The Avengers Weakness

By Skylar_Rhodes_

146K 2.5K 889

Penny is Peter's ½ sister. They have the same mother, but different dads (their mom died in her sleep suddenl... More

Story Info:
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Authors Note
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Authors Note
Chapter Fifteen and Author's Note
Chapter Sixteen
Penny Art is done!!
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Author's Note
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Author's Note
Chapter Twenty-Four
Author's note
Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Author's Note
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty-One
Chapter Forty-Two
Chapter Forty-Three
Chapter Forty-Four
Chapter Forty-Five
Chapter Forty-Six
Chapter Forty-Seven
Chapter Forty-Eight
Chapter Forty-Nine
Chapter Fifty
Chapter Fifty-One
More Fan Art!
Chapter Fifty-Two
Chapter Fifty-Three
Chapter Fifty-Four
Chapter Fifty-Five
Chapter Fifty-Six

Chapter Eight

4.6K 83 39
By Skylar_Rhodes_

Peter woke up early, his senses telling him something was off at the moment, even though he couldn't put his finger on it. His anxiety was building as he quickly pulled his shirt on and ran down the stairs as he pulled on his shoes, not bothering to untie the laces on them. His first thought was something was wrong with his sister, he remembered Nat mentioning something about her having trouble sleeping at times. He looked around the compound for his little sister; starting to panic when he couldn't find her shouldn't she be up by now?. In the midst of his worry he ran into Nat, almost knocking her down; he grabbed onto the woman's arms and steadied her.

"Sorry Nat." he blurted, moving around her to go find his sister.

"Where you going Peter?" she called after him.

"Have you seen Penny Nat? I can't find her," he replied.

She sighed and shook her head, "Relax honey, she's asleep in my room, long night."

Peter sighed in relief, his anxiety slightly easing off " she okay?" he asked

"Yes, she is just sleeping. Tony needs to talk to you." she replied, ruffling his messy hair that he hadn't bothered to comb yet.

"Oh, where is he?" the boy asked.

"In the conference room." she replied, pointing down the hall.

Thank you Nat," he replied, quickly hugging her, "Sorry again!" he called over his shoulder as he started running towards the conference room.

"No problem Peter, you better hurry." she replied at the rushed teenager, she wasn't surprised if somehow he managed to be Tony's son with the similarities between the two of them.

Peter quickly ran to the conference room to see Tony sitting in a chair, his arms crossed over his chest, he was wearing his glasses, a sign that he was stressed. When he walked further into the room, he saw Tony sitting down with Nick Fury and a man he'd never seen before who was wearing a suit.

"Sit down kid," Tony stated, motioning for the teenager to take a seat next to him.

"Is everything okay Mr. Stark? Am I off the team?" he asked quickly when he saw the director of SHIELD sitting across from the billionaire.

"What?! No, of course not, Your great kid; nothing like that." he replied, reaching over and patting the boy's shoulder.

Peter looked over at Nick Fury, "Why is Mister Fury here?" he asked softly.

"I'm here to lay down the ground rules." the man cut in, quickly getting down to business.

"What for?"

"Your sister, kid. We need a few ground rules since she's staying here. First off, she can't go on missions or patrol; I know you like to bring the others with you, but there is no damn way you're bringing her with you. Secondly, she can't know about missions, other than that members leave on them and if she finds out, then don't give her details. If you're going on a mission, make up an excuse about it being a school trip or something for your internship, nothing about the team. Do I make myself clear?"

Peter nodded his head, signalling he understood what the man was telling him.

"Good." he replied, "Lastly, she can't know you're Spider-man, nothing about your powers or anything about the hero himself."

"Of course. I wasn't going to do it anyway...I was just going to tell her I worked on his suit." the teenager replied, knowing that while it wasn't a lie to the younger teenager, it wasn't the absolute truth either, something he could temporarily live with.

"Good, She's too young. I already agreed to 5 teenagers to be Junior Avengers or Avengers in training; whatever you people call it. You were fifteen when you started, had I known you'd been doing this since you were thirteen I would've agreed with Pepper's reaction to kill Stark." he replied, jabbing his finger towards the billionaire across from him, the other man shrugged, "I refuse to allow a thirteen year old to be on the team; she is way too young and it is dangerous work, especially for someone who doesn't have abilities or training like Belova and Bishop do. It would be dangerous for her to know your identity in any way. People, your enemies Peter, would use her to get to you, if they didn't know your identity they would use her to find out who you are and they would hurt her. It's better off she doesn't know anything."

