The Heroic Seven

Od MaloKen_17

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The Frozen and Tangled characters peer into the future and witnessed the world decimated by creatures of ulti... Více

Lives After Happily Ever After
The Storm of Unquiet
Battle for Northuldra
The Mission
The World Before The Unquiets
Children Of New Beginnings
The Spire
Double Doom
Danger Zones
To The Dark Kingdom
The Second Dark Portal
Princess of Life and Death
The Day of The Princess
The Asteroid

Party at Iluka

77 3 28
Od MaloKen_17


A quick refresher for everyone. Since Disney never officially gave Prince Eric's kingdom's a name, I have elected to name it Iluka.

Plus. In The Little Mermaid 2 there was a boy who danced with Melody at her... rather memorable birthday party. And once again the writers neglected to designate the boy with a name, nor was much detail about him yielded either. So I'm gonna call him Ascot, son of Iluka's admiral.

With that, please enjoy.


Chapter 9

Party at Iluka

It was a lovely sunny day in the beautiful sea side kingdom of Iluka, with sparkling waters and serene tides. The markets are always busy and the city folk are mostly happy... well mostly.

"THE SCHOOL IS ON FIRE!" A man yelled.

The audience gasped.

True to his words, a large building was indeed ablaze, a crowd had gathered to watch in horror as the disaster unfolded.

"Oh dear." Ariel gasped. "I remember that incident."

Glass shattered and rained onto the streets below, dozens of panicked children, parents and teachers spilled onto the streets, scrambling to escape the inferno, but two unfortunate souls were still trapped inside.

An elderly man carrying a crying little girl desperately made his way for the fire exit.

"It's Old Man Jarred!" Gasped Ariel.

"And Little Suzy!" Cried Melody.

Eric didn't say anything, he leaned forward on the table and observed with great concern.

Jarred and Suzy were near the emergency stairwell but a large wooden beam above them suddenly collapsed. The little girl screamed as the beam crashed just a foot in front of them, raising a shower of embers and barring their path.

"NO!" Jarred yelled.

The audience gasped in terror, worrying for the unfortunate pair.

"HELP US!" The Jarred pleaded. "Please. Somebody!"

"Are we going to die, grandpa?" Suzy cried.

The old man set his granddaughter down and looked her in the eyes. "No dear, they are going to rescue us. You'll see."

As if on que, two thumps sounded from the opposite side of the debris, then a loud crack and a black armoured fist punched through the concrete and wood. The mysterious hand took hold of the debris and with a loud grunt of exertion the person behind it ripped the obstruction free.

Little Suzy and her grandfather gasped as three figures stepped through, one was dress completely in black and blue armour complete with face mask and goggles. The other two were dressed more casually. One held a strange axe like weapon and the other had two swords on his back.

"It's Neoma!" Varian cheered.

"And Amelia." Anna cheered.

"And Flynn." Rapunzel cheered.

"Are you both alright!?" Asked Flynn, yelling over the blaze. "Are you injured!?"

Both Jarred and Suzy shook their heads.

"Neoma, I thought we agreed I would smash the walls!" Amelia complained. Raising her Keyblade.

"Sorry Amy, looks like I beat you to the punch." Neoma shrugged. "You can smash this wall." Neoma pointed at the adjacent wall.

Amelia swung her Keyblade and on impact: stone, brick mortar and glass exploded outwards opening a way out, much to the amazement of the grandfather and granddaughter. The sudden rush of open air blew the flames erratically.

Neoma raised her hand and a single Blackrock peak rose from the streets at a slanted angle and latched onto the newly made exit.

"SLIDE DOWN!" Ordered Neoma.

Amelia gently took the little girl and they both slid down the black rock onto the streets with the amazed and slightly confused city guards waiting. Flynn put an arm around the old man and slid down too. Neoma was the last to leave. She made sure to recede the black rock peak the moment she was on the ground and then reverted back to her base form.

"They've made it out, civilians secured!" Wrenn yelled. "Eri, you're up!"

Eri sprinted towards the building at full speed, she leapt onto Aidan and Novak's awaiting palms and the boys launched her through a glass window and into the burning building.

"What are you doing!?" A local helper demanded. "Your friend is going to get herself kil-."

A huge puff of energy forced a great plume of fire and smoke out the building followed by a snowstorm. All the onlookers watched in amazement as the inferno was extinguished in an instant. 

Eri casually strode out of the ruined snow filled building. With a wave of her hand the snow evaporated, this makes the clean up a lot easier.

The audience applauded.

"These children could really come in handy in an emergency." Frederic remarked.

"Mhmm." Everyone on the table agreed.

"Alright, gather all the injured over here." Wrenn instructed. "I can use my powers to heal the wounded."

The town's folk did as the blonde girl instructed and rounded the few injured people to Wrenn.

"Alley-Oop." Flynn heaved and dumped a body in front of his sister. 

"You're supposed to be gentle with them." Wrenn scolded. Wrenn was none too pleased with her brother.

"Meh, he'll live. And you're going to patch him up anyway." Flynn shrugged and then ran off to gather more of the injured over.

Wrenn huffed, she shuffled closer and prepared to heal the body Flynn had just so roughly deposited. It was a boy around the same age as they were, with mid length blonde hair, he had suffered a serious head wound and was subsequently knocked unconscious.

"Hey that's you, Ascot!" One of the viewers exclaimed.

Everyone within earshot turned their attention towards the viewer, it was Admiral Ludwig, he sat with Eric, Ariel and Melody. Ludwig is the naval commander from Iluka, who personally sailed the ship to Arendelle with the Ilukan royal family aboard. And sitting beside Ludwig was the boy in question, his son, Ascot.

Ascot laid motionless, he had blood running down his face, multiple scrapes and burns. In short he was in bad shape.

"Oh my goodness, Ascot!" Cried Ariel.

Melody, Eric and Ludwig watched in horror. They kept looking from the screen to the boy then back.

Ascot himself had his eyes glued to the screen with a very perturbed expression. "Whoa, can't say I remembered it like that... thankfully." Ascot said.

Wrenn ran her hand through Ascot's hair, assessing the horrific damage. "Don't worry, I've seen worse." Said Wrenn, assuring a few concerned onlookers. Then with a small expression of concentration the Sun Princess cast her healing magic onto the boy.

When the glow receded, Ascot was as good as new.

A sigh of relief from the table.

With the critically injured taken care of Wrenn wasted no time preparing to heal the minor injured. A little crying boy with a scalded arm pulled away, not wanting anyone to touch his wound.

"Hush, kid." Wrenn smiles at him encouragingly. "Don't look at your arm, Just keep your eyes on me."

The whimpering boy did as Wrenn told him and Wrenn began to sing.

"Flower gleem and glow. Let your powers shine-."

Rapunzel gasped, that was the healing incantation. Wrenn sung the words so softly and soothingly that the little boy was lulled into lucidity.

Groaning not in pain but rather tiredness, Ascot hovered between consciousness and sleep. The image of a glowing blonde girl singing imprinted itself into his mind before unconsciousness finally claimed him.

••• Moments Later •••

"Ascot!" Ludwig exclaimed, grabbing the dazed and stumbling teenager by the shoulders. The admiral and many kingdom guards have arrived to secure the area. "You're going to give your old man a heart attack! I heard you took a hit to the head. Are you alright, boy?"

"A girl... rescued me. She was singing." Ascot tried to recall, he staggered around a few steps, then sighed and looked dreamily at the distance. "She had the most beautiful voice."

Ariel and Eric snickered. The couple leaned into each other. Melody just looked confused.

"Oh I think you've just breathed in too much smoke, Ascot." Ludwig looped his son's arm over his shoulder. "Let's get you looked at."

On the other table, Rapunzel watched with palpable amusement. She was leaning back on her seat with her arms folded and one leg over the other. But most notable of all was the great big grin on her face.

"Ooh. It looks like Wrenn has an admirer." Elsa giggled.

Anna began to chuckle gleefully, in fact the whole table was chuckling in amusement. The only one not amused was Eugene, the girl's father sat with a huge frown splitting his face.


"Thank you." Little Suzy cheered, embracing Amelia. "Thank you so much for saving my grandpa and me!"

The little girl bounced in joy before her saviours, her grandfather too was there offering his appreciation.

"Indeed, thank you so much my young heroes." Jarred praised. "If there is any way I can repay you seven, please tell me."

