Together Till the End (Short...

By 1Derfullyyou

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A life story about a Girl named Samantha. Growing up in Ireland is hard enough, but what happens when Samanth... More

Together Till the End
1. My life is over
2. Missing practice
3. Haven't seen you in a while Bob
4. Finally Xfactor
5. Birthdays
7. Death wish
9. Salami
10. Peanut butter and bananas
11. Teddy
12. Mission Siall
13. Fall
14. Mom and Dad
New story?

8. Carlos and Action Man

133 2 0
By 1Derfullyyou

I promised myself i would update at least once over march break. So here it is!!!

Ok so I'm going to start this one off with a dream ill tell you when it starts and ends by putting these lines ~~~~~~ their like the fog ;)


~~~~~~starting dream fog~~~~~~~

"What's up sammy?" Niall questions with a smile on his face.

I'm sitting on Nialls bed with the sound of a thunderstorm loud against his window as I try and concentrate on why I came into his room.

"Niall I like you," I take a deep breath, "I like you a lot. And I just want to know if you like me back." I look up at him.

His face changes quickly into disgust shock and repulsion.

"Oh no I knew I shouldn't have done this it was a bad ide-"

"Like you? Like You have to be kidding me I would never like you. How could you do this to me? Just come out and tell me that you like me, you know how much pressure that puts on me? How hard it is going to be for me to see you every day knowing that you like me when I don't feel the same way. You know, my career has finally kicked off and I can't have anyone ruin it by being in a relationship right now, especially with you."

Tears start to pour down my face and it feels like my heart has literally been ripped out.

"Niall I'm sorry I didn't mean it."

"You know what Samantha, I think you should go back to Ireland. I can't be around you anymore."

"What no Niall don't make me do this."

"I think it will be best for both of us if you just leave." He says before walking out of his room. I curl up into a ball and start to cry.

~~~~~~End of dream fog~~~~~~~~

I sit up strait waking up from that terrible dream. I'm sweating like crazy and there are tears streaming down my face.

That dream was so real it actually felt like it happened like he ripped my heart from my chest.This is worse than I thought.

I need to talk to Louis now!

I pick up my phone and find his name writing him a text.


Hey Lou can you please come to my room? I need to talk to you.

Sam xx

My phone quickly vibrated

To: Sam

Sure Sammy ill be right there :)


*Nialls POV*

I step out of my room stretching, just as Louis walks out.

"Morning Lou." I say tiredly.

"Morning." He says happy as he walks over to Sam's room going to open the door.

"What are you doing?" I question.

"Going into Sam's room. She said she needed to talk to me."

A pang of jealousy goes through me as I mumble an "Oh."

Louis steps in and closes the door behind him.

Why does Sam want to talk to Louis and not me? I'm her best friend I should be the one she comes to if she needs help, or even just needs to talk. And last night She put her head on Louis' shoulder instead of mine. She always puts her head on my shoulder.

Stop it Niall it's probably noting she probably just wants to talk about a prank she's going to pull.

Brushing it off I walk down the stairs and into the kitchen.

*Sam's POV*

I sit on my bed trying to pull of the best happy face I can but its just not happening, that dream rattled me pretty good. But it also made me realize something.

Louis walks through the door and I see a glimpse of Niall standing there he looked kind of worried. Louis shuts the door and comes and sits on my bed crossing his legs and sitting I front of me.

"Why so glum chum?" Louis questions.

"Louis I need to tell you something, but you have to promise not to tell anyone. Especially Niall." I say.

"Promise. So what's up?

What's the 411?

What's going down clown?

What's the story morning glory?

What's up buttercup?

What's cooking good looking?

What's up pup?


"Louis are you done?"

"Oh! What's new little miss blue? Get it? Blue... because your sad. No? Ok just tell me what wrong."

I didn't think it would be this hard to actually come out and say it especially because once I do I'm going to have to face my feeling and they become true.

"I like Niall." I say covering it with a cough trying to cover it up.

"What was that?"

