Strangers To Lovers

By marie200013

1.1K 885 1

In a world where devotion and love clash, Ella Smith finds herself at a fork in the road. Driven by her need... More

A Date with Destiny at Table Four
"Intoxication and Tension"
"The Unusual Proposal."
"Uncharted Territory of Hearts"
An Extraordinary Night
"Glamour and Distraction"
Chapter 7.
Chapter 8.
Chapter 9.
Chapter 10.
Chapter 11.
Chapter 12.
Chapter 13.
Chapter 14
Chapter 15.
Chapter 16.
Chapter 17.
Chapter 18.
Chapter 19.
Chapter 20.
Chapter 21.
chapter 22.
Chapter 23.
Chapter 24.
Chapter 25.
Chapter 26.
Chapter 27.
Chapter 28.
Chapter 29.
Chapter 30.
Chapter 31.
Chapter 32.
Chapter 33.
Chapter 34.
Chapter 35.
Chapter 36.
Chapter 37.
Chapter 38.
Chapter 39.
Chapter 40.
Chapter 41.
Chapter 42.
Chapter 43.
Chapter 44.
Chapter 45.
Chapter 46:
Chapter 47:
Chapter 48.
Chapter 49.
Chapter 50.
Chapter 51.
Chapter 52.
Chapter 53.
Chapter 54.
Chapter 55.
Chapter 56.


139 22 0
By marie200013

Upon settling onto my VIG Chesterfield sofa, I felt a sense of unease. A peculiar image of my solitary existence had come to be associated with the smooth fabric, which was still free of stains. A wave of anger and rage overcame me as soon as I got up from my seat.

The expression on her face conveyed the depth of her dissatisfaction. I was unable to exert any control over the emotional whirlwind that she caused, despite the fact that her lips were a devilish red color and her nose was slender and turned up. I glanced away, inhaling slowly, and found comfort in the smooth leather on my back.

I couldn't help but think, "Are you planning to repeat this, really?" as it felt like we were going straight for a collision.

Every step she took was accompanied by the tinkling of her bracelets, encrusted with diamonds. On the other hand, as I went around the room, I noticed that I was raising one eyebrow in curiosity.

Her harsh demeanor persisted all through the talk, her bracelets moving in tandem to create a jingling symphony.

Her remarks pierce deeply. Her voice was resonant with family heritage. "It would be in our best interest if you started a family," she said. "Your actions create scandals that tarnish our reputation."

I adjusted my waistcoat, trying in vain to prevent another quarrel. I let out a heavy sigh.

She laughed and said, "I've never married at twenty-two," giving away a little of a narrative she hadn't shared. "Your father and I dated for years before tying the knot at twenty-nine."

I protested, but she insisted. "Our family's stability depends on our standing among other prestigious families." It is a responsibility that has been handed down through the years to marry into riches, not a question of desire."

In all honesty, I hadn't entered the world of marriage or children, and I was keen to find out how. Suppressing another counterargument, I sank back into the seat.

Thinking back on her remarks, I realized how distant my college days had looked. The dating app age arrived, but I had not been seduced by them. The young ladies who were interested in James and you weren't only attracted to your looks; they were also captivated by your personality.

"Besides being an educated man, you may also be a commendable partner," she said. "It's 2015, not 1765; love and marriage in America have evolved."

It became clear that I was a company owner. I was determined to grow my business, but would that mean getting married?

"Is that what you truly desire?" I asked, attempting to gain a deeper understanding of the compelling argument. She persisted in her resolve, shedding light on the long-standing custom of affluent families pooling their resources to secure long-term riches.

The path was obvious; our fate was the same as our ancestors'. She moved forward, a long shadow behind her, as if examining every motion I made. I wondered whether I should really trust her with the family company.

"Please promise to protect our legacy," I begged, waiting for her answer with bated breath.

Her response was resolute: "No, I don't plan to get married right now. I give you 25 more years of independence as a thank you for all you've done."

My reply echoed her resoluteness: "I agree, but not just now. For things to become better, effort has to be put in."

The hotel underwent updates for the current era, all the while retaining its classic Hilton feel. However, she seemed to be struggling within; an unsaid agony was obvious.

I wondered why she felt she had to push my hand away, trying to make sense of what she was doing. I wondered whether she would answer my question.

Her menacing smirk lurked there, causing me to feel both terror and anxiety. "If you don't agree, our vehicle and home are on the line." With an unwavering glare, she threatened to take them from you.

I felt my pulse race as I scurried from the sofa, clutching my pocket for my keys.

My chuckle did not mean that I accepted; I wanted some time to consider my options. This was my first venture into that area, and it was a choice I wouldn't make hastily.

My brother's words sent a surge of heat through me, and then they did again.

Narrowing his gaze, he said, "Do you think it's too abrupt?" My hands tensed, and I felt my nails sink into my palms.

Teaching others to do the same was part of my defense against potential con artists. I imparted the same wisdom that I used: pay attention, pick up tips, and use them.

I thought that by setting an example and taking the initiative, others would follow suit. She only wanted me to give in, but we would eventually have to face the worst part of the story.

