By tvwriteher

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This season takes place during the Spring semester of the school year that began in season one and continues... More

EPISODE FIVE: If I aint got you
EPISODE NINE: If I should die
Episode 10: Run This Town
Epsiode 11: Dilemma
Episode 12: LOVE FACES
All I want for Christmas is you. IM Special
EPISODE 20: Seventeen* Candles
EPISODE 21: Suspects, Rules And Requels
EPISODE 22: Suspects, Rules And Requels PART TWO


154 6 88
By tvwriteher


The session has began to wrap up and Zhuri helps Stephanie clean up.

STEPHANIE- you know don't have to do this right?

ZHURI- I know..but I kinda needed a excuse to ask you soemthing anyway.

Stephanie laughs.

STEPHANIE- Zhuri I'm your sponsor you don't have to find a reason to talk to me in fact I want you to over talk me.

Zhuri smiles and then exhales.

ZHURI- okay you're right I'm sorry I'm not use to this.

STEPHANIE-  it's fine so what's up?

ZHURI- do you think with everything that has happened lately...could like block my creativity?

STEPHANIE- as far as?

ZHURI- I've been trying to draw lately and it's like I can't finish anything it just doesn't seem good enough.

STEPHANIE- hmm well what you've been through lately definitely could not not be a reason but it could also be maybe you're over thinking it forcing yourself to make something instead of letting your art guide you....what are you trying to draw?

Zhuri sighs.

ZHURI- I don't know....I mean it could be anything I don't usually think about it I just do it. I haven't felt inspired to take pictures either.

STEPHANIE- That happened to me before it's a creative block it happens sometimes. It could just be a slump or it could be because you have a lot on your mind right now.

ZHURI- I do...but that's what I normally use my art for.

STEPHANIE- this time it might be bigger than that. Maybe it's something you haven't addressed...and your mind wants you to.

Zhuri looks at her.


Kent sits on a exam table as the doctors is examining his shoulder. You can tell he's in pain a little when the Doctor touches certain areas.

DOCTOR-This area here it's still sensitive?

KENT-(trying to hide his pain) a little but it's not anything I cant play through.

DOCTOR-Kent I've told you before...playing while you're not fully healed can make your injury worse.

KENT- It's just a bit sore but I'm fine I swear..and you said my x rays look fine.

DOCTOR- They do, and you're cleared but I still think you should take it easy.

KENT- I have been.

The Doctor gives him a look.


We see a montage of Kent working on his game. He misses a few shots and you can tell he has pain in his shoulder. He becomes frustrated and throws the ball down. And then pulls out his phone and goes to Taylor's contact.


KENT- Okay I'll be honest I don't know how to be just easy....I've never done that before.... And the person I would normally go to for that I don't really have right now.

DOCTOR- You're gonna need to find it in yourself to take it easy or you're going ruin your game.

KENT- how did you know my game is a little janky right now?

DOCTOR- it's the only reason you would call me.

Kent nods.

DOCTOR- you leave in two weeks I think you should take that time to relax you over working yourself is messing up the healing process and you're psyching yourself out.

KENT- but if I'm cleared I should be fine right?

DOCTOR- on my end your shoulder is back to normal but if you're still feeling pain at times when you play it could be because you're going too hard on yourself physically and even mentally.


Taylor paces and back and forth and her therapist watches. She see's her phone vibrate and it's a text message from Kent.

Kent: I need you.

THERAPIST- Taylor at some point you have to talk.

Taylor still stares at her phone for a minute and then looks up at the therapist.

TAYLOR- I mean you get paid either way right?

THERAPIST- but it's waste of your money and time to come here and not talk..this is your second session and you still haven't said anything.

TAYLOR-because I don't belong I here. I'm fine.

THERAPIST- Talking about what you been feeling lately doesn't mean you're not fine....just tell me what you're thinking right now.

Taylor stops pacing and looks at her.

TAYLOR- What I'm thinking?


TAYLOR- I just told you I don't belong here. I'm fine my parents are just being dramatic.

THERAPIST- What about the nightmares?

Taylor looks at her pauses for a moment.

TAYLOR- It's just nightmares that's normal.

THERAPIST- you're absolutely right. So then it shouldn't be a problem talking about them.

TAYLOR- oh you're good.'s like for the last week....since I found out something about my past. I keep having this same recurring's like I see myself and I'm looking into these different mirrors it's like the mirrors in those creepy fun houses like in the Us movie?

The therapist nods.

TAYLOR- I'm looking at all these different versions of myself like in that one Beyoncé Pepsi commercial except it's way less iconic and way more creepy because I don't know any of these versions of myself. It starts to scare me and then I just wake up screaming.


Taylor is sleeping and then she wakes up screaming in a panic.

Nate enters and holds her.

NATE- Taylor it's okay it's okay baby girl.

Taylor wakes up still in a panic and begins to cry.

Nate holds her tighter.

NATE- it's okay I'm here we're here.

KYLE- (worried) what's wrong with her?

NATE- it's just a bad dream....she's okay.

Taylor still cries. Nate holds her.

Taylor looks at her arms and she see's hives all over her and she begins to panic.

TAYLOR- What is this? Dad what is this on me?!

NATE- it looks like's probably stress've got to calm down T. Let me go grab you some water.

Nate walks out into the kitchen.

TAYLOR- (sadly) Kyle.

KYLE- Yeah?

TAYLOR- can you sleep in here tonight?

KYLE- Nah.

Kyle walks over and lays next to Taylor.

TAYLOR- can I be honest with you?

KYLE- Yeah.

TAYLOR- I'm scared.

Kyle holds her.

KYLE- it's going be okay.


TAYLOR- it's like the closer I get to touching one of the mirrors the more I don't recognize myself....and sometimes it makes me feel like the more I find out about the things I can't remember the more I'm gonna lose who I thought I was.

THERAPIST- Taylor it doesn't matter who you thought you only matters who you are now and who you're working towards being.

TAYLOR- sometimes I just feel like I don't know anymore....and that scares me.

THERAPIST- Taylor can I ask before today have you talked to anyone about these thoughts?

TAYLOR- Kent of course....well not lately.


Kent knocks at the door and Toya opens it.

KENT- Hey Mrs. Toya....can I talk to T?

TOYA- Hey Kent...she's not home.

KENT- I think she is.

TOYA- I can promise you she's not. You just missed her.

KENT- (still not believing her) Okay...when she gets home can you tell her I stopped by and that whatever she's feeling....we're supposed to be feeling it together...I'm not going anywhere.

Toya looks at him like she wants to say more but doesn't.

TOYA- I will pass the message along.

Kent leaves and Toya closes the door and Taylor appears.

TOYA- you need to talk to him.

TAYLOR- I have been talking to him....just not as much.

TOYA- that's not fair to him T.

TAYLOR- I just need some time....and I don't want to put all my issues on him.


THERAPIST- so do you blame your past on Kent?

TAYLOR- What? No of course not. I'm not mad at him but a miscarriage? I don't know how to even process that....I didn't even think about sex Justin but somehow I ended up about to have a kid that's wild to me.... and with the nightmares I just don't think it's a big deal it bring up to Kent or any of my friends and it just started happening I'm sure I'll be past it.

THERAPIST- I don't think you've let yourself accept that you been through something tragic....I mean really when small pieces start to come out it triggers.

TAYLOR- all my friends have been through something tragic.

THERAPIST- We're not talking about your friends we're talking about you.

TAYLOR- but I'm Taylor....I'm not the one who goes looking for help with my problems I'm the one who helps everyone else fix theirs.

The therapist looks at her.


Tavon enters as Landy is on her way out the door.

LANDY- Hey Tae I didn't know you were stopping by today.

TAVON- I wasn't staying long I just forgot my charger last night and I wanted to grab it before I go meet Neal.

LANDY- what time did you leave here last night?

TAVON- like one.

LANDY- that late? you could of stayed.

TAVON- I've just been trying to give Kelly and Dre some space I know they're trying to conceive and I do not want to be around that.

Landy laughs.

LANDY- okay so again you could of stayed.

TAVON- look I know things have been a little better between us since prom and I can't lie I even like the few nights being over here with you but I'm still not trying to be all the way in....I feel like as soon as I get use to you being here you're gonna leave again. I'm not setting myself up for that.

LANDY- Tavon I'm not going anywhere I promise that.

TAVON- you can't make promises and you can't just give me your word that you'll be here you just have to be there.  

LANDY- I will be.

Tavon looks at her wanting to believe her.

TAVON- Okay.


Kent is attempting his shot again. Taylor pulls up and gets out of the car and walks over to him.


Kent turns around and looks at her a little shocked to see her and smiles a little.

KENT- Hey....I didn't expect to see you.

TAYLOR-I got your text...I didn't wanna leave you hanging.

KENT- Yeah but you didn't respond so I didn't think I would see you or talk to you.

TAYLOR- I just figured I would come...but I needed to pull myself together first. You okay?

KENT- are you okay?

TAYLOR-Um to be honest I don't know.

KENT-then Im not okay.

