The Heroic Seven

By MaloKen_17

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The Frozen and Tangled characters peer into the future and witnessed the world decimated by creatures of ulti... More

Lives After Happily Ever After
The Storm of Unquiet
Battle for Northuldra
The Mission
The World Before The Unquiets
Children Of New Beginnings
The Spire
Party at Iluka
Danger Zones
To The Dark Kingdom
The Second Dark Portal
Princess of Life and Death
The Day of The Princess
The Asteroid

Double Doom

56 3 40
By MaloKen_17

Chapter 10

Double Doom


The seven teens stood dumbfounded on the docks of Iluka.

"We're busted." Novak muttered.

The Mermaid Princess who had heard everything they said raised herself onto the wooden platform upon a levitating pillar of water, an ability once only performed by the Sea King. With a wave of her magical quindent, sparkling magic engulfed the girl and a second later, Melody stood before the Heroic Seven having reverted back to her human form.

"I was really excited and I wanted to test the magics of the quindent, so I got out of bed early the next morning to practice." Melody explained to her parents. She smiled at the screen "And that's when I met them."

"Is it really true?" Melody asked. "Please tell me. Is my kingdom in danger!?" She asked them with pleading eyes, not just as a princess but as a girl desperate to protect her home and those she loves.

"Umm, give us a moment, please?" Wrenn asked.


The group huddled as they usually do.

"Well that was unexpected!" Exclaimed Amelia.

Eri blurted. "Alright, snap decision moment of truth. So what do you all think of Melody?"

Aidan, Flynn and Novak grinned at one another then in unison the three boys cheered: "MELODY'S REALLY HOT!"

Melody let out a squeek. The half mermaid clasped her hands over her cheeks, her face becoming flushed red. Ariel burst out laughing, many in the audience chuckled.

Amelia, Wrenn, Neoma and Eri wasted no time giving each of the three boys a hard kick to the shins. Aidan, Flynn and Novak yelped and hobbled under the assault.

Whilst still struggling to contain her laughs, Ariel passed an approving wink and a nod at Anna, Rapunzel and Lady Caine.

Though Eric did raise an eyebrow he was otherwise unperturbed about the thought of boys and his daughter. Indeed unlike Eugene, Kristoff and Varian, Eric actually encourages it. Being a social outcast, Melody had a lot of trouble interacting with other kids growing up. Bringing down the wall and opening Melody to the truth of her connection to the sea had done wonders bringing her out to the community.

Plus Eric had absolutely no problems with Aidan, Flynn and Novak.

At the other table, Anna, Rapunzel, Elsa and everyone seated all chuckled at the interactions.

"Lucky girl. She has not one, or two, but THREE princes with eyes for her!" Elsa laughed. She wasn't too sure though if Novak technically counts as a prince, but she certainly thinks he deserves that title.

Melody continued to watch the group from a few yards away. 

"I wonder what they're talking about." She tilted her head slightly and spoke as though there was someone beside her.

"You're right, this is very important. I'm sure they'll need to put in a lot of thought before deciding." Melody replied seemingly to no one.

This strange behaviour raised a few eyebrows.

"Toss it?" Asked Novak. He held up a coin.

"Toss it." The other six teens nodded and so Novak flipped the coin.

"Heads. We tell Melody."

The audience and Melody gaped at the screen, shocked that the decision to tell Melody came down to a coin toss!

And so the story was explained to the Ilukan princess, and a plan was hatched.


After a quick skip the screen showed the teens aboard a large boat sailing away from the Ilukan boarders.

"Okay, everyone gather around for a final briefing." Aidan ordered, and nine bodies assembled at the helm. "We are splitting into two groups. Amy, Neoma, Flynn, Novak and I will head down to Atlantica, where upon arrival we will liaise with King Triton. Then from there we will work our way to exterminating the Unquiet infiltrator that has wormed its way in Orihalia."

"Aren't we involving a few too many people?" Amelia asked.

"We barely even know the surface of this world, let alone the sea." Replied Neoma. "So yeah, we'll need help on this one."

"I've only ever been to Atlantica once, I don't even know where Orihalia is." Explained Melody. "We need my grandfather."

"I get that, but why do we need him?" Flynn complained as he indicated at the ninth member of the group.

Eugene growled, everyone else grinned at his reaction.

Ascot was at the wheel!

"Eri and Wrenn will stay at Iluka to locate and route out the Unquiet land infiltrator." Aidan explained. "Eri can pose as Melody but she and Wrenn will still need someone to be their guide, and who better than Ascot?" Aidan grinned at Flynn as he said that last bit.

"Ascot is a friend of mine. You can trust him." Melody assured. But then something caught her mind and she gave Eri a curious look. "By the way, how exactly are you going to 'pose' as me?"

To answer Melody, Eri smiled and approached her, she stood face to face with the other girl and clasped her hands on Melody's cheeks. 

"Hold still for me, please."

The Ilukan princess blinked in confusion but held herself still nonetheless. The ice mage appeared to examine Melody with great scrutiny, taking in all her distinctive features. At last Eri released Melody and smiled again.

"All done." Eri chirped. 

She spread her arms and her millions of magic ice crystals reverted to their clear silver colour then before the wide stares of Melody and Ascot the crystals repositioned themselves to form the shape of Melody. And finally with a plethora of sparkling flickers of light dancing all over her form, the ice crystals changed colours.

And now a Non-Melody stood among them.

"Incredible." Melody gasped in awe at her doppleganger.

"I'll say." Ascot whispered.

Eri's mother watched with amazement. Elsa had known Eri could imitate other people, she had seen it when her daughter posed as Rapunzel to ambush the first infiltrator. But to watch it performed from the beginning was another experience entirely.

Ariel and Eric sat dumbstruck, it was all they could do to just stare at the near perfect copy of their daughter. Naturally of course there were a few incriminating differences that could only be noticed by the girl's parents, and one other.

An unsuspecting little red crab climbed up the side of Melody's right shoulder, the girl craned her neck to the little crustacean and she appeared to be listening intently.

"Sebastian, no! I do not slouch!" Melody exclaimed to the crab, surprising the seven teens.

"You talk to a crab?" Flynn asked.

"Yes. I do." Replied Melody, she seemed slightly irritated.

The people in Arendelle's town square also look surprised and confused.

Melody and Ariel huffed, of course other people wouldn't understand.

"No no. I understand completely, it's perfectly normal!" Flynn's hands shot up, fearing he had offended Melody. "My mom talks to a chameleon."

"My dad talks to a horse." Wrenn added.

"So does my mom." Said Novak.

"A raccoon for my dad and an owl for my mom." Said Neoma.

Melody raised an eyebrow at the group, and strangely enough so did the little red crab. She was beginning to suspect they were making fun of her.

"I'm told my mother talks to a water horse, a flaming salamander, the wind and a snowman." Eri added.

"And I'm told my daddy talks to his reindeer... and then does voice-overs for him." Amelia whispered the last part.

"Oh that's just weird." Aidan laughed, earning him a punch to the arm by his sister.

A surprised Kristoff turned to give his toddler son a questioning look. Kristoff's family and friends , everyone who knew Kristoff knew about his odd habit. The whole town was chuckling.

"Hello, Sebastian." Ascot glowered at the crab.

The crab replied with a not so friendly wave of his claw.

"Alright. We're close enough." Declared Melody. "We'll be diving here. Remove any items you don't want getting wet."

The group undertaking the dive proceeded to remove their valuables and undressed.

"I better leave this here." Neoma muttered and detached her metal skeletal left arm.

"Take care of these will you. Wrenn?" Aidan asked as he handed in the multipurpose clips of his team members. Wrenn nodded and accepted the works of her mother.

"Hey, what are you two wearing?" Asked Melody.

Amelia and Neoma turned around and the screen revealed the two girls and the unusual undergarments they wore.

Kristoff and Varian's jaws nearly hit the table.

"Oh these? Sports bra and trunks." Explained Neoma. "Eri and I made them. Using the elasticity of synthetic fibres we created these undergarments that are thin, easy to slip on and great for staying dry."

"Well they certainly do look more comfortable than our modern day drawers or pantalettes." Arianna commented.

"Looks great for freedom of mobility." Cassandra cupped her chin.

"I want a set!" Anna chirped.

"Me too!" Willow joined.

Not everyone was so thrilled however.

"That's all very impressive and nice, Neoma. But did you two have to make it so skin tight!?" Varian groaned, half averting his eyes

It didn't help that Amelia was twirling around, having fun modelling while Neoma explained all this. 

"They're so snug against the body. It feels like wearing nothing at all." Chirped Amelia

"AAAH! Stop it Amy! Stop doing that!" Kristoff screeched, aghast.

Anna, Cassandra and the other women giggled at the two's reaction.

He was glad the scene quickly moved on.

Tapping her quindent on the deck, a bright light engulf Aidan, Amelia, Flynn, Neom, Novak and Melody herself. When the light receded, the six teens were merfolk.

"Whoa!" Novak yelped. That was the general consensus of the group, six bodies flopped onto the deck.

Rapunzel, Eugene, Anna, Kristoff, Cassandra, Varian and Lady Caine watched with wide bulging eyes. They had expected to see their children transform into merfolk, but nothing could really prepare them for it, still.

"I guess I should have waited until after everyone was in the water first." Melody giggled over the grumbles.

One by one, Eri, Wrenn and Ascot helped the members of the other team off the boat.

"Bombs away, Amy!" Wrenn giggled, Amelia screamed and laughed as her second cousin dropped her overboard.

Meanwhile Ascot had picked up Flynn and was carrying him towards the rails, but as he did, the Ilukan boy's brows furrowed in confusion.

"What!?" Flynn asked, looking annoyed.

"Nothing." Ascot squeeked, he hurriedly dropped Flynn into the sea. "Strange." Ascot thought as he wriggled his fingers.

Melody giggled and Ascot frowned.

As Eri picked up Melody, the Ilukan Princess looked up at her Northuldran counterpart, Eri was currently still in her Melody disguise. To the audience this looked like a human Melody carrying a mermaid Melody

"Hey, Eri. Please protect my family." Pleaded Melody, "They mean the world to me."

Eri looked back at Melody, she saw not a princess but a girl worried for the people she loves. Eri nodded. 

"I promise. No harm will come to them."

Melody saw the hard look of determination on her doppelganger's face and felt emboldened. Melody held her quindent close, she endeavoured herself to do the same as Eri.

With a splash the group parted ways to carry out their respective tasks.

••• Team Melody •••

"Well, this is interesting." Said Neoma. She tried to adjust her balance underwater and she wasn't alone.

Amelia and Flynn bumped heads trying to level themselves. Aidan was having no luck either, flipping his fins left and right but try as he might he could not move in the direction he desires. Novak had given up completely and had consigned to just float upside down.

