The Adventures of Spider Med

By JameelJames4

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Kai, Kaz, and Oliver are three boys who share a love for superheroes. One day, they stumble upon a secret hos... More

Cast (season 1)
Not a chapter
Story/personal Update
Poll Time
Other character choices
Episode 2: Saving people who save people (part 2)
Episode 3: Frighty Med
Episode 4: I, Normo

Episode 1: Saving people who save people (part 1)

838 21 12
By JameelJames4

3rd POV

The chapter starts off with a lightning shot pass the camera and shows a teenager in a outfit with red and blue hoodie and sweats pants with a mask and a spider logo in the front that is jumping across the room dodging lightning from a villain in a hospital.

???: Has anyone ever tell you, you have horrible aim? (Doges another lighting) I mean it's my first day as a hero but geez even I can do better that that.

???: SHUT UP!

As the villain keeps shooting lightning from his hand but keeps missing because the teenager just doges it and jumps over one lightning and used his web shooter to swing on and kicks the the villain in the face but the camera freezes.

???: (to the viewers) Okay you are probably wondering, what is happening and why is that teenager in a sweat suit just kick the 40 year old man in the face? For the record he deserves it and it's not wrong if he deserves it right? Am I going to fast? Is it too much, I mean it all happened so fast and I just... you know what let me start from the beginning.

The scene just rewinds back into the beginning...


My name is Kai Parker, I'm 16 years old and I have three awesome friends and I love superhero's. It's the best thing ever, i mean who hates superhero's? They make people happy over and over again, anyway what you saw was me a day before I got my powers and how my whole life got turned around. It started off with me and my friends, Kaz and Oliver looking at some comic books. Let me tell ya about my friends, Oliver Is that smart guy who you want to be around with but when he gets way into science you just want to leave and never come back, and there is Kaz that lovable idiot that really annoy you but gotta love him.

Oliver: okay Kaz, would you rather have Freeze Frame power to stop time "but" you have to talk like a chicken, bwak, or TecTon's immunity to pain but you have to wear a dipper?

Kaz: oh, I wear a dipper for toe reasons, Number one and number two. (We chuckled and fist bumped each other) ah guys look, (goes to a space rock) there it is, the meteorite of Zandor, the source to Techtons immeasurable power. I have to have this, (gabs a fake meteorite stature) "Hidden in the earth's crust for millions of years, forged from a supernova in the balazar Galaxy..."

Kai: saids made in Taiwan.

Kaz: well, I still want it. Thought I'll never be able to afford it.

Oliver: yep but we can still pose with it.

Kai: ah commemorative fake photo. (Kaz takes out his Fake Phone and we do funny pose with the meteor statue) oh Oliver you blinked, again.

???: (fake cough) We'll take that thank you, you boys know the rules of this shop.

???: yeah, rule number 1, no touching the merchandise.

???: yeah rule number 2, no mistaking us for each other, I'm Clyde.

Wallace: I'm Wallace.

Clyde: it's not that hard.

Yeah well it wouldn't be hard if you two didn't almost look alike and it wouldn't be funny if we didn't do it, these two are the store manager of the shop Clyde and Wallace, but these two work for the actual store owner and I know him very well.

Wallace: rule number 3, if you have to use the restroom, please don't go in the cauldron of crepuland.

Kaz: it was one time (they both gave the brow) okay twice.

???: we'll it's okay Kaz, I let that go which I need to get these boys to do.

Kai: Ey Stan! (Clyde and Wallace left)

Yup the one and only stan Lee, he's the actual store owner, he's been into comic book since he was a kid and has made all of these comics books to now we all love. God sometimes I want to give the old man a big hug for these magical heroes.

Stan: Hey Kai Parker, how are ya? How's your parents?

Kai: I'm good and my parents are well to we just finished moving.

Yeah, a few days ago I move to this city because it was closer to the school so I won't be late all the time and It was nice to live a big house and not in a small apartment.

Stan: wonderful. Tell them I said hi and enjoy that new home.

Kai: no problem Stan. (see him carrying a box) what all this?

Stan: these are my old comics from my younger age, I'm just throwing these away.

Kai: Huh, it's not like you to throw comic books away, (gabs one) like this one, "Amazing Fantasy: Spider man".

Stan: oh this was the first boom I ever took interest in. It sure brings back memories.

Oliver: well what was it about?

