Eddie Munson One Shots

By ObiWanJenobi

11.5K 501 60

One Shots 2.0! After the previous story was removed, I've taken it as an opportunity to re-write them, hopefu... More

The Kids Aren't Alright
Kiss Me Deadly
Heat Of The Moment
One Wild Night
Need You Tonight
Love Bites
The Thing That Should Not Be
Rebel Yell (Part 1)
Rebel Yell (Part 2)
Death of Piece of Mind
Take Me Back To Eden (Part 1)
Take Me Back To Eden (Part 2)
Take Me Back To Eden (Part 3)

Girls On Film

1.1K 35 6
By ObiWanJenobi

"And she wonders how she ever got here as she goes under again"
Girls on Film- Duran Duran

"Robin" you sigh, leaning back on your arms as you sit crossed legged on the video store counter. "I think I just need to move on"
Robin leans back in the chair by the computer and pumps the air with both fists. "Finally she gets it!"
You grin. Robin had been telling you for weeks you needed to get over Jason and the stupid fling you'd had. Seeing him with Chrissy had gotten to you more than you expected it to, even though you'd only hooked up a handful of times it always felt like it would turn into something more, at least he always hinted it would. Instead he broke it off out of nowhere and started dating Chrissy Cunningham and he made sure to rub your face in it any chance he got.

"I know I'm not the cheerleader type but it seems so cliche doesn't it? The jock and the cheerleader" you say sadly as you pick at the rips in your jeans.
Robin comes over to you and leans on the counter area in front of you, her head leaning down to catch your eye.
"If he can't handle super cool, awesome Y/N then he doesn't deserve you. Jason Carver is not the boy to get upset over" she offers, her soft voice reassuring you as it always did.
"She's right you know?" Steve startles both of you as he walks out of the back room. "There's plenty of other boys worth getting upset over"
You laugh "Thanks? I think?"
"Do not take relationship advice from him, there's a new girl in here everyday making eyes at him and he falls for it everytime" Robin says as she rolls her eyes but she quickly flinches when Steve throws a pen at her and hits her in the cheek, making both of you laugh.
While Robin picks up the pen to throw it back, your attention is drawn to the door as it dings and a group of boys walk in, deep in conversation.
You look up and see the boy in front freeze in place with a surprised, wide eyed stare before he offers you a smile, one you return before looking back just as Steve dodges a roll of half price labels Robin throws...


Eddie walks in with the rest of the Hellfire Club and stops listening to the conversation behind him when he sees you.
His heart skips and his palms go clammy and he quickly rushes to the other side of the store, the rest of his group in tow.
"Guys, that's her" he whispers to them.
"The girl? The one you've been seeing around?" Jeff whispers back, looking up over the shelves
"Wait, isn't she the one Jason just dumped?" Eddie shrugs "I don't know, I don't keep up with jocks love-lives but I keep seeing her, it's like a sign"
"So go talk to her dude, what's the worst that could happen?" Gareth offers.

Eddie watches you as you talk to Robin and Steve. He watches the way you shake your head to flick your hair over your shoulders as you talk, how animated your face becomes when you speak, the dimples in your cheeks when you smile and he watches as you slide off the counter, so graceful and smooth it makes his stomach flip.

He'd seen you for the first time at the arcade a few weeks ago, kicking Harringtons ass at Gauntlet, you'd screamed in victory as Harrington looked crestfallen but what first caught his eye was the Metallica T-Shirt you'd been wearing with the Master of Puppets album cover across the front, by the time he worked up the courage to speak to you you were gone.

He saw you again a week later, at the diner with Robin but he was alone, no-one to urge him to go up to you so he walked away.

Now you were in front of him again and his resolve was weakening rapidly. He stares at you from behind the counter and watches as you lean over it, your back curving in a way that made him imagine how it looked under your clothes.
Gareth nudges him in the ribs "Eddie just go and talk to her"
Eddie takes a deep breath and steps out from behind the shelving unit, walking towards the counter with shaking hands...