"That's strange. When I first transformed, I swam just fine." Melody thought back as she observed her troubled team members. "Any ideas, Sebastian?"

Melody had once again spoken to the little red . But this time, shockingly...

"It's because you are half merfolk from birth, it comes to you naturally." The Little red crab SPOKE!

The rest of the team stopped what they were doing and stared bug eyed at the crab.

"Woe is me, this time to watch over a GROUP of teenagers." Sebastian sighed, clasping a claw over his head. He had a deep older male voice with a Jamaican accent.

Melody grinned at the stunned group.

The audience were also shocked. The witch smiled.

"Either that crab just spoke or Melody can do some excellent voice overs." Said Kristoff.

The story on the magical screen follows the point of view of the Heroic Seven. So naturally when the teens become merfolk and gain the ability to communicate with sea creatures, so too can the audience understand what is spoken to them.

Ariel and Melody just laughed, revelling at the reaction of the entire town. Even Eric chuckled at their reaction, he had himself experienced the same shock when Melody had first transformed him so the three of them could visit Atlantica together.

But more shocking surprises were yet to come.

"Hey I know. Sebastian, you were once my grandfather's distinguished court composer. Maybe a little song could teach them how it's done." Melody suggested.

Sebastian's face immediately lit up. 

"Splendid idea child!" Sebastian merrily waved and beckoned the many curious undersea observers to join him. "Come one come all, flippers and claws. We'll show the hapless how to swim and not to crawl."

The next few minutes was absolutely mind boggling for the audience, never have they witnessed anything of its likes. Many had forgotten to blink, some began to question their sanity.

The sea life were SINGING! And more.

The rows of fishes clasped their flippers on each other's backs forming a conga line. Starfishes cartwheel along the sea bed. A dolphin held out it's flippers for Amelia, the girl took them and the two danced about, much to the girl's amusement.

The song went on and more sea critters joined in.

At last the song ended and all the sea life focussed on the teens.

"So how are you handling now?" Melody asked.

"I think we're handling this... swimmingly." Said Novak floating right side up, though he was probably referring to something else.

The audience sat, still enthralled with mouths gaping, finding it difficult to process what they just saw. A few clapped... awkwardly..

Anna and Rapunzel cheered and applauded, the rest of the town slowly broke from the shock and followed suit.

"I guess after everything we've seen already, nothing should surprise us anymore." Cassandra suggested, rather unsure..

••• Team Eri •••

The trio; Eri, Wrenn and Ascot made their way towards Iluka's sea side palace, the home of King Eric, Queen Ariel and Princess Melody whom Eri has taken the shape of.

"Is this really going to work?" Varian asked. He observed the disguised Eri with a look scepticism.

"I think it might." Replied Kristoff. " I mean she's nailed it in appearance, no one's going to find out at first glance."

True enough Eri had the whole town fooled. Folks had waved and greeted her without rancour, even the guards at the palace steps thought she was Melody. It seemed all too easy until-.

"WOOF WOOF!" An old long haired sheep dog barked accusingly at the Non-Melody.

The disguised Eri was taken aback by the unexpected turn of events.

"You didn't tell us Melody has a dog!" Wrenn exclaimed.

"I didn't think I'd need to." Yelped Ascot. "I was so impressed by Eri's disguise that I didn't think anyone or anything would notice."

"Oh dogs do have a way of catching these things. Great we haven't even entered the palace and I've been busted." Grumbled Eri, backing away from the agitated animal. "Easy there, Woofy."

"Max." Ascot corrected.

"Max." Eri said.

Thankfully Grimsby, the royal family's confidant stepped in to defuse the situation. "Quiet Max! What's gotten into you? That's Melody!"

Max stopped barking but continued to growl in protest, the animal sounded distressed and confused.

"Ahem." Grimsby cleared his throat. "Melody, your mother and father awaits you for lunch at the dining hall. I see you have invited your friends over today, princess."

Eri nodded. "Yes..."

"Grimsby." Ascot whispered.

"Grimsby." Eri finished.

"...Very well, I shall have Chef Louis quickly prepare two extra servings of lunch." Grimsby declared.

The mention of lunch nearly made the two girls salivate.

"Oh I can't wait!" An over excited Eri bounced and walked hastily inside the palace. She was about to make a right turn but Ascot hurriedly grabbed her shoulders and turned her left instead.

"Right, that's where the dining hall is." The Non-Melody laughed.

Still with his hands on the Eri's shoulders Ascot scrunched his face. "What have I gotten myself into?"

"She's had a long night." A panicked Wrenn lied to a confused Grimsby, then quickly ran after the pair.

Elsa groaned. Her daughter's once impressive disguise was looking less convincing by the second.

••• At the dining hall •••

"Melody? I'm surprised to see you without your quindent. You practically held in your sleep last night." Ariel remarked, taking note of her supposed daughter. "Did you have fun practicing it's magic's this morning."

"Yes, mother. I did, mother." The Non-Melody straightened in attention at the presence of the queen.

Real-Melody cringed and covered her face.

Ariel frowned.

Indeed the movie's Ariel already appear to notice something was off with her daughter. Thankfully Ascot was smart and was quick to act.

"Good morning your Majesty." The boy stepped forward and bowed low.

"Well hello, Ascot. How lovely of you to join us!" Greeted Ariel. The bubbly queen of Iluka smiled sweetly at the boy, then she turned her gaze at the girl beside him. "And who is this lovely young lady?"

"Oh this is Wrennetta, Your Majesty. She was my date at the party last night." Ascot introduced. Wrenn also straightened herself and nodded, a form of salute.

Rapunzel frowned. Wrenn wasn't doing a much better job staying incognito either, ladies typically curtseyed not salute.

"You know. When Amelia and I first met, she saluted that way too." Kristoff whispered to Eugene and Varian.

It saddened the parents to be reminded that their children were raised militarily.

Thankfully Movie Ariel was too distracted to notice.

"Oh my gosh, yes now I recognise you! Wrennetta, you are part of the mysterious group who saved the school. You are the girl who healed the injured and saved the lives of many, including Ascot!" Chirped Ariel.

Wrenn puffed her chest and grinned. "Yep that's me."

Ariel reach out and clasped her hands on Wrenn's shoulders. 

"And last night at Melody's party. You and Ascot were an absolutely dazzling pair, it was of little wonder that the judges declared you two winners of the dancing competition."

"Umm... yeah. That was totally me as well." Wrenn awkwardly accepted Ariel's congratulations while the Non-Melody giggled. Ariel continued to ramble and praise Wrenn or rather her brother from the night before.

A few of the audience chuckled, especially Rapunzel.

"Oh this must be so awkward for Wrenn." Anna laughed.

"You're so cute and that dress you wore... Oh, I know queens who would kill for it. Where was it made?" Asked Ariel.

"My second cousin Eri made it, her designs and skills are so phenomenal it could be considered magic." Praised Wrenn. The Non-Melody beside her could not help but smile widely.

'I only wish I had a chance to wear it, Flynn.' Wrenn's thoughts echoed.

"That's wonderful." Ariel beamed. "Again welcome to Iluka and lovely to have you here with us, Wrennetta. I'd love to meet the rest of your friends too, especially this second cousin Eri."

"Oh I'm sure you'll get the chance to." Wrenn said and passed Eri a wink. The Non-Melody giggled some more.

Real Melody also giggled.

Ariel gave her daughter a wry smile.

"Melody, I trust will be a good host to our honoured guests?" Ariel asked.

"As you wish, mother." Non-Melody declared. 

She was rigid and attentive, like a soldier. Sadly it was nothing like how Melody behaved and the girl's mother was becoming increasingly suspicious.

"Umm. Wrenn and I are dating!" Ascot hastily blurted out. 

Once again Ariel being easily distracted immediately let out a squeal, her daughter's curious behaviour already forgotten.

Wrenn balked at Ascot and Eri let out a cackled laugh.

"Clever boy." Ariel grinned at Ascot.

Though it did probably seem like smart move at the time, Ascot is currently feeling anything but proud. For he dared a glance at the adjacent table and found Eugene menacingly shaking his fists at him.

The town watched the group on screen take their seats and presented with their food. But as soon as it was time to eat?...


Wrenn and the Non-Melody wasted no time in their effort to absolutely demolish the food on their plates. Stabbing with their forks and sawing with their knives the two girls ate by the mouthfuls.

Elsa and Rapunzel stared with wide eyes.

Arianna, Frederick, Willow, Edmund, Anna and Kristoff also watched with stunned expressions

"I suppose it shouldn't come as a surprise, seeing that they both grew up in a post-apocalyptic world." Willow offered.

No one argued with Willow.

Eugene sighed, it reminded him how it was like living off the streets during his own teenage years, only that his kids and the other five had it even rougher.

"Of course table manners and etiquettes were a low requirement in the future." Elsa sighed.

Strangely enough, with this, Movie Ariel and Eric didn't appear too troubled or suspicious at all.

The present day Ariel and Eric only laughed as they looked back, earning a few questioning looks from the town.

"That one we didn't notice before because, well..." Eric explained and gestured to the screen.

"This is actually pretty close to how Melody eats." Ariel laughed.

"MOM!" Cried Melody.

••• Team Melody •••

The bright rays of the morning sun casting long pillars of light down onto the ocean floor revealed the colourful magnificence of the underwater world.

"Wow." Elsa sighed. The rest of her family did the same.

It was a universal reaction of any human watching the screen. As far as modern technologies have come along in the nineteenth century, there was still no way for people to see clearly under water. This was truly the first time for many to behold the ocean floor in all its beauty.

Kristoff whistled.

"Hmm. With the right waterproof material, I could probably make some kind of airtight goggles that could allow me to see while submerged." Varian rubbed his chin as he mumbled.

It was definitely worth considering. Sparkling corals and reefs of many different colours forested the undersea valley. But this was as only a pretty drawing before the grand masterpiece they will soon behold.

"Everyone. Welcome to Atlantica, the kingdom of Triton." Melody presented to the five teens and unwittingly to the audience in Arendelle their arrived destination.

Aidan, Amelia, Flynn, Novak and Neoma stared in utter amazement. Before them, shimmering in all its golden grandeur was the under sea kingdom.

The audience were likewise enraptured by the city of the merfolk, the kingdom only heard of in legends and stories of seafarers. At last for the very first time in history, humans are laying eyes on Atlantica.

"Oh my gosh, Ariel. It's beautiful!" Chimed Anna.

Rapunzel, Elsa, Cassandra, Lady Caine and everyone in their group agreed.

Ariel blushed slightly but held her head high. She felt overwhelming joy to be here and witness the people of the surface introduced to her ancestral home. Eric put his arm around her and they both smiled.

Melody lead the team down the busy streets, passing merfolk, fishfolk, crustaceanfolk, cephalopodfolk and molluskfolk. All greeted Melody and her companions warmly, waving their assortment of hands, fins, claws and tentacles at the group.

