Fairy Exorcist

By Otakusdreamwolrd

166K 5.5K 3.8K

A fairy tail and blue exorcist crossover! More

Authors Note
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Authors Note
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25

✨ Final Chapter ✨

3.2K 110 165
By Otakusdreamwolrd

Shiemi's POV

What are we going to do now? They can't really leave us now can they? I just want everyone to be ok...

I mean I know that we aren't exactly friends or even know each other that well for that matter but leaving us like this isn't fair either! We helped them out so they should help us too!

I decided to speak up since I feared nobody else would "I- uh- but you can't just-"

"Absolutely not. " we were all shocked to hear the woman named Erza say that.

"We have failed our mission, regardless of the true intentions of the requester. So the least we can do is clean up here and then head back to the guild." She said in a serious tone.

I let out a sigh of relief and couldn't help but smile, I'm so grateful for her pure heart.

"Erza's right, we can't just leave things the way they are, that's not the kind of people we are." Lucy said agreeing with her friend.

"How touching"  said the director dramatically. "Then I wish you the best of luck figuring out this little problem" he said showing no signs of helping us.


"Hey wait!" Mrs. kirigakure yelled but it was too late. The director was already gone.

"Damn him.." she mumbled under her breath then looked back down to Natsu.

"So.. Now what?" Natsu asked nervously knowing that he caused us all to keep going rather then end this quickly.

"All in favor of making him throw up the remains say 'aye'" said the blue cat that tagged along.

I'm not sure that's how things work but everyone else rose a hand Saying "aye" glaring down at Natsu who gulped in response.

"How do you suppose we do that?" Yuki asked to get everyone back on track.

"He has motion sickness, think it'll be easy enough" gray said in response with an evil look in his eye as he smiled to himself.

"H-hang on maybe we can just use another sword? Erza has a bunch! Hehe~" Natsu suggested attempting to crawl away before gray  and Yuki grabbed his arms and held him up.

Unfortunately we can't use another sword since the metal that was used to make Rin's was special now that I think about it...

"So what he shake him around or somethin'?" Mrs.Kirigakure asked crossing her arms.

"Not exactly, I actually have an idea for what we could do" Lucy said with a smirky look on her face as the expression on Natsu's changed.

"How could you! I thought we were partners!" He cried out.

"Oh relax, it's not that bad" she said pulling out her summoning key things. I'm not sure what they're called....

"Ok, I need everyone else to hang onto something" Lucy said holding up a golden key with a small pink zodiac symbol on it.

"Aye" the blue cat grew a pair of wings and flew up to me wrapping his tail around my chest and flying towards the sky.

"Whaaaa!!" I couldn't help but scream with this happening suddenly.

"Sorry lady, but you're safer this way" he said trying to calm me down.

"O-oh right, thank you!" I said showing my gratitude and looking back down to see that gray kept Natsu down with some ice while the others got away from the clock tower.

"Open! Gate of the maiden, Virgo!" Lucy said swinging her key around as a maid appeared from the ground.

"Time for my punishment, princess?" The maid asked with a cool look on her face.

I didn't know Lucy was a princess?! And what does she mean by punishment?

"Why do you always ask that?" Lucy sighed then stood up straight serious again. "Virgo I need an earthquake, you think you can manage that?" She then asked

"Of course princess anything for you" she said before spinning around and disappearing into the ground.

Not too long after the ground began to shake uncontrollably causing even Lucy to fall over.

"Lucy!" The cat exclaimed "hang on" he flew down away from the tower where the others were and released me before flying back up for his friend.

"I wonder what's going on up there" gray asked looking up seeing how the blue cat carried Lucy into the air, their faces showing disgust.

"Do you think it worked?" I asked assuming they were making those faces after seeing Natsu throw up so much.

"I hope it did" gray said as the ground slowly stopped shaking and the maid jumped into the air saluting Lucy before disappearing almost as fast as she arrived.

"That was fast" Mrs.Kirigakure said as she began walking back up to the tower, I followed her as did the others.

Once back up to the tower however... There was puke just about everywhere and nowhere for us to stand so we stayed away.

"I didn't think it was humanly possible to throw up so much..." Yuki said in terror looking at the massive amount of vomit on the ground.

"Well he's not exactly 'human' now is he" gray said with a similar facial expression.

"Oh! There it is" I point out seeing the sword split in two on the ground a few feet away from Natsu.

"Hey Natsu! Go get the sword!" Gray yelled out. Natsu just mumbled in response before breaking the ice cast gray placed on him originally.

