Avatar Imagines, Headcannons...

By randomlygenerated007

88.6K 937 655

Been way too obsessed with this movie after it came out so why not? More

Jake ~ You want to be in control? 18+
Headcannons (Jake. Neteyam. Lo'ak.)
Headcannon (Lo'ak. Aonung. Tsu'tey.)
Headcannons (Jake. Tonowari. Lo'ak. Aonung.)
Imagines/Headcannons (Jake. Tonowari. Neytiri.)
Headcannons 18+ (Jake. Tonowari.)
Headcannon (Lo'ak. Neteyam. Aonung.)
Headcannon (Meeting the Sully siblings)
Aonung ~ Friends?
Jake ~ You want to be in control? 2 (18+)
Aonung ~ Just Friends?
Aonung ~ Too Friendly?
You Choose!
Jake ~ You want to be in control? (18+) Part 3
Jake ~ You want to be in control? Part 4 (18+)
Neteyam ~ All Gone
Smut (18+) Jake

Aonung- Friends? Really?

1.6K 23 50
By randomlygenerated007

This is mostly Aonung being a munch and them being cute. Also I think I already said this but I will not being any type of smut for characters his age, I aged him a couple years to about 18 or 19 but regardless I don't feel comfortable writing smut about his character. Just a heads up! They're a couple but it'll mostly be them kissing or hugging!!

Not proofread cause...nahhhh


"I wish you didn't make me feel like this--"

He put his hand onto your cheek making you let your lips part slightly and your sentence leave your mind.

"And how do I make you feel? Because I don't think it could even compare to how you make me feel. I thought the world was going to crumble when you rejected me in the woods that day. And when you came to me last night I thought that an angel had snuck onto pandora to greet me. I can't help it y/n. I don't know who I am anymore, my minds full of you now."


"Let me help."

"I appreciate it Tuk but I really want this bracelet to be perfect. I think it would be better if I worked on it alone."

Tuk eyed you, the judgement had no problem dancing across her small face. She wouldn't say but she thought your skills were subpar. So she found it funny you were so adamant on it being perfect. But she was your little sister and she loved you so she shushed herself and let herself out of your presence.

You let your attention foster back to the bracelet that was etched onto the floor. You refused to not finish it by tonight. You wanted Aonung to have it soon. His injuries were healing up well and his parents decided to let him have a full week off since the waters were getting warmer. The tulkuns arrival would be quite soon.

As you threaded the blue beads onto the thread you subconsciously let your tongue stick out, growing deeply focused. It wasn't a very special looking bracelet, anyone could see that. But every time you envisioned it's finished product, you thought about how it would look on his wrist. Making it look ten times better than any simple bracelet.

"FAMILY MEETING!" You rolled your yellow eyes. Your dad had a habit of being loud. From his tome of voice though everything was fine, he likely had something to say that was obvious to which all of the teens would stare blankly while Tuk and Neytiri would be fully indulged supporting him.

You furrowed your brow bone and placed your special unfinished project down.

'Later', you thought.

As you walked to see all of your family huddled together, you looked around. Kiri was toying with her braids, her mood seemed well. Lo'ak was whispering to your mother, likely about something stupid. Neteyam and Tuk just sat still waiting patiently. Your dad was kneeled down with the rest, you laughed as he tried to see what Lo'ak and your mom were conversing about to which your mom shooed him away.

Your dad accepted it as he raised his head to see you.

"Y/n! Come, it's a family meeting. There's something we need to talk about."

"Who wants to bet it's something utterly random and useless?"

"Kiri!" Neytiri said.

"I'm down." Lo'ak agreed.

Neytiri did a dry hiss at him making him laugh as he scooted away from his mother, secretly scared of her. You laughed to yourself, they're so weird.

Jake looked slightly defeated, "Come on guys cut me some slack. These family meetings are good for us."

Neytiri did a small hum in agreement making her husband feel validated by his random family meetings. "As you all know the Tulkun should arrive soon. This is our first time experiencing something like this and after talking with Tonowari we need everyone to be on their best behavior. The chiefs family has invited us to meet their own individual Tulkuns, as a welcome gift."

By now everyone was extremely intrigued, including you who had found a place to sit not too long ago. The idea of the Tulkun was still foreign to you all but the way the people of the clan talked about them you all knew it was deeply important to them. Your whole family felt honored to be able to meet their clans family Tulkuns.

