Heartbreak Hotel

By CathyJensen

1.2K 61 75

Thank you E L James for writing Fifty Shades Of Grey Trilogy and for the great characters, in this story I us... More

A Shot In The Dark
Another Night Out
The Interviews
Armed And Ready
Ariana's New Boss
Steele Trio
A Trip To The Penthouse
The Foot Is Put Down
A Surprise Suitor
Death By Ambulances
Burial At Sea?
A New Friend
A New Sister?
A Merger
Bachelor And Bacherlorette Party
Drinking And What?
The Wedding
A Mind Made Up
Harmful Advice (sex)
A New Love(sex)
A Moratorium On Cooking
The Lincoln's Arrive
IT Illiterates
Gone With The Wind
Three To Go
Wedding Bells
A Perfect Match
A Quickie
A New Rodriquez
Jose Rodriquez III
The Diagnoses
A Painful Loss
No Liars For Daisy
Two Bodies Found
A Hidden Pregnancy
Life Goes On
College Diplomas

Grey Publishing Moves

36 1 2
By CathyJensen

Roz has suggested to move our new publishing company into our building and either sell the building they are in now or move one of our other acquisitions from out of state to it. I told her to check what would costs us less. Moving them is the best bet according to Roz's research and we can assure all updates and upgrades go smoothly and our publications needs can stay in house and quicker. So she is looking at selling as a priority. My mom happens to be looking for a place for her charities to run it's operation out of because they are losing their lease soon. I tell Roz to talk to mom before she does anything.

I start the move of Grey Publishing and then look into Grace's needs of the building and what we would need to do to get it up to standards for her needs. Soon afterward we find out the building is completely up to standards and Elliott has volunteered him and his crews to go through everything and check it completely for us. So a win win for us and Grace. The charity gets the building and we write it off as a donation. Elliott donates his time to assure it is up to standards.

We are moving into the GEH building and parking will be assigned once we have our office assignments. I can work from home on the new laptop they are having me use. I will be getting an iPad and an iPhone as well. Everyone is. We might be adding more staff as well. Apparently our new owner is trying to expand into publishing and other media outlets. I have been given my assignments along with everyone else. We will be working from home for two weeks and have to get a new badge and employee ID. Our cars will have new stickers on them and we will park in the overflow parking areas until we get our parking spot. We will get the codes and keys to our offices. The codes for the parking lots and the building and then the elevators, after that the publishing office. Security is very tight and we have been warned. I guess.

Jose jr
I drop by Anastasia's and she is frantic about her new job. She thinks that because they are moving them into the GEH there will be staff reductions even they assured this would be the fact.

They actually said they would be added to the publishing stuff in the future. I hope they don't get rid of us. Jose finally tells me to reread the emails and look at them positively. I check and he is right about that and I calm down. Ariana is the one who might lose her job after seeing a few things in the newspapers regarding them recently. It didn't hit front pages, but it did hit other pages. Business related.

I am glad that I found a building to rehouse the charities that we sponsor. Christian has one that is going to empty in a couple of weeks and it has parking. Elliott is going to go in and get things prepped for them to move in. Maybe they can help with the move too. I am looking forward to seeing them in the new building we pay nothing for. Now I have to figure out the rest of the funding for the utilities, insurance and other expenses that come up. We have a few galas to raise money for the charities. Wonder if the boys are going to bring dates this time? Mia seems to bring losers. I don't know where she finds them, but somehow each get worse. They think because she is from a wealthy family and have wealthy brothers that she is wealthy. Wrong, very wrong. She has trust funds and lives off credit cards from all of us. Carrick and I have told her to find a job that pays well or a rich husband that can support her in the style she is accustomed. She seems to find sons ow wealthy parents who have cut their slacker children off so they will go and get jobs. They look at Mia as their sugar momma. Carrick has assured them they will not have access to the family's wealth and he lies about trust funds. He tells them she spent all of them. Talk about not loving our daughter and wanting to marry her doing an about face. They run for the hills. Don't get me started on her loser friends. Candace Wilson only hangs with her when Christian and Elliott are around. Stella Lincoln a real slutty gold digger and why Mia is her friend is beyond me. I don't even know the names of the others who are just hoping to be seen in photos with Mia. Something about them being internet influencers and guiding Mia's purchases in the right areas. Yeah right into buying the products they are pushing on the public and use Mia to do it. Carrick has talked to Mia about this and we can't stop her or them from doing it.

After three weeks the move is complete and staff has been able to keep up by doing their work at home. I walk in to the new Grey Publishing on the second, third and fourth floors and I am very proud of it. We are looking to acquire SIP and have them moved over after the purchase goes through. Hopefully before thanksgiving. I am going to try to get our newest company moved from Portland and it become a high end hotel for our executives coming from out of state to stay in. I like the name of the hotel, because it reminds me of Elvis. Heartbreak Hotel and create an Elvis theme, Christian thinks it's a crazy idea and it might not go over well. He tells me unless we bought the name we can't use it. It is a good thing that we did. I am having trouble getting SIP to sign the sales agreement though. The guy wants twice the market value.

Jerry Roach
My accountant tells me if I don't take the only offer I have we will be bankrupt soon. I am trying, but Roz Bailey has stopped calling me to buy the property and my company and the name. My wife is about to drive me crazy about our bills because we can't pay them and if I sell we can pay everything off and have enough to retire. I finally give in and call Roz Bailey and agree to her final offer. She has me come to her office on the top floor of GEH. Three hours later I have sold SIP to them, I blame Elizabeth Morgan and Jack Hyde for all of this and so does my wife. If she could kilo them without anyone knowing it, she would.

I sing the song Heartbreak Hotel after I know no one can hear me. I see Christian laughing at me because he was walking by my office and thought a cat was in heat.

I saw Roach left in the elevators with a smile on his face, so you must have bought SIP?

Yes and we got it for the amount we wanted to pay for it. They move into GEH in four weeks. We start going through the employee files tomorrow.

Hope we don't have to fire anyone. I heard a few things that worry me.

We can retrain or transfer some of them. I will make sure we are only left with the best and move the others to working the hotel maybe?

Now that would be a sight to see when you inform them they will work in our new hotel our Heartbreak Hotel of all things and most a college educated and aspiring editors, publishers and writers. Let's not forget about graphic artists. We could use the graphic artist to do Elvis artwork for the hotel.

Not a bad idea at all.

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