"Well since you've asked." Aidan rubbed his chin. "Our travels have been long and perilous, and we are running a little short on funds- Ow!" Aidan winced when Wrenn elbowed him in the ribs.

"Oh no, there is no need. Your gratitude is its own reward." Amelia answered whilst rolling her eyes at her brother.

But Jarred caught the meaning and smiled. "I own an inn in the centre of town. If you travellers need a room, I am more than happy to let stay for the night. Meals provided and free of charge." Jarred offered.

The seven teens stared wide eyed upon hearing the offer.

"HUDDLE!" Aidan yelled and the seven teens huddled.

"Sure beats camping outside of town." Novak stated

"I think this one's a no-brainer." Neoma said.

"Mhm." Everyone nodded. They broke the huddle.

"We accept your most gracious offer." Aidan smiled. "Please lead on."

"HURRAY!" Cheered Suzy as she grabbed Amelia and Neoma's hands and pulled them along towards Jarred's wagon.

As the group climbed on, Eri noticed the cries of another little girl. This one was distraught and in tears.

"My dress was in the classroom!" She wailed. "My friends and I spent months sewing it, I poured all my heart in making that dress."

"There there, Cindy. It'll be alright, I'm sure we can fix you something in time for the party." Cindy's mother tried to comfort her.

Eri's face fell.


The group made their way along the coast, the seven teens watched their surroundings with wide eyed excitement. Iluka was a kingdom lively and energetic, full of colours and laughter. The seven teens thought it was every bit as beautiful and inviting as Flynn and Wrenn's home.

"You kids arrived in town at a good time." Jarred chuckled. "It is our princess's birthday today, the whole kingdom will be celebrating young Melody's thirteenth year tonight."

Indeed true to Jarred's words the atmosphere was a jovial one. People were decorating the streets with flowers and ribbons.

"Nice." Everyone thought.

But the kingdom had more surprises for them.

"YES!" Someone cried.

The group turned to see a young woman standing on the docks, she was clasping her hands together and she was in tears. Before her, floating in the waters was a young man, he was holding up a beautiful ring and smiling at the young lady.

The girls gasped and the boys smiled.

"Yes, yes!" Repeated the young lady. Without hesitation she dove into the water, tackling him. The young man fell backwards and a huge fish tail broke the surface.

"Wait a second!" Amelia gaped. "Is that guy a merman!?"

Many of the audience were likewise genuinely bewildered.

"Yes child." Laughed Jarred. "Merfolk are common guests around the shores of Iluka."

Jarred gestured at the seaside and to the amazement of the Heroic Seven there were others, dozens, hundreds perhaps. Mermen and mermaids interacting and socialising with their human counterparts, even exchanging goods and services.

"Ever since the walls came down just under a year ago, Iluka and the undersea kingdom of Atlantica have become the most steadfast of allies." Jarred explained. "We are most fortunate, for Iluka is now the first kingdom to have established trade with the merfolk."

"This is especially lucrative for opening an inn since it attracts so many travellers and tourists who wish to meet our wonderful neighbours." Jarred laughed.

The audience were all enthralled and rightfully so, for many of them this was the first time seeing the people of the sea.

"That is so amazing, you guys!" Chirped Anna. The Arendellian queen was immensely impressed and so were her family and friends.

"Oh Eugene, we have to plan a trip there sometime!" Rapunzel called to her husband.

People from all over were now nodding and smiling at the Ilukan royals and their honoured compatriots. Ariel could only blush and smile at everyone, Eric nodded back smiled proudly.

"Visit us anytime!" Cheered Melody.

Admiral Ludwig smiled and bowed slightly, urging Ascot to do the same.

"That is the fifth human and merfolk engagement this year! Isn't it, grandpa?" Little Suzy cheered.

"Yes Suzy." Jarred laughed. He continued. "Once a couple is married, they may choose whether they wish to spend the rest of their lives together on the land or under the sea. They will present their decision before King Triton and if the Sea King approves he will transform either party into human or merfolk."

"Oooh." Said the seven teens.

"Or they could just remain as they are, I know at least one couple that made it work." Finished Jarred. They finally reached their destination.

Jarred chuckled and addressed the remaining teens. "I must attend to other guests, please follow Suzy, she will show you to your suite."

Suzy squealed and pulled Wrenn and Neoma up the stairs, all the while ranting about the party.

"Hmm... Party." Aidan rubbed his chin in contemplation.

"What?" Asked Eri. She noticed her cousin was looking her over.

"I think I know how we can make some extra money." Aidan grinned.


"Dresses!" Amelia and Wrenn chirped. "Get your last minute dresses!"

Anna gasped and squealed in delight, Rapunzel did too, both mother's watched with starry eyes. Their girls were wearing cute matching frilly dresses and they were just so adorable. Amelia's was turquoise and Wrenn's was pink. The girls were seen managing a stall outside of Jarred's inn.

"Oh my gosh, they're both soo cute!" Anna squealed a second time, causing Cassandra and Lady Caine to wince. She and Rapunzel grinned at each other.

The door opened and to the delight of the audience, out stepped Eri and Neoma, they too wore cute matching frilly dresses!

"I've made more accessories!" Cheered Eri. 

Eri's dress was baby blue while Neoma wore light purple with a half cape to cover her metal arm, the latter of the two looked less than thrilled.

Another round of squeals from Anna and Rapunzel, this time Elsa and Cassandra chuckled too.

"Do I really have to dress up as well?" Neoma complained.

"Naww, I think you look great." Wrenn giggled.

Rapunzel grabbed Elsa and whispered into her ear. "We should try dressing up!"

Elsa flexed her fingers, some ice particles flickered, a mischievous grin formed on her face. "Anna would like that."

An embarrassed Cassandra struggled to disentangle an overexcited Anna from her, but it was hopeless. Lady Caine simply laughed at Cassandra's peril

"Hey girls!" Flynn greeted. He Aidan and Novak wore matching suits.

Anna gasped, then. "AAH!, The boys are so handsome!" She screamed and latched onto Lady Caine. Now it was Lady Caine struggling to fend off Anna while Cassandra laughed back.

But then Cassandra suddenly grew concerned, a thought crossed her mind. "Is it really okay for Eri to just magically make dresses to sell?" She asked.

Anna stopped hugging Lady Caine and immediately began to think.

Elsa too became concerned and she looked across the streets to see Ginger the local seamstress looking terribly nervously at her. "I would never use my magic for profit, and I should probably speak with Eri about it, if I get a chance."

"Pfft, why go through the trouble of making and selling dresses?" Lady Caine asked, brushing herself after Anna's hug assault. "If Eri could make objects out of thin air, why not just make silver and gold coins?"

The Stabbington Brothers and even Eugene rubbed their chins in thought of the idea, they gave Elsa a questioning look.

"That is definitely out of the question!" Elsa promptly shot down the idea.

As the teens prepared to close up, a solitary figure approached the group. It was Ascot.

"Pardon me." Greeted Ascot. "My name is Ascot, I was at the school this morning when it burned. You seven were there, weren't you?"

"We sure were." Aidan smiled proudly.

"I knew it!" Ascot smiled in elation, he studied the group and at last his eyes fell on the girl he was looking for. He stepped forward and boldly clasped her hands in his.

"It was you, you were the one who saved my life. I felt myself slipping away but you brought me back from the brink. Thank you." Ascot spoke sincerely and passionately as he stared into the girl's eyes.

There was just one tiny problem...

"Umm, that's very sweet. But I think you have me confused." Eri chuckled nervously.

Melody burst out laughing. A few in the audience also laughed.

Ascot covered his face in embarrassment.

"But the people on site said it was a girl with blonde hair who was casting magic and healing the injured." Ascot replied.

"That would be Wrenn." Neoma pointed out. And Amelia is seen pushing the brunette towards Ascot.

With a sigh, Wrenn glowed and transformed into her blonde form.

"Oh." Ascot gasped. Flustered, he released Eri's hands. "Sorry."

"That's ok." Eri giggled.

Wrenn cleared her throat. "So Ascot, I trust that you're feeling alright."

Ascot straightened. "Yes, very much so. Thanks to you." He gave a small bow.

"I also came with something to offer you." He reached into his pocket to drew out a parchment. "The princess is hosting a special beach side party tonight for all her family and friends. There will be music, food, drinks, a dancing competition with a prize money to be won and fireworks display." He explained.

