There's Always A Reason (Nial...

By vinylhoran

39.2K 646 114

Lana James loses everything she has ever known as her best friend loses his battle against cancer and leaves... More

One: Diagnosed
Two: Tattoo Me
Three: Unwanted Goodbye
Four: Surprise
Five: Concert
Six: After Party
Seven: I Can't Stop Missing You
Eight: Management
Nine: Truth or Dare?
Ten: First Date
Eleven: Airport
Twelve: Take Me Home
Thirteen: Will You?
Fourteen: Nothing's Fine I'm Torn
Fifteen: Saved Each Other
Sixteen: New Years Eve
Seventeen: Give Me Love
Eighteen: Same Mistakes
Nineteen: Fear Is What It Really Is
Twenty: Small Bump
Twenty One: Wake Me Up
Twenty Three: Back For You
Not a chapter. Update to come this weekend.
Twenty Four: 5 Seconds of What?
Authors Note
Twenty Five: Alone
Twenty Six: Just Us
Twenty Seven: Epilouge
helloooo <3
hi guys!

Twenty Two: Harry's New Girl/ Valentines Day

1.1K 16 0
By vinylhoran

Niall's P.O.V.

--1 Week Later--

My eyes snap open as I hear the door to our hotel room slam open. Slowly detaching myself from Lana I stand up and wander out into the small kitchen, peering around the wall to see who could be smashing open our door this early in the morning.

I hear a small laugh that could only belong to a girl as I see Harry's tall dark frame enter the room. 

"Come on in Mackenzie, let me get you a clean shirt." Harry says before nearly running into me in the door way. "Jesus Christ Niall what are you doing?" He asks, jumping slightly.

I watch this Mackenzie girl, she has a petite frame with shoulder length brown hair and brown eyes. She smiles as she takes in the various items thrown around the sitting room and stands patiently waiting for Harry to return.

"Who's that?" I ask, completely ignoring Harry's question all together. He takes off down the suite's hall and to his room, in search of a shirt for this girl.

"Mackenzie," he whispers as we work our way down the small hallway. "I was out at a coffee shop this morning and I bumped into her, I spilled my coffee all over her, and we got to talking. She's really nice, and, she didn't freak out when she recognized me, she just smiled and kept talking. So I offered to bring her back her to give her one of my extra shirts so she wouldn't have to spend the day in the one I ruined with my coffee. Do you think she's pretty?" He asks out of the blue.

"Yeah mate, she's beautiful.." I whisper as Harry pushes past me with one of his white t-shirts in his hands along with his favorite dark blue blazer.   

"She's gorgeous." I hear him whisper under his breath as he makes his way back out to her. I smile as I watch him disappear down the hallway, a certain spring in his step.

Then I remember the beautiful girl that I left alone in bed and quietly make my way back to her. As I gently close the bedroom door behind me Lana turns to face me, he casted arm resting gently on the side of her face as she scrunches up her face. I slide into bed next to her and she automatically snuggles into my side.  

"Don't ever leave me again." She growls quietly with sleep still heavily lacing her words.   

I smile to  myself and close my eyes. "Never."  


Harry's P.O.V.

"She's gorgeous." I whisper as I push past Niall and make my way back down the hallway to where Mackenzie is still waiting patiently.

My grip tightens on my shirt and blazer as I observe her. She's facing away from me, eyes focused out the window. Her shoulder length hair straightened, with her ruined floral pattern shirt and pink blazer layered on with black skinny jeans with florescent pink heels adorning her feet, adding about four inches to her height. Even with the heels on she only comes up to the middle of my chest. 

Finally she notices my presence and turns around, catching me starring, she smiles.

"Thank you so much Harry." She says making her way over to me gracefully in her skyscraper looking heels.

"Not a problem love. It's the least I could do after all." I say, throwing out my signature smirk and handing her my clothes. 

Mackenzie smiles back and takes the clothes, having took note of the location of the bathroom already, I watch her make her way towards it. 

I notice her phone left carelessly on the counter top and move towards it slowly. As soon as I hear the lock click on the bathroom door I grab her phone and quickly dial my own number into it, calling myself and giving me her number. I quickly dial her back on my phone, giving her my number and changing my name in her phone to "Harry Styles- That sexy beast that spilled coffee on you." I set her phone down abruptly as I hear the bathroom door open again and Mackenzie comes walking out.