Lo'ak out of everyone seemed the least intrigued, unknown to everyone else Tsiyera had already asked him to meet hers a few weeks ago. He was ecstatic to meet hers and didn't care all too much about the rest of her families. Appreciative, but not excited.

Neteyam was very excited, as shy as he was to go to the shops alone last time he was quite popular around the clan. He was a people person and without knowing so he was known by many, he had gotten many Tulkun invitations the past week. And Kiri was mostly alone, constantly surrounding herself by the ocean. She was happy to see new creatures, while Tuk was just listening pretending to know what was happening.

You on the other hand were electrified at the idea. Just last night you were with Aonung, where you had kissed. You talked for a very long time and along that time he asked you if you meet his spirit brother. And now to meet his whole families felt so much more intimate, you couldn't wait.

As your dad finished up talking to everyone everyone parted their separate ways, you had plans to visit Aonung at his home. He insisted that his parents were dramatic about him having to rest for a few days but you thought otherwise. You didn't think his injuries were bad by any means but apart of you like the idea of him in his hut. Right where you could find him with no problem.

As much as you wanted to go to him quickly you wanted to finish the bracelet, and it was almost done anyways. You were so happy, everything seemed like it was going perfect. You and Aonung were together, you were adjusting well to the clan, and you felt a peace.

It was starting to feel like home and that was something you had been praying for the first moment your Ikrans nails dug into the white sanded beaches. And now you had it.

As you continued to thread the beads you liked how it looked, very simple and pretty. The beads were gorgeous and blue, mixtures and green. It was quite vibrant and you couldn't want to slide it onto his wrist.

The time had come for you to leave and you walked with confidence as you held the bracelet, noting how beautiful the ocean view looked.

Once you arrive you wondered where his parents were, you made the assumption it was just because they had other things to attend to, considering it was the middle of the day. Tsiyera wasn't anywhere in sight which was never a surprise. She was always out, spreading smiles and hanging with Lo'ak.

You hadn't told Aonung what time you'd come and he only smiled when he saw you step into his area. He was sitting down, sharpening what looked like a hunting object. The lessons with Tsiyera were still continuing at times but there were still things about the clan you couldn't remember, including certain tools.

"Aonung! How is your day going?" You we're very eccentric and you couldn't help it. You were so excited to be around him and now that he knew how you felt, you could be as gleeful as you wanted without it seeming strange.

"Besides the fact I've been condemned to this room, just fine." You laughed at his sarcasm before sitting beside him so you could pull him in for a hug, you made sure to be gentle as to make not make him wince.

He on the other hand pulled you into tight before nudging his nose against your braid so he could access your ear, "But perfect now that your here."

You grew nervous and let out a laugh to stop yourself from feeling embarrassed. And as you pulled away you situated yourself so that you were sitting right in front of him to talk.

But before you could speak about what was in your mind he pulled towards him again, this time with a desperation in his grasp. Gripping at you skin so that you were close to him. He was breathing as if he was relieved to be near you.

"I missed you." You felt shy when you spoke to him.

"I was only here just yesterday." Your voice sounded puzzled, wondering why he was hugging you so desperately. You were exhilarated to see him again but he was just down right hungry for you.

"Yesterday felt like forever ago, I don't think I've stopped thinking about the kiss. I'm pretty sure I went to sleep thinking about you."

You laughed letting him hug you as you rubbed his hair. Before you knew it was pulling away to give you air. He sat infront of you, staring with an enthralled energy.

You tried your best to relieve yourself from the way he was eyeing you. Sparking a conversation.

"I heard about your families invite, during the Tulkun arrival. I still plan to thank your parents but I wanted to thank you as well."

He nodded, and he scooted closer to you which you didn't miss.

"Of course. We're all very happy to do it, I can tell my mom is starting to like your family. She was very quick to agree when my father suggested it."

You laughed at him hearing his words. Ronal clearly wasn't fond of your family and you remember being quick to swat her hand away when she picked up Lo'aks arm. Your dad understood when you did so but he still was weary considering your family was desperate.

And to hear her being more open was nice. And you did have an inkling to want her to like you. It was natural for one to want their partners parents to be fond of them.

"That is very surprising, I thought she hated us."

He hummed, "I know but she truly has turned around. I'm sorry about the way she treated your family when you first arrived." He seemed sulky.

"Don't be so pouty, it isn't your fault. This is our home and everyone treats us kindly, it is okay."

You moved your hand to pull out the bracelet that you were yet to show him, since he didn't seem to know what to say. You pushed it towards him feeling a bit antsy. Ready for him to just see it and have it.