This peaked the seven's interest.

"As a noble I am invited and I'm also aloud to bring a Plus One." Ascot took Wrenn's hands in his. "I would be greatly honoured if you would come to the party with me." He asked.

Wrenn blinked a few times.

Rapunzel squealed in delight, her daughter was just asked out on a date!

Eugene in contrast gasped in horror at the thought that some boy had just asked his daughter out!

He wasn't alone.

"Whoa, back up buddy!" Warned Flynn. He promptly moved beside Wrenn and with a firm hand on Ascot's chest Flynn forced some distance between the two. "You're not taking my sister on a date, not happenin-."

Flynn never finished. Aidan and Novak had grabbed him from behind and pulled him into the group huddle.

"Excuse us." Neoma apologized to Ascot then joined the huddle.

"I say Wrenn should go for it!" Amelia proposed.

Flynn made to protest but-.

"The dresses and suits didn't sell very well and we could really use that prize money Ascot mentioned." Novak pointed out. Everyone but Flynn nodded.

"So how about it, Wrenn. You up for it?" Asked Aidan. 

Wrenn looked unsure but nodded and so it was decided. The group broke their huddle and turned back to Ascot.

"Very well Ascot. I shall accompany you to the party." Wrenn declared, trying to act regal.

Rapunzel just giggled, she was bouncing on her seat with excitement. Elsa chuckled at her cousin's jitteriness. Anna, Cassandra and Caine smiled at her.

"WOOH!" Willow cheered. "Give him hell, girl!"

Edmund looked perplexed at first about his granddaughter going on a date, but he relented.

Frederic likewise felt uneasy. "I'm not sure how I feel about this, Arianna" Said Frederic. He turned from the screen to his wife then down to the baby girl sitting on his lap. "Should I be worried or not?"

"Oh Frederic, I'm sure there is no harm." Arianna shrugged. She held baby Flynn in her arms. "A date might actually be good for Wrennetta."

"I suppose you are right, dear." Sighed Frederic. "That Ascot at least seems like a good boy, it's not as if Wrenn is being taken by some kind of thieving swashbuckler."

Said thieving swashbuckler did not share his father-in-law's optimism. "I do not approve involving my daughter in this ruse, even if it's to win money!" Eugene growled, he cast a warning glare at the adjacent table, at Ascot.

"I'm sure you've done worse for money." Varian smirked and Kristoff chuckled.

"Getting a little overprotective there eh, Eugene?" Kristoff grinned.

Eugene cast a glare at Kristoff. "Weren't you the one freaking out because a boy gave your daughter a carrot?"

The grin immediately fell off of Kristoff's face, he suddenly became serious. "Hey don't joke about that, some life long relationships began with offerings of carrots." Kristoff warned.

"Is that an Arendellian custom?" Asked Varian.

"No." Replied Kristoff.

"Is it a Troll thing?" Eugene asked.

"No. It's just a Kristoff thing!" Anna scoffed. She turned to Cassandra and Lady Caine. "I threw a bag of carrots at Kristoff when we first met and now we're married. Since then, he's taken it as some sacred romantic gesture."

"GREAT!" Amelia chirped. "Let's go, Wrenn. We have to get you ready!" She enthusiastically took Wrenn by the arm and together with Neoma they dragged Wrenn back inside the inn.

"Umm, I'll pick you up at six?" Ascot asked but the girls were already inside, leaving him blinking.

"We'll let her know." Said Aidan with a wave. "Come on, Flynn, Novak and Eri. We have a shop to close down."

Aidan and Novak started packing up, Flynn did the same albeit he was still grumbling. Eri however remained on the spot, she was glancing between her temporary dress shop and the smoldering school in the distance.

"She didn't come." Eri sighed. The Snow Princess became crestfallen. "I wonder if Suzy knows her."


In the outskirts of town a little girl was seen crying on her swing set.

Elsa and the rest of her friends recognise her. That was the little girl from earlier, whose party dress was destroyed in the fire. Cindy.

Cindy was only wearing a casual dress now, a few ribbons and flowers here and there, clearly a hasty attempt to pull together something for the occasion.

"Cindy!" A woman called. "Are you ready? We can still catch the party in town."

"Yes, mom." Cindy muttered. She was clearly still sad about her good dress, she and her friends made that and she had poured all her heart into its making. With a huff, the saddened little girl stood up and prepared to head back inside... But then.

An odd object landed on her nose.

"Huh?" Cindy wondered. "A snowflake?"

More and more of these strange snowflakes appeared, carried by a thick icy mist that moved against the wind. The mist and the snowflakes congregated and suddenly a teenage girl stood in front of Cindy.

"It's Eri." Anna smiled.

"So Eri can fly around as an icy mist as well?" Kristoff gaped.

Cindy stared at Eri with wide eyes. Eri smiled back at the little girl. "Hi, you must be Cindy."

"Uh, hi. Yes, I am Cindy. Are you a fairy?" She asked, then she gasped. "You were at the school, your friends saved Suzy and her grandfather. And you put out the fire!"

"I did. But I wasn't fast enough. I'm sorry I couldn't save your dress in time." Eri apologized.

"It's not your fault." Cindy looked down at her feet.

"Cindy, I have a surprise for you. Just close your eyes and hold still for a moment." Eri instructed, and Cindy did just that.

The little girl winced when she felt the temperature drop and a wave of snow engulfed her little body.

"Alright, Cindy. You can open your eyes now." Eri encouraged.

Cindy opened her eyes to find herself gowned in a magnificent sparkling silver dress. She was absolutely speechless, never could she imagine wearing something so beautiful.

"Is this really..." Cindy uttered.

"Mhmm." Eri nodded. "It's yours."

"Thank you, thank you thank you!" Cried Cindy, tears of joy rolling in streams.

"CINDY!" Cindy's mother yelled from inside the house. "It's time to go."

"Hurry Cindy or you'll be late." Eri urged. Cindy nodded and pulled the much taller girl into a great big hug.

She pulled away from Eri and ran back to the house in excitement. "Coming, mom!" Cindy yelled. Cindy turned around to wave goodbye to Eri but there was only an icy mist where Eri once stood. Cindy waved anyway.

A sweet spread of smiles swept throughout the town. Hearts warmed by the act of kindness performed by the Snow Princess.

"Oh my gosh, that was soo sweet!" Anna cooed.

"That is how you use your powers." Elsa praised. 

She watched with overwhelming pride for her daughter. Eri, a girl who once questioned the existence of her own heart has a heart of gold. Elsa could not help but feel a pang of envy for Anna and Rapunzel, her sister and cousin had their present day children with them, to hold whenever they wish. Elsa's arms right now felt painfully empty.

High up on the roof of Iluka's clocktower, Eri watched Cindy pull her visibly shocked mother towards town. Eri smiled proudly at her work.

The sweet moment was broken, Eri tensed as she felt a strange presence approach her. A few starry sparkles herald the arrival of the new comer and all of a sudden despite the precarious location, Eri no longer stood alone on the clock tower.

A plump old woman with grey hair stepped towards Eri, she wore a light blue cowl with a pink neck ribbon.

A yelp from one of the audience drew heads towards its source. It was Queen Cinderella, one of the visiting royals.

Eri's finely honed instincts kicked in, examining the new comer in the blink of an eye. Eri was not fooled by appearances, she could sense an incredible power from the old woman, and yet she could also sense great serenity, care and kindness. Slowly upon concluding that the old woman was not a threat to her, Eri relaxed.

"That was a very kind and wonderful thing you did for that child, Princess Eri." The old woman praised, her smile full of admiration. "You could become a fairy godmother yourself any day."

"You know who I am!?" Eri gasped "Just like the master of the Spire."

"Yes, dear. My peers and I, The Council of the Wise are watching over you as you progress your mission."

"The Council of the Wise." Elsa repeated.

She, Rapunzel, Anna, Lady Caine, Cassandra, Kristoff, Eugene, Varian, Frederic, Arianna, Willow, Edmund, The Stabbington Brothers, Marius and Mathew all turned to look at the short elderly witch by the screen.

The witch grinned and pointed at herself.

"Council of the Wise, eh. Sounds a bit presumptuous." Cassandra muttered.

"I have come here to this kingdom tonight to tell you of the darkness that threatens this land and the surrounding sea." The Fairy Godmother explained.

