The Lost One: Legolas x OC

By ErulisseGreenleaf133

6.4K 145 880

The line of Fëanor. a line of problems. A line, of blood. A line that ended. Or so they thought. Lillian... More

Mae Govannen!
*Introducing the Feanorians:*
The Valley:
Out of the Dark:
Bad Blood:
The Found Feanorian:
Taking The Plunge:
A New Adventure:
Into The Wilds:
The Journey Begins:
A Land of Old:
New Friends:
Love Made Me Crazy:
A Chilling Thought:
A Time Of Peace:
Gathering Storms:
The Alliance of Men and Elves:
The Time Is Right:
A Blessed Surprise:
The Silence:
Battle Of The Woods:
A Light Goes Out:

The Stranger:

185 3 28
By ErulisseGreenleaf133

Hellooo Lol. Sorry my updates have been all over. My life is insane sometimes. 



I stared at the village below us. The lights from candlelit windows shone like stars in the grass.

"Hoods up," Elladan said. We all did as he said.

I tucked my long into it as well. Our goal was to blend in as much as we could. Lillian tucked her tunic into her belt and pulled the two flaps of her cloak over her front. If you didn't know her she would look like a smaller male.

"Are we certain he is here?" Elladan asked.

"If Father says he is than he is," Elrohir answered.

"Can we trust him?" Lillian asked.

"Yes," I replied. "Aragorn is honorable and most trustworthy as are his followers. I have spent time among the dunedain. After all, it is them we have come to assist."

The four of us rode down the dirt path towards the gates of the settlement. I kept a sharp eye for any men passing by but saw none. 

"What business do you have in Bree?" The gatekeeper asked as we stopped outside the gate.

"We mean no harm. Our business belongs to us," Elrohir stated.

"Very well, it is only my prerogative to inquire of strangers," The man said as he opened the gates for us. I let the other's ride through before I followed. People rushed to get out of the slick road as we trotted past. Elrohir led us down a narrow alleyway to a shed.

"Tie the horses here," We must continue on foot. The moon is almost high," He jumped off his mount and tied the reins to the post. I did the same and tied Lillian's horse. I helped her down off her horse, "My lady."

"Hush," She chuckled quietly.

"We must get to the tavern. Do not speak with anyone. Especially not Lillian. When we meet him we must first investigate if it is truly him. Let him speak first," I said.

Elrohir nodded to me. 

I led the other three to the tavern. We managed to get inside and were seated at a table in the corner. We were all keeping our eyes peeled for anyone out of the ordinary. Elladan ordered us a tray of cheeses and breads while we waited. After our meal had been eaten in silence mugs of ale were brought to us.

"What is this stuff?" Lillian asked.

"It's ale," Elrohir said as he set his mug down. "Try it. It will toughen your insides."

"Are you calling me weak?" Lillian asked. The elleth then tipped back her mug and drank half of it. I laughed lightly and sipped my drink. A few slow minutes passed by before someone kicked me under the table. I looked up to see a man standing by the door. His dark hood was drawn over his face. He turned to face our direction. Elladan moved his stuff and grabbed a stool from the table next to ours. The stranger dragged the stool over to the head of the table and sat down.

We all looked at each other as if trying to decide if we were in the right place. Lillian kept her head down.

"Gentlemen," The stranger began. "I do believe we need to take our affairs elsewhere."

I squeezed Lillian's hand before we stood.

"Let us discuss this," Elrohir stated. 

The stranger led us up the wooden steps to a dark room around the corner from all the other's.

He walked over to the table and threw off his hood.

The stranger wasn't Aragorn. Lillian gasped lightly and the twins drew their swords.

"Who are you?" I demanded as I pulled out one of my knives.

"My name is Beradhir son of Breorhdir. I have come to meet you on behalf of one Aragorn son of Arathorn, Lord of the Dunedain."

"How do we know you are who you say you are?" Elladan stated.

Beradhir held up a piece of leather carved with the symbol on the medallion Elrond gave Lillian, "I was commanded to show this in hopes of obtaining your favor."

Lillian took the chain out of her tunic front and held it up. I took it from her and passed it to the Dunedain.

"Will you agree to speak with me?" He asked.

"We shall," Elrohir put his sword away and removed his hood. I did the same along with Elladan.

"I am Elrohir son of Elrond. This is my brother Elladan, Legolas son of the Elven-king Thranduil and Lillian Carathiriel."

Lillian dropped her hood to reveal herself. Her brown eyes shone in the candlelight and gave her a look of superiority.

(I have a thing for brown eyes because all the girls in fanfiction have blue for some reason lol)

"Caranthiriel," Beradhir said in shock. "How can it be? That line was ended."

"It has rekindled," Lillian said. "I am here to assist the world of men in hopes of righting the errors of my ancestors."

Beradhir nodded to her, "Forgive me, I meant no offense."

There were four chairs in the room. Elladan, Elrohir, Beradhir and myself sat down. Lillian took her place on the end of one of the beds. I sat in the chair next to her.

"Aragorn sends his greeting. There was an attack the morning he was supposed to leave so his capabilities were needed. I was honored with being sent in his place."

Lillian shifted uncomfortably. Beradhir looked over at her with an odd look as if he was trying to figure her out.

"My father told us the Dunedain villages are being attacked?" Elrohir replied. 

"Yes. The attacks are brutal and frequent. Our population has already decreased," he said sadly. 

"Is there no way you can get your people out of the lands?" Lillian asked.

"We have contemplated relocating to somewhere farther north but the lands are wild and unexplored. We do not know what we would face besides, most refused to even think about. The other's cling to the land of their forefathers."

She didn't reply. I suggested they relocate temporarily but that idea was quickly disposed of.

"The only way to make it through a storm is to go through it," Elladan stated. "We offer you our assistance."

Conveniently there were four beds in the room. Beradhir slept on his bedroll in the corner after insisting he was used to it. I sat in the chair by the window watching the drops of rain streak down the blurry glass. When the thunder stopped rumbling overhead I was able to rest peacefully. On my way back to my own bed I noticed Lillian's arm was hanging off hers. As quietly as I could I crept over and gently grabbed her arm. I kissed her fingers, "Don't worry. Everything is going to be alright. I promise." I said in a voice quieter than a whisper. I slid her limb under the blanket before tucking the covers around her. Lillian shifted slightly and curled up into a tight ball. I waited for a few seconds before climbing into my own bed. 

We had a long journey ahead of us.


Just a short one but ooouu Legolas gots them feels. :)

Prepare for bed slamming, phone tossing, internal pterodactyl screeching fluff in the chapters to come. 

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