His eyes perked towards your hand, back to your face which was etched with a awkwardly cute smile. And then back to the bracelet to which he grabbed and held up examining it. As if it were some specimen.

You didn't know what to make of that reaction and decided to just let him look at it, staring at him intensely. But you grew anxious from his weird looks and lightly nudged him.

"It's a bracelet you idiot."

"I know." He said not even glancing at you.

"Then what are you doing? I'll take it back if you don't like it you know. It's just a stupid bracelet an-"

You cut yourself off trying to grab to which he easily averted your hands.

"Don't be so aggressive forest girl. I just want to soak it in, it's perfect."

"Stupid." You were slowly moving your arms back trying to not show the grin on your face.

He looked at you being very obvious that he was staring at your lips. He pulled you in by your leg so that you were practically living inside of him. Skin to skin.

"Put it on for me?"

Your heart skipped a beat feeling his hand sit on your thigh as he used the other to offer to you. Grabbing it with a quickness, he flipped over his four fingered hand to reveal his wrist, a single vein protruding outwardly.

Out of cowardliness you kept your eyes trained on the bracelet as you took the two loose ends to meet. Tying them to one another, but unknown to you all he could look at was you. Studying your face and expressions.

The boy had fallen hard for you after that night at the pier board. Hearing you comfort him despite you storming over to be angry at him. His very own angry forest girl, now forever stuck with him, atleast that's how he saw it. After weeks of thinking about you here you were. And he wasn't lying when he said he fell asleep thinking about the kiss. It truly had invaded his dreams and his waking mind. Seeing that desperate look on your face when he pulled away from you, letting a whine slip from your lips. He found it so alluring. He was infatuated by you and he wasn't sure how he could've been so stupid to reject the arrival of the forest people. If he knew then what he knew now he would've fell to his knees and thanked eywa for bringing such a gift to his island. For even allowing you to be here with him, wrapping this enchanting bracelet on his wrist.

"Well, what do you think?" Huffing out you laughed to yourself covering your face with your hands.

"Don't make fun of me okay? I wanted it to--- to match your eyes."

He shook his head, "Never. It looks beautiful. I love it, I'll never take it off. I'll probably even be buried with it."

"That's weird."

"You make me weird. You're just too perfect."

Breathing out a laugh you rubbed your finger in the crease of your eye. You couldn't help it, he was so flirty. It wasn't like he wasn't when you weren't together but now that you were it felt so much more enticing. Made you feel weak all over and he clearly didn't care.

"You are a lot, you know that?"

"I wish you knew how to take a compliment."

"I wish you didn't make me feel like this--"

He put his hand onto your cheek making you let your lips part slightly and your sentence leave your mind.

"And how do I make you feel? Because I don't think it could even compare to how you make me feel. I thought the world was going to crumble when you rejected me in the woods that day. And when you came to me last night I thought that an angel had snuck onto pandora to greet me. I can't help it y/n. I don't know who I am anymore, my minds full of you now."

He leaned in close so that your noses were touching and he could almost hear the pace of your heart. It was racing due to his words, when did he become so poetic and desperate. Maybe he always was, and you hadn't noticed.

"Come on, tell me. How do I make you feel?"

"Like my bodies gonna burst." You whined a little out of embarrassment, "This isn't fair." Your hand moved up to grip the wrist of the hand that was placed on your cheek.

"You make me feel so good, just being around you. I feel like I'm going crazy."

He gave you a quick peck to your lips, pulling away.

"Isn't that a good thing?"

"It is but it's— consuming. I want to crawl inside your skin or something. But that's weird right? I mean we only first kissed yesterday and I'm so intoxicated by you...so that's weird. Right?"

He shook his head, diving in to give you a kiss to your left cheek then your right. Distracting you a bit which you didn't mind.

"If you think thats weird then I'm not sure you're gonna want to hear how I think when I'm around you."

Rolling your eyes was a reflex. A playful one of course, he was amusing you. Making you feel better about what you were saying.

"Ugh, what am I gonna do with you?"  You two were so close that your breath was fanning against his face with each word you spoke out. It wasn't any awkward feelings due to it. He was smiling slightly at you and giving you a smug look as if he had you right where he wanted you.

"Whatever you want."

Giving you no time to call him out on his response he finally pulled you in to make the contact you two were dancing around earlier. His hand was digging into your cheek by now so that he could feel your warm skin under his fingers. It was all too cheesy but it went unnoticed by you since you were too busy pushing back at his lips with your eyes shut firmly.