"Wow, this is pretty cool." Flynn chuckled.

The Atlantican merpeople were familiar with Melody and could see straight away that the teenagers accompanying her were from the surface. A few mermaids approached the group and quickly began conversation with Amelia and Neoma. 

Melody however only had eyes for one merperson.

"Alex!" Melody squeeled. She embraced a teenage merman with blonde haired.

Ariel snickered, Eric smirked. Melody blushed.

"Well boys, it looks like she's taken." Amelia teased, causing the Aidan, Flynn and Novak to slouch and groan, looking dejected.

Then the mermaids from Alex's group of friends and those previously conversing with Neoma and Amelia began to take interest in the three boys. Aidan, Flynn and Novak very quickly found themselves swept up by the swarm of mermaids.

"Well. You know what they say. There's plenty of fish in the sea." Flynn grinned.

Neoma tensed and a pair of Blackrock sticks sprouted from her armour. The blunette handed Amelia one of the makeshift batons, and they both slowly approached the group... Specifically the boys.


In the grand throne room of the Sea King, the Princess of Iluka presented to her grandfather her five companions. Under the strain of the seriousness of the situation, Melody insisted they be given an immediate audience with Triton.

King Triton rubbed his head and temples, a sigh of disbelief escaped his lips. "These are most troubling news, Melody."

An orange seahorse floating adjacent to the Sea King took this moment to address an ongoing issue. 

"King Krakadan of Orihalia has always been loud and vocal of his distaste towards humans. Perhaps this 'Unquiet Infiltrator' seeks to goad Krakadan into conflict with the humans, my liege?"

Triton took a moment to regard the words of his herald. 

"No, Krakadan is no fool. He would not so rashly begin war with the humans, not lightly anyway. Still, his recent reclusiveness and erratic behaviour has been of great concern for both our kingdoms. It will behove us all to pay him a visit." Said Triton. 

He turned his gaze towards his granddaughter.

"Melody. It is good that you have come to me with this news, even if it is rather difficult to believe. And compounded by the questionable nature of your companions." Triton mumbled that last part.

Aidan, Flynn and Novak wobbled a bit as they seemingly struggle to float straight. Each boy sported a mean and nasty lump on their heads, while the two girls watched with concern.

"Do you think we hit them too hard?" Amelia whispered.

"It wasn't undeserved... I don't think." Neoma shrugged.

Anna and Cassandra frowned, feeling slightly disappointed with their girls.

Triton rose to his full height and took up his golden trident, a symbol of his power and rank, his right to rule.

"We go now, to Orihalia."

•••Meanwhile at Iluka Castle•••

An exhausted and annoyed Non-Melody trudged into the palace library in an attempt to find silent shelter. Wrenn and Ascot followed behind her, they too shared a look of exhaustion.

The Non-Melody sprawled onto a couch lying along the length of the furniture, her left forearm covering her eyes and one leg resting on the arm rest. Quite an unprincessly sight.

Elsa could not help but frown at the display.

"Is this what modern princesses go through everyday?" Wrenn asked Ascot, looking back on Eri's earlier activities.

••• Flashback •••

It was at a study desk in the middle of the very library Eri now lounged in.

"Young master Ascot, seeing that your school has been burnt down. Perhaps you would like to join us in this class." A teacher asked. "And perhaps the young lady would too."

Wrenn and Ascot took their seats beside the Non-Melody and the homeschooling began.

"Oh, this is going to get rough." Kristoff chuckled.

Rapunzel and Elsa shrugged, both women were always fond of learning. Anna and Eugene on the other hand grimaced, making no effort to hide their dread of school.

"Your highness, what is this?" The teacher asked, holding out Non-Melody's paper. "Please read it out."

Taking her paper, Non-Melody stood up and read her own writing. "The cat was black and it jumped on Jane's lap."

"Princess, you would pardon me for saying that was incredibly vague and illiterate." The teacher shook his head. "Plus your handwriting is atrocious."

"I thought the message was clear and easy to interpret." Non-Melody argued.

The teacher handed out his own version of the story, long with flowery words and penned in intricate cursive handwriting.

Eri and Wrenn both narrowed their eyes.

"If it was a critical situation and a messenger handed me a message written like this. I would put the writer on waste removal duty." Eri warned.

Many in the audience, particularly children laughed.

Melody snickered, she gave her parents a triumphant smirk.

"You still need to study literature, Melody. There is no way around it." Eric affirmed.


Another scene, this time at the local tennis court. Eri was playing, and playing terribly.

"What's wrong Princess, too much punch last night? Can't wait to see you after your eighteenth party." Her opponent teased.

Eri the Melody impersonator growled in frustration.

Real Melody also growled. "Come on Eri, you can take her!" Melody stood up and cheered. "My winning streak is on the line!"

Eri served, the other girl hit the ball back. Then Eri smacked the ball with a savage swing. The ball flew back and struck the girl square in the forehead!

"Ooooh!" Was the unanimous response of the audience.

The girl was consequently knocked unconscious, the event staff and medical personnel quickly rushed in to aid her. The Non-Melody stood on the spot, blinking.

"Umm, my opponent is unable to continue... I assume victory by default." Eri declared, holding up her racket.

"That is not how tennis works, dear." Anna sweat dropped.

Elsa shut her eyes and leaned back. This was difficult to watch.


The last scene was at the palace conference room where King Eric, Queen Ariel, Admiral Ludwig and many import governing bodies address the kingdom's agendas. And of course the princess, or rather the princess lookalike was present too.

"I cannot believe it, that's the third time the Marquis of Meanville has detained our ambassador!" Eric exclaimed.

"They are accusing us of espionage again." Groaned Ariel.

"They've always hated our good ties with Atlantica. They're threatening to imprison and even torture our ambassador if we do not confess to these charges." Admiral Ludwig explained.

"What an utterly unprecedented farce!" Frederic balked.

The outrage was widely shared.

"Holding an ambassador hostage and threatening to torture is utterly unacceptable!" Elsa added. She began to rant "Such methods are medieval and draconic. Surely only a savage would-."

WHAM! The disguised Eri suddenly slammed her palm onto the large oak table, rocking the crockery and startling the people in the room.

"Then it is time to take action! Grimsby, ready my horse! Ludwig, assemble an assault squad!" The Non-Melody assumed command. "I will ride to Meanville and TAKE the Marquis's head!"

All quailed before the fierce princess.

••• End of Flashbacks •••

"I don't get why they were all staring at me like I sprouted another head." Said Eri. She was still lying on the couch and staring at the library's ceiling. "As the princess, isn't Melody suppose to take up arms and cut down whoever threatens her vassals?"

The audience were stunned especially all the princesses.

"So wait. Has Melody never killed anyone?" Asked Wrenn.

"Blargharg!" Gagged Ariel.

"NO!" Was Ascot's immediate response. "Good Lord!"

Both Wrenn and Eri looked puzzled, seemingly unable to comprehend a princess that doesn't kill. The very thought was alien to them.

"Well, I suppose Aunt Anna did say this is a pretty and peaceful world." Eri shrugged.

"Have you two killed anyone. People I mean." Asked Ascot, unwittingly raising the question on the audience's minds.

"Yep." Both Eri and Wrenn answered without reservation.

Elsa and Rapunzel were aghast. It wasn't just the answer the girls have given but the way they so casually said it.

"They must have killed many, they've grown numb to the horror." Whispered Rapunzel, she knew this must also mean that Flynn has killed too.

"Flynn too?" Ascot squeeked.

"Oh, you better believe it. And don't get me started on what he does to those who displease me." Wrenn grinned. She said this as she approached an ornamental suit of armour at the library's far wall.

"We've all had to kill whenever our Enchanted Fortress came under attack." Eri explained. "Usually by Raiders."

"Enchanted Fortress?" Elsa furrowed her brows.

"Urgh. The worst attack was the one lead by Samuel Sledge." Wrenn declared. Taking a battle axe from the armour for examining. "I reckon we must have killed thousands that night."

"Hats off to Aidan for delivering the finishing blow." Eri grinned.

"Brought his halberd down and split Samuel Sledge's head asunder." Wrenn said, levelling the axe vertically to emphasize.

Anna's eyes bulged.

"I actually have a classmate named Samual Sledge." Ascot blurted out.

Eri and Wrenn paused. Both girls exchanged silent glances to one another, Wrenn levelled the axe in ready position.

"Oh no, don't even think about it, you two!" Rapunzel warned .

But before either girl could suggest it...


All three teens turned their heads at the source of the sound and there standing on all fours at the entrance of the palace library was Max. The long haired sheep dog made his way in, ignoring Wrenn and Ascot as he sat himself in front of the couch. Max stared up and made one last accusing bark at the Non-Melody.


There was a slight whimper in his bark, a show of concern and worry for his owner and his family.

This the entire town could see.

And Eri could see it too.

Max the loyal and loving dog knew the person in front of him was not his real master and he demanded to know where Melody was.

"I see." Eri sighed. "Well I guess I'm caught, I might as well come clean." She sat up and smiled at Max.

The Non-Melody knelt down to meet Max at eye level. After making sure there were no other humans beside Wrenn and Ascot present, the Snow Princess let herself revert to her true form.

Now the default Eri knelt in front of Max.

"Hello Max, my name is Eri. Don't worry, I am a friend of Melody." Eri introduced herself. "Melody is at Atlantica, she is with her grandfather. Together with our other friends they are working to protect the undersea kingdoms. And we?" 

Eri gestured at Wrenn and herself. 

"Wrenn and I are working with Ascot to protect the royal family here." Eri spoke with honesty, her tone was sincere and she reached out to the animal for understanding. "There is a bad person here who seeks to harm the kingdom. But we will not let it happen."

The audience watched intently at the exchange. The dog sat there silently, he no longer appeared distressed. Max obviously didn't understand the words that Eri spoke, but her kind voice, assuring smile and her effort to meet Max at eye level as an equal did wonders to coax the noble beast.

Woof! Max barked, happily this time. Joyfully the large sheep dog pounced on Eri, the girl laughed under the barraged of slobbery licks.

Elsa clasped her hands over her chest, she felt a wave of warmness rise in her heart. For it was not just a sweet display she was seeing, it was so much more than that.

Eri. Even after having a proper childhood stolen, having been forced to fight and take lives, having grown up in a world full of tragedy and sorrow, still became a kind and understanding person.

Elsa was suddenly reminded of the good deed Eri did for young Cindy. The kind of strength and courage her daughter must possess to endure and not be destroyed made her heart soar with pride.

The warm feeling was not just felt solely by Elsa, every parent of the Heroic Seven felt it too. They know the other six children have grown up in the same way, yet their hearts too remain inviolate.

Max was now playfully pouncing and licking at Wrenn's face while Eri and Ascot laughed.

Alas however, the group unknowingly had a spectator.