TAYLOR-But what happened today?

KENT- it's not important it's just basketball stuff...I'd rather talk about you.

TAYLOR-but basketball is important to you...whats wrong? your shoulder?

Kent takes a shot and it doesn't go in.

KENT- Shoulder's still off shot is off we're off.....I'm off.

TAYLOR-We're not off...

KENT- you won't tell me what you're thinking or how you's been a week and we've had like one real conversation.

TAYLOR-It's hard for me to see you right now...every time I see you I just think about that and when i think about that I just-

KENT-you just what?

TAYLOR- Imo not ready to do this....I'm just not....


TAYLOR- as far as your shoulder...try a different form as you're getting back to yourself and stay out your head....just think about basketball and the tour. You'll be okay.

Taylor turns to walk back to her Dad's car and begins to cry a little.


Neal enters the restaurant and he doesn't look like the normal Neal we have seen. He looks a bit sad and he hasn't gotten a haircut.

He approaches Reggie at the counter.

NEAL- Dad it's 2023 how don't you have Uber Eats or Door Delivery.

REGGIE- I does it look like a place that needs Doordash?

NEAL- it sure don't look like a place that doesn't.

Reggie looks at him.

NEAL- sorry I'm starving.

REGGIE- aren't you supposed to be at work?

NEAL- Department managers get every other Saturday off.

REGGIE- so what do you have planned today?

NEAL- after I take your burger fries and some strawberry shortcake back to the house I'm gonna sit on the couch and watch Friday.

REGGIE- but you hate strawberry shortcake.

NEAL- I know but it's Morgan favorite and I miss her so.

REGGIE- son you are not taking this break up well. It's been a week.

NEAL- I know but it's just I'm not in the mood to do anything else.

REGGIE-Yes and I get it break ups suck but you can't spend your summer sitting in the house.

NEAL- Well Dad you're like the pit on the stove calling the kettle a kettle.


NEAL- I don't know I heard Granddad say it before, but that is besides the point.

REGGIE-what's the point?

NEAL-you haven't been on any dates since you and mom pulled the plug.

REGGIE- I'm too busy for dates shut up.

NEAL-Okay and Im busy too between work my kids and my sarcasm I don't have time for anything else.

REGGIE-your what?

NEAL- sarcasm you know the use of irony to mock or convey contempt.

Reggie gives him a annoyed look.

REGGIE- Boy I know what sarcasm is Im talking about the kid part.

NEAL-Oh Tavon and Kent are having Zhuri and Taylor problems so I've been looking out for them, Tavon is actually meeting me at the house in a few...I should probably get him some cake too.

Reggie looks at him.

NEAL-What? Okay and a burger,  you know what wings too, we are growing young men.

REGGIE- get out of here.

Neal smirks.

NEAL- Thanks Pops...and look who knows the next love of your life could be around the corner.

Landy enters.

REGGIE- Hey Landy.

LANDY- Hey Reg, Hey Neal.


REGGIE- aren't you leave?

NEAL- are you rushing me to go?


NEAL-at least you're honest.

Landy laughs.

REGGIE- Bye Neal.


Zhuri sit's in the kitchen at the counter top and she's trying to draw but stops and balls up the sketch and throws it.

Marvin enters the kitchen and see's the pile of paper.

MARVIN- what's going on in here?

ZHURI- not a picture obviously.

MARVIN-you still have your creative block going on?

Zhuri sighs.


MARVIN- it'll come to you just don't force it bird.

ZHURI- I cant even draw that.

Marvin laughs a little.

ZHURI- what?

MARVIN-just remember that was the first things you started to draw and get into.

ZHURI- Yeah they're always so free and can just do what they want, and I wanted to be like that.

MARVIN- you can be.

Zhuri laughs.

ZHURI- Morgan use to chase them away.

Morgan enters the kitchen still dressed in pajamas her hair now blonde and she is carrying a empty container of oreos.

MORGAN- I chased who away? I did not chase Neal away he's the one who started working and loving some stupid job so much.....the most immature guy I ever met he literally names his tooth brushes but now he wants a career.

Marvin and Zhuri both give each other a look.

ZHURI-M we were talking about birds not Neal.

MORGAN- Oh...well I knew that.

She throws the empty package away and begins to look in the cabinet.

MORGAN- We're out of oreos?

Zhuri looks at the trash can where there are empty oreo packages.

ZHURI-You think?


MORGAN- that's literally all you been snackin on.

MARVIN- since when do you like oreos so much?

MORGAN- I dont....they were Neal's favorite.

ZHURI- here we go.

MORGAN- he eats them so stupidly, he eats the icing and then cookie.

ZHURI- makes sense for him actually.

Morgan rolls her eyes and sits next to Zhuri and lays on her shoulder.

MORGAN- he's so stupid.

Zhuri comforts her.

ZHURI-I know sis.

MARVIN- you'll find someone better than Neal. Cheer up.

MORGAN- Dad please don't start.


MORGAN- Z my heart hurts my chest hurts everything hurts.

Marvin walks out of the kitchen and there's a knock at the door.

Morgan still clings to Zhuri.

ZHURI- okay I gotta get the door okay?


Zhuri walks towards the door and opens it and it's Taylor.

ZHURI- Oh Thank God it's you.

Zhuri pulls Taylor inside.

TAYLOR- Well hello Z.

ZHURI- Yeah's your turn on the Morgan shift.

TAYLOR- oh God she still tripping?

ZHURI- whole bag of Oreo's.

TAYLOR- Again? Oh God.

ZHURI- Yeah...

TAYLOR- how are you feeling though?

ZHURI- still can't draw anything not feeling very creative so.

TAYLOR-What do you honestly think it is?

ZHURI-I miss Tavon....I feel guilty about it...Stephanie says she thinks it could be deeper than that though.

TAYLOR-I think she could be right.

ZHURI- really how?

TAYLOR-you haven't fully dealt with what happened in the school that night.

ZHURI-but it's been a minute and so many things have happened since could it be-

TAYLOR-I could be wrong but I just know how it feels to not deal with something once something else happens so, but um you know you could just draw me.

Taylor smiles.

ZHURI-  sure so will I be drawing you with Kent?

Taylor sighs.

TAYLOR- Now why...

ZHURI- you need to talk to him.

TAYLOR- I saw him today.

ZHURI- how that go?

TAYLOR- don't really wanna talk about about you and Tae?

ZHURI- Um I haven't talked to him since prom. So yeah...

TAYLOR- Damn the three of us are really taking L's right now?

ZHURI- pretty much....some of us more than others.

They look into the living room and Morgan is singing "Don't hurt yourself" by Beyoncé.

TAYLOR-Oh brother.

Taylor and Zhuri walk into the living room.


MORGAN- T! You're here. Hey girl.

TAYLOR- give me the remote.

MORGAN- You can sing the next song.

TAYLOR- no song how about we go watch a movie or something.

ZHURI- No no absolutely not.

TAYLOR- what's wrong with a movie?

ZHURI- y'all have stayed up up all night watching movies and then sleep through the day for the last two days.

TAYLOR- Hey I was up this morning!

ZHURI- when?

TAYLOR- I had something to do this morning.

ZHURI- Which was?

TAYLOR- Um this isn't about me... this is about Moryoncé.

MORGAN-If you try that shit again you going lose your wife!

Taylor and Zhuri look at each other.

TAYLOR- M I love you dearly but babe why are you singing the song like you didn't break up with him?

MORGAN- He literally ignored me for-

TAYLOR&ZHURI- two weeks. And bought me purple flowers.

MORGAN- oh y'all are bitches.

ZHURI- we've been hearing this for the last week and a half. We know the story by hurt.

MORGAN- no way y'all are judging me when you dumped Tavon again and you aren't talking to your husband again.

ZHURI- I didn't dump Tavon...we just decided not to be friends because it's hard.

MORGAN- hmm sounds like a dumping to me.

TAYLOR- I'm talking to Kent just...not as much Z

MORGAN- so you agree you're not talking to him?

ZHURI- She'll agree when you agree you dumped Neal for no reason.

TAYLOR- Oh wow.

MORGAN- What did you say?

ZHURI- you heard me and you know it's true.

MORGAN- you don't know what your talking about it was for a reason just because you don't understand that's not my problem...T you understand right?

TAYLOR- I um I like what you did with the blonde in your hair.

Zhuri laughs.

MORGAN- Taylor.

TAYLOR- What? Look I said before I'm not getting in between you and Neal. Nope.

MORGAN- you're taking his side.

TAYLOR- I'm on no sides but I'm just saying.

MORGAN- no you're choosing for that Carter boy.

TAYLOR- no I'm not.

MORGAN- so just say it am I right or wrong?

TAYLOR- I can't tell you how felt that night at prom...I just can't.

MORGAN- okay just tell me do you think I broke up with him for nothing?

TAYLOR- I think you really loved each so if you felt like you needed to break up with him it had to be for a real reason....again we can debate about this all day but only you know how you felt.

MORGAN- how is he?

TAYLOR- just as annoying as hair cut or anything.

