A World of Another Kind

By TheTwinsWrite

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This story, written by Aubrey and Kaylee, is a fanfiction based off the ABC studios, Once Upon a Time tv show... More

Chapter 1 A Strange Land
Chapter 2 The Beanstalk
Chapter 3 The Queen
Chapter 4 The Brew of Frozen Blood
Chapter 5 A True Friend
Chapter 6 The Urn and the Sword
Chapter 7 A Fearful Night
Chapter 8 Snow White
Chapter 9 Escape
Chapter 10 The Cyclone
Chapter 11 The Wicked Witch of the West
Chapter 12 "Surprise!"
Chapter 13 "Follow the White Rabbit"
Chapter 14 Neverland
Chapter 15 The Lost Boys
Chapter 16 The Elixir
Chapter 17 The Way to Victory
Chapter 18 Dead Man's Chest
Chapter 19 A Weight to Shoulder
Chapter 20 Maleficent
Chapter 21 Agrabah
Chapter 22 Jafar
Chapter 23 Welcome to Storybrooke
Chapter 24 The Story Book
Chapter 25 Awake
Chapter 26 Time Aberration
Chapter 27 A Town with Magic
Chapter 28 The Return of Zelena
Chapter 29 Time Travel
Chapter 30 The Mystery Man
Chapter 31 Manhattan
Chapter 32 Reunited
Chapter 33 The Wraith
Chapter 34 Camelot
Chapter 35 Merlin
Chapter 36 DunBroch
Chapter 37 The Holy Grail
Chapter 38 The Battle
Chapter 39 The Forest of Eternal Night
Chapter 40 Destiny of the Purehearted
Chapter 42 The Corbenic King
Chapter 43 The Final Battle
Chapter 44 Back at Last
Chapter 45 Love and Courage
Chapter 46 A Happy Ending

Chapter 41 The Return of the Dark Wizard

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By TheTwinsWrite

Narrated by Kaylee

     I was sleeping, and I started to restlessly toss and turn; for I was dreaming, and in this dream, I saw a high, stone wall that was covered with vines. Facilier confronted the wall as he held the sword of Nayu. I angerly marched over to him to try and take the sword back, but he didn't appear to see me. It was as if I were only an invisible ghost. I saw him break off the ruby from the sword's handle and place it in a small opening in the wall. Next thing, I saw a swirling, black portal form in the stone wall. Facilier bowed and said, "Arise, Great Wizard, and rule again." I felt cold inside and slowly backed up. Then suddenly, I appeared midst a meeting of the Knights of the Golden Circle which Zophar held, and next moment, I appeared at a battle scene. There was slaughtering and bloodshed, and blood-curdling cries were heard everywhere. I felt paralyzed with fear. Suddenly, when I turned around, I faced the dark wizard. Then my dream ended, and I startled awake, sitting up in bed, sweating and breathing heavily. Aubrey awoke. "Another dream?" she asked nervously.

     "Yes," I replied, laying back down. I then explained my dream.

     "That must be how Zophar is released, by the ruby on the handle," Aubrey concluded with a grim expression. "Somehow a portal is created by placing the ruby in the stone wall."

     "Yeah," I replied, sitting back up. "Why else would Facilier have wanted the sword of Nayu? He planned to release Zophar with it. Now we know how he does."

     "We need to warn the others, for Zophar could make an unexpected appearance any time," Aubrey said, looking very worried.

     "Yes," I replied. "We must prepare."

     Once we all were at the breakfast table with Lancelot, Guinevere, and Merlin, I explained my dream to them. "Your dream may just explain how the dark wizard is released," Merlin said grimly. "It's certainly prophetic."

     "Bloody hell, this means war could happen any day," Hook said darkly.

     "Now that we may have a dark wizard on the loose, no one is safe," Regina put in. "Should we warn the people, Merlin?"

     "Not right now, for I don't want to arouse despair just yet when we aren't sure the exact time Zophar will make an appearance," replied Merlin.

     "We know in the end Zophar will be defeated, so we have hope," Snow said. "Hope is what we need to give the people of Camelot."

     "You make a good point," Merlin remarked, nodding at her.

     "Let's hope none of us die in the process," Regina returned solemnly. "You're forgetting how powerful this wizard is. The twins could die for goodness's sake! They are prophesied to defeat this wizard, but the prophecy never said they live."

