The Heroic Seven

By MaloKen_17

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The Frozen and Tangled characters peer into the future and witnessed the world decimated by creatures of ulti... More

Lives After Happily Ever After
The Storm of Unquiet
Battle for Northuldra
The Mission
The World Before The Unquiets
Children Of New Beginnings
The Spire
Party at Iluka
Double Doom
Danger Zones
To The Dark Kingdom
The Second Dark Portal
Princess of Life and Death
The Day of The Princess
The Asteroid


70 4 19
By MaloKen_17

The ships have been arriving in Arendelle en masse, the sails of each vessel bore the colours of their respective kingdom of origin. Down the ramps strode royalties, nobilities, the wealthy and folks of high esteem. A few guests arrived by coach from inland but in the end, ships were the most popular form of travel.

Anna stood monitoring the arrival of each ship. From the palace balcony the queen studied the colours and insignia of every vessel mentally naming each one as they docked. She was however most excited for her cousin's ship but couldn't seem to find it yet.

For years since The Great Thaw Anna and Rapunzel have keenly written to one another and exchanging short visits of pleasantries. Their two kingdoms thus became the most steadfast of allies and Anna could not wait to see her cousin again and introduce her new baby girl.

A few garbled noises from the bedroom behind drew Anna's attention, she made her way back inside to check on her now one month old daughter.

"Aww. You awake now?" Anna cooed. Lifting the baby from the crib. "I'm sure glad you are a good sleeper. Not at all like your big brother was." Anna laughed.

Kristoff walked over to his girls while holding Aidan up from under the boy's arms.

"Lucky us eh? She sleeps like you." Kristoff teased and Anna scoffed, playfully kicking at her husband.

Something caught little Aidan's eyes, the toddler boy began to laugh and point to the skies. 

"Whoa ho kiddo. What's up?" Kristoff asked.

 The couple followed the direction their son was pointing at and...

"Oh. My. GAWD!" Anna squealed.


The Mega Blimp sailed over the Arendellian coastal mountains and cliffs towards the fjord. It was a ship held in the air by a single blimp in the center and four hot air balloons. Steam powered propellers and Flynnolium fuelled boosters rocketing the great craft to unprecedented speeds. For a short while all witnesses found their eyes glued to the incredible flying ship. Slowly the craft decelerated and descended into its reserved bay.

"You can relax now Frederic. We've landed safely." Arianna comforted.

"Relax? I've been relaxed the whole time." Frederic assured. Though his strained smile, white knuckles and sweaty forehead betrayed his claims. And honestly no one believed Frederic anyway.

"Come on dad, the ramp is lowered. Let's go!" Rapunzel chirped. She picked up the twins and practically skipped down the ramp while Eugene carried the stroller.

With more than a little pull from his wife Frederic hesitantly released his hold on the rails not realising his grip actually left dents on the wood.


A short distance away, a solitary figure watched the Coronans make landfall. 

"Finally, the last of the attendants have arrived." The figure spoke to herself. 

She then turned towards the gates where the Arendellian Queen and Prince Consort greeted each of their guests with warm smiles. The stranger's features fell. 

"It is most disheartening to know that in just mere months from now, all of this will be rubble and ash."

"Would be." She corrected with a smile.


At the city gates Anna, Kristoff and Elsa were happily receiving their family. "Uncle Frederic! My gosh I am so happy you're here, and to see you in such good health." Anna said.

Frederic leaned forward and planted a kiss on Anna's forehead.

"Thank you Anna, I've never felt better. And may I say, a big congratulations to both of you, for another lovely addition in your beautiful family." Said Frederic. He placed a hand on Anna's shoulder and another on Kristoff's.

Close by, Elsa and Arianna exchanged pleasant greetings.

"My, Elsa you look as enchanting as ever. How goes things in Northuldra? I heard the Northuldrans are integrating well with the surrounding kingdoms."