"Honestly it's such a good movie Steve, it's a shame you couldn't come with us" you say, telling Steve about the new Friday the 13th movie instalment you and Robin saw the night before.
"Yeah well, something came up" he responds.
You and Robin smile at each other. "Yeah a cute blonde something" she laughs, making you giggle.

"Excuse me? Sorry, I-erm-" a voice next to you stops the laughter and you turn to see the guy who'd smiled at you stood next to you.
"How can I help?" Robin asks in her fake customer service voice you always loved to make fun of.
Eddie takes his eyes off you for a brief second to answer her. "Oh, no sorry I wanted to speak to her" he says, pointing at you.
"Me? Oh I don't work here, sorry, these are the two you need" you smile politely.
"No, it's not about... I- I've seen you around and I.. I'm Eddie Munson" he finally says, holding his hand out for you to shake.
You glance at Robin and Steve, both of them watching what's happening with curiosity.
You take his hand and shake it gingerly
"I'm Y/N"
"Beautiful name" he whispers.
"Thanks" is all you can think to say in response, trying to keep a polite smile but this situation is suddenly becoming really strange.
"So... I've seen you around, I just wondered if maybe you'd want to go out sometime?" He says, you can tell he's tried to inject some confidence into it but it didn't really work.

You eye him up briefly. He was definitely alternative, probably into the same music as you. He'd gone straight to the horror section so same movie taste, he was cute, a little rough around the edges but he was definitely hot.
You think for a second, maybe this is what you need? A date wouldn't be terrible, even just to get you back out there, plus this guy didn't seem like an asshole.
"Yeah, sure, why not?" You reply, noting how his body relaxes when you finally respond.
"Yeah? Ok. How does tonight sound? I can meet you here around 7?"
You nod "Sounds good to me"
He slaps the counter, smiling widely as he walks back to his friends.
You watch as he whispers to them and they high five and fist bump him.
You turn back to Robin and Steve, both of them grinning back at you.
"That was weird" Steve murmurs.


Robin wolf whistles as you walk back into the store at 6.45, early but needing a bit of a pep talk from your friends first. Eddie didn't tell you what you'd be doing so dressing comfortable seemed like a good idea so you'd opted for your usual uniform of ripped jeans paired with Doc Martens that you'd just broken in, with a cropped Motley Crue top and a leather jacket. Eddie didn't seem like the kind of guy to arrange a posh outing, you didn't want to seem too overdressed.
"Guys I'm so nervous! Do I look ok?" You ask, giving Robin a twirl.
"I would" she winks, making you blush.
Steve glances up at you from the magazine he was reading and nods in agreement, making the knot in your stomach untangle slightly.
"So you have no idea where he's taking you?"
Robin asks as she sticks special offer labels on some video tapes.
"No idea. Guys, what if he's an axe murderer?" you tease them.
"Still better than Jason Carver" Steve mumbles.

Just as you glare at him the store entrance opens and Eddie walks in, looking nervous as hell but he smiles softly when he sees you.
"You ready?" He asks. You nod and wave a goodbye to Steve and Robin, Robin mouthing
'good luck' as you leave the store.
Eddie leads you to his van and opens the passenger door for you, taking your hand as he helps you into the seat before he runs around to his side and climbs in.
You try and pull the seatbelt over but it's jammed, no matter how much you pull it won't move.
"Yeah there's a knack to it. Old van and all that" he says before he reaches across you, his face inches from yours, and pulls the seatbelt down.
You catch a whiff of his cologne, Old Spice you think, and your stomach flutters as he pulls the seatbelt across you and clips it in, none the wiser as to how that simple action had made tonight even more interesting for you.