"The Unquiet infiltrator!" Exclaimed Eri.

"That is correct, child." The Fairy Godmother nodded.

"Please. Tell me what you know." Asked Eri.

"Of course, child. But how about we find ourselves someplace more relaxing to sit?" The Fairy Godmother suggested. "I know a nice cafe nearby."

Eri nodded and the pair floated down from the tower.

The audience began to mutter, they wondered what information The Fairy Godmother will reveal.



The sound of bells at the inn's entrance signalled a new arrival.

"Why good evening, young master Ascot." Greeted Jarred. "To what does the son of the kingdom's esteemed admiral grace my humble inn with his presence?" The old inn keeper asked with reverence.

"Good evening, Jarred." Ascot replied. "I've come to pick up a girl for the princess's party tonight."

A few of the inn's local patrons spluttered and cackled. Jarred raised an eyebrow, his earlier display of reverence replaced with sceptical humour.

"A girl actually agreed to go on a date with Ascot!?" A patron laughed.

"I see you asked an outsider to go to the dance with you. Clever boy." Jarred smiled.

"Wait, I don't like this. Why is it so hard to believe this guy could find a date?" Eugene furrowed his eyebrows. "There must be something wrong with this boy."

Aidan and Novak who were sitting at a table in the lobby studied the reactions of the other patrons. They too seem troubled by this finding.

Click. The sound of heels against wood boards drew Ascot's attention, and not just Ascot's attention. All heads in the lobby turned to the direction of the figure descending the stairs. The reaction was jaw dropping, because the spectacle was jaw dropping. This effect was not solely confined to just the people on screen.

All eyes in the Arendelle Town Square were wide as golf balls.

Gowned in a beautiful ankle to neck golden dress lined with intricate patterns of the sun, was Wrenn. Absolutely breathtaking.

She wore long black fingerless elbow length gloves with a golden flower ornament brooch on each wrist. A large black bow was tied at her chest and another smaller matching black bow was clipped on her Sundrop empowered blonde hair. The orange hairclip painted by Rapunzel held the bow in place.

"OH MY GAWD!" Rapunzel squeeled. 

She grabbed Elsa, then together they assembled Anna, Cassandra, Lady Caine, Arianna and Willow and promptly pulled them all in a huddle.

Eugene tried to listen in on whatever it was his wife was whispering to the group of women but Cassandra roughly shoved him out. Eugene couldn't help but wonder. Kristoff, Varian and Frederic all shrugged and they returned to their gaze to the screen, at Wrenn.

No cleansing fire or morning sunrise could match the beauty of the girl descending the stairs. Many a princess within the audience were shocked, some were impressed while many others couldn't help but feel jealous.

And the boys? The boys in the audience were ensnared, a wave of awe echoed throughout the city streets, much to Eugene's annoyance. He turned around to cast a warning glare to as many teenage boys as he could see.

"I never thought I'd see this again." Sighed Ascot.

Melody smirked at his reaction.

Movie Ascot was just as dazed.

"Well I'll be darned." Jarred rubbed his head. "It's as if you'll be dancing with a princess. AGAIN!" Jarred really had no idea. "Just don't send this one off crying, like last year." He whispered.

"Whoa, wait. What did he mean by that!?" Eugene asked with urgency.

Ascot and Melody exchange a glance then quickly turned to avoid one another's eyes. Both were eager to forget last year's fiasco.

It took a massive force of will but Movie Ascot managed to shake himself out of his trance. He straightened himself and marched up towards his date. "Miss Wrennetta, you look... Ravishin- I MEAN RADIANT." The boy spluttered.

After recomposing himself, Ascot cleared his throat and held out his hand to the beautiful blonde. "Shall we head to the party now? I brought a coach for us." he smiled.

Wrenn looked uncomfortably between herself, Ascot and Ascot's outstretched hand. A tense silence fell over the lobby.

And the audience.

Eventually, Wrenn accepted his hand. "Thank you, let us go." 

And the pair left the inn.

"We follow them." Aidan instructed. Both he and Novak left the inn too.

Eugene relaxed a bit. Having Aidan and Novak watch over his daughter was somewhat reassuring.


The sun was setting over the sea, creating a beautiful scene, perfect for a party.

The venue was set at the jetties and thus accessible to humans and merfolk. There was much merriment as people of all sorts mingled and chattered, food and drinks were served and musics were played. The Ilukan royal family happily socialised among the guests as did the Atlantican royals.

Melody the birthday girl giggled as she was swamped by her many aunts. Her grandfather the revered King Triton watched on proudly.

"Silence." Grimsby, the Ilukan royal caretaker and confidant beckoned a moment's pause from the guests. The crowd quickly became silent and Grimsby continued.

"Ladies and gentlemen. It is my honour and privilege to present our esteemed Princess Melody with a very special, very expensive, very LARGE birthday present." Grimsby gestured at an indeed large object covered by a large cloth.

The guests cheered and applauded.

"Awe Grimsby, you shouldn't have." Said Melody, her voice full of appreciation.

The girl's father though wasn't too pleased. 

"Yeah Grim, you really shouldn't have!" Berated Eric. He eyed the shape of the object and was already pretty sure he knew what was underneath the cloth.

"Happy Birthday Melody!" Cheered Grimsby. The cloth was pulled down to reveal a statue, it was of Melody holding a sword in a rather unabashedly dramatic pose with one foot on-top of an emblem with an 'M.'

Eric cringed. The overall reactions from the crowd were mixed, some balked, others laughed, while one-.

"WOOOH!" Melody made a whoop. "I love it! Thanks Grimsby!" The birthday girl gave the old confidant a warm hug.

Ariel clapped and smiled widely at the sight of the statue. This left Eric staring awkwardly at his girls.

A few guests clapped... hesitantly.

"Hey, I like it!" Anna declared.

"Yeah, me too." Added Rapunzel.

"Sure would like one of me done." Willow

Arianna, Elsa, Cassandra and Lady Caine cocked their eyebrows at the three.

The Stabbington Brothers rubbed their chins. "Yeah, we'd probably steal it."

While Melody and Ariel fawned over the statue with Grimsby. Eric shuffled towards his father in law who was situated at the water's edge floating on top of magically levitated water. 

"Heh, you know. Grimsby had commissioned a statue just like that for me once." Eric chuckled with a hint of embarrassment. "I thought it was a bit over the top but luckily it was lost in a storm, I sure hope no one down there has seen it."

Triton didn't say anything at first, he just tensed up and a discreet bead of sweat rolled down the side of his face, out of Eric's sight. "I... wouldn't worry about it, son. The ocean is a big place and I am sure no-one will ever find it."

"I never did get why your father looked so nervous." Eric inquired.

Ariel's only response was a groan and she rested her forehead on her husband's shoulder, adding more confusion for Eric.

Triton cleared his throat loudly and drew the attention of the guests. "Well everyone, since we are on the topic. I too have a gift to present to the birthday girl." The Sea King announced with a wide smile.

Melody quickly moved to stand before her grandfather.

Triton raised his hand and another pillar of water rose beside him, and from the pillar the waters parted and a magnificent platinum quindent was revealed. Melody and many of her guest gasped, the five pointed spear shone with the dazzling light of the blue moon, a treasure of immeasurable value to be sure.

"Is that really... for me?" Whispered Melody.

"It is." Triton confirmed. "With this quindent you will now have the power to transform yourself into a mermaid and back whenever you please. Very handy since you can now visit Atlantica and your grandfather more freely." Said Triton with a wink.

Melody laughed and nodded.

As Triton handed the quindent to Melody, and Melody received it, the great Sea King placed his hand over his granddaughter's, his expression was suddenly serious. 

"Couples will now come to you if they wish to wed as human or merfolk. You must be wise and responsible in your decisions, for their lives and fates will be in your hands. And on top of that, the quindent has many other great and powerful abilities, use the power for the good of your people, not their ill." Triton imparted his important piece of wisdom to his granddaughter.

"Yes grandfather." Melody nodded knowing her grandfather had not only gifted her a physical gift but also his trust and his belief in her to do the right thing always. She carefully took up her quindent.

Ariel watched with astonishment, her father really has come a long way from being strict over protective, distrustful and controlling. Though she herself was perhaps still perturbed about giving Melody a magical item so powerful and potentially dangerous.