Stan: we'll it's as story a about a Nerdy teenager in queens who gets picked on a lot!who suddenly gets bit by a radioactive spider and becomes a hero name spider man and was just in for the thrill to make money but he lost his uncle and swore to used his powers to make his city safe and his uncle proud.

Kai: (read a couple pages and enjoy its) this is actually amazing stand, how come you never published this?

Stan: my publisher told me that it wasn't allow to make a Monster superhero.

Kaz: but that's crazy Stan, there are a lot of Monsters superheroes.

Stan: we'll this was way back then, and people were getting scared of Monster comics and it was never published. (Sigh) it's probably best for the past to stay in the past.

Kai: well i enjoy it stand, mind if I keep it?

Stan: sure thing kiddo, enjoy it. Now if will excuse me, i have old comics to give away. (Leaves the store with the boxes)

Kai: (looks at the comic one last time and puts it in my pocket) I hope he gets back into make this again.

Kaz: (looks over and see Jordan on Arcade games) Oh hey Jordan.

Jordan: Shh, I'm trailing this Majestic unicorn, it's the last one in the entire land. Um... (game explosion) Boom! Cut of its head! (The three of us look at each other scared) aww, look it's blood made of Rainbows.

That's our friend Jordan, she's a real feisty girl, mess with her and you get the horns, she's also into comic and video games like us and it's amazing to have a female friend on your side, especially when she's the only female to talk to you about comics.

Kaz: hey uh, so we wanted to talk to you about our robot project for science day tomorrow.

Jordan: yeah, the four of us are working on it right?

Oliver: Yup it'll be just the four of us, You, me, Kaz, and Kai. (Nervous laughter) and Gus.

Jordan: (Shocked and Disgusted) What?! Gust?! No no, Absolutely not!

Okay here's a thing about Gus, well... he's a weirdo and really is not a popular guy, I'm not a big fan of it either but we only agree to work with him is because we felt bad that no one decided to work with him but if he ruins this for us, he's never my friend ever again.

Kai: I'm sorry but he is our friend and we felt bad for him because no one wanted him in their group.

Jordan: yeah, for the same reason no one wants a dead fish in their bed, they both smell like dead fish. Look if I don't get an A on this project, my parents won't let me play video games for a year and if I can't chop off unicorn head then... who am I? (I have an confused look.)

Oliver: we promise you, we'll keep Gus under control, he won't say a word.

Kai: and if he does he's out of the group.

Kaz: really? Where are you going to get a muzzle?

Jordan: Fine, just keep him away from me.

Kaz: Now we gotta to get a Leash? This is becoming a nightmare.

Kai: Kaz, do you have a flat brain?

Kaz: No, I have a Well Squared brain.

Oliver: (he look and see a cardboard statue of Skylar storm and Gasp) Guys, it's Skylar Storm, my favorite comic book superhero, she has 24 super powers including x ray vision. So she can see how big my heart is.

Kai: if it as big as your tiny little arms then I can say she can definitely see it. (Oliver gave am and angry look)

Kaz: (grabs the Cardboard and moves it around and does a female voice impression) Oh Oliver come her and kiss me but be gentle because you know I'm made of cardboard. (Made kiss noise and moves the cardboard to Oliver and try to kiss it but He blocks it and I just Chuckled at it)

Oliver: Kaz, Stop! You heard Wallace and Clyde, no touching the merchandise.

Kaz: oh it's fine, what's gonna happen?

As Kaz Put the cardboard down it feel and made a dart hit on a bottom of a flying saucer and it landed on the three boys and now we are in the emergency room.

Kai: And the award for the most humiliating patient is, the three boys stuck in a flying saucer.

Kaz: Ha! Take that kid guy with his hand stuck in a gumball machine.

Oliver: this is all your fault Kaz, this is so typical, you all ways do these crazy things and expect us to follow you.

Kaz: hold that thought, follow me. (Moves us to a closest)

Kai: Kaz! Where are we going?

Kaz: The guy that just went into the closet, I think that's the blue tornado.

Oliver: You mean the superhero? Who can spin the speed of sound? And is...

Kai/Oliver: Make Believe?!

Kaz: I know it doesn't make any sense but it looks exactly like him, he had the same crooked nose, the same scars on his cheek, he even had a wispy beard.

Oliver: so does my grandmother!

Kaz: (opens the closet door and we go inside and see a bunch of cleaning supplies) What the.. I don't get it, I just saw him go in here.

Kai: Well, I guess one of his super powers is to turn himself into a nice roll of toilet paper. Look Kaz, you have more damage than it already is, so can we please just go?