Morgan pouts.

MORGAN- Aw he hates to let his hair grow out.

TAYLOR- you know what we're not doing this.

MORGAN- doing what?

TAYLOR- we're not sitting around in this house moping about Kent Neal and Tavon. No absolutely not.

MORGAN- I don't mope.

ZHURI- but you do....but whatever I'm with Taylor we need to get out this house.

TAYLOR- let's go to Miami.

ZHURI-okay slow down now, Miami?

TAYLOR- I was invited to interview this guy Chase Adams....the next time I touch down so..let's go touch down.

MORGAN- and you just think we can up and go to Miami?

TAYLOR- what else is there to do? Just for the weekend.

ZHURI- you know what I'm down.

MORGAN- Z seriously?

ZHURI- I need a break away from all of this and to not think....why not?

TAYLOR- Morgan what's holding you here?

MORGAN- I just don't know if I wanna get all cute and stuff I just wanna sit here eat Oreos and get fat so no guy can want me.

TAYLOR- well you have a good face card so guys are going flock no matter what.

MORGAN- that's true.

Zhuri laughs.

ZHURI- so come on let's go. We both need this.

Morgan sighs.

MORGAN- okay let's go pack.

Taylor smiles.

ZHURI- wait we need an adult all that stuff.

TAYLOR- That's true.

MORGAN- welp guess we're not going...damn I was getting excited too.

ZHURI- girl.

TAYLOR- No I have an idea.

Zhuri and Morgan both give her a confused look.


ASHLEY- What? I'm not going to Miami.

TAYLOR- Ash please it's literally a free trip.

ASHEY- to hang around my little sister and he friends. No thanks.

TAYLOR- Ash look you don't know how things have been for me this past week...

Morgan and Zhuri both share a confused look with each other.

TAYLOR-I need this. Please

ASHLEY- what's going on with you?

TAYLOR- Ash can you do this or not?

Morgan grabs Taylor.

MORGAN- watch the attitude bestie...(nervous laugh) what she means is she can talk to you on the flight.

Ashley sighs.

ASHLEY- fine.

Zhuri smiles.

ZHURI- Miami! Here we come!


Reggie stands behind the counter and he's looking on his phone. Landy approaches him.

LANDY- you look focused.

Reggie laughs.

REGGIE- Nah...I'm thinking about something Neal said earlier.

LANDY- What he say?

REGGIE- just that I need to get back to dating...I haven't even thought about it and now I am. 

LANDY- when is the last time you been on a date?

REGGIE- With Tammie some time ago.

LANDY- okay so maybe it's  good that you jump back out there.

REGGIE- and find the time when?

LANDY- let me see your phone.

Reggie looks confused but hands over his phone.

REGGIE- what are you going to do?

LANDY- it's 2023 they have an app for every thing so you don't have to do certain things on your own. Like creating a dating profile.

Landy lifts up Reggie's phone to take a picture.

LANDY- say cheese.

REGGIE-(confused) a what?

Landy laughs.


Neal and Tavon sit at both ends of the couch watching "Friday" it's half eating chips and snacks everywhere on the coffee table and between them.

NEAL- yo you ever think about the fact that Big Worm really did this all over $200?

TAVON- Nah bro it was the principle. He said that.

NEAL- principle my ass. Almost dying over $200 is crazy.

TAVON- Redz almost kicked me out over $400.

NEAL- Aw man your life was really hard.

TAVON- it was man.

NEAL- I love you man.

TAVON- I love you more bro.

Kent and Mekhi appear.

KENT- y'all niggas need a minute alone or?

Mekhi laughs.

TAVON- don't be like that we love you too.

NEAL- especially since you'll be joining us soon on this couch too.

MEKHI- what about me?

NEAL- still figuring out if you're even going be around Khi.

Mekhi gives him the middle finger.

TAVON- watching Friday on a loop.

NEAL- because we all know on Friday it's the same ending every time.

TAVON- and All Smokey and Craig needed was each other.


Kent enters the living room and sits on a loveseat.

KENT- Craig literally got the girl in the end.

TAVON- but did they last?

NEAL- she probably dumped him once he got a new job.

TAVON- exactly but you know who was there? Smokey.

KENT- Craig literally moved away and got a new girl and started hanging out with Day Day.

NEAL- oh yeah but that's different.

Kent laughs.

KENT- don't y'all both have work today?

TAVON- some kid like drowned at the pool and they shut it down.

KENT- no wonder why kids are drowning your ass here watching Friday.

TAVON- man it wasn't on my shift.

MEKHI- dude what the hell? Is the kid okay?

TAVON- yeah he didn't die at least I think so....I gotta text my manager.

KENT- remind me that when I have a kid to never let Tavon take them swimming.

TAVON- yo again it was not on my shift and I would never let your kid drown...if the kid is what Taylor if it's with someone else I can't make promises.

KENT- Bro what the hell?

TAVON- like not on purpose but like Taylor's kid would be like my kid so I would be like extra careful type shit you feel me?

KENT- Hell no I don't feel you.

Tavon laughs.

KENT- but what about you Neal why aren't you at work?

NEAL- I have this Saturday off.

KENT- why are you even still working?

NEAL- what do you mean?

KENT- everyone is thinking it so I'm going just say it, bro quit that fucking job.

NEAL- What? No.

KENT- What? Yes.

NEAL- No and you're not about to big brother me out of this.

Tavon smirks and taps Mekhi.

TAVON- oh this is their monthly big brother little brother argument Khi you going love this.

Kent looks at Neal.

NEAL- What K?

KENT- you know next year we will be playing division one right?

Neal begins to eat another bag of chips.

NEAL- (eating) yeah so we're ready. We're literally the champs.

Kent snatches the chips.

KENT- no my guy me and Khi are ready...but you are like one bag of chips of way from looking the the monstars from space jam without the powers.

TAVON- told you not to get those Cheetos.

Neal quickly wipes his mouth.

NEAL- I am not out of shape! I can give anybody twenty five right now easily.

KENT- bet let's go run a quick game little bro.

NEAL- huh?

Tavon laughs.

KENT- Tae you're not far behind him.

Tavon stops laughing.

TAVON- What? I've worked on my game this summer.

They all look at him.

TAVON- ard bet a few times but I had actual shit going on and I need my get back to getting on Neal.

NEAL- (sarcastic) nice assist Tae.

KENT- but seriously talk to me what's up with you and this job? Why is it so important?

NEAL- I don't know it's just....ever since (sighs) you know what happened I haven't felt like myself like everything changed especially when I came back here.....and everyone else has their own thing this summer and I don't wanna be left out....I wanna have something too.  I don't want to be left behind....especially by you.


NEAL- K you don't see how everything has been different with us since I got back...and then you're leaving for the summer....what am I supposed to do?

MEKHI- Aww man....this is the type of brotherly love I always wanted with my brother.

TAVON-yo you have a brother?

MEKHI- No....that's why I wished.

TAVON- Nigga....

KENT- Neal just because I'm leaving for the summer doesn't mean I'm leaving you. And it doesn't mean you try to distract yourself with some job. You have plenty of things you're good at. Once again basketball. Defending Champs you led us there and now we're the state's most wanted everyone is going he at are necks next year. You gotta get ready and you don't need that job.

NEAL- so just work on my game and do nothing for the summer?

TAVON- Yeah I wish I was doing nothing you think I want to work at the pool?

MEKHI- that's a lit job to have though.

TAVON- it actually is so many baddies came through yesterday you should of seen it.

MEKHI- Damn are y'all hiring?

TAVON- I can check.

Mekhi smirks.

MEKHI- my guy.

Kent looks at them both and then back at Neal.

KENT- quit the job Neal. This is your last summer to not have to do anything but play basketball and if you want to be on your nerd shit join a summer camp or something but working 12 or more hours a day for what? You don't need the money and you don't even need the experience. I get things have changed but those two things will never change unless you let it which is what you're doing if you stay at this job man,

NEAL- you sound just like T.

KENT- well that's my soulmate, and she's right....we're both right.

NEAL- I could definitely be working on my game more. Dre did show me the schedule. First few games is tough.

TAVON- shit me too and I have football first.

MEKHI- yikes.

NEAL- and I could find something smaller to do with engineering. I mean I aced this program in Boston...that counts.

KENT- exactly....and those two months with me away it's going fly by.

NEAL- What about T? You asking her to go with you.

Kent sighs.

KENT- I don't know.

MEKHI- y'all really believe in soulmates?

TAVON- I don't know.

NEAL- I use to.

KENT- I got married last year it's no way this girl not my soulmate.

Tavon laughs.

NEAL- I know no one has made me feel all crazy like Morgan does like ever literally since the third grade but she gave up on us....what if we not meant to be?

TAVON- you giving up on your what 9 year crush?

NEAL- I just don't think no matter what I do she won't accept how much I love her.

MEKHI- damn that's deep.

Kent pushes his shoulder.

KENT- shut up man.

MEKHI- (laughing) I'm being serious.

