Payback: Reversal

By Aerlev13

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A third generation chaebol, Lee Yoohan, was frustrated with life and tired of succession war. He attended an... More

Prologue / The Glare of Red Moonlight
Prologue / The Whisper of Red Sunrise
1 - Dirt on My Leather
2 - Fable of the Silent Son
3 - Angel With A Shotgun (M)
4 - Wait For Me
5 - Megalomaniac
6 - I'd Come For You
7 - Dance With The Devil
8 - Misery Loves My Company (M)
9 - Oxygen
10 - Love Hurts/1 (M)
10.5 - Love Hurts/2 (M)
11 - Trying Not To Love You
12 - The Part That Hurts The Most
13 - Broken Wings
14 - Hurt
15 - Holding On To Heaven (M)
16 - Better Days
17 - In Loving Memory
18 - Wicked Game (M)
19 - Raise The Alarm
20 - Sick Sad Little World
21 - Poison In Your Veins
22 - Fly On The Wall
23 - Feed The Wolf
24 - Animals I Had Become
25 - This Is War
27 - Nothing's Fair in Love and War
28 - The End Is Here
29 - The End Is Not The Answer
30 - If Today Was Your Last Day
[Epilogue] The End Is Where We Begin

26 - I See Red (M)

1K 31 66
By Aerlev13


Yoon Jay whispered sweetly in Yoohan's ear, brushing the black hair away from the fair cheek and caressing the slightly frowning brows. The younger man didn't stir from whatever dream he had now, but since it didn't seem like a nightmare, Jay just stayed and stared at the sleeping face.

Now, it truly looked like five years ago, when they met for the first time. That morning too, Yoon Jay spent his time just watching Yoohan's face, wondering why this man could move him this much simply from crying.

He offered himself to Yoohan because he wanted to find out the reason. But then, he found himself becoming more and more obsessed with the younger man. Infatuated. And if somewhere in his heart he could still feel something called love, that too.

Now, it didn't matter what his initial objective was. Or what manner of label he should put on what he felt about Yoohan. They—both Yoohan and himself—had been entangled too much with too many feelings involved.

Hah—Yoon Jay never even thought he could have that many feelings left inside his frozen heart.

And he had never been happier.

He caressed the black hair and lowered his face, calling the younger man again. "Yoohan," he trailed kisses on the side of Yoohan's face, calling out the name each time. Yoohan finally stirred a little bit, whining, and Jay whispered teasingly. "I'm going to touch you if you don't wake up."

"Mmh," Yoohan sunk himself further into the comforter, and effectively into Jay, as if offering himself to the man. "'re...always touch..."

Jay laughed at the sleepy talk. "You mean I always touching you anyway?"


"So pliant now," Jay kissed the closed eyelids. "So good for me."

Yoohan smacked the bodyguard's face with a grunt. "Ugh—don't say such cringy things!"

Again, Jay just laughed. "But you're awake now."

Yoohan groaned and turned to lie on his back, staring dazedly at the bodyguard. "Why are you disturbing me so early in the morning?"

"You're the one who told me to wake you up early because you want to exercise again."

Yoohan blinked, and then raised his body to sit on the mattress. Right—exercise. He looked down, touching his abdomen in reflex; his stomach that was an inch away from becoming a tummy.

It was all Yoon Jay's fault, for stuffing him with so much delicious food. And now that he had someone to be his hands and feet, Yoohan was living a pampered life when he did nothing but plotting and gaming. Unfortunately, using his brain muscle did not contribute to burning away his fat.

And one day, when Jay hugged his waist before sleep, as usual, the older man was playing with his stomach. Even your tummy is adorable, Jay had said lovingly, adoringly, sweetly—and Yoohan snapped.

This is bad. He was a former underground fighter, for fuck's sake!

"Ugh—right, exercise..." Yoohan climbed down from the bed and yawned, absentmindedly receiving the glass of water that Jay handed to him.

The man stayed there, sitting on the floor between Yoohan's legs, still only in his track pants instead of his 'uniform'. Well, there wasn't a real need for that anymore, except when they went outside—and Yoohan preferred it that way; he could enjoy looking at the man's delicious upper body.

