Jabberwock Island

By BlueFireIce

862 51 44

"Twenty-five unsuspecting teenagers boarded a cruise to the all-so famous Resort Islands, where they would sp... More

::Prologue - Pt. 1::
::Prologue - Pt. 3::
::Chapter One::
::Chapter Two::
::Chapter Three::

::Prologue - Pt. 2::

115 7 5
By BlueFireIce

Prologue Pt. 2


[9:00am - Dining Room_]

"Is it just me," Claire began twirling her fork through her spaghetti. "Or does this breakfast seem a little odd?" The other girls nodded in response, all finding it somewhat odd that breakfast for today was a large bowl of spaghetti bolognese, rather than something basic like cereal or fruit.

"Does anyone else feel a little doozy?" Anne questioned putting a hand to her forehead. Once again, the other girls nodded in response. Out of the eight girls gathered around their joint tables, only two of them looked well-rested; Georgia and Lucette.

"You really need to tell us your secrets," Sienna told the two before her face turned green. "Oh shit!" She exclaimed before running off towards the bathrooms, grabbing Rachel's arm and leading the other girl to the bathroom.

"How did you not get seasickness?" Johanna asked, once the two girls disappeared behind the corner. Lucette just shrugged and poked at her food whilst Georgia sipped on her water, stopping to reply.

"I didn't really eat anything yesterday," she told the others. "I get seasickness easily, so I decided I should probably skip out on eating big meals until we get to the Resort Islands."

"If we even survive this trip," Claire snorted taking a small sip of her water. "I swear, every time I stand up I feel like I'm gonna fall down."

"It'd be annoying if we were all sick during the holidays," Johanna chuckled before Lucette slapped at hand over her mouth aggressively.

"Let's not try to jinx you guys," she told the girl. "And I don't really know how I'm not sick. I ate like a freaking truck before I got on that boat." Anne gave the auburnette a blank stare.

"That does sound odd," she commented. "I mean, you and Sienna roomed together, yet Sienna was the one who was vomiting." She tapped her chin in thought. "Maybe your just lucky."

"Lucette's always lucky," Rachel snorted coming back from the bathrooms. "She didn't even try out for the academic program and she still made it in, that lucky bitch." Lucette fake gasped and threw her bread roll at the other glasses wearing girl.

"Nor did Molly, remember," Johanna reminded them taking a small bite of her spaghetti. All eyes shot to Molly who was absentmindedly staring off into space.

"Molly?" Claire called out, nudging the skinny girl's shoulder.

"Huh? What?" She asked, looking around at everyone.

"Nothing really, just checking if you were still alive," Claire grinned before chatting with the others. Molly smiled back before looking back at the windows, taking note at everything that passed. The captain suddenly appeared in her line of sight and she accidentally locked eyes with him. For a split second, they stared at each other before he walked off but not before giving Molly a creepy wink.

She shuddered.

Back over at the boys' table, things weren't as exciting other than the group Vainglory game they were all playing. Well, majority of them were, a few, Athan, William, Alex, Stephen, Angus and Zac just watched the others play, giving them either tips or just randomly tapping on their screen.

"Is everything alright here?" The waitress smiled as she walked by the boys' table. They all nodded and dismissed her and went back to playing their game.

"Damn, her ass is tap worthy," Joel suddenly commented.

"She's double your age, bro," Angus told him, his eyes not wavering from his iPad. Joel shrugged and looked at the waitress who had just stopped to pick a fork up from the floor. The other boys took a small peek, before Stefan jokingly wolf-whistled and they all turned back to their screens, as if they hadn't done anything.

"She's got an ass like Nicki Minaj," Patrick told them. Zac shook his head.

"Nah mate, it's like two planets," he joked and the table erupted in laughter.

"I feel like I'm quoting a Jason Derulo song," Benson said, running a hand over his face. "But how does she fit that in her pants?"

"The same way she gets out," Angus rolled his eyes. "Assistance."

"This is mildly uncomfortable, I'm gonna go over to Nat's table," William stated firmly before leaving the boys table and walked over to the only other table, the one that hadn't been joined together to make one big table.

"Hi guys," Will said, leaning on the table.

"Hi Will," Natalie waved as she tore off a piece of her bread roll.

"Hey," the others chorused as they ate parts of their bread roll, or in Phillippa's case, skipped out on eating all together to play some games on her iPad.

"So..." Will drawled looking around.

"Yeah, it's pretty quiet at the moment," Natalie admitted swallowing the bread. "So why are you here?" Will just motioned to the rowdy table of boys and Natalie nodded understandingly.

"Come sit with us," Hannah said, patting the seat between her and Natalie. Will shook his head politely and swung his arms.

"Did you know, there's a formula for time travel to actually work," Will suddenly blurted out. All four girls looked at him quizzically.

"How?" Phillippa questioned.

