Brother.... Please Save Me...

By imkinddasus

3.1K 172 17

duri had a fight with his twin brother... he was scared and sad so he decided to went to the woods to calm hi... More

[1] Kidnapped
[2] Powers
[4] Find
[5] escape
•request finished•

[3] Hope

527 36 4
By imkinddasus

°The search team•
"Are we there yet?" Whine Gopal.. "not yet lah, just be quiet" answered ying a bit annoyed... Suddenly ais found something on the floor.. it was footprints.. "it's almost the same size as ours" exclaimed blaze after noticing how the shoes match his feet perfectly... "Let's follow the footprints than!" Exclaimed yaya.. they all follow it until fang shouted.. "there! The footprints stops there!" Said fang as he pointed on the footprints... It stopped there... There were no more and the sky started to get dark... "Oh no ... It's getting late... We can't see clearly if we continue otherwise! We have to head back!" Said hali as he pulled all his brothers back.. "wait! I can't leave duri like that! He's my brother! I can't leave him!" Shouted taufan trying to loosen hali's grip... "Taufan please don't make me physically hurt you, we have to go back there's no choice!" Shouted hali as taufan cried... Blaze help hali to bring taufan back to their base and manage to calm him down... Hali open the door as gempa ran to them hoping they had find duri... But there were no sign of the little elemenal..

"Why did you come back?!" Shouted gempa panicking..

"It's was getting dark and who knows whats out there... He can't waste our energy yet and-" hali couldn't finish his sentence as solar interrupt him..

"So you value our energy than our own brother?! He's hurting and... Ughk! .. I can feel it!" Solar said as he knelt down in pain...

"Enough solar... You shouldn't talk much... I will talk to hali later... Y'all should rest now.." said gempa comforting solar..

"Rest? Rest you say?! Y'all are being calm after what happened to duri? Something wrong is happening to duri and I can feel it!" Said fang raising his voice..

"Look idiot, we're all are worried bout him... Like hali said, the things out there... Who knows what would happen... Will you calm down, being overly worried is not going to help our current situation." Exclaimed ais as he lent out a sigh...

"That's right ais.... We can't argue about this because this isn't going to help... Fang, solar.. you both need to calm down..." Yaya said agreeing with ais statement..

"You guys don't understand... He means so much to me!" Said taufan clearly made everyone silent...

"He does..." Said solar slowly trying hard not to cry...

"I know... Rest your energy while me, solar and ochobot will try to contact with duri... Please... Do not fight..." Said gempa as he took solar's hand and went to find ochobot...

Taufan looked down and wasn't able to say anything, it's crazy to see a cheerful, carefree person like taufan to be that... Sad..

With solar, gempa and ochobot..
"So ochobot... Can you call him?" Ask solar worriedly.. "not yet... You should check on the others, if I'm able to contact him, I let you talk to him through you watch" ochobot stated...

"Ok ochobot.." said the light elemental as he left the room..

He entered the room where everyone was there but there were no noise at all... It was just... Silence... Solar like quietness but this... This for some reason hurt his soul... "Did you able to... Do anything solar?" Ask taufan hoping for an answer... Yet solar wouldn't want to answer because he himself doesn't know anymore... He felt like giving up...

Bip bip
That was the sound of solar's watch beeping... Solar answered the called and immediately shocked after seeing a hologram of duri lying down on the floor looking completely worn out... "DURI! What happened! Where are you!" Shouted solar as he started to panicked. "lower... Your voice abang solar... He might hear you... I will tell you everything I know..." Said duri in a shaky voice... Solar only nodded.. "it seems there's someone with a black hood on had kidnapped me .. he is slowly draining my powers out of me.... I don't think he has good intentions... But he stopped because it was late night and never told me the reason why-" before duri can continue, hali interrupted. "Just tell us the location " he said while crossing his arms... "I'm not quite sure... But I feel like this house is made of wood... Maybe that will help you guys to find me... However... I wouldn't recommend you guys... To come at night..." Finished duri... solar raise his eyebrows.. "why not?" Ask solar.. "there's monster out there... And remember the accident in planet Kadruax? You can't fight them even with your power... And I bet theses monsters can move very fast during night time like the one called kang Kong in planet Quabaq.." Explain duri... Solar didn't have any choice but to listen to duri's advice... The last time he didn't... Everything went wrong... "Alright duri... See you tomorrow... I promise you that I will save you... " Said solar, duri didn't say anything and end the called... "I guess we have to wait till morning..." Said taufan with a little hint of hope in his voice...

I will save you, duri.

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