Rock your world (Lumity ban...


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Luz was forced to return to the human realm by Camilla because she thought it was to dangerous in the boiling... More

Being back
Seeing her
Seeing her pt2
Getting ready
Hey guys!!!
Try the hell out
Trying the hell out pt2
Hang out
Hexside wexside
Party problems
Just a little strength
School pt2
First practice
Caught up
Party at the blight manor
Party at the blight manor pt2
Party at the blight manor pt3
Party at the blight manor pt4
After math


424 10 8

Luz pov

Its 7:30 now, an hour before I am being picked up by willow and Gus. It would be good to get ready now, I'll just take a quick shower since I couldn't earlier, and get dressed. I walked to the bathroom and turned the water on, then putting out my blow dryer I brought from home on the counter, and began to undress. I got in the shower grabbing my shampoo, conditioner, and soap bar, putting them on the shelves in the shower and going under the water. I was think about what my cr- amity was up to, I haven't seen her yet even tho I wished I had. Anyways I finished up in the show and headed out. I dryer myself and wrapped the towel around my body, then I grabbed my blow dryer and dried my hair, styling it by making it messy looking but soft. Then I put on deodorant, my bourbon and oak dented cologne cologne, and brushed my teeth.

I left the bathroom and made it back into my room, aka, the attic. And looked through the clothes I brought. I settled on something simple yet looking good, in my opinion. It was a pair of light gray jeans, a white Paramore shirt, with a unbuttoned blue flannel over top. Paired with bluish grey high top all star converse, a silver chain, bracelets and some rings. All in all I think I look great, but I'm not done yet, I need to add the finishing touch, a gray beanie.

Luz: ok it's 8:10 they should be here soon.

I just sat in the living room until they got there, watching YouTube on my phone, when suddenly I heard a knock and got up opening the door.

Gus: hey Luz ready to go!

Luz: totally, let's get moving!

Willow: well we aren't moving we are flying on my palisman.

Luz: gosh willow it's a metaphor.

Willow: oh well just come on, let's get going!

Gus: yeah let's go!

Luz: alright!

We hopped on willows palisman to fly to where the concert is being held. It isn't to far from the owl house so we will be there in a relatively short time.

Luz: hey guys, can I get some in put on the band, like who is in the band and what music they play? Stuff like that.

Willow: well the band members are a surprise, cause I think it will be fun to see your reaction. But I will say the music they make is basically indie, indie pop, and indie rock. Just all types of indie I guess, they have really good music though.

Luz: oh well that's good to know cause those are my favorite genres of music, and I don't know what game your playing hiding the band members, but I will see eventually so I won't ask about them anymore.

Gus: that's good, but you won't have to wait much longer cause we're here.

Luz: wow that place is big, and very bright.

Willow: well it wouldn't be a good concert without that so it's good it's big and bright.

Luz: I guess.

I checked the time and saw it was 8:45, it felt like five minutes not fifteen, but time flys I guess. We reached the ground and got in line which was pretty short right now since we are kinda early, that's good.

Luz: oh guys I'm so excited!

Gus: Great, their music is killer!

Luz: I sure hope so.

They were chuckling in line waiting for there turn to go in, when they finally reached the ticket guy.

Ticket guy: tickets please.

Willow handed him somthing that I assumed was the tickets and we went in.

Luz: damn this place is really cool looking.

Gus: I know right! Do you have places like this in the human realm?

He asked with excitement in his eyes.

Luz: hah, yeah they are a little different, but it's just as fun.

Gus: Cool!

Willow: ok you guys I think we should go find a place to stand, hopefully close to the stage.

Luz: yeah let's go!

We started walking to the stage cause there wasn't too many people, just enough to make it pretty hard to see us from the stage but we could see the stage perfectly.

Gus: I think this spot is great, we should stop here.

Luz: agreed.

Willow: yeah we should, anyways guys the Announcer is coming on so pay attention.

Luz: really?! Yes it's starting soon!

