Ridonculous Race OC's Insert

By bcsfbishfbiewgrb

4.4K 248 15

This is my version of the ridonculous race with two of my own characters inserted. I own none of the charact... More

Introduction to characters
Episode 1: None Down, Nineteen to Go-Part 1
Episode 2: None Down, Nineteen to Go Part 2
Episode 3: French is an Eiffel Language
Episode 4: Mediterranean Homesick Blues
Episode 5: Bjorken Telephone
Episode 6: Brazilian Pain Forest
Episode 7: A Tisket, a Casket, I'm Gonna Blow a Gasket
Episode 8: Hawaiian Honeyruin
Episode 9: Hello and Dubai
Episode 10: New Beijinging
Episode 11: I Love Ridonc & Roll
Episode 12: My Way or Zimbabwe
Episode 13: Shawshank Ridonc-tion
Episode 14: Down and Outback
Episode 15: Māori or Less
Episode 16: Little Bull on the Prairie
17: Lord of the Ring Toss
18: Got Venom
19: Dude Buggies
20: El Bunny Supremo
22: How Deep is Your Love
23: Darjeel With It
24: Last Tango in Buenos Aires
25: Bahamarama
26: A Million Ways to Lose a Million Dollars
Ending No.1
Ending no.2
Ending no.3

21: Ca-Noodling

78 8 0
By bcsfbishfbiewgrb

Kristen POV:

The next day Marnie and I arrived at the Don box and I grabbed the fourth tip of the day.

"Oh, cool, we're travelling to Cân-Tho," I read.

"Where's that?" Marnie asked.

"Oh, Vietnam, and our next tip is found along the Mekong river," I smiled. 

"Come on! Let's go we need to grab a taxi!" she yelled as she pulled me away. We left the temple and grabbed a taxi to take us to the airport. And after a relatively short drive we arrived at the airport. All fourteen of us got there and took the same flight to Vietnam. When we touched down it was a matter about who got to a taxi first. We ran out of the airport with the Sisters and the Surfers and arrived at the taxi stand but there weren't any left.

"Ugh, no more cabs," Emma groaned.

"Check these out," Geoff pointed at three kids on cycle rickshaws.

"Wicked!" They both smiled, and ran off to one of them.

"To the Cân-Tho river little dude!" Geoff smiled, as the little boy driving them took off, they cheered as they cycled away.

"Well when in Vietnam," Kitty smiled as she and Marnie took a selfie.

"No way these kids are fast enough," Emma said glaring and slightly startling the kids.

"Agreed," I said looking at them.

Confessional: The Daredevils:

"It's time we brought your head out of the Brody clouds, Marns. I don't think this much daydreaming is good," I said, I turned to Marnie she was staring off into space an unaware look plastered to her face.

"Wait, what?" she asked when she came back to reality, I facepalmed at this.

End confessional.

Emma and I decided to shove our younger sisters on the rickshaws and they began to peddle as fast as possible.

"Put your back into it girls!" Emma told them. 

"Yeah, come on Marnie peddle!" I said.

"Why?" Kitty questioned. I swear I could hear Marnie grumble under her breath, and I guessed it was mostly swears. While Kitty and Marnie started sweating like crazy. Emma and I kept our eyes out for the Mekong River, and after around an hour of pedalling we had finally reached our destination. Kitty sighed a massive sigh of relief and leaned against the rickshaw while Marnie fell backwards off our rickshaw.

"Okay, that was further than I thought. But you both did great and we beat the Surfer dudes here so-" Emma said before she was cut off by Geoff.

"Kitty, Emma, Marnie, Kristen over here!" he called out to us.

"Hey," Brody added. Then Emma and I each took a tip.

"It's fine, we'll pull out ahead during the challenge," Emma said, a slight annoyed look on her face before she read the tip and her eyes widened when she saw what it said.

"Oh cool, we get to work together," Kristen smiled.

"Dudes we get to work together as a super team," Brody said as he wrapped me and Emma into a hug.