     "Nor does the prophecy say they will perish," Merlin pointed out.

     "I am fearful, that's all," said Regina. "The twins don't ever seem to get away from prophesies. Parts of the future are left unsaid, making me fear the worst."

     "The future is unpredictable, but sometimes we just have to focus on doing the right thing at the moment rather than worrying about what might happen," Merlin replied.

     "Are you forgetting that they are only children?" Regina snapped "They could die! You know the future, Merlin; you should know what happens to them."

     "Sometimes sacrifice is required, and parts of the future should be left unknown," Merlin returned.

     "This is too big of a responsibility for two, young girls!" Regina exclaimed. "I will help defeat this wizard."

     "This is a battle they must face themselves, for fate should be left untouched," Merlin said. "As they are prophesied to face Zophar alone in the final battle, they must do so."

     "I know they will be okay," David reassured.

     "They better!" Regina retorted.

     "I need to prepare my knights for battle," Lancelot said, standing up. "David, I need you to set more patrols over the borders. We need to be ready like war is about to happen because if we wait, Camelot could be destroyed."

     "We all need to be ready, for the dark days draw near," Merlin said apprehensively.

     Facilier, who just released the dark wizard, bowed so low that his face nearly touched the grass. "Welcome back, Great Wizard," he said. "After all these years, I have finally freed you from your eternal prison."

     Zophar took a deep breath and smiled maliciously. "Oh, how good it feels to be free alas," he said. "Now I shall rule Camelot, and all will bow down to me. I will be the strongest king to ever exist. I will be feared and respected by many. And you, the one who has succeeded in freeing me from that wretched prison when none other has, will be rewarded greatly." Zophar lay a gnarly hand on Facilier's shoulder.

     "It is my honor to serve you," Facilier replied, still bowing very low.

     "Get up, what is your name?" Zophar asked.

     Facilier rose to his feet. "My name is Forneus, but call me Facilier. I am of your bloodline," he said, bowing.

     "Then Facilier, we need to form an allyship with another kingdom before attempting to overtake Camelot ourselves," said Zophar. "We must go to the neighboring kingdom, first."

     "As you wish," Facilier replied maliciously.

     Once Zophar and Facilier arrived at the kingdom of Corbenic, Zophar entered the throne room of King Otto while Facilier waited outside. "What is the meaning of this?" questioned King Otto. "You dare approach my throne, uninvited? Who are you?"

     "I believe you have heard tales of me as the former king of Camelot and a powerful wizard," Zophar replied, taking off his hood and revealing his scarred, chilling face. "My name is Zophar, the darkest and most feared wizard in all the realm."

     King Otto stared in shock and fearfully trembled in his seat. "Forgive me then, please, go on."

     "I have come to warn you that Camelot is plotting an attack against your kingdom in hopes to gain your kingdom," the dark wizard lied. "They hope to overthrow you."

     "That's outrageous!" King Otto shouted angerly as he pounded his fist against the arm of his throne. "Camelot and my kingdom have been on good terms for more than a decade. Now Camelot conspires against my kingdom? How do I know your word to be true?" he questioned, staring at the dark wizard with distrust. "What are you planning? I'm sure you wouldn't be telling me this without something in it for you."

     "Are you calling me a liar?" Zophar questioned angerly. Then he magically started to choke the king.

     "Please," gagged the king, "forgive me."

     Zophar released him, and the king coughed and gasped for air. Zophar then continued, "Now that I was saying Camelot plots an attack, I strongly encourage you to make the first move. I will fight alongside you and make sure you get a strong victory."

     "If what you are saying is true, I will summon a meeting right away," King Otto rasped.

     "And I will be attending it," the dark wizard responded.

     "Very well," King Otto replied.

     King Otto arranged a meeting. All the higher ones in the kingdom and his knights gathered around a long table with him. Zophar sat at one end of the table as the king sat on the other end. Facilier was also present, and they all discussed the plans for raging war against Camelot. One of the knights challenged Zophar's word; for he did not believe the dark wizard's word because he knew that their kingdom was on good terms with Camelot. Zophar, greatly angered, instantly killed the knight and made known to all the ones attending the meeting that whoever disagreed with him would also be killed. This made the ones attending the meaning not dare question the dark wizard. By the end of the meeting, Zophar gained approval out of the people's fear; the attack would happen against Camelot.