With the way you two were kissing you two it was laughable what you used to call each other. Friends...really?

"Aonung, Mom says that you reappl— oh eywa..."

You pushed Aonung away with a quickness you didn't even know you had. Out of shock your eyes were wide and your hands were still displayed on his chest from pushing him away making you look at your hands... his chest... Tsiyeras face and then back to your hands.

You yelped and ripped them making Aonung let a small smile tug on his lips.

His sister stood in the entrance with a embarrassed look on her face and before you could say anything she spoke loud and slow as if you and Aonung wouldn't understand her.

" I am leaving." Aonung let an okay and you flipped your head towards him out of pure shock. He was acting so casually that it baffled you and before you could call out to his sister she was gone as she promised.

As you went to stand up and go to her he grabbed your arm with a boyish smile and tilt in his head.

"Where ya going?"

"Your sister just saw us! What if— what happens when everyone finds out?"

He shrugged, "Then they find out. I'm not hiding anything, especially not you. Who are you so scared of finding out?"

You furrowed your brows as if you were trying to calculate who you'd be petrified of knowing. Nervous maybe, but nobody came to mind that you'd feel scared of. He stared at you with a look that screamed 'see?'.

You quipped your lips to the side before sitting down beside him again.

"Damn, now all of my other boyfriends are going to find out."

He rolled his eyes.

"As if." Confident, clearly.

"Enough with all jokes, come back here. Gotta pick up off where we were rudely interrupted."

You smiled at him before leaning closer until you remembered.

"Wait, isn't your sister and my siblings going to to the sacred tree later?"

"Did you want to go?"

You looked at his face and decided that you'd much rather stay right there, "Come here island boy."

Your time spent with Aonung wasn't very productive at all, it wasn't meant to be. It was mostly spent with you peppering him with kisses and him telling you stories about all of the places he didn't get to take you to yet.

But soon you decided it was getting late and you walked home with a happy feeling in your heart but you couldn't shake the thought of Tsiyera, thinking about what she would say. How everyone would take it?

Aonung didn't seem all too worried which surprised you. But it made the idea of people knowing a tad bit easier.

As you got closer to home you heard a lot of commotion, yelling and screaming.

Your heart sank as you ran to your pod to see people rushing in and out, everyone and everything was moving so fast that nobody took much notice to you. You looked around frantically until you heard your mother crying and it made you direct your attention to the inside of the pod.

You pushed past someone to see your sister laying down on a woven mat, eyes closed shut and body limp. You frowned upon the sight instinctively, believing that she was dead. And you rushed over to her which made your mother look up at you with tears streaming down her face.

As you dropped on your knees you whispered out a sad and simple, "No.."

"Kiri? How— Kiri I'm right here! I'm right here, please."

You grabbed Kiri's hand, zoning out everyone. Your ears ringing and your face muscles sore from the permanent frown you had on you. You rocked back and forth while rubbing her hand crying. You just couldn't stop crying. How did this even happen? How could this have happened?

You didn't come back to reality until your mother placed her hand on your check, leaning in so she could whisper in your ear. A motherly attempt at soothing you.

"Shh, she is okay. She is alive, we are okay."

You shook your head, crying out. Your mother dragged your hand to Kiri's chest to feel her heart and undoubtedly you could feel it. You could feel her heart thumping in her chest, you felt it all over your body.

"See? She is okay."

You nodded as you jumped towards your mother with a hug which she accepted quickly as if she knew you'd do so. She cradled you and whispered "she is okay" over and over so that you could truly understand. Your breathing was labored but under the wrap of your mom you soon became grounded. Feeling that soothing sensation of love that she gave unconditionally.

You didn't even bother to ask about all the people who were in the tent. You were so zoned out and attuned to just Kiri that you sat with her for awhile. Staring at her and rubbing your finger through her hair. She was so still but it looked as if she was sleeping, and you were much more okay with that idea. Because the image you saw when you first walked in shook you. You didn't want to imagine the pain if she truly had died.

A couple of hours went by and you finally decided to step out of the tent for some much needed air. Your mother was cautious of your feelings and gently told you to take as much time as you needed. When you stepped out you saw people sitting together, including your father and that's when you came to know that it was scientist from your home village that you were pushing past earlier.

It made you widen your eyes slightly, to see people from home. You watched from a distance as Norm told your father something making him look dissatisfied. But then he nodded upon whatever Norm had spoken to him and you thought about approaching and saying hi to all of them but you decided it was best to wait.

