The Heroic Seven

By MaloKen_17

1.1K 59 386

The Frozen and Tangled characters peer into the future and witnessed the world decimated by creatures of ulti... More

Lives After Happily Ever After
Battle for Northuldra
The Mission
The World Before The Unquiets
Children Of New Beginnings
The Spire
Party at Iluka
Double Doom
Danger Zones
To The Dark Kingdom
The Second Dark Portal
Princess of Life and Death
The Day of The Princess
The Asteroid

The Storm of Unquiet

61 4 22
By MaloKen_17

Okay time to give some credit where it's due. I would like to give a big hand to EvermoreElements author of "Destiny: Rapunzel" and trulisthetic the author of "Tangled and Frozen Characters Watch Their Movies" (From FanFiction).

Their stories of Tangled and Tangle/Frozen characters watching their own movies on screen really helped inspire this story for me. I highly recommend you check them out as they are thoroughly entertaining reads.

Now for any Kingdom Hearts wiz reading this. No, the Unquiets are not an actual thing, I totally made them up. So I'm afraid we won't see them in KH4.

By the way BOLD writing indicates what's happening on screen and "Author's Notes."

That said please enjoy.


The Storm of the Unquiet

The entire crowd was silent. The Forest Witch had just spoken of the apocalypse.

"Do you seriously mean to tell us the world is going to end?" Asked Elsa.

The witch nodded slowly. 

"It is paramount that I inform as many kingdoms as possible, when word of this gathering reached me I knew this was the chance. I am sorry, Queen Anna and Prince Kristoff that I must do this in the middle of your daughter's celebration gathering. But it is imperative that you all know what would occur, so that you may perhaps prevent it."

Anna allowed a moment to let the news settle.

"Very well. We shall hear what you have to tell us." Anna declared.

"I will do more than tell you, I will show you." The witch spread her arms. A mass of smoke filled the podium and the stage of the town square forming a gigantic screen.

"Now I suggest you all take a seat. These visions won't last too long but I would hate for some of you to collapse on the floor from the shock of what you will see."

The crowd did as the witch suggested. Anna, Elsa, Kristoff, Olaf, Rapunzel, Eugene, Frederic, Arianna and Willow all shared a table.

Cassandra with Varian sat at a table adjacent to Rapunzel's, along with the Stabbington Brothers, Lady Caine, King Marius and Prince Mathew.

As the rest of the attendants took their seat the screen formed an image.

A mountain, barren and lifeless as far as the eye could see. The image zoomed in to view a large stone gate of strange and unfamiliar designs, the construct was ancient and ravaged from the passing of time.

"These are the gateways of which the great enemy will breach our world." The Witch narrated.

A few people began to mutter at the mention of enemy.

All of sudden a portal materialised. Movement of erratic nature could be faintly seen beyond the portal's purple and black swirls.

The audience's curiousity instantly became blanch horror.

Monsters of inconceivable nature poured out of the portal and spilled onto the rocky landscape. They varied in size, most were as tall as men while some were as large as a house. Some vaguely resembled goats, others birds, even humans, worst yet were those that were hideous amalgamations of mixed creatures. No two of these monsters were the same but all had a texture of bottomless darkness, like the very light itself cannot illuminate their forms. Their eyes were pupiless yellow orbs and their features always contorted in rage and anguish and hate. The stuff of nightmares.

Anna quickly stood from her chair, ushering a palace maid towards her. 

"Please take our children to the palace nursery, and stay with them." Anna instructed. 

She passed Rapunzel a glance and her cousin nodded in agreement. 

"Olaf please keep the kids company until we attend to them." Anna added. 

Little Aidan, Amelia, Flynn and Wrenn were promptly whisked away by the maid and other palace staff towards the castle, Olaf followed.

"What are these things?" Asked Elsa. 

The image on the screen had paused in place, leaving a mug shot of a snarling monstrosity. Anna, Rapunzel, Eugene, Kristoff, joined Elsa. All eyes were on the witch.

"They are The Unquiet. A byproduct of an ethereal race known as the Heartless. Neither flesh nor mortal the Unquiet are creatures of the immaterial, denizens of The Realm of Darkness. Each Unquiet is created when a sentient being feels an extreme amount of dissatisfaction or betrayal. They are manifestations of primal rage and for that they are even more vicious than their Heartless cousins, but less coordinated."

"I advise children and audience not yet of age vacate the premises." Anna announced to the crowd. She turned back to the screen, the image paused on a snarling monstrousity "If this is about the end of the world, at their hands. I suspect only high maturity audiences should watch."