"Yes sir, duly noted. I won't say anything." the teen replied as he looked over to the man in the suit who had been watching them speak. "Mr. Stark?"

"Yeah underoos?" the man replied.

"Who is he?" Peter asked, pointing to the man slightly, not wanting to seem rude, but his curiosity was eating him alive about who the man was.

"This is my lawyer, Mr. Layne." the billionaire replied calmly.

"Oh, what is he here for?"

"I'm being sued, kid."

"WHY?!" he asked, shocked at the news he just heard , he jerked his head over to the man.

"The Davis's want custody of your sister..." the billionaire replied calmly, trying not to worry the teenage boy too much.

Peter quickly jumped out of his seat, "No!" he yelled, grabbing onto the billionaire's sleeve; he looked like he was going to cry at the news.

Tony lifted his hand up to calm him, patting his arm softly, "I know kid, he's gonna fight it, she'll stay here till the court makes a decision, which should be in our favor considering who I am and what we know. I've been doing a bit of digging and they don't stand a chance." he replied.

"They'll hurt her if she goes back..." Peter replied, worried about his baby sister's wellbeing if they sent her back to that house.

"Don't worry kid, she's staying right here until further notice, I'm not going to let anything happen to her; I give you my word. You both are my responsibility, as you're foster father and your godfather, it's my job to what's best for both of you and I promise you kid, I'm going to do just that." he replied, pulling the teenager back down to the seat next to him, he was patting the boy's arms like he'd seen his wife do when he was stressed, he wasn't the best at physical affection other than head pats, shoulder pats and ruffling the boy's hair.

Mr. Layne spoke up, "Can you elaborate on your statement Mr. Parker?"

"Yes sir... her aunt and uncle, well they uh...they beat her," Peter said, trying his best not to tear up, "They didn't feed her much either, and...they were overall just really mean....they were awful."

"Really?" the lawyer, asked the brown-haired boy, his interest spiking as he sat up, leaning forward in his chair.

"Yeah, Penny is-is covered in cuts and bruises. I have pictures, but the ones she has are starting to fade, some of them are almost gone...I got pictures just in case we needed them."

"How do you know what they did? You can't assume or make accusations like this young man, it could be dangerous for you if your wrong about your accusation."

"She told me and Pietro. We've all seen the bruises too and Penny told him a little about it too....she flinches if you move to quickly too."

The lawyer gave Peter a small smile, "We have a good case. Mister Stark is looking into her old medical records for any signs of abuse because he's mentioned Miss Romanoff's suspicions as well as his own about the possibility of abuse. We'll need your statement." he said, trying his best to ease the teen's anxiety, he didn't work often with cases involving children but he'd been the lawyer for Tony Stark for almost fifteen years and would do anything, as long as it was legal, the man paid him to do when it came to legal cases,

"Of course, Mr. Layne. I'll do anything for her." the teen replied earnestly, it was clear to see that the boy cared for the younger girl.

"Do you think she'd give a statement? That would really help her case." he replied, adjusting some files in his briefcase.

"Maybe...Penny is terrified of them. She starts panicking when I mention them or when I used to talk about visiting them before I knew what happened there. She doesn't like to talk about it at all."

"Oh. Please, try to convince her. It'll be in her best interest if she does; the judge would want to hear from her."

"I'll try my best." the boy replied.

Peter watched as Tony and Mr. Layne left to go talk privately about what to do as they started making their way towards the stairs to go to the billionaire's office. He stood up and said goodbye to Mister Fury, inviting him to stay for breakfast as he left; the man turned him down so Peter made his way to the kitchen, he was hungry. He was going to make breakfast for everyone, sort of as a thank you for Tony and Nat for everything they'd done for him and Penny with in the past couple weeks. Especially towards Tony, who'd agreed to take full legal responsibility for him and Penny as soon as he heard about May's death; the man had had JARVIS pull up the woman's will, which Peter wasn't aware she'd ever made. He'd been shocked to find out that Tony and Pepper were requested to take care of him and his sister if anything ever happened to her. He shook his thoughts off of himself once he arrived in the kitchen; he immediately noticed Wanda sitting at the bar table and walked over to her.