"Oh no, Scuttle saw them!" Melody exclaimed.

"An imposter! I gotta, I gotta-!" The wide eyed seagull launched himself off the window, he clumsily knocked over a few flower pots and bumped into the glass again in his panic.

"ARIEL!" Scuttle screeched and flew about the palace, bumping into several windows and startling more than a few staff members.


"Hmm?" Ariel's head perked up.

The queen of Iluka was at the school inspecting the damage from the fire when she heard the feint sound of someone calling her name.

"Your Majesty?" Asked Grimsby. "The building inspection team reports that the school remains structurally sound. The repair team also gives us their assurance that the facility will be tenantable withing a week, post haste."

"Tell them to take their time, I want to be absolutely sure the school will be safe for the children." Ariel instructed. "Let the little ones have two weeks off. I'm sure they will love that."


"Where in tarnation is she!?" Groaned Scuttle. Try as he might he could not find Ariel at the palace. But he did find the next best thing.

"ERIC!" Scuttle landed on the balcony rails in a messy heep, sending a few feathers about.

Eric backed up a bit, obviously surprised by the less than subtle entrance. "Um, hello Scuttle."

"Oh Eric. This is a catastroflubber! I was flying... Well of course I was flying. But the Melody, the girl was lickin by the dog and she was morphin into a blonder poser!" Scuttle jabbered incoherently whilst waving his wings like mad.

Not that Eric would understand him either way.

••• Eric's point of view •••


Eric stood dumbfounded and staring while Scuttle continued to squawk and flail about, it's like the seagull was set to demonstrate the quickest way to lose all his feathers.

"Whoa. Take it easy, pal." Eric raised his hands and tried to coax the panicked bird. "Are you hurt? Do you need help?"

Scuttle shook his head and continued, squawking.

"I'm sorry, Scuttle. I don't speak seagull. But don't worry. If I can understand a stranded mute girl I'm sure I can work out whatever's troubling you."

"Really?" Ariel rolled her eyes at her husband while giving him a quirky smile.

"Ah, so that's what was troubling him." Said Eric.

••• Team Melody •••

The procession that comprised of Amelia, Aidan, Flynn, Neoma and Novak, plus Melody, Triton and a unit of Atlantican soldiery, made their way towards their destination in record speed. Their method of travel...

"That's right, Melody. Aim your quindent forward and keep your focus on the direction you desire." Triton instructed.

With both hands on the magical polearm, the half-mermaid princess did as her grandfather instructed. A magical glow swirling around the five spikes signalling the active power.

The group travelled through a tunnel of sea current summoned by the quindent. There was very little swimming involved for the procession as the current simply pushed everyone toward their destination with astonishing speed.

"Woohoo!" Amelia cheered. Flynn joined her.

Neoma in her more inquisitive nature was examining their method of travel and assessing distance they're covering. "Seventy miles per hour, give or take."

"That's almost as fast as the Mega Blimp at full speed!" Novak exclaimed.

Varian gaped. The rest of the Mega Blimp's crew appeared equally surprised.

"Don't worry, Varian. He said: 'Almost as fast.' That's still one point for science." Cassandra reassured her husband.

"I'll take over the rest of the way from here, Melody. You should enjoy the scenery with your friends." Triton offered. The Sea King raised his own trident and in an instant the current pushed these the group even faster.

"Okay, now it's one point for magic. Sorry." Cassandra chuckled.

Varian grumbled and proceeded to pour himself a large stein of ale.

Melody shuffled back to ride the current with her new friends. "So, how are you guys enjoying the experience?"

"It's incredible." Aidan replied. "The lands and the seas and the people. This world never ceases to amaze us."

"I guess it would be especially thrilling for you lot." Said Melody, she observed Aidan, Flynn, Novak, Amelia and Neoma. "So, if I may ask. Had I not overheard you at the docks, how did you plan to convince me to aid you?" Melody asked.

"Well. I had this wicked idea." A mischievous grin split Aidan's face. "We were going request an audience with you. And then..."

Aidan shuffled to his left. And before his victim could react, Aidan looped his arm around Neoma and pulled her close beside him. The surprised girl let out a rare uncharacteristic squeek.

Varian's brows furrowed. He still held the half skulled stein of ale in his mouth.

"Neoma and I would pretend to be married and we would plea to have you turn us into merfolks." Aidan said with a smile, still having his arm around the now aghast Neoma's shoulder.

Cassandra, Eugene, Rapunzel, Anna, Elsa, Lady Caine and everyone near Varian recoiled as the alchemist in question choked and sprayed his mouthful of ale across the table!

Kristoff laughed and patted the still coughing and gagging Varian on the back to clear his throat.

"You managed to plan that in just literally five seconds between deciding to include Melody and actually meeting Melody!?" A red face Neoma asked, trying to escape from Aidan's hold around her shoulder.

"Heh, I'm good at that." Aidan grinned.

"Yeah, that wouldn't have worked." Melody frowned. "I would never turn two humans with no connection to the sea into merfolk, that would be reckless and irresponsible."

"Aww. But what if I told you we eloped and we're running away from our disapproving families?" Asked Aidan.

"BLARGH!" The Sea King gagged.

"That is the very definition of reckless and irrisponsible!" Triton scoffed. "Young man. If you had come to me with that story. I would have given you and the young lady an earful."

"Really, daddy." Ariel sighed and rolled her eyes.

"We have arrived!" Amelia chirped.

••• Skip ahead •••

"This is Orihalia?" Melody asked, she had the look of utter shock and revulsion. And not surprisingly too.

Orihalia was a gloomy, dank and dark undercity. It's very location was set betwixt two overarching mountains, the very geography blotted out much of the limited sunlight from reaching the city seabed. Not at all like Atlantica.

"Geewiz." Flynn whistled. "Did we just go through a sea current tunnel or another time portal?"

"Looks like home doesn't it?" Novak cringed.

The infrastructures were bland and colourless, devoid of life. And the people looked worse!

"Hi. My name is Amelia. What's your name?" Said Amelia with her signature smile and waved at a little merboy. However?

"Don't go near her, dear!" The boy's mother was quick to pull him back. "She's really a human! If you get too close to them they'll ensnare you in their webs."

This raised a few eyebrows.

The Orihalians gave Triton's procession a wide berth, some fled into their dwellings. Like the Atlanticans the Orihalians were able to spot the humans with ease. But unlike the Atlanticans the Orihalian's outlook was that of fear and distrust.

"Why has Triton brought humans to our kingdom!?" One Orihalians exclaimed. "They are malicious and deceitful creatures. They plant sharp hooks in food and throw it to the fish folk."

"And when they're not deceitful? I heard they just straight up spear you with their harpoons and drag you away to the surface, bleeding and screaming!" Another paranoid Orihalian whispered.

"Oh you think that's horrid? Wait till you hear this. They implant their eggs into living hosts!" A third merman with sunken eyes exclaimed. "The victim is then forced to carry the parasite for nine months as it feeds on their nutrients and fluids! Then finally when it's time to pupate the creature comes out herald by a torrent of gore and pain!"

The audience were silent.

"Hmm. Well I guess that is one way of putting it." Rapunzel muttered.

Ariel covered her face in her hands. Though she was from a different kingdom than Orihalia, the fact that the humans were watching merfolk that interpreted humans in such a way was more embarrassing than she could handle.

"At least they got the 'gore and pain' part right." Anna laughed, somehow finding the humour. She grabbed the toddler Aidan and nuzzled him. "You little parasite you."

Willow rubbed her chin in thought, a nagging question had invaded the curious adventuress's mind. "Hmm. Since we're on the subject. How do merpeople reproduce?"

Everyone turned towards Ariel.

"We are not diving into that!" Was Ariel's response.

"Best you children pay no mind to them. Orihalians are among the most isolated and closed minded merfolks in the undersea world." Triton warned.

The procession paused at the entrance of King Krakadan's palace. Prior to seeing the king, the guards requested that Triton and Melody's armed escort remained outside and those accompanying them must relinquish their armaments.

"Be careful with these." Flynn grumbled as he handed in his twin swords. "Man, it's like losing two of my pinkies."

"I hope you know that halberd is an extension of my will. To bring death on those who displease me." Aidan grunted whilst handing a guard his halberd. "Ooh, now I'll have to get my hands bloodied!"

"That's my dad's sword, treat it with care!" Novak warned.

Without a word the guard took Novak's treasure and roughly slammed it sideways on a bench, earning the ire of Novak.

Meanwhile the girls on the other hand seemed not at all troubled about being rendered unarmed.

"Here you go." Amelia merrily chirped. Beaming the confused guard with her signature bubbly smile as she handed him her short sword and shield.

"Just take the sword." Neoma shrugged. She casually handed in her black rock sword. Neoma then made a face splitting smirk, a smirk caught dead on by the magic screen.

"Geez Louise. That look can kill!" Eugene shuddered, physically recoiling from the menacing sight. "Of all the traits that girl can take after her mother, it had to be Cassandra's Death Smirk!"

Cassandra responded by giving Eugene that very aforementioned Death Smirk.

Anna laughed. She looped her arm around Cassandra's. "Our girls have no need swords or a shield. Those guards have no idea, Amelia and Neoma are far from disarmed."

"Tis definitely not right, even for Orihalia." Sebastian noted.

"I agree, it looks like we came not a moment too soon." Triton responded in a low voice. He tightened his hold on his polearm, as a king the trident was his right and symbol of class to bare, as was so for Melody with her quindent. The guards had made an attempt to confiscate the artefact but Triton made it sternly clear his granddaughter was a princess and will be afforded the recognition.

"Stay close to us." Melody instructed, also tightening the grip on her quindent.

Aidan, Amelia, Flynn, Neoma and Novak didn't need to be told that. They were all of them alert and stone-faced.

The group entered the throne room of Krakadan, and there in the centre of the far wall flanked by his advisor sat the king of Orihalia. Krakadan was a large merman every bit as stocky and imposing as his Atlantican counterpart, the only difference was that Krakadan was his gaunt and his eyes were circled with dark rings. He's definitely seen better days.

"Greetings Krakadan, King of Orihalia and master of the Southern Sea." Triton took the initiative to make the first greeting. "I'm afraid I come with tidings of ill."

Triton decided to get straight to business, Krakadan did not appear to be a patient anyway.

"A great evil stirs in the immaterium, dark forces encroach on the world, their agents conspire to undermine the stability of our great kingdoms." Informed Triton.

But Krakadan's only response to the news was a glower, then with much venom in his voice he spoke. 

"The only conspiring I see, Triton, is what is so indiscreetly laid before me." Krakadan rose to his full height. "Just last week, I was informed that one of your dignitaries from your kingdom stole my great niece's dress!"

Melody, Amelia, Neoma, Aidan, Flynn and Novak turned their heads towards Triton with surprised looks. Triton recoiled at the accusation of such a undignified crime against one of his dignitaries.

