm not me anymore, I'm something else. Something dangerous" he whispers.

Your mind clears and you remember his eyes and his mouth.

"What do you mean? Surely you can't be..." you trail off. Somehow saying 'a vampire' made you feel silly. Vampires aren't real.
There's a fast breeze through the room, whipping the newspapers on the floor up into a frenzy as Eddie is suddenly sat next to you on the couch.
"I know. I can feel how stupid you think it is but I think I am" he says.
Your mind reels from how fast he got to the couch rather than what he's telling you.
"I don't understand. How?" You whisper.
He leans back against the dirty couch cushion and tells his story.

During the earthquake he was dead, he was somewhere like Hawkins but darker, full of evil and creatures you couldn't comprehend. He remembers dying and he remembers everything going black but then he woke up in the same place he had died in but he felt stronger, more agile. He was starving but the thought of food made him feel sick and it wasn't until he found his way back to Hawkins, normal Hawkins, he happened upon a rabbit in the woods and it was like a medium rare steak had hopped in front of him.

He didn't finish the story but you didn't need him to, your imagination filled in the rest on its own wether you wanted it to or not.
"I can feel how scared you are. It's part of whatever the fuck this curse is" he says darkly.
You try and breathe, you need to stop freaking out incase it makes him angry and you're the next innocent rabbit he makes a meal out of.
You lean back against the couch, trying to mirror his body language. He needed to think you were relaxed, not an enemy, maybe then you'd survive this.
"I remember you from school" he says, you can hear the smirk on his face through his voice. "I remember you well actually"
You turn to him. "Me? Why?"
He returns your gaze "Because you always smiled at me"

You start to relax, as much as you knew he was an undead creature of the night this conversation didn't seem like it was with someone poised to rip your windpipe out through your neck.
"Well, you always smiled back" you say, not lying. You always liked Eddies smile, his eyes lit up and it always seemed so genuine.
"I erm... I actually had a bit of a crush on you" he admits, you're relieved he can't see you blush.
"I can hear that" he laughs.

You need the subject changed rapidly. "What's it like?" You ask.
He's surprised at your curiosity. "It's strange. I can sense emotions and I can hear blood pumping, I guess it's a hunting mechanism?
The speed and strength has been the weirdest part to get used to" he answers, his voice and tone sounding a little more regular now.
"Why emotions though? The blood thing makes sense and so does the strength and speed but why emotions?" He smiles at the investigative line of questioning.
"Because different emotions make the blood taste different" he says "I haven't killed anyone, I want to make clear, just animals. But I can alwavs taste the difference between an animal I've snuck up on and an animal I've had to chase down"

"'What does it taste like?" You ask, your voice lower, almost a whisper like you're ashamed you even want to know.
"Scared blood is sweeter, almost like chocolate" there's a tinge of shame in his voice.
"So... do you actively try and scare what you hunt?" This time there's some level of intrigue in your tone. One that catches him off guard.
"Why do you want to know all of this?" He asks.
"I've never met a vampire before, it's quite exciting" You shrug.
He snorts "Exciting? Why is it exciting? I could kill you before you'd even know you were dead"
"Eddie do you know how many girls you can get if they know you're a vampire? Girls love that shit! Vampires are sexy" You say, trying to put any kind of positive spin on it that you can find but your stomach flips involuntarily at the thought of it. All the old Dracula movies flood your mind at once, thoughts of how charming and sensual you found them, and you curse yourself for conjuring it up in the first place.

He turns his body to face you, leaning his elbow on the back of the couch and resting his head against his hand. He sensed your thought process.
"Y/N are you trying to tell me you have a vampire fetish?" He asks, you can tell he's doing something vampire-ish to his voice, there's an echo behind it, one that goes right through your body, and he has a smug grin on his face.
"Me? No... not me..." you lie, your face turning red.
He shifts closer to you, his cold hand brushing your hair away from your neck.
"I can hear your heart beating faster and sending all that blood up to your cheeks and I felt your emotions change from scared to aroused. I felt all of it" he whispers.

Your heart pounds hard in your chest as his head leans into your cheek and his hair brushes against you as his mouth hovers over your neck.
You close your eyes and try to ignore the knot of excitement and terror slowly filling your stomach.
"I can smell your blood already, I already know how fucking delicious it would be" he hisses.
Your cunt twitches at the suggestion and you swallow, Eddie notices and groans quietly, the sight of your neck reacting to him like that making his cock turn rigid.
His lips press against you're neck as he pulls the collar of your t shirt over your shoulder to expose more skin for him to caress.

"Eddie... we shouldn't..." you gasp, half heartedly putting up a very weak fight.
"Y/N stop pretending you don't want this" he whispers. "I can feel that you do"
Your fingers grip his hair as he holds his mouth against your neck, kissing and licking your skin as his hands push your t shirt up your body to expose your stomach and the cold in the room nips at your skin but it's nothing compared to when Eddies fingers touch you.