As the we try to leave oliver accidentally gab a plunger which was secretly a leaver and it showed a puzzle on the wall.

Oliver: Check it out!

Kai: this is insane!

Kaz: I know, My mom had the exact same mop.

Kai: No, (turns kaz to face the wall) it's some sort of puzzle and I think I know what it is. (I turn over and and Try to unlock the Puzzle)

Kaz: is it the maze where you have to help the rabbit find his crow? If so you are on your own, Those things are impossible.

Oliver: Kai got it, it's the Symbol of Caducio, the legendary healer for superhero's.

Kaz: (Turns us around to he can see it) oh, it saids enter.

Kai: I guess the big decision is whether or not we push the button. (Knows that Kaz has pushed the button) you press it didn't you?

Kaz: yeah I did.

As we entered and we saw what the legends were true, there is a hospital for superheroes...This...Is...AWSOME!

Kaz: look at this place, (points) there's blue tornado. (See him change into his suit in a blink of an eye)

Kai: and look solar flare. (Sees her make fire form her hands) what they say is true, this is a hospital for superheroes.

Oliver: No Kai, that's impossible, you and I both know superheroes don't exist, that's crazy.

Kai: (A Sneeze rocket come out of one superhero and it manage to hit the flying saucer and broke us free) No, That's crazy!

Kaz: talk about a snout rocket.



Welp that's how it starts, see an amazing  place meant for superheroes, only to find out that superheroes are real and that's a kids dream but you're thinking of how I got my powers we'll get to that soon just keep watching.

Oliver: we've been reading about superhero's our whole lives and it turns out their real? My whole world just went upside down.

Kai: Not as much as her. (See a girl flower upside down)

Soon a Door opens and Two nurse comes in with a patient that hurt bad, and wait... is that who I think it is?

Nurse 1: Incoming, Incoming, make a path people, I got a non responsive hero, temperatures is 4000 degrees Fahrenheit and he's oozing weird blue glowing stuff, that taste like hummus. This dude need medical attention star!

Kaz: That's the Crusher, the strongest man in the universe.

Oliver: Yeah, what's wrong with him.

Nurse: He's going into cardiac arrest people! (Rips his shirt opens and reveals his abs) okay, he and I have the same personal trainer, how is that possible?

Doctor: Clear! (Shocks his chest and nothing) His heart is not responding, I don't understand.

Oliver: he's dying we gotta do something.

Kai: wait if the Crusher is real, then maybe everything else we read about is real too.

Oliver: oh okay, let's see, in the latest issue...uh...the crusher has returned from the planet embryon...

Kaz: where the gravity is 40 times out of earth...

Doctor: he's crashing, Clear! (Shock again nothing)

Oliver: uhh maybe the extreme gravity pulled his heart down to his feet!

Kai: They're shocking in the wrong place! (Goes to one of the nurse and grabs the shock device) give this, Clear!

I Shocks his feet and The Crusher is back alive and well, the doctor hi five the crusher that sends him flying, I can say this a flying five, hehehe, oh what am I doing with my life?

Kaz: thank you nurse (grabs my shoulder) this good doctor needs the Henderson x rays in his office. He'll need a office.

Kai: Dude what are you doing, we're not doctors.

Nurse: you're not? Guards!

Kaz: Oh no we're not Guards either.

Oliver: (Three big Guards appeared) No, but they are!

Kai: ready for a terrified fake photo? (Kaz takes out his fake phone and we take a fake photo)

We were soon taken into dark place and we're pushed in.

Kaz: take it easy, my mom just ironed this shirt. (The Guards leave)

Oliver: What do you think they are going to do with us?

Kaz: (we look up and see a sign) It says "Now you die"?!

Oliver: Do you think they mean you two or me?

Kaz: well it's saids you.

???: (using a coffee mug and I was not impressed nor scared) Silence! You have trespassed at my hospital and for that your punishment is...

???: Alan?

Oliver: The punishment is Alan!

Kai: No it's a Stupid kid using a coffee mug name Alan.

???: (turns the light on) stupid sign. (Hits the wall and the sign now saids "Know your diet facts")

Oliver: Oh! Know your diet facts that's far less scary.

???: Alan, what are you doing in the cafeteria?

Alan: (still using the coffee mug) Uhh, nothing uncle Horace.

Horace: is that my mug?! Hand it over. (Hold out his hand and Alan used his telekinesis powers to hand over the mug) "Worlds sexiest chief of staff and vice chancellor of medical administration" bought this at a gas station, what are the odd?