"You need a strong force of gravity to make the universe spin around backwards, and to make it spin very fast to get the effect of time travel right," he explained. "Though the gravity force needs to be as big as the sun itself, making it pretty impossible for us to make it artificially." There was a pause as he explained, the girls' expressions in shock and interest.

"What?" Ngoc Han said, breaking the silence. Will just sighed and walked back to his table, where he droned himself out by focusing on the ceiling.


[11:30am - Recreation Room_]

"Why does it have to be raining?" Lucette whined as she waited for her turn on table tennis.

"Ask God, not me," Sienna snapped at her friend, holding a half full bucket under her arm. Feeling something arise in her throat, she leant over the bucket and threw up her stomach's content into it.

"Vomit somewhere else then," Lucette suggested, shooing her friend away. "Actually no, I'll come with you to get a new bucket." As the two girls walked off the captain walked into the recreation room with a big grin on his face.

"Attention everyone," he announced proudly as everyone looked over at him. "They've opened up the gym for a game of dodgeball. Everyone's required to go into the gym, but you don't have to play if you don't want to." Everyone smiled, or frowned, and made their way into the gym.

[11:45am - Gym_]

There were sixteen people on the court. William, Sienna, Lucette, Rachel, Johanna, Patrick, Ngoc Han, Phillippa and Hannah had decided to sit out of dodgeball, one of them being rather sick and unable to play, and the others were divided into teams of eight.

On team one, it was Georgia, Anne, Natalie, Angus, Stefan, Finn, Joel and Alex.

On team two, it was Claire, Molly, Stephen, Dimitri, Thomas, Benson, Athan and Zac.

So far, the game was even at seven players each, as both Joel and Athan had been sent off. And everyone was still going hard at it.

"I just realised, that's the fourth bucket today," Johanna groaned, pointing to Sienna's vomit bucket. The blonde glared at her before she turned green again and vomited into the bucket again.

"I don't think that's healthy," Phillippa commented, upon hearing how many buckets Sienna had contaminated. Sienna glared at her for stating the obvious before vomiting again.

"Maybe we should take her to the nurse," Rachel suggested as she watched the dodgeball game. "YES GEORGIA!" She screamed out as Georgia got Dimitri out. Sienna glared at her for her sudden outburst before vomiting again.

"Is there even a nurse on here," Lucette snorted. "I swear, I've been everywhere and I can't find a single medic. Poor Sienna will just have to survive." The auburnette patted Sienna's head. The blonde glared at her and didn't throw up as she shoved her hard.

Unintentionally taking a whiff of Sienna's barf, the captain pinched his nose and walked away from the stands and towards the other side. When he wasn't watching, Sienna flipped him off, along with Rachel.

Meanwhile back at the dodgeball game, it was now 4 vs. 6 with Georgia, Stefan, Finn and Joel against Claire, Anne, Stephen, Thomas, Benson and Zac.

As a ball rolled over by Georgia's feet, she scooped it up and threw it Benson, who narrowly dodged it and threw a ball back at her. Georgia also dodged, and Finn threw his ball at Benson who reacted too late and got hit in the leg.

Zac and Stephen both held on to balls, deflecting other ones as they came towards them before devising a plan. Stefan looked down the two of them as the others played and almost immediately, did Zac throw his ball, and almost a split second later, Stephen released his. Stefan dodged Zac's one, but got hit in the arm by Stephen's sending him out of the game.

Two minutes later, it was Zac, Stephen and Anne versus Georgia and Joel.

"Woo! Go Georgia!" Rachel called from the sidelines. "Go Anne! Woo!"

Joel threw a ball at Anne who unfortunately didn't react fast enough and was sent off. Other people on both their teams shouted at them to catch the ball, to which no one had done yet. Zac and Stephen both held two balls in their hand whilst only Georgia had a ball for her team and Joel was defenceless.

So naturally, Joel got sent off first after being hit.

Not too soon, Georgia got Zac out by catching a ball and bringing back Natalie onto the court. Stephen then caught Natalie's ball, bringing Dimitri onto the court, much to Rachel's dismay.

Georgia managed to hit Stephen sending him out leaving just her and Dimitri. As the two went hard at it, the captain accidentally tripped over one of Sienna's vomit buckets and the vomit pooled all over a large portion of the court, and the stench was far worse.

"Ugh, sorry Sienna, but I've just got leave," Claire commented running out the door.

"No harsh feelings Sienna Beee!" Georgia called out as she dashed out the door with the others. Sienna sighed and tried walking around the pool of vomit, but tripped and landed in a puddle of it, getting her whole back wet.

"This is disgusting," she muttered to herself, before throwing up again.

[11:55pm - Main Cabin_]

"It seems as if one of the students is vulnerable to our gases."


"Yeah, there are eleven buckets filled with vomit. There's another one in the room for any night time sicknesses."


"Oh? Well, I guess I could kill her..."


"Then it's settled. I'll kill her tonight and you will feast tomorrow!"





[Dedication: Whimsical_cupcakes ]

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