"I said. I like Niall." This Time I whisper it and pretended I was scratching my lip, trying to cover it up.

Louis sighed, "Fine if your not gonna tell me ill just leave." He got off the bed and started walking to the door.

"No! Ok ok ill tell you just come and sit back down." I say as he walked back towards the bed sitting down and crossing his legs.

I breath in and out deeply, "I like Niall," I look at him and he doesn't even look surprised just staring at me.

"Louis I like like Niall."

Still the same expression.

"Sam why did you drag me in here to tell me something I already know?"

"Because I- wait you know? How I haven't told anyone." I question partly in shock.

Louis stands up and starts pacing my room.

"Sam Sam Sam. I see the way you look at him and talk to him. And don't even get me started in the way you act around him. You'd have to be stupid not to notice it!"

"Louis it's worse. I. I think Im in love with him." I say putting but head down.

Louis stops his pacing abruptly and looks at me.

"Really!" He says a little too excitedly.

I just nod.

"We'll I think you should tell him." He says as if its the simplest thing in the world.

Trust me it's not.

"What no I can't do that!" I say falling back on my bed.

"And why not?" He asks sitting back down on my bed.

"Well I had this dream last night, that I went into his room and told him how I felt about him."

I took a deep breath this dream is still scaring me a bit as I sit up and holding onto a pillow.

"And as soon as I told him his face turned to utter repulsion, like he couldn't believe I could ever like him. He said that he could never like me back. And that being in a relationship with him would ruin his career."

Tears began to fall down my face as I retold the story.

"Sam it ok, I know for a fact that that would never happen in real life." Louis said as he wiped the tears from my cheeks.

"Th-that wasn't even the worst part, no not at all. The worst part was when he told me to go back to Ireland, because he couldn't be around me anymore."

"Sam calm down that would never happen." Lou says trying to comfort me.

"Lou that dream made me realize that I'm in love with him. And that I could never live without him, when he said that he didn't want to see me anymore it felt like someone stabbed me in the heart. Like I was abandoned."

"Sam, Niall would never do that he loves being around you and could never send you back."

"Yah well I'm going to make sure that never happens. I just have to because I know I couldn't live without him, you seen how bad I am and that was just after a dream, if he ever did anything like that in real life it would break my heart and I would be a wreck."

"Sam look at me. I promise you that Niall will never do anything like that to hurt you." He says wiping all my tears away.

"Well I can't take that chance that's why Ive decided to try and get rid of my feelings, and the only way I'm going to be able to do that is to ignore him."

I see Louis mouth drop open a little bit.

"Sam you can't do that it will never work."

"Oh yes it will! I will make it."

"Fine if you think it will work then it's worth a shot I guess, but don't blame me if it doesn't." Lou says chuckling as he gets up and walks out the door.

When he realized I'm not following him he pokes his head back into my room.

"Come on! Lets go downstairs so you can make me breakfast" he says smiling big before I can hear him make a run for the stairs.

I quickly jump off of my bed and run out of my room. Finding him almost at the stairs I jump on his back and he carries me into the kitchen while we're laughing.

As soon as we get into the kitchen I see Niall with a not so happy look on his face.

Why couldn't Niall just like me and we could live happily ever after it would be so easy, but of corse not.

Ugg my life is so cliché

Let the ignoring begin.

*Niall's POV*

Harry, Liam and I all sit in the kitchen just talking about random things not even bothering to make breakfast, I don't know why but this morning I don't exactly feel like eating.

I know that's what I mean it was a weird felling for me too. I've never not been hungry.

I look up from staring at my hands to find Zayn standing in the door way rubbing his eyes.

His hair was all matted down and he only had his pyjama bottoms on. It looked like he hadn't shaved his face in a few days resulting in a 5o'clock shadow. Overall he looked kind of upset.

"Awwe Zayn come here." I say and he walks over to me and sits on my lap I moved around a bit to try and get comfortable on the bar stool I was sitting on. I cradled him like a baby and he put his head on my shoulder.