"Hey Wands," he greeted.

"Hey Spidey," she greeted softly, as she sipped on her coffee.

"Whatcha doin?" he asked, hopping up on the counter.

"Nothing, why?" she asked, narrowing her light green eyes slightly at him.

"Wanna help me make breakfast for everyone?" he asked.

"Sure." she replied, shrugging slightly as she set her mug down.

They stood up and started to gather the milk, eggs, flour, and everything else they would need to make more pancakes for breakfast, Peter had fastened himself to the ceiling so they could get things from the top shelves of the cabinets. The redhead had fussed at him at first before coaxing him to come on down, he knew better than being on the ceiling, especially with his shoes on. He grinned at her as he hopped down in front of her making her laugh a little and shake her head. They laughed and joked around with each other until everyone who was home started to get up and make their way down stairs to the smell of food, since it was only nine o'clock. Wanda finished making the orange juice and coffee while Peter set the table for everyone. Once everyone was downstairs they arrived in the kitchen to see the table set with cups of juice and coffee, Peter eyed to orange juice, deciding he'd drink it instead of the coffee because he wasn't allowed to have coffee due to reasons that he found a little dumb. The large stacks of buttery pancakes made their stomachs grumble in hunger while they waited for everyone else to come to the table. They all sat down and made their plates up as they picked through the options of bacon or sausage and the bowls of fresh blueberries, peaches, strawberries, and chocolate chips.

"This is good you guys!" Kate started with a mouthful of food; the brunette girl was a serious foodie when it came to things that were sweet or savory.

Wanda and Peter grinned at each other as everyone replenished the food on their plates and tossed compliments towards them. Peter looked to his right towards Penny, who was sitting quietly as she pushed food around on her plate. She was seated between him and Wanda, not making small talk with either of them like she usually did. Wanda looked at Peter as she seemed to notice Penny's off-putting behavior as well.

"Hey Peanut," Wanda whispered as she gently nudged Penny.

"Hi Wanda," the younger girl greeted back.

"You're awfully quiet today. Are you okay?" she asked.

"Y-yeah, just tired," the teenager replied.

"Oh, okay Peanut," she replied, not really believing the younger girl's excuse but deciding on leaving the moment alone for now; she turned back to her own plate of food, shrugging slightly at Peter who gave her a questioning look; the redhead ignored the itch to use her powers to read the younger girl's mind to see what was wrong.

Penny went back to playing with her food as she waited for everyone else to finish their breakfast, barely touching the food herself, even though she said it was good and it looked great. When everyone finished, Penny excused herself to Nat's room once again, the soft pitter-pattering of her feet was followed by the sound of the bedroom door shutting behind her. After she left everyone stopped and looked at each other, they'd all noticed the younger girl's behavior.

"Kid?" Tony called softly towards the teenager who was seated a couple of seats down from him.

"Yeah Mr. Stark?" the boy replied, looking up from his fourth plate of food.

"Is she okay?" he asked

"I don't know," the boy replied.

"She said she was just tired." Wanda offered, giving the response that the girl had given her earlier.

"No, something's wrong, She doesn't act like that when she's tired. When she's tired, she's quiet, sure... but she's cuddly and likes to hug me." Peter replied, getting lost in thought as his brow started to furrow.

"I'll go talk to her," Nat offered, pushing herself up from the table.

"Thank you Nat."

Nat gave the boy a soft smile and walked up the stairs to her room, where Penny was staying until they finished her room; which just needed the furniture before they could finish decorating it. She knocked on the door and got no response, she twisted the knob softly, announcing that she was coming in, knowing that she probably didn't need to considering that the room was hers, but she wanted to make the thirteen year old girl inside more comfortable. She walked in the room and saw Penny curled up on the bed hugging her knees up to her chest, while she stared off into space.

She cautiously walked over to the girl and sat on the bed next to her, "Hey Sweetheart," she greeted.

"H-hi..." she responded quietly.

"You okay sweetie?"

"Yeah...I'm okay." the teenager replied, nodding her head.

"Are you sure? You love chocolate chip pancakes." the redhead replied, she'd noticed the girl seemed to like them rather quickly since they made them a couple of times a week, "You barely ate any at breakfast, which isn't like you, you always eat at meals... You didn't greet anyone either, that's not like you. What's bothering you?" she asked, reaching out to touch the girls' arm but paused when she noticed the girl's small flinch at her movement.