"If you want to exercise, why don't you do something like yoga, Master?" Yoohan arched his brow, and Jay added immediately with a smirk. "You know, for flexibility. You were complaining about that position the other da—"

The words were muffled by a pillow, and Yoohan hissed. "I'm not exercising just to satisfy your kink!"

With a laugh, Jay tilted his head to peek out of the pillow. "Then let's do something about your stamina. It's hard for me to hold back after just two or three ti—"

"Go fuck yourself, Yoon Jay!" Yoohan shoved the pillow back to the bodyguard's face.

"Hmm...I don't really fancy that,"

"Then go fuck your right hand!" Yoohan grumbled as he walked away from the bed, leaving Jay laughing while hugging the pillow that was filled with his scent.

Inhaling the musk and apple scent from the pillow, Jay smiled widely as he watched his master from the back. Yoohan didn't act as flirty as when they were still in the mansion. In fact, he was more grumpy, more careless, and overall more fun to be teased. Everything felt more genuine, more organic, more...raw.

The man he witnessed in this apartment wasn't the young master of a chaebol family. Sometimes, he wasn't even someone seeking revenge. Just a young man who didn't need to pretend to be sly or though.


And that young man with messy bed hair wearing only a big sweater was now stopping at the door frame, turning halfway and looking at Jay sheepishly. "I'm hungry."

Jay laughed and stood up, ready to feed his master, no—his lover.

Ah, it was wonderful.

It was also wonderful when they received particularly intriguing news after their morning exercise. Yoohan did try some yoga despite himself and Jay was getting too horny watching him, so the session ended with another kind of exercise.

And while they were lazing around on the couch of the living room, Yoohan's phone buzzed.

"Lee Wooyoung?" Yoohan arched his brow, telling Jay to stop drying his hair and picked up the call intriguingly. "Good morning, noona."

[Hey, what is this about you moving out of the house?]

Yoohan raised his brow, leaning back to Jay's chest and answered lightheartedly. "Why, of course, so I can get out of your way, noona."

How adorable—Jay wanted to pinch that smirking cheek.

Lee Wooyoung didn't say anything for a while, either trying to find out what Yoohan was cooking right now, or feeling awkward from the 'considerate' gesture. Instead, he gave Yoohan a present.

[The things you talked about...I found some dirt on the youngest] she said, and Yoohan almost straightened up because of that. He pulled the phone away and activated the recording function before setting the phone on speaker so Jay could hear too.

"Which one is this? The illegal racing or the drug?"

[What, you already know?]

"I just heard something, and it's pretty obvious regarding the drug. So, which one is it? If you considered it a scandal, then it must be drugs," Yoohan tapped on his lips, signaling for Jay to ready his laptop.

He already warned the kid once, but the brat either came back to it, or didn't care about his warning and continued to use it ever since. The boy always avoided him in the house, so Yoohan had no idea what he was up to now.

[Yes, it's drugs. I have information about where he usually has them. Apparently, it's quite a wild party with orgy and stuff, using rookie celebrities and idol trainees too] she said, which suddenly reminded Yoohan of a certain place. [Well, I don't care much. It's in a private club that I never frequent]

"Private club...huh?" Yoohan felt his lips twitch as Wooyoung gave him the place's name and address.

He kind of thought about it, was really the place where he made contact with that Chairman Kim. "What about his sister?" Yoohan asked.

[She's keeping a low profile, but I found out she's been investing in a scam and lost a lot of money. She hasn't said anything to her mother though]

They could hear her laugh from wherever she was, and Yoohan smiled. Oh, he knew. After all, the one who searched for a scam investment and have someone introduce it to the girl was him.

"Well, that must be easy for you to handle,"

[Pfft. She's always been easy to handle]

"As expected of noona," Yoohan said sweetly while rolling his eyes. She sneered and then came to her real objective.

[I'll take care of her, so...can you do something about the brat?]

Yoohan stretched out and craned his neck toward Jay, smiling. "Hmm...I'll look into him."

[Don't forget your promise]

"Of course!" Yoohan said cheerfully, and Lee Wooyoung ended the call immediately.

Yoohan stared at his phone, as well as Jay, and then laughed out loud, rolling on the sofa and hitting the backrest.