Kiri still hadn't woken up and you didn't want to get in the way of anything, now right now. All of your other siblings were back in the pod with your mother. For now you'd prefer to be alone. Kiri's condition had set off a whirl wind of emotions. Seeing people from home didn't help.

Her being hurt made you feel vulnerable, like you couldn't protect your family no matter how much you wanted to. And seeing all those people made you even more home sick, it was a terrible feeling. You sat on the sand, tracing her name into it. And even picking up a pretty seashell she'd be sure to like once she woke up.

You sighed out and put your head between your legs as they crouched up to your chests. Today was supposed to be a good day.


You turned around and jumped slightly at the sight.

"Finn? What the— I had no idea you were here!"

He laughed at you before pulling you in for a deep hug. You leaned into it, needing it more than him probably since you were feeling pretty shitty. But it was nice to see a familiar face. Finn was Norms son. Norm went through the trouble of giving him the best Navi name he could imagine but Finn just made everyone call him that.

You two were close before your family had left. But you never thought you'd actually see him again.

You forced him to sit down as you attacked him with questions, wanting to talk with him and distract yourself from your feelings.

"How did you even get here?"

"My dad let me come, he said there was something urgent with Kiri. I am so sorry y/n... I was so scared. I know it's still heartbreaking but I am glad she will be okay."

You gave him a gentle smile.

"Thank you very much. I am glad as well. But let's talk about something else. It's just a lot right now."

He nodded, "My little sister said her first words about a week ago."

"What! I always knew she was a fast learner. What were her first words?"

"Norm. But she's struggling so instead of Norm we got Nom."

Your eyes lit up at the idea of her saying it, his sister was quite the cutie and to hear this was heart warming. It sucked to know you'd never get to see her again but at least you were blessed to get an update on her. You felt proud of her, you and Finn would often watch her any chance you got it.

"Such a sweet girl. Gosh I can't believe I missed it you know? I never imagined I'd be here away from the forest."

"I know. It is beautiful here but I imagine you must miss home. We all missed you guys, well I missed you. A lot. It's so good to see you y/n."

He stared at you with adoration and you smiled at him.

In unison, "Wait--" "Tell m--"

He shook his head laughing, "You first?"

"No no, you."

"How has it been here beside everything bad? Anything new?"

You nodded excitedly, ready to optimistically tell him about all the people you've met. The classes you took with your siblings and the similarities between the omaticaya and the metkayiana and all the differences. You ranted on and on about the places you had explored around the reef, ones that Aonung had showed you. Told him about the shops and the food they grew there. And even threw in a bit about the tulkun.

Finn didn't miss a step, listening to you and smiling every time you moved your hands around to really accentuate your story. He watched as your eyes grew wide when you found something new to tell him about, it all sounded so intriguing to him. And he was happy to see you lighten up since he could tell earlier your mind was jumbled but as of now he felt as if he was looking at the girl he always knew. The sweet empathetic girl who was never one to bore. His favorite girl to listen to. And he sat obediently and quiet, something he always tended to do you talked. Occasionally throwing in a question since he knew all too well. He was quick to pick up on that glint in your eye whenever you felt as though you were ranting too much.

"You should've seen it, Lo'ak was so embarrassed. And remember the necklace I told you about earlier? Aonung brought it up during dinner! He's such a dork but they're cute. Tsiyera's such a gem, really."

"That sounds ver--"

"Y/n? I heard about Kiri, is everything okay? I tried to come as soon as I could really. But my mom said I should give you guys space for a few hours. Are you okay? Is she goin-- oh. Who is this?"

You stood up abruptly to look at Aonung. He had a worried look on his face and you felt very cared for to know he came out here to check on you and your sister. But soon you snapped back into it to see Finn standing up beside you brushing the sand off of his legs while looking at Aonung.

"She is fine, everything is fine. Apparently something happened underwater and she had a seizure unexpectedly. It's-- It was horrible. I thought that she...but... it is okay."

It took no time for Aonung to see how upset you still were and instinctively stepped towards you to comfort you but to his surprise the still un-introduced boy did so too. This made you step back away from the both of them quickly and put on a quick smile as to divert their attention.

He then looked at Finn with a questioning look, finally taking notice that he looked similar to you, dark blue features and glory freckles. A slim tail and slim arms.

You were quick to speak up, "This is Finn! My dad had some scientist fly in from home to help Kiri. He is Norms son, my dads friend that I told you about."

"Oh... hi. Thank you for coming out to help Kiri. I appreciate it."