As if she could look much better in my clothes than in her own. My shirt, which must have been huge on her, is tied back with a rubber band, with the dark blue of my blazer covering the small knot tied in it. The sleeves of my blazer are also in fact ridiculously long on her and I laugh at the sight.

"Come here, let me help you." I say, still quietly laughing to myself.

An innocent smile lights up her face as she steps towards me, my warm finger tips brushing against her cool skin as I gently roll the sleeves up on each arm. I feel myself slowly stepping closer to her, only to be startled as Lana comes bursting into the room in a laughing fit with Niall chasing her.

I take a small step away from Mackenzie's side, still staying close, as Lana shoots me an apologetic look from where she stands by the fridge in search of orange juice. She finds some, pours herself a glass then comes over to greet us, with Niall trailing behind her.

"Hi, I'm Lana, I'm Niall's girlfriend." She says, sticking her left hand out for Mackenzie to shake. And after a moment of hesitation she takes it.

"I'm Mackenzie, Harry's new... friend. It's nice to meet you." Mackenzie says, smiling at Lana.

Lana smiles at her as Niall introduces himself then I watch Lana's mouth drop as her eyes catch sight of Mackenzie's florescent pink heels.

"I love your heels. We should go shopping together! What are you doing today?" Lana asks excitedly. 

El had to leave for her last two weeks of school before tour the day after Lana got released so she hasn't had a shopping partner. I'm not going to stop these two girls from becoming friends if it means that I can see Mackenzie again. Niall glances at me with a grin, thinking the same thing.

It's been a while since I've been with someone in a serious relationship. After my last break up I had a really hard time moving on. I would lounge around the hotel or the studio in sweats and a tee, always wearing my beanie and barely ever going out. It just kind of hit me the wrong way. I completely miss Mackenzie's answer, but from the excited look on Lana's face I can tell that the two girls are going to become quick friends while shopping. 

"I'll be right back I just need to change really quick." Lana says, running from the room as Niall makes his way back into the small kitchen and starts to make himself some breakfast leaving me and Mackenzie alone again. 

I find myself noticing small things about her, making myself grow more attached to her, even though a small silence lies between us at the moment. Everything about her gives off an innocent vibe, then you take note of the pink shoes that conceal her feet and you know she's a party girl. 

"You like what you see?" Mackenzie asks, catching me staring at her once again. 

"Yeah, I actually do." I whisper loud enough for her to hear.

"So, what are you gonna do about it? Give me your number?" She asks innocently.

I laugh, recalling already sneaking my number into her phone moments ago. "You already have it." I say winking as Lana comes out of her room, grabbing Mackenzie's hand and pulling her towards the door.

I allow my eyes to linger on the door that slams shut behind them, wondering when I'll see Mackenzie again.


Lana's P.O.V.

I bolt to my room, pulling on my favorite floral skinny jeans and the turquoise pumps that El got me for Christmas and a grey v-neck tee. I run my brush through my hair quickly and pull on my turquoise beanie, grab the matching scarf I bought to go with it and my black leather jacket and run from the room. 

I don't bother to let Mackenzie say goodbye to Harry, knowing he will be in touch with her sometime. Knowing him he already somehow got his number into her phone. I snatch Mackenzie away and bolt from the hotel room, shouting goodbye to Niall over my shoulder. As soon as I pull the door closed Mackenzie lets out a deep sigh, enveloping herself in a hug.

"He seriously smells like a god." She mutters, her face buried in the arms of Harry's blazer. 

I laugh and pull her down the hallway and towards the elevator and as soon as the doors close Mackenzie lets out a loud squeal.

"Did that all seriously just happen?! Did Harry Styles just spill coffee on my favorite shirt and ruin it, then bring me back to his hotel room and give me his clothes? Did I actually meet Niall Horan? And his girlfriend?!" She shouts, laughing. 

"Can you seriously pinch me right now?" Mackenzie asks turning to me.

I reach over and pinch her arm. "So did he give you his number?" I ask, turning into the crazy fangirl that I used to be, acting as if Mackenzie was my best friend. 

"I don't know...." She replies suddenly serious. "He said I already had it..." Her face falls, twisting with confusion. 

