Once a Reject

By Stxyls

20.6K 859 147

Marx Bedel, a rejected boy. Marx Bedel, a respected boy. ----------- Marx Bedel, a 17 year old gay boy who's... More



2.1K 94 15
By Stxyls


I unlocked the door to my house, throwing my keys and back pack on the coffee table in the foyer. I went to the kitchen to grab orange juice when I see a post it note on the fridge.

Can you please pick up your sister from soccer practice. It'd be much appreciated if you could do the dishes and laundry. Also, I won't be home till late so a head start on dinner would be great.

- Mom

I did this weird silent rage thing by vigorously swinging my arms in the air and to the sides. Ugh, I wanted to come home and not do shit, but now I have to get Vicky and all this house crap. What do I look like to her?

I look at the time on the stove and calmed down when I know she doesn't get out of practice till 6. Or was it 4:30? Ah fuck it. I'm going now. Grabbing my Ray Bands and a water bottle I unlocked my car and went to go get her. I turned on the radio and 'Style' by Taylor Swift came on. I almost immediately switched the station only to here 'Where are you now' playing. I let my eyelids fall into a glare. I guess I'll have to settle with this. My fingers tapped my steering wheel as I came to a light. I looked out the window to my right and saw Garret and his hooligan friends on the sidewalk. I stiffened and faced front hopefully they won't see me.

"Hey? Is that Bedel?" As soon as it was said the light turned green and I zoomed up past them and towards my sisters soccer practice. I parked the car and got out. The sun beat down on my skin and I could literally feel myself burning. My sisters in the eighth grade and I don't give compliments, but since she looks so much like me, it's like complimenting myself. She is so pretty I could maybe cry for her looks. If I had looks like her in eighth grade, I might have some friends.

"Marx?" I saw Vicky jogging over water bottle in hand.

"Mom said I have to come pick you up, but I didn't know when practice ends so, I just came." I shrugged my shoulders and she nodded her head.

"It's almost over you can chill on the bleachers." I winked at her and went off to the bleachers. Sitting down in between the bleacher seat and the seats in front of it, I propped my legs up and laid my elbows to either side. I closed my eyelids and let out a deep breath.

My eyes snapped open when I felt a cold hand on my stomach.

"I don't think this is how you sit on bleachers." a blush crept up my neck, but I removed Garret's hand and let my eyes cast down.

"Shouldn't you be with your friends. Raising hell, or something."

"I would, but I have a sister to pick up." His sister Emma is a good friend of mines. Though, it's awkward seeing Emma, she almost walked in on us twice and her glares of disgust is an embarrassing reminder.

I looked over at him and saw he was already staring at me. His eyes held such raw passion- oh wait. Nope. Never mind, it's just lust. Horny bastard.

"You are so beautiful." he whispered.

"Stop trying to get into my pants. You're acting like a real fuckboy." he let out a breath and backed away. He lifted his shoulders up and dropped them.

"It was worth a shot." I rolled my eyes. I looked back over at the field to see my sister signaling me, I got up and looked down at Garret.

"See you tomorrow loser." I walked away but could still here him call out,

"See you tomorrow fag." Jogging down the stairs I waited for my sister to pack her things. A soccer ball in front of me I started to dribble it with my feet then moving it up to my knees.

"It can't be. My legend?" I stopped and turned around to see my old coach, Coach Dean staring at me.

"Hey coach." I said. We did a guy hand shake into a hug and then pulled away.

"Tell me again why you quit soccer?" He asked. I handed the ball back to him and took a breath.

"Because Coach, I don't do physical exercise. My legs were made to stand and look pretty, not move." he shook his head at me, but smiled none the less.

"It's great to see you kid. How ya' been?" I went to answer when my sister cut me off.

"Marxy I'm going to the car, pass me the keys." I threw them to her and she waved bye to her coach.

"I've been good. I just can't wait to graduate high school though."

"Oh right! When is that? You have any colleges in mind? Been accepted to any?" I went to answer him, but then I remembered, I have no fucking clue. Shit.

"Uhhmm, maybe out of the country. As much as I want to leave high school, I don't want to be an adult either. Last thing I want to do is pay taxes." I have a light chuckle and so did he. Ever end up in a situation, where you've run out of things to talk about so it's just awkward silence. Yeah well that just happens for like three minutes.

"Well I should get going." I said breaking the silence.

"Yeah, yeah. You be good and tell your sister to work on her offense passes." I nodded my head and bolted to the car.

"Took you long enough. What were you doing? Sharing life experiences." I rolled my eyes and put my car into gear.

"I'll be honest. I have no fucking clue about what we talked about." She laughed and looked out the window as we drove.

"Is Chris coming over today." She asked. She's always been attached to our brother. I mean her and I are like best friends, but Chris is like a dad to her. To me he's a dick, I like dick, but not that much.

"I don't know Vick. He was a real bitch today in school, I think the fact that he's not getting married has caught up with him." Chris was married, but his fiancé Tamara, cheated on him. I'd never seen him so devastated. He had to sell his house, but he moved in with his best friend Jill, who is literally the coolest person I know. They've been friends since middle school and Vick and I tell them they should date, but they're cowards.

"He's being a real dick."

"I agree with you, but don't curse." I could feel her roll her eyes at me.

"Please. Cry me a river. Your favorite word is fuck." that is true.

"Doesn't me you have to say it. Your still in middle school, you should be watching Disney channel and fan girling over crushes and one direction." she just laughed and mumbled something incoherent. I didn't question it, because it's probably something mean.

Pulling into the driveway, we hoped out.

"Could you start the dishes, I'll do laundry." Five minutes in and we heard the door open.

"Make way bitches, your queen and her trusty stead are coming through."

"JILL!" I heard Vicky scream. I smiled and sat the laundry basket atop the dryer. I was smiling all the way to Jill until I met with Chris's face.

"You..." He raised an accusing finger but put it away when it was viciously slapped by Jill.

"You calm your lady parts. Get laid, watch porn. You are so hard on him!" She cried. His face melted into a scowl and I silently thanked Jill for coming to my aid.

Remind me to do something nice for her.

Second chapter. I've been so tired lately and I'm don't with school. like I'm ready to graduate and stick my middle finger up at everyone.

Stay classy, stay sassy and don't be a bitch


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