There Is No Light 🌇 Without...

By MaryMorningstar81

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In this fourth and last book of the MAGIC OF LOVE series we meet the youngest son of Jace Haronnate Nicolae a... More

Fifteen Years Later ...
Cause And Effect
A Visit To Budapest
Alice In Wolfland
The Way She Makes Her Bed, She Has To Sleep In It
Every Action Has A Reaction, And Every Choice Has Consequences
Italians Do It Better
Book Of The Damned
It's Showtime!
A Promising Fender Bender
Moonborn's Secret
Together Again
Witch's Heart
Delusions Of Grandeur
Dead Man Walking
The Strongest People Are The Ones Who Get Hurt The Most
Greed Is The Worst Sin
Vintage Night
If The Child Survives, There Is Hope
Valentine's Eve In The Light
Valentine's Eve In The Dark
Valentine's Day In The Light
Valentine's Day In The Dark
The Prophecy

Unexpected Betrayal

222 20 16
By MaryMorningstar81


Damon is sitting behind his desk looking at the payroll when there is a knock at the door. He sniffs the air and immediately opens the door wide telepathically.

Damon: Come on in, baby.

Alice comes in excitedly.

Alice: I'm going crazy when you open the door for me like this.

Damon: My powers are always at your disposal, ma'am.

Alice: Thank you, sir. Your kindness enslaves me. Now tell me what I can do for you.

Damon looks up and gives her a smile that takes her breath away.

Damon: I look at the payroll and see that Emma is getting paid twice as much as any other waitress. Who decided that and I don't know about it?

Alice: I did.

Damon: I see. And can I know why that is, or you don't think it's necessary?

Alice smiles wickedly and walks towards the desk. She lies down on it, right in front of Damon, who leans back in his chair and brings his fingers together under his chin.

Alice: I don't think it's necessary.

Damon: Oh, come on! Just humor me.

Alice: Okay, but only because you're so cute.

Damon: Thanks.

He smiles and takes the glass of whiskey to drink, but she grabs his hand and brings the glass to her own lips.

Damon: Oh, sure! You can drink out of my glass.

She takes a sip as she caresses his fingers holding the glass.

Damon: I'm beginning to dread what I'm about to hear.

Alice: You're exaggerating as usual. It's nothing serious.

Damon: Then tell me.

Alice: As you know, Emma has two children.

Damon: Like a lot of our other waitresses.

Alice: Yes, but the others have their children's fathers.

Damon: And Emma doesn't?

Alice: No. At least not anymore.

Damon: What happened?

Alice: The crook is gone. He left her a note and disappeared. He took all their savings, which, by the way, only came from Emma because that asshole has been unemployed for ages.

Damon: Hmmm ... Charming.

Alice: Yeah. The bastard left her broken, with two small children, one of whom has health problems.

Damon: What kind of problems? Maybe Nic could ...

Alice: You think I haven't thought of that? No. Nic is powerful, but he can't regrow a missing leg.

Damon: Crap!

Alice: He was born that way. A little anomaly in his DNA took away his right leg from the knee down. Oh, Damon! You should meet him. He's amazing.

Damon: Have you seen him?

Alice: Yeah. I had to find out if everything Emma told me was true.

He leans over and rests his head on her stomach as she lies on the desk. Damon copied that from his father. Sebastian used to sit like that when he talked to Lois about anything.

When Damon was still with Margaret, she wouldn't let him lie like that because the weight bothered her. But Alice enjoys it, and every time he does, she tangles her fingers in his hair and strokes him tenderly, as she does now.

Damon: Well done, my girl! Tell me about him.

Alice: His name is Benjamin and he's six years old. He's a beautiful, sweet little boy with two big blue eyes that reflect all the pain of his disability, but also all the strength, courage, and wisdom with which he faces his condition. This is unfair, damn it! I'm angry that we can't help more.

Damon: Maybe we can.

Alice: How?

Damon: By giving him a prosthetic limb.

Alice: But of course. Why didn't I think of that? Since we can't give him back his own leg, we can give him a titanium one.

Damon: Exactly. He's still very young and he'll get used to it quickly. When he grows up, he'll feel it as his own.

Alice: And he'll be able to live a normal life. He might even become an athlete and maybe, who knows, become a Paralympics winner one day.

Damon: Wow! Slow down, Speedy Gonzales. Wait until he can walk normally first, and then buy the frame to hang the medal.

But Alice is already overcome with excitement, something Damon enjoys so much. She jumps up and falls on top of him. She straddles his legs as he sits down on the chair and puts her hands on his shoulders. She leans forward and sinks her gaze into his eyes.