TAVON- I just dont think it's one person you're destined to be with I think you make your own destiny. I liked Zhuri for like a year and didn't say anything and that got me nowhere but wasted time.

KENT- but what if that's apart of y'all story I mean it's a reason for everything.

TAVON- wasted time is apart of our story?

KENT- Nah I'm saying like maybe it wasn't meant for you to say something a year earlier...maybe it went how it was supposed to. What if you told her your feelings a year earlier but it was ruined.

TAVON- I mean I guess but you're telling me if you met T a year earlier you wouldn't of felt the same way.

KENT- if I met her a year earlier I probably would of ruined it....y'all saw a glimpse of who the old Kent was when I first got here I was ten times worse Sophomore year.

MEKHI- can't lie I kinda wanna see hoe Kent.

NEAL- The hell you do.

TAVON- Yeah K you cheat on T I'm gonna have to beat your ass because I owe her for not beating Justin's ass.

Kent laughs.

KENT- I would never cheat on Taylor.

MEKHI- I'm sleeping with our English sub.

There's a moment of silence Kent Neal and Tavon both stare at Mekhi with confused faces.

KENT- (to Neal) you wanna take this one or?

NEAL- nah this is all you.

KENT- what the fuck did you just say?

MEKHI- I needed to get that off my chest...whew that felt good. So what we doing today?

TAVON- nigga nah run that back.

KENT- how the fuck did this happen?

NEAL- you know how many rules this breaks? This is like against the Geneva Convention.

TAVON- whatever that means.

KENT- spill my guy.

MEKHI- so I'm like on this dating app right.

NEAL- dating app? What are you thirty?

Tavon laughs.

KENT- Neal shut up and let him talk.

MEKHI- look it's hard to meet guys in my situation okay...but anyway so I met Nick on there and we started talking like everyday and I set up for our first to be the night of birthday party.

NEAL- That's why you was rushing to leave.

MEKHI- exactly.

KENT- but that guy is engaged.

MEKHI- what?

KENT- I know for a fact Tammie said Connors and his fiancé were two of the chaperones.

MEKHI- Nah couldn't be.

TAVON- did he tell you he was single?

MEKHI- he didn't not not say he was single.

MEKHI- but we hooked up twice.

TAVON- join the single couch man.

KENT- oh that's what y'all mean by that....yeah I'm not joining y'all couch boy summer any time soon.... Even though T is avoiding me though.

TAVON- if it makes you feel better she's been kinda short with me too.... We usually send each other music and shit every other day but lately she just likes my message and doesn't say anything.

Neal looks around trying to avoid.

KENT- you talked to her?

NEAL- huh?

KENT- you heard me...come on I know she's talked to you.

NEAL- why would she talk to me?

TAVON- don't play dumb.

KENT- spill Neal.

Neal sighs.

NEAL- T has been having these crazy nightmares.

KENT- What?

NEAL- she's been waking up screaming for like the last two weeks...breaking out in hives. She's really messed up right now...her parents even put her in therapy because she wouldn't talk to them either.

TAVON- what the fuck?

KENT- Why the hell wouldn't she tell me?

NEAL- she doesn't want to tell anyone she didn't even tell me her mom talked to my mom and then when it got back to me I asked her about it.

KENT- but I'm it just anyone...she should be able to feel like she can talk to me...especially something like that....and I'm worried about my damn shoulder.

NEAL- wait your shoulder?

KENT- I should of been told her....about the miscarriage.

TAVON- I mean that's not something easy to tell. Especially with everything y'all been through.

KENT- Yeah I know but....I don't know...I just wish I could do something.

NEAL- only thing you can do is give her time to talk to you.

TAVON- time? Hell no there is no time we need to go talk to her now.

NEAL- she might feel like we're bombarding her.

MEKHI- well it doesn't matter because she's not here anyway.

KENT- What are you talking about?

MEKHI- her Morgan and Zhuri just landed in Miami.

NEAL- Miami?!

TAVON- my Zhuri?

NEAL- Miami?!

KENT- seriously?

MEKHI- Yup Morgan just posted a boomerang in her close friends.

NEAL- you're in her close friends?!

MEKHI- it's not like that I added her in mine and she put me in hers.

Neal side eyes him.

MEKHI- though she is single again....probably vulnerable.

Neal stands up.

NEAL- Mekhi I swear to God to bro.

MEKHI- (laughing) I'm just joking.

NEAL-yeah okay,

TAVON- you're sure Zhuri is there?

MEKHI- nigga unless it's a another person walking around with them with a Zhuri mask on yeah I'm sure.

TAVON- why the fuck would they go to Miami?

KENT- I don't know but I just bought us tickets. Let's go.

Kent gets up and walks towards the door.

MEKHI- he's serious?

NEAL- Taylor's in Miami....he's dead serious.

Neal runs after him.

NEAL- Yo K I gotta make one stop first!


Neal knocks on the door.

CULLEN- Come in.

Neal enters.

CULLEN- Neal what are you here? You should be enjoying your day. about that.

Cullen looks at him.


Ashley Morgan Taylor and Zhuri arrive to their hotel room.

It's a very huge suite with their own kitchen and living room, along with. amazing view of the beach.

ZHURI- for last minute this is nice.

MORGAN-I am in love.

Morgan flops on the bed.

ZHURI-kinda don't wanna leave the room.

MORGAN-oh No I need to hit the streets immediately.

TAYLOR-of course you do.

MORGAN-and you'll be right with me.

TAYLOR-that is facts.

Morgan laughs.

ASHLEY-well it really is nice..but you girls enjoy I'll be next door, I'm about to take a shower and hit some outlets. Text me if you need me and I'll check on yall later.


TAYLOR-Thanks again Ash.

Ashley nods and takes her bags and leaves.

MORGAN- We are really in miami bitches.

ZHURI-We haven't been here since..

MORGAN-Disney World 2015?


TAYLOR-Aw I wanna go to Disney World.

Zhuri and Morgan both look at her.

TAYLOR-What? Dang I cant want to see Tiana and them?

ZHURI-of course it's just-

TAYLOR-Z no what?

MORGAN-nothing don't you have to get ready for your interview?

TAYLOR- Morgan.

MORGAN-this trip is supposed to be fun we, not dwelling on other things.

TAYLOR-now you say dwelling...just tell me.

MORGAN-you can't make me.


ZHURI- it's nothing it's just's where you and Kent were going to go on your honey moon.


ZHURI-I'm not going to lie to her.

TAYLOR-(forcing a smile) that's it? That's nothing Im fine...Im going take a shower and get ready for my interview though.

MORGAN-you sure you're okay?

TAYLOR-Yeah seriously Im fine.

Taylor walks into the bathroom.

MORGAN-(whispering) seriously?

ZHURI-(whispering)I wasn't intentionally trying to bring it up it just slipped...but she said she's okay so just drop it.

Morgan sits on the bed.

MORGAN-do you really think she's okay?

ZHURI- no...none of us are.

MORGAN-Welcome to Miami though.


Taylor turns on the shower and she cries to herself.


Kent Mekhi and Tavon stand waiting for Neal. Mekhi has shopping bags in his hand.

TAVON- y'all really think he going quit?

KENT- I feel like he's going in with that intention and then they're going promise him like some kind of engineer shit and he going fold.

TAVON- facts.

MEKHI- have some faith in my guy Neal.

TAVON- you haven't known him as long.

KENT- and you're not related to him.

MEKHI- he hasn't lied since I met him though.

TAVON- That's true but he's a technology nerd, he's not leaving this job.

KENT-so what they promise you?

TAVON-you're like store manager now?

NEAL- I quit.

MEKHI-told yall.

TAVON- and they just let you go?

NEAL-Yes Tae not sure if you noticed but slavery is over we can quit jobs we don't want.

TAVON-shut up man.

KENT- so you okay?

NEAL-Yeah Im good lets just go to miami so we can get back...and Im getting back in the gym.

Tavon smiles and shakes Neal's hand.

TAVON- Single Season incoming my boy.

NEAL- I don't even know how to be single.

TAVON-it's easy it's like this.

Tavon looks around the mall at the different shoppers walking pass, when he notices a pretty girl. He puts on his most charming face.

TAVON-how you doing beautiful?

SHANICE- Well hello.

TAVON-where you heading to?

SHANICE-you wanna walk with me and see?

Tavon smirks and him and Shanice walk off.

NEAL-Just that easy?

KENT-he was himself girls like confident guys.

NEAL- Yeah nah see I would of probably like forgot my name or something.

MEKHI- you've got to chill.

NEAL-it took me nine years to tell Morgan I liked her...and that still wasn't something I easily said.

KENT-that's the thing the girls are not Morgan.

NEAL-of course not.

KENT- no what I'm saying is have fun just date around you don't have to take it so seriously. Every girl you talk to is not going end in some epic romance...sometimes it just for the meantime.. and that's okay.

NEAL-says the married guy.

KENT- I dated girls before Taylor and I got with Taylor and realized I didn't want anyone else, but I didn't plan that.

NEAL-I know but I didn't plan this either.

KENT-I know but in the got to live your life Neal what's meant to be will be for sure.


