Fate/Fragmentary Tales

By Delta3859

447 42 3

After the events on the 4th Grail War happened during 1994, the Grail managed to escape and displaced itself... More

Chapter 1: An Unexpected Meeting
Chapter 2: Mutual Bonds. The First Encounter
Chapter 3: Under the Moonlight
Chapter 4: Battle Through the Black Wind
Chapter 5: A Cursed Turn of Events
Chapter 6: The Sky Fell Down (Part 1)
Chapter 7: The Sky Fell Down (Part 2)
Chapter 8: The Blazing Encounter After the Calamity
Chapter 9: The Good, the Bad, and the Great Tree that Sustains Life
Chapter 10: A Sharp Rain under Yggdrasil's Shadow
Chapter 11: The Return upon the Jeweled Spear of a Revenant God
Chapter 12: Boundless Sky Shining over a Familiar Past
Chapter 13: The Plan for the Wandering Calamity of the Night
Chapter 14: Surprises in the Mighty Night
Chapter 15: An Ending to the Grail War..?


186 8 0
By Delta3859

A/N: Per chapter i will reveal some of the Servants and Masters placed in the war, the image above will change depending on what's revealed by the end of the previous chapter so make sure to look at it to watch out for names, Servant & Master looks and some more :P

Ft. APenJustForYou , QuimeraMaister , drademon13 , and some other friends that aren't on wattpad


'word': examples, sarcasm

"word": dialogue

*word*: action

word: thoughts


??? PoV

Sunday - April 8, 2001 / Kyoto's Church / Late Night

I had just arrived to the indicated Church that the Mage's Association told me to be at, apparently something happened with the Grail War in a last battle that required of me to come to this place, usually that's a job that would be given to someone else that could take my spot, however it seemed that i was the most fit for the job...that was alive, at least

???:"Think this is it..." I said to myself arriving to the Missionary Church, entering the building to get myself ready for everything

According to their calculations, only some time remained for the war to begin and for the other six Masters to be chosen as of my arrival. Just as i set foot inside the place and took a good look around, my phone began to ring indicating that i was being called, so wondering what it could be i took the phone from my pocket and answered


???2:"Did you arrive yet?" Answered a feminine voice i knew all too well

???:"I did, i was taking my time seeing everything was in order before you called" As we spoke i wandered around the dark area shrouded by the dead of the night, despite the lack of light my sight was easy to get used to this

???2:"Good, make sure to take this seriously will you? We know how you can get"

???:"I've got it, this wont end like the past Holy Grail War, and i wont die either"

???2:"Perfect. You do know how this is played right?" Her tone was still as serious as i could remember, as if i didn't even know the reason of why i was sent here in the first place

I set down a chess board over a table from the church, accommodating some pieces over it before taking a few and beginning to move them

???:"Seven Masters are chosen to fight for the Holy Grail, they will each be assigned a Servant from the seven main classes to aid them in that battle, the last Master and Servant standing earn the right to get a wish from the Omnipotent wish granter after being forced to end the life of the other participants. My job is to oversee the battle and make sure they will all follow the rules stated by the Grail" I had been moving the pieces on the chess board as if playing with myself, each piece being one of the seven classes moving back and forth through the field

???2:"You remembered Priest...then i don't have to worry about it, do your best" Her voice changed from serious to a slightly more surprised one, as if it had taken her aback to have heard me taking this seriously

Priest:"Be seein' ya, Ciel" With that, i ended the call and placed my phone back on my pocket

Leaving the board where it was, i walked up to the center of the church looking out the open doors that let the fresh air from the outside make it's way in, a sigh escaping my lips as i knew what was gonna happen in it's due time, the battle for the Grail was gonna be bloody that's for sure, but that's just how it must be...

Priest:"Just one month...in one month, we will give a start to this Holy Grail War..."

3rd Person PoV

Wednesday - April 19 / House near the Komyo-In Temple / Dusk

A young man was looking over a book at his table from the room he stayed in, looking through it's contents with haste after having found out about a special something he figured out, one would call it studying even if he wasn't in school anymore

???:"Where where...should be somewhere around here..." Thought to himself aloud the guy in glasses with curiosity upon the many things the book showed, reading with haste as if he was trying to not be caught reading some kind of magazine by his parents

However as his studying session went on, the door to his room bursted open by a girl peeking from the other side, having kicked the door open before throwing her arms up with a giggle as if she had just accomplished something

???2:"Wake up Daiki! I'm back!" Shouted the girl with an excited voice, scaring the hell out of the poor guy who was too concentrated into his book to put attention to anything else, managing a jumpscare to make it's appearance

Daiki:"AAHHH! Don't do that! I was trying to do something..." The guy now presented as Daiki shouted back, returning to look at his book

???2:"Oh! Trying to read something private? Are you texting your ex? I told you she's not good for you so drop it already!" The girl crossed her arms in disappointment, staring with a neutral gaze at him really different from her seemingly cheery one

Daiki:"I told you i don't have an ex! How did your work go anyways..." Quickly changing topics, Daiki asked his roommate while turning his face to have a better look of her and not make her seem like he's ignoring her

???2:"My work? It went well, lately i've been getting the same client asking for many different kinds of flowers"

Daiki:"Is that so? How do you know it's the same?" Daiki knew of his roommate's short memory, she never had a good time remembering things at all and let alone trying to remember a client

???2:"She wrote her name down in a piece of paper so i wont forget her!"