"Oh.." Penny fell silent as she picked at the comforter under her. "I-i'm sorry...I didn't mean to be rude.." she whispered.

Nat noticed this action and moved a little closer to her, "You know you can tell me anything sweetheart," she replied, she'd had this conversation with the younger teenager a few times in the past two weeks, but it never seemed stick with her.

"Yeah..I know..." the younger girl replied.

"You're not really tired are you sweetheart?"

"No..." she replied as her voice trailed off.

"What's wrong sweetheart?" the redhead asked, noticing the younger girl looked like she was on the verge of tears.

"Today's my dad's birthday..." she whispered.

"Oh", Nat paused, she knew that Penny and Peters's parents were both dead; she didn't think to realize that it still bothered the younger girl since the pair had both died before she'd turned five.

"I-i miss him. I miss my mom too...even though I don't remember her."

"I'm sorry sweetie... Do you want to do anything for it?" she asked, she knew Peter liked to go to their graves on their birthdays, leaving small bouquets of flowers for each of his parents.

Penny looked up at her "C-can I?" she asked.

"Of course hun. Peter puts daisies on their graves every year for their birthdays and for the holidays.. You want to go with him?"

"Yeah...I'd like too.... you know daisies were his favorite because Nana loved them," she smiled a little, remembering how her father had always told them that the daisies were his favorites because they were his mother's; their Nana had died when her father was in his teens, but the man had talked about the woman all the time when he was alive.

"Okay sweetheart. I'll go talk to Peter about you going with him."

"Thank you Miss Romanoff," she replied softly, her eyes falling back down to the comforter that she was playing with underneath herself.

"Call me Nat sweetheart," the redhead replied softly, giving her a small smile as she stood up from the bed.

Natasha quietly closed the door behind her as she made her way downstairs; Peter stood up when he saw her.

"Is she okay?" he asked, the younger boy was worried about his sister.

"Yeah, she just misses her your dad." she replied softly.

"Oh, I almost forgot." the teen replied, rubbing his palm over his face, "With everything that's been's his birthday and I almost completely forgot about it....Penny was his favorite, I wasn't really his kid, she was always his little princess. You never would've known he wasn't my real dad." he replied softly, a small, sad smile on his face.

"I thought he was..." Natasha replied in a confused tone, she didn't know that the Parker siblings were half siblings.

"He was my stepdad," Peter explained.

"Is she your step sister then?" the woman asked, slightly confused about how the pair looked similar if her father wasn't Peter's father too.

"No, she's my half sister. We have the same mom, my dad died before I was born....I never met him. Penny's dad adopted me when he married my mom; the got married when I was two and Penny came around a little over a year later. He wanted us to have the same last name so he made Penny's last name Davis-Parker, that way we wouldn't have to explain it to everyone."

"Oh, I didn't know that."

"No one really does. He was my dad just not by blood," Peter responded with a half smile, the man had basically raised him for the majority of his early childhood and had always treated him like was his own, even after their mother had died.

"She wants to go to his grave and put daisies on it." Natasha announced, "I told her that you do it every year and she wants to go with you when you go."

He nodded, "Of course, I'll take her. Then we'll do something to cheer her up." he replied, looking over at Tony who nodded his head in agreement.

"Okay, I'll tell her to change out of her PJ's then." the redhead announced, turning back around to back to the stairs.

"Thank you Nat." the brunet teen called after her, making her smile at him.

After she smiled at Peter , she turned around and went back upstairs to get Penny. She gently opened the door to tell her the news, finding the thirteen year old in the same position that she'd left her in. Penny quickly looked up at the redhead when she opened the door.

"What did Pete say?" she asked softly; Nat could tell the younger girl was trying not to get her hopes up.

"He said to get dressed and then you'll get flowers and go to see your dad." she replied.

Penny smiled a little, and quickly scrambled off of the bed and ran across the hall to Peter's room to change. She quickly changed into a pink skirt and a white top with pink daisies on it. She pulled on a pair of pink converses as she almost stumbled down the stairs to her brother. Peter caught her before she almost fell down the rest of the way down the stairs, he was frowning slightly to himself.

"Hey princess." he greeted, helping her stand up straight.