"Ah, noona..." Yoohan looked at the ceiling after he satisfied himself laughing. "She's so good at digging other's dirt because that is what she's been doing all her life; to make others appear worse than her," he smiled, his lips twitching again. "If only she put that intel to see what the company's internal situation and the board of directors' mood is."

How could she eagerly participate in the group's downfall like this? It was clear that she only think about how to be the Captain without checking the ship first, so she didn't even know what she did would help Yoohan sink the ship.

"It seems like she knows nothing about the Group's condition. The Chairman didn't tell her anything?" Jay asked while typing on his laptop.

"Of course, he wouldn't," Yoohan snickered and glanced at the bodyguard. The silver-rimmed glasses perched on Jay's face and Yoohan rolled to his stomach so he could stare at it. "Letting his children see that he's struggling? That he's weak? He'd rather die," Yoohan chuckled. The black eyes gleamed as he recalled the last meeting he had with the Chairman. "He probably looked into the affairs between his wife and his brother now after I told him about it. And after finding out the truth, he'll be extra cautious," he drummed on the sofa and smirked. "Who knew who or when they'll backstab him?"

Jay lifted his gaze from the laptop, looking at Yoohan with a sinister smile on his face. "So he won't be able to trust his wife, his brother, or his children," he concluded. "What about his sister?"

"What about her? She's allying with Wooseok and the first wife, so she's been fleeing abroad to avoid humiliation," Yoohan shrugged.

"So, all we have to do now is watch?"

"Of course not," Yoohan raised and pursed his lips. "We have an exposure to work out first, no?"

* * *

It was night, but the street was as bustling as the day, and inside a certain private club building, a young man walked timidly behind a group of people. Beside him was someone even younger than he was, definitely a minor—probably only a seventeen-year-old—who couldn't even speak Korean well despite being pure Korean.

Surrounding them was tall, burly men in black suits and mean look, who wouldn't hesitate to break their bone if they were to flee. The boy looked confused but still excited, because all he knew was they were going to a party. But not the young man. He had been through this before, and he had dreaded the moment. But he recalled his meeting with a blonde man around his age, as well as a tall, imposing handsome man following behind.

Would you like to have revenge? The man had asked.

He refused at first, because all he wanted to do was to heal. But when he came out of the hospital and saw the actors who set him up to be raped and violated didn't even look like they cared, he was seething. He called the number the couple gave him, and they met again.

You'll need to go back inside, they said. He had been afraid, but even more so that that fear, was hatred. Loathing for the two actors feeding other innocent people like him and the boy and many more, promising a good job, and exposure to become top actors, while in actuality, only those two enjoying the reward.

So be it. Exposure? He would become the one to expose those filths that didn't even fit to be called human beings.

This time, the group didn't come to one of the private rooms as usual. They went down to a basement instead. He had heard that there was a club that hosted an underground fight in their basement. Oh, how he wished it was a fighting ring that was being set down there. Fighting for others' entertainment was miles better than whatever awaited them.

He grasped the boy's hand as they were enveloped in the darkness of the basement lobby.

"Jimin hyung?"

He sushed the boy and whispered. "Whatever happens later, don't fight."

The boy looked taken aback and didn't answer, but he gripped the boy's hand tighter until he heard a weak squeak. "Okay," the boy said, finally seeming alerted.

The darkness started to recede, and they could hear music blasting from the room at the end of the hallway. He bit his lips, lowering his head to pray that things would be better, that he didn't have to suffer again—that the boy beside him didn't have to suffer.

And that the camera on one of his buttons was working.

He knew that somewhere outside the building, those two people were watching everything unfold through the camera, recording it and relaying it to a tv station, a seasoned journalist, and an eager police detective. He prayed that the recording was clear, and that he wouldn't get exposed—because only God knew what he would be if these people were to find out.

The door opened, and he could finally see the back of the two devious actors strutting in front as if they owned the place. But even if they acted like that, the people inside the room had even higher status than them.

Senior celebrities, conglomerate princes and princesses, politician sons—all engaged in illicit activities. White powder and syringes were strewn across the floor and tables. Naked bodies were being played around; some looked enthusiastic, most looked frightened and forced and sobbing. This time, it was the boy that gripped his arm.


"Quiet!" he hissed. "Don't fight, don't try to run."

A man behind him laughed sinisterly. "That's right, bitch—just stay quiet and do what you're told. Oh, but I don't mind if you want to scream, I like hearing you bitches scream."