Daiki:"And where's that paper?"


???2:"I think i dropped it on my way here..."

Daiki facepalmed upon her response, knowing something like that would happen but not in the expected way took him by surprise

Daiki:"Liviana, i know you're not the smartest person to exist, but even i have trouble deducing your brain capacity..."

The girl now identified as Liviana hit her head with her knuckles and stuck out her tongue, making Daiki sigh

Daiki:"Go search for it Liv, i need to do something here"

Liviana:"Alrighty tighty, be back!" Liviana rushed out of the room and bursted through the main door, heading out into the streets to look out for the piece of paper

Daiki:"Some things never change with her...now..." Daiki looked at some kind of red tattoo on the back of his hand, same that stated his position in a future event that wasn't gonna take too long to happen

As a mage, he knew perfectly what that meant, or at least he studied it with the stolen book from his family that he ran away with, it stated the ways to summon a Servant and the exact amount of information required for if he was chosen as a Master

Daiki: Thanks grandpa, i wont let you down...

These thoughts crossed his mind, Daiki qualified as one of the Seven Masters that would take part in the Grail War, the others were yet to be chosen or had been chosen before him, hard to know without being the overseer of the war...even if it was still some time for it to officially start, better to be ready in case any enemy Servant appeared to try to attack him. Daiki was sure that he had been left alone and Liviana was gonna take a while to return, so while that was done he began the preparations for the summoning ritual


Finally, Daiki drew the circle in the middle of the room just as signaled in the book, nervous for finally being able to participate in the war and with a wish at hand, he knew this was the best shot to achieve his dream

Daiki:"I will show them i am a capable mage too...now then..."

A speech was still needed, fortunately for him Daiki had prepared one beforehand to realize the summoning, no catalyst would be used for it meaning that the summoning could come either too well or too bad, however he didn't mind the outcome as long as it was a useful Servant. Now, he only needed to complete the chant and summon his Servant before Liviana came back

Daiki:"From the present times i ask for your strength, allow me the chance to make my dream come true, for i shall treat you as my equal and wont depend on you all the time...so i ask of you, hear my call and answer from beyond the dead to fight for our dreams, guide me to victory and allow me to reach the end of this war!"

As the chant ended, the magic circle began glowing on a bright white light covering the room that he stood in, revealing from within a voice that spoke up to Daiki with a serious tone

???:"I ask of you, are you my Master?" A masculine voice greeted Daiki from within the light, same that soon ceased to reveal the figure of the Servant summoned to the light and for the world to see, the summoning was a success

Daiki:"I...y-yeah, i am. State your class, Servant" Ordered the nervous young man as he adjusted his glasses, keeping a serious face to not look too excited over his success

???:"Servant: Saber, i have answered your call..."

Daiki:"And your name..?"

The Saber held the sheathed sword with a smug smile, bowing his head lightly before introducing himself

Saber:"My name..."

1st Week of the War

Wednesday - May 8 / Local store / Night

???:"Come back soon" Said the worker of a doll shop from behind the counter, waving goodbye to his last customer for the day before letting out a loud sigh upon confirming no one was left inside

It had been a tiring day for him, though he was used to getting few customers a day, the shopkeeper spent the night making more dolls to sell and barely even got himself some sleep, but he lived from this so he had no choice but to continue working...not like he disliked it

Shopkeeper:"Now i can close the shop..." Were his thoughts as he walked up to the door to change the Open sign to Closed, however just as he was doing that the door swung open to let in a girl with red hair, a fellow friend of his'

???:"Yo Nanashi! Closing already?" Said familiar face was an old friend since many years ago, both found each other again in Kyoto after the shopkeeper moved in to work on his passion and make his life out of it

Nanashi:"What do you need Takashi?" Wondered the guy identified as Nanashi, same who sighed after seeing his moment of thought interrupted

Takashi:"I just came to see you, noticed you never leave your home so i came to invite you for a walk on the park now that you finished working!" The girl offered with a wide smile before playfully punching his arm, wanting him to go out of his cave and hang out with her

Nanashi:"No, i need to sew some dolls for tomorrow"

Takashi:"Come on! You can do that any day, i could die tomorrow or something hahaha!"