"Ugh, great. Who else is part of our super super team?" Emma grumbled, before we saw Carrie and Devin already in a boat.

"Over here teammates," Carrie smiled waving at us.

"Hurry," Devin said, waving in the opposite direction before accidentally falling in the water.

"Well, let's hope the first super team is really messing up," Emma said, still annoyed.

"Trust me, the other has both the Police Cadets and the Ice Dancers there's a low chance we actually lose," I said trying to lighten the mood. After pulling Marni off the ground and getting Kitty we got into the same boat that Carrie and Devin were in. As we took out the boat over open water Carrie turned to the four of us.

"You know, Devin's been really sweet lately, if I didn't know any better, I'd think..." she stopped herself. "No, I no longer read into every little thing that he does. Unless you think it means something," Carrie asked hopefully.

"Trust me, love holds you back. It's best if you just push those feelings deep down and ignore them," Emma said.

"Sure, but you also deserve someone who really appreciates you for who you are," Marnie said she turned back, and waved at Brody, who blushed and waved back. Kitty smiled at me, and leaned in.

"She is so in love with him," the other younger sister told me.

"Isn't she? But does he really see her in that way?" I asked.

"I think so, I'm guessing he likes her as much as you like Sanders," she giggled.

"Oh shush," I said lightly punching her as she giggled.

"Hey Carrie, I found this bucket of chum to attract the fish to us!" Devin smiled, an oblivious grin on his face. Suddenly our boat hit a rock and the bucket flew out of his hands. It ended up on Carrie's head covering her hair in rotting fish pieces.

"Feelings pushed down...down and they're gone," Carrie said, with a pissed off look on her face. Soon enough we reached the open area in the shallow river, Emma then clapped her hands twice to get our attention. 

"Okay, super team there's probably some fish right underneath us. So Kitty and Geoff you cannonball off the stern, scare the fish toward Carrie, Marnie, and I at the bow. And we'll do the noodling thing to catch them," Emma explained.

"Ha-ha, did you say..." Geoff began before he and Kitty jumped off the boat yelling:

"Cannonball!" they jumped as Carrie, Marnie and Emma carefully got in the water ready to use the noodling tactic to catch six fish.

"Here fishy, fishy," Carrie said, before Emma suddenly whipped her hand out of the water with a massive catfish on it.

"EW! EW! EW! I got one, ugh ew, ew, ew," Emma said.

"Ugh! Ew! This is so disgusting!" Marnie said lifting out another fish.

"Ugh, oh, this feels so weird and not in a good way," Carrie remarked as the three of them walked over each of them with fish on their hands.

"Here," Carrie said as Marnie handed her fish to me, Emma gave hers to Brody, but Devin was slapped in the face by Carrie's fish.

"Oops, sorry, here Devin," she said, handing him the fish face first this time. But the catfish just ended up spitting water at him, which knocked him over. Later and after a bit more gathering, we'd managed to catch four fish.

"Nice, only two more to go guys," Emma smiled as Marnie gave Brody the fourth fish before she turned back and hi-fived Kitty. Soon enough Emma had gathered the fifth fish and not too long afterwards Marnie collected the sixth.

"Woo! That's six! We're done, I'll grab the judge," Carrie said, treading away. Suddenly we heard Devin speak up behind us.

"I got one! I got one! Ooh-hoo-hoo boy do I got one!" he smiled, dragging something that was thrashing through the water.

"Sweet! Throw it on the pile. Dude the more the merrier," Geoff smiled.

"You know this super team alliance thing worked out pretty well, should we make it permanent?" Kitty asked.

"Definitely," I smiled.

"Sure," Devin agreed.

"We're in," Brody inclined.

"Great!" Kitty smiled, as we heard the judge's boat approaching.

"Right this way sir, we got a whole mess of catfish for you to count. Get that ticket ready," Carrie said, before gasping at the sudden disappearance of our catfish.

"Our fish?!" Carrie exclaimed.

"Yup, I caught the big one," Devin smiled, oblivious. I facepalmed at this.

"Devin, did you put a crocodile in our boat?" I asked him.