"That is preposterous!" Exclaimed Triton.

But Krakadan was far from finished.

"And now you speak of dark forces encroaching, yet it is YOU who have brought humans into my throne room!"

"These humans are not your enemies, it is they who have brought the warning to us." Triton Gestured to Aidan, Amelia, Flynn, Neoma and Novak. "The threat affects both the sea and the lands."

"They cannot be trusted, no human can be!" Krakadan's advisor, staunched faced merman sneered at the group.

"Come now, you don't even know them." Triton argued. He moved himself in front of Melody.

The other five teens readied themselves, each assessing the surrounding, which looked increasingly more hostile with every second.

"Know them!? I do not need to know them! All humans are the same! Spineless, barbaric-." Krakadan proceeded into a full range rant of his disdain for the surface folk.

Triton could not help but furrow his brows in curiosity. "So this is what it looks like." Triton muttered.

Ariel huffed and blew a strand of hair from her face.

"I've had enough!" Krakadan declared. "Guards, seize the humans!"

The five teens found themselves surrounded by a ring of armed guards.

Rapunzel, Anna, Cassandra, Eugene, Kristoff and Varian unconsciously shuffled to the edge of their seats.

Frederic, Arianna, Willow, Edmund, the Stabbington Brothers and Prince Matthew and King Marius tensed with concern.

"Alright, time for a fight!" Lady Caine leaned back on her seat and grinned, actually being the only one getting excited. Everyone else turned to stare at her while she poured a drink.

"Krakadan, this is an outrage!" Scolded Triton. "These children are under my protection!"

"You are welcome to leave with your granddaughter, Triton. But I must make an example here, let all surface dwellers know what befalls those who trespass against me." Krakadan declared.

Melody was not about to stand by while her new friend were threatened, she held her quindent in ready position.

As the guards closed in around the five teens. The two girls in the group nodded at one another.

"Time for a beat down." Said Neoma. She reached out with her thoughts to the Black Rocks she had snuck under the palace, the creeping dark material discretely converged on her location.

Amelia maintained her sweet smile, which has now been devoid of all its innocence and upon closer inspection one could see the unnerving wickedness hiding under the facade.

"She looked dangerous." Lady Caine commented.

Everyone agreed.

Kristoff was stunned. He didn't think his sweet, bubbly little girl could make such a look.

Amelia with one hand behind her back, opened her palm and the faint outline of her Keyblade began to take shape. There was going to be blood, and the oceans would run red tonight!

But then...

"STAY BACK!" Aidan warned. He took on a bizarre, threatening pose. "Come any closer... And I'll lay my eggs in you!"

The guard's advance faltered.

The audience made strange faces.

"He'll do it! He's a real virile one!" Flynn warned.

Shockingly the ploy seemed to work.

The guards froze on the spot completely. Unsure, they began exchanging worried glances at one another. There was utter terror in their eyes.

"Unbelievable." Whispered Amelia. She, Neoma, Novak, Melody and Triton stared at Aidan.

One of the palace guards dropped his weapon and fled, another seemed to have forgotten how to swim and was instead frantically slivering away.

"Can humans really do that? Or did we just make that up?" Krakadan asked his advisor. The king was genuinely curious.

"I... can't... recall." The advisor looked to the ceiling with his hand on his chin.

"YOU FOOLS! That is not how humans procreate!" A guard yelled. "It is ritual process between a man and a woman!"

The other guards relaxed, those that still remained raised their weapons again and resumed their advance.

"Uh, how would you know about human reproduction?" Asked Neoma.

"Yeah, you guys don't know anything about humans." Amelia added.

The six teens, Triton stared at the noted guard, even Krakadan, the advisor and the rest of the other guards also stopped to stare at him.

"Looks like we found our infiltrator." Novak growled.

Aidan snickered, a look of triumph plastered on his face.

"Well, I certainly can't say I expected that." Anna chuckled. Pleasantly surprised by her son's ploy.

"Well done for using the Orihalian's ignorance against them." Praised Cassandra. Being a fighter, Cassandra was always about analysing her enemies and exploiting their weaknesses.

"Yes, but I'm not so sure Aidan actually planned that." Said Elsa. She had a look of amusement on her face, her nephew did strike her as more of an on the spot, impulse thinker. And that impressed Elsa.

••• Meanwhile at Iluka Castle •••

Grimsby, Louis the head chef and Carlotta the lead maid all confided with one another in the palace chamber wing.

"Have either of you noticed that Melody is acting rather unusually today?" Asked Grimsby.

"Her behaviour, her stance and even the way she carries herself has been mostly... unladylike." Carlotta commented

"And she ate like a pig... I take that as a compliment, but still" Louis added with his thick French accent.

The three contemplated in deep thought over the day's events concerning the princess's strange behaviour. But then...

"Normal." They all shrugged.

"Blarghuh!" Melody gagged.

Many laughed.


"Melody dear, are you excited to try on your new dress?" Carlotta asked.

In Melody's bed chamber, the plump head maid of the palace presented to her princess a majestic amethyst dress rimmed with the sparklings of rare undersea gemstones.

Eri, Wrenn, Ascot and Max stood in the centre of the grand bed chambers of Princess Melody. Before them was the dress in question.

"Wow, what a dress!" Exclaimed Wrenn. "Almost puts my party dress to shame, I bet my second cousin would be mad with jealousy if she saw this." Wrenn grinned sheepishly at the disguised Eri as she said it.

"Oh I bet she would be." The Non-Melody made a strained smile. "But why is there only the top half?" Eri asked, noticing the lower part of the dress was missing.

"Oh, it was intended for your mermaid form. The dress is from the undersea kingdom of Orihalia you see, and Merfolks have no need for lower body garment."

Everyone in Arendelle' town square suddenly sat up straighter, looks of concern quickly circulated around the tables.

"But don't worry, dear. We can just commission for fine skirt that matches for you to wear on land. It would look wonderful." Carlotta finished. "What do you think, young master Ascot?"

"Its very pretty." Answered Ascot. Then he leaned down close to Max. "But I still think Wrenn's was prettier." He whispered with a smile.

A defensive growl rumbled in Max's throat, surprising Ascot.

"Huh, what's the matter boy?" Asked Ascot.

WOOF! Max barked accusingly at the dress. Eri, Wrenn and Carlotta turned to stare at the dog. Max was visibly distressed by the dress.

"Hush, Max. What's gotten into you?" Asked Carlotta.

WOOF! Max barked again, louder this time. It was becoming quite concerning, the two girls and the boy passed each other a look of caution.

"Ascot. Would you mind taking Max with you while you wait outside for Melody to get changed?" Asked Carlotta. "Miss Wrenn, would you please wait with them?"

It was not without receiving a nod from Eri did Wrenn and Ascot agree to leave, taking a hesitant Max with them out of Melody's chambers.

Eri turned back to the dress with a cautious look.

"Now princess, shall we get you dressed up. Your mother would be most thrilled to see you in it."

"Yes." Replied Eri, cautiously.

"No." Elsa whispered. She was now seriously uneasy about the situation.

Ariel clasped her fingers over her mouth as she watched with dread. She could not imagine the guilt she would feel if something were to happen to Eri.

"Alright Melody. Take off your study dress and we may begin." Carlotta instructed.

"Take off? Eh-." Eri stuttered. 

She stared at her study dress. "Oh I er-. LOOK! There's a SPIDER on the wall!" Eri screamed and pointed at the far wall behind Carlotta.

"WHERE!?" Carlotta whirled around, turning her back in full to the Non-Melody.

Quickly while Carlotta wasn't looking, Eri shifted her ice crystals morphing into the shape of undergarments.

As this was being shown, the audience watched with dread and concern. But Kristoff's brows furrowed as a different concerning topic popped in his mind. "Has anyone else noticed that Eri never wears any clothes?"

This turned a few heads.

"Hey, he's right. This whole time we've been watching the kids Eri has never actually worn any clothes, she just imitates them." Varian fumbled.

"I don't blame her. I find clothes too restricting." Said Olaf. "I wish I could imitate clothes."

Eugene, Varian, Rapunzel, Cassandra, Lady Caine, Frederic, Arianna, Willow, Edmund, the Stabbington Brothers, Marius and Matthew all turned to stare at Elsa.

"I am not naked if that's what you are all wondering. I have many powers but I'm not a shape shifter, I do put on and wear the clothes I make with magic! " Elsa's eye twitched with annoyance as she answered the silent question on everyone's mind.

"Well you certainly can undress quickly." Carlotta praised, but with a frown as she took upon the princess and her undergarments.

Eri gasped. In her haste, she morphed into her sports bra and trunks. "Oh these are new. They're great for swimming in."

"Hmm." Carlotta frowned disapprovingly.

Deciding not press the subject, the lead maid proceeded to gown Eri in the beautiful attire.

Cassandra was momentarily taken back to her days serving as Rapunzel's Lady in Waiting. When Rapunzel would stand while she slowly donned her up for special occasions.

And so it was with Carlotta and the Non-Melody. Eri of course had no experience being gowned so the process was taking longer, much to the rising suspicion of the maid.

But that would soon be the least of Carlotta's worries.


Eri heard a grunt from behind, then noticed Carlotta had stopped tying her lace strings. Suddenly a sharp cry of pain and the thump of knees hitting the ground shattered the silence of the room. Eri spun around to see Carlotta gaping at her hands in pain and horror.

The bedroom doors swung open and in rushed Wrenn followed closely by Ascot and Max. All occupants stared at Carlotta and on closer inspection the girls, boy and dog could see that Carlotta's fingers were blood red and blistering!

Mass gasps of horror spread throughout the town.

Varian recoiled at the sight of what he as a professional could identify as a severe chemical burn. Carlotta had only been exposed briefly but her fingers and hands were already showing signs of late stage second degree burns, and it was only getting worse.

Ariel, Eric and Melody paled upon witnessing what had befallen their close and cherished family friend.

"THE DRESS!" Cried Carlotta. Fighting through the pain. Her only concern was for her beloved princess. "The dress is poisoned, Melody. TAKE IT OFF! HURRY!"

But instead, Eri clasped her hands around Carlotta's. She blanketed the swollen hands in snow, soothing the woman's pain and halting the damage.

Wrenn understood the drill instantly and knelt down beside Eri right in front of the wide eyed Carlotta. She took the woman by the wrists.

"Alright. Ready?" Asked Eri. "Now!"

Quickly, Eri cleared out the snow and all residues of the offending substances. Wrenn immediately went to work with her healing magic.

As Ascot watched the girls aid Carlotta, Max whimpered in concern for the lead maid.

"There there, Max. Carlotta's going to be fine, I've seen Wrenn and Eri work, and believe me they're both miracle girls!" Ascot patted the old dog.