     News soon spread through all of Camelot that Zophar had returned, and fear was aroused through the people. Many people fled from Camelot while others did not leave their houses. The dark days were just beginning. At receiving the news, we all made sure to be ready. I felt ready to find the dark wizard and defeat him because each moment that he was walking around, I knew death would befall.

     A few days later, war horns blared, and a knight rode up and warned Lancelot that there was a huge Corbenic army advancing from about fifty miles away. War was here. We all got suited up in armor and were given weapons. Merlin surprised Aubrey and me with a full suit of armor for each of us, which he had made from scrap metal since all the other armor would not fit our small bodies. He told us that this armor was specially made and was magic-proof. We thanked the kind, old wizard, and he commanded that we suit up right away. Lancelot requested Merlin to take Guinevere to DunBroch where she would be safe and to inform DunBroch that we were in desperate need of their help. Lancelot knew that Corbenic was a larger kingdom than Camelot, so he knew their army would be larger than Camelot's army, and he felt no chance against them.

     We all mounted our horses and formed a battle line with Lancelot leading it, and we sat in wait of the impending, advancing Corbenic army. Our horses restlessly pawed the ground and swung their heads all over the place. I felt nervous and held Aubrey's hand. Soon, from a distance, I saw that a cloaked figure on a tall, black horse, led the large, Corbenic army. I turned to Aubrey and said grimly, "That must be Zophar." Then her face immediately grew pale.

     "Indeed, the dark wizard has returned," Merlin said solemnly.

     I heard Zophar at the front of the army, exclaim, "Charge!" And I saw him raise what looked to be the sword of Nayu, and it glinted in the sunlight. Immediately, there were battle cries, and we all rode toward the army, then the two armies clashed. Immediate slaughtering and bloodshed took place, and the dark wizard vanquished knights in large numbers. As I rode past him, he watched me, and I was aware of his sinister gaze. Midst the battle, King Otto and King Lancelot faced each other and dueled.

     "Why do you serve this evil wizard and declare war on us?" Lancelot questioned King Otto. "I thought our kingdoms were on good terms, so why do you suddenly turn on us? Why do you thirst for blood, and why have we become rivalries?"

     "I have good intentions," King Otto replied. "For the dark wizard informed me of your plan to overtake my kingdom, so I only fight to defend my crown."

     "And you believed his word?" Lancelot questioned. "He has deluded your mind!"

     "What do you mean?" King Otto shouted. "I've been tricked?"

     "Indeed, you have!" replied Lancelot. "We never planned such things against your kingdom."

     "I should have gone with my gut feeling," King Otto growled. "Why would he do this?"

     "My only explanation would be that he hoped to use your kingdom against my kingdom for his own sake, to overtake Camelot's throne," Lancelot concluded. "It was never about the good of your kingdom."

     "This war must end now; all of this pointless bloodshed must cease!" King Otto cried out. He then raised a white flag.

     After the fighting had ceased, Zophar, now angered, instantly killed King Otto, and he fell dead from his horse. "Now that your beloved king is dead, I am your new king," Zophar declared to the Corbenic army. "You will now continue fighting!" The army listened out of fear, and the fighting resumed. Then Zophar magically grew up vines from the ground, which entangled around horses' legs, knocking riders off, then he cast a spell on some trees to fight alongside him. The trees turned to life and used their tree limbs to throw riders off their horses. They trampled knights, crushed them with their tree limbs, and pulled knights apart limb by limb. It was a gruesome scene. Aubrey and I rode up in front of Zophar and flashed light magic at him. Then he fell off his horse.

     "Your fight is with us only!" I exclaimed to him. "You will be destroyed because good always wins! We are the purehearted ones that the great wizard, Merlin, had prophesied long ago who would destroy you, so your fight is with us."

     The dark wizard laughed scornfully as he stood up. "Then that old fool must be mistaken. Children destined to defeat me? That is quite amusing. No one can defeat me, for I'm invincible!" he exclaimed, throwing me backwards off my horse. I rolled down a hill and landed beside a dead body. Then I quickly stood up in search of my horse and found it. Then I swung onto its back and met up with Aubrey. Zophar had disappeared somewhere midst the battle.

     Merlin then confronted Zophar and blocked his horse. "Zophar, my former apprentice, you will not win this fight," he said boldly.