"No, did I?" Devin questioned, the crocodile then burped at this.

"You see, we had six catfish, maybe you'll take our word for it?" Carrie asked hopefully, the judge only shook his head.

"Ugh we'll have to start all over again," Carrie said, annoyed.

"Way ahead of you," Marnie said, holding up her arms. Both of them had catfish attached to them.

"ARE YOU KIDDING ME!" Sanders yelled from across the river.

"It's not over yet, stay right there judge guy," Brody said before grabbing the crocodile, and doing the heimlich manoeuvre. Eventually the crocodile regurgitated all six of the fish.

"Count em' up six catfish," Brody said. 

"Make that eight," I said as I took the extra catfish Marnie had just caught. Then the judge took out the tip. 

"Sweet," Brody said, we all cheered as he took the tip. "It's an all in, get lost and found underground, for the next all-in we gotta take taxis to these wartime tunnels. Somewhere in there we'll find the Don box with directions to the chill zone. But the tunnels are filled with several traps so we gotta watch out," Brody finished reading, we cheered and headed away from the river. Each of us grabbed a cycle rickshaw and reached the tunnel.

Marnie POV:

"Uh, looks kinda creepy," Geoff said as all eight of us looked into the creepy and dark tunnels.

"Let's get this over with quick," Kitty said as all of us cheered and ran in. Suddenly we reached three different tunnels.

"Uh oh," Emma said.

"Well good luck everyone," Carrie said as she and Devin tried to leave.

"Whoa, wait what's our super team plan?" Brody asked.

"What? But we're not," Devin said before Emma cut him off.

"Uh now that the fishing challenge is over. We kind of have to-" but she was then cut off by Geoff.

"Split up and whoever finds the don box makes a signal like: KA-KA-KA-KA-KA-KA!" Geoff cheered while heading into one tunnel.

"Ha-ha, nice thinking bro. Go Super Team!" Brody smiled running after his partner.

"But-" Kitty tried.

"Guys-" I tried.

"Come on," Emma said as Kristen and her went down another tunnel. Kitty and I shrugged at each other and we headed in after them. We had been walking through tunnels and Kristen was getting more and more scared by the second. Emma suddenly stopped in front of us, as she eyed a skull. Kitty tapped her older sister on the shoulder who screamed in response. As we continued to walk down the tunnel Kristen got a spider web stuck to her face she screamed and began running around. I stopped her and took it off before giving her a comforting smile. As we continued walking we heard a loud bashing sound from above us and several small fell off the ceiling around us.

"That's gotta be a sign right? That it's wrong to let those nice surfer guys think we're still a super team," Kitty said, Emma looked slightly uncomfortable at this.

"Those nice surfer guys wanna win the million just as much as we do if they don't get that, they can forget the alliance," Emma said, I decided I'd defend them.

"While I agree with your point Emma, think about it this is Brody and Geoff we're talking about. They're really loyal and the thought of betrayal would never even cross their minds," I said, as I walked past and then with Emma but suddenly the ground gave way underneath our feet and we fell into a pit. Luckily though we were able to latch onto the edge of the pit with our hands. We couldn't let go considering the sharp spikes at the bottom of the pit.

"Emma!" Kitty gasped.

"Marnie!" Kristen yelled as they both bent down.

"Help! Kitty, Kristen help pull us up!" Emma yelled.

"Kristen! Kitty! Hurry!" I yelled, Kristen and Kitty then grabbed onto our respective arms and tried to pull us up. But it was really difficult and I screamed at the prospect of falling in the pit. Emma also screamed as we edged closer to the punji sticks.

"You're slipping," Kitty said, trying to keep hold of Emma.

"Marnie, I can't pull you up," Kristen said as her grip moved from my wrists to my sweater, I looked down and I could feel my life flash before my eyes. Then Kristen accidentally lost the grip of my first arm. Emma and I gasped before suddenly, we were pulled out of the pit. I was brought into someone's embrace and I hugged them tightly.