And Anna was right.

The next few minutes alone may well rank as the most harrowing vision anyone in the audience has ever witnessed.

In every land in every kingdom the same devastation. Unnatural clouds of utter darkness blotting out the sun. The Unquiet sweeping over the landscapes in their millions. Their claws and teeth destroying everything and everyone not fast enough or unable to escape. The Unquiet did not seek plunder or showed any logical reasons for attacking, merely to scour the Earth of all life.

Rapunzel held Eugene, Arianna and Frederic close. And they wept. They had just watched their kingdom sacked and worst, the Unquiet gave no quarter to their subjects. Rapunzel knew them all, they were her friends and the monsters tore into them.

Cassandra squeezed Varian's hand, the Stabbingtons and Lady Caine watched with disturbed looks.

Group by group the audience cried their dismay. They watched in turns, each of their beloved kingdoms and homelands ravaged by the Unquiet. Their citizens hunted down and slaughtered indiscriminately.

The scene then turned to Arendelle.

"No!" Anna and Elsa cried together. Kristoff placed his arm around Anna while Anna held Elsa's hand tightly. The three of them bracing for what was to come.

The Kingdom of Arendelle was under siege, and for the second time the citizens found themselves forced to evacuate the kingdom. The large crowd scrambled up the hills, behind them, a great battle raged.

The fjords boiled with movements then in droves the Unquiet surged out of the waters to attack the living. Arendellian guards and their Northuldran allies formed a battle line in the streets ready to fight off the invaders.

"LOOSE!" A Captain commanded. 

Hundreds of bolts launched from their crossbows flew across the length of the streets into the onrushing Unquiet. Being creatures of blind rage the Unquiet were not versed in strategy or tactical acumen. They simply rush their foes with tooth and claw, and without self preservation.

Northuldran fire shamans drew powers from Bruni the fire spirit and created a large wall of fire stretching the width of the street, then air shamans empowered by Gale blew the fire towards the Unquiet. Those that were not utterly incinerated staggered out of the fire only to be met by another volley of bolts.

This process was repeated over and over, seeing hundreds of Unquiet destroyed. When the two opposing sides were almost within striking distance, Elsa created walls of ice.

The Ice walls had dozens of sharp peaks pointing towards the enemy so many Unquiets rushing in simply impaled themselves on the walls. And there was only a small gap ensuring only a few creatures can reach the guards at a time.

The Arendelle soldiers formed tight ranks to meet the onrush, time and again the Unquiet broke themselves against the shield walls.

When the attack wave was at last repelled, Elsa was seen riding atop the water spirit Nokk towards the fjord. With a cry of effort the Northuldran queen froze the waters preventing more Unquiets from surfacing.

"Being a later kingdom to be under attack, the Arendellian defenders were well informed of the Unquiet horror." The witch explained. "And as you can see they were organised for the attack."

"Yeah! Way to go Arendelle!" Cheered Eugene. Rapunzel felt hope rising within her heart, she prayed that her cousins will be able to defeat their invaders and save their kingdom.

Anna, Kristoff and Elsa still held their breaths. Indeed as so many of the party attendants are Arendelle citizens, this scene brought on the most anxiety, one could certainly feel it in the air.

"Yet even this well coordinated defence would prove woefully insufficient." The witch lemented. Dashing any hope.

Another wave came, this one was much larger, and it included flying Unquiets lead by an immense black dragon.

A thunderous crack signalled heavy activity under the frozen fjord. Suddenly, massive fists punched through the ice and monstrous hulking horrors climbed out.

Worst still, these much larger Unquiets were lead by a familiar horned creature with tentacles.

Rapunzel and Cassandra passed one another a look of blanching horror, they both knew the creature. Indeed their whole company did too.

"Zhan Tiri! How can this be!?" Frederic yelled. 

Elsa, Anna and Kristoff gasped. 

"So this is Zhan Tiri." Elsa said. 

They have heard dread tales of the demon enchantress, the devision and devastation she wrought on their sister kingdom.

The witch sighed. "The arrival of the Unquiet also saw the resurgence of many old adversaries, some even thought destroyed." The witch explained.

This time the defenders could not hold back the darkness. The 12 foot tall monsters waded through the barrage of bolts and fire, a couple fell but not enough. The giant Unquiets smashed ice walls, shield walls and men with equal ease.