I was thinking about who could be the band members, I remember Vinny liking music, maybe she's in it.

Announcer: Welcome everyone! Tonight we have a very special band playing, you know them, you love them, so give a hand to the Rule Breakers!

The crowd went wild and started chanting for them, of course I joined in, even tho I don't know the band, but still I need to give some appreciation.

The curtain opened leaving a dark stage to where no one in the crowd could see the band yet, the suspense is killing me, I just want to know who's in the band. Now one of the lights turned on but still not revealing anyone. It slowly made its way to the back left of the stage, it got closer and closer until, Bosha. That's so cool! Bosha is in the band!


Willow: LUZ!

Luz: HA just messing around but that's cool she's in the band.

Gus: I know right, but just wait, there's more.

Luz: ok

A second light turned on, doing the exact same as the other, but this time going to the back right, revealing EDRIC? I can't wait to see who the last person is.


Willow and Gus looked at each other.

Willow: maybe.

She said and shrugged.

And last but not least, a third light turned on, doing the same yet again but going to the front and center of the stage. Then I see her...Amity, she's so... beautiful, she's more then that, she's, angelic. My jaw was dropped and my face was heating up, I can't believe it's her.

Willow and Gus looked at me with smug faces.

Gus: hey Luz you good~

He said in a teasing tone.

Luz: y-yeah... oh wow.

Willow: what's wrong Luz, cat got your tongue~

She said in the same tone as Gus.

Luz: s-shut up g-guys.

Then amity started talking.

Amity: Hey boiling isles how's it going!

The crowd was screaming when she pointed the mic towards the crowd, then back at herself.

Amity:Good to hear! Are you guys ready for some music!
She pointed that mic at the crowd again and they went crazy, again.

Amity: well it sounds like you wanna hear some tunes so let's just get on with it shall we~

The crowd got even louder, if possible. She put the mic back on the stand and music started, a soft strum turning into the song.

Late night telephone
Callin' all the wallflowers I know
Out the dark and into the light-ight-ight
Half love, half regret
Dressin' up for Polaroids and cigarettes
Socialize, romanticize the life-ife-ife

Her voice, it was...magical, she sounded like if she sang for someone who absolutely hated music, by the time she finished they would be tears. It was I was in a trance in my cr- in amity's voice.

Floating on my lowkey vibe
Floating on my lowkey vibe, vibe, vibe
I don't need that late night high
I'm floating on my
Vibe, vibe, vibe, vibe
Vibe, vibe

The song too, it was great, I think it's definitely my new favorite, I could also hear some of boshas background vocals.

Bulletproof passengers
On the road to sex, drugs, etcetera
Get out the dark and into the light-ight-ight
Everywhere I go, I know that I don't wanna be
Part of something I won't ever need
Your socialized, romanticized life-ife-ife

Her voice was more then any word you could think of to describe it, it was indescribable.

Floating on my lowkey vibe
Floating on my lowkey vibe, vibe, vibe
I don't need that late night high
I'm floating on my
Vibe, vibe, vibe, vibe
Vibe, vibe

Out of touch in harmony
Designer drugs from dead end streets
Break the air to feel the fall
Or just feel anything at all

Im star struck, I want to listen to her for the rest of my life, singing or not.

Floating on my lowkey vibe
Floating on my lowkey vibe, vibe, vibe
I don't need that late night high
Floating on my
Vibe, vibe, vibe, vibe
Vibe, vibe

Floating on my lowkey vibe
Floating on my lowkey vibe, vibe, vibe
I don't need that late night high
(I'm floating on my)

Just then the song came to the end and I was brought out of my trance by willow nudging me.

Willow: sooooo how was it.

Luz: indescribable, just wow words can't comprehend.

Gus: seems like someone is still in love~

He said teasingly.

Luz: even more now.

I whispered to myself.

Willow: what was that Luz?

Luz: o-oh n-nothing.

Willow: ok well let's just continue the watching.


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