A World of Another Kind

By TheTwinsWrite

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This story, written by Aubrey and Kaylee, is a fanfiction based off the ABC studios, Once Upon a Time tv show... More

Chapter 1 A Strange Land
Chapter 2 The Beanstalk
Chapter 3 The Queen
Chapter 4 The Brew of Frozen Blood
Chapter 5 A True Friend
Chapter 6 The Urn and the Sword
Chapter 7 A Fearful Night
Chapter 8 Snow White
Chapter 9 Escape
Chapter 10 The Cyclone
Chapter 11 The Wicked Witch of the West
Chapter 12 "Surprise!"
Chapter 13 "Follow the White Rabbit"
Chapter 14 Neverland
Chapter 15 The Lost Boys
Chapter 16 The Elixir
Chapter 17 The Way to Victory
Chapter 18 Dead Man's Chest
Chapter 19 A Weight to Shoulder
Chapter 20 Maleficent
Chapter 21 Agrabah
Chapter 22 Jafar
Chapter 23 Welcome to Storybrooke
Chapter 24 The Story Book
Chapter 25 Awake
Chapter 26 Time Aberration
Chapter 27 A Town with Magic
Chapter 28 The Return of Zelena
Chapter 29 Time Travel
Chapter 31 Manhattan
Chapter 32 Reunited
Chapter 33 The Wraith
Chapter 34 Camelot
Chapter 35 Merlin
Chapter 36 DunBroch
Chapter 37 The Holy Grail
Chapter 38 The Battle
Chapter 39 The Forest of Eternal Night
Chapter 40 Destiny of the Purehearted
Chapter 41 The Return of the Dark Wizard
Chapter 42 The Corbenic King
Chapter 43 The Final Battle
Chapter 44 Back at Last
Chapter 45 Love and Courage
Chapter 46 A Happy Ending

Chapter 30 The Mystery Man

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By TheTwinsWrite

Narrated by Aubrey

     It was a few days later. News had spread fast around town about the time aberration and how we had time traveled. Everybody was talking about it, and everywhere we went, we would have a person come up to us to ask us questions. But some people didn't believe we had time traveled, so those people would make fun of us. But all Kaylee and I focused on was trying to avoid Zelena, and we couldn't go anywhere without feeling constant fear and paranoia that she'd be there ready to prey on us. And we couldn't expect Mr. Gold to always come to our rescue either. At least we knew Regina was better than her sister since she didn't want us killed, and we hoped she would help defend us too, especially because we had defended her when the angry mob came knocking at her door.

     Later that day, Kaylee and I went to Regina's house to give her cookies we had baked, but this time with the intentions of showing her kindness so that her cold heart could be warmed a bit. We wanted to show love and our care for her because this could only change her heart. Once we approached her door, suddenly, we saw that the door was slightly cracked open, and we thought that was strange. "Regina must had forgotten to close her door all the way," I said, feeling a little perplexed. "But this must indicate she's home. But because we can't just invite ourselves in, we will still have to knock."

     After knocking on the door and ringing the doorbell multiple times, strangely, she didn't answer. "I guess she isn't home," Kaylee concluded. "We can just drop these cookies off at her doorstep or come back later."

     "I don't know why, but I keep having this bad feeling," I said, feeling apprehensive. "What if someone broke in? I just feel like we should go inside and see if she's there."

     "Alright," Kaylee replied. "But let's be quick in case she isn't there because if she's not, she might come home any moment and catch us in her house, thinking we are stealing again."

     I agreed then we slowly creaked the door open and walked into the large house. "Hello?" I hollered, my voice echoing. "Regina, are you here? We made you cookies."

     But there was no answer. Then suddenly, as we walked further into the house, we began to smell something burning, like something being overbaked in the oven. The smell was coming from the direction of the kitchen, so we wandered over to it. And there was really something burning in the oven, and when I opened it, smoke came out, causing us to cough. As I was turning the oven off, the smoke detector went off and startled us. "How could Regina leave the oven untended that long," Kaylee coughed, yelling over the piercing noise of the smoke detector, "and forget to set a timer! I wonder where she is."

     "Uh... Kaylee, come quick!" I exclaimed at the other side of the large, kitchen counter, then Kaylee rushed over. There Regna lay on the floor, unconscious, and Kaylee gasped. But fortunately, she was breathing, but her pulse was extremely faint. "We need to call 911!" I picked up a phone that was on the counter and dialed.

     "I wonder how she fell," Kaylee said, concerned, as she sat on the floor next to Regina.

     I felt the floor for any water, but the whole kitchen floor was completely dry. "I have no idea," I replied, puzzled. "How strange...."