Finally after what felt like an eternity, both boy and dog released a sigh of relief to see Carlotta relax her shoulders, a sure sign that the pain and damage has been alleviated. Max woofed in joy.

The audience relaxed.

Eric leaned back on his seat, Melody and Ariel hugged.

Rapunzel and Elsa high fived.

But the worry remained. Carlotta still stared at the Non-Melody and the poisoned dress with wide confused eyes.

Eri took several steps away from the group and with one swift motion tore the blighted dress from her body.

The audience gasped and shrieked, many cringed or turned their heads on anticipation of the ravages the poison dress had wrought.

Their fears were unfounded.

"My, whatever poison they've used, I'm impressed. This stuff actually discoloured me a little." Eri chuckled. She still assumed the form and shape of Melody in undergarments albeit the imitation of black synthetic fibre had reverted to silver in various places. Even patches of skin that was touching the poison had reverted colour.

But all in all, Eri was completely unharmed and even had the merriment to throw in a joke.

"I guess after seeing Eri take green fire to the face, we shouldn't be surprised she'd be unharmed." Eugene laughed.

"You are not the princess!" Carlotta gasped.

"No." Was Eri's answer with her own natural voice. Raising her shoulders in a shrug and a crack of her neck, Eri morphed back into her default form.

"Guess there's no reason to pose as Melody in front of you anymore."

"Where is Melody!?" Carlotta pleaded.

"She is with our friends saving Orihalia... We hope." Answered Wrenn.

"I must inform the king and queen!" Carlotta rose to her feet. She made for the door but Ascot barred her way.

"Madam Carlotta, please. This mission is top secret and we can't let word of it go out." Ascot explained.

"I'm sorry, young master. But I am sworn to the throne of Iluka, it is my duty to report to the royal family on any matter I know that concern them." Stated Carlotta. She turned to face Wrenn and Eri. "And this very much concerns Eric and Ariel."

Eri and Wrenn glanced at one another, nodding in silent communion. Eri began to charge up some ice magic in her hand.

"We're sorry we have to do this, Carlotta." Wrenn apologized.

Without a word, Eri raised her hand and shot Carlotta square in the forehead!

The audience gasped.

Anna almost fell off her chair.

"WHAT HAVE YOU DONE!?" Elsa screeched, her hands flew to her head.

"Catch her!"

Wrenn quickly rushed forward and caught Carlotta as she collapsed. Ascot didn't know what was happening but on intinct quickly rushed in to help Wrenn. Eri joined and together the three teens heft the unconscious woman onto Melody's bed.

"Is she okay! What did you do!?" Ascot asked.

"She'll be fine." Wrenn brushed it off. She quickly used her healing magic to nurse Carlotta's head. "We're just doing our little Mind Wipe Combo, a trick Eri, my brother and I developed."

"You mean you can alter memories?" Asked Ascot.

"No, we'd need troll magic for that. This will just give her minor controlled amnesia." Eri clarified. "I shoot the victim in the head, Wrenn or Flynn heals them immediately, about an hour's worth of memory erased."

"All done. When she wakes up she will have no recollection of what transpired in this room." Wrenn indicated at the unconscious Carlotta. "No leaked secrets for us and no memories of traumatic injury for her. Everybody wins!"

"Wow." Sighed Ascot. Awestruck.

Elsa and Anna breathed out a sigh of relief. Although they were still apprehensive on the matter of ice magic to the head, considering their childhood. Too bad Rapunzel wasn't playing with them at the time.

"If you think that's cool. You should hear about our Love Test Combo." Giggled Wrenn.

Anna raised her eyebrows. This definitely peaked her interest.

Eri snorted, Ascot looked curious.

"If a couple wants to know if either party truly loves the other?... I shoot one of them in the heart." Stated Eri. The shape shifter made a pop sound with her lips as she flicked her index finger.

"YOU WHAT!?" Cried Elsa. There was utter horror on Elsa's face.

Anna's jaw dropped.

Kristoff eyes bulged.

"Heh?" Olaf was oblivious.

The shock reverberated throughout the town. Everyone in Arendelle knows about the incident with the frozen heart.

Rapunzel shivered at the memory of almost losing her cousins that day.

"Before the shot victim turns into solid ice we quickly get the couple to kiss each other." Wrenn explained. "If the love is legit then the curse thaws on its own and everyone is happy."

"If nothing happens then Flynn and Wrenn will simply use their healing magic to fix the victim. And couple is usually couple no more." Eri finished.

Elsa continued to frown. The expressions on hers and her family's faces were palpable.

"Alright. No more fooling around now, the infiltrator has struck." Said Wrenn. "We have to track it down before it attempts to hurt anyone else."

Eri, Ascot and Max nodded.

"At first I had thought Carlotta was the infiltrator." Eri stated as she stole at the ruined dress. "To tell you the truth, I was getting ready to kill her. I'm glad I didn't."

Ascot flinched again at the casual mention of killing.

The parents cringed.

"Any idea where we should start?" Asked Wrenn.

Eri grinned and crouched down. "Max, will you help us track down a monster?" Eri asked sweetly.

"WOOF!" The sheep dog barked in agreement. Now the team has a tracker.

"Will you be helping us too, Ascot?" Asked Wrenn.

"There... there is going to be killing, isn't there?" Ascot hesitated. "I- I'm sorry, but I don't know if I'm up to it."

Wrenn turned to Eri. The Snow princess gave the Sun Princess a mischievous smile.

"I think you better encourage him, Wrenn." Eri said with a wink.

"Wait, I don't like that look. What is Eri implying!?" Eugene furrowed his eyebrows.

Sighing in defeat, Wrenn placed her hands on her hips and turned back towards Ascot.

"Alright, Ascot. I didn't want to have to do this, but you have left me no choice." She groaned. Then with a smirk and a glint in her eye-. "Here comes The Smoulder."

"THE WHAT!?" Screeched Eugene.

The Smoulder.

Leaning forward towards Ascot with her arms close to her sides and her hands to her chest, Wrenn pucked her sweet pouting lips and gazed at him sad pleading eyes.

Eugene's jaw dropped.

"Ahhheh?" Stammered Ascot.

No coherent words can he form in Ascot's mouth. The boy could only stand helplessly ensnared while Wrenn bore into his soul with her alluring green orbs, sapping away his freewill. There was no escaping.

"Eugene, if you open your mouth any wider it's going to lock." Rapunzel warned.

Eugene snapped his mouth shut, he shook himself out of his shock and glowered at the screen. "Young Lady, you do not give boys that look, EVER!" He scolded his teenage daughter.

Cassandra burst out laughing. "Of all the traits that girl can take after her father, it had to be Eugene's Smoulder!" Cassandra teased, loving the chance for the comeback.

"That is not the Smoulder." Eugene argued. "You do not use the noble Smoulder to shamelessly flaunt yourself and seduce people to get your way!"

"LIAR!" Yelled Stalyan from across the street.

"She's right, Eugene. That is exactly what you use the Smoulder for." Rapunzel giggled. "But unlike yours, it looks like Wrenn's actually works."

"Death to the enemies of Wrenn!" Ascot cried his war chant. He toted a large blunderbuss rifle. Chk Chk.

"DEATH TO THE ENEMIES OF WRENN!" All the boys in the town square cheered. Much to Eugene's annoyance.

"Looks like she's got you on a hook." Melody laughed at the blushing boy.

Admiral Ludwig grunted at the display. "I think I have more to be worried about than King Eugene."

Ariel smiled. For a moment Ariel allowed herself to enjoy the merriment, for a moment Ariel forgot that someone had made an attempt on her daughter's life, under the roof of her own home! But the reality had to hit home eventually, and Ariel quailed under the sudden maternal fear that clutched her insides like icy hands.

Eric understood his wife's sudden distress and was quick to place his hand over hers. The couple took in the moment to let the situation sink in, there was some relief in knowing that their daughter was safe and far from danger.


Maybe not.


Back under the sea, the quiet, conserved and usually uneventful city of Orihalia... was in pandemonium!

"RAAAARGH!" The creature roared again, louder this time! The great halls of Krakadan shook under its fury.

Panicked palace servants screamed and swam in dizzying directions to escape the Unquiet. Many knocked into each or crashed into tables and infrastructures. In short, the panic was worse than the disaster.

Not that the disaster was anything to sneeze at!

Screams and cries of terror rang throughout the town square.

Elsa and the rest of the group visibly blanched at the sight of the Unquiet.

The thing was hideous! Like a horrific amalgamation of man and all the ugliest sea creatures known to man, plus others unknown too. Its upper body was humanoid though it's arms were unproportionally long and gangly.

It lashed out with its left hand aiming to decapitate Melody with its talons.

Melody brought her quindent up to her face, blocking the deadly attack at the last moment, the force of the unrelenting attack nearly jarring her arms.

The creature locked it's fingers onto the forks of Melody's weapon and pulled her in close. There it opened its wicked jaws and attempted to chomp it's victim with its dozens of needle like fangs. But it's teeth never reached Melody's face, the girl raised the haft of the quindent into the path of the Unquiet's jaw.

The struggle was intense, Melody's muscles were burning as she fought to hold off the monster. The Unquiet bit hard into the platinum shaft of her magical quindent and shook and flailed, swinging Melody around in an attempt to unbalance the girl. But Melody held on for dear life.

Eric had to quickly put his arms around his violently shaking wife. Ariel was practically eating her nails off in fright, the overprotective mother watched on in horror.

"MELODY!" Yelled Triton. He held up his trident but hesitated. "Damn I can't get a clear shot without the risk of hitting Melody!"

"I'll save you, Melody!" Shouted Amelia as she made to rush at the creature from behind. But sadly due to her inexperience with a fish tail and being a dits by nature, Amelia only accomplished flinging herself face first into a wall. "Drats!"

The struggle between Melody and the Unquiet continued, but it was looking grim for the princess. The monster was slowly overpowering the girl, its hideous face drew closer and closer and-.


Melody opened fire with her quindent! The hand of the Unquiet that had locked fingers with the quindent's head exploded in a cloud of ink black ichor, darkening the waters!

"RAAARGH!" The Unquiet howled.

But Melody wasn't finished. With a grunt, she wrenched her weapon free from the stump then thrust the quindent forward, spearing the Unquiet's gilled neck.

The monster howled again in pain. It made for another swing at the girl, this time with its right hand.

But Melody saw the retaliatory attack and ripped the quindent out of the creatures neck as she turned her momentum into and diagonal slash. Her quindent severed the Unquiet's hand from the wrist down. Then melody swept her weapon, cutting off two of the monster's barbed crustacean like legs.

The creature howled and slunk back, desperate to gain some distance from the mermaid who had turned the tide against it.

"ALRIGHT MELODY!" Cheered Anna.