You gasp as his cold hands press against your warm skin, they travel up your body to your breasts and over your nipples and he smiles against your neck as they stand to attention for him instantly.
"See... your body responds to me Y/N" he growls.
His hand travels further up your chest and onto your throat, gently wrapping around it as his lips move up to your ear and across you're cheek until he reaches your lips. He kisses you deeply, almost hungrily, as your tongues fight for control. You press the tip of your tongue against his left fang and you shudder with lust as the reality of the situation sinks in and you wince as the elongated canine nips your tongue, the tiniest amount of blood trickling out and onto Eddies.

Eddie pulls away from the kiss and his facial expression has changed.
He looks feral, his gazed fixed on yours while his hand starts to tighten around your throat as his face moves closer to yours and you swear you see his eyes flash red as he grins.
"I've never had human prey before and I don't intend to start now but Y/N, I fully intend to destroy you tonight" he hisses.
You feel your eyes grow wide as you're suddenly pinned down on the couch by vour throat while his other hand undoes your jeans with lightning speed, pulling them off your legs with one pull along with your panties, leaving you underneath him completely exposed and defenceless.

You feel your cunt grow wetter at the way
Eddies eyes move over your body. He watches as your breathing makes your breasts move up and down in the most hypnotising way, your nipples so inviting and suckable. He admires your skin as he hears the forbidden wine flow through the veins underneath. He looks at your legs, open for him, exposing the glistening slit he so desperately wants to explore.
He feels your pulse against his palm and his gaze falls onto your beautiful face. Your eyes fixed on him as your mouth hangs open in anticipation and fear.

He stands and pulls you up to your feet. "Kneel" he demands and you fall to your knees in front of him obediently.
You gaze up at him, your eyes fixed on his as he undoes his belt and jeans before he removes his jacket and shirt and you get your first look at his torso and see its tarnished with further scars, a mix of scratches and bite marks spread across his pale skin.
"Look at me" he demands, pulling your focus back to his eyes.
He lets his jeans and boxers pool at his feet, leaving his stiff cock inches from your lips.

"Open your mouth" he orders.
You do as he says, staring up at him as he places his thumb against your tongue and you close your mouth and suck on the digit, making him groan.
He pulls it from your mouth and strokes your cheek tenderly, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear.
"I said open your fucking mouth" he hisses.
He licks his lips as he looks at your own open lips and waiting tongue, your mouth just begging to be filled. He places his hand on the back of your head as he guides you towards his waiting cock and he groans as he feels your lips wrap around the head, your tongue flicking over it as you taste his pre-cum. He pushes your head down further, your wet tongue licking every inch of his shaft as he feels your cheeks and throat suck softly, sending ripples of pleasure through him.
He keeps pushing your head down until he feels himself against the back of your throat.

Fuck, she's taking this so good

You keep vour eyes fixed on his face as he releases his grip on your head, satisfied with how far he's entered your mouth. He looks down and watches his cock fuck your mouth while you move your head up and down it, your suction growing harder as he reacts to you as his groans fill the silent cabin. He grips your hair once more, holding it tight as he forces your head up and down his shaft faster, face fucking you until you can't breathe and he grins when you gag, watching your eyes water as his cock enters your throat over and over again.

He pulls himself from your mouth and picks you up by your throat to throw you down onto the couch and kneel in front of you.
He pushes your legs open and presses his body against yours, his cold skin making you shiver while kisses your lips, then your chin, down your chest and over your breasts.
His tongue flicks over your left nipple, making you gasp, then your right nipple, this time wrapping his lips around it and sucking it softly before he drops a trail of kisses down your stomach until he reaches the oasis he was searching for. He moves two of the crates either side of him and places each of your feet on them, forcing your legs to spread open for him completely.
His gaze fixes onto your cunt, admiring how wet you are already then he glances up at your face and grins when he watches you bite your lip in anticipation, silently urging him to taste you.

Oh Y/N. keep biting that lip, see where that gets you...

He leans down and presses his tongue against your throbbing clit as he hungrily licks up your juices and when he hears you cry out his name, his cock twitches at the sound. He reaches down and rubs his own shaft as his tongue laps at your clit, occasionally wrapping his lips around it and sucking on it softly and the way you moan when he does so makes his body sing.

You start to grind your hips against his mouth, face fucking him right back the way he did to you. His tongue moves down to your core and enters you, enjoying how your your cunt feels wrapped around his tongue as his nose rubs your clit with each grind of your hips against his face while you hold your fingers in his hair and keep him in place.
You feel your body start to give in, your muscles tightening and Eddies groans and gasps against your cunt get heavier as he can sense your climax building. He returns his tongue to your clit, but his next move takes you by complete surprise.
"Y/N, please let me bite you. I want to taste it when you cum" he begs.