Movie Ariel seemed unsure too, but remained silent.

"Now." Triton smiled, raising his trident. "Shall we add some lights?"

"Yes we shall." Melody chirped. And together they raised their polearms to the heavens and lit the darkening skies with dazzling displays of fire works.

The crowd cheered and applauded.

"LET THE PARTY BEGIN!" Melody cheered.


The party was in full swing. Couples danced on the jetties and in the waters, the screen focused on one particular pair.

Eugene growled. It was Wrenn and Ascot!

"I don't believe this." Eugene grumbled. "It feels like yesterday I was still spoon feeding my little girl. And now I'm seeing her all grown up and dancing with boys."

"You spoon fed them this morning!" Rapunzel corrected from a few seats away.

The pair were drawing quite a few looks from the other guests.

"Check out that girl." One of the boys whispered.

"Ascot actually came with a date?" One of the girls asked. "She must not be from around here."

"Hey I recognise her, she was with the group that saved the school. That's the girl who could magically heal people."

"No way, she is way too hot for him." Another boy groaned, he immediately regretted it as his dance partner gave him a hard jab to the gut.

Ascot and Wrenn danced without saying a word, interaction was rather strained and tense, Wrenn in fact looked terribly uncomfortable. It was about to get even more awkward.

Ascot's expression abruptly became serious and he suddenly had a nasty case of the wandering hand. He ran his hand along Wrenn's waist, frisking her, he felt down her lower back and squeezed and patted her rear bow, the hand even began to venture lower-.

The whole audience was aghast.

This vulgar behaviour was of course widely met with an uproar of scoffs and curses. And certainly no one was more outraged than the girl's father!

Eugene launched himself from his seat and flew across the street towards the offending boy, he was almost within hands reach of Ascot's neck when Eric intercepted him. It took the combined strength of Eric, Kristoff and Varian to drag Eugene back to his seat, Rapunzel had to sit on his lap to keep him from running off again to kill Ascot.

Not that Wrenn couldn't do that herself.

Wrenn sunk her two digits into Ascot's trapezius muscle drawing a painful yelp from the boy and forcing him down on one knee. Some couples nearby wondered if it was a dance move.

"You die now." Wrenn growled menacingly, it didn't even sound like Wrenn.

"Wha-. Oh no no no no! I swear it's not what you think!" Exclaimed Ascot, his face was a mask of horror upon realising what he had just done. "I was only checking if you had a crab hiding in your dress!"

"Excuse me!?" Wrenn balked.

"Please, let go. I'll explain everything." Pleaded Ascot.

With a huff of annoyance Wrenn released Ascot. The boy took a second to massage the spot between his neck and his shoulder, then quickly he lead Wrenn to a corner to explain his actions.

"Ok. Last year I was dancing with Princess Melody at her twelfth birthday party. Everything was going fine when suddenly a crab hiding in her dress nipped me in the finger!" Ascot explained while holding up his right index finger.

"In my attempt to shake off that crab I tripped and landed on a bowl of punch." Ascot winced at the memory. "Some other things happened involving the crab and the crazy chef. But needless to say the party was ruined, Melody ran off crying and I was unofficially branded the last guy any girl wants to dance with."

The whole town was now looking at the pair in question. Both Ascot and Melody lowered their heads in embarrassment.

"It's true." Melody confirmed.

Most people nodded and returned to the screen. Rapunzel playfully slapped her husband on the chest. Eugene huffed but kept a grumpy pout on his face.

"You do appear to be telling the truth. As crazy as it all sounds." Wrenn conceded, after taking a moment to study Ascot. "So, because no girl in the kingdom would willingly dance with you, you decided to ask me. An outsider who wouldn't know about the incident?" Wrenn asked.

Ascot lowered his head.

"I thought that if people see me bring a girl to the party, treat her well, and if we win the dance contest then maybe things will return to normal." Ascot confessed.

"Is that all you really want, just to have girls dance with you again?" Asked Wrenn, arms folded.

"OH. And I really did want to repay you for saving my life back at the school, that is the honest truth." Ascot quickly added.

Wrenn went into deep thought, considering Ascot's fate. At last she decided.

"Alright, I'll tell you what. Since I still want to win that prize money, I've decided to spare your life. But! If we win I get all of it." Wrenn declared. "I get the money, you get girls to dance with you again."

"Sounds good." The Admiral's son agreed. They both made their way back to the dancefloor arm in arm. But Wrenn gave him one final dangerous look.

"If I feel your hand where it doesn't belong again. You won't land on punch this time, punch will land on you!"

Ascot gulped.

••• At the Inn •••

Amelia and Neoma sat at the table of Jarred's inn, finishing a final inventory check.

"Phew, glad that's over!" Chirped Amelia. The Arendellian princess then beamed at her friend. "Let's head to town. We can still catch the parties on the streets."

"We're here on a mission, not to have fun." Neoma scolded. "We need to find information about the infiltrator."

"So then, what better way to collect info than to mingle and ask for it. Come on, Eri, Aidan and Novak have gone out." Amelia pleaded, tugging at Neoma's sleeve.

"I don't see why Aidan and Novak have to go keep an eye out on Wrenn." Neoma groaned. "If Flynn is that worried about his sister he should have gone himself, instead of locking himself in the room to sulk."

Amelia's face lit up. 

"Hey, I know. Lets take Flynn to town. That'll brighten his day." She chirped and ran up the stairs. Amelia reached the boy's room and gave the door a few good knocks. "Flynn. Neoma and I are heading to town, you wanna join us!?" Amelia sang.

No answer.

"Come on, Flynn. You can't just lock yourself in the room the whole night." Said Amelia. But still no answer, only a faint thump could be heard from the other side.

"Alright then." Amelia declared. She raised her hand and in a puff of sparkling magic, her Keyblade materialised in her grip.

"Ready or not, like it or not, clothed or not, I'm coming in!" Amelia held the magical item up like a fire axe.

A few in the audience gasped, was Amelia seriously prepared to smash the door?

Tap tap. Amelia very gently tapped the door and to the amazement of the audience, a click was heard and the door magically swung open. Amelia smiled and gave her Keyblade a quick peck.

"Wow. I wish I had a Keyblade when I was young." Anna laughed, she cast a wry smile at her sister. Elsa returned the smile and clasped Anna's hand.

Arianna noticed the exchange between her nieces and decide to offer her own suggestion. "A sledgehammer would have done the trick." Arianna chuckled, and Willow rolled her eyes at her older sister.

"Sure would be easy to break into places with that thing in hand." Laughed Lady Caine. The Stabbington Brothers nodded in agreement.

Amelia looked around and was confused to be greeted with an empty room. "Huh, that's strange. I could have sworn I heard a thu-."

Thump Thump! 

Amelia levelled her Keyblade and cautiously she made her way towards the wardrobe, with her hand on the nob Amelia carefully opened the wardrobe door. But no sooner than she did, somebody tumbled out!

Amelia yelp as she was greeted by a frantically flailing person! This person was bound, was gagged, but most shocking of all, this person was-.

"Wrenn!?" Amelia gasped.

"What's going on!? I heard a crash!" Neoma came running in. "Umm what's up with Wrenn?"

"No idea I found her like this!" Amelia replied. Both girls helped Wrenn up and Amelia began cutting Wrenn's binds with her dagger.

The audience were shocked, what was Wrenn doing bound and gagged and locked in a wardrobe? But more importantly, if Wrenn was in the wardrobe then who was at the party!?

The moment she could, Wrenn spread her arms almost throwing Amelia and Neoma on the ground, she tore off her gag and and let out a loud and vengeful-.


••• At the Party •••

The faint ghost of a distant scream jiggled the jelly.

"Uh oh." The Non-Wrenn shuddered, looking up from his dessert.

"Hmm? Is something wrong?" Ascot asked. Perking up from his pudding.

"Oh no. Nothing is wrong." Flynn assured with a perfect imitation of Wrenn's voice. "Shall we return to dancing?"

The whole town was in shock.

Ascot was white as a ghost! Melody though quiet at first, suddenly burst out laughing. She rested her forehead on Ascot's shoulder and repeatedly thumped his chest, unable to stop laughing.

At the other table, Eugene gaped wide eyed and mouth wide opened at the screen, all the while Rapunzel sat on his lap laughing uncontrollably. Kristoff and Varian who both sat on guard on either side of Eugene exploded in fits of laughter. They each slapped Eugene on the back waking him up from his shock.

