Fairy Exorcist

By Otakusdreamwolrd

166K 5.5K 3.8K

A fairy tail and blue exorcist crossover! More

Authors Note
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Authors Note
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
✨ Final Chapter ✨

Chapter 25

2.5K 100 57
By Otakusdreamwolrd

Lucy's POV

We finally made it to the clock tower to find our selfs facing the man who started it all. Sir Faust.

"Things could have been so much simpler but of course what was I to expect from the best fairy tail has to offer" he grinned as we looked up at him.

Was he there this whole time? That's kind of annoying...

"What's that suppose to mean?" Gray asked

"The dragon, Natsu was it? He could have easily defeated amaimon, but of course he had to put on a show and add a new opponent." He said waving his hands around.

"He didn't add anything, lets just get this over with, were all done now aren't we mephisto?" Yukio spoke for us while looking up at the man.

Mephisto? Strange I feel like I knew this.

"Why don't you take a look for yourself?" He pointed towards the town, sure it was covered in flames but that's kind of normal for us...

But what wasn't normal, was seeing Natsu run out of the fire in a panic towards us.

"What's going on?" Shura asked

"Rins crazy!!!!!!" He yelled while he kept running until he reached happy.

He took happy by the tail and then started running back before happy began to fly for them both.

"Whaaaa Natsu!!!" Happy yelled since he wasn't use to being yanked around like that.

"Natsu! What happened?!" Gray yelled but was too late since before we knew it Natsu was back in the mists of the fire.

"What's up with that guy..." Yukio asked.

"I can honestly say I don't know." I answered

"What's happening down there? I demand an answer!" Erza yelled pointing her sword at Mephisto.

"It's seems as if Rin is unable to control himself again." He said simply and calmly but, what does he mean by that?

"You've gotta be kidding me!" Shura stomped her foot on the ground then started marching towards the city angrily.

"Um yeah I'm totally lost, what happened to Rin?" I asked holding a shaky hand up.

"Didn't you hear Natsu? Rins gone crazy, lost control, sounds like a personal problem to me" Gray said leaning up against the tower.

"So he just needs to calm down? Can't you get your friend to do that?" I asked Yukio

"One, he's my brother not my 'friend' and two he's the son of satan, not the best person to have an emotional breakdown around even if that were the case." he answered pushing his glasses up.

Oh right they're brothers, it's easy to forget since they're both so different...

"Well whatever it is I'm sure Natsu is more than capable of handling it" Erza said crossing her arms.

"Yeah right! Pinkies strong but Rin won't hold back, he'll end up killing him" shura spat back

"I'm sorry, are you saying one of our own isn't capable of standing up to one of yours?" Erza asked glaring back

"I'm saying it isn't safe so yeah, that's exactly what I'm saying" shura said back

"Um guys, were all friends here let's not fight again" I said trying to calm them down

"Yeah come on guys, lets all calm down" gray said taking my side, thanks gray your the best!

"I mean really Natsu could totally take Rin on" gray continued, I take back everything I said.

"Gray you're not helping!" I hissed back at him in a whisper form.

Mephisto jumped down from his chair and swung his arms around taking off his hat. "cast your votes ladies and gentlemen who shall it be? The demon or the dragon?"

"PUT ME DOWN FOR NATSU" Erza yelled at Mephisto, oh boy.


"Shouldn't we be helping them not pinning them against each other?" I asked

"I agree entirely" Yukio said stepping up

Ah finally someone who-

"Put me down for Rin too" he finished


"I would also like to cast my vote for Rin!" Shiemi said with her hand up and cheeks puffed out

"Might as well put me and Lucy down for Natsu" gray said

"Don't include me!" I yelled.

"Aw come on Lucy don't tell me your rootin' for Rin are you?" Gray asked

"Don't be stupid I'm not going for anyone, if this is serious we need to go help him" I said walking off toward the city

"Oh, come on Lucy" gray grabbed my arm and spun me around a bit.

"You gotta have faith in Natsu to do this, who knows we might get in the way down there I mean just look the city's completely covered in flames" he said somehow convincing me.

Natsu has been able to get out of a lot of situations, heck he's gotten us all out of some pretty bad situations.

I just looked off into the city seeing flames blow up towards the sky from a distance while other patches of flames got sucked away.

But still... I wish there was a way I could help.

Natsu's POV


"That's kinda your fault Natsu" happy answered me as we flew around the city.

"Nah uh!" I tried to argue but it kinda was partially maybe, somewhat my fault... kinda.

"So whys Rin all crazy anyway?" He asked as we began to approach Rin.

"I don't know" I answered trying to focus.

"What happened to the other guy? Weren't you fighting someone else too?" He asked buggin me a bit.

"I don't know" I tried to calm down.

"So where is everyon-"

"Hey happy let's assume I don't know anything for the timr being ok?" I answered, what's with all the questions?

"That won't be too hard you never know anything" he snickered.

"Oh shut up! Look there's Rin" I said changing the subject.

The moment Rin saw us he swung his arm in our direction sending flames at us.



Happy managed to pull us up enough so that he wouldn't get burned and so that I could eat the flames and send them back.

"Why's he tryna hit us?? What did you do Natsu??" Happy asked panicking.

"Me?! What makes you think this is my fault?!" I yelled back.

I looked back at Rin who was pissed, he started chasing us like a mad man.

"Maybe we should get someone else to do this, like gray or erza!" Happy suggested.

"WHAT?! I CAN TAKE HIM DROP ME HAPPY !" How dare he even suggest gray could do any better.