Your body goes hot at the thought but your mind screams at you to say no. What if he loses control and can't stop? But a part of you is intrigued, you want him to do it. You choose to ignore the part of you begging you to tell him no, you're far too curious to see what it would feel like to listen to logic.
"Do it" you gasp.

He grins and sucks on your clit, two of his cold fingers diving into you and forcefully pounding into you as he feels your orgasm build inside you.
He feels you grow wetter and wetter, his fingers and hand glistening with your juices, before you finally gasp. "Eddie... I'm..."
His fingers maintain the momentum but his mouth connects with your inner thigh and as he feels your cunt tighten around his fingers his teeth sink into your skin, drawing a flow of blood that he hungrily sucks from your veins.

To your shock there's no pain, instead you feel your orgasm grow stronger. You wait for it to fade but it doesn't, it lengthens and it grows more and more intense and just doesn't stop.
Eddie moans against your legs as his fingers continue to pound into you as his thumb rubs against your clit, he glances up at you as he watches your body writhe against the sofa at the prolonged orgasm ripping through you. You look down at him and see his eyes are bright red, like two red lights in the dark of the room.
"Eddie... please... stop" you gasp through the waves of pleasure crashing through you. You weren't sure how much more you could take.
He throws his body back and away from you, gasping for breath as the light in his eyes start to fade.
You feel your climax fade and your body relax. Leaving your muscles aching and your mind in a tailspin at what just happened.

Another breeze whirls through the room and Eddie picks you up by the waist and presses you against the wall above the couch, the springs creaking as he stands on the cushions underneath.
He leans into your ear. "I tasted everything you felt. It was like the first sip of lemonade on a hot day, the exotic sounding cocktail you drink but never tell your friends you enjoy, a glass of cold water when you feel like you might die of thirst. You were the most delicious thing I've ever had in my entire existence" he groans.
He presses his cock against your slit. "I meant it, I intend to destroy you tonight. Let's see how much more that tight little cunt can take" he growls before every inch of him is forced into you. You scream out, a mix of the most intense pleasure and the worst pain rip through your pussy. The unnatural orgasm had made you so tender, everything he did now was so much more magnified and it felt fucking amazing and fucking intrusive all at the same time.

Eddie groans as your cunt eventually moulds to him like it was made for him and him alone, you felt so perfect around him it took all his strength not to cum then and there.
He holds your thighs, holding you in place while yours aren't strong enough to wrap around him and he pulls out of you, pausing then slamming back into you. Repeating the same hip movements over and over, each scream and cry of his name giving him more energy, he had you as his full disposal. Your cunt was his and he was using it as if you were a fuck toy.

"Eddie... please..." you groan.
"Don't you dare tell me to stop. I know you don't want me to" he growls.
"No... please... don't stop" you moan.
Every slam of his hips made your body sing and you knew he knew it. Your pleasure and pain was just adding to his.

He leans down to your waiting nipples, sucking on each in turn and using his tongue to play with them, the angle of his body forcing his cock upwards against the upper wall of your cunt and directly into your sweet spot.
He hears your breathing grow rapid and your body stiffen against him.
"Again?!" He says, shocked at how quick that had been.
"Yes... please... bite me" you gasp. Not caring about the consequences, you needed that feeling again, you craved it.

He clamps his mouth around your left nipple, his teeth sinking in and blood beading at the puncture wounds that he sucks into his throat and your entire body is plunged into chaos as your cunt tightens around his cock once more. His tongue flicks over your nipple as he sucks the blood from your veins again, each action making this orgasm feel like the world was collapsing around you and every part of your body feels like its glowing as wave after wave of pure, undiluted ecstasy takes grip of you until you feel Eddies cock twitch inside you as he groans against you and releases his own climax into you.

His mouth lets go and he steps off the couch, his vision going blurry. You drop down onto the cushion beneath you, your body feeling empty without him inside it but relieved to be free of the unnatural pleasure.
He falls back onto one of the crates, trying to ride out the immense high he was currently on and you watch as he blinks, the red in his eyes darkening and his face returning to normal. Less feral now, more Eddie.
He looks at you, your body abused and defeated before him and you see a flash of remorse in his eyes as he comes back to his senses.
"Y/N, I'm so sorry" he says, his voice cracking.
You lie back on the couch, completely exhausted and drained.
"Don't be sorry, in fact, I want to meet that Eddie again real fucking soon" you say breathlessly.

Eddie scoops you up and takes you towards the room he'd been sleeping in and onto his bed.
You both fall asleep, your mind going back to how you're going to get out of the woods in the morning but a part of you hoping you never would again...

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