The Infamous Rafael Valiente...

By MsDreamerGirl84

4.4M 136K 4.8K

WARNING: LOADED WITH GRAMMATICAL ERRORS, READ AT YOUR OWN RISK! He ran away from all the scrutinizing eyes... More

My Other Books
Chapter 1: The Job Hunting
Chapter 2: Clash of Two Hearts
Chapter 3: The Pursuits
Chapter 4: No Escape
Chapter 5: The Revelations
Chapter 6: The Make-Over
Chapter 7: Troubled Past
Chapter 8: The Chasing
Chapter 9: The Grand Duke's Scheme
Chapter 10: The Wedding Preparation
Chapter 11: Haunted with the Past
Chapter 12: Sweet Escape
Chapter14: The Aftermath
Chapter 15: Taming the Temptress
Chapter 16: Meeting Mr. Nightmare
Chapter 17: Facing His Wrath
Chapter 18: Anger and Betrayal 1
Chapter 19: Anger and Betrayal 2
Chapter 20: The Consequences
Chapter 21: Reunion of Friends and Exes
Chapter 22: The Lies and The Heartbreaks
Chapter 23: Life must go on
Chapter 24: When Anger Only Matters
Chapter 25: The Vengeance 1
Chapter 26: The Vengeance 2
Chapter 27: The Truth Will Always Prevail
Chapter 28: Together Again
Chapter 29: Family Day
Author's Note

Chapter 13: Jealousy Strikes

125K 3.8K 78
By MsDreamerGirl84

FYI: Contains Coarse Language and Sexual Contents.

"It is not love that is blind, but jealousy." 

- Lawrence Durrell

Edited By: bomabenjy


Clara Bell Bennet's POV

Somewhere in Singapore

I woke up feeling happy and relaxed. No nightmares again for which I'm grateful. 

I looked at my side; Rafael was sleeping peacefully with his head nestled in the crook of my head, hand around my waist and legs tangled against mine. 

I remembered last night was the best night of my life. I love him and I know every day, I can't contain it anymore. It's just overwhelming. I smiled. I didn't regret everything that happened. If I was given another chance to redo my life, I wouldn't change any of it. 

I shifted my body gently to face him. I touched his almost perfect jawline. Even when sleeping he looks dangerous. But I knew in my heart that he's very soft. 

I ran my finger along his jawline. 

Suddenly, he grabbed my hand and pulled me on top of him. I squealed loudly. But his eyes were still closed, with his grin. 

I like him when he's playful. 

"What do you want to do today?" He asked with his eyes shut, his hands around my waist.

"I don't know. Do you have any idea?" I asked. Suddenly, I couldn't think. My head was clouded with the thought of his arousal poking my V-shape down below. My inner goddess was starting to get wild. Yes, I'm getting turned on and I don't know how to ask him. My breathing was sharp. I didn't realize that Rafael was watching me and grinning devilishly. 

"Do you need anything?" he whispered making me look at him embarrassed. He was looking at me suppressing his wide smile. I just looked at him biting my bottom lip, thinking what word to tell not coming out like a wanton lover.

Then he burst into a fit of laughter. I smacked him in the chest and rolled on his side. I could feel my cheeks burning. 

Suddenly, he rolled on top of me still laughing. "I know when you're turned on Mi Amor!" he whispered taunting me while biting my earlobe. With just that, my whole body burned with the sensation and pleasure erupted within me. 

"Say it Mi Amor!" he whispered again as he sucked my neck and lick it leaving a tantalizing pleasure. 

"Say what?" I panted. He was already hovering over me grinning mischievously. I 'm still burning with ecstasy. He hasn't touched me fully but I felt like coming already. I'm getting frustrated, he doesn't seem ready to make love with me and I really want him. 

"Say that you want me inside of you!" he smirked devilishly and bent down again kissing the hollow of my neck. Tingles spreads like a wildfire in the forest. His erection was rubbing in my thigh. 

"Please take me Rafael, NOW!" I blurted out outrageously catching my breath, with frustrations. Then he burst into laughter again which made me really pissed. I glared at him, while he was still laughing with his eyes full of mirth. 