Natsu fell down face first then turned his head and continued to throw up.

"That's... So gross" Lucy said holding her hand up to her mouth.

"So...who's gonna get it?" Yuki asked. We all stood quiet looking at one another. Nobody wanted to walk through that to get it.

"Lucy can get it!" The blue cat chimed in happily.

"What???" Lucy exclaimed looking up to the cat.

"Relax I'll fly close enough to the ground so you can get it without getting you all dirty" he explained.

Lucy let out a sigh "fine, but if you drop me I swear I will get Aquarius on you!" She warned him.

"Good Luck Lucy!" I cheered her on from afar to try and lighten the mood.


Lucy's POV

Why do I have to be the one to get it? It smells awful! How can Natsu puke so much over nothing???

The closer we got not only did the smell get worse but I noticed the sword was drenched in vomit too!

"I don't think I can do this anymore" I said to happy as we were now about a foot off of the ground, I laid parallel being held up by the waist.

"Yeah me neither, you've really put on some weight Lucy" happy teased.

"I'll kill you, cat" I warned before reaching down to pinch the blade of the sword holding it up.

"Ew ew ew ew" this was so gross!

I then proceeded to get the handle of the sword off of the ground as well keeping  both halves of the sword in one hand.

"Uh-oh" happy said

What? What's 'uh-oh'? Why 'uh-oh'???

"My transformations up" happy admitted loosening his grip on my waist as we both fell right into the pool of puke.

"Happy! This is so grooossss" I wined sitting up my whole outfit now ruined.

"Ew I'm a sticky cat" happy complained.

"And soon you'll be a dead one" I glared over at him for dropping me after I told him not to.

"Someone save me!" He ran through the puke hiding behind Natsu.

"I seriously doubt Natsu can help you with anything like that " gray said making a path out of ice towards us.


"Whoops" he shrugged. Man Gray can really piss me off sometimes....

"Alright enough of this, what do we need to do now?" Erza asked getting us back on track.

"Won't we need Rin here? And Mephisto too...?" Shiemi asked holding her hand up a bit.

"Let's get Rin first then figure out what to do from there, I seriously don't feel like asking that clown for anything after this" shura said pulling her sword up and letting it rest on her shoulder.

"Ok we did our part so.. You guys get Rin here" I said standing up and trying not to slip, falling again would seriously suck.

"Sounds fair enough, Shura , Shiemi and I will get Rin while the rest of you stay here." Yukio responded pushing his glasses up.

"Better yet we should regroup in front of the academy " Erza suggested glancing down at the mess Natsu made, good call Erza...

"Right... Well, we're off then" Yuki waved us off as he along with Shiemi and Shura made their way back down towards the city.

"Happy" Erza said suddenly

"Aye?" He responded slightly scared of Erza.

"Carry the two halves of the sword while I carry Natsu" she continued picking Natsu up and throwing him over her shoulder as if it were nothing.

Doesn't she care about getting all dirty?? Then again I guess she could just requipt her armor...

"Yes ma'am" happy said taking the pieces from me.

"Let's get going, I wish to return to the guild as quickly as possible" Erza said as she started walking towards the academy.

As Erza and happy continued to walk with Natsu I started to wipe the puke out of my outfit as much as I could before heading off too.

"Shouldn't you get something else to wear?" Gray asked as if he were one to talk wondering around half naked all the time.

"I don't wanna hear it, you could've gotten the sword whenever you wanted! But...I guess I should" I admitted resummoning Virgo.

"Punishment time prin-"

"No, I just need some clothes" I said cutting her off before she asked about her punishment, where does she even get that??

"Yes, of course" she quickly and easily got me changed into a sparkly baby blue dress with decorative starts towards the bottom for me to wear along with a matching ribbon tying my hair up into a ponytail.

"Wow Virgo I think this has to be one of your best ones yet!" I said happily twirling around.

"Anything else princess?" She asked taking a bow.

"No that's all for now, thank you!" I said with a smile before closing her gate up for the day.

"Better?" Gray asked.

"Much" I responded. It was nice to smell good again. It's been a while since I've had anything from the celestial world to wear.

"WILL THE TWO OF YOU HURRY UP??" Erza yelled at us causing a shiver to go down our spines as we started picking up the pace towards them.

"Ooooo scandalous! Wait until Juvia hears about this!" Happy makes a face at us.

"I'll hurt you!" Gray threatened shaking his fist in the air.

I let out a sigh as we made our way up the stairs towards the academy. Erza lied Natsu down carefully as he began to come to.

