The Fire Between Us {Neteyam...

De sayam5678

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You are the daughter of the Chief of the Ash People who reside in the volcanoes. As you struggle with a troub... Mais

The Fire Between Us
The End.


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De sayam5678

I'm walking back now to the others. As I walk I have realized that Noatak's words opened my eyes. I have been neglecting the duty I was sent here for. I value a job well done and that is what I shall do.

I see Neteyam coming into view as I approach. He seems like he's looking for someone, so unaware of the girl that stares at him with adoration. He sees me approach and breaks loose of the girl's grip, making his way towards me. His mother seems to notice this and watches the two of us.

"(Y/n) is everything alright? You left so suddenly?"

"Everything is fine."

"That's good."

"(Y/n)" he steps closer and I push the sudden nervousness arising in my chest and meet his gaze, noticing Neytiri stiffen at this from the distance.

"Everyone is against us meeting each other and speaking to one another but you should know their opinions are worthles—"

"They are right. It is better if we keep our distance from one another. I am in no mood of making friends." This shouldn't hurt as much as it is right now. He is gentle and kind and definitely someone I do not deserve. I would ruin him, betray him, shatter him.

Neteyam's eyes widen in realization and he looks upset when he says "if that is what you wish then I shall bother you no more." I nod my head and walk past him, too ashamed of my actions. Dinraal would be proud.

I head home immediately after. I cannot continue to be in the presence of others or I will break down completely.


Neteyam POV:

Is loving someone this painful? It is like a thousand arrows are being shot at my heart. It's unbearable.

I watch as her figure disappears into the crowd. I can only think about her. What she thinks, what pain she goes through, it is a mystery that I would do anything to solve. But she does not think the same of me. I head back to my family and notice them all staring as I make my way up to them.

"Come on bro dance with us."

"No Lo'ak. You go."

I turn to face mother and say "I would like to rest. May I head home?"

"Neteyam, Lana is waiting to dance with you."

I completely forgot she was here. I turn to look at the Metkayina girl who stares at me. No one seems to attract my attention like (Y/n) does.

"I am not in the mood to dance. I shall bid you goodnight mother." Before she speaks I walk away, pondering on the words of the girl I care for the most.


As I arrive home I begin to change out my clothes and wear something more comfortable for bed. I await my families arrival and after a few moments, they all step into the pod happily.

Lo'ak approached me and says "bro I had the best time with Tsireya. You missed out on all the fun."

Kiri then rolls her eyes and says "your only saying that cause you were with your girlfriend. Otherwise it was boring." Lo'ak smiles even bigger than before and playfully teases Tuk as she begins to go to bed. I see mother and father come up to me, both wearing serious expressions.

"Son. You have come of age."

"For what sir?"

"For finding a partner who you will be with forever." Father looks at me seriously and everyone's attention is towards this conversation.

"Yes, the time has come my son for you to be with someone. Marriage can take place later but to secure a mate is most proper." Mother says this with happiness in her eyes and I am not sure what to say.

"It is a hard decision. One that you should not take lightly. That is why we have someone for you already to make it easier." My ears drop down at this. I know who they will say.

"Lana. She is perfect for you. She is the Tsahik's niece and a very beautiful girl who will keep you happy."

"I don't want Lana."

They look surprised at this. I see a hint of a smile on father's face and before my very infuriated mother says anything I head to my bed and lay down, facing my back towards my family.

There is only one I want and she is the farthest from me.


(Y/n) POV:

Today the Cheif's children will teach us more about the water. The water is uncomfortable to be in but I will endure it. Today I will spend time with Ao'nung and get that Na'vi to speak. I don't care what I have to do.

Tehiti and I exit our pod and make our way down to the beach where a set of Na'vi stand in the water, waiting for our arrival. As I approach closer I see Ao'nung, Tsireya, Rotxo, Kiri and Lo'ak. Good. He isn't here.

"Good morning (Y/n) and Tehiti" Tsireya says while smiling so brightly. I wonder how she remains so happy in a cruel world like this. Truly remarkable.

"Today we will be riding ilu and showing the both of you the beauty in the water." Ao'nung then begins to make clicking noises and creatures begin to gather around us. I shift nervously in the water. It's too cold. Not warm enough.

