Paranormal Investigators to P...

By shadow_phoenix2022

7.7K 172 189

When Sam, Colby, Seth, Josh, Nate, Amanda and Mackie band together to explore and discover secrets about a le... More

Deserted Driving
Admiringly Argumentative-Part 1
Admiringly Argumentative-Part 2
Increasing Isolation-Part 1
Increasing Isolation-Part 2
~Suprising Start~
~Invigorating Invites~
~Declining Demands~
~Peculiar Premises~
~Scary Slumber~
~Desperate Defiances~
~Past vs Present~
~The Story Starts~
~Worrying Wins~
~Divine Determination~
Escaping Execution
Fractured Friendships
Lurking Lies
Fame and Fortune (Part 1)
Fame and Fortune (Part 2)
Twists and Turns

~Joint Journey~

214 8 4
By shadow_phoenix2022


The enitre group listened in absolute silence as Vixen ended the story.

No one said anything. The silence overbearing and unbearable. No one understood how this was possible but they were in this situation now and there was no turning back. It had been over 2 hours and Colby was awake through all of it but he had his eyes closed, the pain of being lied to crushing his every memorable moment with Josh and the others.

"You lied to protect us." Colbys voice echoed through the silent room resonating the crushing disappointment he felt for not noticing his friends pain. Everyone looked at him in shock as they were unaware that he was awake, and well enough to listen.

Josh said nothing and opened to tight knot that restricted Vixens movement and got him to get up from the chair. "We'll be going now...Don't follow us, please." Josh said as he made his way to the doorway that led out the room, grippping Vixens arm with brute force to stop him from running away. They both walk out of the second room, than the third, and finally reach the Nurses Hall.

They start walking to the centre recption when Vixen stops dead in his tracks pulling Josh back with him. Josh entirely confused and slightly frustrated only looks at Vixen with pure anger when he catches sight of Vixen is staring at.

A woman.

More specifically a Nurse?

The woman held her head down low as she swayed back and forth slightly as if fixated on that spot. They froze in place, completely paralyzed.

~Vixen POV~
Josh drags me out of the rooms by my arm as I try and keep up with this asshole, I notice someone standing in the middle of the Hall a few feet away from us, making me stop dead in my tracks. My eyes grow wide with shock, my enitre body goes numb and my heart starts beating faster and faster. I stop fully yanking Josh back with me as he turns around with a angry groan only to catch sight of what I'm seeing.

A woman.

"A Nurse?"

I think as I feel chills run up my spine.

The next thing that happens triggers my flight or fight response as me and Josh both simultaneously put our hands up and cover our ears trying to protect them from the cacophonies that were being created from that womans screams.

"AH!" Josh breathes out a fairly muffled painful cry as he stumbles onto the ground the screaming getting louder and louder as each second passes by. I try and grab Josh so we can run from the woman but everything goes black and I feel myself collapse onto the cold cement floor. I feel my eyelids getting heavier and heavier and soon I hear a extremly faint thud near me before everything goes fully black and my muscles relax.

[•2 1/2 Hours Later•]
I slowly regain conscienceness as I feel myself sat in a car that was moving. My eyes were open but nothing but darkness was visible, jndicating I was blindfolded. I felt my hands bound behind me, tightly with a rope.

My head was in excruciating pain and my ears were still ringing from the screams. The screams me and Josh-


"AGH!" I groan as I attempt to free myself trying to find where that idiot may be. This was clearly not his or my doing. I feel a huge number of hands grab onto my arms and legs as they pin me into position, and another pair squeeze my neck, restricting my breathing which only got shallower and shallower as they squeezed harder.

I kicked into a frenzied panic as I could no longer move or breathe, feeling defeated.

My breathing now coming to a grinding halt, my eyes roll to the back of my head as I slip back out of consciousness.

I fall longer sitting in a car....but falling into darkness. No end in sight. An endless abyss of bleak and unfathomable darkness consumed me as I screamed hopeless screams of fear. "VIXEN!"



I gasp as my eyes shoot open, I'm surrounded by the group. No longer seated in the chair but laying on the ground near to it. I looked around, my eyes not focusing properly on anything. "Calm down. You just had a seizure." I hear a voice say.