Finn laughed softly sticking his hand out to shake Aonung's.

"I'm no scientist but regardless I wanted to come and support Kiri and the Sullys. Plus I wanted to come and see y/n. Its nice to meet you...?"

"I'm Aonung. Me and y/n are--"

"Friends! Remember I told you about him? Tsiyera's brother?"

Finn nodded before finally shaking his hand and pulling away. Aonung looked over at you with a stare you knew you were bound to get. But you'd have to deal with that later. You left out the part that you and him were together but thats because you left something out about Finn too. At one point you and Finn were together back at home. It was very nice actually and you liked him very much. But upon hearing that you had to leave the forest you broke it off. And you didn't want to deal with the awkwardness of being around two boys that you have feelings for and the other you used to. So for the mean time you ignored Aonung's stares as you asked Finn if you could catch up with him in a minute.

You waved him goodbye and walked along the beach in the opposite direction not missing the sound of Aonung following you. He walked beside you staying silent and just matched your steps. The energy was off and you refused to be the first to say something, too scared to do anything. But knowing him, he spoke up.

"You don't kiss me like a friend."

You sighed out scrunching face into that of discomfort.


"Come on y/n what was that all about? You were acting weird back there, not to mention calling me your friend before I could even finish talking."

"It's not like that. We know we're not friends so that's enough right?"

"Being with you is more than enough but not when you're actively trying to hide me. And from him of all people. I mean did you see the way he looked at you."

You shook your head, "He's just my friend."

"I'm not stupid. You don't have to treat me like it, you can tell me anything."

"There's nothing to tell..."

"Then why are you fiddling with your beads? You're nervous."

You cursed at yourself and dropped your hands. Why was he being so observant?

"Me and Finn used to... date."

"I should've know when he looked at you like that."

"Like what?"

"How I look at you. And please tell me you guys broke up because he was an asshole or something."

"Sorry to disappoint but I broke it off cause I left. But that doesn't mean anything, I swear. I don't have any feelings for him."

"Y/n...you introduced me to someone you used to be with as a friend... who you only stopped seeing because you left...who clearly has feelings for you still. Do you not see how that is upsetting?"

"For one, you don't know if he still has feelings for me. And two, I do see it and I'm sorry, I just felt like it would be awkward. I don't want to argue okay? With everything right with Kiri I just want to relax. Please."

"You're right. Shit— you're right. It's okay y/n. You're probably thinking about a million things, I'm sorry."

He grabbed your waist to stop you from walking further and pulled you in so that your face was nuzzled into his neck.

"Everything's going to be okay. Kiri's gonna be okay."

You let out a sigh and nodded into his skin. Wrapping your arms around him giving it a tight squeeze. He ran his hand through your hair to soothe you. He admired the color of the bracelet to the contrast as he moved his fingers through your hair.

"I thought you were joking earlier about all your secret boyfriends. Looks like I'll have to be on high alert from now on."

You laughed into him, liking how he constantly used a joke to diffuse any situation. He liked the sound of your laugh and would do anything to hear it. Plus he didn't want you to think about Kiri so he was honored to be the one to distract you.

You moved your arms to lift them so that they wrapped around his neck instead of his head, leaning into his ear.

"One down, four more to go."

He let out a playful laugh and rolled his eyes.

"You collecting them or something?"

"Don't worry, you're my favorite one."

He indulged you with a light pinch to your arm. You pushed away from his slightly laughing loudly at the abrupt feeling. As he went to attack you with more, you put your arms up in surrender as you kept laughing out loud.

He pulled you back towards him before kissing your neck,

"Fuck being your favorite. I better be the only one."

I know what are y'all are thinking. "We waited this long for this ass chapter?"

One, yes you did.

Two, in my defense some chapters have to be ass so the others can be considered really good right? 😌
(This is what I'm telling myself so I have the courage to hit the upload button.)


On another note, I'm writing a Tsu'tey story rn. And a spider one. And Jake part 5 so yuh. Oh and please leave Headcannon ideas, I miss writing those. That's all! 💗💗

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"𝓘 had only realized then...Who I was dreaming of, and what our Connections were...It was only a dream not reality" ~Hyejae All characters are aged...
155K 3.1K 17
female oc X Ao'nung Liyanin can't help but notice a boy by the name Ao'nung, though she brushes these feelings off she still can't deny how she real...
120K 3.7K 27
Desire- a fickle thing of fantasy. Fae'voila, a performer of songs, content with her mundane life on a tiny island. Could not dream of love at such...