"Thanks aunt Arianna, and yes we are making excellent progress thanks to so many of the aids you despatched from Corona. Though I have decided to take things slower now. While many of the Northuldrans are eager to explore the world that is now open to them, the sudden changes have become a little overwhelming for others. And after the whole incident with The Dam, we're being extra cautious when it comes to infrastructure developments." Elsa said.

Arianna's eyes darkened at the mentioning of what she had dubbed 'The Damned Dam.' When Arianna had learnt of what had really transpired in the Enchanted Forest, she was aghast. It turned her stomach to learn that her father's selfish ambitions and fear of magic had caused the Norhuldran tribes and a handful of Arendellian soldiers to suffer decades of isolated imprisonment. And so, feeling a share of the responsibility, Arianna was only too eager to offer assistance wherever she could.

Now. Anna was giving Rapunzel a spine crushing squeeze. "Woohooo! You guys made it! You all came!" Anna cheered, hoisting Rapunzel off her feet.

"Gaah! Anna I'm not gonna 'make it' if you keep crushing me!" Rapunzel grunted.

"Oops, sorry about that." Anna laughed setting a wobbly Rapunzel back on her feet. Kristoff and Eugene simply shook hands and exchanged pleasant greetings.

"Oh my gosh is that Flynn and Wrenn? They're so big!" Anna squealed. The twins stood holding each other for support, they giggled under Anna's examination.

"Naww that's not so big. THAT'S big." Rapunzel laughed. She placed her hand over Aidan's head, amazed with how tall the toddler had grown. The little prince smiled and puffed his chest out.

Then Rapunzel gasped, her eyes finally falling on the child of honour. "So this must be Amelia." she whispered. "Oh Anna she's GORGEOUS! She'll grow up to be such a beautiful young lady." Rapunzel praised.

"Yeah, I bet both our daughters will grow up beautifuller than us... Wait not 'fuller' as in we're full, but ahh..." Anna sputtered. causing Rapunzel to laugh. "I mean. With our good looks, our girls will have all the boys swooning over."

"Let's not jump too far ahead." Eugene grumbled inching himself to stand over Wrenn protectively, Kristoff also shuffled over to stand by Amelia's pram, one hand firmly on the frame.

It was still much too early to worry about boys, but now that their wives have brought up the topic... Kristoff could only imagine all the suitors he'll be hurling out the door in the years to come.

"Oh that reminds me." said Rapunzel. "I've brought some gifts for little Aidan and Amelia." Rapunzel opened her bag and fished out a wooden box with gold rims. "Go ahead, open it."

Anna received the box and gasped when she saw the items inside. Two multi purpose clips, one painted green with with metallic gold reindeer patterns, the other was yellow with metallic dark silver leaves and birds. Anna's wide eyes sparkled in awe. 

"You painted these yourself." Anna gasped. "Thank you sooo much. They're beautiful. Aren't they Kristoff?"

But her husband did not answer, Kristoff simply stood frozen, staring at the clips with a very odd look on his face, as if perturbed. Rapunzel noticed this too and began to worry. Did Kristoff not like the clips she painted? The man in question continued to give the gifts the odd look until-.

"Kristoff!" Anna scolded.

"Wha? Ah! Oh no. I mean oh yes. I, I love them I love them a lot." Spluttered Kristoff. "Sorry Rapunzel, I was just curious, have you by any chance painted another clip exactly like that one?" Kristoff pointed at the yellow clip.

"No. I mean I have painted other clips. One for Flynn, one for Wrenn, Neoma and Novak. But each one has its own unique patterns." Rapunzel explained. She indicated at the yellow clip. "That one there, I painted for Amelia and only Amelia shall have one like it."

With that made clear, Rapunzel then faced Elsa.

"I've painted one for you as well, Elsa. If you ever decide you want to have children someday, give this to them." Rapunzel handed Elsa a similar box but with a blue clip painted with beautiful silver ice patterns.

"We shall see." Laughed Elsa.