And then he laughed, and the boy's grip was getting tighter. He had no leeway to take care of the boy right now though, because he had a mission. He needed to capture their faces, as much as possible. Especially the one that the man told him about.

He tried to turn his body here and there to capture everything in the camera, acting bewildered. Ah, right there, someone who looked very young, like he was just a month away from becoming an adult. He acted like he was tripped to step closer to the table where the boy was, making sure his body faced the boy's face as he inhaled some white powder from the table.

It rewarded him with a hard slap on his head that got him dizzy and disoriented, and for a while, everything seemed fuzzy. He recognized the seventeen-year-old holding him, helping him walk after that mean slap. They were led to a table full of old men with expensive suits and nasty grins—just another group of the old routine, the same kind with that Chairman Kim. But where was the old man?

He had no time to think about it, because he was already shoved into one of the old men, who looked him up and down with hungry eyes and disgusting tongue licking his lips. There were hands touching him, grabbing his ass, stroking his thigh, pinching his nipples. It was a saving grace that these men weren't the type to instantly stripped him off.

He turned his head to look at the boy when he heard a yelp, and shook his head when their eyes met. The boy whimpered and ceased his struggle, just shut his eyes and let the men grope his body. There was laughter around them, and he was getting reminded of that 'birthday' event. He closed his eyes too, imagining where these people would be tomorrow after getting exposed to the media. It helped him endure the ministration, even when someone started to slip into his pants and probed his hole.

He bit his lips when his shirt was yanked open, wondering if he truly had to experience the same thing again. He could hear the sound of subdued sobs behind him, mixing with other screams of help from neighboring tables. Those screams almost drowned the sound of slamming doors, hurried footsteps, and panic yells.


He snapped his eyes open and shoved the men away from him, staggering back and pulling his pants in a hurry. Everything happened so fast; the 'bodyguards' looked at the source of the commotion, and the old men yelled angrily at him. But he took the chance when the guards were distracted to pull the seventeen-year-old away from the other group and ran. He ran toward the two actors who widened their eyes in surprise, and with the strength he gained from suppressed hatred and anger, he shoved the bewildered actors toward the angry old men.

Without looking back, he pulled the boy away, running in a direction he had been told before. The sounds of commotion were getting louder, and he thought he might hear someone shout that the police were coming. People finally started to panic, and those who weren't too high or too immersed in fucking moved first.

But no one moved faster than Jimin and the boy. They ran toward a door at the back of the hall, and Jimin was glad he remembered the instruction well. Behind the stairs, near a neon sign that didn't work well.

"You fucker—stop there!"

He heard a familiar angry voice. That actor—Song Myungshin—and Chairman Kim's biggest guard, the one they called the Maddog. He didn't stop, he couldn't afford to. He ran behind the door with the boy and immediately slammed it shut, latching the bolt tightly.

It was the only other exit from that place. He breathed a relieved sigh as he stepped back from the door, but immediately froze when the door jolted from hard impact. In fright, he could see the latch starting to bend.

"Hurry!" he pulled the still bewildered boy and ran through the corridor before the door broke completely.

But it was hard for people who weren't used to running to move fast. Between that and the hassle of fixing their pants so they could run better, the door was breaking before they could reach the end of the hallway.

Now he started to panic. The few seconds he used to open the exit door was enough for the Maddog and his groups to get significantly closer. They managed to run into the parking lot for a few dozen meters before his shirt was getting yanked back.

He screamed and the boy shrieked as another man caught him. Jimin started to feel tears pooling in his eyes—were they failed in the end?

And then he heard a loud sound, and the next thing he knew, he wasn't getting pulled back anymore. He heard a groan and looked back, eyes widened as he saw the Maddog on the ground with a footprint on his side. Looking up, Jimin could see the tall man in an expensive waistcoat and pale eyes gleaming coldly in the dim light.

"Go," the man said, and Jimin wasted no time to pull the other boy and ran.

He saw someone else not far from there—that blonde man whose hair was now black. He stood beside a car and pointed at it. "Get in. Drive to the place stated in the navigation, they'll provide you protection until this thing's over. Hand over the camera to a person wearing a hoodie."