"Flynn! That was Flynn this whole time!?" Asked Eugene, totally flabbergasted. He looked at his wife and something dawned on him. "You knew, you knew all along! That's what you were whispering to the other girls."

"Oh, Eugene. I can't... believe... you didn't." Rapunzel struggled to speak between laughs. "They're your kids!"

Eugene looked between the Wrennposter on the screen then to the twin babies sitting on Frederic and Arianna's laps, then back again.

Frederic was stunned speechless whilst Arianna was giggling at his reaction.

Eugene continued to examine his children but try as he might be could find no incriminating feature Rapunzel use to distinguish the twins apart, baby Flynn and Wrenn have always been easy to mix up. But then...

"Oh I see. Flynn has an orange clip while Wrenn has a pink one!" Eugene frowned. "That's not fair, you painted those!"

Rapunzel giggled and nuzzled into him.

"It's uncanny." Elsa commented. "Flynn and Wrenn truly are identical twins."

"I know, I definitely wouldn't have known if Rapunzel hadn't told us." Anna agreed.

"Too bad neither of them could act very Lady like." Lady Caine laughed.

"Like you did?" Cassandra joked. Both she and Lady Caine laughed.


"Haha! Look at Flynn go." Aidan laughed. He and Novak were perched on a stone lookout, the two boys watched and snickered.

Anna, Kristoff and Lady Caine were surprised. The boys were all in on it.

"I got to hand it to Flynn for the length he'd go to protect his sister." Novak praised. He then turned to Aidan and a thought came to him. "Would you do the same for Amy?"

"You mean dress up as her? Nah!" Was Aidan's quick reply. "If Ascot had asked Amy out instead, I would have knocked him out on the spot." 

"Let's not forget the huge size difference between Aidan and Amelia." Cassandra chuckled.

"Then there goes the prize money." Said Novak.

"Ah, well in that case. I'll knock the guy out, steel his invitation, and then take Neoma to the ball." Said Aidan with a mischievous smile. Then he clutched his chin as another thought came to him. "Hmm, now that I think about it. Why didn't I just do that in the beginning? It would save Flynn the trouble of dressing up."

Anna turned to give Cassandra a wry smile. Cassandra appeared unsure at first but, shrugged.

Kristoff was also giving Varian a mischievous grin. Varian however replied by giving Kristoff a slightly annoyed look. Eugene and Kristoff were not the only protective fathers.

Novak's eye suddenly twitched. "You know. I grew up with Neoma, so she's kind of like a sister to me." He warned. "Likewise I break skulls for her."

Now it was Cassandra giving Lady Caine a an appreciative smile. "Like a sister, huh?"

"Well in that case, don't let me see you give Amy any more carrots!" Aidan retorted.

"What!? Amy? Carrots? Wha-."

"Hi guys!" Eri appeared, surprising the two boys.

"Eri!" Exclaimed Aidan. "We weren't expecting you. Did you find that little girl?"

"I sure did, come tomorrow Cindy will be the talk of the town... But it looks like Wrenn will be the talk of the country!" Eri's eyes brightened upon witnessing the dazzling grandeur of her second cousin. "Oh my, I knew Wrenn would look spectacular in that dress. It has to be my finest work yet."

Novak and Aidan smirked at one another, deciding to keep Eri out of the loop.


"And now let us announce the winners of this year's dancing competition!" Ariel chirped and the crowd cheered.

"For this year's human and human couple, we have Ascot and Wrennetta!" Ariel cheered, and a huge round of applause erupted from the other attendees.

"Congratulations." Melody praised as she handed the 'Wrennposter' a pot of gold. "Welcome to Iluka, Miss Wrennetta and thank you so much for coming to my party with Ascot, I hope you will enjoy your stay at our kingdom and may you make many wonderful memories with us." Melody sang and gave her most welcoming smile to her guest. 

It was her duty as princess to make a good impression of her kingdom and herself. And what an impression she was making.

"Umm... thanks." Flynn stuttered, almost slipping back to his original voice. He kept his gaze down at the pot in his hands... Hiding a blush.

"Really?" Melody gaped, only now noticing. She began to blush, herself.

Ascot raised an eyebrow and smirked at Melody.

Ariel snickered

Rapunzel giggled.

"Too bad this couldn't be us, last year. Eh Ascot?" Movie Melody laughed and slapped Ascot on the back. Movie Ascot grumbled.

The audience watched as the next winners were announced. A lovely merman and mermaid couple. But it was in the announcing of the final couple, the winners of the human to merfolk competition, that really got a reaction from the viewers.

"We have Hook Foot and Seraphina!" Ariel Cheered.

"Oh my gosh!" Squeezed Rapunzel.

"Well, can't say I expected that." Laughed Cassandra.

"Way to go Hook Foot." Eugene cheered, having finally recovered from his earlier shock.

They had heard that Hook Foot and Seraphina found each other again and had settled down in a place that is welcoming to humans and merfolk. Of course Iluka was such a place.

"WOOH!" The party's hook handed pianist whooped.


And so the party continued.

"Hello Ascot, want to dance with me?" A girl asked.

"Hey, I was going to ask him!" Another girl objected.

"Well someone sure is popular with the ladies." Flynn chuckled. "Looks like we both got what we came for. I'll bid you goodnight." 

The Wrennposter heft the pot of gold close and prepared to make for the exit.

"Whoa, wait!" A suddenly frantic Ascot pulled away from the two girls tugging at him. "You're leaving so soon? But won't you stay for the remainder of the party? I mean... there are a lot of guys who'd love to dance with you." Ascot grunted that last part, his voice and expression exposed a tinge of contained annoyance as he indicated to a group of hopefuls all eying on who they thought was Wrenn.

"I think I'll pass." Flynn shivered uncomfortably. He turned to walk away from the dance floor as fast as he could.

Ascot was conflicted, on one hand he was glad that Wrenn refused to dance with the other boys, but on the other hand...

Ascot glanced at the group of girls smiling at him, a few mermaids even beckoned him to jump in the water to dance with them.

He turned his head to the departing non-Wrenn, then back to the group of girls. He kept glancing back and forth, fighting an internal battle until...

"Hey Wrennetta, wait up!" Ascot called. The boy left the dance floor and caught up with his date. "Let me walk you back to the inn, it is the least I could do." He offered.

"But don't you want to stay and dance with the girls? It's what you were aiming for all night." Wrennposter seemed genuinely puzzled.

Ascot simply shook his head and smiled. "I can't possibly turn my back and leave you to walk the streets alone at night, and while carrying so much money on you."

"Oh I can handle myself in a fight." Flynn replied.

"No doubt." Replied Ascot massaging his shoulder as he did. "But. I want to walk you back." Ascot insisted.

Rapunzel smiled, as did Arianna, Anna, Elsa and Willow. They were pleased with Ascot's decision and were all becoming quite accepting of Ascot.


The walk back was quite exciting. Even outside the princess's private party at the jetty's there was plenty of festivities on the streets. Lights and laughter rang about.

It was a pleasant walk until.

"Hey, Goldilumps. What's a beautiful girl like you doing in a dirty mind like mine?" A teenage boy jeered. The group of boys and a girl accompanying him laughed.

Flynn froze on the spot. A feral growl gurgled in his throat, but it was Ascot who reacted first

"You do not EVER talk to her that way!" Ascot shouted. His eyes were fierce and he glared down at the offending boy.

"Aww, big Ascot is trying to scare me. Just because he's the admiral's son, he thinks he's tough." The bully laughed. He then turned back to the non-Wrenn with a perversed leer. "How about you lend me a kiss? I promise I'll return it."

No more words were exchanged. Ascot wound back his arm and powered his fist square into the offender's teeth, the bully punched back and the exchange descended into a street brawl.

Ludwig frowned in disappointment at his son. If last year was bad, this year Ascot was involved in a street fight. Though not everyone saw it as a negativity however.

"Go Ascot. Bust that creep up!" Melody shouted, and she wasn't the only one. A few people were were cheering him on, most surprisingly of all-.

"Pulverise him!" Shouted Eugene.

The two boys swung and wrestled, more brawlers than fighters. The non-Wrenn was none too impressed.

"Here's our chance." One of the bully's friends whispered. "While Ascot is distracted, we'll snatch the pot of gold from 'Goldilumps.' It'll be like taking candy from a baby."