The elevator stops and we both step out moving quickly towards the front doors and jumping into the nearest cab. I tell the driver to head for the nearest Starbucks, which just happens to be next to my favorite outlet for shoes.

"I'm craving an ice coffee. You in?" I ask Mackenzie who is still processing everything in her head. 

She nods and the driver takes us away.

---- Fifteen Minutes Later----

I slide into the chair across from Mackenzie and she sets her phone down on the table, taking a small drink from her peppermint hot chocolate. Her eyes clouded with hope as she stares at her phone, willing it to go off. I smile to myself and take a drink of my own iced coffee and bring Mackenzie back to reality.

"So, he must really like you. I mean, it's not everyday that Harry Styles spills his coffee on a girl and gives her his favorite blazer, then mysteriously leaves her hanging." I say startling Mackenzie who was still intently staring at her phone. 

"You really think he does? I mean it's so crazy that I just happened to be here this morning and he just happened to run into me. This is all so crazy, when I woke up this morning I never imagined that I'd be meeting two fifths of the worlds biggest boy band, and I never imagined that one of them would spill coffee on me. And you! Oh my god you! You are all over the place." Mackenzie says, grabbing my hand in her own. 

"There are so many stories out there about you and Niall, that you just got released from the hospital and everything. About how you met at MSG and he just kind of knew. I think I love you, just because the stories I hear about you and Niall are so adorable. And now I'm sitting her drinking Starbucks with you while I innocently wait for Harry Styles to text me." 

As if on cue when she said his name Mackenzie's phone lights up and vibrates the whole table. She snatches it and reads the text she's received. From the smile on her face I'd say it was, in fact, Harry. "Oh my god read this." She says shoving her phone at me. 

I take it and quickly scan Harry's message. 

"From: Harry Styles- the sexy beast who spilled coffee on  you.

Hey there, Happy 13th of February. I'm glad I spilled my coffee on you today, I hope I didn't burn you too bad. But I was just wondering if you had any plans for Valentines Day tomorrow. Maybe we could go out?" .xx"

"Awwe. Look at that. That's too cute. What are you gonna say?" I ask, handing Mackenzie her phone back. 

"Well. I'm gonna make him wait ten minutes before responding. But I'm gonna say yes. Definitely yes."


Harry kept Niall and I up all night trying to figure out the small details of our double date with him and Mackenzie. We finally decided on spending most of the night at a small carnival and then heading out towards the Statue Of Liberty. Something I have never done before and I've lived here my whole life. 

Currently Mackenzie and I are hiding away in my hotel room, trying to decide on outfits. 

I decided on my 'free hugs' shirt and pull it on over my head, pulling my hair out from underneath the material and running my straightener through it a few times before becoming satisfied with the result. I turn to Mackenzie who stares at the contents of my make shift closet, trying to pick out a shirt to match her floral skinny jeans. 

"When in doubt, play it simple. " I say walking over and picking up a simple black v-neck from underneath a pile of random shirts and handing it to her. She smiles and quickly pulls it on. 

"What do you think?" Mackenzie asks standing back so I can get a good look at her. 

The pale white of the skinny jeans contrasts the black of her top perfectly. I throw my UGG's at her and quickly pull on black skinny jeans, then pull on my turquoise high tops afterward. I grab both my own, turquoise beanie, and my off-white one for Mackenzie and hand it to her as we walk out of the bedroom door. 

I laugh as we meet Niall and Harry in the kitchen, noticing that Niall is also wearing his 'free hugs' shirt. My face goes straight for a moment before looking into Niall's eyes and just bursting with laughter, putting everyone else in the room in a laughing fit as well.

"What are the odds?!" I shout over dramatically as I walk over and hug Niall. 

Niall pulls his right hand out from behind his back, holding a delicate looking rose. I take it in my hands and look up at him threw my eye lashes. 

"I will love you until this dies..." He whispers down to me.

My face twists in confusion. Surely roses don't live that long, what was Niall trying to say? I was about to open my mouth to say something but I notice that I can't smell this rose, I can't smell it's scent. It's fake. 

Niall smiles at my changing facial expressions and kisses my nose. "Happy Valentines Day Lana." He whispers before gently kissing my lips.


Mackenzie's P.O.V.

My mind seems to lose track of all time as Lana and I meet Harry and Niall in the kitchen. We all start laughing as we notice Lana and Niall matching, but as we calm down a bit Niall hugs Lana, whispering sweet nothings to her as Harry watches me. He smiles as he steps towards me. 