Nanashi:"...seen the news lately? There have been some murders out there by a mysterious man, what if we encounter him?" Saying something that he just recently saw, Nanashi tried to convince his best friend to let him remain inside and looked for an excuse to be left there, even if it was unlikely for something to happen to them

Takashi:"Really? What are the odds that we will run into them though?" And she read right through him, getting a sigh of defeat from his part

Nanashi:"Okay fine...but i'm coming back before nine"

Takashi:"Blazing! Lets go then, the sooner the better!" Her catchphrase had always been the word "Blazing", word she used ever since they met at school during their early years and Nanashi had heard ever since until he grew used to it being blurted out at random situations

Once the two agreed to go out, Nanashi closed the shop and walked out with Takashi into the streets. It had gotten darker than any other day of the week this time, night arrived sooner than what they predicted and the news hadn't said much about it growing so dark at that precise moment, yet neither of them really put any thought into it

Takashi:"Whew! Remember how we used to go explore before?" Suddenly brought up a topic the excited girl

Nanashi:"I do, you always ended in so much trouble i had to cover you"

Takashi:"Ahaha! That's just part of our fun, and now i matured enough to know how i should act!" She brought Nanashi closer by placing an arm around her neck, using the other to noogie his head as he brought his hands up to cover himself

Nanashi:"Okay okay stop that! You're messing my hair!" Talked-shouted the shopkeeper as he blocked her knuckle from reaching his head, managing to make her let go in the end

Takashi:"Old habits die hard am i right?" A sly grin appeared on her face as she placed her hands behind her head, staring at him with a smug aura

Nanashi:"Yeah yeah, that hurt..." He rubbed his head in pain, Takashi had always been stronger than he could withstand specially if taken unaware, though he should expect that from her if she always behaved this way with him

Takashi:"Okay i'm sorry, there, now lets continue our walk you shut-in neet!" With another playful punch to his arm, Takashi ran up ahead of him to arrive first

Nanashi:"Geez..." Following her game, he decided to pick up the pace and ran towards her in an attempt to hopefully run past her, even if he didn't stand much of a chance to beat her

Soon enough, Nanashi caught up with his friend who was leaning on a tree near the park, smugly looking at him when he arrived

Nanashi:"You win..."

Takashi:"Have you been training or did you actually become a shut-in?"

Nanashi:"I haven't had much time to train with my shop going it's own way..." His stamina didn't seem to be any lower than her's though, that was a thing

It finally hit him to take a look around, the park was mostly alone and the street lights were already on, Nanashi noticed the darkness and checked his phone's clock to confirm the hour

Nanashi:"Just seven and it's this dark already? Say Takashi, do you know what's happening with the time now?" He asked his fellow friend to see if she had any idea for the sudden change in hours

Takashi:"Nnnnope, but! Better for us, we get to explore the park with this gentle peace that cannot be ruined haha!" Adjusting her gloves better over her hands, Takashi took a good look around to make sure her point was stating the truth and they were alone outside, not like she had any evil motive against him besides treating him like always

Nanashi:"I guess..."

Takashi took hold of his arm and dragged him along against his will, leading the two through the park as she hummed an unfamiliar song to distract herself

Nanashi:"What's the plan out here, anyways?" Wondered the forced shopkeeper while scratching his cheek with confusion, couldn't be that Takashi only wanted to drag him out for a walk, there had to be more to it

Takashi:"I just thought we could do what teenagers do, you know, go out and have a blast of an evening! Perhaps a karaoke or we could go drink something" It was definitely gonna take time for them to finish, knowing that stopping Takashi was a hard task

Nanashi:"...why didn't i ask this question before i agreed to come along" Too little too late for regret, but never exactly too late to think into the past and see how he got himself into such a thing

Takashi:"We'll have fun come on! I know you sang before, so why not try it again with me! This is a great way to pass the night"

Nanashi:"I used to sing to myself some songs i found- wait how did you know of that!?"

As they were on their small talk, the lights began flickering all over the street alarming the duo of any incoming danger that could be approaching them now, Takashi got on her guard with her fists up as so did Nanashi to cover her back

Nanashi:"So...remember how i said something about a killer?" Tried to deduce what was happening the young shopkeeper with his gaze concentrated upon everything

Takashi:"That's not it..." Takashi seemed to know something that Nanashi didn't, if one thing was clear about them is that Takashi was always a mystery to Nanashi even since they first met at school

The lights stopped flickering after a moment, completely turning off and breaking to leave the duo in complete darkness, even if their eyes were fast to grow used to the darkness that wasn't gonna save them for too long

Takashi:"...Nanashi, i want you to to back home as quick as possible, got that?" Her voice sounded serious, something really unusual on her, and a clear sign that something was wrong

Nanashi:"Why? What's wrong-?"