I smacked him pretty hard. Then he stopped laughing. 

"What's so funny?" I snapped as I glared at him not finding the situation funny at all. I was too frustrated and annoyed plus very turned on. 

"I just can't believe, I'm going to marry a wanton lover." he mused grinning broadly. I'm done. I felt my like cheeks were very hot. I pushed him hard and he fell on my side. He was caught off guard, he didn't expect me to push him and get out of the bed angrily, not realizing I was naked. When I realized I was totally naked I looked around and he was grinning widely enjoying my naked glory. 

I marched to the washroom quickly, thinking to have a cold shower to kill this annoying libido calling. I was halfway when I was swept off my feet, with Rafael's strong hands wrap around my waist carrying me like nothing. I squealed in surprised. 

"Put me down you Rascal!" I said angrily. 

"Your wish is my command, Mi Amor!" he uttered huskily and lay me on the bed with him on top of me. I raise my eyebrow. 

"Get off me. I already lost my appetite!" I snapped but barely audible without conviction. I could feel his erection and it was drowning all the resistance I'm trying to build up.

"Then let me do my job!" he grinned pompously and he captured my lips. The protest drowned with his skillful tongue darting inside my mouth, swirling like he owned it and gently sucking my tongue briefly making me lose my breath momentarily. My hands automatically wrapped around his neck trying to catch his tongue. 

Then his kisses moved down sucking and licking. Not long our body joined again and we both exploded with the intense pleasure, as we cried out our names. 

We were still breathing heavily; Rafael was on my side watching me as I recovered from the intense lovemaking. For some reason I can't get enough of him. I could feel myself swollen but I don't care. 

"Let's have a shower!" he suggested then in an instant he was on the side of the bed scooping me in his arms and walked to the washroom. 

He put me down on my feet and was about to walk to the shower when I caught a glimpse of my neck in the mirror. 


I looked at him incredulously. He just looked at me in confusion when my eyes thinned in rage.

"YOU MARKED ME?" I hissed angrily as I touch the crook of my neck with his love bites on it. I moved closer to the mirror and was shocked to see on my chest. I looked down more on my body and it's all over my belly. I looked like a Dalmatian but with red spots. 


I felt him behind me as he wrapped his hands around my waist. "I'm sorry, my love, I can't help it. They don't look bad." he exclaimed, I knew he was wrong but he's trying to conceal that and wanted to comfort my dreadful feeling.

"How am I gonna hide this?" I asked incredulously. The angry feeling was slowly dissipating with his breath fanning on my nape making me feel drowned under his spell again. 

"You don't have to hide it. You still look beautiful Mi Amor, even with those." he whispered huskily. 

I turned around to face him. I tried to look angry, because I am. But our close proximity and his handsome face hovering over me grinning widely was drowning it. 

"I will be the center of attraction, with these!" I snapped trying to sound angry, pointing on the love bites in my chest.

He just looked at it and shrugged. Just wear something that could hide it. "Maybe a turtle neck top, would do." he suggest and he was right. But I still felt dreadful. How come I didn't feel it last night?

I just heaved a loud sigh and looked at his boyish grin. 

"Let's have a shower." I decided. Then pulled myself off him and walked to the shower. I could feel my swollen sex. The water stung my core when I washed it and it was the worst feeling ever. Rafael was worried when he saw me wincing. And the soap was no help at all. I saw Rafael's erection and tried to ignore it. I don't think I could stand another pain, anyway.

Why is he always aroused?


Rafael Alejandro Valiente's POV

She doesn't realize how beautiful she is. I thought those love bites looked nice on her. I never left love bites to anyone before. I wanted to mark her, for some reason I was so tempted and I did. 

I never felt so happy and alive. I can't get enough of her. I wanted to take her again here in the shower but I knew she's very swollen. I saw the mark that I was the first. Yes, I'm her first man and will be the last. 

I watched as she washed herself. I was trying not to grab her and pinned her on the wall and take her there and then. She looks so goddamn hot and I don't know if I can hold it back and how long. Showering with her was a very wrong idea. 

