Immortal Soul || Mikaelson Br...

By BrainDeadGal66

225K 7.2K 407

To everyone in Mystic Falls, Sigyn Lothbrok was just a normal human. But what they don't know is that she is... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Act II
Chapter 32
Chapter 33

Chapter 16

6.1K 216 16
By BrainDeadGal66

It's been a few weeks since she completed the bond with Finn and Elijah, and it's safe to say that Kol and Klaus were extremely jealous. Bodies had been thrown into walls, punches were thrown and threats were made. Rebekah and Sigyn just sat back and watched it all, not caring one bit.

Sigyn found it rather amusing to see her mates hissing and growling at each other like wild a bunch of wild animals. Although, she would hope that the four brothers would one day accept that they have to share her and try to be somewhat civil.


Sigyn was resting on the couch against Finn in the library, both of them reading a book. A week after her date with Elijah, she had decided to move in the Mikaelson's but kept her house cloaked in the woods.

And she honestly feels better staying with them, because one way or another she ends up waking up to one of them beside her. And she loves it.

When she did mention about her moving in, her mates and Rebekah were ecstatic to say the least. Apparently, Klaus had already made a room up for her and made room in his art room for all of her art stuff.

Now the sleeping arrangements were a nightmare. The brothers fought constantly about who got to sleep with Sigyn, and when. Eventually with some time, they got into a good system which Sigyn was in charge of and all her mates were happy--ish.

Sighing to herself, Sigyn closed her book and placed it on the floor next the her dogs. Finn looked away from his book, and looked to his mate with slight concern.

"Everything alright, angel?" He asked, watching as the blonde shifted her body so that her front was resting against him, and her arms wrapped around his body tightly.

"I'm fine, Finn. I just wanted to cuddle you" She mumbled against his chest, which shook slightly by Finn chuckling.

The vampire rested his book on the table behind his head, and pulled Sigyn up so that her head rested in the crook of his neck and his arms were securely wrapped around her torso.

"Where are my cuddles? Why must boring old Finn get cuddles" Came the whining voice of Kol, who decided that now was a good time to interrupt their quiet time. Sighing to herself, Sigyn decided not to move before she spoke up.

"Just because Finn doesn't go around slaughtering people like you and Klaus, that doesn't make him boring. Now shush, it's quiet time" Sigyn snuggled closer into Finn's neck, which happened to be the side of the neck that she had marked, because when her nose touched it the male shivered slightly.

It was silent for a few minutes, but Sigyn knew that Kol was still in the room and she hoped that he might have found a book to read.

She was wrong.

A sudden weight could be felt on her back, making both herself and Finn let out a grunt. The youngest male Mikaelson decided it would be a good idea to lay straight on top of his mate, which ultimately put more weight onto poor Finn.

"Seriously, Kol" Finn grunted in annoyance. His stupid little brother just had to ruin his quiet time with his mate.

"Shush, brother. It's quiet time" Kol sassed, burying his face in Sigyn's unmarked side of her neck. Surprisingly Sigyn didn't feel uncomfortable with Kol crushing her, and sighed in content.

"Why wasn't i invited to the cuddle fest? I feel rather left out" Moving her face slightly away from Finn's neck, her blue eyes focused on a smirking Klaus.

"Don't even think about it, Nik" She said, while playfully glaring at him.

"Yeah, Nikky" Kol mumbled against Sigyn's next. The hybrid scoffed to himself and rolled his eyes.

"Ég er umkringdur hálfvitum" The heretic muttered, causing Finn to laugh and the other two Mikaelson's to look at the mate and brother in confusion.

"What did she say?" Klaus asked.

"Ég vona að ég sé ekki hluti af þeirri jöfnu, engill" Finn replied, making her look up at him with a lop sided grin.

"Auðvitað ekki, elskan mín. Ég meinti þessi tvö. Þeir eru mestu fávitarnir í þessu húsi" Sigyn cooed, making a dopey grin appear on the vampire's face. Elijah, who had just walked in at the same time she replied, chuckled at the confused looks on Kol and Klaus' faces.

"Elijah, tell us what they're saying" Kol whined, not liking that him and Klaus are the only one's who don't seem to understand the language.

"Þú ættir ekki að stríða þeim, elskan. Þú veist hvernig þeir geta fengið" Elijah smirked, making Sigyn snort.

"Segir sá sem bara svaraði á íslensku, í stað þess að svara bróður þínum á ensku" She snickered. Kol was now off Sigyn, and standing beside Klaus with a pout.

"Stop it! Stop speaking whatever gibberish you are speaking" Klaus huffed, stomping his foot like a child which caused his two older brothers and his mate to laugh at him.

"Það er synd að þeir kunni ekki að tala á sínu móðurmáli" Finn hummed, glancing at his brothers who glared back in response.

"Hef ég sagt þér hversu kynþokkafull þið tvö hljómið þegar þið töluð íslensku?" Sigyn questioned, looking at the two who smirked at her in return. These looks didn't go unnoticed, and the other two did not like it.

"Hey, you three better not be making plans to have a threesome! I have yet to have my turn" Kol glared. Sigyn raised her brows in amusement, before looking at the older Mikaelson's with a suggestive look.

"Nú er það hugmynd. Hvað finnst ykkur tveimur?" The blonde smirked. Elijah and Finn looked at each other with large smirks on their faces, but before anything could happen, Klaus quickly snatched Sigyn off of Finn's body and ran off with her in his arms. Turns out her had taken his room.

The hybrid had slammed his mate against the nearest wall, and held her wrists above her head.

"That wasn't very nice, little love" He growled. The Mikaelson brushed his lips along her jaw, placing a kiss just below her ear. Sigyn bit her lip to try and stop herself from moaning.

"I didn't do anything, Lítill Úlfur" She purred, giving him a cheeky grin.