Alice: It was wrong of me not to tell you sooner. I know you and I should have been sure that you'd find a way to help little Benjamin.

Damon: Why do you say that?

Alice: Because you, Damon Stefan Jones, are the best man I know. Almost as good as my father.

He brushes her hair out of her eyes.

Damon: Your father is really good. Me, not so much, baby. I'm not ... I'm the son of Night. I carry the darkness inside me. I'm the darkness. And you ... You need the light. So maybe you should turn in that direction.

Alice: What the hell are you talking about, Damon?

Damon: I've been thinking about your change.

Alice: What about it? Have you changed your mind? I thought ...

Damon: No. I haven't changed my mind, but ... I'm just saying that maybe you should think again about becoming like me.

Alice: But I like what you are.

Damon: It just fascinates you, baby. It's the blood. It's all about the blood.

Alice: No, it's not. It's not just about that.

Damon: Yeah, I know. It's also about my great sex.

Alice: No, you pervert.

Damon: No?

Alice: Ok, yeah. Your sex is great, but it's not everything. It's all about you. It's about who you are. The strength, the senses, the speed, the stamina. It's everything.

Damon: Yeah, but there's something better.

Alice: Better than the ultimate vampire/wolf hybrid? What is that?

Damon: An angel of the Lord.

Alice: What the hell, Damon?

Damon: Not hell, baby. Heaven. Think about it. We have the spell. The ingredients are easy to find. James would like to give us some blood, and as for the angelic grace, Nic or even JJ could ...

Alice: Stop it, Damon. Stop it right now.

Damon: Why? You'd be great with a pair of wings on your back.

Alice: I'm allergic to feathers. And besides, fangs suit me better. Not to mention the tail.

Damon: Don't make jokes. I'm serious.

Alice: Me too. And ok. The angels are amazing. Nic and JJ. Stefan, Mr. Jace, Mr. Matt. All of them. And yes. They're the light, but I'm not. Ever since I was a little girl, I've always been drawn to the darkness. You.

Damon: But the light ...

Alice: The light is good, but don't forget that it can't exist without the darkness.

Damon: You are determined, huh?

Alice: I want to be with you forever, Damon. Literally. I want to be your girl. Your friend or even a simple employee. Anything you want me to be. Anything you need me to be.

Damon: Are you serious? Will you stay with me no matter what? You're not going to leave me, are you?

Alice: Never. No matter what happens. I promise.

Damon: Then it's time for me to ask Night for a meeting.

Alice: Yes, but not before you kiss me.

I'm sure the kiss would have turned into more if they hadn't been interrupted by a knock on the door. Alice wants to get up, but he holds her back.

Damon: No. Don't get up now.

Alice: There's a knock at the door.

Damon: Screw him, whoever it is.

Alice: I'd love to, but at least ask who he is and what he wants. There could be something serious going on.

Damon: I hope it's the building on fire, because if they bother me now that I'm with you about something less important, I'll blow them all to hell.

Alice: Do you want me to call James?

Damon: Very funny!

Alice: What? You mentioned him.

Damon yells at the person behind the door, while Alice goes back to what she was doing before the interruption- fighting with Damon's belt and giggling.

Damon: Who is it?

Isaiah: It's me, boss. Isaiah.

Damon: And what the hell do you want? I'm busy.

Isaiah: I'm sorry, boss, but it's an emergency. Miss Margaret is here and insists on talking to Alice.

Damon and Alice look at each other in amazement. Alice opens her mouth to say something, but Damon stops her.

Damon: Listen to me, Isaiah. Go downstairs and tell her that Alice isn't available now. If she wants, she can talk to me.

Isaiah: Yes, boss.

Isaiah is about to leave to carry out his boss's order, but ...

Alice: Isaiah, wait!

Alice gets up from Damon's lap and goes to the door.

Damon: What are you doing, baby?

Alice: We need to get this over with once and for all.

Damon: Baby, this isn't funny.

Alice: Do you see me laughing?

She opens the door and calls Isaiah into the office. He enters and looks questioningly at Damon.

Isaiah: What's up, boss? You said ...

Alice: He's changed his mind, Isaiah. Please go downstairs and tell Margaret I'll be glad to see her. Bring her here right away.

Damon: Not right away. In ten minutes. Go, Isaiah.

Isaiah: Yes, boss.

Isaiah leaves and Alice turns to Damon.

Alice: Why in ten minutes and not now?