Winged horrors swooped down picking off stragglers with their wicked talons. Then came the bulk of the Unquiet and the battle was as good as over.

By now nearly all the Arendellian viewers were crying. They had lost, their homes, their lives destroyed and their families scattered. The battle that took place in the very streets they are standing in resulted in utter defeat.

Anna was running, her face was puff and tears were rolling freely down her cheeks. She and the remainder of the Arendellian guards and Northuldran shamans were on full retreat. They ran up the hill and caught up with the evacuees.

"Anna!" Kristoff called out from the head of the column. He waved his trusty ice pick.

"Kristoff! Arendelle is lost. We have to make for Northuldra." Cried Anna. "Wait. Where are Aidan and Amelia?"

"We have them, your Majesty. The prince and princess are safe." Answered Kai. He and a palace maid revealed the crying children in their arms.

Anna let out a sigh of relief. Kristoff continued to hold his wife and sister in law giving what moral support he could.

Future Anna also looked relieved, her expression showed that she wanted nothing more than to rush over and hold her babies.

But her hands were already full.

"Umm Anna. What are you holding?" Asked Elsa.

Everyone on the table eyed the strange head sized glowing white orb Anna held in her arms. It appeared to radiate powerful ice magic, a flurry could be seen beneath its semi transparent surface.

"You got me. Honestly Elsa, if even you don't know what that is. I wouldn't have the faintest clue." Replied Anna.

"We have to hurry. We must get everyone to Northuldra, there the Enchanted Forest will offer some protection."

"Wait Anna, where is Elsa?" Kristoff asked. 

Anna slowly turned to look back at her kingdom aflame. Her tears resumed their flow down her cheeks. The queen without a kingdom held the orb against her chest, protectively.

"Elsa... will hold back the enemy... so that we may make our escape." Anna spoke between sobs.

"Elsa." Anna whispered. She burried her face in her sister's shoulder.

Arendelle has been reduced to a city of unsightly ruin, one could be forgiven for not recognising the once beautiful seaside kingdom.

Alone in the centre of the carnage Elsa stood defiant against the Unquiet. The monsters circled the Northuldran queen snarling and growling, eager to tear the surviving human to shreds. But their masters kept them at bay.

The cruel laughter of Zhan Tiri filled the air, the Unquiets parted to allow the towering demon through. High above, the massive black dragon also expressing cruel enjoyment, descended, it took up position beside Zhan Tiri blowing a mighty gust with its landing.

The gust smelt of death and murder and Elsa wrinkled her nose at the stench.

The demon and the dragon shrunk their body sizes, reverting to more humanoid forms.

Cassandra clenched her fists with enough force to cut her palms, but nontheless tried to keep her outrage as discreet as she could, releasing a only a low growl behind her gritted teeth as she caught sight of her once manipulator. Varian despite knowing his wife was in a dangerous mood placed his hand over Cassandra's.

Rapunzel was distraught. Zhan Tiri the monster that had turned her best friend against her, attacked her kingdom, attempted to drain the lives of her subjects and lead to the momentary death of said best friend. Now she sees the same monster attacking the home of her cousins.

Eugene held Rapunzel close and she leaned into him, Eugene also opened his arms to let Frederic and Arianna join in.

The Evil Enchantress and the Dark Fey stood before the Snow Queen, chuckling.

The enchantress was the first to speak.

"Your Majesty." She gave a mocking curtsey. "You did not have to come here, we could have destroyed Arendelle with or without your intervention. As you can see."

The dark fey was next to speak. 

"Since you have so foolishly stood to oppose us however, your fate is now sealed." She condescended. "Know our names before we slay you. I am Maleficent, The Mistress of Evil. And this is Zhan Tiri the ancient demon master, no doubt you've heard of her from your cousin's accounts."

"I do not care who you are, you attack my home and that of my family. And for that you will pay with your lives." Elsa declared.

"Then I guess we are done talking." Said Zhan Tiri.

A deafening silence fell over the audience, Anna clutched Elsa's hand. Rapunzel looked to her cousins, worry gripped her heart. She knows Elsa is an incredibly powerful Ice Spirit but to fight Zhan Tiri and Maleficent?

Said Zhan Tiri and Maleficent suddenly spurred into action, taking on their monster forms as they did.

"NOKK!" Elsa commanded. The water spirit materialised under Elsa's feet and she mounted the horse as it took form.

Maleficent bellowed and Nokk darted aside just in time to evade a torrent of green fire from the black dragon. Elsa retaliated with an ice blast but Maleficent flew out of the way.

