
بواسطة AnaMusicalMystic

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Taekook au where a wannabe single father Taehyung gets in a beef with the 'modern royals' because supposedly... المزيد

Good news(?)
Let's Pretend
Rumour has it
Glimpse of Serendipity
Fools in Love?
Past and Future
Random Serendipity Taekook


131 12 5
بواسطة AnaMusicalMystic

Seokjin and Hoseok's penthouse: Midnight

The couple was floating lazily in their plunge pool, which they rarely got to use because of the continuous nagging of their youngest about 'how the plunge pool is a haven to bacteria and other microorganisms, which might lead to the infections in their secure habitat.' But now that they moved the scientist and his habitat to the prince's chamber that afternoon, they were happy to break the unsaid rule set by him. Too happy, I may say.

"Hoba, this feels so nice. It's like I was carrying a weight of two watermelons on my shoulders all the time." Jin moaned as his lover was peppering his bare shoulders with kisses and kneading the tensed muscles with utmost care .

"Baby, Would it make me a bad person to say that I am happy that we are getting this alone time?" Jin asked, wrapping the other around his own body.

Hoseok chuckled at this, tilting their shared wine glass towards his fiancé's mouth, he said.

"Even parents need some downtime handling their kids, Jinnie. Does that make them bad people? Handling Tae and his demands can be as exhausting as handling a fussy toddler. Even when he was not here, and would stay at the lab for a few days when he couldn't figure out his research conclusions; there was always a possibility that either he would end up in trouble or land at the door at a very ungodly hour. We both know how anxious we were with his safety or unceremonious arrival. Now that he is most probably safe in the care of the royals, it's okay to unwind a little."

Before Jin could agree and relax a little in his beloved's arms, his phone; which was supposed to be playing a light, romantic instrumental, started blaring with a fire alarm-kind of a ringtone.

"Oh no no no! Tell me this brat is not outside the door right now! More importantly tell me he didn't K word the prince in sleep because he snores in his sleep. Oh god, Hobi…" But before Jin could finish that sentence he saw Hoseok already wiping his hands and managed to put the phone on speaker,

"Hello Tae, is everything okay?" He asked, hurriedly. 

"No it's not hyung. And why is Jin hyung not on the phone? Were you guys in the middle of having sexual intercourse? In that case, did you wash your hands before touching his phone? You know it's not very hygienic, if you are having an ana….."

"Do not dare you to complete that sentence. I am here itself, the phone is on speaker. Now speak up." Jin shouted, while Hoseok adjusted the pool's temperature to a cooler end.

"Then why wouldn't you pick up the call? If I wanted to speak to Hobi hyung I would call him on his phone. This is common telephone etiquette hyung. You should pick up your own damn phone." Tae retorted back.

"If it is an emergency Taebear, why don't you get to the point. Let's not waste your time, right?" Hobi pitched in.

"I admire your wisdom hyung. Hope Jin hyung learns from you." This had Jin fuming, but Hoseok shushed him. 

"So back to Jin hyung. I need your help."

"Just when I thought I was finally free…."

"Stop mumbling your nonsensical daily soap dialogues. And focus on me. I need your help, because this seems like your expertise. I have a huge problem over here. And I just cannot sleep because of it." 

"Oh my Lord, this brat! Tell me you are not talking about 'the thing', I am guessing you are." Jin grunted. 

"I am an Evolutionary scientist hyung, not a mind reader. I cannot guess what you are guessing. Let me just get to the point. The prince is sleeping on MY BED! I cannot sleep!"

"Tell me you are joking!"

"No hyung, it's true. I even suggested for him to sleep on the couch, but he denied saying 'it's his room, if I wanted I could take the couch!' Can you believe hyung? You know I can't sleep there. And you know how it is for me to share my bed with someone, plus…."


"No need to shout that in my ear hyung. I was ready to share the bed too. But hyung, he sleeps naked. I mean technically he is wearing boxers but that's it. What am I supposed to do now? Help me."

"Taebear, I don't think it's your hyung's expertise, plus he is fuming right now. So deal with this on your own.  Maybe try having an adult talk with your fiance while I take mine to bed, which we really don't mind sharing at all. Okay Taebaby? Good night. Hope you have a nice sleep." For the first time in his life, Hoseok left Tae hanging on his own. (But what can he do? Baby needs to grow up!)


Min's estate: The same night.

Jimin's phone kept on ringing, making Yoongi groan in frustration. He held his tired husband close to his body and tried to ignore the buzzing. But when Jimin started to squirm in his sleep, Yoongi had no option but to pick up the call. He already knew who it was due to the cringe worthy cute ringtone both of these best friends had set for each other.