As the conversation continued, Frederic turned to his wife. "Remember Rapunzelat her princess coronation?" He asked.

Arianna giggled at the memory. Rapunzel was so free spirited and greeted all her guests with unrestrained merriment, it seemed a little improper back then. But seeing Anna, Elsa and Rapunzel carrying on the way they're doing now, proper is no longer a requirement.

"AAAAAAAAAHHHHH! There's my nieces!" Someone shouts. 

Arianna released a chuckled sigh. The Queen of Improper has arrived.

"Aunt Willow!" Anna, Elsa and Rapunzel squealed. Said Willow bolted at the trio and proceeded to unabashedly lift the three queens off the ground and spin them around like children.


Varian and Cassandra disembarked from the Mega Blimp. "May I escort you down the ramp, my lady?" Varian asked. Giving his wife his wide toothy grin. Cassandra laughed and accepted his hand.

After shutting down all the equipment, the Master Engineer and the crew were free to change into their formal attires and attend the party. Varian and Cassandra were dressed finely, however since Cassandra was technically on protection duty she opt to wear a more simple high mobility violet dress.

The guests and citizens gathered at the town square. Anna had declared that all her subjects were invited and so the celebration and ball should not be confined to the palace ball room. To keep the venue under cover, Elsa used her ice magic to form a gigantic transparent roof a hundred feet above the ground supported by massive yet beautiful patterned ice pillars. The crowd watched in awe as the Snow Queen worked her magic.

Varian whistled and like many he began to applaud. "Wow. That is amazing, though I bet you could have made something like that. Eh Cassie?" Winked Varian.

Cassandra paused her clapping.

"I could have. Maybe not make one as pretty as Elsa's, but mine would be a lot tougher. An earthquake could bring down an entire kingdom and my veranda would still be standing." She joked.

Her husband laughed. But as Cassandra continued to observe Elsa's works, her face fell. 

"I could have used my powers to do so much good, just like Elsa. Instead I was selfish and spiteful and I caused ruin and suffering to so many." Cassandra sighed, a reminder of her fell deeds.

Varian took her hand in his. Cassandra squeezed back.

"Cass, you have been doing good things, so much good things." Varian turned Cassandra's cheek to face him. "Many of my more modern inventions would not exist if you hadn't been there to support me all the way." Said Varian. His voice full of admiration. "And don't forget the crew, you saved them, Cass. If it weren't for you they'd still be criminals without aim or purpose. You've shown them that they could find themselves a second chance in life. If they would just not give up on themselves."

"I guess Raps, really rubbed off on me."

Cassandra looked up at her husband "You are my second chance, Varian. You and Neoma. Thank you." Cassandra whispered.

"And you are mine." Varian replied.

"Am I really?" Cassandra smirked.

"Well to name a few- ach." Varian pulled away while Cassandra playfully ruffled his hair.


The Stabbington Brothers strolled down the streets dressed in smart casual attire. Patchy and Sideburns walked with their chests puffed, shoulders back and heads raised, looking dignified. It was obviously unnatural and by anyone's observation their actions were clearly forced and exaggerated.

"Folks sure are giving us some fishy looks." Said Patchy the one eyed Stabbington brother.

"That's normal, you know how all these fancy pants are like. Always glowering and scrutinizing each other." Said Sideburns.

"Heh, speaking of glowering. Look who I spy with my little eye." Patchy laughed. He pointed at a middle aged man regally dressed and conversing with a wealthy high class lady, it was Mathew the crown prince of the Southern Isles. "What do ya say we give our oldest brother a not so subtle hello?"

They made their way to Prince Mathew and the lady.

"Ah Brother! So good to see you again. Still flirting around I see. That's good, that tells us that you're still in good health." Sideburns teased.

"Or perhaps she's you wife. Sideburns and I were teens when we ran away. And back then you had just married you third wife." said Patchy. Passing a smirk to Sideburns

"And after all these years and the rate you divorce and marry...why this must be your thirteenth wife." Sideburns finished. The Stabbington Brothers burst out laughing. The lady looked furious.

