
By Moonfairy28

623K 32.1K 1.6K

The Agnihotri family. A very rich and influential family in the city. Jaiveer Agnihotri, the head of the fami... More

Aesthetic πŸ’œπŸ’œ
Abhimanyu Story


21.2K 1.1K 61
By Moonfairy28

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"You know Arjun sometimes I think that if I didn't come to your life then you would be with your family right now and living your life happily. I ruined a beautiful happy family...(chuckle sadly) I am really a curse for my loved one like my aunt said," Ashika whispered looking at the stars while laying beside Arjun in their terrace.

"It is not like that...stop talking non sense and I am very happy and grateful to have you beside me. Of course I love my family and miss them but never...not for once I regret loving and marrying you, Ashi. In fact I feel myself the most lucky and blessed person to have such a caring, loving and supporting life partner like you, Ashi. You are the most beautiful blessing to me. Beside your Aunt is world number witch, she just hate you," Ashika chuckle softly hearing his annoying tone when he mentioned about her aunt.

Arjun turns his face toward her and a small smile appears on his face seeing her smiling.

"I love you, Ashi. You and my family are my lifelines. You all are the reason my heart is beating inside me. I can't imagine anything happening to any of you," he whispered looking intensely into her eyes.

"And I promise to protect all of you with my life," he said. Ashika fully turned toward him laying on her side.

"Then I also promise to protect you and my family with my everything even if I have to give up on my lif-" Before she complete that word he slammed his lips against kissing her hard.

"The hell I will let anything happen to you, Mrs. Ashika Arjun," he whispered against her lips angrily.

"The hell I will let anything bad happen to my family, Bakeel Sahab!" Ashika whispered back and bite his lower lips playfully to distract him from this topic.

This scene again and again is playing in front of his eyes. He knows his Ashi never lies but still he took those words of her lightly. And see...she show him. She really fulfilled her promise.

"I am sorry, Arjun. I know I should be lying in her place. After all, I deserve a punishment for hurting an innocent and selfless person like her," Jaiveer said as a feeling of guilt and regret arise in his heart for the nth time today.

"Please Dad...don't say like this, ....please I can't take anymore heartbreak..." Thinking about something happening to his dad, Arjun couldn't control himself and hugged him tightly while silently crying.

"How can you hug a person who hurt you so much in the past?" Jaiveer asked while gently caressing Arjun's back feeling guilty and ashamed of himself.

"Shouldn't you hate us??" Arjun shook his head against his chest.

"I can never hate you and Ma," he murmured still hugging him like a heartbroken kid.

Jaiveer chuckle at his son's words and pat his head like he used to do when Arjun was small.

Suddenly they heard the door of OT open making them turn toward the door with racing heart.
Arjun feels his heart stop beating seeing the three doctors coming out of the room while talking with serious expressions on their faces.

They immediately raise on their feet and Arjun without waiting for a second run toward the doctors.

"Doctor ... M..my wif..e? How is she??" he asked getting anxious with every passing second.

The doctor share look with each other and nodded at each other before one of the doctors place his hand on his tense shoulder and open his mouth.
"Mr. Agnihotri...."

An hour ago

Inside the OT

"Shall we doctor??" the nurse ask the doctor earning a nod from the doctor.

She walked near the head of the bed on which Ashika was lying lifelessly and raise her hands to inject anesthesia to keep her unconscious.

The doctors are getting ready for her second surgery to deliver the baby.

But before the nurse inject the anesthesia into her body, a trembling hand stop her action.

Everyone grasped in shock seeing her opening her eyes with difficulty.

Ashika slowly shook her head looking at the nurse with pleading eyes and a single tear rolled down from her eye feeling numb and stiffness all over her body.

The nurse look at her and then turned her face toward the doctor.

"Pl...ease do..n't" she plead with extreme difficulty as her throat is feeling sore, " b...aby...waa...ant to fe..el" she muttered between her heavy breathing behind the oxygen mask.

All the staff present in the dark operation theater look at her with sympathy.

"Okay fine, No need to give her anesthesia nurse we will numb her lower body. Ashika don't panic dear. We don't want to scare baby, do we?" one of the elder lady doctor lovingly told her. Ashika blink her eyelashes not having the energy to say a word anymore.

"Promise me, you won't give up and fight for yourself and baby, okay. Just relax yourself and keep taking long breaths," the same doctor give her instructions.

"But doctor..." another doctor said.

"I know what I am doing Dr. Singh. Trust me, maybe seeing her mother fighting hard, the baby also fight for life. We can never understand the emotions and connection a mother and child share. And we shouldn't underestimate the power of love, Dr. Singh. So shall we start..." everyone nodded and take their position.