"These are ilu. If you want to be here, you must ride. Tehiti you can go with my sister and (Y/n) you're coming with me." He gets on his ilu and signals for me to get on behind him. I begin to board the ilu, Tehiti doing the same while the others get on their own ones.

I'm unsure where to rest my hands so I put them on Ao'nung's shoulders. He then shakes his head, takes my hands and places them on his chest. This again?

"Is everyone ready? Good. Try to keep up." Ao'nung then motions his ilu to move forward and we take off. The ilu dives in the water and I hold my breathe as I view the beauty of the water. The creatures swim carefree and beams of light shine throughout the depths of the water. Everything is so clear yet so mysterious.

This is incredible but wait I cant breathe. I tap Ao'nung's chest and point towards the surface. He nods and navigates his ilu to the surface. As we resurface I breathe in deeply. "I can't hold my breathe for too long be mindful of that."

"Got it princess."


Before I can question this nickname the ilu dives back in the water and I hold my breath suddenly, angered at Ao'nung's sudden action. I look behind and can't seem to see the rest of them. Perhaps they couldn't keep up. I'm sure Tehiti will be alright I trust Eywa will keep him safe.

I continue to swim with Ao'nung and keep signalling to catch my breath and this goes on for a while. He eventually stops just before the reefs that indicate the end of the Metkayina clan.

"We will not be going beyond this. Atleast for today because it is clear you don't know how to hold your breath."

"I live in volcanoes, we don't need to hold our breath there."

"I can tell."

"What is that underneath us? It looks like a creature wait, there are many of them."

"Those are the protectors of this clan. We stationed them just below the reefs so they may alert the clan if danger approaches."

"I see."

"My father believes we need more security however since the threat of the sky people is becoming worse. That is why more Na'vi patrol the clan at night. My shift is always so late I barely sleep."

"Well it is important to be aware. Who knows what danger could come. We should head back now we have lost the others and it has been a while since we left."

Ao'nung nods and the ilu begins its journey back to the clan.


"After you." I get off the ilu and make my way to the beach and I'm soaking wet. My shoes feel cool against my feet and I have never craved heat as I am right now. But I cannot generate fire. My emotions are just not strong enough.

Ao'nung walks beside me and we make our way to the clan. "I will teach you to hold your breath for longer periods of time."

"You are the son of the Chief. Don't you have other things to do?"

"For you, i'll make time." I turn to look at him but he is already staring. Just then I hear shouting and look in the distance to see some Na'vi bothering Tehiti. Eywa, forgive me for what I'm about to do.

I quicken my steps and walk towards the scene, anger building up with very step I take. Ao'nung walks behind me and I am so close to them when suddenly a familiar voice fills my ears. Neteyam stands in front of the Metkayina who tease Tehiti.

"Leave him alone. Back off. Now."

"Or what freak? You gonna swing your weak tail at us?"

Anger. Oh how I love it. It courses throughout my body for a number of reasons. Firstly, no one messes with my brother, secondly, no one messes with my brother. Thirdly, I don't like that word "freak". Especially when it's directed towards Neteyam. My body begins to heat up and I see fire form on the tips of my hair. I walk up, move Tehiti aside and stand directly in front of the jackass that seems to be the cause of this.

"Take one step and I'll kill you myself. You have one chance to leave, if you don't then even Eywa won't be able to save you from me." I glare at him and feel the fire burn intensely to my side. The boy looks nervous and backs away motioning his gang to follow behind him. Once they are gone I turn to Tehiti.

"I leave you for a moment and you already get yourself in trouble? Seriously Tehiti?" Tehiti puts his head down and Neteyam steps forwards resting his hand on Tehiti's shoulder.

"It wasn't his fault (Y/n). Those guys pick on anyone they see. Ao'nung isn't able to stop his friends from being such assholes."

"I don't hang with them anymore don't put the blame on me."

The both of them glare at one another and I take Tehiti's arm and begin to lead him back to our pod. As we walk away Tehiti clasps his hand into mine and hugs my arm.

"Tehiti next time anyone bothers you I want you to beat them up not silently listen." He nods his head and we head back to our pod silently.