"You look beautiful... " He whispers, leaning against the fridge a little, to lessen our height difference. 

I feel myself blush and Harry smirks, obviously getting the reaction he wants. "Thanks. You look rather dashing yourself this fine evening." I say, trying not to smile but failing. 

Harry, of course, is wearing skinny jeans with his white converse and a white t-shirt with a black and grey plaid shirt layered on over it. He lets out a laugh at my comment and glances and Niall and Lana, who are lip locked. 

Harry clears his throat and the two separate unwillingly. Lana shoots me an apologetic look but I understand. After all, it is Valentines day.

----One Hour Later----

"Harry!!" I squeal as he picks me up and throws me over his shoulder running into the entrance of the carnival. I hold on for dear life as he makes his way, god knows where.

"What about Niall and Lana?" I shout to him over all the noise. 

"They're meeting us in two hours. Come on Mackenzie, have fun with meeee!" Harry begs, putting me down directly in front of him and giving me his best puppy dog face. 

He's just so damn cute. I give in. 

"Fine. But only if you win me that really big stuffed pink elephant." I say, eyes catching the fluffy creature hanging from a game stand not to far down the walk.

Harry's gaze follows my own as he considers this challenge. "Alright. You're on." He says, grabbing my hand and pulling me towards the booth. 

"How much?" Harry asks the guy behind the counter as we approach. 

"Five bucks for three tries. " They guys says as Harry hands him the money.

I watch Harry concentrate, his face tightens and his eye brows pull together, with his tongue sticking out from the corner of his mouth. It's rather attractive. He suddenly releases the small ball in his hand and it goes flying, crashing into the three stacked bottles and knocking them all down within a matter of seconds. Harry turns to me, a wide smile on his face and his arms spread wide.

Harry quickly tells the guy behind the counter what prize I would like and I let out an excited squeal as he hands me my very own pink elephant which I automatically struggle to carry because of it's large size. Harry lets out a small laugh as he notices me fighting with my newly won elephant.

"Here. Let me take this." He says, taking away my pink elephant, which I automatically pout for. He laughs again then leads me over to a bench making me stand on it then stands in front of me.

"Come on, climb aboard. I won't let you fall I promise." He says turning slightly so I can see him smile softly.

I gently hop onto his back wrapping my arms securely around his neck. Harry's arms wrap underneath my legs, leaving me hanging onto my elephant once again. I rest my head on Harry's shoulder. I close my eyes breathing in the moment, allowing it to burn itself into my brain. 

"You wanna get out of here? Go somewhere quiet and talk?" Harry asks, his deep voice shaking his entire body.

"Yeah, let's go." I whisper in his ear.

He slowly makes his way towards the entrance. Giving me a few opportunities to stop for food, but I don't think I could remove myself from his back. He's quiet comfortable.

Harry works his way across the street and into a small park where a few variously placed candles are lit. I feel Harry smile as he walks deeper into the park. I suddenly realize this was his plan all along. 

"You planned this didn't you?" I ask, a smile playing at my lips as Harry makes his way towards an empty bench, pre-cleared of all snow. 

"Of course. Every single minute." He grins while bending his knees a bit, allowing me to hop off of his back.

I sit down carefully on the bench, hoping it's not wet, but finding it covered in a few blankets. Smart. Harry sits down next to me and pulls me into his side, placing his arm around my shoulder and my pink elephant across both of our bodies. I allow my head to rest on Harry's shoulder, curling my own body into his for warmth. His own head gently rests on mine as we stare up at the stars together.

A gentle hum emanates  from Harry as he sighs, taking in the moment. I allow my eyes to flutter closed as I breathe in deeply, trying to hold onto a piece of Harry's scent forever, trying to burn it into my brain. I let a small sigh escape my mouth as I dread tomorrow, as tomorrow is the day that everything goes back to normal. The day that Harry Styles walks out of my life never to be seen again. The only reminders I will have of our time together will be my pink elephant and his blazer.

"Mackenzie are you crying...?" Harry's deep, gentle voice asks in a hushed tone very near to my ear.

My hand flies up to my face, finding it wet with tears. "No. Of course not. Why would I be crying?" I ask, lying, and quickly trying to wipe the tears from my face. 