Taylor stands in the mirror of the bathroom trying to zipping her dress.

Zhuri enters.

ZHURI- I got you.

Zhuri begins to zipping the back of her dress.

TAYLOR- No it's fine-

ZHURI- T there are like hives all over you.

Taylor quickly turns around.

TAYLOR- No it's not it's just um mosquito bites.

ZHURI- girl these are not mosquito bites.

TAYLOR- it is I promise.

ZHURI- you just lied.

TAYLOR- can you pls not...I have to go.

ZHURI- you can talk to me.

TAYLOR- there's nothing to talk about...again I'm fine.

ZHURI- I know how it feels to be the fine person...wearing a mask pretending that everything is okay....when it's not...and we've talked about our problems but we havent really talked about yours.

TAYLOR-Yes we did you asked me how it went with Kent.

ZHURI- I'm not talking about that Im talking about just you.

Taylor phone vibrates.

TAYLOR-That's my uber...I'm sorry I have to go... but I'll meet yall at the beach?

ZHURI- Okay.

Taylor walks out of the bathroom and leaves.

MORGAN-What was that?

ZHURI-I think it's something else going on with her more than what she's saying.

MORGAN-like what?

ZHURI-I don't know...but Im worried about her.

MORGAN- finding out you had a miscarriage is pretty rough.

ZHURI- I  know but I just thought it might be something else, but maybe I'm ready to go to the beach?

MORGAN- Absolutely lets go.

Morgan and Zhuri leave.


Tavon is walking back towards them when he runs into another girl.

TAVON-What you say?

Jada laughs.

JADA-What? Boy I didn't say anything to you.

TAVON- my bad I thought I heard you say you miss me or something.

Jada laughs.

JADA- I'm gonna need you to get your ears checked.

TAVON- You didn't say you didn't miss me though.

JADA- I don't even know you to miss you.

TAVON- we can change that.

Jada looks at him with a smile.


Kent Mekhi and Neal stand in line for chic fila at the food court.

KENT- We  gotta go soon to catch our flight.

MEKHI- here comes Tavon now.

NEAL- Bro two girls?

TAVON- when Im hot Im hot. What can I say?

NEAL-what if the other girl saw you talking to the other?

Tavon scoffs.

TAVON- I don't care, I am single. and single Tavon needs a roster.

NEAL- a roster?

MEKHI- you play basketball and don't know what a roster is?

NEAL- Shut up I know what a roster is.

TAVON- listen you have a rotation of people you date and talk to. You just have fun and because you have no ties you pick and choose who you want to date that day.

NEAL-that's a lot of work.

TAVON- it's easy...lets find your first prospect.

NEAL-What now here?

MEKHI- The mall is the easiest place to find someone.

Maya begins to walk pass them and she gives Neal a little smile.

NEAL- Oh Maya.

KENT-shorty that brought you to prom?


MEKHI-she's cute.

NEAL- I mean I guess.

TAVON-what's wrong with her Neal?

NEAL- I didn't say anything was wrong...I just me personally I haven't looked at her like that before.

TAVON- Well get to looking because you're about to go get her number.

NEAL-What? I cant just go up to her.

KENT- You are Neal Carter...captain of the state champions...the second smartest kid in school.


KENT- obviously not gonna put anyone over Taylor.

NEAL- But I have more A's.

KENT-do you? because you missed a lot of time.

NEAL-Yeah but if you lump it together-

MEKHI-you two dead ass?

TAVON- look everything Kent and you got the most popular girl at school to go out with you, while still being well you.

NEAL-thank you?

Kent laughs.

TAVON- I'm saying stop acting scared and go talk to shorty.

Neal sighs and walks over to Maya.

NEAL- (clears his throat) hey Maya.

MAYA- hey Neal, didn't expect to see you today.

NEAL-Yeah I was off but I um I quit today.

MAYA-you quit?

NEAL-Yeah it was becoming a but too much.

MAYA-that's understandable....well I have to get back...I'll miss seeing you thought take care of yourself.

NEAL- Thanks.

Maya smiles and begins walking back to her stand.

NEAL-Hey Maya.

She stops and turns around.


NEAL-you wouldn't want to maybe text sometime....would you?

Maya smiles a little.

MAYA- I thought you had a girlfriend?

NEAL- I did but we um...we broke up....

MAYA-Oh Im sorry.

NEAL-No it's cool....actually it's not my bad...I'll be honest I dont think Im ready to text someone right now.

MAYA- I get it.

Neal nods and starts to walk away.

MAYA- But.

Neal turns around.

MAYA- if you decide to change your's my number (she takes his phone) text me if you want to talk or don't want to talk, okay?

She hands him his phone back,

NEAL- Um Okay.

Maya smirks and walks away. Neal walks back over to his friends.

TAVON-it looks like I saw you get her number.

NEAL- I kinda did.

KENT- how did you kinda get a number?

NEAL- doesn't matter y'all ready to hit Miami?

MEKHI- Hell Yeah.

KENT- Lets go.


Taylor is in the middle of interviewing Chase.

TAYLOR- so Chase we made it happen you're on the show. You have won so much so far with Calvert Hall  we have so much to discuss but I obviously want to start with your decision.

Chase smiles.

CHASE- let's get into it....I've decided to accept University of Miami's offer. I'll be the starting Quarterback. 

TAYLOR- When did you know this would be the right move for you?

CHASE- Coach Cristobal is an obvious legend.

Taylor nods.

CHASE- I was already a fan with watching their games anyway I was always impressed with their stunts and blitzes. I also like to take on challenges they haven't won a championship in years so I want to come to a team where I can dominate and create my own dynasty.

TAYLOR- (smiling) Create my own Dynasty...okay.

Chase laughs.

TAYLOR- so what's your end goal?

CHASE-championship by year two at least and than the NFL but you know that's a little down the line.

TAYLOR- of course.


Morgan and Zhuri are walking along the beach.

MORGAN- okay it's nothing but older people here.

ZHURI-Yeah it's definitely not anyone here our age.

MORGAN- it has to be some hot spot here.

ZHURI- I think we're walking on the hot spot now.

MORGAN- you know what I mean... like a club for us to party at tonight.

ZHURI- club? Party?

MORGAN- Yes we said we came away to have fun so what's what we're gonna do.

ZHURI- I know but.

MORGAN- not buts us Alexander twins are single at the same time and we are the finest girls on this beach...we are leaving our Neal and Tavon blues on the plane remember?

ZHURI- Yeah I know you're more doubting, in fact Zhuri is left on the plane too.


ZHURI- Zhuri over thinks about her ex and her feeling and her art. But Olivia she goes after what she wants and she doesn't care what anyone thinks.

Morgan smiles.

MORGAN- wait I like that....Morgan is all caught up on avenger boy but Brooke wants....

Morgan looks around and spots a guy, getting out of his car and is walking towards their way.

MORGAN- a rich guy to have fun with.

ZHURI- wait are you seriously going to talk to him?

MORGAN- No....he'll come to talk to me.

ZHURI- how do you know that?

MORGAN- once again finest girls on the beach Z....keep up.

Morgan and Zhuri walk towards a stand to get something to drink.

When DONTAYE and XAVIER notice them and walk towards them.

MORGAN-(low voice) told you.

ZHURI- oh wow.

MORGAN-(to cashier) can I have a lemonade please, light ice. (To Zhuri) you want anything?

ZHURI- just a water.

MORGAN-(to cashier) water too please.

CASHIER- Okay that'll be $8.25.

Morgan starts to take out her money. When Dontaye rushes over.

DONTAYE-oh no do not touch your card beautiful I got this one.

MORGAN- oh you do?

DONTAYE- absolutely and I'm Dontaye.

He takes out her hand for her to shake but she doesn't.

MORGAN- hmm I'm Brooke...and I'll take a funnel cake too.

DONTAYE- (to cashier) add on a funnel cake too my guy..,.anything else?

MORGAN- oh you must be desperate.

XAVIER- desperate is his middle name.

Zhuri laughs.


ZHURI- Olivia.

XAVIER- Olivia that's pretty.

ZHURI- thank you.

The cashier hands Morgan her funnel cake and lemonade and Zhuri her water.

MORGAN- Thank how old are y'all?

DONTAYE- bout 25.

MORGAN- 25? Oh Ew. Hell no....we are seventeen no thanks.

DONTAYE- wait wait I'm lying I thought y'all were older we are eighteen.

MORGAN- Sure Robert.

Xavier laughs.

XAVIER- she's funny.

DONTAYE- I can show you our ID's.

MORGAN- okay show me.

DONTAYE- damn trust issues.

Dontaye and Xavier take out their ID's showing they are eighteen.

MORGAN- oh and you just turned eighteen too you're a Gemini yikes.

DONTAYE- what's wrong with a Gemini?

MORGAN- y'all are crazy.

Dontaye smirks.

DONTAYE- sometimes crazy can be good.

MORGAN- is it?

DONTAYE- speaking for myself, but that's why we're here...for my birthday.

MORGAN- so what do y'all have planned to do?