"Well I've never... Argh!" She cursed and stormed away. Mathew's shock broke.

"You fools! That was the Duchess of the Northern Plains, we were discussing plans to improve relations between our kingdoms. Plans that just went up in smokes thanks to you two!" Mathew berated. "And I'll have you know I've stuck with my third wife since-."

"Mathew come." A new voice spoke. It was Marius, King of the Southern Isles. "We are about to meet Master Varian the man and mind behind Corona's Mega Blim... Blimie." Marius groaned.

"Hey, old man." The Stabbington's greeted.

"My second and third least favourite sons. What the hell are you two doing in my sights!? I thought I made it clear that I never wish to see either of you again!" growled Marius. He was trying very hard not to yell in front of the crowd.

"Uh, I believe you have us confused." Said Sideburns.

"Yeah we were the ones who said we never wanted to see you again, then we ran away and changed our names." Patchy finished.

Marius's brows furrowed.

"I was mistaken, that was your youngest brother I was thinking of. Speaking of which, I cannot begin to describe how incredibly arduous it was to rebuild good relations with Arendelle, after your idiot brother's fiasco." Marius grumbled.

 Mathew nodded in agreement.

Marius cast a stern gaze on the Stabbington Brothers.

"I'd rather not give Arendelle any more cause to break ties with The Southern Isles. If at the end of the event I find out that either of you have robbed, mugged or stabbed someone. I will personally lead the Brute Squad after you two. SO BEHAVE!" That last bit he yelled drawing a few looks.

"You don't get to give us orders anymore, Old Man. But we will comply." Confirmed Patchy.

"Now here's a warning from us." Began Sideburns. "Do not under any circumstance speak ill of Hans again if you value your limbs."

"Are you threatening me, boy?" Marius challenged.

"Oh he's not threatening you, he's protecting you." Patchy explained. "A fiery dragon lady walks among us, and this dragon will go to brutal lengths to protect her plunder. Even if you put a brute squad of a hundred men in front of you, you'll just have a hundred dead bruters."

Prince Mathew raised his eyebrows. "Hans is married!?"

Marius looked just as surprised.


Lady Caine let out a puff of exasperation, these sorts of gatherings were not typically her thing.

Nearby, Anna, Elsa and Rapunzel were surrounded by friends and chatting away.

"So there you have it, less than a year after Kristoff and I tied the knot we had our first child, Aidan." Anna explained proudly.

Kristoff placed an arm around his wife.

"Anna really wanted to have kids. So yeah, we just dove straight in." Kristoff chuckled. He looked slightly embarrassed and a few of the guys noticed.

"That's nothing to feel embarrassed about. Ariel and I had Melody also barely a year after we married." Said King Eric. To which Queen Ariel playfully slapped him on the chest.

"Gosh we were so young back then." Said Ariel. The pair turned to observe their already thirteen year old daughter chatting away with other teenage guests.

"And that's how my friends, my grandfather and I saved the undersea kingdom of Orihalia." Melody explained. Her audience though didn't seem at all too convinced.

"Definitely worth it." Ariel and Eric said in unison.

"So how long have you known each other before you married?" Rapunzel asked the pair.

"Um... Four days. But let me tell you, we had the wildest three days leading up to that, especially on the third day." Eric cringed. Ariel leaned close.

"Well then I should tell you about Anna and her first boyfriend." Kristoff laughed.

"Kristoff no." Anna warned.

But Kristoff continued. "Length of relationship; one day. Few minutes to be exact. Moment of engagement; immediately after Length of relationship. So also few minutes-."

"Silence Kristoff." Commanded Anna. The Arendelle Queen suddenly radiated an air of authority. "You will not darken my kingdom with the mention of that man." Anna ordered.

Rapunzel and Arianna looked to Elsa, impressed by Anna's sudden display of power. Elsa just smiled and nodded at her cousin and aunt.