A roaring Zhan Tiri took a swing for Elsa's head but the fifth spirit dove low hugging Nokk. The water spirit dance around the demon's lashing tentacles. Maleficent feeling no attachment for Zhan Tiri proceeded to breathe fire into the melee. The demon roared in outrage.

Elsa created dozens of ice peaks encasing Zhan Tiri's thrashing form, then used Bruni's powers to unleash purple fire at Maleficent. The black dragon once again dodge Elsa's attack using her adept flying to outmaneuver the Spirit Queen.

So Elsa called forth Gale to summon a whirlwind, the power of the wind spirit forced Maleficent down and crashing into an abandoned inn. As the dragon flailed about trying to right herself, Elsa rode in and froze the dragon's wings. Maleficent reared back and accidentally shattered her own wings against a church.

"Yeah. Go Elsa!" A viewer cheered. He wasn't the only one. The crowd felt hope and few cheers started.

Zhan Tiri smash out of her ice prison with brute strength then used her shape shifting abilities to transform into a blizzard knocking Elsa off of Nokk.

With but a thought Elsa willed the blizzard away and so the enchantress took the form of a manticore, once again lashing out with physical attacks. Elsa formed an ice shield and ice sword and fought the beast.

Nearby Maleficent burst out of the rubbles in her fey form, soot and fury marred her normally composed features. Wrecking her wings was a GREAT taboo for the the dark fey and she would see her offender immolated for this affront.

Elsa formed an ice pillar in front of herself just before the manticore's claw struck home. The beast pulled at her trapped claw but it was firmly stuck, Elsa ran around the pillar and threw ice into Zhan Tiri's face then ran her sword along the manticore's hide. Zhan Tiri roared and lashed out with her spiked tail, batting Elsa away. Elsa flew backwards and disappeared in an icy mist. Nowhere to be seen.

"WHERE IS SHE!" Maleficent yelled. 

Zhan Tiri also reverted to her humanoid form to escape her trapped claw. The enchantress noticed Elsa had disappeared, but smirked. 

"Oh she won't get far."

Inside an abandoned warehouse Elsa hid herself. She was clutching her stomach, blood seeped from her terrible wound.

Rapunzel's hands flew to her mouth. 

"Oh god Elsa, no!" Anna cried. 

Elsa herself sighed in resignation, her life was over. The poison sting from a manticore's tail had pierced her, she would not be long for this world and from her own expression shown on screen, future Elsa knew it too. Cries of dismay echoed around the town square.

A muffled cry sounded from the depths of the warehouse alerted Elsa of another occupant and she stumbled upon a weeping boy. 

"What are you still doing here child? You were supposed to evacuate with the guards." Elsa asked. 

The boy sniffed. "I was scared." He cried. 

Elsa eyes softened in understanding.

"What is your name?" She asked.

"Robert. *Sniff* Your Majesty." He whimpered.

Elsa gave a thoughtful look at Robert and the situation at hand, at last she made her decision.

"Nokk, Bruni, Gale." She called out. The three spirits materialised before her and the wide eyed boy.

"Take Robert, find Anna and the other evacuees and guide them all to Northuldra." Elsa commanded. 

The three spirits reeled in shock, they knew what this meant. Bruni hopped onto Elsa squeeking and staring at her with wide pleading eyes desperate to make her change her mind. But Elsa could not be disuaded. She smiled sadly at her spirit friends.

"This wound is fatal, I won't have long. You must go and ensure that everyone else reaches Northuldra safely, I will see to it that nothing pursues you." That was Elsa's final command.

Gale lifted Robert onto Nokk and Nokk plucked the squirming Bruni off of Elsa.

With one final look at her spirit friends, Elsa turned to exit the building and meet her destiny.

Bruni clutched onto Elsa rubbing his head against her neck.

Elsa and her saddened family watched on. This was it.

Elsa calmly walked into the streets to the army of Unquiet searching for her. And to the two monsters.

"There you are!" Maleficent bellowed.

"You figured out hiding would not change your fate, didn't you?" Zhan Tiri taunted. Pointing at Elsa's poisoned wound.

"Merely poison is too good a death for you after what you did. I will see you burned to your bones and you soul shattered to stardust." A sneering Maleficent declared.

Elsa glared defiantly at her foes. 

"It does not matter how I die. There will be no victory for you." Elsa looked back towards the hills, a moment to feel a presense from the distance, then she turned back to Maleficent and Zhan Tiri. "Someone more powerful will take my place. And she will destroy you." Elsa prophesied. 