Neteyam POV:

Night falls down on Pandora once again and I find myself talking to Lo'ak while trying to prepare a meal for my family.

"Bro you gotta admit my tulkun is better than yours."

"Nonsense Lo'ak. Akala is better."

"In your dreams bro. Payakan saved us all years ago. Speaking of which how are you holding up?"

"With what?"

"You know the incident that happened."

Being shot and brought back to life is something I hate thinking about. All I want to do is forget about that moment but the fear of it happening again has set limits for me. I fear it will happen again and this time I won't come back. Once again Lo'ak has killed my mood.

"I'm fine Lo'ak but these fish won't be if they are not cooked properly. Stop distracting me."

"Fine fine your no fun. Hey Tuk wanna play tag your it!"

I smile as I see my siblings play with one another. It is so entertaining. My parents are off riding their banshees and Kiri is hanging out with Tsireya. I want to surprise them by cooking our favourite meal we used to eat in the forest.

Everyone eventually returns home and we begin to eat, laughter spreading throughout the pod as we ponder on old times.


Everyone is fast asleep as I get up and take my weapon to be safe. I make my way out of the pod and head towards the forest. I need to clear my mind and going to the forest is my safe place. I miss my home so much. The forest is where I belong, not the water.

I head in the forest and walk around, admiring every branch that I pass and every insect that hides within the thick bushes. I stop as I hear movement directly to my left. I step towards the sound and begin to reach for my bow.

As I get closer I take my arrow and position my bow towards the sound and all of a sudden a chain wraps around my bow and yanks it away from my grip. Someone comes up behind me and puts a knife to my throat. I freeze.



She removes the knife from my throat and I turn to see (Y/n) standing behind me. She looks so beautiful. Her skin glows a deep blue tonight with dots of red splattered across her gorgeous face. Different from before.

"Why are you here so late Neteyam?"

"I always come to the forest at night. Are you meeting Flames?"


I hesitantly step forward. "I'm aware that you don't want to speak to me but not speaking to you is a punishment itself. I just wanted you to know." I begin to make my way to the tree above when she suddenly interrupts.

"Neteyam. Wait. Perhaps we could speak just this once. Besides no one is here to notice us." I smile at this.

"Would you join me up there."

"Up where?"

I point above me where a tree branch sways.

"How do you expect me to get all the way up there?"

"I'll take you. Come on."

I help her climb all the way up and eventually we reach the branch. She sits down beside me and we both stare at the view below.

"Pandora is beautiful."

"It really is."

"Why did you really come out here Neteyam? You look upset."

"I just remembered something that happened to me years ago. I was killed and brought back to life by Kiri. Eywa gave me another chance."

"That must have been difficult."

"Yes it was."

"It's nice you got another chance. Eywa must see something in you. How did it happen?"

"I was shot."

"Oh. Well in that case I could help you out. Make sure it doesn't happen again."


"My powers allow me to set up a protective barrier around myself that burns any weapon that tries to come close to me. To make it easier I wear this necklace that holds my power in its crystals. You will need it more than me. Here." She takes off her necklace that glows red within the crystals and comes closer.

I. Freeze.

She ties the necklace on my neck and I can feel her soft breath gliding along my skin. Her breath tickles and sends a jolt of sparks across my chest. She is so close and my heart beat is so fast.

(Y/n) ties the necklace and moves back slowly, our eyes meeting each others for a spilt second.

"Thank you. I will feel at ease now."

"No problem." She smiles at me and I feel my cheeks heat up and look away so she doesn't see how embarrassing I look.

"Well I better go check on Flames. Take care of yourself Neteyam."

She gets off the tree branch and heads towards Flames.

She is like the moon. I admire her from afar but the distance between us is far too great. An insignificant fact that will not lessen my want for her.


That is the end of the chapter. Guys if i'm going too fast let me know and I'll try to slow down. I just don't want to bore anyone by making these scenes go by too slow.

Also your comments make my day they are so entertaining!

I am beginning to write some really good scenes for future chapters so stay tuned cause it's about to become intense.

Also should I kill off Neteyam because alot of people are telling me to?

See you next time....

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