"I was young and foolish back then. I will never again be ensnared by someone as vile as that villainous, maniacal, vermi-."

"Oh excuse us, Your Majesty." Sideburns interrupted "Lady Caine, please come with us. King Marius wishes to meet the Varian crew." 

The Stabbington Brothers promptly pulled their sister in-law away from the group before things undoubtedly became physical.

The group paused for a moment, then carried on. But suddenly-.

A violent gust of wind blew through the streets alerting all the guests to the new arrival. A silhouette stood at the entrance. King Trevor.

"How fine a party you have oh Queen and Prince Consort of Arendelle." Trevor began. "I really felt quite distressed in not receiving an invitation."

The whole town square was quiet.

"That's because you wouldn't receive our emmisaries, King Trevor." Said Kristoff. And Trevor paused.


"We actually sent three, and mind you one of them told us your ship fired a cannon ball at them." Anna accused.

"So those weren't seel poachers? Oh this is awkward. I'll just go sit over...there." Trevor very quickly and embarrassingly excused himself.

"Imbecile." Frederic muttered.

The crowd carried on as if nothing happened.


Another gust of wind this time followed by puff of smoke heralded the arrive of another unexpected guest. A short wrinkly old woman now stood at the entrance.

"Okay I don't know who this one is. It could be trouble." Anna whispered to her friends.

"Hail you Queen Anna and Prince Kristoff. And to all who are gathered here today." The old woman bowed low. "I hate to ruin the festivities but-."

"It is HER! The witch of our forests." Cried Merida. "She was the one who gave me that gami cake. It turned my mother into a bear!"

Eleanor and Fergus gasped.

"Aha! She means ill!" Eugene screamed. "Quickly. Hide the kids!"

"Oh you two over react. The magic in the cake was to teach you and your mother a valuable lesson in life, a trial was necessary and in the end if you succeed your fates will be changed for the better and your bonds stronger than ever before." The Forest witch explained.

"As for this event? Just because I arrive uninvited and baring information that will undoubtedly cause many of you to cry does not mean I mean you ill." The old witch explained. 

Eugene remained unconvinced.

"Yeah right. I've been through plenty of party crashes in my life and I'll tell you from personal experience. All crashers are jerks who do it with malicious intentions." Eugene accused. "No offence Cass and Caine."

"None taken." Cassandra growled through gritted teeth.

"Idiot." Lady Caine mumbled.

Anna at last stepped in to take control of the situation. "You mentioned you possess information for us, information that would make us all 'cry.' Could you please explain." So asked the Queen.

"Thank you, Your Majesty." The forest witch smiled and nodded. "I am a changer of fates. Since time immemorial I have received countless lost souls unhappy with their lives and so I offer each of them an enchantment. Those who make the right decisions will have their fates changed for the better." Her face became grim. "Today I come to offer you a chance to change your fates."

"We do not need our fates changed. Anna and I are happy, Arendelle is in its golden age and our neighbouring kingdoms and friends are also doing well." Said Kristoff. 

Anna by his side nodded. As did Rapunzel, Eugene and all the guests and citizens. These were good times.

"Yes, I can see that. But you know not what the future holds, you have not seen what I have seen. And you cannot even imagine the devastation that will befall you within the next six months."

"What have you seen?" It was Elsa who asked, growing concerned.

"The fall of all your kingdoms, when the creatures of unfathomable horror driven by rage and malevolence enter our world to prey on all life, the end of the world. The Storm of Unquiets."


And that's the second chapter done.

I am quite curious to know how many viewers have actually guessed Hans was Lady Caine's husband. I did leave a couple of clues in the previous chapter.

I had originally thought to have Hans paired with Stalyan, but when I saw her with Brock Thunderstrike (Flynnposter guy) at the series finale, I decided. "Lady Caine it is."

I hope everyone enjoyed that. It was certainly a joy to write. Thank you all for reading and please leave me your thoughts.

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