Elsa, Rapunzel, Cassandra, Lady Caine, Kristoff, Eugene, Varian, Arianna, Willow, Frederic, Edmund, the Stabbington Brothers joined in.

By now most of the town was cheering, and Melody loved it. The half mermaid puffed her chest and smiled widely and proudly. She was filling in for Eri and Wrenn on that mission and she was doing a fantastic job of it. And best of all, everyone got to see it this time.

Aidan, Flynn and Novak swam at the wounded Unquiet. Flynn and Aidan each grabbed hold of one of the creature's arms, Novak grabbed it by the flailing lobster like tail.

"WHERE!?" Yelled Flynn.

"THE WALL!" Novak yelled back.

Together the three boys combined their strengths and slammed the beast against the large stone structure.

"NOW, TRITON!" Yelled Aidan.

With only a small grunt of hesitation, Triton raised his trident and cast his will through the artefact. Suddenly an incredible force threw merfolk and furniture alike around the throne room. A great whirlpool pushed the waters apart creating tall and wide air pocket in the centre of the great chamber.

Incidentally, or intentionally rather. The air pocket formed right underneath the ongoing melee.

"Oh this is gonna hurt." Groaned Flynn. Then it happened, they all fell down the centre of the whirlpool!

"AAAAHHHH!" All three boys screamed. And "OOF." Aidan, Flynn and Novak hit the ocean floor.

"RAAARGH!" The aquatic Unquiet roared. Then CRASH! From the seafloor a trio of Black Rock peeks burst out, right underneath where the monster would land.

SLSSSHH! The sound of tearing flesh. The Unquiet fell onto the peeks, impaling itself in three different places.

"Wow. Team kills really don't get much closer than this!" Novak complained. 

The screen zoomed out from his frowning face and it was then revealed that Novak had landed on his back, with one of the black rock peeks an inch away from his left armpit!

The Stabbington Brothers gasped a lungful of air each. Patchy quickly patted his twin's back and Sideburns promptly returned it.

Marius and Matthew cringed at the near miss.

Lady Caine let out a low discreet sigh. She was still very proud and loathed to show any form weakness of any kind, and thus so it was that Lady Caine endeavoured always to hide her worries the best she could. She kept her twitching hands on her lap, under the table.

"It is alright to be worried." Elsa whispered.

Lady Caine turned her head and found Elsa smiling at her.

"Sometimes it is necessary to conceal your fears. But you are among friends now, and friends will always be happy to lend a shoulder to cry on or even just a hand to squeeze." Elsa encouraged.

Elsa understood Lady Caine has bravado and so decided to respect her pride by keeping her offer of comfort discreet. Moving her hand under the table and grasping Lady Caine's hand, which as it turns out was trembling.

Slowly, Elsa felt the other woman squeeze back. Her heart warmed when she saw Lady give her a silent smile and a light nod.

They both turned back toward the screen, gladdened that Novak had survived the near miss.

"HYAAAA!" Amelia screamed.

The girl dove head first into the whirlpool, exploding through the barrier in a shower of seawater. Still screaming, her hair wet leaving a thick trail of droplets, Amelia plunged thirty feet down the height of the whirlpool holding her mystical Keyblade over her head with both hands.

The Unquiet's roaring death throes were cut suddenly with another quick SLSSSHH sound of cutting flesh, a crash from the Keyblade striking the ground, and the thud of a decapitated head hitting the ground.

The headless Unquiet sizzled away. A glowing heart levitated from its ruins and disappeared towards the surface.

There was a short pause. The screen showed nothing for a few seconds.

Silence filled the streets. And then.

"Actually, Novak. I am pretty sure this is the closest you'd get to a team kill." Aidan grumbled.

The screen zoomed out from Aidan's face and it was revealed that Aidan had craned his neck to avoid having his head bisected. The teeth of his sister's keyblade imbedded into the seafloor where his head would have been!

"I'll say!" Flynn groaned and coughed. The wind was knocked out of him as it was then shown that Amelia had landed right across his stomach!

"Sorry, you two." Amelia giggled with a nervous smile. "Thanks for breaking the fall, Flynn."

Anna let out an exasperated sigh and slumped down unabashedly leaning her on Lady Caine's shoulder.

Elsa also let a sigh of relief and proceeded to giggle at the sight of Anna leaning on Lady Caine.

"See?" Elsa smiled.

Triton lowered his trident and the whirlpool dissipated. The waters calmed again revealing the aftermath of the battle.

Aidan, Flynn, Novak and Amelia got up. Neoma, Melody and Triton joined them. There were hugs, praises, congratulatory hand shakes etc.

"You guys are amazing!" Melody cheered. She pulled each of them into a hug.

"Naww you did most of the work, cutting of its arms and legs with you quindent." Amelia replied.

"Are you sure you've never been in a battle before?" Neoma asked.

"Not like this. Not as a fighter." Melody recalled her battle with Morgana. "Why, I'd sure like to give that scrawny old crone a rematch." She silently grumbled, brandishing her weapon.

Amelia looked between Melody's quindent and her keyblade. Then conceded. "I think this one should count as Melody's kill."

The others cheered. This was Melody's first kill, and what a kill.

"Yes. A kill." Triton cleared his throat. "By the way, Melody. I've been meaning to ask. Does your mother and father know about all this, your little expedition?"

"Umm, they don't not know?" Melody replied nervously.

Triton made a frown, then slowly sagged his shoulders and let out a sigh. "Just like Ariel." He rubbed his head.

"I think it might be better if they don't know, actually." Sebastian offered.

The other team members nodded. And Triton actually agreed.

Ariel frowned. "Don't think you won't get into trouble for this, Melody. And I'm going to have a word with your grandfather too." Ariel warned.

Melody groaned.

All about the throne room, the palace guards and staff slowly re-emerged. King Krakadan came out from hiding behind his throne along with the advisor. Servants and guards also cautiously re-entered the throne room. They don't look too happy.

"Ah, look at all the happy folks frowning at us in gratitude." Flynn laughed half heartedly.

The palace was a wreck and nothing was upright.

"Oh, don't worry. I'll deal with this." Triton offered.

••• At Iluka •••

"Goodness me, I have never fallen asleep on the job before. Oh I am so embarrassed!" Carlotta groaned, clasping her hands over her face.

"Don't be. You've always been so diligent and have done so much for us. I think you should take the rest of the week off." Ariel insisted. The loving queen kindly walked the older woman to her quarters.

The screen then focussed on the the nearby window and proceeded to zoom towards the streets in the distance.


Night had fallen over the kingdom of Iluka. The streets were quiet and most children should be getting ready for bed at this time, most rule abiding children anyway. A pair of delinquent boys sauntered out of the local tavern.

"Sure is great that school is out! We can party all night every night!" One of the boys laughed. "Right, Sam?"

"Yeah, no more going to bed early for school." The boy named Sam agreed. "Hey why don't you go on ahead. I'll see if I can hustle some coins off that weirdo in the cloak. With these." The boy held out a box of tobacco. Obviously stolen.

"Ah. That brings back memories." Eugene chuckled.

The Stabbington Brothers nodded. But everyone else just wondered what significance was there to focus on these two boys.

They will soon find out.

"Hey. It's Samuel Sledge!" Melody pointed.

The group at the adjacent table heard her.

"That's the Raider leader?" Anna asked.

"Who attacked the enchanted Forest-. Fortress?" Rapunzel asked.

"Whos skull Aidan split in half?"

Sam lead the screen into an earie dark alley way, he peered left and right in search for somebody. "Hello! Weirdo in a cloak. I've got some tobacco, for a very reasonable price!" His voice echoed against the masonry but no reply.

The brazen boy decided to venture into the alleyway, the place was a mess, putrid and fouled in its neglect. The alley lead to a cross junction, all directions lead to more equally dark and unwelcoming alleyways.

"If this was a movie... a real movie. Then I'd put a monster attack scene right here." Varian suggested.

That did not help to ease the anxiety of those sitting around the alchemist. Indeed many in the audience were now screaming for the boy to run.

It might already be too late!

Clunk clunk. Strange noises echoed against the walls

Sam spun around but found nothing.

A growl could be heard. A dog perhaps? But then-.

Grrrrr. Another growl, this one was different, louder, deeper, closer, it sounded hungry!

Tap. Tap. Tap. Footsteps, something was approaching!

Sam whirled at the approaching entity as it stepped into the junction.

Into the dimly lit moon light the figure revealed itself. It was a girl with honey blonde hair and grass green eyes.

"It's Wrenn!" Willow exclaimed. Everyone relaxed, with Wrenn at the scene surely the boy is saved, or so they thought.

Sam seemed to have relaxed a bit too. But he suddenly bulged his eyes and buckled his knees in horror when the girl pulled out a pistol and aimed it right at his face!

The audience gasped in surprise too, what was Wrenn doing!?

"Don't do it Wrenn!" Cried Rapunzel.

"Get down!" Wrenn warned.

"Whoa!" The boy yelped and promptly hit the ground. And not a second too soon.


Wrenn fired and something was hit, something that was leering over the unaware boy. The Unquiet fell backwards onto the filthy puddled floor, writhing and roaring with distorted vocals.

In no time however, the Unquiet reared and rolled itself back onto its feet. It raged, saliva still dripping from its hideous distended maw, the thing charged at Wrenn with all its fury. The girl threw the single shot pistol aside and drew her chain flail.

Wrenn swung her weapon in an intricate floral pattern. Using her body as a fulcrum to control and direct the movement of the iron ball, the Sun Princess is shown to wield what is commonly considered a clumsy and difficult chain flail with graceful mastery.

"Impressive." Cassandra, a weapons expert praised.

"Kind of reminds me of Rapunzel with her seventy feet of hair." Said Eugene, he then put an arm around his wife. "You taught our daughter well,. Blondie."

Rapunzel smiled.

The delinquent teen Sam climbed to his feet. The monster having forgotten about him had simply stepped over him when it charged the new comer. Sam wasn't complaining, he bolted from the junction like the devil was on his tail. Arms waving and screaming. Unfortunately the direction he ran lead to a barred gate.

"Dammit!" As Sam struggled with the unexpected obstacle he could a see a girl with pale blonde hair from the other side of the gate race towards him. "Hey you! Hottie, Help!" He cried.

'Hottie' was moving fast, curiously fast. She made no attempt to slow down even as she neared the gate. Sam took a step back, away from the girl seemingly intent on slamming face first into the metal bars.

Still in mid-run Eri suddenly exploded into an icy mist, her now less tangible body flew through the gate, between the bars and around the shocked boy like wind. Ignoring Sam, Eri raced in to assist Wrenn.

Wrenn continued to swing her weapon around herself, the dizzying and unpredictable movements of the iron ball kept the monster on the defensive. The Unquiet growled and snarled at her, every so often it lunged forward only to recoil at the last second, the beast was growing frustrated.

Then Wrenn went on the offensive.