"You are a horrible liar... What's wrong?" Harry asks solemnly.

I sigh in defeat, knowing he won't give up until I give in and tell him I tear myself away from his side and look him straight in the eyes.

"It's just... I like spending time with you, and I really have enjoyed the time we've spent together in the last two days. And I know after tonight I probably won't ever see you again, and I don't want that to happen." I whisper, not really knowing how to explain myself.

"Mackenzie, you are the best thing in my life right now. You honestly think I'm going to let you disappear that easily? No, I'm not. I'm keeping you around for a while." Harry says smiling slightly. 

I smile back, the thought of spending more time with Harry making my heart race. I notice Niall and Lana making their way over to us hand in hand. I smile at their cuteness towards each other, and the way that Niall acts around her is different from the way he acts around everyone else. It's like he lets his guard down completely, allowing her to see everything about him. I guess thats the way two people act when they are in love.

"Hey, you two ready to go?" Niall asks still smiling from something Lana said. 

I flash Harry a confused glance and he just smiles, standing up as he does so. I look up at him from where he stands above me and pout at him. He chuckles as I stand on the bench and says nothing as he allows me to climb back onto his back, wrapping my arms around my neck and holding onto my elephant. 

"Where are we going?" I ask quietly, placing my chin on Harry's shoulder as he walks beside Niall.

"You'll see." Harry says to me before turning his focus to Niall. "You think we can walk from here?"

I watch Niall consider it, his face twisting in concentration as he works out the mystery route to our destination in his head. After a few more minutes of walking and thinking Niall finally nods his head.

I close my eyes, hiding my face completely in Harry's neck and curls as we start the journey to our secret location. I feel my muscles relax and I start to bear more weight on Harry as I loosen the grip of my arms around his neck. The palm of my right hand rests gently on Harry's chest as my arms loosen around him, allowing me to feel his heartbeat. I smile at the feeling of the soft thud underneath my hand, knowing without it I would be no where right now. I feel myself drift into a light sleep.

-----Ten Minutes Later-----

"Hey, babe wake up." Harry whispers to me.

My eyes open slowly, taking in the scene around me. Harry gently sets me down but wraps an arm around my waist, allowing his hand to rest on my hip. I lean into him for support as I look out across the safety rails of the ferry, taking in the reflection of the city lights on the water then turning slightly to catch a glimpse of the Statue of Liberty. We are nearly at the island as Lana walks over to me, not removing me from Harry's grasp but starting a small, secret conversation with me as Harry chats with Niall. 

"Having a good night then?" Lana asks with obvious excitement in her eyes. I smile at her innocence.

"Yes. This is just amazing. I've lived in New York City my whole life and I've never been to the Statue of Liberty. Is that weird?" I ask quietly.

Lana laughs. "No, of course not. I've never been either, but Niall and the boys have and they've only been to the city a few times." 

I nod as the small crowd on the boat starts to move off. I become slightly disappointed as I feel Harry's hand slip from my hip but feel myself give a small smile as it slips into my left hand instead.

"I don't want to lose you." Harry growls somewhat playfully into my ear. I giggle and step off the boat with Harry attached to me and Niall and Lana following close behind.

I stand in front of Lady Liberty smiling at how massive she really is. She's quite a beautiful thing to look at when she's illuminated at night. I feel Harry tug on my hand as he makes his way towards the doors, dragging me all the way to the top.

I let out an exhausted sigh as we make it up the last few stairs and Harry drags me to the windows in her crown. I feel my breath escape my lungs as I take in the whole city bathed in a bright orange glow. I watch as tiny headlights move towards distant and unknown places. Harry squeezes my hand making me turn to look at him. 

He's smiling intently while staring at me. "Do you like it?" He asks.

I cast my gaze out across the city briefly before looking into Harry's eyes. "I love it. It's so completely amazing. I can't believe I've lived here my whole life and I've never experienced this." I say grinning. 

"I can't believe I've gone eighteen years without something as beautiful as you." Harry whispers, gently tugging on my hand and pulling me closer to him. 

I feel so little standing so close to him, instantly regretting not wearing heels. But nothing seems to stop Harry as he leans down and presses his forehead to mine. Our lips growing closer by the second.