"Kook, what is it? It better be something really important or I would certainly cause an act of treason!"

"Yooongiiii!" (Read it in his typical style!)

"Yes Kook, speak up! If Jimin wakes up due to this ruckus of yours, I won't be very happy. He is very tired."

"Ooooooh! Seems like I am speaking to his reason of being tired. Ahhh! What a passionate and caring husband you are hyung! I need to take notes, so that I can also tire my stupidly intelligent fiancé out."

"The kind of notes I would share, won't be of your use Kook. Just get to the point, why are you calling right now?" (Internally Yoongi was in awe of Jin and Hoseok, who were subject to this type of torture for years now!)

The prince Snickered on the other side before speaking,

"I wanted Jiminie hyung's help. But you can help too. My new roommate aka my would-be husband doesn't want to share a bed with me. You know what? He asked me, the prince, to sleep on the couch. When I declined, he said I cannot sleep on the bed while wearing only my boxers. He should be glad I at least wore them, 'cause you know how I always sleep without anything on."

"TMI Kook. I don't need the mental image of 'that' haunting me in my sleep. Plus, just put the damn clothes on and sleep. Why are you disturbing our sleep?"

"Hyungie, that's not a really nice thing to say, you know! When I argued he went to the balcony to call his hyungs. He must be sulking and asking for their help. And you know how sweet they are! They will help that brat. Whereas I am a literal angel. I also deserve my hyungie's attention too! Why can't you both be that supportive to me?"

"Oh trust me Kook-ah, I can never imagine being like them. They both are literally the saints for handling your fiancé. And as much as I love seeing him being a brat to the brattiest person I ever knew, he is your problem now. So rather than tell us to learn supportiveness from them, you should learn a thing or two from both of them about managing your fussy scientist. I am hanging up now, hope you learn to manage that devil on your own." And he really did hang up, leaving a pouty Jungkook alone with his problem.

'Learn from his hyungs! Hmmm… What would they do? Jin hyung will just shout and kick his gorgeous bum. But I can't do that, can I? Wait, Hoseok hyung! He would make this brat understand things in his own language. Maybe I can try doing that!' Let's just say Jungkook had some research reviews to read before his fiancé returned to the bed.


When Taehyung returned to the bed he thought the prince would already be asleep. But instead he found the prince still in the bed, the way he left him; but instead of sleeping, he seemed to be waiting for Taehyung to return. He had a smile playing on his lips which confused the scientist. His social skills were not polished enough to make a sense out of that expression. Didn't they just argue? Then why did the prince look like he was 'too' happy to see him back?

"Taehyung-ssi, come on up here. Let me apologise. I am sorry I was a bit rude earlier. But you know how difficult it is to share your personal space with someone. I was just a bit restless. But that doesn't justify my rudeness." He offered a genuine (?!) smile. 

Taehyung was clueless on how to react because why was the prince being all respectful now? What's in it for him?

"Uhmmm… apology accepted. But I would still request you to put some clothes on."

'Stubborn asś…' the prince thought.

"Well, about that! Taehyung-ssi, I need to sleep like this. You know, I have been facing insomnia for the past few months. So my sleep consultant suggested I sleep like this."

"Oh really? Why is that? I am curious."

"Oh you see, It lowers your body temperature, which makes you sleep faster and deeper. If you google it, you can see that there is some research quoting the other benefits too. It helps boost your mental health and focus, boost your metabolism, helps your body get rid of toxins in a better way, it helps in maintaining healthy weight and skin. Also it helps to build intimacy with your partner and maintains your reproductive health. I know we are nowhere in need of the last two, but it also helps to maintain a healthy brain. So I would say you try that sometimes too." The prince acted his best.

"Interesting! I didn't know you were into reading research. Not as below average as I thought, good for you! Can you send me some citations?" The scientist asked in all seriousness. 

Prince wasn't sure what exactly the citations meant, so he put his best guess and sent his fiance the articles he had read. "Here you go!" He said nervously. 

Taehyung read all those quite hurriedly, as the curious little cat he was. And nodded from time to time. 

"These are not exactly journal articles but they do have the references. Wonderful. Seems like your sleep consultant is really authentic. Maybe I should also give it a try." Saying this the scientist hurriedly removed his nightwear, leaving him in nothing but cute strawberry print boxers which hugged his swells all too well. He then shuffled into the comforter eagerly. And It was now the prince's time to gulp. Because in the process of tricking the scientist, he had dug a very alluring, golden hole for himself.

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