"Hey..." she replied out of breath.

"Please be careful, you can get hurt on the stairs." he slightly reprimanded, trying his best not to be too firm with her so he didn't upset her.

"I don't want you to change your mind..." she replied softly, her response was so low, he almost didn't hear her.

"I wouldn't do that to you Princess." he promised.

"Promise?" she asked again

"Of course." he replied, holding out his pinky finger to pinky swear like he used to do when she was smaller and wanted to make sure he kept his promises to her, the linked pinkies before dropping their hands, "Why do you ask?"

"Aunt Lisa and Uncle Brad would tell me I could do something and if I didn't change fast enough or finish cleaning or if I just made them mad....they'd change their minds and leave me. I-i got in a lot of trouble when they came back..." she told him, playing with the hem of her top.

"I'm sorry Princess. I'd never do that to you." he replied, gently running his finger through her loose curls.


"Should we leave?" she asked.

He shook his head, "Not yet. Happy is getting the car. He is gonna take us to the flower shop and then to dad's grave." he responded.


They sat on the couch for another ten minutes and waited for Happy to come get them, saying he had the car ready. Happy finally came in and got them so they could leave. Once they reached the flower shop, Happy let them out and waited for the pair of siblings to return to the vehicle; he waved the two teenagers inside before leaning back against the side of the car he'd driven. Inside, Penny and Peter picked out a bouquet of pink, white, and yellow daisies for their dad. Penny also picked out a smaller bouquet of light blue hydrangeas for their mother, not wanting to leave the woman out, even though she couldn't say anything to them. Peter smiled at his sister as she walked to the register with the two bouquets of flowers in her arms that almost completely covered her face. After paying for them, they went back to the car, and soon Happy was driving them to the cemetery; when they pulled up, the burly man let them out of the car and waited outside for them by the car. The pair of siblings first stopped at their mother's grave.

"Hi momma, '' Penny said out loud.

"Hi mom," Peter followed.

"We..we brought you some hydrangeas; the...the blue ones daddy said you loved..." the younger girl replied.

Peter smiled sadly at her and at their mother's grass covered grave; he knelt down and started moving over the dried out flowers from the last time he'd brought flowers for her.

"I'm sorry for not coming momma," Penny whispered softly, her voice breaking as she spoke, "I-i love you momma. I'm gonna come more to see you and dad."

Peter wondered why she was apologizing to the woman, she had nothing to apologize for, as he guided her to where their father laid at rest.

Penny started to tear up more, "Hi..hi daddy. I'm sorry I never visited, but I will come back....Petey will take me or I'll come by myself. I can do that now...." she said between breaths of sobbing.

Peter wrapped his arm around her as she started crying harder, the pieces starting to click together why she'd apologized, "Shhhh...." he soothed softly, he felt bad that she was crying/

"I'm s-so sorry daddy," she whimpered, wiping tears from her face as she sniffled, willing herself to stop crying, "we got you some daisies for...for your birthday." she announced to no one in particular as she held out the bouquet of flowers and slowly put them in the little vase that sat by his headstone.

Peter and Penny stayed by their father's grave for a little longer, both not wanting to leave for the moment as they looked at the four graves that were next to each other: their mother's, Peter's father's, their father's, and Uncle Ben's; both knowing that soon May would be joining them too. Peter kept soothing his little sister as she silently cried for their parents, silent tears slipping down his own cheeks as he looked at the graves in front of them; the thought stupid, stupid Parker luck, kept replaying in his mind while they stood there, like two living statues.

"Come on Princess," he finally called, breaking the silence, "Let's go home."

"O-okay." she replied, slightly nodding her head as she wiped her eyes.

The pair of siblings walked back to the car where Happy sat teary eyed in the driver seat of the car. They both noticed his quiet sniffles as he climbed into the car; when the younger of the two looked over at her brother with a questioning glance, Peter shook his head no as if telling her to leave him be for the moment.

"Princess," Peter called softly .

"Yeah?" she asked, her eyes were slightly closed as she leaned against the headrest of the seat behind Happy.

"Why did you apologize to mom and dad?" he asked.

"O-oh...." she looked at her lap once again "I-i never visited them... I feel guilty...they must think I don't love them." she whispered, Peter could tell she was getting lost in thought.