"Why the sad face brother Zayn?" I asked and he chuckled a bit.

He sighed "Louis woke me up this morning when his phone went off, it's so loud I can hear it from my room. And then I couldn't fall back asleep."

"We'll don't worry Zayn we only have an interview today so you can call it an early night tonight."

He just looked up and smiled at me.

My ears perked up when I heard Sam's laugh from down the hallway. Well they didn't literally perk up but you know what I mean.

I see Louis walk through the door with Sam on his back.

Well that's not what I was expecting.

"Louis put me down! Louis!" Sam screamed while laughing at the same time.

"No not until you give me a big hug."

"Louis you have to put me down for me to be able to give you a hug."

"But how do I know that once I put you down your not just going to take off."

"Louis I promise."

Louis sighed and put Sam down. She walked around him and she gave him a big hug, even going as far as to wrap her legs around his torso.

As I watch the scene in front of me play out, I sit there in utter surprise.


"OW! Niall what was that for that really hurt!"

I guess I was more surprised that I thought, while I was watching Sam guess I forgot that I was holding Zayn and I dropped him.

"Oh Zayn I'm sorry I didn't mean to drop you, my mind was just somewhere else."

Zayn stood up rubbing the back of his head.

"S'all right man just don't do it again."

I look back at sam and Louis and she finally let go walking over to the fridge and looking in it.

"So what's breakfast?" Sam asks turning to all of us.

"We'll considering its 10 o'clock in the morning I think it's a little late for breakfast why don't you wait for lunch?" Harry says to Sam.

"Ok fine but what am I supposed to do until luuunch?" Sam whines stomping her foot.

I laugh a little bit. "Why don't we play a game of football, 3 on 3 and the losers have to make lunch.

"I don't know." Liam says raising his eyebrow looking out the big window.

"Please it's probably the last time we'll get to actually do something outside before it gets too cold." I say doing my puppy dog face knowing for sure that it will work on Liam.

"Fine. everybody get changed and lets go!" Liam says caving right away.

"Great ill go get Carlos!" Sam says excitedly.

The look on all the boys faces was priceless.

"Um Sam who is Carlos and what is he doing in our house?" Harry asked a scared look on his face.

"How could you say that! He would be so hurt if he heard what you just said!" Sam said pretending to fake sob.

I sighed "Carlos is Sammy's neon football, she always plays football with it."

Zayn looks over at Sam with a weird look on his face, "Sammy should we be worried about your calling inanimate objects with real names?"

"No not at all." Sam says as she starts to walk off, "Action man is really going to get a kick out of the look on your faces when I tell him this story." She says before she walks out of the kitchen and up the stairs.

"And action man is...?" Louis asks pointing towards the door.

"Her bed." I inform them.

"She calls her bed action man?" Harry replies with a smirk.

"Yuup." I say popping the P.

"Wow." Liam says

*Sam's POV*

I change into a pair of short shorts and a purple tank top. I mine as well enjoy probably the last day of warm weather before the snow comes. I walk into my closet and go to my shoe area looking at my different pairs of cleats. I settle on a pair of black and white pumas.

Picking up Carlos I run down the stairs and going down the hallway to the game room, man I loved this room. I walked up to the big sliding doors opening them up and walking into about back yard.

It was huge a big unground pool off to the left and and what I'm guessing where we are going to play football because it is practically the size of a normal football field.

"Where did you find the pylons to make nets?" I ask.

"We have our way." Zayn says.

"Ok let's make teams." Liam says.

"I call Louis and Harry on my team!" I shout quickly.

That is the only way that I'm going to keep myself from jumping on Niall if we score, and trust me I will. Even though we always play on the same team I know something will happen if we are.

I look over at Niall and he seems shocked but also really sad. That face kills me. I have to look away from him or I know I'll cave if I don't.

"And why do you get to pick the teams?" Zayn asks.

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuummm uuuuuuuuuuuum uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuum." I say not really wanting to answer the question.

"Whatever it doesn't matter we have Niall." Zayn days smiling.