But it isn't from the group, they are all just asking if I'm okay or if they need to call an ambulance.

I take a look at where I think the voice came from and I see a woman standing there.

Her hair black, her eyes as blue as the ocean and her dress looked like it was from an 18th Century coutour fashion store.

She looks familiar....too familiar.

"Colby?" Vixen thinks as he stares at the appiration on front of him, his eyes focusing solely on her. The phantom figure trudged closer and knelt down on the ground and smiled purely, her eyes disappearing as her smile grew bigger. "I'm Sahara...Sahara Brock." The figure spoke lightly, her eyes filled with tears as she introduced herself.

The figure lifted her hands up and put it on Vixens head who closed his eyes not out of fear but due to a sense of relaxation. A sambre light shone out of her hand as it touched his head, giving him a glimpse of what her life was like, the treacherous conditions in which she lived in and how inhumane her parents actions were.

But her daring escape from her fathers hands made her stronger than ever. She went far away. Changing her identity and life path and gained what she thought she could never gain, a brighter future. She got married into a prestigious family, known for their growing factory business and soon enough they had a beautiful baby girl, who grew up in a much more loving and caring home and had the childhood Sahara never had gotten to live.

The girl grew up and got married to her highschool sweetheart, and 3 years into their marriage they had a son who they named Aiden, Aiden Kang. But after he was born things stared going downhill...Aiden's father died after a drug overdose when he was 7 months old.

Aidens mother was devastated by the loss so she killed herself, leaving Aiden an orphan. Aiden care was given to Sahara and her husband, who were in their 70's by now. But they made sure Aiden was as loved as could be. They showered him with love and attention to make sure he never felt lonely.

At the age of 21 Adien decided to change his last name to Brock as a token of appreciation for his grandparents who raised him with immense love and care.

Then at the age of 26 he got married to Melody, his neighbour and his best friend. They both loved one another deeply and promised to love each other until the end of time. A year passed and they were blessed with a twins, a girl and a boy. They named the girl Caila and the boy Cameron.

And as time went on their family fell apart, Melody and Aiden started fighting and Melody revealed that she had been cheating on him since the start of their marriage, and only wanted his money.

That was the last straw.

Aiden filed for Divorce and made sure he had full custody of his children, who were 11 by now. The pain he felt due to this betrayal weighed heavy on his shoulders but that didn't stop him from loving his children and giving them the life they deserved to have.

Sahara and her husband had passed away, a year prior to the divorce, so all their financial assests were passed onto Aiden who didn't let that money affect his humility and mindset.

Caila and Cameron grew up to be as kind as Aiden and made sure to carry his name on in the best way possible.

They both made sure that they made their father proud as he had lost so much trying to protect them from their negligent mother.

Melody's absense never affected Caila and Cameron. Which was showcased in the fact that when Caila got married, at the age of 29, she made sure to send Melody pictures of Aidens new wife walking her down the aisle alongside Aiden. (A/N: Pretty Badass in my opinion. 😎).

Caila and her husband were busy people who weren'f sure about having children as they were unsure that the chuld would get proper love and care sonce they both were working people. So it was a good idea to not have kids until they both could provide proper love and care to their child/children.

Then when Cameron got married at 30, him and his wife decided to adopt as well as have biological children which was the best decision of their life. They adopted a teenage boy and a had 2 biological boys themselves. They tried numerous times for a girl but they all ended in miscarriages which was really traumatising and mentally scarring for both of them.

So they stopped trying. A few decades passed and their boys were all grown up and married. The oldest(adopted son) had a girl and named her Sahara in memory of his Great Grandmother. The other two brothers were blessed with twin boys, who grew up in the most safe and loving environment just like their parents who made sure to gain their children's trust fully.

The older twin brother(the son of the second oldest son of Cameron), Carter, married at the age of 30 and a few years into his marriage was blessed with a son as well, who looked just like Sahara. With his jet black hair and his ocean blue eyes he looked like the epitome of a dream.

They name him Cole, Cole Robert Brock.

His nickname was Colby or as his bestfriend teasingly called him: Colbs.

So this story starts when a Joint Journey of trauma ends....

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