Damon: Because you're so stubborn and want to face Maggie, you should at least be protected from her power.

Alice: The illusions?

Damon: Yeah, baby. The illusions. You shouldn't underestimate them. Maggie can inflict so much pain on you that you go crazy with a single glance. She can make you see whatever crap she wants. This is serious and I'll not leave you unprotected.

Alice: And how can you protect me?

Damon: With my blood. I inherited my father's immunity to all those mind-altering tricks.

Alice sees Damon show his fangs, bite his palm, and offer it to her.

Damon: Drink. My blood in your body will make you immune for quite a while.

Alice: But I already drank in the morning.

Damon: Your cells have already used up what you drank this morning. Come on, baby! Drink, please. Don't torture me anymore.

Alice: Okay. Okay. Fine.

She takes his hand and begins to drink from the open wound. As always, they feel the connection and the sexual urge, but they hold back. Just barely, but they manage.

When Alice has drunk the required amount, Damon pulls his hand away and licks his palm to heal the wound. Alice wipes her lips.

Alice: Are you satisfied now?

Damon: Not quite. There's something else.

Alice: What else?

He walks over to the desk, opens the top drawer, and pulls out a gun. A small, silver revolver, which he hands to Alice.

Damon: Take this.

Alice: Damon ...

Damon: Listen to me. These are bullets coated with adamas. It won't kill Maggie, of course, but it'll stop her long enough for you to get away, or at least until I get here. I taught you how to shoot. Just try to aim anywhere in the chest.

Alice: Why all this, Damon? What's going on?

Damon: You just have to trust me, baby. Please.

Alice: Okay, but when this is all over, you're going to tell me everything. Deal?

Damon: Deal.

Alice: Give me the damn gun.

She takes the gun, checks the magazine and safety, tucks it into her belt behind her waist and covers it with her blouse.

Damon: Thanks.

Alice: Go now. Maggie has to come and she can't see you.

Damon: She's not going to see me. I'll go out the back door. Come here.

He opens his arms and she sneaks in.

Damon: I'll be in the next room. I won't be able to hear you because the walls of this room are made of adamas but I'll be able to feel you. If something goes wrong ...

Alice: Nothing is going to happen. It's Maggie, Damon. I've known her since she was born. She doesn't like me, but she'd never hurt me.

Damon: Don't be so sure, baby.

Alice: What's that supposed to mean?

Damon: Nothing. I'll tell you later. Right now, I've to go. She'll be here any minute.

He leans down and kisses her lips.

Damon: Just get over it and come back to me.

Alice: I will.

After another kiss, Damon walks out the back door, just a second before Isaiah knocks on the front door. Alice adjusts her clothes and tightens the gun on her belt.

Alice: Come on in.

But before we see what happens at this meeting between Margaret and Alice, let's find out the reason for Damon's concern.

What happened? Why is he suddenly afraid to leave Alice alone without protection around Margaret? What does he know that scares him so much?

Let's take a look ...!


Elena returns from the winery and grocery store where she bought wine and bacon. They're used to ordering household goods online, but with Margaret staying home these days, the consumption has skyrocketed. At least the wine and bacon did. So, Elena had to go refill.

She comes out of the elevator holding two large paper bags in her arms. She's about to bend down to scan her iris on the lock scanner when she hears voices from inside the apartment. And not just any voices. One male and one female.

The woman is clearly Margaret. But who is the man? He's not Nicolae. He's not JJ, and of course he's not Damon. Who the hell is in there with her?

Elena is ready to barge in and catch them in the act, but the wolf instinct in her starts howling and so she stands behind the door and activates her super hearing.

What he hears as a result ...


Margaret is sitting on the sofa all worried and next to her is - who else?- that jerk Elliot from Budapest. He rubs up against her and tries to kiss her, but she stops him.

Margaret: Now come on, Elliot. Stop it!

Elliot: Why, honey? Haven't you missed me at all?

Margaret: You're all in your own world, aren't you?

Elliot: Why?

Margaret gets up and starts pacing while Elliot continues to stretch out on the sofa.

Margaret: Why the hell did you come here? Didn't I tell you it was very dangerous? They can't know anything about us.

Elliot: How can they know that, honey? I made sure you were alone before I came. What do you take me for? A fool? I waited in the corner and watched the winged men and the bitch go to their jobs. And as for your ex ... It seems he can't get out from between his new chick's legs.