Jimin parted his lips, but he couldn't say anything as the sound of fighting was getting louder. He just nodded and climb into the driver's seat, the boy followed behind. The man—his savior—closed the car door and lowered his head. "Good job. You'll be rewarded accordingly."

He pressed his lips and bowed his head slightly, before pressing his foot on the accelerator.

Yoohan breathed a sigh of relief as he watched the car drive away. It was so close, they almost gave up waiting for the police and journalist. Now, all they had to do was wait for things to play out. They even asked Little Bird to put the recording on the internet. Once Jay finished beating those people, they could go visit Sol's club and check on the two boys. With a smile, he turned to watch one of the men drove a knife to Jay's stomach.


Yoohan felt his blood run cold.

Drip. The blood dripped to the ground, splattering into the concrete floor. The red color spread to the entire basement floor, to the walls, to the pillars, to the cars. Everything was red and cold and his brother was laying on the ground muttering hurt...cold...hurt...


Yoohan gasped and sucked on the air until he choked, staring at Yoon Jay throwing the Maddog to the wall until the man crashed into a trashcan. Another man came at him and Jay kicked the person to join his friend among the spilled trash.

"Ah, fuck," Jay cursed as he looked at his stomach where the knife was still stuck there. "How can you put a hole in the clothes my beloved Master gave me?"

"Crazy bastard!" the Maddog, who was already standing up again, wobbled and spat a mouthful of blood.

The bodyguard's lips stretch into a sneer. "That's rich coming from you."

"Son of a bitch!"

The men lunged toward Jay again, dragging the trashcan. Jay stepped back and got ready to duck. Under other circumstances, he would just charge ahead and beat the guy again. But his body was still a human after all, and even though he could numb the pain, he couldn't fight the blood loss.

Jay gripped the side of his stomach that was still dripping blood, staining the white shirt red—ah, the trousers too, damn. That would be shit to clean. He wondered if he should just pull the knife out and use it to kill those fuckers quicker, although he would bleed even faster then.

Hmm...what to do—

When Jay thought about this and the Maddog was swaying the trashcan to be thrown to the man, they suddenly heard the sound of an engine, and the next thing they knew, a black car without light roared and hit the Maddog and the other man fast. The trashcan rolled again into a corner and the other man got flung to another wall, while the Maddog rolled in front of the car, groaning.

Jay blinked, staring at the familiar car as the window rolled down. "Hurry up!" his Master yelled and after getting stunned for another second, he entered the vehicle with a grin. Yoohan reversed the car for a bit and then accelerated again, straight into the man still laying on the ground. Jay leaned back and smiled as he felt the car jolt and a painful scream penetrated the closed window along with a cracking sound.

"...basement parking lot of building Y in xx street..."

He heard Yoohan's voice, and turned his head to stare at the younger man. The fair cheek was pale, and the pretty lips were almost bleeding from being bitten. The hands on the steering wheel and the one holding the phone were trembling.

"Clean everything," Yoohan ended the phone and punched another number.

"Who were you calling?"

"Aegis," Yoohan answered shortly, eyes staring hard into the street as he tried to go as fast as possible without jolting the car too much.

Jay smirked, never thought he would hear about his old place again. Meanwhile, Yoohan had made another call and this time, Jay could feel his voice shaking.

"Hyung," Yoohan said, almost too quietly. "Let me borrow your hospital."

So he was calling the big boss now—Jay shifted, less happy about having Yoohan calling someone else with hyung. He would like Yoohan to call him that too. Being called puppy was nice too, or baby, but Yoohan never called him by a pet name if it wasn't to act in front of others.'ll be nice to be called hyung like that—

"Yoon Jay!" Yoohan called out harshly, and Jay blinked in surprise at the hand on his chest. "Don't close your eyes."

Ah, he didn't realize it. But he liked the way Yoohan's voice turned soft and shaking for him. Because of him. It was nice to have his master's undivided attention.

They arrived at the hospital soon, Yoohan drove the car straight to the VIP ward where a group of people had already waiting. Rather excessive, wasn't it? Jay thought as he was being told to lie down on the stretcher. He just needed to be stitched anyway, and given some bag.

But he liked his master's excessive treatment. It was affection after all. He smiled every time he saw that horrid, worried look on Yoohan's face, and only pursed his lips in annoyance when the doctor patched him up and Yoohan stayed outside the room. He told the doctors and nurses to hurry up so he could see his master sooner.