Then continued.

"But first. I'm going to see if I can destroy you myself." Elsa declared.

With that said, Elsa squared her stance, feet shoulder width apart, her fists clenched, her biceps tensed and her elbows flexed. 

"HYAAA!" Elsa yelled.

A hurricane of a snow storm formed around her, it quickly grew until it engulfed the ruined city.

Maleficent and Zhan Tiri shielded their faces.

Elsa glared at Zhan Tiri. "I will show you a blizzard, one too powerful for Lord Demanitus's machine to stop."

The intensity of the snow storm was tremendous, the gathered Unquiet wailed and flailed from the barrage of solid ice smashing against them. The temperature plummeted the air became unbreathable. Trees, buildings, flesh and immaterial flesh froze on the spot.

Zhan Tiri screamed from the stinging pain of the ice magic. The enchantress turned into a shadow and fled the city.

Maleficent screamed her outrage, she wanted to end Elsa herself but wasn't foolish enough to attempt to whether this storm. The dark fey opened a portal and ran in, also fleeing the battle.

Without the guiding force of Maleficent and Zhan Tiri the Unquiet reverted to their base minded fury and charged at Elsa. But the snow storm was already too powerful.

Elsa gave one finally roar and the storm hit its crescendo. The temperature in Arendelle plunged into absolute zero, the entire Unquiet army of thousands was in an instant frozen for all eternity.

The Kingdom of Arendelle was no more, nothing could inhabit that land ever again. As for Elsa, no trace would ever be found.

The clip ended there.

Anna cried. She had been crying for some time, but forced herself to remain strong. She was the queen after all. Many in the crowd were also in tears especially her subjects, Anna knew once the grief settles, panic will soon follow.

Royalties from all over had begun to mutter furiously, frantically deciding their course action.

Anna passed Elsa and Rapunzel a nod, the two nodded back and the three queens stood in unison. They turned to the forest witch.

"Lady Witch of the DunBroch Forest, you showed us these visions so that we will be aware of what is to come. That our destiny is not set in stone and if we prepare ourselves correctly we might escape such a fate." Stated Anna.

The crowd fell silent, all eyes were on the witch, many began to pray silently in their hearts.

"That is correct, your Majesty." The witch bowed.

Next it was Rapunzel who spoke. 

"If we are to overcome the trials ahead we must know more about what we face. Right now we can only deduce we are to be invaded by a foe that knows no reasoning, or restraint, remorse of fear. It is evident we cannot simply out fight them either. We must learn of our enemy's strengths and weaknesses." Said Rapunzel.

"I agree with Queen Rapunzel." Said Elsa. "I have noticed these Unquiets show great resilience to physical damage in the earlier battles but later in Arendelle when struck by magic or magic imbued weapons they can be defeated outright, now that we know this we can take measures to produce enchanted weapons."

The witch nodded. "Yes it is true Queen Elsa, the Unquiet are ethereal beings and therefore conventional weapons will have lesser effect against them."

"And yes Queen Rapunzel. There is much more, the visions I have just shown you are only the beginning. In the next few days you will learn all you need know about the great enemy of Earth." Said the witch. "Sadly for this other world you see, they never received any warning of the attack so there was no chance for them to prepare. But you will have seen it and you will know what to do when the time comes."

The witch smiled approvingly, impressed by the show of proactive thinking of the three queens. The crowd began to settle down, a mass panic had been averted. A wry smile formed on the witch's feature. 

They have learnt of their enemies, now they will learn of their heroes.

"The three of you are truely wise rulers. Your children have spoken so highly of you. I can see that their praises are not without grounds."

Anna and Rapunzel's eyes grew wide, Eugene and Kristoff's did too. Elsa, Arianna, Frederic, Willow, Cassandra, Varian and Caine also became surprised.

"Our kids? 'spoke'" Rapunzel asked. The witch did not answer, but turned back to the screen.

The screen began to move again.


End of Chapter.

Oh. How the mood has changed.

Well if Future Elsa was gonna go down, I figure I'd let her go with a bang. At least she gave Zhan Tiri and Maleficent what for.

Now something about KH that's always had me wondering. Are Heartless really immune to none magical weapons? I mean Aladdin just has a normal sword, Peter Pan has a normal dagger, Ariel uses her hands and Tarzan just has a stick with a pointy rock tied to it!

Anyway thanks for reading and please leave me your thoughts.

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