As this happened, Ascot was having a hard time with his foe. His suit was in tatters, his hair was ruffled and he sported a black eye.

"Come on!" The bully challenged.

Ascot tackled him, slamming them both against the wall, then he head butted the bully and finished with an uppercut. The bully flew up and landed bottom first in an empty barrel.

"YES! I WON!" Ascot raised his fists and cheered. "Who's next!?"

To his surprise, Ascot turned to find the other four boys already knocked out and on the ground, and he was just in time to see the girl punch Wrenn in the chest.

"Ooh!" Most of the women in the audience winced, clutching their own assets protectively.

"That was a cheap shot!" Anna yelled in outrage.

Indeed even the real Wrenn might have actually been annoyed by it. Flynn of course didn't feel a thing. Meanwhile the girl clutched her hand like she had just punched a rock.

"You should have gone for the crotch." Wrennposter smirked.

The Non-Wrenn held the pot in front of the shocked girl's nose, then with his free hand Flynn punched the pot knocking it forward and slamming it in the girl's face.

"Wow." Ascot let out.


Ascot and the Non-Wrenn continued their walk, they were finally nearing Jarred's inn.

"You knocked out four guys and a girl back there! And you did it without getting a scratch." Ascot exclaimed. "Where did you learn to fight like that?"

"Hm. Where I come from, not knowing how to fight is like not knowing how to eat. You die, in other words." Was Flynn's response. It was cold and pained. Ascot noticed this.

"I guess I would die pretty quickly." Ascot joked, trying to lighten the mood as he indicated at his bruised and tattered appearance. It seemed to work.

"Not gonna argue there. But I've seen worse, you should have seen some of the corpses I've brought back." Flynn laughed. "I have a few mean lacerations from a few battles myself."

Rapunzel frowned.

"I'm sorry." Ascot apologized, catching the non-Wrenn off guard. "I don't assume to know what you might have been through, but it must have been really rough. I can see why your brother is so protective of you, I'm glad I defended your honour back there." 

Ascot smiled proudly, showing he did not regret diving head first into that brawl, despite getting roughed up, despite knowing he would have to fight the other four boys too and  knowing he probably would have lost if Wrenn hadn't knocked them all out first. He'd do it again. Wrenn the girl who saved his life was worth it.

The Non-Wrenn paused causing Ascot to stop. Ascot began to worry, fearing he had said the wrong thing.

"My sis-. I am all my brother has left." Wrennposter stuttered, almost botching the cover. "He would go to extraordinary lengths to protect me." 

As Flynn said this, he self-consciously looked down at himself, indeed he was posing as Wrenn in a sparkling golden dress to keep her safe from questionable boys. But...

"But... You are a good guy." Flynn sighed. "I don't think he minds you." Flynn spoke these words with finality.

Melody grinned and slapped her friend on the back.

"Wow, after all that it looks like Ascot was finally able to win Flynn's approval." Elsa giggled.

Rapunzel was smiling widely, a relieving wave of satisfaction washed over. She too approved of Ascot.

"Mmm. I still don't approve." Grumbled Eugene.

The pair had now stopped in front of Jarred's inn.

Flynn raised his hand and gently placed his two fingers on Ascot's cheek. "Hold still." He instructed. Then with a low hum, a light glow enveloped Ascot's face. When the glow receded, Ascot's black eye and scrapes were no more.

"I can fix your wounds but I can't fix your suit. You'll need Eri for that." Said the Non-Wrenn.

"Never mind the suit, this is great!" Ascot exclaimed, touching his face. "It doesn't hurt anymore."

Astounded he hastily thought of a way to thank Wrenn, he found one. Before the anyone could react, Ascot took the Non-Wrenn by the shoulder and kissed her on the cheek!

"GYAAAH!" Came a blood curdling shout from Flynn's throat. He drove his fist into Ascot's gut, hard! Then fled into the inn.

Ascot was left clutching his stomach, eyes wide.

Unfortunately there was an audience.

"BWAHAHAHA!" Aidan, Eri and Novak burst out laughing. The two boys and girl applauded and whistled catcalls.

The audience too were in hysterics. Laughter and applause rang throughout the square. Ascot slumped down and banged his head on the table, he could not be more embarrassed.

"Smooth." Laughed Melody.

Aidan and Novak each gave Ascot a pat on the back as they passed him and followed Flynn through the door and up the stairs.

Eri smiled at Ascot and with a wave of her hand Ascot's suit was as good as new once again. She too entered the inn leaving the pristine boy clutching his stomach.

A few seconds later and the inn keeper stepped out, Jarred folded his arms and gave the boy a disapproving, scolding look. Suzy also came marching out, she frowned at Ascot.

"That's two you've sent running." The grandfather and granddaughter reprimanded in unison.


Upstairs inside the suite of the inn, Wrenn... the real Wrenn was seated at the table peacefully enjoying a calming brew of camomile tea.

"Feeling better now, Wrenn?" Asked Amelia.

Amelia and Neoma also sat at the table sharing tea, both girls intently observed their friend with concern.

Wrenn drew in a deep breath, slowly sipping her tea, savouring the calming aroma before gently setting the teacup back on the table. 

"Yes, I'm feeling much better. Thanks, you two." Wrenn sighed.

Suddenly the door swung open and in shuffled the Non-Wrenn with Eri. Aidan and Novak were frolicking on either side of them.

"Hey girls we're back and look who we brought!" Aidan sang.

Eri suddenly froze. "Wait, why are there two Wrenns?" She glanced between the two.

WAM! CRACK! Wrenn slammed her fists on the table so hard she broke the wooden furniture in half! The tea set slid down the middle clattering on the floor.

Both Amelia and Neoma just sat and glared at the boys with narrowed eyes, especially at Flynn.

"She's going to bash him, isn't she?" Neoma asked, it wasn't really a question.

"Mhm." Was Amelia's response.

Both girls raised their cups to their lips uncaringly.

Wrenn stomped towards her brother, fists clenched, prepared to pummel her imposter.

With her approach, Aidan and Novak dove for cover. Even Eri, though confused, was quick to step aside leaving Flynn alone to suffer the wrath of Wrenn. There was a look of unfettered fury on her face.

"She's terrifying!" Kristoff recoiled.

"And I thought Rapunzel was scary when she's angry." Commented Varian.

Frederic gave the baby girl on his lap a quick glance, hardly believing his sweet granddaughter could make such a look.

"I won the prize money, all of it!" Squeeked Flynn. 

It didn't work, Wrenn continued stomping forward, looking murderous. Quickly Flynn dropped the pot of gold and started ruffling his dress. Wrenn uncaringly stomped on the pot, spilling gold all over the floor. A box finally fell out of Flynn's dress and as quick as a flash, Flynn picked up the box and held it out to his sister. 


Miraculously. Wrenn halted!

The Sun Princess said nothing, her expression was suddenly blank. Strangely enough this eerily silent and blank expression was even more unnerving than the angry look.

For a brief agonizing three seconds, nothing happened. A deathly silence fell over the room.

Rapunzel watched anxiously, wondering if she will see her children will fight one another.

Without a word Wrenn simply snatched the box from her brother, then retreated into the girl's bedroom.

A huge sigh of relief from the rest of the group. With Wrenn confirmed to be non hazardous, a fight was avoided.

Now Amelia and Neoma marched up to Flynn, their fists clenched and their expressions hard.

"Are those two going to beat up Flynn now in Wrenn's place?" Varian whispered to Kristoff.

Kristoff nodded discreetly. The girls looked dangerous, he didn't doubt for a second that his a Varian's girls are about to clobber Eugene's boy.

Amelia and Neoma approached the still fully disguised Flynn; fully gowned in the beautiful gold dress, adorned with light make up, and wearing blonde hair extensions to match Wrenn's longer hair. The two girls leaned in.

The audience watched, enthralled and curious as to what was about to happen.


Surprisingly. Wide cheeky smiles split the faces of Amelia and Neoma.

"Well? Tell us Flynn." Chirped Amelia.

"Tell us about your date with Ascot!" Neoma giggled.

Flynn who was in a semi defensive stance having twice expected a beating, blinked a few times. "Umm... well..."

