A Daring Game of Secrets

By Bornfromrockandroll

500 7 8

Ever heard of a rite of passage? Around here one takes place just before senior year. Ever done a dare befor... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14

Chapter 2

46 2 1
By Bornfromrockandroll

"This place is nice." Aria smiled with admiration as she walked though the door in front of me. Arias strange to say the least. It's obvious by Ryder's mode of transportation that her family have money but she doesn't care. My family aren't as lucky and I had been saving up since I was nine for a car to pay half the cost with the other half being paid out of money my dad saved for me. But Aria is much more simplistic than her brother. Sure, her rooms huge and decorated exactly the way she likes it (purple) but she's just as happy with the less flashy stuff.

She's still not down from her high. I think she's smoking something. No one can be that happy and not be high... or a yoga freak. Well, there was this one time she sat trying to meditate. Something about becoming one with the world? In the end her face just became one with my pillow. That day was very much wasted.

The room wasn't that bad. Much better than the expectations I'd originally had. White walls that were purely that colour, rather spacious, a spectacular view of the lake and surrounding woodland, plus an en suite bathroom that could be seen through it's open door.

There was just one teeny tiny little detail...

"There's three beds" I flatly stated. They were already made up but one too many seems like a bad sign. Is it just me who thinks that? If there's three beds and two of us, that means there's going to be a third person, doesn't it? Like this week couldn't get any worse, now were bunking with someone else? We can't even go full freak up here and freaking is what we do best but more privately.

"Negativity." she sang with her fingers in her ears and eyes squeezed shut. What a child. Just ten minutes ago she was all hyped up about almost being seniors. She sure doesn't act like it. What help is closing her eyes going to do? Plugging her ears makes sense, that way she doesn't hear me, but how is not seeing me going to help? Oh god Aria truly is something, not sure what, but something nonetheless.

I rolled my eyes at my best friends typical behaviour. Yes, this is her usual mental state.

"No Aria, there's three beds and two of us. Did you check if there was a third person in this room?" Some times I am the only voice of reason and that's saying something.

"I just figured it was pairs." she shrugged. Her expression was completely care free. You'd think butter didn't melt in her mouth.

"I don't think that's the case."

"so what we've got another room mate. It's not like my brother will be sleeping in here." she scoffed. There was a slight look of distaste that washed across her face. It would be pretty bad. I've seen that boys room and unless someone cleans it for him it's a total pig sty. Doesn't smell much better either. Some people could peg that as being stereotypical about guys but he seriously lives up to it.

A knock came from the door that got both Aria and I's attention. Maybe it's our roommate?

"you better be right because if Ryder's behind this door holding his suitcase, I might just punch him."

She laughed a little but I knew she secretly hoped he was standing on the other side so he'd get hit in the face. It's unbelievable how much she hates him. There's not even a reason for it. She always says he annoys her but I never see them talk at school and they hardly even make eye contact at home.

Shockingly, I was right. When I swung open the bedroom door Ryder was standing on the other side. His hair was still in it's usual immaculate state with not a hair out of place and his sunglasses were hooked onto his shirt as he leaned against the doorframe with his right arm. His dark brown eyes rested on me and that lazy smile, but I suppose some people may consider it a smirk, spread across his face.

Without even looking I could tell Arias eyes lit up with the anticipation of seeing her brother get injured, or at least I'd like to think id be capable of leaving at least a small injury. She doesn't seem to realise that I was joking.

"no suitcase." I called back. Loop holes rule. They get you out of so much.

"what?" Ryder asked. His previous look complete dropping and one of confusion appearing in it's place.

"nothing, what do you want?"

"can't a guy just visit his sister and her best friend?" he feigned innocence. That was so not what he was, in any sense of the word.

"not when that guys you." I casually spoke.

"so cut to the chase." Aria finished for me

"I'm really here to talk to terra." that old look made a come back, this time bring along a glint in his eye.

"me? Why would you want to do that?"

"maybe we should discuss this is the hallway?" he suggested. "relax, I won't try anything."

I sighed knowing that in the end I would end up going. There would be no other way to get him to leave us alone other than give him what he wants. I learned that long ago.

I have to admit, when I walked out my palms started to sweat from nerves. I knew Ryder wouldn't try anything in a crowded hallway but that was the problem, the hallway wasn't crowded. There was only one or two people moving from room to room every now and then but other than that it was pretty abandoned. Arias only on the other side of that door. What if he does try something and she sees? Oh god, let's just get this over with.

"how much is whatever this is going to cost me?" I asked as he shut the door behind me and I leaned my back against the wall.

"i just need someone for tonights party, you know the drill."

This again? If it's not to try show a girl that dumped him what she's missing it's to just stand there and look pretty. Of course every other time arias not been there.

"why should I?"

"because if you don't then I'm telling Aria everything."

"everything?" I asked.

"everything." he confirmed.

As much as aria is my best friend if she found out about this then she may never talk to me again and I can't risk that.

"fine, I'll do it." I groaned as I pushed off the wall.

"awesome, wear something nice."

"whatever." I mumbled reentering my room.

Walking back into the room, I was met by a surprisingly casual looking aria which was pretty unlike her. Usually she would be bugging me to spill the beans by being right up in my face but she wasn't as up close and personal as usual.

"so what was that all about?" she questioned, not making a big deal out it. So not the Aria I know.

"he asked me to go to the party with him tonight." I was trying to stay as casual sounding as she did. I even threw in a shrug.

"I can't believe I missed the look on his face when you said no." she laughed but stopped quickly when she took in my guilty expression. "you did say no?"

"actually, I said yes"

"to Ryder? Are you nuts?" she shouted raising he voice more and more.

"You're the one that's telling me to have fun."

"yeah, when it doesn't involve my brother."

"aria, breathe."

"I'm sorry, it's just he's been trying extra hard to annoy me lately and I'm not sure I could handle spending the entire night with that idiot."

"you don't need to spend time with Ryder."

"and leave you defenceless? I don't think so."

"you're the best." I laughed.

"don't I know it."

We both simultaneously laughed, as best friends do, and hugged one another just as the door opened and who was (from my best guess) our surprise room mate.

She was tall, with dark hair and stereotypically beautiful but what more do you expect from her being tall and with the long, perfect hair? It's got stereotype written all over it.

Nevertheless she paraded in like she owned the place, something I've never really admired unless you actually do own the place, except she sort of does. Valentina, daughter and youngest child of the rich guy who's house we are currently in but he uses it as a youth hostel so we were always free to use it for the right of passage event. Sadly that's the most I know on the subject.

"hi." aria spoke up.


"I'm aria and that's terra were-"

"my roommates, I know. Just do me a favour and stay on your side of the room."

Somebody's snappy. What gives her the right to talk to Aria like that? No one, and I mean no one, ever talks to my friends like that.

"excuse me?" I gritted out moving a little closer.

"is there something wrong with your hearing?"

She did not just go there.

"she was just trying to be-" my voice raised pretty loud but Aria cut me off.

"just drop it terra. Come on, we need to get ready for the party."

This whole roomie situation is so not going to turn out well.

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