DONTAYE- hang out with you of course.

Morgan laughs.

MORGAN- boy.

Dontaye smirks.

DONTAYE- I'm serious. Ya'll  wanna have some fun?

Morgan and Zhuri both give him a curios look.


We see a montage of Morgan and Zhuri hanging out with Dontaye and Xavier.

We see them building sandcastles, they go Jet Skiing, they begin to walk the Art Deco Historic District check out some street art and lastly they walk the board walk to get food.

MORGAN- that was fun.

ZHURI- it was.

DONTAYE- so where are y'all from?

MORGAN- Baltimore.

XAVIER- oh shit say two for me.

Dontaye laughs.

MORGAN- boy fuck you.

Zhuri laughs.

ZHURI- don't play us.

Xavier laughs.

XAVIER- I'm just fucking around...but y'all accents do be strong as fuck.

MORGAN- Yeah we hear that all time.

DONTAYE- y'all's not that bad though.

ZHURI- where y'all from?

XAVIER- North Carolina.

MORGAN- (in a southern accent) I'm from North Carolina.

Zhuri laughs.

DONTAYE- (laughing) oh yeah

XAVIER- you laughing at her?

ZHURI- yes that was funny I'm sorry.

XAVIER- I can forgive you if walk me to get some ice cream?

ZHURI- Hmm, okay.

Xavier and Zhuri walk away.

DONTAYE- so tell me about you.

MORGAN- you know enough.

DONTAYE- all I know is your name age and where you're from.

Morgan smiles

MORGAN- that's enough.

Dontaye laughs

DONTAYE- no that's enough.

MORGAN- if you want to ask if I have like a boyfriend or something the um the answer is no.

DONTAYE- oh nah I would never ask that because I don't care if you have a boyfriend that would be his problem.

MORGAN- oh so you must can fight?

Dontaye laughs.

DONTAYE- why do you say that like this impossible.

MORGAN- just never heard no one say North Carolinas guys got hands....I don't know.

DONTAYE- (laughing) you are crazy man.

Morgan laughs.


DONTAYE- you keep talking crazy to me, I'll just take that as you're in love with me.

MORGAN- Whoa slow down.

DONTAYE- it's okay I tend to have that affect on girls.

Morgan smirks.

MORGAN- Yeah I'm sure North Carolina population of baddies goes crazy for you.

Dontaye laughs.

DONTAYE- Relax man, so why are y'all in Miami.

MORGAN- girls trip.

DONTAYE- so we just ruined y'all trip huh?

MORGAN- Nah y'all are cool.

DONTAYE- for north Carolina's guys huh?

Morgan laughs.

MORGAN- Yeah y'all not that country.

DONTAYE-y'all not that British.

Morgan laughs.


DONTAYE- Baltimore people sound like old English men.

MORGAN- stop hating.

DONTAYE- Nah I'm not hating I like anything coming from you.

Morgan looks at him this sits with her a little but not in the way she thought it would.

Zhuri and Xavier are walking back from getting ice cream.

ZHURI- I told you vegan ice cream tastes the same.

XAVIER- It does I'm shocked a little.

Zhuri laughs.

XAVIER- is like your whole family vegan?

ZHURI- Nah just me.

XAVIER- I know y'all thanksgiving be crazy.

ZHURI- I wish our thanksgiving's were crazy because of food choices actually.

XAVIER- Yeah families can be tiring.

ZHURI- you don't know the half.

XAVIER- so you're into art and stuff?

ZHURI- how'd you know?

XAVIER- when we were checking out the street art earlier the three of us were looking at it just amazed but you were looking at it like you wanted to join in.

ZHURI- oh yeah look at you noticing stuff.

XAVIER- Why would I not be staring at the prettiest girl here?

Zhuri blushes a little and then rolls her eyes.

ZHURI- how many girls have you said that to today?

XAVIER- Only you....because it's true it's not game or anything. I'm being honest....the second I saw you I knew I wanted to talk to you.

ZHURI- Oh well....thank you. That's sweet.

They reach Morgan and Dontaye.

XAVIER- so how long are y'all in Miami?

ZHURI- just the weekend.

DONTAYE- then we have to make tonight birthday party is tonight y'all should slide through.

MORGAN- where is it?

DONTAYE- the classic cat.

ZHURI- the classic what?

Xavier laughs.

XAVIER- it's a restaurant and club all the celebrities go to crazy action.

MORGAN- Okay we'll be there.

DONTAYE- as my date?

Morgan smiles.

MORGAN- as a guest.


MORGAN- guest.

DONTAYE- Date and Guest have the same words.

MORGAN- not it doesn't Date is literally spelled-

DONTAYE- so you agree it's a date? Thank you.

Dontaye and Xavier start to leave.

DONTAYE- I'll text you the address!

Morgan laughs.

MORGAN- it's not a date!

Taylor appears.

TAYLOR- oh I leave you bitches alone for what 3 hours and you dates already?

MORGAN- T! Where the hell have you been?

TAYLOR- the interview went a little long sorry.

ZHURI- you missed a fun day.

TAYLOR- I know and it's almost night time now.

Morgan smirks.

MORGAN- it's a good thing Miami is known for night life.

TAYLOR- how would you know that?

MORGAN- I know everything.

ZHURI- we have a party to go to.

TAYLOR- oh that's what y'all boyfriends was talking about?

ZHURI- please be serious.

MORGAN- but the guy Dontaye is having a birthday party at The Classic Cat and we're going.

TAYLOR- the classic what?

ZHURI- I said the same thing.

Morgan laughs.

MORGAN- let's go get ready.


We see a montage of Morgan Taylor and Zhuri as they try on different outfits helping each other find the perfect one the party and each others hair and make up.


Taylor is taking pictures of Morgan and Zhuri overlooks the view.

MORGAN- Wait I want to change shoes. Be right back.

Morgan walks through the balcony doors to go back inside the hotel.

TAYLOR- I am not your personal photographer!

MORGAN- you don't say that when I'm literally squatting to get the right angles for your pictures!

TAYLOR- that's different.

Zhuri laughs.

TAYLOR-what are you thinking about?

ZHURI- um nothing.

TAYLOR- okay Taylor.

Zhuri sighs.

ZHURI- okay I would say fair but you still haven't told me what's been going on with you either.

TAYLOR- I've um been having these crazy nightmares with like me fighting with different versions of myself.

ZHURI- what the hell?

TAYLOR- but Z it seems so real like some void stiles type shit....I don't know....and every time I'm by myself and I start to even think about what Kent told's like I start to break.

ZHURI- that's why you've been staying up late with Morgan....that's why you wanted to come here?


ZHURI- Aww Taylor....I'm sorry this is happening to you .

MORGAN- why didn't you tell me?

TAYLOR- y'all both were going though stuff....I just wanted to be there for y'all.

ZHURI- we're supposed to be there for each other it's not a one way thing.

MORGAN- I'm new to the whole friendship thing but she's right.

Taylor smiles and then she begins to cry a little.

Morgan holds.

MORGAN- Aw my baby.

TAYLOR- (crying) I'm sorry...I just want to remember who I was.

ZHURI- don't be sorry.

TAYLOR- (crying) I don't wanna ruin the trip.

ZHURI- it's not.

Morgan begins to cry.

ZHURI- oh no why are you crying?

MORGAN- (crying) I was so tied up in my break up with Neal I didn't even noticed my best friend was breaking down.

TAYLOR-(crying) no no I hid it pretty well and I know the break up was hard for you.

Zhuri begins to cry.

ZHURI-(crying) I enjoyed myself with a guy that wasn't Tavon.....I feel so bad.

MORGAN-(crying) it doesn't mean anything.

ZHURI-(crying) yes it does he's not even that cute,

TAYLOR-(crying) I hate Miami.

They all hug each other.

MORGAN-(crying) me too....wait my make is going to be so fucked now.

They all burst into laughs.

TAYLOR- this is not how this weekend was supposed to go.

ZHURI-it's not over yet...we can still go to that party.

MORGAN- you sure you want to go?

ZHURI- Yeah...I want to have fun and I want you guys to have fun too....and I don't want you guys to feel like you can't take shots or drink because of me. It's okay.

MORGAN- um hell no.

ZHURI- hell yes...I appreciate with all of you have been doing for me but in the real world people aren't going to stop drinking or using drugs for me....I have to be able to be okay around it....and I feel okay....and Taylor's definitely needs a shot.

Taylor laughs.

TAYLOR- I don't.

ZHURI- (laughing) Yeah okay.

MORGAN- proud of you Z.

Zhuri smiles.

MORGAN- so let's touch up our makeup and be out.


The restaurant is closing up and Landy is on her way way out and Reggie is cleaning the counter and checking his phone in between.

LANDY- you get any hits yet?

Reggie laughs.

REGGIE- I actually did.

LANDY- see I told you. Works wonders.

REGGIE- well you did exaggerated my bio a bit.

LANDY- What? No I didn't. I just put all the things I see. You're a great guy Reg. Always have been.

Landy steps closer to him.

