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By deadlybookish-writer

114K 2.6K 186

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926 26 0
By deadlybookish-writer

Hela was lounging in a chair with a wine glass in her hand, They had wanted her there when they were planning the strategy for battle.

"Aro will want us incapacitated before he attacks. Jane and Alec will try and take me out first because I can anticipate their moves" Edward says as he sits forward.

Garret raises his eyebrows at Bella "Too bad we don't all have your shield."

Bella frowns "It doesn't help me fight though" Hela sat up straight at that, she hadn't heard anything about a shield.

Tanya points out " No, but you could help the rest of us, if you could project it."

Bella furrows her brows in confusion as she asks "What do you mean?"

"I mean shield someone other than yourself" Tanya clarified.

Bella looks to Carlisle as she asks "Is that possible?"

Carlisle clarifies "Gifts can be developed. Over time, maybe your powers can as well?"

"Bella" Hela speaks up and she looks at her "My powers were first only muting sounds, then slowly I could heighten them. Now look at me, I can make my own scream be lethal, but I am disappointed you never told me you had figured your gift out."

Bella frowns "I thought you already knew of my gift, because of my pre-turning?"

"Pre-turning is very unsure, with Christian's pre-turning he could make people feel aroused. That only increased his playboy attitude" Hela explained and teased as Christian blushed a little.

Bella asked eagerly "How did you do it?" Hela hesitated and Bella gripped her wrist "Tell me!"

Hela looked at the hand on her wrist and then back at Bella with raised eyebrows, Bella quickly takes off her hand. Hela stands up and says "This would be better if we did it outside."

They all went outside and Hela told Bella "Emotion, It's one of the biggest factors when we use our powers, it awakens it and controls it. When you use your powers you need to empty your thoughts and make sure that it only awakens and not controls, when your emotion controls your powers it means chaos and destruction. It happened to both me and Christian, it even happens sometimes now." Bella nods as she remembers Hela's scream when Jasper left.

Bella closes her eyes and breathes in deeply through her nose, Hela continues "First call on Happiness."

Bella remembers the fun sleepovers with Hela, Christian complimenting her for the first time, fixing the bikes with Jacob and the first time Edward kissed her. Bella feels nothing happen and frowns.

Hela notices that and told her "Not happiness then, try anger."

Bella remembers the anger she felt after finally accepting that Edward was gone, the anger when people laughed at her, the anger at Hela's ex-husband. She felt something, but struggled to keep it up.

Hela nodded at Kate and she electrocuted Edward, he yelled out in pain and Bella flinched while opening her eyes.

Hela told Kate "Stop!" Hela looked towards Bella and ordered "Again."

"But-" Bella tried to protest, but stopped after the look in Hela gave her and closed her eyes.

"Try it with Sadness" Hela muttered and Bella remembers the pain she felt when Edward left, Jacob ignoring her and Hela being mad at her. She felt something, but this time it was easier to keep up.

Hela again nodded at Kate and she electrocuted Edward, but nothing happened except Kate retracted her hand with a hiss. Bella opened her eyes and laughed while keeping it up. Edward described "It felt like someone was tickling me honestly."

Bella smiled and demanded "Again."

\||-𝐒𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐰𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐞𝐥𝐬𝐞-||/

"Alice, I am going hunting!" Jasper slightly yelled as he moved towards the door of a hut.

Alice, who was talking to some other vampires, replied back "Okay!"

Jasper walked out the door and ran off.

He almost ran into a tree as his dead heart felt like it was being ripped again.

He leaned against the tree while hunching over in pain. He got flashes of Hela crying and screaming, but he knew it was just the mate bond fighting against him.

He wanted to return to her very badly, but he couldn't. They needed to do this, because it would be one of the only chances that they would convince the Volturi. Jasper knew that Hela would figure out that Alice had a plan, but she would not figure out why he went with her.

Jasper was scared that once everything was over, Hela would not take him back and she would never want to see him again.

Jasper struggeled to stand up straight, but he managed and tried hunting.

He eventually found a deer and made moves to attack the deer, but something knocked him out of the way.

Jasper looked up and it was some sort of shadowy dog with red eyes, it was growling at him.

He looked at it wide-eyed, but didn't do anything because he didn't know what it was.

"Pretty aren't they?" A voice spoke up, Jasper looked to the side and saw a man dressed in a suit, there was another dog next to him that was also growling at Jasper.

Jasper looked at the man in confusion and the dog went off of him while returning to the man's side.

Jasper stood up as quickly as he could and asked "Who are you?"

The man just grinned and attacked Jasper, he knocked him to the ground and for some reason Jasper couldn't get up.

Grinning, the man crouched down and said "I know I look different in this vessel, but I thought Hela would have at least told you" The man's eyes glowed, flashes of a burned face appeared and Jasper figured it out, it was Lucifer.

He whispered fearfully "Lucifer..."

Lucifer exclaimed "Great! You remember me, now give me one good reason why I shouldn't rip you apart and then go after Alice?"

"You know what's happening with our coven! If you do this they will all be murdered! Hela would be sad that her mate is dead and same goes for Christian!" Jasper yelled and tried backing away.

"Hela wouldn't care! You broke her heart, at least if I kill you now then the pain will stop for her and Christian would be heart broken, but he could be distracted" Lucifer waved off "Why would the entire coven be murdered if I kill you?"

Jasper didn't answer and both the dogs growled at him. Scared, he quickly yelled out "The entire reason we left was to save them! We're searching for proof that Renesmee is safe for our kind!"

Lucifer frowned and asked "Why did you go with? Why didn't Alice take Christian?"

"She was afraid that Christian would tel Hela or you" Jasper confessed and sighed as he looked at the dogs while asking "What the hell are those things?!"

"Hellhounds, scary are they not" Lucifer chuckled, but quickly went serious "If Alice had asked Christian not to say anything, he wouldn't have" Lucifer sighed and mumbled to himself "What am I going to do with you now?"

"You can't take me back! We have to find proof" Jasper quickly objected.

Lucifer shook his head and held out his hand "I'm going to help you find proof, Hela had figured out Alice had a plan and she had made one of her own just incase."

Jasper looked at him in confusion, but grabbed his hand.

They both walked back to a shocked Alice and confused vampires.

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