Jay had no idea how long the time had passed. He refused anesthetic and was just given a painkiller along with a blood transfusion. When they were done, he was brought to a suite room and spent time waiting for his master, sitting on the bed wondering what to do with the ruined shirt. least he wasn't told to change his clothes so they probably would just go home after resting for a bit.

And then he heard the door opening, seeing his master entering the room. Jay grinned at the sight of his master, watching the black hair sway and staring at the hardened eyes.

Ah, even then, his master was pretty.

Yoohan stopped in front of him, and as Jay was about to say something, the younger man raised his hand and slapped him hard on the cheek. So much that Jay felt his ears ringing, aside from being surprised. And before he came out of that surprise, Yoohan grabbed his face and pressed their lips hard.

The slap was loud, and the kiss after was louder. Harder. Angrier.

It contained fear and frustration. Lips chased wildly as if they were in a perpetual nightmare and they were trying to find an exit. Fingers grasping into dark locks and crumpled shirt, breath mingling and saliva mixing.

Yoohan kissed him like it was the last time, with choked breath and unshed tears. Their heart beat loudly in their chest, and Jay wanted to gasp.

Ah...he felt it again.

That vibration, the hand of clock in his heart, ticking alive. And he embraced it, grasping the man who kissed him like he was desperate for air in his lung.

Yoohan spent a second getting dazed by the fact that he was suddenly on his back, looking into a blown pupil full of feeling and desire above him. Just a second, for in the next, he grabbed into that dreamy face and drowned himself in another kiss.

Hungrier. Angrier.

They tore each other's clothes; Jay yanked the younger's jeans harshly until they left a long scratch mark on the fair thigh, and Yoohan unbuckled the older's belt with seasoned proficiency. Under other circumstances, they would prefer to have a full view of each other's bare skin, but right now, they were too impatient, too desperate.

They kissed again and Yoohan hooked his legs on Jay's hips, pulling the man closer, and arched his back to rub the tip of the huge erection on his entrance, slapping the fingers away from the place.

"Just do it," Yoohan breathed hard into the older's mouth. "Hurry."

The pale iris shook and this time, Jay didn't bother to show restraint, shoving himself fully into the unprepared hole; soft and hot and oh so tight. Yoohan gasped and gritted his teeth, but the man didn't say 'hurt' or 'stop'.

He said more.

And that was what Jay did. Forget the restraint, forget the sting in his stomach—he'd just blame this recklessness on the blood loss or something.

He grabbed the headboard for purchase and moved harder, faster, until Yoohan's subdued groan became a full-blown moan. Moans. Back arched and hands grasping tight on the bedsheet, Yoohan parted his lip and let everything out, including his desire, moving his hips to meet Jay's thrust, and clenching his back until Jay hissed and groan in pleasure.

They were both in pleasure. In frenzy, in lust and in love. If someone or both of them had any remaining doubt before, it was all blown away, shattered and burnt into nothingness. Just each other's names carved in their heart, covering their skin in the sweat of their lovemaking.

Yes, it was wild and lustful, but it was love in every biting on their lips and every sucking on their neck. It was love in every hard thrust and tight clench. In was love in every lustful moan and feral groan.

And when they spilled in and on each other, they shouted each other's names inside each other's mouths. Still grasping and clawing and pressed against one another, breathing through the other lungs.

Their lips didn't part for so long, even after they ran out of breath. They just rubbed their forehead together, lips touching, whispering names. Their names.

It wasn't until Yoohan felt his abdomen was wet that they found out the stab wound had reopened and prompted them to untangle themselves and redress.

They received a massive scolding from the doctor and a questionable look from the nurses after, but...well, they didn't really care at this point.

They were still together and it was all that mattered.

🎶 Thousand Foot Kruth - I See Red

Jay tripping from blood loss hahaha
And Jimin can have his little moment of revenge
You know...if they used Korean age system, does that mean Seventeen is actually...fifteen? 🙀

Anyway, it was nice of Fujoking to give us flashback on what Jay was feeling during their first time five years ago—he looked FERAL. It was his awakening, for sure

Thinking about angelXdevil AU and calling him Johann 🤔

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