     Very soon, an ambulance arrived. The paramedics rushed in and placed Regina onto a stretcher then rushed her to the hospital, and we came along. Soon, Snow and Charming met us there once they heard the news. "Thank goodness you found her when you did," said Snow. "How did you get into her house?"

     "It was unlocked and slightly open," I explained. "I have no idea why, but good thing it was."

     "Yes, certainly," Snow replied, nodding. "I hope she is okay," she added with concern. "I wonder how she fell."

     "I've been asking myself the same question," I replied. "It's a mystery."

     A moment later, Doctor Whale came into the waiting room where we all were and told us that Regina had bumped her head which resulted in a concussion, but she was going to be okay. After Kaylee and I asked to visit her, we arrived at her room, and she was awake. She looked very pale and dazed. "Are you okay?" we asked as we approached her bedside.

     "You... you came to see me?" Regina stammered, looking very emotional and touched.

     "Of course," I replied, laying a hand on top of hers. "And here are your cookies we baked for you. I'll set them down here."

     A faint grin appeared on Regina's lips, and she weakly replied, "Thank you, they smell delicious. The doctor says you two are heroes. If it were not for you, I could be dead by now. After everything I did to you all, why do you still care and show kindness to me?" she questioned, her face showing sorrow and shame.

     "Because we choose love over hate, and we forgive you," I replied. "We won't give up on you, and that's the power of hope, hope that you will change and find true happiness."

     "You think after everything, I can change?" Regina asked, and we nodded.

     "That's why we gave you a second chance, because we believe you can," Kaylee said. "Forget about the past and move on. But only you can make the right choice."

     "If it were only that easy," Regina responded with a sigh.

     "Anyway, I was just curious, but how did you fall?" I asked. "What happened?"

     Regina pondered, looking distant in thought as if she was trying hard to think about that. Then she replied, "I remember I had made apple turnovers, and after I put them into the oven, I thought I heard a noise that sounded like footsteps in the other room, so I left the kitchen to go see, but I saw no one so figured what I heard was just my imagination." Then a confused and fearful expression appeared on her face when she added, "The last thing I remember is being back into the kitchen, and next thing, I wake up here in the hospital. That's all I can recall."

     "So, you don't remember falling or how you fell?" Kaylee asked, then Regina nodded.

     "Wait...," I began in realization of something, "Doctor Whale told us you have a large bump on the back of your head he assumed you got from falling backwards, but now as I recall, we found you face forward on the floor, not back, so it doesn't make sense how you got a bump on the back of your head."

     Regina's expression grew bewildered, then she replied, her tone growing serious, "Unless someone who wants revenge on me broke into my house, snuck into the kitchen, hid, then jumped out from behind me and knocked me out with something."

     "Yeah, that could be the only explanation," Kaylee said grimly. "I wonder who it could be."

     "I know it wasn't Zelena," said Regina. "It's just my gut instinct.

     "Do you have any security cameras?" Kaylee asked.

     "Oh yes, I do have one at the front of my house," Regina replied, "so you just need to look at the footage to see who it was."

     "Okay, perfect," I replied.

     We went back to Regina's house with Sheriff Graham to look at the video footage, and we watched it at Regina's computer since the security camera was connected to her internet. In a recent recording, we saw a stranger at the door who wore a creepy, white-colored, human face mask which gave me the chills. Kaylee and I exchanged nervous and uneasy glances.

     "Well, it looks like finding the suspect is not going to be easy as we thought," said Graham, pausing the video, "especially because there's no evidence who this person is."

     "Yeah, it could be anyone since pretty much everybody in this town hates Regina," Kaylee pointed out, "and many want to kill her too."

     "I don't blame them though," Graham replied. "I don't even trust her myself. Afterall, it was not long ago when she attacked the townspeople, revealing her true colors again, the Evil Queen inside of her. But even if I don't care if someone is after her especially because she has magic to protect herself, I guess I cannot ignore this case since it is my job as sheriff to ensure the protection of all, including the mayor. But because there's nothing I can do since there's no evidence, I'm going to forget about it for now."

     Later that day, strangely Archie's dog, Pongo, went missing, so Kaylee and I went to help Archie look for him. Archie searched around town while we searched the woods. Dusk soon fell upon us, and we still did not find the dog. We were very far into the woods, but luckily, we had flashlights with us. "I don't know where we are now," Kaylee said nervously. "I think we are lost now."

     I was already feeling anxious too because I knew we were lost since we had gone so far without thinking about where we were going; for we were only focused on finding Pongo. Now especially since it was near dark, I knew it was going to be even harder trying to find our way back. I felt just as scared as I did that time when we wandered in the Wonderland forest or the Oz forest at night. This really was no different. Then soon, we started to feel a drizzle pour down from the sky, and in a matter of minutes, it turned into a heavy shower. "Really?" I exclaimed, feeling very upset. "That's just great!" I added sarcastically.