"We'll play first team to 2 goals so we have time for lunch before our interview." Liam says.

"Let's play!" Louis shouts and we all get into our spots.

Harry gets in net for our team and Zayn for the other team.

I start the kick off and take the ball over to the other net. When I get half way down their side of the field Niall steals the ball from me and heads towards our net.

"Hey!" I yell as I hear Niall laughing in the distance.

Niall passes the ball to Liam and he takes a shot, but Harry saves it.

"Way to go Hazza!" Louis shouts and Harry does a Little dance with the ball.

Quickly Harry drop kicks the ball to me, I pass it to Louis and he kicks it at the net. Zayn dives for the ball catching it just in time.

"Switch me switch me!" I hear Harry yell. I quickly run to the net and switch places with him and he high fives me.

I looks like Liam switched with Zayn too because Zayn is headed strait for me with the ball.

"Let's go Malik you can't get the ball past me! Nothing gets past the Saminator." I taunt him as he kicks the ball over to Niall and he kicks it into the net.

What how did he do that, man he's good.

"What was that, Saminator?" Zayn says smirking.

Niall and Zayn run back toward liam with their arms out wide screaming.

"Lets go guys we can get'em back!" Louis yells to Harry and I.

Harry rubs his hands together and says, "With my knowledge and understanding of football i feel like i should I should be a lot better at the football game."

We all chuckle as Louis takes the ball to the centre to do the kickoff.

Once the boys finally calm down Louis kicks the ball and heads off toward the net. Once he gets close to the net Niall swipes the ball away from him and heads off to our net.

Thankfully Harry takes the ball away from Niall and passes it to Louis, but Liam is hot on his tracks. Harry runs up beside the net.

"Louis I'm open!" He shouts.

"Pass the ball Louis."

When Louis doesn't pass the ball, Liam goes up to Louis talking the ball and charges for our net.

When he gets close enough to the net Liam shoots to the top corner of the net but I am able to stop the ball by jumping.

"Timeout!" I yell and Louis and Harry come walking over to me and we huddle up.

"Louis you have to pass the ball or were never gonna win." I say.

"Yah there is no I in TEAM." Harry says.

I turn to Harry. "But there is an I in PIE. And there are meat pies. And meat is an anagram for team. Sooooo... Wait where was I going with that?"

"It doesn't matter, just pass the ball Louis." Harry says chuckling.

"Ok I will." Louis says laughing as well.

"Let's win this guys!" I shout and we all put our hands in the middle cheering.

Harry takes my spot in net and I start the kickoff. Running with the ball I pass to Louis and he scores!

"Yes the Tommo is back!" He shouts clapping his hands together.

I gave him a high five as he runs past me and takes Harry's place.

Zayn grabs the ball and takes the kickoff.

Harry quickly takes the ball away from him dodges Liam and passes the ball to me. I bolt down the field and kick the ball past Niall and into the net.

"WE WON!!!!" Louis and Harry scream as they come running up to me.

Harry picks me up and spins me around and I laugh.

When he finally puts me down I turn to Liam, Zayn and Niall. My eyes staying on Niall for a second too long because he noted me looking.

I have to stop doing that I'm supposed to be ignoring him.

"Don't look so sad boys we will defiantly have a rematch game." I say to them.

"I'm going to hold you to that." Liam says.

"Oh and I like croutons in my salad." I say smiling as Harry and Louis ohhh.

I pick up Carlos and turn to Harry and Louis.

"Ok boys lets hit the showers." I say.

"WOOOOOOOHOOOOOOOOO!" Harry shouts throwing his arms in the air.

"Separate, showers Harry." I clarify to him.

"Awwe." He says and we all walk back into the house.


So during this chapter I found out that auto correct really doesn't like the boys names.

I really hope you guys like it.

I'd like to dedicate this chapter to lovebritishboys because she's awesome and I think you guys should really read her book.

Love you guys soooo much

Vote, comment, share.

Love you bye!

N xx💋💋

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