"If we keep fighting fire with fire this whole towns gonna be gone before we know it" he continued.

"Fine! Who needs you! Drop me happy!" I yelled, before I knew it I was free falling. when I looked up I saw happy fly back to the others.

What's with him?

I hit the ground creating a small crater surrounded by grass.

"COME AND GET ME RIN" I roared with flames shooting off into the sky challenging that demon.

Then he appeared. Charging from the shadows a demon.

Once he got close enough I swung for a punch but he managed to duck. Crap.

I felt a sharp pain in my gut, then another across my face as my head jerked back hitting something behind me.

After that I felt myself fall, my knees were the first to hit the dirt and soon after my body followed.

I don't get what's wrong Rin, why is he acting like this?

Rin then picked me up by my scarf and held me up. I flinched a bit then opened my eyes a bit seeing he was about to swing.

I shut my eyes again preparing for the blow when I figured I should try to talk my way out for once.

"WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU?!" I yelled right before he hit me.

He stopped for a second and I took the chance to pin him against a building that was close by.

"ANSWER ME DAMN IT WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS, HUH?" I yelled getting no response but and angry growl.

"Natsu!" I looked up for a second to see happy flying above us when Rin kicks me in the stomach again.

"Gah!" I bend over a bit then head butt him in the face. "CALM DOWN DAMN IT" I tell him.

Looking at him now, I can see he's different from when we first met, his eyes had an odd shape to them and his eyes were glowing red.

I shook this off and looked back up to happy, "Happy! Over here!" I called him over waving one hand and using the other to put Rin in a head lock.

"Woah! You got Rin!" He said surprised.

"Yeah now what?" I said putting my other arm down since Rin was struggling a lot, scratching at my arm.

"We gotta get him to the tower! The glasses guy says he can help!" He said flying a bit lower towards us.

"Really? That's great! What did he say?" I asked happy to hear the good news.

"He said that we just need to find and close his sword and Rin will be back to normal!" He said simply.

His sword.....

"Uh oh.." I said feeling sick suddenly.

Rin burst into flames out of the blue and bit my arm then flipped me onto the ground and made a break for it.

"DAMN IT" I jumped up and started to chase him down.

"Uh hey Natsu, why did you say 'uh oh' just now??" Happy asked following me close behind.

"Well I might have, well.. eaten his sword" I admitted causing happy to fall over then get back up only to follow me again.


"Yeah, well he offered it to me, and I needed some fuel so I figure why not?" I responded turning a corner to follow Rin some more.


"WHO ARE YOU CALLIN' A LIAR??" I yelled back.

"Oh no what are we gonna do???" He asked freakin out again.

"How should I know?!" This is bad, I didn't think that sword was important.

"Here I'll take us back to the others!" Happy said wrapping his tail around me.

"What?! Happy No-" and just like that we were in the air further and further away from our target.

I crossed my arms across my chest as we flew towards the others in silence.


Shiemis POV

I stood next to Yuki watching and waiting for our next course of action, I was getting kinda nervous.

Mrs. Shura pointed out that Natsu and Happy were on their way after Happy came and talked to Yuki about something.

"Um, Yuki? What's going on? Isn't Natsu suppose to help get Rin back here why is he alone?" I asked concerned.

"Well it looks like bad news" he said in a way that made it seem like he knew something that I didn't.

When Natsu landed Mrs.Shura personally greeted him with bonk on the head and yelled some words id rather not repeat...

"WHAT ARE YOU HITTIN ME FOR??" He yelled back at her.

"WHERES RINS SWORD?!" She yelled right back.

Natsu made a sudden gulping sound and stood quiet. I guess this was the bad news, but how could he tell with Natsu being so far away?

"Spit it out kid, where is it?!" Mrs. Shura put an arm around Natsu.

"What's wrong, did you lose it or something?" Lucy asked

"No.. I kinda know where it is" he mumbled as mrs. shura tightened her hold on him.

"What do you mean by 'kinda'? what did you do?" Gray asked in an angry tone.

"If you have an idea where it is we could help you look for it!" I chimed in trying to help.

"Yeah well....-" Natsu let out a burp with a hint of a blue flame escaping his mouth.

We all stood there staring at him in total shock. How is it possible to do something like that?!

"You've got to be kidding me.." Yuki said letting his shoulders fall loose.

"THATS IT" Mrs. Shura threw Natsu to the ground and pulled out her own sword pointing it down at Natsu.

"Wa-wait! Isn't there another way?!" I asked not wanting to see where she was going with that.

"What? You want to ask him nicely to puke it up?" She asked me.

"O-oh..." I thought she was going to cut it out of him silly me...

"What should we do??" Lucy asked look in up to the director.

"We?" He asked then began to laugh. "why bother doing anything, the five of you are done here" he explained.

"What do you mean by that?" Erza questioned in an offended tone.

"There is no reason for you to stay the game is over, you're free to go as you'd say" he danced around the words he spoke.

"You mean... we can just leave?" Lucy asked causing us all to grow silent. all that could be heard was Rin in the distance.

"That's right, I have no need for you anymore the game has ended long ago." he said his face suddenly unamused.

The expression on her face was hard to read, I looked at the others as they gave each other puzzled looks. As if deciding whether or not to go.

I turn my head and glance back to yukio who's head is a bit down as if he knew that they wouldn't help us.


They can't just leave us like this, right...?


Wow that took longer than expected, I'm sorry for the wait I've been a bit busy with work and school but-

Thank you for reading And I hope you keep reading since the next time I update, it will be with the final chapter!

It may take some time to write so please be patient and thank you once again for your support ( ' ' )

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