An Inkwell's Stain //BATDR Fa...

By CaramelloFrog

14K 630 99

You are a young boy whose mother is working late at Arch Gate Studios on a tight deadline. While your mother... More

Author's Note
Chapter One [Deadlines]
Chapter Two [Wandering]
Chapter Three [Welcome Home]
Chapter Four [Wanted: Alive]
Chapter Five: A Heavenly Visit
Chapter Six: Just the Beginning
Chapter Seven: Look At What You See
Chapter Eight: Moving Pictures
Chapter Nine: Animation Antics
Chapter Ten: Acquiring Hardware
Chapter Eleven: Guilt and Epiphanies
Chapter Twelve: Spiritual Encounters and Morals
Chapter Thirteen: An Inky Klutz
Chapter Fourteen: Benevolent One
Chapter Fifteen: Troubled Artist
Chapter Sixteen: The Ink Demon
Chapter Seventeen: Two Separate Paths
Chapter Eighteen: She Was The Fourth
Chapter Nineteen: Cheeky Devil
Chapter Twenty: A Painful Scenario
Chapter Twenty-One: A Jolly Good Fellow
Chapter Twenty-Three: Teamwork!
Chapter Twenty-Four: Back to Science Class
Chapter Twenty-Five: Artist's Rest
Chapter Twenty-Six: Working Together
Chapter Twenty-Seven: Overflowing Relief
Chapter Twenty-Eight: A Jovial Return
Chapter Twenty-Nine: A Journey Down Under
Chapter Thirty: A Familiar Voice
Chapter Thirty-One: The One and Only
Chapter Thirty-Two: Rest in Desecrated Lies
Chapter Thirty-Three: The Sewers
Chapter Thirty-Four: [Enemies and Pipe Dreams]

Chapter Twenty-Two: Porter, Robert and You

291 15 3
By CaramelloFrog

Air rushed past your ears, roaring loudly. It only reminded you of how far you were going. You tried to hold in screams as it would hurt your ink-stained throat and you didn't want to look scared. But you were scared, plunging into darkness. But light suddenly filled the tunnel, and you landed in the arms of the Lost One you had just saved.

'Hello again!' He laughed as you stuttered at the awkward encounter. He let you go and Bendy rushed over to hug you. 

'Please don't go running down holes without telling me...' you chuckle, and he replied with an out-of-tune whistle. 

'Thank you very much for your help,' the Lost One said, patting your shoulder lightly. He was rather tall for a Lost One, so he had to lean down quite a bit for the gesture.

He didn't seem to mind or care at all about your height difference, or even acknowledge that you were a child. 'The name's Porter, by the way...' He reached his hand down for you to shake, which you carefully took with your right hand. '...and who might you be?'

'Y/N, and this is Bendy.' He gave you a perplexed look. 'Y/N? Hm... well yes, that actually does quite suit you! I like it. Bendy on the other hand...' Bendy looked confused and pointed to himself to see if he was serious. 'Yes, yes... no that won't do at all, doesn't suit you...' Both you and Bendy looked at Porter and back at each other. 'How about... Robert? Yes, I'll call you Robert,' Bendy didn't seem at all happy with this selection and tapped his show in obvious frustration, a pout flickering to life on his lips.

You giggled at this situation, which only seemed to make him angrier. The fact that Porter was oblivious to his upset made it funnier. 'And, to say thank you for your feat of rescue, Y/N, here's a little gift!' He walked closer to you, and Bendy stepped back a little. 'Something I have learned along the way...' He grabbed hold of your left hand and Bendy whistled high in a sort of warning. 

'Wait, Porter! Don't tou-' He cupped your hand with both of his and closed his eyes. A sense of nausea overtook you, the same nausea you got when you first got Demise.

'What are you...' you couldn't finish your sentence as your vision became brighter and flickered in random circles and dots, as if you had rubbed your eyes too much. Suddenly, it all disappeared as soon as Porter let go of your hand and straightened his back, going back to his normal height.

'There we are, it's passed on,' You flexed your fingers in awe, as your fingers received a golden hue. A bright swirl overtook the dorsal of your hand. 

'Woah...' you murmured. Bendy grabbed your arm and brought it closer to him, mesmerised by the flowing pattern. He then looked up to him and whistled, going higher at the end of his tone, like a question. 

'Well, now... you can move like me!' He let out his very peculiar giggle and then reached his hand over passed break in the floor. He got to the other side with a flick of the wrist, so fast that you didn't even see him travel there at all.

Bendy whistled high in amazement, and then looked at you, jumping up and down. 'Sure, I'll try...' you grabbed hold of Bendy with your right hand and raised your left, hoping for it to work. You flicked your wrist slightly, and you felt yourself zoom straight to the other side, nearly running into Porter. 

'Oh, sorry!' you stumbled, as Bendy went wobbly and dizzy. He leant onto you for support, which you took. Porter laughed and patted your head affectionately, before turning on his heel. 

'You'll get used to it, don't you worry...' He walked down and away from the both of you. 'Goodbye Y/N, Robert... try not to die!' He guffawed at his comment and disappeared into the path forward.

Bendy crossed his arms, still not too impressed with his new name. 'Come now, Robert. He wasn't that bad.' Bendy ran into you, wrestling you slightly. While his impact was strong, he wasn't very good at tussling. You laughed as you pushed him away. 'Okay, okay! Your name is Bendy, I won't call you Robert!' Bendy gave his usual grin and hugged you instead. 'You're crazy...' you murmured as you rubbed the back of his head. '...but I still love ya anyway!' Bendy hugged you tighter at those words. I love you too. (This isn't a ship for all of those people, I am still making a book on that.)

'We should probably head off, now...' you said after a while of standing there. He nodded his head and let go, still grasping his toy tightly. 'Hey, do you want me to hold that for you?' you ask, lifting your hand and gesturing to the model train. Bendy thought for a second and nodded slowly, handing you his toy back. 'Don't worry, I'll take good care of it!' He smiled, warm and pure. I know you will.

You walked forward, but you felt Bendy reach to hold your hand. You smiled and kept walking, allowing his gloved fingers to entwine with yours as you both headed one step closer to home.

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