"So what are we doing?" You finally ask as he drives you a way you've never been before.
"I though we'd catch a movie. There's a drive-in not too far from town. They're doing a special showing of A Nightmare on Elm Street, the first one" he answers.
"That's my favourite horror film ever!" You say excitedly.
He looks genuinely happy that you're excited.
"Oh yeah? Mine too"
Your nerves start to disappear over the rest of the drive. Even the brief silences seem comfortable. "So what's this all about?" You ask, pointing to his Hellfire Club t shirt.
"That's my D&D club" he replies quietly, expecting a negative response considering everything in the press lately.
"Oh cool. I've never played myself by my brothers do" you say.
He smiles, relieved it wasn't a visceral reaction.
"You've never heard of us? We're the freaks of Hawkins High" he teases, almost as if he's proud of the label.
You shake your head "I left school last Year and never really paid any attention to idle gossip while I was there. I know you though, just your name before today, but you're pretty well known" you say with a smile.
"All good I hope?" He responds.
"Oh not at all. but that doesn't bother me" you grin.
He laughs at your response and you could see him relaxing already and his witty charm starts to break through the nerves.

You pull into the drive-in and Eddie shows your tickets and you find a great spot, near the back but with a perfect view of the huge projection screen.
He turns the van off and you both undo your seatbelts, he turns his body towards you and you mirror his action, leaning your head against the headrest
"So why didn't you ask me out before? You said you've seen me around" you ask.
He starts to fiddle with the rings on his fingers, a nervous tic maybe?
"I never had the guts to. I only did today because my friends told me to. I think they're just sick of hearing me talk about you" he says, his cheeks growing pink with the confession.
You smile, he really was so cute.
"Well I'm glad you did, you seem nice, hardly the intimidating psycho I'd heard about" you say, trying to calm his nerves further.

The car park slowly starts to fill up and the floodlights turn off as the film starts and both of you turn your attention to the front windscreen to watch.
You try to concentrate as Tina appears on screen trying to escape Freddy's clutches but it's a movie you've seen so many times so your mind starts to wander.

It had been weeks since you had any kind of attention from anyone, since you've been kissed or touched. You felt wound up like a loaded spring, was Eddie the right one to unwind you?
You look at him in your peripheral vision, his lips were parted slightly as he watched the movie, his ring adorned hand was resting on his leg, tapping his finger against it gently.
His stomach was moving slowly under his t shirt as he breathed, leading you to start to imagine what his body looked like underneath, you could see some tattoos up his arms and you wondered if he had anymore hidden.
You could feel the coil being wound tighter. You needed to feel something and soon. Jason had left you feeling pretty numb, now it was like weeks of feeling nothing had shut off and turned you into a feral animal in a matter of

You look around you, you were in a van higher than most of the cars near you. No-one had a vantage point and most of the windows were steamed up, you'd have been an idiot if you thought there weren't heaps of other people here getting it on instead of watching the film.
Eddie definitely seemed interested, you couldn't see him rejecting you, but what if he did? What if he said no and you had to sit here for hours in an awkward silence?
Your heart starts hammering in your chest, you had to make a decision soon. Either you try it on or you sit here imagining what you could be doing.
You take a quiet, deep breath and shift closer to him along the front seat until your legs are touching.

You see his breath catch as his chest stops moving and you fix your gaze on him as he turns to look at you.
"I'm really not interested in watching a movie
Eddie" you whisper.
His eyes grow wide and he goes to stutter a response but you interrupt him as you press your lips against his and he pauses for a moment before he sinks into it, flicking the tip of his tongue over yours when it enters his mouth.
You reach down and flick his belt open and undo his jeans.
"Y/N are you sure?" He asks, a desperate breathlessness in his voice.
You grin and nod "Yes Eddie, I'm very sure"
You slip off your jacket and reach into his jeans, wrapping your fingers around his semi hard cock and as soon as you make contact it twitches in your palm and becomes fully erect and his head tilts back against the headrest.
You grin, feeling incredibly fucking powerful right now.

Eddie pushes his jeans down enough for his cock to be released and as it stands to attention in front of you, you shift onto your hands and knees and lean your mouth down onto his waiting member.
He groans your name as he feels your tongue work it's way around his length before you allow him further between your lips then rests his hand on your back as he leans his head against the headrest again, basking in the moment.