Without anyone knowing there was a glowing spider up the wall and was crawling up the walls and heading above Kai.

Horace: I'm doctor Horace Diaz, head of this hospital, who are you and what can you do?

Kaz: well I'm kaz and I can do this. (Grabs an Napkin and puts his face on it and stick his tung out)

Horace: Anyone can do that, I mean what are you're powers?

Kaz: Oh, we don't have any powers.

Alan: What?! You're Normals? Normal's can't know about mighty Med, I'm going to get a normal cage. (Try's to leave the room)

Horace: Not so fast. (Froze Alan in time and as he began to talk the camera shows the spider above Kai and it shows it webbing down to Kai) The Crusher is one of our most important heroes and you save his life, how did you know that his heart wasn't in his chest?

Kai: well we figured out that the super gravity on Embryon might have pulled his heart down to his feet.

Horace: That's very clever, you figure that out our than our best doctors, even doctor brain head and his entire head is a brain.

Oliver: we pretty much eat, drink and breath superhero's. Literally this morning I had a bowl of honey nut blue tornadoes. (Soon the spider got onto Kai's shirt)

Horace: A true fan, love this guy! We might be able to use someone like you around here.

Alan: (muffling)

Kai: what is that?

Horace: Oh right Alan. (Unfreeze Alan)

Alan: we can't have Normals here, I heard that if you touch them your butt fall off.

Horace: that's not true! That's not true is it?

Kai: No.

Horace: Good because without a butt what can I shake on the dance floor?

Kai: (looks at Alan) Dude, you used a coffee mug as Voice changer, that was most horrible voice change.

Alan: oh yeah? I like to see you do better.

Kai: (Voice changed) Silence you fool, welcome to my evil lair. (Back to normal) How's that better?

Alan: I...uhh...I hate Normals!

Oliver: so you really want us to work here?

Horace: yes, you two, (looks at kaz) your friend over there seems a bit off.

Kaz: (puts on a bracelet on this arm) I wonder what this bottom does? (He pushed it and it turn his whole arm into a chainsaw and he screams and he turn it off) that was... awesome!

Horace: I think you just prove my point. (Point to me and Oliver) You two with me, (points to Kaz) you do you happen to know if you take a small or a medium normal cage?

Kaz: wait, woah, I want to work here too, I know just as much about superheroes as they do, right guy? Back me up.

Oliver: yeah, Kaz is great and we'll we kinda come as a package deal.

Horace: mmm, okay I'll give you boys a trial run.

Oliver: yes! (Hi five each other) we get to work with real superheroes!

Kaz: I can't wait to tell Gus and Jordan about this place.

Alan: Are you crazy?! You can't tell anyone about mighty med, it's a top secret hospital.

Horace: Alan stop interrupting. Are you crazy?!
You can't tell anyone about mighty med, it's a top secret hospital. (Points to me and Oliver) another thing, if your friend mess up, I'm holding you responsible.

Kai: you got it si... AHHH! (Felt my hand got bit and smacked it)

Oliver: Kai! are you okay?

Kai: yeah I'm fine. (Look at my hand and see an spider bit me) it's just a spider bit me.

Horace: wait, let me see (loos at my hand and is in shock) that's no regular spider, you just killed our most powerful radioactive spider.

Kai: WHAT?! Is it deadly?!

Horace: No, it's not deadly, but it has some side effects.

Kaz: well how are you feeling?

Kai: I'm feeling fine, nothing has change, I (felt a sight woozy moment) okay now I feel something, (started to loose balance) I need to get home.

Horace: don't worry you can use this (pulls out a device) this device will teleport you straight back to your original home And the the parts are also from a gas station, man the things you can get from a gas station. Are you ready?

Kai: (still losing balance) yeah.

The portal and and I go enter I enter my room, I took off my shirt, my pants and my shoes and I try to get onto my bed instead I fall on the floor and pull the covers and soon saw images of what happening to my body and I soon blacked out.


Part 2 coming soon...

A/n: this was a lot of writing but it was worth it now just gotta finish the second half of the episode, how do you guys like my wallpaper, i put a lot of time into so i hope you guys enjoy. Plus i also hope you like my Stan Lee part, I really felt like he should be apart of this and I was a nice touch to how I put how he start the whole marvel franchises, it was really awesome and fun to put and trust me when I say that he will be in this a whole lot. Well I hope you enjoy I see you all soon and I'm tried so later.

Word count: 3555

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