     "Why are we always having bad luck?" Kaylee said with an exasperated sigh, and I immediately thought of the time back in the Enchanted Forest when we got caught in a thunder and lightning storm after leaving from Snow and David's wedding celebration. I hoped that there wouldn't be thunder or lighting now.

     "We need to find shelter somewhere," I hollered, then we began to quicken our pace in hopes of quickly finding refuge somewhere even if there was likely no chance of finding any.

     But a few minutes later, to our great surprise and relief, we saw a large, grand house, a house that we had never seen before. This moment felt like a repeat of that time when we found Granny and Red's cottage when caught in that dreadful storm. We hoped someone was there who would kindly open the door to us just like Granny did. Desperately, we ran to it and knocked on the door, then thankfully, a young man opened it. Immediately, we recognized who this person was; he was Jefferson, the Mad Hatter, and he instantly recognized us too.

     "My, my, what a coincidence how we meet again," said Jefferson. "I see you got caught in the rain. Come in and warm yourselves."

     We thanked him gratefully and entered. The inside was so grand and luxurious, and it sort of reminded me of Regina's house. "You have a very nice house," I commented, glancing around the place admiringly.

     "Thank you, but what's good about having a big, fancy house if I have no one to share it with," he solemnly replied.

     "So, your daughter is not here with you?" I asked with surprise and concern as we all sat down next to the fireplace.

     Jefferson sadly nodded. "Ever since the curse hit, I've been living here alone, separated from her."

     "I'm so sorry," I replied with sympathy.

Narrated by Kaylee (continued)

     "The Evil Queen caused my misery!" Jefferson said angerly. "When we were cursed, I always knew that something important was missing in my life, and then I started to have dreams of a past life. That is when I finally started to believe and when I realized we had been cursed. But the worst part of this curse is being separated from Grace. This curse took me away from her, and now I have to live with this unbearable torment every single day."

     "How did Grace manage not to get cursed like all of us?" I asked curiously.

     "She was in part of the land where the curse did not hit," Jefferson explained. "She probably thinks I've abandoned her and that I'm not coming back." Jefferson looked very distressed. "My dear, sweet Grace is probably alone and afraid. Every single day away from her has driven me mad. But now that the curse has broken and magic is here, I hope to find a way to go back to her. If only I had one of my magic hats with me."

     "Can't you just make another one?" Aubrey questioned.

     "It's not that simple," returned Jefferson with a shake of his head. "In order for that to happen, I would need a special material that I do not have here with me."

     He doesn't know that we are in a time aberration, I thought to myself, but I decided not to mention anything; for I did not want to give him no hope. He was miserable as it was.

     "Anyway, what brings you here?" Jefferson changed the subject. "Why are you so far out here when it's storming?"

     "We were looking for a lost dog," I explained.

     "Well, I hope that this lost dog is found," Jefferson replied.

     "Yeah, we hope so too," I said with a sigh.

     "So, any news in Storybrooke lately?" Jefferson asked.

     "Well, we found out that someone tried to kill Regina," I replied. "But we don't know who."

     "Really? Well, whoever tried to kill her must have had a good reason too," Jefferson replied.

     "I know what she did to all of us is wrong and that you have a right to be angry, but she is changing," I said. "She deserves a second chance; everyone does. Anyway, we have been looking for the suspect."

     "Regina deserves no mercy nor a second change!" exclaimed Jefferson, pounding his fist onto the coffee table, startling us. "She will never change! Don't you understand all the evil she has inflicted? She has killed so many innocent people, made lives miserable, and has cursed us! Now I'm separated from my daughter as a result! She is not capable of change; her heart is black as coal. I can't believe you want to defend her after what she has done to us!"

     "She's not that evil anymore," I responded. "You must listen to us."

     "Sorry, I cannot believe that she will ever change," Jefferson retorted bitterly. "She deserves to die," he added with a sinister gaze.

     I had a very unsettling feeling in that moment. I then eyed him suspiciously, and I could tell he was aware of my gaze since he seemed to look uncomfortable. My gut tells me something; could he be the suspect? I thought to myself. But I could not accuse him yet without sufficient proof.

     "Goodness, where are my manners?" exclaimed Jefferson, getting up. "Look at you cold and shivering. Allow me to fetch you two a hot cup of tea."

     "Thank you, tea sounds nice," I replied, still staring at him suspiciously. Jefferson got up to prepare us tea. "Aubrey, you don't think that he could be the suspect, do you?" I whispered. "Look how angry he was at Regina. I have this gut feeling."