We sat on the stairs looking over the city as things started to settle down a bit. It was so peaceful and beautiful. Seeing all the lights of the city really did calm us down.

Not for long however as Natsu was finally awake.

Natsu got up quickly then turned to face me suddenly "HOW COULD YOU DO THAT I THOUGHT YOU SAID YOU LOV-" I slapped my hand over his mouth as fast as I could.

"Shhh shhhh! You're too loud Natsu!" I hissed at him keeping by hand over his mouth.

I turned my head to see Erza Happy and Gray raise a brow at me.

"Hehehehe...." I just used my free hand and made a gesture signifying that Natsu was just going crazy....

I completely forgot all about what I said back then!!! (Refer to chapter 17)

Oh my god this is so embarrassing! What do I do? Do I play it off like it never happened??? Ugh!!

I felt something slimy between my fingers before I retracted my hand from Natsu's mouth "did you just lick me???" I scooted away from him.

"Is everything alright?" Erza asked since I ended up sitting closer to her.

I jumped a bit before answering, I can't tell her what's going on can I? "Oh- E-everything's fine Erza nothing going on here nope! Hehehe.." She gave me a surprised look then a caring one.

"You know if there's anything you need to talk about I'm here for you right?" She said sparkling with a gentle smile.

So bright... She's too pure!

"Thanks Erza that means a lot to me really" I smiled back. But there's no way I'm telling her that...

Just then I felt a drop hit my head, then another on my hand. I looked up, it was starting to rain...

"We should go inside" Erza suggested.

"Good call" I agreed getting up.

I hope everything's going well for the others and that the rains not effecting them.


Yukio's POV

"God dammit Rin, we're trying to help you!" I yell pointing my gun at Rin as he glared at me with inhuman eyes.

Just as it started to rain too, as if this situation couldn't get any better than this!

"No use yelling at him while he's like that" Shura added instead of being helpful...

"Rin! Snap out of it please! We really are just trying to help you" Shiemi yelled right after.

"Did you not just hear me???" Shura scolded her for not listening.

"I'm sorry... It worked the last time this happened..." Shiemi looked down at her hands.

However it did seem to get Rin's attention since he was now looking her way. But not in the way you'd hope.

"Shiemi get away from him! You know he's dangerous when he's like this!" I yelled seeing as she got too close.

"But we have to help him! He can fight it, we just need to trust Rin!" She yelled back.

When is she gonna learn? Rin isn't safe like this. No matter how hard he tried he has no control over what he does. Hell even when he's not like this he can barely control himself.

His flames were dying down due to the rain which was good at least but not helping much, it just seemed to piss him off even more.

The rain grew stronger in a matter of minutes, each drop feeling like a needle against our backs as the wind began to pick up as well.


"Hey... Four eyes" I looked over at Shura to see her signaling me over to her.

I walk up to her as she pulls me to the side careful so that Shiemi wouldn't hear us. "You're gonna have to shoot Rin, have anything to calm him down?" She said

I thought for a moment considering I really was starting to run out of ammunition, "yeah but I don't think it'll be enough to knock him out" I said considering how he was.

"It'll have to do, get Shiemi out of here so that she won't get in the way. You get as close to Rin as possible got it?" She said, I nodded in response.

"Shiemi, I need a bag from the dorm it's next to the front door do you think you can get it for me?" I yelled over at Shiemi

"Y-yeah sure!" She then started towards the dorm, I waited until she was out of sight.

"What was that about? What's in the bag?"Shura asked.

"You said you didn't want Shiemi getting in the way right?" I asked in return.

"Right..." She dropped her arms and swung them a bit, guess it's time we got this show on the road.

"You distract him and I'll try to get a clear shot, got it?" I said loading my gun.

"Rodger that" and with that Shura was off charging right for Rin with him charging right back.

They began to fight and move around a lot, I couldn't seem to get a clear shot, the rain wasn't helping my vision much either.

"Can't you hold him still??" I yelled

"Oh sure let me just sit him down and have a drink that sounds easy enough!" shura yelled back obviously struggling as she slid on a puddle next to her.

"Just for a few seconds" I can't stand her when she gets salty with me.

She then got up and got Rin down but couldn't hold him for long "YUKIO NOW".

I shot four rounds not entirely sure where each went.




Shiemi's POV

Oh gosh oh gosh!

I can't find Yukios bag anywhere! There's a huge mess and ukobach on the ground for some reason.

Oh man! Yukio seemed like he really needed it and I can't even find it! Maybe it's in another room?

I begin to look through every room in the dorm, this isn't going to be easy...