     "We meet again, Merlin," Zophar replied maliciously. "As I have been released from my eternal prison, it appears you have also been released from your curse as a tree. I guess we both have something to celebrate. I will win this fight, and I shall kill you this time instead of cursing you."

     "Trust me, it's not that easy," Merlin retorted, "because I had prophesied your defeat by two purehearted ones. Your end draws near."

     "You must be delusional then and had prophesied wrong," Zophar retorted tauntingly. "Those two children told me that they were the ones to defeat me. You expect me to believe that?"

     "Prophecies never lie," Merlin replied. "Your fate is inevitable."

     Zophar roared angerly and magically threw Merlin off his horse. Merlin regathered himself, then Zophar tossed him into the air. "So weak," the dark wizard spat.

     "I may be an old man, but I still have a few tricks left in these old bones of mine!" Merlin replied, then he tossed the dark wizard off his horse. At once, the two wizards fought each other. "I should have never been your teacher. You are what you are because of me, something that I will always blame myself for. It should be me who is fated to defeat you, but that is not my destiny, rather the destiny of the purehearted ones."

     "Silence, old man!" Zophar roared. Then he started to choke Merlin.

     "You may kill me but that won't prevent your fate," Merlin rasped.

     The two wizards continued their fight, and each moment, Camelot was losing.

     Hours later, a Scottish horn blared, and we saw the DunBroch army appear, overlooking a hillside, and Merida, at the lead, let out a battle cry. Then the army tore down the hill. I felt so grateful in that moment because Camelot's army would not stand a chance against the powerful Corbenic army, the spelled trees, and the entangling vines. I rode up to Merida and nodded my thanks and respect, and she dipped her head in return. The spelled trees and the vines were lit on fire from arrows containing fire and were burned. Zophar knew that his army was weakening, so he babbled a few words and shot his staff into the sky, turning the sky dark. And next moment, all the armies were immobilized except himself, Aubrey, and me. I gazed around at the three immobilized armies and wondered if the spell on them would wear off like a typical Immobilizing Spell. The dark wizard then faced us and said, "Now it's time to die and refute Merlin's prophecy. All the ones who care about you will watch your fate, and I will kill them all like I will with you. I will rule Camelot for now on, for no prophecy will get in my way. You might as well save yourselves from death if you choose to surrender to me instead."

     "Never!" we shouted angerly. "We would rather die than surrender to you!" We then flashed light magic at him while he flashed his own dark magic at us, and the magic clashed. Zophar roared and grew weaker as we grew stronger. Then he flew backwards. And suddenly, the Immobilizing Spell on the armies wore off. Zophar, now aware of that, vanished in a magic, dark cloud. So, I guess this isn't the final battle, I thought to myself.

     The Corbenic army, now overpowered by DunBroch's and Camelot's armies, surrendered and fled. The dark wizard was nowhere in sight. We all hugged and were relieved we had won.

     "So, this wasn't the final battle then," David concluded.

     "This is one of what might be many more battles against the dark wizard," Merlin returned.

     "Bloody fantastic," Hook muttered sarcastically.

     We all thanked Merida for her help, and she replied, saying that it was an honor to fight with us. She invited all of us to her kingdom to get away from the havoc, and we all agreed. After we all attended to the wounded, we rode in the Scottish vessels that brought their army here. Hook questioned how the army had arrived in Camelot so quickly, and Merida replied that they took a short cut across sea. We reached the shore of DunBroch after a few hours, and we all went to check up on Guinevere. We were informed by a midwife that she had given birth, and we all rushed into her room. She sat up in bed, cradling a small form in her arms, and she looked up at our approach. "Oh, Lancelot, you're okay! I was so worried!" Guinevere exclaimed. "Come meet Nimue."

     Lancelot looked deeply emotional and slowly approached her bedside. "May I hold her?" he asked. Guinevere lay the tiny infant in his arms, and he smiled down at the baby. "You're so beautiful," he said through tears. "My Nimue." He kissed the child tenderly.

     We all watched the heartwarming sight. Snow turned to David and lay a hand into his. "I want to have one," she said.

     "I would be the happiest father," he replied with a big smile, kissing Snow's cheek.

     I looked over to see Merlin standing in the doorway, and he had a grim expression on his face.

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