     "I was thinking the same thing," Aubrey returned. "I am suspicious too."

     A few minutes later, Jefferson returned with two steaming cups of tea, and we accepted them gratefully. He then settled back onto his chair as we sipped the tea. "This should warm you up and will keep you from catching a cold," he said, watching us with a grin.

     "The tea is good," I replied. Then suddenly, a wave of dizziness came over me, and I dropped my teacup and it shattered. I felt drowsy, and Aubrey felt the same way.

     "Are you not well?" he asked.

     "I feel really dizzy," I replied, slurring my words, "and tired. What did you do to us?"

     "Only put a few sedatives in your tea," Jefferson replied. "You aren't going to leave here."

     "You're him, aren't you?" Aubrey mumbled, her eyes half-closed. "You're the suspect. That's why you drugged us."

     "I guess you caught me," he replied with a malicious grin, then we collapsed onto the floor.

     I awoke and it was morning. We had been unconscious all night. I realized that my hands were bound tightly behind my back, and my ankles were bound as well. And a cloth was in my mouth. Aubrey was next to me and bound in the same manner. I felt panicked in that moment. I went in search for a large shard from the teacup I had shattered. I sighted a large , scooted over to it, awkwardly took it in my bound hands, and first cut my hands free. Then I freed my angles and took the cloth out of my mouth. I lightly shook Aubrey, and she awoke, looking groggy, then when she realized that she was bound, she looked horrified. "Sssh, I'm getting us out of here, so we have to be very quiet," I whispered, then cut her free. We ran to the front door, and I shook the doorknob, but it was locked. "Shoot!" I muttered. I felt very anxious that Jefferson would hear us.

     "We need to try the windows," Aubrey said desperately. But each window ended up being locked. "We have no choice but to smash one."

     "I hope Jefferson doesn't catch us before we escape," I said nervously. "He will definitely come running when he hears the noise."

     "This will work," Aubrey said, picking up a chair. "Okay, stand back," she ordered. Then with all her might, she smashed the window with it.

     Suddenly, we heard footsteps. "He's coming!" I whispered fearfully. "We need to go!"

     "Oh, you're not going anywhere!" said Jefferson. We turned our heads around, feeling panicked. He briskly walked toward us, but we hesitated before jumping out the window because we now realized that there was a far drop below us.

     "Jump!" I cried out. "We have to!" As we were about to, Jefferson grabbed my arm and pulled me back into the room, and I fought him. "Go, Aubrey!"

     "I'm not leaving you!" she exclaimed, running toward me. Jefferson tried to also grab her, but she evaded him and ran past him. She grabbed an empty beer bottle from the coffee table and snuck behind Jefferson then hit him with a hard blow on the back of his head. He was knocked out.

     "Thanks," I said.

     "Anytime, now let's go," Aubrey said. We ran to the window and jumped out then landed into a bush.

     We ran into the forest and rested. "Jefferson is really mad," I puffed. "But I don't blame him. Being separated from his daughter would be depressing. His true happiness was ripped away."

     "We still need to report him to the sheriff though," Aubrey returned.

     "I feel sorry for him," I said. "But at the same time, we do need to do the right thing and expose him. I mean, he tried to murder Regina, then he drugged us and kept us hostage in his house because he was afraid that we would expose him."

     "He probably only let Belle out of the asylum so that Mr. Gold would get revenge on Regina," Aubrey concluded.

     "I'm sure," I replied. "But Jefferson is a good man at heart, but pain has made him crazy," I returned.

     As we were on our way back to town, suddenly we saw Pongo in the distance, wandering, and he was too distracted by many scents to notice was. We were delighted that we had found the dog. I called him and immediately, the dog barked, dashed toward us, and greeted us, wagging its tail and jumping all over us. The poor dog was wet and cold. "I'm happy to see you too, Boy," I said, patting the dog's head. "You have a worried master. It's time we get you back home." I grabbed the dog's collar, and we headed back.

     We walked on the road back to town, and Sheriff Graham drove up and stopped. "You found the dog, good job," he said, getting out of his car. "But where have the two of you been all night? You had the town scared. I've been searching for you. Thankfully you are alright. So, what happened?" Then we explained everything. "I will make sure to arrest Jefferson," Sheriff Graham said. "In the meantime, let's get you girls back to town. I'm sorry for what you both had to go through. The people will be happy to know that you are safe. Now get in."

     We got into the car with Pongo, and Graham drove us back to town. We were greeted by the people warmly, and we explained the occurrence. Archie was so delighted to have his dog back and thanked us for finding him. Graham asked us to show where Jefferson lived, and once the sheriff arrived at Jefferson's place, he arrested him and sent him to the sheriff's station where he was locked in a cell.

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