After a long painful torture, she was finally done and walked out the shower. 

I quickly turned the water into cold and step forward under the shower head and let the cold water run unto my head down to my body. The cold water was slowly washing away my arousal. 

Not long I was emerging from the washroom and saw her drying her hair. She was wearing a thigh length poly cotton blue halter neck dress. She looks so stunning with the dress showcasing her beautiful long creamy legs. I looked away and walked to the drawer where my clothes and started dressing up. I just came out from the shower room and I don't have time to take another cold shower. Just when I looked on her she bend over with her head and hair down trying to reach the bottom of her hair. 


I looked around but I was so tempted to watch her behind. 

"Ohh God! What a sweet torture!" I mumbled as I groaned loudly. 

"I'm sorry?" she asked looking at me as she turned off the hair blower and placed it down on the top of the chest. 

"You look gorgeous Mi Amor!" I exclaimed as I tried to shake off the thought of tossing her to the bed and taking her. I walked closer after I'm already. 

"Thank you!" She replied curling her hands around my waist. I wrapped my hands around her slim waist pulling her closer as I kissed her forehead. 

I wish this day would never end. It was all I wanted. She and I like a normal couple. 

"I'm thinking after breakfast we could go shopping then leave to Seoul." I murmured as I rested my chin on her head. Her forehead was leaning against my chest. 

"Really?" She asked excitedly as she looks up meeting my gaze. 

"Yes!" I smiled sweetly. It's all getting better. She looks so excited and happy. Her eyes couldn't hide her excitement.

I took her to a fancy restaurant and we had a sumptuous breakfast. I had to make a short call to my crew for our next destination. 

Shortly, we were at the luxurious mall. She doesn't seem to know what to buy. 

"Maybe you will need more halter dress?" I suggest staring at her. I know those love bites will stay for longer days before it slowly dissipated.

"Yeah I guess!" She spat after remembering the marked in her body. 

After like a decade following her as she picked the dresses and tried them on, finally she picked several pairs and I was glad she did because I'm starting to get bored. 

I don't understand these women sometimes. When they pick their clothing, it took them a lifetime to decide. 

"Is that all?" I asked after forcing a smile. 

"Yeah!" She replied briefly. I gave all the clothes to the staff and we followed her. She was about to take her card out but I glared at her. 

"I can pay it Rafael!" She explained briefly not intimidated with me. 

"I'll pay for it! You will be my wife soon. I will be paying for everything and that's final!" I said softly laced with dangerous tone.

"Fine!" She finally agreed and linked her hand with mine. I smiled and all the boredom and irritation drowned out with her simple gesture.


Clara Bell Bennet's POV

His mood changes faster than a lightning. I just agreed with him not wanting him to be more pissed off. I laced my hand unto his and smiled at him. He smiled back genuinely and I could feel him relaxing. 

We stood across the cashier. 

"How would you like to pay Sir?" She asked flirtatiously as she batted her lashes. I could see from my peripheral vision that all the girls were giggling looking in his direction while whispering. He doesn't seem to notice how this girl was undressing him, fantasizing him just like what I did the first time I saw him. 

When he gave her black credit card, the girl's eyes bulged in surprise and she gasped. Only people listed in the Forbes has that card. It's an unlimited credit card. I know because grandpa lends me his. 

"Are you sure that's all you need?" He inquired ignoring all the eyes that was luring him in their imaginations. 

"Yes!" I grinned, feeling so proud.

He's mine Ladies!

After we paid for it, Rafael tugged my hand and led me out of the place. 

"Wait!" I stopped him frantically. He's not going to just leave the clothes he paid, is he? 

"What?" He asked looking at me confusedly.

"The clothes! Aren't you gonna carry it?" I raised my eyebrow thinking I would have to take it. There's like 5 bags. 

He looked back and I followed his eyes and I saw one of his minions carrying the bags effortlessly. Yes, I forgot! Everything was done for him.

He cocked his head, telling me what else did he forgot raising his eyebrow.