Shura's POV

That damn Yukio's blind as a bat how could he have missed half his shots???

Everything's starting to look foggy, this isn't good if I black out now I'll-


Yukio's POV

This could have been worse... Probably.

I mean at least Rin's also down for the count so it's not like it was all bad. But now I just need to get them both to the school before the effects wear off.

Doesn't this day just keep getting better?

"DAMN IT" I exclaimed hearing it echo around as the rain started to get worse than before.

"My my,things sure got out of hand" I heard Mephistos voice behind me and spun around.

He stood calmly holding a pink umbrella giving me that look he always did, as if he were winning a game you didn't know you were involved in.

"Mephisto! Perfect timing! change Rin back!" I said quickly before Rin woke up or Mephisto ran off.

"Huh?" He tilted his head and put his free hand on his hip as if I were crazy.

"You were the one who sealed Rin's powers in the first place right? So now we have Rin and the sword so- wait... The sword..." I just realized the sword was with the others.

"No sword? Now that just won't do" he shook his head and started walking around me.

"Oh come on, give us a break haven't we done enough as it is?!" Ok now I'm mad.

"I suppose so. Then I guess we should get the whole group back together huh?" He smiled

"Wait so you'll change him ba-"

Aaaaaand he snapped his fingers... Again.

Just as before. When this all began. I found myself standing In front of the princes tunnel. Shiemi stood terrified and confused next to the princesses,Shura asleep next to the knights, and Rin asleep next to the dragons.

At least now it was dry, for the most part.

I spun around several times with Mephisto nowhere to be seen.

"YUKIO! IM SO SO SORRY I COULDN'T FIND THE BAG I LOOKED EVERYWHERE And umm.. What are we doing back here?" Shiemi started.

"I'm just as confused as you are believe me.." What are we doing back here?


Gray's POV

Talk about a déjà vu, why are we back here again?

"HEY?! WHY THE HELL ARE WE BACK HERE???" Natsu began stomping around.

"Would you shut up!" He can be so annoying sometimes.



"Yeah could you both shut up I'm a little lost here" Lucy said trying to calm us down.

"It doesn't make any sense, we already failed our mission and know the outcome of passing through the tunnels. Why are we back here?" Erza asked pacing around.

If we have to do this all over again I think I'm gonna murder somebody.

"Hey happy why don't you fly through and see if anything has changed?" Lucy asked

"Whaat? Why me?" He complained

"No that won't do, even if he does go through he won't be allowed back out" Erza walked towards the entrance to her tunnel.

"What do you mean by that?" I asked her.

"Watch." She stuck her arm into the tunnel then retracted it. What I'm I suppose to be looking at here?

She did this again several times. "What's going on?" She did it faster than began jumping in and out of the tunnel.

"Dude I think she lost it" Natsu whispered in my ear.

"Yeah I think you're right" I whispered back

"WHAT ARE YOU WHISPERING ABOUT??!"she yelled back at us.

We just acted as if nothing had happened.

"Hang on... Why don't we all just go through one together so we don't get separated again?" Happy suggested.

"Yeah I like that idea!" Lucy chimed in.

"If we gotta" Natsu shrugged. But none of this makes sense, why send us back?

Erza cleared her throat "very well then, let's go." We all went in through the Knights tunnel just to see what was going on.

The further we went the darker it got naturally, I almost forgot how gross it was in here.

"Its getting kind of dark in here" Lucy said as a sort of signal to Natsu who was obviously oblivious to.

"Yeah I guess it is" he responded, what an idiot.

"Hey! Look over there!" Happy shouted out getting everyone's attention. We were at the end of the tunnel already, but how's that even possible we just started walking?

"Did you hear that?" A faint voice said from the other side of the tunnel.

We picked up the pace and walked a bit faster to find the others on the other side of the tunnel.

"Hey, what's going on?"  I asked Yukio who might not have the answer since he looked just as lost as we were.

"Where's Rin?" Lucy asked looking around.

"He's right here" Yukio took a step back and pointed at Rin who seemed to be unconscious on the floor.

"Here's your sword thingy" happy said flying towards Yukio with the two pieces.

"Thank you" he smiled back.

Just then a skylight began to form above us, it was still dark but a bit of light from a street light was enough to see.

Looking up we could see a rather familiar pink Limo awaiting on the surface.

"Guess we're suppose to go up there now" Natsu said looking down again.


"We don't get any since we didn't complete the mission" Erza glared at him.

"Prize money?" Yukio and Shiemi said in Union.