Swinging the weapon around her waist Wrenn spun as she closed in on her foe, then she leapt over her weapon and delivered two kicks at the Unquiet. The monster backed up to avoid the kicks, but the girl's attack was but a ruse and the Unquiet was then unable to evade the iron ball that struck it square in the stomach!

The creature folded, and Wrenn followed up with a downward swing, slamming the iron ball down on the monster's back. A crunch was heard and the Unquiet fell to its knees.

Wrenn bent down twirling the flail behind her back then straightened and twirled it over her head before finally spinning her whole body and smashing the iron ball into the side of the creature's face.

Flesh pulped, bone shattered, the creature flew fifteen feet across the junction before crashing into the dumpsters. But barely did it register the crippling injury did the Unquiet lash out at Wrenn. Beyond the sense of pain, beyond the understanding of its own mortality, the creature of absolute hate and rage reached out with its clawed hand.

However the Sun Princess was too quick for the clumsy attack. With her weapon back in hand, Wrenn leapt clear, performing a backwards summersault with her exit. And opening the path for Eri.

Ducking underneath her airborne companion, the Snow Princess dove forward and thrust her arm at the Unquiet. Eri's right hand now ended as a long blade of ice, she plunged it into the creature's chest!

The Unquiet howled in pain but Eri was far from done, the ends of her other arm and legs also morphed into ice blades.

The audience gasped, now it was Eri's turn to amaze them.

She attacked in a whirlwind of cold slashes, balancing on one foot she lacerated the enemy with her other three limbs in one spin, Eri then stabbed her left arm into the ground and performed a similar attack but this time upside down with both her legs in the air. Splashing jar loads of black ichor against the brick walls and ground.

The monster howled again and lashed out. By now it was pretty much a death throe, a final enfeebled attempt to land a vindictive blow.

Eri did not try to evade, she just cartwheeled against the attack. The movement with her blade ended limbs made like a running saw blade, and Eri sheered the Unquiet's arm off at its shoulder. Eri then froze the ground and proceeded to skate around the monster, she performed a spin and leapt into the air, flattening her body she cut the creature with all four of her limbs before landing gracefully.

"Wow. Eri would make one hell of a figure skater!" Anna gasped in awe, immensely impressed by her niece's skill.

Elsa could only nod her agreement.

But the finishing blow came-.

Boom. Chk Chk. Boom.

Ascot stepped into the alleyway guns blazing. The Unquiet roared and howl as each bullet struck true, blasting huge chunks from its contorted form and splashing bucket loads of black oozing ichor on the alley walls.

"Alright, Ascot!" Melody Cheered.

"Hm. Glad you put that gun to good use." Ludwig narrowed his eyes at his son. "Though we are going to have a word about borrowing my firearms without asking."

Ascot grinned sheepishly.

Ariel and Eric breathed out a sigh of relief. With the Unquiet infiltrator taken care of, their kingdom was saved.

Ascot emptied the weapon of all its bullets and by then the Unquiet was liken to gooey smeer on the floor.

"Well done Ascot." Wrenn praised.

Max the sheep dog came running up behind Ascot.

"And thanks for finding the Unquiet for us, Max!" Chirped Eri.

"Yeah, Max!" Melody cheered.

"WOOF!" Max barked happily.

The snow princess wasted no time freezing the body of the Unquiet. "Gun fire is going to draw a crowd. Let's get this thing out of here before anyone sees us!"

Eri, Wrenn and Ascot picked up the frozen mass and and quickly left the scene in a not so inconspicuous manner.


As Eri, Wrenn, Ascot and Max left for the cliffs. The faint sound of shuffling came from the nearby dumpster and Samuel Sledge cautiously poked his head out to look around.

After confirming it is safe the boy ran home.

"Hopefully if things are alright. That boy will never become a raider leader." Said Kristoff.

Everyone nodded.

••• The seaside cliffs of Iluka •••

"Hey, you girls probably haven't realised this. But here in Iluka, dumping a body into the sea is like dumping it on a busy street!" Exclaimed Ascot.

"Well it's too late to turn around and bury it the forest!" Wrenn argued.

"Don't worry, it's only temporary." Eri assured. "With any luck, the other team will return successful in their mission. And then Amy can bury her Keyblade in this thing's head, and the freak will vaporise without a trace."

"The only one good thing about Unquiets is the clean up." Wrenn huffed. The trio now at the cliff side heaved the large frozen cadaver.

"That's assuming the others return successfully or at all! HYAR!" Ascot grunted and the three threw the body into the sea.

A splash was heard followed by an ear splitting scream. The trio and the dog looked at each other in panic.

"AHH, HEY WHAT GIVES!?" Shouted... Amelia!

Eri, Wrenn, Ascot and Max looked over the edge to find their friends have returned.

••• That night at the palace •••

Two shadowed figures crept through the palace halls.

Melody and Max descreetly climbed up the stairs and made their way to her room. She has done this many times in the past, and without anyone in the palace noticing, Melody and Max slipped back into her own room.

"Nice night for a swim, Melody."

"Mom?" Melody yelped. Her mother sat at her vanity chair. Max scurried under the bed.

Ariel stood up and slowly approached, her face was stern. In no time mother and daughter stood face to face. For a long moment Ariel examined Melody, taking in her stance, her expression, her smell etc.

"Umm." Melody was becoming nervous a bead of sweat trickled down her cheek.

Finally Ariel's shoulders sank and she relaxed. "It's good to have you home." Ariel smiled in relief. She pinched her daughter's cheek. "I also don't mind you slouching more."

"Wait, you did know!" Melody exclaimed.

Ariel smiled at her. "Of course. Maybe not identity of the doppleganger, but I definitely knew my real daughter."

Elsa relax as well. The Unquiets were both destroyed, Eri wasn't exposed and no one was hurt... at least not hurt without instant recovery. But all in all the mission was a success.

••• The next morning •••

"Ah now this is princess life!" Eri sighed.

"I gotta say, nothing beats lounging under a hot sun after a job well done!" Wrenn agreed.

As mentioned by Wrenn, the two princesses were blissfully lounging on the beach under a cloudless sky, soaking up the rays of the sun.

"I can't believe we went through our whole lives without the sun!" Said Amelia.

"Yeah I was pale enough even without the Moonstone." Neoma moaned. "Oh, I needed this."

Amelia and Neoma were also sun bathing with Eri and Wrenn. And of course lying on a lounger at the centre of the group was their honoured hostess.

"Lets hear it for Melody for suggesting this relaxing activity." Eri raised a coconut.

"HEAR HEAR!" The girls cheered. Melody blushed.

Max woofed happily and promptly pounced on Melody's lounger and licked her cheek, causing her to laugh and sit up.

"Oh shucks. I didn't do anything. It was you seven that saved my kingdom and Orihalia." Then Melody's face fell. "I wish I could tell everyone what happened. It's so unfair, you all deserve recognition for what you did and yet... no one will ever know."

"Don't worry, it's not fame or recognition we're after. Only the mission matters." Replied Neoma.

"We only wish to see the people of this world living happily like this everywhere." Wrenn confirmed.


Before Melody could speak, the boys came running towards them... ARMED!

"Um. Why have you brought those with you?" Amelia asked.

"You may want to check your sword and shield, Amy." Aidan huffed at his sister. "Look at this!"

And lo and behold, Aidan's rusty Halberd!

"Oh that's nasty-. ACK!." Amelia screamed. She pulled out her gear from under her lounger and was horrified to find them rusted.

"Yep, salt water would do that. That's why I left my prosthetic behind." Neoma said, not bothering to get up.

"My mom would club me over the head of she saw this." Novak grimaced, the steel fans in his hands creaked as he tried to unfold them.

"Oh the clubbing is coming." Lady Caine declared with a twitch of her eye.

"Not to worry. I can arrange to have those fixed." Melody offered with a laugh. "It's the least I could do."

The Magic Screen paused for an intermission and the audience were given the moment to stretch their legs and grab a bite.

Ariel and Eric took this opportunity to show their appreciation to the Arendellian, Corona and Northuldran royals.

"We can't thank you enough for what your children did for us." Ariel bowed. "Our kingdoms owe you and the Seven for our continued peace and stability. I can't believe I had nearly lost my Melody."

The reality hit like a bucket of ice cold water. In the alternate timeline which the Heroic Seven hailed from, Melody was likely killed by the poison dress.

"Oh Ariel." Anna offered her red headed friend a hug.

Next came Melody and Ascot.

"Amy, Neoma, Eri, Wrenn, Flynn, Aidan and Novak have done more than save my life." Said Melody. "They have inspired me to take up combat training."

"And me." Ascot added partly as a warning as he warily stole a glance at Eugene who was looming over him. Varian and Kristoff were quick to drag Eugene away.

"Maybe don't follow their example too closely." Elsa suggested.

"We're just glad everyone was okay at the en-... Um Ariel, how is Carlotta doing these days?" Rapunzel asked.

"Oh she's fine. No one, not even her knew she had an incident." Ariel assured, still quite shocked about what transpired.

The mind wipe worked a bit too well.

Anna, Rapunzel and Elsa moved closer together and bumped heads. "We are still going to have to talk to the girls about their mind wipe and love test combo." Elsa suggested. Anna and Rapunzel nodded.


As the witch watched on with amusement, her trusty black feathered companion slowly landed on her shoulder. It made a most amusing fluttering of noise to the witch.

"Ah so he is fast arriving." The witch grinned. She shifted her gaze from the chatting royals and looked towards fjords and the ocean beyond. "Right on schedule. Soon all the audience will be present.


Soaring over the ocean at all haste was a Coronan air balloon, its pilot pushing the flynnolium boosters to maximum velocity in his haste to reach Arendelle.

"Never thought I'd be in such a hurry to get to Arendelle of all places." Muttered Nash Stabbington.



Phew that was another long one.

I hope you enjoyed that and please share with me your thoughts.

Yep. Hans is on his way to Arendelle! Oh what would happen when he lands there? And what would his reaction to teen Novak be?

Also, more combos on the way.

Find out on the next chapter of Heroic Seven.

••• Author's Notes •••

Most of what ended up happening was actually different to what I originally planned. Eg I was going to have Eri work solo but then I wanted more interaction between the characters so I partnered Wrenn with her. And since Wrenn didn't actually have much interaction with Ascot in the last chapter, I decided to throw him along. Glad I did, because Eri makes a terrible Terminator XD

Yes I'm a fan of Futurama :)

Wrenn's fighting style was inspired by Tony Jaa in his movie Ong Bak 2 (2008) when he uses the three section staff. Yes two very different weapons, but still.

And Eri's fight in this chapter with her figure murder skating was inspired by Alisa Bosconovitch from the Tekken games. Indeed Alisa is one of the many characters I drew inspiration from in Eri's creation.

Phew that's enough ranting from me.

Thank you and good day.

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