"I should instill that in my head that you have people to do things for you!" I spat annoyingly then headed to the entrance door. He just shook his head with his blank face and walked beside me lacing his hand on mine. 

Inside the car, I was sitting beside him. Our hands still intertwined resting on his lap. 

"Is everything ready Kurt?" He asked to the driver.

"All ready Mr. Valiente!" The guy responded with his professional tone.

The car jerked every time it hit a bump making me all drowsy. I leaned my head onto his shoulder letting the drowsiness gets the best of me.


Rafael Alejandro Valiente's POV

I felt her breathing evened out indicating she's asleep. I smiled. She looks fast asleep.

I felt my phone vibrated. I pulled it out and check who is calling. Giovanni's name appeared on the screen.

"Yes!" I said softly trying not to wake her up. 

"Billy Bennet was already dead!" Giovanni's controlled voice rang in my speaker. I grip my phone tightly trying to control the temper that's rising within me. 

"How did he die?" I asked clenching my jaw with my low dangerous tone.

I should be happy since I don't have to stain my hands with his blood but the thought of him not dying in my hands really pisses me greatly. I wanted to teach him a lesson! I wanted to kill him slowly and painfully!! 

"He was caught in a fire that burned in an abandoned barn somewhere in Texas." He replied briefly.

"What is he doing in the barn?" I asked incredulously. It doesn't make sense. 

"That's what I've been asking myself. It seems fishy to me. So I asked my well trusted friend to dig into it and blast, I found something." I could feel him grinning triumphantly on the other line.

"What is it?" I inquired impatiently still in my controlled voice glancing at Bella once in a while.

"He owed money to Don Passini in return of his daughter but she's missing and so he hid from them and unfortunately he was found and they burned him with the barn leaving no trail to make it like an accident not giving the cops any hint it was planned." He explained briefly. 

My hands clenched when his words sunk in my head. So that motherfucker sold Bella to that bastard!! Why is he out of the jail and why have I no knowledge about it? 

For sure they are after her and me! The thought of it made my blood boil and itching to kill him!

"I heard that Don Passini was jailed because of attempted murder. And you were the victim?" Giovanni's voice interrupted me with my horrid thoughts.

"Yes! I was dead drunk when he and his man beat me, but Stavros Demakis showed up of nowhere fought for me. And he was the witness." 

"Tssk.. Tskk." He chanted.

"What do you want to do with him? I can set up a plan with no hassles at all. It's been a while since my friends had taken life. Their hands are itching to have another life taken!!" He laughed but I could sense sincerity in his voice. I know this is our life as Mafia Members. Our brother's business is everybody's business. One's enemy is everyone's enemy.

"He's not what I am in for. But watch his moves; he may scheme for retaliation after being kept behind bars for long years!" I replied with my head still reeling in his words Bella was basically sold to Don Passini.

"You know we can't turn our backs on you Amigo!" He chuckled and I knew what he meant. I didn't turn my back on them; I was just busy with my business. 

"I know Bro and Thank you!" I said earnestly.

"Always Rafael!" He stated genuinely. I felt her stir and I could see the view of the tarmac. 

"Look I'm in the middle of something Giovanni, I gotta go!" I said apologetically. I heard him scoff. 

"Have fun!" He teased as he burst into laughter. 

"Keep me posted Amigo!!" I uttered in a low tone ignoring his dirty comment and cut the line. 

Kurt stopped the car and I gently unbuckled her seatbelt. She seemed to be in deep sleep. I must have exhausted her last night. I grinned.

I slid out of the car and ran to the other side and gently scooped her up in my arms. She stirred but she fell back asleep. I knew this is becoming my routine but I love doing it. 

My crew just smiled at me and softly greeted me. 

I just nodded and entered the plane. I put her down on the chair and helped her buckle up. She stirred and slowly opened her eyes drowsily. 

"Sshhhh.. Go back to sleep Mio Amore!" I hushed softly as I kissed her cheeks. She closed her eyes again and I took the chair across her settling myself, waiting for takeoff.

After like a centuries, finally the plane was airborne. I saw Charlotte approaching smiling sexily. I know she's been trying to seduce me again after that night with her. But that will never happen again. 