••• Minutes Later •••

"HAHAHAHA!" Amelia and Neoma laughed uncontrollably. Aidan, Novak and Eri joined them. Even Wrenn had been convinced to come out and sit with the group. The seven teens sat around a lovely glass table, courtesy of Eri for replacing the wooden table Wrenn had destroyed earlier.

Seated at the head of the table was Flynn, red faced as he debriefed his comrades of the night's events.

"Aww. So instead of staying at the party with the swarm of girls fighting to dance with him, he chose to walk you back." Amelia's eyes sparkled.

"And he was prepared to fight five guys for you." Neoma nodded approvingly. "Sounds like a real winner."

"Yes, I have been watching them and I can say Ascot was a true gentleman." Eri confirmed.

Aidan and Novak spluttered however.

"Oh, but you weren't there when it happened." Novak grinned.

"Tell us Flynn." Aidan beckoned to his friend. "It was hard to tell from a distance, But... Did you get groped!?" He laughed.

The laughing stopped, the girls stared at Flynn in shock. Aidan and Novak grinned.

"It would explain why we saw you put him in that death hold " Said Novak.

"Death hold? If he had done that to me, I would have picked him up and broken him in half on my knee! Then heal him and break him in half again!" Declared Wrenn, outraged. "And maybe again after that!" 

She snapped a bar of chocolate three times to emphasize.

Ascot shrank back in fright.

"Guess you were pretty lucky it was only Flynn and not the real Wrenn you groped." Ariel giggled.

Eugene felt his wife patting him on the head. "You see, Eugene? Your daughter could take care of herself just fine."

Eugene grumbled something about 'better to prevent it in the first place.'

"Are you really going to eat all of that yourself, Wrenn?" Asked Amelia, salivating at the sight of the box of chocolates in Wrenn's hand.

"Yup." Was Wrenn's decisive answer.

Eri grinned. "If Wrenn eats all that chocolate?" The Snow Princess inhaled and expanded herself like a balloon causing Amelia and Neoma to laugh.

"HEY, I'll burn it all off tomorrow!" Exclaimed Wrenn.

Amelia ceased her laughter and sighed, still envious of the chocolate in Wrenn's hands.

"Here." Said Novak. 

The boy handed Amelia a box of chocolate of his own. Amelia gasped, she stared at him with wide eyes. 

"I uh, ganked it from a dessert vendor while everyone was watching Flynn and Ascot's street fight."

Aidan gave Novak a stern look. Novak replied with a slightly confused and defensive look.

'What!? It's not a carrot this time!' Novak's inner thoughts echoed. He was genuinely confused.

Kristoff's jaw nearly hit the table. "That boy doesn't even have a clue of what he's done!"

Amelia's eyes started sparkling. She looked between the boy and the box of chocolates. The boy blinked back in confusion.

Anna was leaning forward and resting her chin on her hands, a great big smile on her face.

"Umm. He means to share it with everybody!" Aidan assertively took the box and stuffed a piece in his mouth with all the haste he could. But the moment he did, Aidan's eyes bulged and rolled back.

Everyone stared at him with curiosity.

"Sweet spirits, I didn't expect chocolate to be so good!" Moaned Aidan, taking another piece. "No wonder Wrenn wouldn't share her box!"

"GIMME THAT!" Amelia cried, she reached for the box but Aidan held it close and fled the table. He was almost at the door when Amelia, Neoma and Eri dog piled him.

"These kids have never had chocolate!?" Anna cried in horror. She and Elsa glanced at one another in dread of the thought. A life without chocolate was unthinkable for the sisters. Their kids truly did live in a post-apocalyptic world!

••• The Next Morning •••

The kingdom woke to a beautiful warm sunrise.

As many folks may prefer to remain in bed after the previous night's excitement and festivities, a few have decided to commit to physical activities to awaken their bodies and minds. And what better way to do that than a morning jog with friends?

A happy young couple jogged side by side along the foot paths down the city streets. It was a relatively quiet and non competitive activity, until...

"On your left!" A brunette teenager zipped past the couple. The girl ran at full speed causing a few townsfolk to stop and stare at her. She was really making tracks.

"My, Wrennetta certainly can run." Arianna thought.

It was no surprise that Wrenn was incredibly fit.

A moment later, Wrenn ran past the couple again! The woman looked to her partner, the man shrugged.

"She's fast, but she won't be able to keep it up. You'll see, any second now, she is going to burn out."

True to the man's words, Wrenn was showing signs of fatigue. Her lungs were burning, she was breathing hard and her pace faltered.

Then with a growl, Wrenn's hair turned blonde. The Sundrop magic travelled along her body, soothing her aching muscles and revitalising her exhausted lungs. With a roar, Wrenn quickly regained speed and was soon running faster than even before.

A few towns folk wisely took cover as the now blonde girl sprinted through the streets.


At the docks the other six teens assembled. It was a secluded location so no stragglers would listen in. Eri had told them all she had obtained important info that would prove invaluable for the mission in Iluka.

"Mmmm. Did we have to get up so early?" Amelia groaned.

"It wouldn't be so hard if you had slept earlier." Neoma scolded, though truthfully, she herself and everyone else too looked exhausted.

"I tried but couldn't fall asleep. It must have been that chocolate!" Amelia moaned. Everyone silently agreed.

"Speaking of chocolates. How was Wrenn able to get up and go for a run?" Aidan asked, bewildered. "I mean, she ate a whole box herself!"

"No idea. Wrenn was full of energy at first, perhaps even more so than the rest of us. Then she abruptly dropped like a log and had her full night's sleep." Flynn explained.

"Oh look, there she is now." Novak pointed towards the wharf.


"Don't say it!" Cried the male jogger. "Don't say it!" He and the female jogger increased their pace, but to no avail!

"ON YOUR LEFT!" Laughed Wrenn. The blonde teenager zipped past them both for the final time.

Deciding she's done enough, Wrenn turned towards the docks where her friends awaited her.

"Did you manage to burn it all off, Wrenn?" Novak asked.

Wrenn stopped in front of the group. She smiled proudly and tapped her enviable flat stomach, making a noise that sounded like she had hit something solid and dense.

"Well, now that we are all here together. Last night I have obtained some very important intel regarding the mission in Iluka." Eri addressed the group.

All smiles and horse play ceased at once. The teens became militarily attentive and focused on the briefings Eri relayed to them, information Eri received from The Fairy Godmother from the previous night.

"So there you have it. We are not dealing with one, but two infiltrators. One that has wormed it's way into the Ilukan palace and the other into the undersea kingdom of Orihalia."

"These two infiltrators seek to drive a wedge between the humans and the merfolk." Amelia pondered.

"Turn the two races against one another, and when they are both divided and alone they'll fall easy prey to the Storm of Unquiets." Neoma theorised.

Ariel and Eric looked to each other with concern.

Melody just shook her head at her parent's worries.

"Okay. We know what we gotta do." Wrenn cleared up. "Taking down the infiltrator in Iluka is doable, hard but doable. The real roadblock here is the infiltrator at the undersea kingdom of Origalia. How are we even suppose to reach it!?"

The three boys looked at one another and quickly came up with the same idea.

"There may be a way." Said Aidan. "I know this mission is suppose to be top secret but we might have to make an exception for this one."

"Here comes." Melody bounced on her seat with excitement.

"We'll need to convince Princess Melody to help us." Flynn suggested.

"WELL CONSIDER HER CONVINCED!" Shouted a new voice.

The seven teens jerked their heads in alert, startled by the thought that someone could manage to sneak up on them.

But there was no sign of anyone.

"Down here." The voice called again.

The seven teens looked over the dock. And out from underneath the wooden boards floated-.

"Princess Melody!" Exclaimed The Heroic Seven.


And there's Chapter 9

Ah, well this was a fun chapter to write. I hope you all enjoyed that.

Yep I really liked that scene from Captain America, The Winter Soldier.

We got to see how Eugene feels about boys and his teenage daughter. And we also got a brief glimpse into Kristoff and Varian's protective father side too.

And we got to see the boys protective brother side, especially Flynn's.

Who was surprised when the Wrenn at the party turned out to be Flynn? I would like to offer reference to Akuno-P or Mothy (the Vocaloid producer who created the Daughter of Evil series) for giving me the inspiration that lead to the idea for this chapter. And as I've mentioned before, Flynn and Wrenn drew inspiration from Rin and Len soo...

Anyway. Please leave me your thoughts and thanks for reading.

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