REGGIE-Thank you.

They share a kiss. Paul enters.

PAUL- whoa we selling food or sex in here?

REGGIE- We're closed man.

PAUL- Don't look like it to me.

REGGIE- I don't care what if looks like to you...listen to what I'm saying out my mouth.

LANDY- It's okay Reg, I got it I've seen him around here before I'll walk him out.

Paul laughs.

REGGIE- No you won't. He can leave on his own...better yet I'll walk you out.

Paul smirks.

PAUL- nah you got it man you won....I'll leave trust me I got what I came here for.

Paul winks at Landy and leaves.

REGGIE- People get bold more and more everyday....are you okay?

LANDY- Yeah um I'm great ...I should go.

REGGIE- You don't think we should talk about what happened?

LANDY- Let's just say we got caught up in the moment....I'll call you tomorrow.

Reggie nods.


Landy looks at him one last time and leaves.


Party dance montage the club is filled with tons of people drinking and partying.

Morgan Taylor and Zhuri walk in.

TAYLOR- damn it looks like everyone in Miami is here tonight.

ZHURI- Yeah it's lit.

TAYLOR- there go y'all boyfriends.

Morgan and Zhuri both look across the dance floor

ZHURI- Damn I lied he is cute.

MORGAN- he got a hair cut sis cheat code.

ZHURI- Right right.

TAYLOR- let's go dance.

Taylor pulls them out onto the dance floor and the begin to dance. They have boys in front of them, but the guys cannot keep up with the girls, who are really dancing with each other. They have what looks like an
elaborate choreography routine that they are performing to perfection. The three guys, dancing back to back trying to get their attention turn to each other and exchange sympathetic looks.

The DJ changes the song that everyone was enjoying and the entire room becomes upset and begins to yell gives him evil looks.

Dontaye notices Morgan dancing she finally glances his way he smiles and arches his eyes brows. She glared at him impassively.

Xavier and Zhuri catches eyes and he makes a face to make her laugh and she does. And he nods for her to come near the DJ booth but she playfully shakes her head no.

TAYLOR- I'm about to see how far my sisters ID can get me...I'll be back.

Zhuri laughs.

MORGAN-if you're not back in five minutes I'm coming for you.

TAYLOR- Okay mom.

Dontaye and Xavier then come near Morgan and Zhuri are and start dancing.

MORGAN-are y'all challenging us or something?

ZHURI- that's what it's giving.

DONTAYE- that depends.

XAVIER- can y'all keep up?

ZHURI- boy please.

Morgan and Zhuri both laugh at them.

XAVIER- y'all think y'all can dance better?

Morgan and Zhuri both smile at each other and accept the challenge. The girls and guys are facing off in the middle of the dance floor. Trying to outdo each other with the latest dances.

Zhuri and Xavier grin in each other's face as they sweat, enjoying the competition. It's a magic moment, when dance mixes with romance.

They continue the dance floor, where everyone is watching them make a space. The music is jamming hard.

NEAL- ain't this a bitch.

MORGAN-(shocked) Neal?

TAVON- Y'all look nice.

XAVIER- Olivia y'all know them?

Tavon smirks.

TAVON- Olivia...that's cute...but no I've never met Olivia before. Y'all carry on.

Tavon walks off.

ZHURI- Fuck.

MORGAN- Neal what are you doing here?

NEAL- could ask you the same looks like you're having the time of your life.


MEKHI- he said it looks like you're having the time of your life.

MORGAN- (annoyed) I got it Mekhi.

NEAL- You definitely do.

Neal walks off.


XAVIER- is someone going say what the hell is going on?

ZHURI- this was fun but

MORGAN- Miami is over. We gotta go.

ZHURI- I'll talk to talk to Tavon?

MORGAN- That's a plan.

They high five each other and walk off.

XAVIER- did we just get dumped?

DONTAYE- nah you did I'm already on to the next one.

Dontaye goes back to dancing.


Taylor stands on the bar dancing and rapping to the music pretty much having the time of her life and she's a bit tipsy.

TAYLOR-(rapping) Who the fuck y'all hoes playing wit' anyways? City Girls make em wish like Ray J All these niggas wanna fuck JT.

KENT- They do?

TAYLOR- Oh shit...Kent.

KENT- Hello wife.

TAYLOR- What are you? How did you?

Kent laughs.

KENT- mmhm. Yeah...that little city girl tour you was's over.

Kent helps her down and she clings to him a bit.

TAYLOR- you smell good.

KENT- No way you're drunk.

TAYLOR- I'm not. I'm fine. I can walk.

She tries to walk but trips a bit.

KENT- I um I see that. let's go get some air.

Kent puts his arm around her.

TAYLOR- but I wanna rap Yung Miami's part.

KENT- I know I know.

They go outside.


Zhuri approaches Neal and she dances a little bit.

NEAL- what are you doing?

ZHURI- isn't that how that guy was dancing in Step Up?

NEAL- are you talking about Moose?

ZHURI- Yeah. He ate that.

Neal laughs.

NEAL- that is not what he was doing.

ZHURI- you're probably right I've only seen that movie like once but you know who has seen it like a thousand times.

Neal gets a not amused look on his face.

ZHURI- (smiling) Morgan.

NEAL- look Zhuri if you came over here to play love doctor I really don't wanna hear it right now.

ZHURI- so what she came to Miami and was dancing with some guy.

NEAL- I don't care about that nigga in that tight as white suit.

ZHURI- oh yeah that will show him.

Neal sighs. Zhuri laughs.

ZHURI- Neal come on you're not really mad.

NEAL- you're correct. I'm not mad about that....I'm mad about the break up...I didn't realize it until now I was busy being hurt but nah I'm pissed up.

ZHURI- I mean I broke up with you at the dance and you forgave me....remember those days.

Neal laughs.

NEAL- Zhuri I need you to be for real.

ZHURI- did you or did you not forgive me for the same thing? And I got pretty nasty in front the whole school....keyed your car too.

NEAL- that was my Dads car...I literally got grounded for that.

ZHURI- oh yikes well um just think about the now Neal.

NEAL- the now is I didn't have to forgive you for break up with me I deserved it....but this I didn't deserve this.

ZHURI- she felt neglected.

NEAL- and I get that I really I have analyzed this entire thing but what I also know is....Morgan is an amazing a girl and probably a girl I will never get over because I love her that much....but I'm amazing too. Im the guy that when I left for Boston I made sure not to talk to her because I didn't want her involved with any of this but I wrote her three hundred and sixty six letters....I'm the guy that stood on a damn table in front old white people to say how much I love her....I fought through those walls that she had up I did that....I come up short once and we're just done? Like how long did it take her to break up with Desmond?

Zhuri looks shocked a bit not expecting this.

ZHURI- Damn I was not expecting to agree with you...what happened to immature Neal?

NEAL- he's still there I tripped on the way in here.

ZHURI- Okay the world is balanced....but seriously look everything you said you're right but I know my sister she loves you.

NEAL- I know she does but....she's going have to fight for me for once....I've been in the ring by myself for too long.

ZHURI- Neal come on.

NEAL- I'm dead ass.

ZHURI- fighting for a man?

NEAL- It's all fair in love and war right?

ZHURI- me and Tavon been having more lately.

NEAL- do you want to be with him?

ZHURI- of course I do.

NEAL- so..

ZHURI- I gotta put myself first without a relationship right now...after everything that just happened. And yes I feel fine right now and to be honest I'm sorry Tae had to see that I guess but I had fun today. I didn't feel like the addict girl or the sad girl I just felt pretty and like I didn't know what to expect....and then we go back home and I might still have my creative block and what if I'm down again? I don't want Tavon to be the boyfriend of the girl who's emotions are always up and down....and right now I feel a lot like up and down but Im getting better....and when Im ready he's the first person Im going tell.


Morgan attempts to shake Tavon's hand.

MORGAN- Yo yo my guy what's goody!


MORGAN- what's up my nigga? You heard that new 21 tape. Fire.

TAVON- you have never listened it 21 savage a day in your life.

Morgan laughs.

MORGAN- you are so right bestie.

TAVON- now I'm bestie?

MORGAN- come on we been bestie's remember you stayed up with me and we watch The Vampire Diaries until the end.

TAVON- you didn't even let me finish after Klaus left.

MORGAN- now Tavon does that really matter?

TAVON- what can I help you with Morgan or are you going by Brooke too?

MORGAN- you know my middle name see besties.

TAVON- Morgan.

MORGAN- okay look I was just checking on the gang,

Tavon laughs.

TAVON- can you not talk like that?

MORGAN- that's how you talk.

TAVON- absolutely not.

MORGAN- You literally do. Zhuri even picked up on it too, you know Zhuri my amazing sister.

TAVON- where is she? I thought Olivia was here tonight.

MORGAN- don't be nasty bro.

TAVON- Morgan I swear if you use one more slang word.

MORGAN- Taylor calls you bro.

TAVON- she's gang.

MORGAN- and I'm not gang?

TAVON- you are from Owings Mills sweetheart.

MORGAN- it's gangs there.