Ashika maybe physically didn't feel anything but her emotions are all over the place. She is scared for her little baby, her innocent Aaru and her husband...her Arjun.
She doesn't want to die...leaving her family. She wanted to see her babies growing up and wanted to see the world with her Arjun and getting old with him beside her.
But she didn't regret taking the bullet for Dad... at least he is safe and healthy.

She closes her eyes and the smiling face of Arjun flash in front of her making her lips curve automatically.

She shivers as she feels some sensations in her lower abdomen. She didn't feel much pain just little prick making her let out a shaky breath from time to time. She move her eyes downward only to see the group of doctors and nurses in green gowns crowded around her.

Her eyes felt heavy but she didn't want to sleep not before she make sure her baby is alright. Suddenly she heard commotion around only to see few nurses running around the room anxiously also the look on the other doctors told her something is not right.
Thinking about something bad happen to her baby, her breathing turn uneven and fast, alerting the people around when they the loud uneven beeping of the heart monitor.

"Relax dear, ... everything is alright. Calm down darling...don't you want to welcome your baby. Baby is almost here just few minutes, just relax yourself," she heard the gentle voice of the doctor which instantly calm her down. And soon her breath return back to normal.

A few tears slip from her eyes thinking about her baby. She can't wait to hold her little baby in her arms.

The commotion and chaos increase in the room, increasing her nervous and excited to see her baby.

Soon the room turns silent. With hope and excitement in her teary eyes Ashika turn to look at the doctors and her heart skipped a beat seeing a little bundle of happiness in the lady doctor's hand.
But soon realization drew upon her when she realise something and her body started trembling in fear and panic.

"I can't find it's heartbeat, Baby is not breathing, doctor!" a scared voice echoes in the dark room.

A painful sob comes out of her lips. She try to move but her body keep lying numb on the bed.
"NOO!! m...my b..aby!! Ahhhhh!! myy. ba..byyy" she cried out in pain seeing her little angel looking so peaceful with eyes closed instead of crying his\her lungs out. She felt her heart ripping apart in agony.

"M..my ba..by" she whispered between her heavy breaths as her body started giving up slowly. Her heartbeat slowly down scaring the doctors.
She weakly raises her right arm with difficulty asking for her baby, wanting to hug her baby to her heart.

All the doctors and nurse pity seeing her condition. A nurse who was holding the baby looked at the doctor. The doctor nodded at the nurse. The nurse walk to Ashika and hold the little body near her face.

So beautiful and peaceful her baby is looking,

Ashika smiled painfully looking at her little angel. So small and fragile.

She move her red teary at the nurse with questioning gaze. The nurse smiled sadly and said,

"It's a boy,"

She forward her shaking hand and softly touch his soft cheek with her fingers as tears started rolling from her eyes nonstop. She slowly move her fingers from his small forehead and trails her trembling fingers to his closed eyes then his cute little nose and soft chuckle escaped as her finger touch his adorable pouty lips.

She pat her chest asking the nurse to place her baby on her chest to feel his soft little figure against her warm body.

She slides the oxygen mask and look down at her baby while caressing his small back ever so softly. She doesnt want to hurt her baby and disturb his sleep.

It become difficult and painful for her to breathe unknown to her as she is lost in the beautiful creation she and her Arjun create and her eyes fixed on her baby's face. He is so beautiful just like an angel...Her angel.

The nurse tried to take the baby from her but Ashika flinched and place her palm on her baby's back and shook her head. Her chest is raising up and down laboriously.

The heart monitor connected to her started making a loud and alerting beeping sound.
Her body started trembling badly but her hold on her baby didn't loose even a bit.

Seeing the situation getting out of hand, the doctors run toward her while instructing the nurse. One of the nurse covered her mouth with the oxygen mask again. They tried to take the baby but she is not ready to leave. One of the doctor quickly inject medicine into her body after which her body started relaxing and her hold loosen around the baby as her hand fell lifelessly on her side.
She feels like killing the person who lifts her baby from her chest but she is helpless. Tears roll down from the corner of her eyes, which now felt heavy. Her heart clenched in distress.

Then suddenly something happen which shocked everyone present in the room.

A loud cry of baby filled the room. But before this magical sound reaches Ashika's ears she slips into the darkness.


Thank you for reading

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And finallyyy I am done with my exams💃💃💃💃💃💃💃💃💃💃💃
I am so so happy🤩🤩.
I really hate them but love to study.

So updates will be regular from now on.

See you soon.

Lots of love💜😘

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