I was hesitant at first, but with Luke as my guide, I listened. Based on past encounters, it seemed improbable that your brother would incite such chaos. My attention turned to fixing problems.

My brother squinted at her demand, but he promised me, "I'll find someone for you." I considered her reaction to my suggestion.

"It's alright," she conceded, lowering her eyes. "I'll extend it by one year."

Even as my comprehension increased, I remained steadfast in my resolve to find a mate. I wondered about the difficulties of meeting someone new and forming a family with them.

It was unrealistic to anticipate a smooth transition to a new family and relationship right away. Her assent implied a reasonable demand, with a five-day window for her reply.

The mention of James cast doubt on my scheme, but I remained unfazed. I waited for her answer, anxious thoughts obscuring my vision.

With haste, she said, "Six months." It seems that a partnership had requirements, and I was ready to fulfill them.

As she continued to explain, my comprehension grew, and I decided to stick to our arrangement.

My recent relocations for a variety of reasons have left me feeling undecided. If moving would benefit me more, I would be willing to do so.

As long as moving didn't have a negative impact on me, it wouldn't be an issue. Though I was reluctant to move, I was prepared to do so in order to prevent a more significant disruption.

The events leading up to my transfer had made a decision very important. I felt that it was imperative to explain this choice.

Comprehending the elements that impacted my decision was crucial to arriving at it. It was difficult to distinguish my action from others in comparable situations.

The circumstances, rather than the actual transfer, sparked this choice. Before the transfer, I felt that I had contributed to these conditions.

Although I hadn't moved because of circumstances, they had undoubtedly affected my choice. I had commitments to keep, and this migration was now legally enforceable.

Moving has become a chore. It was the proper thing to do, even if at first I may have objected. I had to move quickly and take on new tasks in order to ensure a successful job shift.

Self-assured in my capacity to persuade, my goal was to establish rapport quickly. My kind and endearing demeanor laid the groundwork for building relationships.

I knew I could influence people's thoughts and leave a good impression. My first experimentation in this realm was simple, but it made me need company.

As I thought back on a previous engagement that ended when I hired a lady for a six-month stint, I became acutely aware of how deeply I loved someone. The agony of sorrow greatly influenced my resolve to remain single until I met the one.

When I was still in my mother's womb about a year ago, I made a pledge not to marry someone who didn't fit me. It served as a helpful reminder to me to make the proper decisions, such as tying a tie before a big occasion.

Despite her firm stand, I couldn't help but wonder what kept coming to mind. Why did she feel the need to force me into this marriage at this moment? I was desperate to figure out this riddle.

My nerves grew as I considered bringing up the topic with her. Is it OK to ask her straight up? I evaluated this possibility tentatively.

Between panic and excitement, I forced myself to say something. She gave a terrifying ultimatum while maintaining her menacing smile: "Our house and car will be at stake if you refuse." I'll take them away from you.

I felt my pulse race as I scurried from the sofa, clutching my pocket for my keys. My world was on the verge of collapse at that very moment, yet I had to make this choice.

My chuckles disguised the doubt that hovered above. I needed time to think about this momentous decision. I was resolved not to go right in headfirst, as this was my first time traveling into unknown waters.

My fists tightened as my brother voiced his support, and I felt the fire pour through me. He wondered, "This isn't too abrupt, is it?"

In order to allow myself time to process the choice, I said, "I'm holding off on your offer." With a surge of heat, I heard my brother say, "You deserve nothing less."

As my hands squeezed, my nails were digging into my flesh. I couldn't stop thinking about the possible ramifications of this arrangement.

I decided to alert others about scammers and stress the need for caution. I placed a strong emphasis on setting an example and living up to my words.

She made it plain that she wanted to give in and skip over the most upsetting section of the story. When I decided to follow Luke's advice, I made a noticeable change in strategy.

It did not seem possible that your brother would be causing havoc. I thought we could overcome the obstacles we encountered.

I committed to this, knowing that there would be challenges along the way that would test our willpower. I set a five-day deadline with her permission.

The use of James's name surprised me, and I wondered how I should respond. My chest and neck were sweating, even though I was excited. Her presence evoked a strange but seductive feeling.

I was nervous, as shown by the beads of perspiration on my neck when James's name was spoken. Even as my fears grew, I yearned for her love.

With her acceptance, the ultimatum had become easier to handle. When I had her approval, I could make my proposition.

I had originally suggested a five-day deadline. I had not expected her response, which was not good.

Still, she addressed James by name in her response. I was thinking about what would have happened if she had said no. She responded with an alternative schedule of "six months."

I remembered from a previous relationship that one partner had proposed a courtship lasting six months. "You have to meet the requirements before we can get married," she had said, echoing her own words.

It seemed that there were many requirements for marriage, each of which the partners had to fulfill. My existence seems predestined to follow particular norms under certain circumstances.

We signed off on the revised six-month schedule, but as we did so, I couldn't help but worry about how fate would work in our joint future. My mother's eyes, curious but fearful, betrayed goals and secrets that I could never comprehend.

The next few months offered a path of self-discovery, love, and unexpected twists in life, in addition to fulfilling her demands. I set off on a journey that would push me to my limits and take me in the direction of an unexpected destiny because I was determined to make the most of this moment.

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