"Anything you would like drink, Sir?" She said softly rolling the last word in her tongue sexily, hinting me for some fun! If I didn't had met Bella for sure no words wasted, we would already in the cabin not wasting any second fucking until we are both exhausted.

"No I'm good Charlotte!" I said hastily with my cold tone. She pouted and sashayed back in the galley.

I gently unbuckled Bell and picked her up. She was sleeping soundly. I kicked the door open walked into the spacious cabin, lay her on the bed and pulled the covers to tuck her in. I gulped audibly when I saw her creamy legs exposed with her dress lifted up to her hips. 

I could feel my friend rise in attention. I completely tucked her in and walked back out to get my laptop. Shortly, I was back beside her and turned the laptop on thinking to do some work while waiting for the plane to land. It will take us 6 hours approximately if the flight runs smoothly. 

I massage my temple and check on the time, at the bottom corner of my laptop screen, it says 6PM, meaning we are about to land. I stretched my back and glanced at her side, she's still sleeping. I can't believe she's still sleeping. 

I was done reviewing all the contracts and emailed Katherine to revise some giving her the connotations I just made and asked her to fax it to me once I get to my penthouse. 

Yes, every place where I have a business office, I have my own place but Bella doesn't need to know. I owned 3 vacation estates in an island in Greece, Hawaii and in Indonesia. 

I turned the laptop off and got off the bed gingerly and quietly. I was about to walk out the door and when I heard the Luke's voice announcing our landing. I glance at her and she looks awake. She crunched her eyes and sat up. 

I walked closer and helped her on her feet. She still looked dazed. I looked for her shoes and found it nowhere. 

"That's fine. It doesn't matter if I don't have shoes." She smiled. She looks refreshing and completely relaxed

When I was about to carry her she stepped back and stopped me.

"You don't have shoes" I groaned disapprovingly.

"I'm getting used being carried. Let's go!" She said pushing me out of the room. 

"Ok." I obliged. I walked while she followed me to the seat we vacated earlier. I saw her shoes under the seat. I help her buckle up and put her shoes on. I kissed her lips before occupying the seat beside her. 

After like a decade, the plane landed finally. And soon we are both disembarking from the plane. Kurt and his company were following us. I saw the SUV parked a bit farther from where the plane is and a new guy was standing beside the SUV.

When we are getting closer I looked around to see Kurt and Clayton, both my securities I trusted. 

"Do you know the guy?" I motioned to Kurt as the head of my security as I hold Bella closer to me. 

"Yes! He was send by the company." Kurt confirmed shortly.

Within an hour we are entering the luxurious hotel in Seoul. The Grand Pallos-Petropoulis Hotel. 

I opened the door for her and helped her out. It was already 7 at night but it was still bright outside. She looked happy as her eyes roamed the place. 

I felt my phone vibrate and pulled it out from my pocket. I motioned her to go in as I followed. 

"Rafael speaking!" I snapped. 

"Rafael honey, it's Mom!" My Mom said excitedly.

"We haven't heard anything from you hijo. Where are you? We have been calling your office." She complained. I looked where Bella is and she's nowhere to found. I was alarmed and quickly walked into the entrance glass revolving door forgetting about my Mom on the other line.

"Rafael Valiente!" She called out exasperatedly.

"Sorry Mom, I'm still here." I replied as I looked around the lobby. 

"Where are you?" She asked worriedly.

I spotted Bella hugging a tall, faired and handsome muscular guy. My temper flared up and the jealousy I felt got the best of me.

Everything seemed went dark and all I could see was the two hugging cozily. 

"I'll call you back Mom!" I said clenching my jaws as I walked briskly to them. They were both so engrossed that they didn't realize my presence. 

"GET YOUR FILTHY HANDS OFF MY FIANCEE ASSHOLE!!!" I grumbled darkly with my dangerous cold icy tone as I grabbed his hands off her and punched him in the face before Bella could stop me. He fell backwards landed on his behind. 

"STOP IT RAFAEL!" She screamed as she ran unto him.



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