"Yes you have, Princess." he reminded, remembering how their father had brought them to visit their mother's grave twice a month, not wanting them to forget about her.

"Not since we last saw momma with dad..." she replied, shaking her head.

"What about dad?" the brown-eyed boy asked.

"Aunt Lisa said....said I didn't deserve to see him....that it was a privilege and that I was too useless and worthless to see him...that he didn't love me..." she replied, slightly sniffling at the last part of her explanation, she quickly wiped a tear away that slipped down her cheek, "I haven't visited daddy since we put him there." She finished quietly, her eyes looking back towards the sign for the cemetery.

"Oh," Peter sat quietly with his arm around her shoulder, "We'll come back in a few weeks to see them again." he promised.

"Really?!" she asked with a sad sense of excitement.

"Yes, and as long as you ask, I don't want you going by yourself...atleast not yet..." he replied, he'd still yet to tell her about her aunt and uncle's suing Tony and the billionaire had said that he didn't think it'd be best if they let the younger teen go anywhere by herself for a while; he didn't trust anyone, especially people who acted the way the couple did. He cleared his throat, trying to temporarily forget the situation on hand, "I'll try to bring you to visit them," he smiled down at her as he gently ran his fingers through her curly hair.

The car became quiet again except for the sniffles of Happy in the front seat.

"Mr Happy?..." Penny asked quietly.

"Yes hun." he replied, his tone was gentle with the girl who had a slight resemblance to May Parker, even though the woman had no blood relations with the thirteen year old; looking at the teenager sent a shot of pain through the man's heart every time he saw; it was like seeing the woman again and it reminded him of how much she'd loved her niece.

"Are you okay?...Why are you crying?" she asked,

"I'm okay honey." he responded as he stopped talking abruptly, not wanting to cry in front of the two teenagers, he'd be damned if he let them see him cry...

"O-okay..." she replied softly.

Peter leaned over to Penny so she could hear what he was about to tell her, "He's sad princess," he whispered.

"Why?" she asked.

"He misses Aunt May," he responded quietly.

"W-why?" she asked again, not knowing the relationship between her aunt and the man who'd been driving them around for the past two weeks.

"He and Aunt May were gonna get married on Christmas Eve....He loved her very much and he was the one who found after she died..." he replied softly, his brown eyes glancing towards the dark-haired man who was driving them back to the compound.

"Ohhhh..." she replied softly, Penny looked towards the front of the car where Happy was, "So he'd be Uncle Happy?" she asked.

Peter laughed a little, he'd never really thought of it like that; he nodded it. "Yeah he's Uncle Happy." he whispered.

"Oh." she replied, leaning further into his embrace.

The rest of the ride was quiet as they drove back to the compound. Penny gave Peter a disappointed sigh when he explained that he was going out with Pietro for a few hours and that he'd be back soon. He felt guilty for lying to her, but he knew the lying protected her; she couldn't know that he training with the older boy, who often sparred with him since Peter ended up doing a lot of hand to hand fighting with people on his patrols. She couldn't know he was training, because then he'd have to tell her why he was training and he didn't want to do that; he had to keep her safe. When they reached the compound, he quickly disappeared into the compound to train, leaving the teenager with Happy, both still seated in the car in the garage. Happy waited outside of the car for Penny to get out, he was holding the door open for her, waiting for the shorter teen to climb out of the vehicle and go inside. When Penny got out of the backseat she quickly hugged Happy after he'd shut her door; she did it without thinking, knowing that if she thought about it she wouldn't do it. He froze for a few seconds at her actions, she'd only ever get this close with Peter, he gently, wrapped his arms around her and returned the favor.

"What's this for honey? " he asked.

"It's okay Uncle Happy," she responded.

Happy melted a little more into her embrace, he'd never expected either of the Parker siblings to call him Uncle Happy, even Morgan didn't call him that; yet here was this girl he'd only known for less than two weeks calling him her uncle, "How do you know about that hun?" he asked.

"P-Petey told me that's why you were sad. I-it's okay, you have us Uncle Happy." she replied, flashing him a small smile as she continued to hug the man.

"Thank you honey, I needed that," he replied softly, gently patting her on the back.

"Is it okay to call you Uncle Happy?" she asked, looking up at him with curious big, brown eyes.