"Well yeah, you know. That Mephisto guy hired us to kill you and your brother but of course due to the circumstances... We didn't." Lucy explained.

"Wait so you really are wizards then? Not demons?" Shiemi asked.

"I think you're missing the point." Yukio said adjusting his glasses and picking Rin up.

"So Mephisto just pinned us against each other for no reason huh?" Shura said shocking everyone now that she was awake.

"Seems like it" Erza said.

"Then...then this is goodbye?" Shiemi said giving a sad smile.

"Yeah..." I said

A pretty awkward goodbye if you ask me.

"I guess a 'thank you' is in order, for not killing us and all. Along with helping out Rin" Yukio said adjusting Rin.

"It's the least we could do for trying to kill you in the first place" Natsu said smiling back.

"In a different circumstance it would be nice to see you all again" Erza said

"Agreed" shura nodded.

"Alright Happy, let's go"


Natsu and happy were the first to go back into the limo.

"How are we suppose to get up there...?" Lucy asked looking up.

Just then happy returned "oh! Sorry Lucy" he then picked her up and out.

"Ice make, stairs" I formed a staircase for Erza and the others to follow.

"Guess we should get going too huh?" Shiemi asked helping Shura up and they all followed and stood by the limo.

"Take care!" We waved them off and were on our way. Back to the guild as if nothing had changed.

"Oh man, how am I gonna cover this months rent?!" Lucy cried out as she just realized we failed a mission.

"Don't worry you can stay at my place!" Natsu wrapped his arm around her.

"I'm doomed" she covered her face.

"Ooooo " happy began to tease them.

Guess things really are back to normal.


Rin's POV

I woke up slowly then began to panic only to realize I was in my bed.

"Was it all... A dream?" I asked myself.

"No, it was real and a pain in the ass" I jumped a bit and turned my head to see Yukio opening a drawer to replace his glasses.

"You're kidding right?? How long have I been out???" He got up and looked around seeing the sun was already up.

"A few hours, everyone's fine now" he said.

Oh right I forgot to ask.. Whoops. "Where is everyone?" I asked

"Shiemis at home, same as Shura. As for Mephisto I haven't seen him or Amaimon" he responded

"No- I meant Natsu and the girls with the big you know" I asked cupping my hands over my chest to make a point.

"They left already, back to their guild I think" he said now facing my while still sitting in his chair.

I then looked around and got up from bed "wait where's my sword??" I asked

"It's still pretty frail as of now and we don't need any more problems so... Shura has it" he responded.

"WHAT?? You've gotta be kidding me!" I sat back down in bed.

"Relax its just for the time being, you'll get it back once were sure nothing bad will happen" he explained.

"Yeah, whatever" I grabbed a book and laid back down. Guess things could be worse. I wonder how those fairy demon guys are doing...


Lucy's POV

"Gray you're the only one who can do it" everyone else nodded in agreement.

"But why me?" He asked

"She's your girlfriend" said happy with a creepy grin on his face.

"She is not my girlfriend" he said blushing.

"You're not fooling anyone just do it" Erza said backing away.

"He won't do it, no balls" Natsu called out.

"Shut up! I'll do it..." Gray inched closer to the guild door that had drops of water spilling out from the cracks.

"I think we should back up a bit more" I whispered into Natsu and Erzas ears.

They nodded and we all backed away leaving Gray alone to open the doors.

He turned his head to look back at us and gulped reaching for the handles. He then took in a deep breath and pulled them open.

"GRAAYYY" the water Mage cried out as a wave of her tears came spilling out of the guild flooding everything.

Juvia tackled her love and continued crying "how could you leave me like that??? I wanted to go on a mission too!" She kept crying.

As the rest of us had trouble walking through the flooded guild we noticed everyone glaring at gray. Juvia must have been crying since we left to get everyone this mad...

Oh well at least now nobody cares if we failed our mission or not hehe~

"So how'd it go?" Mira asked, I spoke too soon.

"It was a total disaster" I complained sitting down at one of the bar stools to get away form the water.

"Oh my goodness! Erza!" Mira cried out.

"What is it?" She asked

"Your hair!" That's right it was cut short when she was fighting Shura.

Erza reached back and touched her hair when her face showed that she had forgotten all about that.

"M-my hair!" She looked like she was gonna flood the place too.

Oh boy...

(Yes that's Edolas  Erza but shhhh...) The End.


That you all for reading it's been a good year and I hope you all enjoyed reading as much as I enjoyed writing!

I'm sorry it took a bit longer to write and I hope it was worth the wait.

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