Margaret: That's what you think, Elliot. Ok for Damon. He's ... Whatever! And the winged ones ok too. They won't be back until the afternoon, but Elena will. She works nights at the club, you idiot. Did you forget? She just went shopping. She'll be back any minute and she'll smell you the minute she sets foot in here. You need to leave now!

Elliot: Calm down, honey. You found a way to hide from her damn visions. I'm sure you can outsmart her nose, too.

Margaret: The witch's spell saved us from the visions, Eliot. But there's nothing like it. In fact, there's nothing that can fool a wolf's nose. Trust me.

Elliot: I'm sorry. I didn't think ... I just wanted to see you so badly.

Margaret: It's all right. Now it's done. You go and I'll find an excuse to feed Elena. Go to the hotel and wait for me.

Elliot: When are you coming?

Margaret: Later. I'm going to tell Elena I want to go for a walk to have some fun.

Elliot: Will you stay with me overnight?

Margaret: We'll see about that. We'll have to be careful, my dear. At least until I get the obstacle called Alice out of my way.

Elliot: She's still human, isn't she?

Margaret: Yes. He hasn't turned her yet. I'm sure he's waiting for Night's approval. How pathetic!

Elliot: Then why don't you just kill her?

Margaret: It's not that simple. I've to plan it perfectly. If Damon finds out ...

Elliot: What could he possibly do to you?

Margaret: You don't know him, which is why you're wondering. He's ruthless and can get very creative when he wants to torture someone. To give you an idea. He can rip your heart out of your chest with his bare hand so fast that you can see it beating out of your body before you die.

Elliot: Really? What?

Margaret: Are you scared?

Elliot: Shouldn't it be?

Margaret: Not you. I won't let him hurt you.

Elliot: Can you stop him?

Margaret: If I weaken him enough. But we've said enough. You have to go.

Eliot: One last thing. What do your parents know?

Margaret: Nothing. They think I'm grieving for my lost love. You should have seen me when I called my dad. I deserve a fucking Oscar.

Elliot: Why are you doing this?

Margaret: I can't tell them the truth, Elliot. They're fiercely loyal to Damon's father and they'll try to stop me. I can't take that chance. They're my parents and I love them. The last thing I want to do is hurt them.

Eliot: Have it your way. I'll follow you blindly.

Margaret: You've always been smart. Go now.

Elliot: Do I get a kiss first?

Margaret hugs his shoulders and kisses him passionately before escorting him to the door, behind which is still Elena, who can barely restrain herself from rushing in and ripping out both of their throats after hearing everything.

But once again, the wolf's instincts and logic win out over the vampire's impulsiveness and she disappears down the stairs. She hides in the shadows until Elliot enters the elevator and Margaret comes back inside.

She then goes back upstairs, but before entering the house, she texts Damon to wait for her alone in an hour at their favorite bistro, Hourglass Bistro, in Times Square. Damon's positive reply arrives immediately and Elena enters the house.

Margaret is sitting on the couch, flipping through the channels. She smiles sweetly when she sees Elena and immediately gets up to help her with the groceries.

Margaret: Let me give you a hand, sister.

Although all she wants to do now is get out her whip - a gift from Archangel Michael for her eighteenth birthday - put it around Margaret's neck and cut off her head, Elena smiles and gives her the one bag.

Elena: Thanks, sister.

Margaret: You don't have to thank me. It's the least I can do. You stood by me and put up with me all these days.

Elena smiles and goes to the kitchen, Margaret follows her. They start to take care of the groceries. Margaret pretends nothing happened and continues pretending to be sad. Elena wants to scream, but instead ...

Elena: Did anyone come while I was gone?

Margaret: No. Why do you ask?

Elena: Nothing. I just noticed an unfamiliar smell.

Margaret: Oh, that. A delivery man brought me a package. A friend sent me some of my things from home in Budapest.

Elena: I see. That means you won't be going back there, right?

Margaret: What would I do there? I'm not interested in studying anymore and besides, if I want to win your brother back, I've to stay here and fight. Isn't that right?

Elena: Sure. Why not?

Margaret: So, you're okay with that? I mean, do you think I've any hope with Damon?

Elena: What do you want me to tell you? You've been gone for a very long time. If it wasn't for Alice, maybe, but now ...

Margaret: He really is in love with her, isn't he?

Elena: More than I gave him credit for after your betrayal.

Margaret: I didn't betray him, Elena.

Elena: Let's not start the same discussion again. It's getting us nowhere. Besides, I've to go now.

Margaret: Where are you going?

Elena: A professional appointment. I'm meeting a new band that wants to do some live shows at the Lair.

Margaret: Why you and not Damon?