"I'd love that Penny," he replied, smiling softly at her; he was slightly praying that Tony wouldn't see him like this, he'd never hear the end of him "going soft", but if that was what was happening with him at the moment, then so be it; he'd be as soft as he wanted if it meant that she felt safe enough to talk to him and especially if it meant she'd continue to hug him like this.

"Okay." she replied softly, her cheek pressed against his chest.

Natasha stood shocked, in the doorway when she saw Penny willingly give Happy a hug. Penny only hugged or got that close with Peter, on occasion she'd get a little closer to the other teens and she'd gotten this close to her a couple of times in her sleep when she was having a nightmare. She'd laugh with Kate and Wanda, but she'd never really touch them, she always seemed to shy away when they got close enough to show her any sort of physical affection. Only Peter could ever get that close to her. Nat knew of Happy's plans with May, the man had changed almost completely when he met the woman. He was devastated when she died and even more so when he had to tell Peter the news about how he'd found her. She had found out that he had volunteered to pick Penny up from the Davis's early last week when Tony announced that the younger Parker would be living with them; she knew he did it for himself and for May, the man felt guilty for not getting back to their apartment sooner. She smiled at how comfortable Penny was getting with people and at how Happy looked while she talked to him; she chuckled slightly to herself, if Tony saw this he'd definitely tease his bodyguard about going soft on him. She watched as Penny slowly let go of Happy and went inside to the compound, where she heard her and Kate cooing and laughing at Lucky, Kate's dog that Clint had sent to the compound from Iowa. Happy walked in next with a small smile on his face.

"Are you okay Happy?" Natasha asked him.

"Yeah, I'm okay Natasha." he replied softly.

"What was that with Penny?" she asked, smiling slightly at him,

"She called me Uncle Happy," he said softly, more to himself than to her; he smiled even more as he continued to go inside the compound, seemingly going to find Tony for something.

                                                ***TIME SKIP***

"Is she okay?" Pietro asked.

"Who?" Peter asked, caught up in their sparring session, Pietro had fussed at him a few weeks ago for being sloppy and he'd started focussing more on his ability to move than his senses.

"Princessa of course." the ash-blonde replied, "She seemed off at breakfast."

"She'll be okay, was our dad's birthday," the younger boy replied, shrugging slightly as he dodged Pietro's swift kick that was aimed at his ribs.

"Oh, I'm sorry Peter," the older boy replied, pausing in his fighting, letting Peter get a punch in at his chest.

"It's okay Pietro," the teen replied, helping the older teenager up from the mat.

"How about we do something tonight?" the ash-blond replied, shaking off the younger teen's attack.

"Who?" Peter asked, letting his arms fall slightly as he tilted his head to the side.

Pietro grabbed him and flipped him over his shoulder, but the younger teen landed on his feet, making the seventeen year old roll his eyes at the boy's flexibility, "All of us........Kate, Wanda, you, me, and Penny." he replied, throwing a punch at Peter.

"Like what? Penny's only thirteen not everywhere will let her in," the teenager replied, easily dodging his punch and throwing one of his own.

" I don't know, what do you think she would like?"

Peter smiled, "When we were younger, she loved roller skating." he replied, slightly panting for breath; they'd been at this for a couple of hours now and he was getting hungry again.

"That sounds fun. Wanda loves to roller skate."

"Okay let's do it." Peter replied, pinning him on the mat, grinning at him at how fast he was getting with his attacks.

The older boy pushed the light-weight teenager off of himself and sprung back up in a fighting position; they continued training for another hour, before deciding to call it quits because they were both hungry and in desperate need of a shower. They quietly walked up the stairs where they saw Wanda and Kate in the kitchen; the redhead tossed them both water bottles and a couple of apples, before motioning for them to sit down where she'd prepared sandwiches for them. Pietro gave his sister a wet, sloppy kiss on the cheek as a thank you, just because he knew it annoyed her and Peter gave her a thumbs up before thanking her with a mouthful of food. They explained Penny's mood earlier in the day and the idea to cheer her up. Both of the girls excitedly and emphatically agreed to help and to go with them, even though Kate could barely skate; she was much better riding a bike or sparring with Yelena than roller skating; she was naturally a little clumsy and having wheels attached to her feet seemed to highlight that fact a little more. The group of teens got ready and walked into the living room where Penny was sitting on the couch petting Lucky, who was curled up next to her, his head resting in her lap.

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