"What does that mean?" He whispered softly.

"It means little wolf. Rather fitting, don't you think?" Klaus smiled, feeling his cheeks heat up slightly. The teasing mood now gone, and was now switched to a more sweeter mood.

"I love you" Sigyn suddenly said, making the hybrids eyes widen and his whole body tensed up.

"W-What did you say?" He breathed out, not believing what he had heard. He doesn't remember the last time anyone said that they loved him.

"Niklaus Mikaelson, I love you with every fibre of my being. Please believe that" She answered honestly, causing tears to appear in Klaus' blue eyes.

The man stood there for a few seconds, still somewhat stunned before a massive smile appeared on his face. He smashed his lips upon hers, love and passion pouring into it.

"I love you too, my love. So bloody much" He breathed out, his smile not going away.


After confessing their love for each other, the two spent their time in Klaus' room just cuddling each other. Which was quickly ruined by Kol, who was instantly thrown out of the room by his hybrid brother.

Sigyn had decided to go out for a walk into the woods. Of course her mates wanted to come with her, but she wanted to have some time to herself.

Taking a deep breathe, the smell of the fresh open air filled her lungs. A smile graced her features, as she did a small twirl just embracing the feeling of nature around her.

A snapping of a twig was suddenly heard, making Sigyn stop in her tracks and look around. Even though she didn't see anyone, the woman could tell that she wasn't alone.

Taking her bracelet off, she kept herself on high alert in case who ever is out there decides to attack. A whooshing sound came next, and Sigyn was quick to grab what looked to a small wooden stake.

"Come out, come out wherever you are" She taunted whoever it was. Not long after saying that, she saw Jeremy standing not too far from her holding a crossbow. Using her vampire speed, she grabbed the weapon and knocked the boy out before he could do anything.

Sigyn let out a hiss when she felt a prick in her neck, and looked to see that it was a tranquilizer dart that had been filled with vervain.

"You're gonna have to do better than that!" She yelled, although she was slightly amused by their attempts, she could also feel her anger start to rise.

Four more pricks were felt in her neck and that's when she could start to feel the affects of the vervain. The quickly her neck was snapped, making her world go black.


Back at the Mikaelson mansion, the siblings were starting to grow worried about their mate and friend.

"How long did she say she would be gone?" Klaus asked worriedly, as he paced back and forth in the living room.

"She didn't say. I'm sure nothing is wrong, she might have just gone into town or something" Rebekah stated, trying to calm her brothers down but it didn't seem to work.

"No, no something is wrong. I can feel it" Kol shook his head, running his hands through his hair.

"Like a feeling of dread in your stomach?" Finn asked, looking to his younger brother who quickly turned to him.

"Yes, yes exactly. Dread. There is something wrong, and that feeling is not going away at all" He stressed. Kol had never been so stressed until now, and the thought of something bad happening to his mate was not calming him down at all.

"Then we need to go find her" Elijah spoke up. The siblings didn't think twice and were out of the house in seconds. They knew that she would be in the woods, because that's where she feels more comfortable.

The five of them decided to split up, and made their way through the woods to see if either of them could find Sigyn or any other sign of her.

Rebekah was walking further into the woods, when she caught a scent. Sigyn's scent. Following the scent, the blonde Mikaelson was lead to an opening. She went to step forward, but stopped when she felt something hard under her foot. Looking down Rebekah saw that it was the bracelet that Sigyn always wears.

"I found something!" She yelled, and her brothers were by her side in seconds. Rebekah showed them what she found, and their eyes widened when they saw what it was.

"She only ever takes it off if she needs to fight" Finn said, taking the silver band in his hand.

"I caught four scents. Stefan, Jeremy, Matthew and Alaric" Klaus growled angrily. He was beyond angry, he should've known they would try and pull something. And now they have his mate gods know where.

"Are you saying those filthy people have kidnapped our mate!" Kol hissed angrily, his fangs out and his eyes black.

"Well i don't think they're all out having bloody tea with her, Kol!" The hybrid fired back just as angrily. Kol went to attack his brother but was quickly stopped by Elijah.

"Enough, both of you. Arguing isn't going to do us any good, especially because our mate could be anywhere right now" He said, giving his younger brothers stern looks.

"Not that I'm not worried, but we all know that Sigyn can look after herself. I mean, she's a lot stronger than us. If we know anything, they will assume that she's a baby vamp and then bam she will go all ancient viking on their asses" Rebekah explained dramatically.

The brothers turned to their sister as if she was on something. But at the same time, they knew she was right. Their Sigyn could easily defend herself, but it won't stop them from worrying about her.

• Ég er umkringdur hálfvitum = I'm surrounded by idiots
• Ég vona að ég sé ekki hluti af þeirri jöfnu, engill = I hope I'm not part of that equation, angel
• Auðvitað ekki, elskan mín. Ég meinti þessi tvö. Þeir eru mestu fávitarnir í þessu húsi = Of course not, my love. I meant these two. They are the biggest idiots in this house
• Þú ættir ekki að stríða þeim, elskan. Þú veist hvernig þeir geta fengið = You shouldn't tease them, dear. You know how they can get
• Segir sá sem bara svaraði á íslensku, í stað þess að svara bróður þínum á ensku = Says the person who only answered in Icelandic, instead of answering your brother in English
• Það er synd að þeir kunni ekki að tala á sínu móðurmáli = It's a shame they don't know how to speak their mother tongue
• Hef ég sagt þér hversu kynþokkafull þið tvö hljómið þegar þið töluð íslensku? = Have I told you how sexy you two sound when you speak Icelandic?
• Nú er það hugmynd. Hvað finnst ykkur tveimur? = Now that's an idea. What do you two think?
• Lítill Úlfur = Little Wolf

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