"Oh, thank you, thank you, thank you!" Emma said in Geoff's arms.

"Of course dude anything for the super team," Geoff smiled. I looked up and saw that I was wrapped in Brody's strong arms. I then looked down and felt a massive blush spread across my face. And then I wrapped around him tighter and smiled. Suddenly Emma spoke up again, while I closed my eyes.

"You're right, super team to the end," she said, finally caving. 

"Thank you," I whispered, while smiling and still hugging him. 

"Marnie, of course," Brody whispered back. I opened my eyes again and looked at the wall behind them.

"Did you guys bust through that wall?" I asked.

"Yeah, how did you guess?" Brody asked. Suddenly we heard Devin make the signal. Geoff gasped at this.

"The signal, they found the Don box, let's go!" Geoff said as we ran off. After a little bit of running we reached the don box. Geoff, Emma, Carrie and Kristen then each grabbed a tip.

"Bam! It's a map to the chill zone! Ka-Ka! Let's do this super team!" Geoff cheered as he ran off with us and the Sisters in tow with the Best Friends following us from slightly behind. As we were running I realised we had started to fall behind. The Best Friends had managed to pass us, but we ended up passing Geoff and Brody as they fell back?

"Come on Kris! Pick up the pace!" I yelled being the one to pull her for the second time today. We reached the chill zone out of breath and what we assumed to be last.

"Daredevils, you're in 6th place," My eyes widened in realisation. Turning back I saw Geoff and Brody walking toward us.

"Well, here we are dude," Geoff said.

"Hit us with those negative vibes," Brody said.

"Hey, hey, hey, why the long faces? You're not out of the race yet," Don said. I suddenly got my hopes up and thought it was a non-elimination round. The boys then got on the carpet.

"Now you're out. See what I did there, that's TV fishing, give you some line and a little hope, and then yanked it away. It's gonna look great when all this explaining is edited out, cool huh?" Don smiled. I responded first when I smacked him in the back of his head for this. "Ow! Hey!" He said. Brody and Geoff looked really sad at his revelation.

"Bummer dude," Geoff said.

"Some people just don't get show business," Don assumed walking away. Kristen and I then ran up to them.

"Guys we're so sorry," I said.

"Why did you let us pass?" Kristen asked.

"Because if anyone deserves to win this competition it's you two," Geoff explained.

"Know that we'll be cheering you on from home," Brody said, I smiled at this.

"Thanks, dude," I smiled. I then walked up to him, pulled him down and left a kiss on his cheek. I saw a massive blush cross his face. I giggled at this.

"You meet us at the final chill zone, after we win and we'll give you a cut of the money," Kristen smiled.

"Good luck girls," Geoff said, then the four of us embraced in one last group hug. Before we watched them leave arms over each other's shoulders walking into the sunset. I leant against Kristen as she put her arm around me. Saddened that the boy I loved had now officially left the competition.

"Hey don't feel too bad, we're still in the race, and you can tell him how you feel at the final leg," Kristen, wiping away some of my tears. 

"Thanks Kris," I said, leaning closer to her.

"Hey! British barbies!" we heard a familiar voice yell. We turned and saw Josee and Jacques. "How does it feel having lost your only allies? Hmm, depressing isn't it?" Josee cackled.

"Lay off would you! It's bad enough you're still here!" Kristen yelled back.

"Hmm, let me think, no it's too much fun tormenting you," Jacques smiled.

"Wow, you're capable of cognitive thinking?" I asked.

"Whatever, we have an alliance of three, and you two are all by yourselves," Josee smiled evilly. I was gonna fire back but I knew she was right.

"They're not alone they've got us," Emma said, as she and Kitty came over. I smiled it was good to know that there were still good people among us.

"Yeah, good luck with that," Josee said as she and Jacques walked away with smug looks on their faces.

"Don't worry Marnie, I'll make sure they go home before us," Kristen said.

"Thanks for being there for us girls," I smiled at Emma and Kitty.

"Of course, us sisters have to stick together," Kitty smiled as we walked in the direction of our hotel.

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