Just as he spoke, both spotted a figure looking at them from the distance, it was covered by a shade of darkness that barely let it be seen to the human eye though they somehow managed to spot it, let it be for survival instinct or as an act of fate

Takashi:"RUN NANASHI!"

Without questioning her further, both of them ran into opposite directions as the figure began running towards them, unfortunately for the young doll maker the beast seemed to be heading straight for him completely ignoring Takashi's presence, as soon as Nanashi turned around to see if he was being chased he could see something moving through the dead of the night like an ocean wave moving through the water's surface

Nanashi: What in tarnation is that thing!? Is this a dream!? What the hell's going on!?

Internally cursing himself, Nanashi ran at full speed to avoid being caught up by the demon that followed at great haste towards him, he didn't know if it was a good idea to show it the way home though right now he was only thinking of getting as far away as he could and possibly lose it at last. After a long persecution, Nanashi finally got worn out from running for so long, managing to arrive back to his house/shop and turned around while panting to see if he was still being chased...luckily for him, nothing was there anymore

Nanashi:"Huh...must've been my imagination after all..." With relief in his voice, he regained his breath and entered his home, opening the door to then close it behind him

As he walked up to the light switch, he began chuckling about what had just happened, thinking it was just his own imagination playing tricks on him

Nanashi:"I think i did take a drink with her huh..."

Once he turned the light switch on however, no light filled the room nor did any sign of it being on was shown

Nanashi:"Weird...did the bulb burn out?"

Nanashi turned his gaze to look at the bulb, but big was his surprise when he noticed a familiar dark figure covering the bulb. He quickly returned to his senses and managed to suppress the fear for enough time to jump out of it's attack, rolling out the glass door that led to my backyard on the way

Nanashi: What IS that thing!?

Once he realized it wasn't a dream, he felt a slight feel of pain on his right cheek, rubbing it with his hand to then see a stain of blood on his palm as if the beast had gotten to hit him

Nanashi: Can i even kill it? If i fight it...

Doubts crossed his mind as he crawled backwards on the floor, getting away from the slowly approaching dark figure that took the shape of a four-legged animal and crawled like a wolf hunting for it's prey towards Nanashi, his end was near that was for sure

Nanashi:"S-stay away..." Were the only words that came from his mouth, words that had little to no effect over the shadowy figure which jumped from the ground and aimed for Nanashi, preparing to finish the job

The doll maker closed his eyes and awaited his end...that was until a drop of blood from his cheek's cut fell onto the ground, making it glow for a small moment before the beast was hit backwards and forced to back away. Nanashi opened his eyes to be greeted by the sight of the beast being on the defensive against an unfamiliar figure that wielded a black spear

???:"Hey, stay back will you?" Said with a grin the speared kid as he moved his hair out of his sight's way, pointing the spear at the attacker

As soon as he did so, the beast of the night charged at the newly arrived guy in an attempt to kill him, however the lancer was faster than that and spun the spear around his hand before hitting it back again, jumping towards it and thrusting the spear through it's body

???:"Ah, immaterial being...should've guessed"

Nanashi looked at the encounter with fear and surprise, having been saved by God's grace. The lancer was quick enough to react upon the beast's tricks, hitting it back each time it tried to attack no matter what side it took to strike. After a while of the beast being hit many times in a row, both remained at a safe distance from one another staring into each other's eyes, the kid's eyes expressed his confidence even if he hadn't been able to deal any real damage on the monster's body, though no sign of being tired was present either

???:"So? What technique will you try now? I'll send you to the hell you came from"

Instead of attacking, the beast merged into the darkness and vanished away, retreating and leaving the two alone at last. The lancer spun the spear around his hand before standing straight, chuckling to himself

???:"What a pain..."

Nanashi:"W-who are you..?" He finally got a word, getting the newcomer's attention and making him turn to face Nanashi

???:"I assume you're my Master. Servant: Lancer, i have come to answer your summons" A smile followed his words while the spear disappeared into the air

Nanashi:"I...is Lancer your name..?" Confused by what just happened, the doll maker could barely even speak surprised and shocked by such thing as if it had been taken straight from a fantasy book

Lancer:"Oh, no, that's my Servant Class"

Nanashi couldn't understand much of what he was being told, it all seemed to be new in every aspect, something he had never heard of at all...

Nanashi: Servant Class? As in, something from an rpg game?

He thought to himself before Lancer offered his hand to let Nanashi up

Lancer:"My true name, is Kazuki-No-Mikoto" Introduced himself at last the Servant, offering a welcoming smile. The wording made some kind of sense to Nanashi, as if he had heard of the name before, or as if he knew exactly who it was...



[Word count 4033]

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