Tavon sighs.

TAVON- (laughing) bro I cannot deal with you right now.

MORGAN- so deal with Zhuri.

Tavon brushes her off.

MORGAN- look we just wanted to come here and have fun away from all things Lynview just for a weekend. And we used are middle names to just spice it up.

TAVON- look I'm not at her for coming here or dancing with little Jacob Latimore-

MORGAN- omg he does look like Jacob Latimore.

They both laugh.

TAVON- look I'm just mad that she felt like she can't have fun with me.

MORGAN- but she can she just can't do the relationship part. And she's not doing that with anybody. It was just a dance.

TAVON- and what does dances lead to?

MORGAN- (sarcastic) weddings obviously.

TAVON- I'm probably being dramatic...I just didn't expect to see her with someone else.

MORGAN- it's nothing. She'll never see or think about that guy again.

TAVON- and what about you?

MORGAN- oh I was dancing with the other guy.

TAVON- Girl you know what I'm talking about.

Morgan sighs.

MORGAN- the whole time I was hanging with that guy all I could think about was Neal....I miss him.

TAVON- so why did you break up with him?

MORGAN- because I was scared....I thought that's what it was coming to anyway so I tried to pull the plug first okay!

Tavon looks at her.

MORGAN- it's probably stupid I'm probably crazy for it but that's how I starts off with the small things of not calling every day or missing calls and forgetting about each other and the arguments and then the next thing you know we're hating each other and we're just existing together.

TAVON- Neal is not Marvin and you are not Kim. You can't do that.

MORGAN- Yeah because my parents have always been like this? No you get there eventually. And I don't want that for me and Neal...I don't want to resent him. So I'd rather it be like this.

TAVON- y'all just missing each other.

Morgan looks at him.

TAVON- how is that out of all of us Kent and Taylor are the only ones that can figure out while the rest of us are just being scared.

MORGAN- I don't know. Maybe we should all get married.

Tavon laughs.

TAVON- Mekhi would be down for that.

They look at Mekhi' dancing on the dance floor.

MORGAN- (laughing) absolutely he would.


Kent and Taylor stands outside in mid conversation. Taylor has on Kent's jacket and is drinking a bottle of water.

KENT- you okay?

TAYLOR- Yes thank you....I know you probably want a explanation.

KENT- I just wanna know why are you running from me?

TAYLOR- Im not running from you Im running from Lynview....and just're everything that's home.

KENT- why are you running away?

Taylor throws the water bottle.

TAYLOR- because I don't know who I am! And I hate it......I hate it so much. It's embarrassing.

KENT- you have nothing to be embarrassed about.

TAYLOR- you don't get it this is not who I am...I'm the girl that's supposed to have it all together and I don't right now and it scares the hell out of me Kent.

KENT- and you are right...I don't get it but T I swear I wish I did....I blame myself every day....I mean this happened to you because of me and I wish every day you would of let it just be me.

TAYLOR- no I don't want you to feel that way I don't blame you....this was never about you.

KENT- I know you don't I really do but sometimes I feel that way when you shut me out. Why didn't you feel you could tell me about the nightmares? You can't shut me out Taylor we're supposed to be a team.

Taylor begins to cry.

TAYLOR- (crying) Im embarrassed.

Kent holds her.

KENT- come here...if you feel like you can't be embarrassed around me than I'm not doing my job. And I can't know these things if you don't tell me and I'll know how to act on it. If you're sad I'll be sad with you if you feel like saying fuck the world tell me because I'll say fuck them too...and if you're worried about never knowing who Taylor is again I can make you a list of things that I love about her.

Taylor looks at her and wipes her tears.

KENT- Okay? It's me and you.

TAYLOR- Okay...I'm sorry.

KENT- it's okay....Neal told me about the dreams too.

TAYLOR- can I stay with you for a couple of days?

KENT- of course.

Kent misses her cheek.


Everyone arrives back to town and begins to say their goodbyes.

KENT- (smiling) oh Hey Brooke and Olivia.

ZHURI- Shut up Gabriel.

MORGAN- go to hell.

KENT- telling me to go hell after calling me by Gabriel which is a name from the Bible is insane. M

Morgan laughs.

TAVON-(to Taylor) you okay?

TAYLOR- little.

TAVON- anytime you ever feel like you can sleep or whatever it is call me man. Okay stop acting like you're by yourself I know you have Kent Neal and the power puff girls or whatever

Taylor laughs.

TAVON- but I care about you too T. Just say the word and I'm there okay.

TAYLOR- no I know I just didn't want to be annoying.

TAVON- you don't mind being annoying though when you're telling me how many turns overs Westbrook.

TAYLOR- I'm sorry but he's trash.

Tavon laughs and then he hugs her. And then Taylor nods her head to Zhuri.

Tavon walks over to her.

TAVON- can we talk in like five minutes?

ZHURI- (confused) five minutes?

TAVON- I have to use the bathroom.

Zhuri laughs and Tavon hands her his phone and suitcase.

MORGAN-(to Neal) you going just not talk to me?

NEAL- I did talk to you?

MORGAN- you asked me to pass you some cookies.

NEAL- I was hungry.

MORGAN- Neal can you be serious.

NEAL- okay seriously. I love you... like a lot.

MORGAN- I know and I love you you too-

NEAL- I'm not done um...I've thought about this break up time and time again and even when I quit yesterday-

MORGAN- wait you quit your job?

NEAL- Yeah Kent made me realize-

MORGAN- you quit your job for Kent?

NEAL- No see you don't listen after prom both Taylor and then Kent made me realize-

MORGAN-you could of literally said you was quitting at prom.

NEAL- oh and that would of changed your mind with how you feeling.

MORGAN- obviously!

NEAL- oh because it would feed your ego that I quit a job for you because Neal life runs around Morgan right ?

MORGAN- if that's what you want to say.

NEAL- I'm done.

Neal starts to walk off.

MORGAN- I was down first! I broke up with you!

Neal puts in his head phones.

MORGAN- I hate him! Ugh.

Morgan pulls her suitcase and starts to leave.

TAYLOR- they're going to get married one day.

ZHURI- definitely.

Kent laughs. Tavon approaches.

TAVON- what I miss?

MEKHI- just the opening scene to why did I get married too.

Zhuri smiled at Tavon.

ZHURI- I'm sure Shanice and Jada can catch you up though.

TAYLOR- who?

KENT- Yeah nah...let's go to the car.

Kent pulls Taylor hand.

TAYLOR- wait no who are they?

KENT- nobody baby nobody

TAVON- you looked through my phone?

ZHURI- I didn't have too they both just texted you.

MEKHI- you gave her your phone? Stupid.

TAVON- Khi...

MEKHI- I'm gone.

Mekhi leaves.

ZHURI- you were so mad at me and you're talking to two girls?

TAVON- I was going apologize about that....I was just jealous but I'm not mad at you.

ZHURI- yeah because you have absolutely no room to be.

TAVON- um I think I do if I was...I'm not the one that wanted to be broken up.

ZHURI- that's not fair.

TAVON- it's not it's not as easy as black and white but what am I supposed to do?

ZHURI- nothing can talk to whoever you want.

Zhuri starts to leave. Tavon watched her.


Kent and Taylor sit inside talking to Taylor's doctor.

DOCTOR- do you know for certain what's the last thing you remember?

TAYLOR- the first thing that comes to my 16th birthday party at my house....I was sad my Dad couldn't be there I thought he was getting out and I wanted to have that father daughter dance with him but I couldn't. Me and. Justin were arguing I can't remember why...but Neal danced with me....and we weren't talking to Tavon but deep down I was upset he wasn't wasn't a good birthday for a sweet 16 but I took what I could get I guess.

Kent and am the doctor both take in what she said.


Kent stands in the middle of Mekhi Morgan Neal Tavon and Zhuri and you can feel the tension in the room.

KENT- look I know everyone had their moments yesterday...but I need y'all today.

MORGAN- well you know Neal wil come through for you.

NEAL- and the only way Morgan will help is if it benefits her.

MORGAN- you wasn't saying that when you were benefiting.

NEAL- So was you.

They begin to argue.

KENT- ayo!....can y'all not?

TAVON- It's them Alexander sisters man. Mood swings are crazy.

ZHURI- shut up.

KENT- Taylor last thing she remembers for sure is her sixteen birthday and it was terrible....I want to give her a good seventeenth birthday...and I have some ideas to help her remember maybe....but I need y'all help.

Everyone nods and agrees.

TAVON- of course. M

NEAL- we got you.

MORGAN-absolutely no one else could decorate it.

KENT- Can y'all do it without arguing?

Morgan Neal Tavon and Zhuri all look at each other.

MORGAN- stupid.

NEAL- I'm not stupid.

MORGAN- didn't you get like a 88?

Zhuri laughs.

NEAL- you literally only started going to class because of me.

TAVON- attendance was trash.

Neal laughs.

ZHURI- now why are you in it and you've missed more days than her?


NEAL- (mocking her) boom.

They continue to argue.

KENT- here we fucking go.


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