Elena: My brother is bored with it all, so I took over that area.

Margaret: Great. Since you're leaving and the boys are gone too, I'll take a walk to the stores to get some fresh air.

Elena: Of course, you should. A little window shopping will do you good. After all, we all need a little fun now and then.

Margaret: Right. I'm going to get ready now. We'll talk later, I guess.

Elena: We'll definitely talk later.

Margaret walks in, oblivious to the anger boiling inside Elena, who splashes some water on her face to calm the anger. The anger at the unexpected betrayal.

Shortly after, she leaves for her date with Damon, while Margaret runs to her lover at his hotel.


It's just after one in the afternoon and the beautiful bistro is full of workers from the surrounding buildings taking their lunch break and eating something light, a salad or one of the delicious sandwiches on the menu.

Damon sits down at a table in the middle and devours a bloody ostrich filet with red wine sauce. He feels the stares of the women from the neighboring tables on him, but he only has eyes for his filet.

Elena enters the bistro and, like her brother, she attracts many glances. She's tiny, but her beauty is something heavenly and that naturally attracts attention.

Without paying attention to anyone, she walks between the tables in her own sexy wolf way and approaches the spot where her brother is sitting. Quite unobtrusively, the chair in front of her moves back by itself and Elena sits down across from Damon.

Elena: Thanks for the chair, brother. You're always nice to women.

Damon: I'm a ladies' man, sis. I can't help it. Do you want a bite of this? It's excellent and undercooked.

Elena: It's tempting, but I'll pass.

Damon: Your loss.

Damon takes another bite as Elena looks at him, smiling. He's beaming in his own magical and dark way. He's happy again after a long time and Elena hates herself for burdening him with new problems, but unfortunately, she has no choice. Damon swallows and takes a sip of his wine.

Damon: So? Are you going to tell me what this is all about? What was so urgent that you dragged me here at lunchtime?

Elena: Finish your food first, then I'll tell you. It would be a pity if you lost your appetite at what you're about to hear.

Damon: Speak, Elena.

Damon continues to eat while Elena begins to tell him everything she heard earlier in the penthouse. As the narrative continues, the fire in the round fireplace in the center of the room grows larger and larger, and at the same time, the water flowing through the decorative glass-walled fountain in the back of the room begins to form strange patterns and flow in a completely unnatural way. Elena looks around somewhat awkwardly as she speaks.

Elena: Damon, calm down. We're in public. There are people around.

Damon: I'm completely calm, Elena.

Elena: Yes, I can see that.

Damon: You told me everything? Is there anything else I should know?

Elena: No. I've told you everything.

Damon: Okay.

He takes a few deep, quick breaths. He closes his eyes and imagines Alice lying on the bed, smiling at him as he leaves to come here. Immediately after, the fire goes out and the water flows normally again. Elena puts her hand on her brother's on the table.

Elena: What are we going to do now, Damon? How do we deal with this?

Damon: That's easy. We find out where this son of a bitch lives. We go there, rip his lungs out of his chest and shove them deep up his ass. Right after that we grab the bitch, throw her in the dungeon and let her starve until she tells us everything about her dirty plan.

Elena: Hmmm ... That's all great and very creative, but is it really what you want to do?

Damon: Why not?

Elena: And how are you going to look your godfather in the eye again?

Damon grimaces.

Damon: I'll explain it to him and he'll understand. Dad will help, too.

Elena: It's his daughter, Damon. Think about dad. What would he do if someone did something like that to me?

Damon: I understand what you mean.

Elena: And she's Maggie, after all, for crying out loud. We grew up together.

Damon: Why do you think I'm still here and not after her to kill her?

Elena: How could she do this to us? How could she betray us like that?

Damon: It's my fault. If I had gone back to her ...

Elena: No. Apparently, she betrayed us long before that. If you could hear her talking to him. There's no way they've only known each other for a year.

Damon: Do you think that really matters?

Elena: No, and that's why we have to be very careful.

Damon: What do you suggest?

Elena: A meeting with the others. Nic and JJ need to find out what's going on so we can make the right decision.

Damon: Ok, but I need to protect Alice.

Elena: You can't tell her anything yet.

Damon: I don't like lying to her.

Elena: I'm not asking you to lie to her. I'm just asking you not to tell her the truth. At least until we see what we're doing.

Damon: Why all of this, sister? What's the point? What could she possibly want from us?

Elena: I've no idea, but I'm going to find out. Rest assured that I will.

The two brothers intertwine their fingers and join together to strengthen each other even more.

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