I let out a disappointed sigh as someone finally recognizes Harry and screams his name, instantly Harry grabs my hand and bolts for the stairs, leaving me attached to his hand and running down them after him. 

We burst out the doors on the first level and as we run across the small island I trip and fall. I give out a surprised squeak as my knees hit the ground and my hands flail out in front of me to keep me from hitting my face. 

Harry notices my absence quickly, turning around and giving out a small laugh as he jogs back over to me and scoops me up, carrying me bridal style across the rest of the island. Niall and Lana hot on our tails as we quickly run to the boat. The captain allows us to hide in his small quarters while every else remains outside.

Harry sets me down in chair and gently takes me scraped up hands in his, gently blowing on the cut skin and cooling it down. 

We quickly depart the boat as we make it back to land. 

"We're going out for a bit. See you all later." Lana says as Niall drags her away with a smiling making its way onto his face. 

I wave slightly, suddenly feeling exhausted I lean into Harry for support. Without any warning he picks me up again and starts to carry me.

"Where are we going?" I mumble.

"Back to the hotel, I want to get you something for those cuts." Harry says nodding his head towards my bloodstained knees. 

I nod my head, resting it against Harry's chest. 

After a few minutes of continuous walking Harry slows down and turns into the hotel doorway casually saying hello to the doorman and carrying me into the elevator. Harry shifts slightly adjusting my weight in his arms and I feel something fluffy touch my hands. 

I hadn't noticed that through everything Harry was still holding onto my pink elephant. I smile, pulling the fluffy creature closer to me. The elevator stops abruptly and Harry exits, walking down the hallway a short way before unlocking his door and pushing it open with his foot. 

Immediately he carries me to the counter and sets me on it, taking my elephant and setting it next to me. Then he goes to the bathroom and gets a warm washcloth, taking each of my hands in his and gently pressing the cloth to them. 

"Jesus Christ Kenz, I can't roll up your pants to clean your knees..." He says pausing to think for a moment before disappearing into another room.

He comes back with a pair of his shorts and hands them too me. I give him a look as I take them and hop down from the counter. He turns around, covering his face as I pry myself out of my skinny jeans and pull on the baggy material of his shorts. Harry lifts me up and sets me back onto the counter, taking the warm cloth in his hands again and pressing it to the deeper cuts on my knees. I flinch as he hits a particularly sore spot.

"Sorry.. I'm just drying to get all the dirt out." He mutters concentrating. 

I watch as he tongue poke out of the corner of his lips and laugh. Harry takes no notice as he pulls a few band aids out of a drawer and gently presses them to my knees and hands. 

"There. All better." He whispers smiling.

Harry takes another step closer to the counter top and I smile. "Thank you." I whisper, a few stray stands of hair falling into my face. 

Harry's hand automatically brushes them away, resting on my cheekbone, his thumb running over my cheek. He takes another step towards me and closes most of the space between us, pressing his forehead to mine again. 

I smile as there is nothing to stop us this time as our lips grow ever closer and finally meet. The kiss doesn't last long, but it's enough for both of us to know that there's more to come for us.

Harry smiles as he pulls away. "I've been waiting all night to do that." He mumbles, eyes still closed. 

I grab hold of his shirt and pull his face back to mine, planting my lips on his without hesitation. This time smiling into the kiss as we deepen it. As Harry pulls away and looks me in the eyes with a wide smile on his face I laugh. 

"I think I really like you." Harry whispers, eyes bright.

"Prove it." I mutter, biting my bottom lip.

Harry kisses me again, this time with more force and more passion. I can't help but notice the tingle on my lips as they are pressed to Harry's. Something I find appealing.

"Happy Valentines Day Harry." I whisper, pulling away.

Harry laughs. "Happy Valentines Day Kenz."


A/N: I know, I'm sorry I haven't updated in a while. This part is dedicated to my best friend Mackenzie. We honestly talk about so much and I know she's a Harry girl so when I asked her if I could use her she was estatic, so I've been working on this part for like two days haha. Hope you Harry girls out there love it, and for those of you here for some Niall and Lana action, sorry to disappoint. I just needed a break from Liall action. I'd also like to point out this is my longest chapter so Woah! 7 pages! Woohoo! Good news is that I'm almost at 1000 reads which I like never thought would happen! I'm so amazing that so many people have read my story and I love it!

Thanks Lovelies! <3


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