You feel his fingers on your bare skin, his palm stroking up and down your back and occasionally twitching against you as you get just the right spot or make just the right action with your tongue.
He moves his hand down onto your ass and he grips it through your trousers, making a primal grunting noise as he squeezes your flesh, letting you know he obviously enjoying what he feels.

You feel yourself grow wetter as his hips start to thrust upwards, forcing himself further into your mouth as he gives in to you completely.
After a moment he whispers "Y/N stop, I don't want to cum yet"
You release his cock from your mouth and he pulls you up to kiss him again.
You kneel back and remove your top and bra, throwing them onto the seat and he wastes no time, he leans over and takes your nipple into his mouth, sucking on it hungrily and sending pulses of pleasure through your body that travel straight down to your cunt.
You reach down to undo your own jeans and shimmy them down, sitting back and pulling them from your body along with your boots before sitting back in the passenger seat and leaning against the door as you spread your legs. Eddies eyes fall onto your bare, wet pussy and he bites his lip.
You could sense he hadn't expected tonight to go this way but he was so glad it had.

You reach down and slip two fingers into yourself, groaning as you touch yourself in front of him.
He watches as your other hand rests on your clit, rubbing it as your fingers work their way in and out.
"Fuck, you're so hot" he groans, it's then you notice he's stroking himself as he watches you and your cunt twitches as you watch his thick cock, imagining how it would feel inside you.
"I want you Eddie" you moan. "I want you now" He grins, a wide, excited grin and before you can even react he grabs your ankles and pulls you further down the seat onto your back before he shifts on top of you and opens your legs with his thighs.

He gazes into your eyes and watches them flash with excitement as he leans down to your inviting lips and kisses them while he enters you, both of you swallowing each others moans as he fills you completely before he begins to drive into you hard but slow, letting you feel every inch of him in the most perfect way.
You bite on his lip as he pulls away from you, his mouth turning its attention to your nipples again. He flicks the tip of his tongue over each of them in turn, never letting one of them feel left out when he sucks on them one at a time as his thumb stimulates the other in perfect co-ordination with his mouth.
You wrap your legs around him as his hips start to thrust harder and faster into you, your body jerking underneath him as he fills you up again and again and you can barely control yourself as you cry out his name, not caring if anyone else can hear you, he was making you feel the most intense ecstasy and you had to make sure he knew it.

He groans against your nipples, the soft vibrations adding to the climax you can already feel starting within you and as if sensing somethings happening he moves his mouth back onto yours, kissing you deeply as he now starts to pound into you, barely letting you breathe as he fucks you so deep and so hard it sends you over the edge.
You grip the seat underneath you, your nails digging into the soft material as your body arches up into him and you scream his name as your body shudders and your cunt contracts as it reacts to him in the most definitive way.
He watches your beautiful face turn into an expression of pure pleasure as he fucks you through the most intense orgasm you've ever had, you're entire body awash with a glowing white heat that makes your legs tremble.

He slows down for a moment as you start to relax, your body turning from rigid to calm underneath him and feels your legs, wrapped around him so tightly before, loosen and grow weak as he realises you're barely able to keep them up.
He returns his movements back to slow and hard, enjoying how much wetter and tighter you feel around him now but it's as he gazes into your eyes and watches your lips turn into a satisfied grin that pushes him over the edge.

He kneels up over you and pulls out, letting himself unleash his load all over your cunt and watching as it covers your folds and he quickly holds onto the headrest for support as his head swims, losing himself in the buzz of the best fuck either of you have ever had in your life.
You sit up, supporting yourself on one arm as you lean back and place two fingers against your soaked slit before placing them in your mouth, tasting his cum along with your own juices while watches you, opened mouthed, hardly believing how lucky he just got.

He fishes his handkerchief out of his back pocket and hands it to you, letting you clean yourself up before you just snuggle into him, still naked.
"Do you not want to get dressed?" He asks, puzzled.
You gaze up at him.
"Oh I reckon I'll want more of you before tonight's through Eddie Munson" you smile...

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