Kinesmen 2:Religion Awaken(+1...

By drkmattervik

217 23 0

4 years had passed since the Kinesmen 1 events and the world is now much better. Paratina became free and wit... More

Chapter 1:Part 1
Chapter 1:Part 2
Chapter 1:Part 3
Chapter 2:Part 1
Chapter 2:Part 2
Chapter 2:Part 3
Chapter 2:Part 4
Chapter 2:Part 5
Chapter 3:Part 1
Chapter 3:Part 2
Chapter 3:Part 3
Chapter 3:Part 4
Chapter 3:Part 5
Chapter 3:Part 6
Chapter 3:Part 8

Chapter 3:Part 7

5 0 0
By drkmattervik

           The seraph of the eye rings, Thrones, flew at high speed across the planet with the demigod, Jade, inside him. Suddenly, a beam of green light passes through one of Thrones' rings, causing him to fall to the ground and become unable to do anything about it. Jade quickly grabbed the mjölnir and pointed it at the ground, freezing them and the ground so they wouldn't take any impact. Then they thaw, dropping to the ground undamaged. The angel had the tips of his ring struck corroding in a green light.

Jade: Oh no... What's going on with you, Thrones?
?: Angel? Can't regenerate?
Jade: Huh?

A man's voice was heard, they faced the being that had approached.

Thrones: Alphonse "Alpha" Alucard Oldwest... I can't, this energy is destroying my body and making me weak...

           Alphonse pointed his hand at the green energy, emanating heat from it and noticing particles similar to demonic energy, but it had its own effect. He then tries to freeze the regions, but they soon melt away.

Thrones: Young master, help Mr. Oldwest...
Jade: I-I'll try.

He grips his sledgehammer tightly, with cold air starting to orbit his body. The same applies a powerful blow to nothing in the direction of the wound, generating a stalagmite between the ends of the ring, which now did not appear to be melting. Alpha quickly charges her hand with heat and punches the ice, shattering and melting it. However, taking the corrupted parts along. At that, Erelin began to heal, with veins coming out of the wounds and sewing up, leaving him as good as new.

Alpha: This energy behaves like alpha or beta radiation, we must be careful with it...
Jade: "Alpha or beta radiation"?
Alpha: Oh yeah, you're just a kid. Uh... Think of them as microscopic balls of energy. In the case of these, they use the energy of the body they are in to multiply and damage it even more, like a virus.
Jade: Oooooh, now I get it.
Thrones: I can't waste time, I have to get Jade out of here-
Jade: Watch out!

The boy notices something approaching before them, being another green beam. He jumps in the direction of the attack and blocks with mjölnir, freezing the energy after it hits the hammer.

Thrones: Damn it, the enemy must be close by now!

It creates a protective aura around the 3, making them immune to radiation. They then see a female spirit walking there, being Thaynara. Immediately, the angel leaves her with the protective aura.

Alpha: Thay! Be careful, the enemy is nearby and he has an unknown skill!... Thay?

The Valkyria's face could not be seen, but she quickly drew her spear and jumped towards the spirit, with him blocking with a hand covered in massive ice in the form of a gauntlet. Then, he sees her greenish eyes.

Alpha: God damn it... Looks like this energy is really like a zombie virus!

On the spear, several pistol shrimp appear that snap their pincers and propel the spear forward with force and break the gauntlet. Thay made an attack to skewer Alphonse again, but from the tip of the spear comes a large tree that throws him away. Lothbrok runs over to Alpha, seeing him quickly get to his feet and not being hurt, but looking in disbelief. The nordic soon understands his reaction when looking back.
           A horde of zombie spirits running towards them, starting to attack them. Jade slams down on the ground and makes a huge wall of ice, with Ofanin blocking the attacks with divine shields and dodging with his speed and teleportation.

Jade: Our allies are completely overpowered, w-what are we going to do?!
Alpha: Damn... I don't think we'll have any other choice. We're going to have to kill them while we don't have a cure.

The former kinesman places one hand above the other, cracking his fingers and charging them with thermal energy. He punched the ground with both hands and dug them into the ground. The place where the spirits were standing starts to glow red and a huge volcanic eruption occurs, hitting the zombie spirits full on. However, with the lava it falls to the ground and he is soon amazed to see that the supernatural beings are still standing. The 3 are in shock, so much so that the angel loses concentration and the protective aura becomes weaker. At that moment they are startled as 3 shots of greenish energy appear and hit them, with Thrones having most of his rings pierced, Jade having his shoulder and Alpha his foot. The seraph falls to the ground and is quickly consumed by energy and falls to the ground dead. The 2 survivors are agonizing in pain, with Alphonse enraged and starting to channel heat into his body, leaving him yellow. In a scream of fury, he releases a huge blast of heat that forms a geyser of yellow light and through that force he manages to repel the corrupt energy from his body.
           Then, a figure appears in that light and is thrown back, being badly injured by the intense heat. He falls to the ground and begins to stand up regenerating, with its form now being visible.

Lázaro Barbosa de Sousa, the Brazilian assassin in demonic form. The monster soon raised its arm up, causing several dead spirits, demons and angels to be revived as its servants through its manipulation of lazarus waves and go towards Alphonse and Jade. The demigod who would have shielded himself from his ally's release of power with a dome of ice would have already undid the construct and then slammed his sledgehammer into the ground, releasing an enormous amount of solid water that created an colossal hollow pillar whose walls were extremely thick and cold, slowing enemies down for a while. However, due to the injury and energy in Jade, he feels a strong pain and falls.

Alpha: Jade!

He soon held the boy, seeing his injury and froze the area to delay the effect of radiation. The spirit already had its body healed due to its supernatural nature, thinking about how it was going to get that out of its body. He then remembers when he produced solar energy, extending his arms to the right and left, respectively, concentrating cold on the left and heat on the right. The energies are conducted to his chest, starting to generate electrical energy that is in a globular shape and Alpha begins to shape it with his hands. The thermokinetic put the electricity into the wound, the electrons capture the lazarus particles and remove them. The man separated the particles so they lost force and threw them on the ground, freezing them and making them unusable.

Alpha: Kid, I'm going to need you to take your shirt off and use it as a gag. I will cauterize your wound.

           The demigod removes his sweater and places a part in his mouth. Oldwest makes his palm hot.

Alpha: This is going to hurt.

He put his hand under the boy's shoulder, heating the wound, making Lothbrok bite down hard on his shirt in pain. When he finished, he took the sleeve of Jade's shirt and ripped it, tying it on his shoulder.

Alpha: Well, Jade. From what I've seen, that demon doesn't do well with light. Although you control ice, if you reduce the cold, you create more heat, which can generate light.
Jade: How do I do that?...
Alpha: Well... Things get hot or cold according to their atomic movement, if the atoms are agitated it's because it's hot and if they're sluggish it's because they're cold. In addition, hot things also emit radiation, which is heat. You need to take the cold out of things to make them hotter, you know?
Jade: I think so...

Suddenly, the walls begin to be destroyed by spirit zombies.

Alpha: Jade, let's freeze them! So it doesn't matter if they revive or not!
Jade: Good thinking!

Alphonse pointed his hands at the zombies and began to absorb their heat, leaving them superficially frozen while Jade would point the sledgehammer with one arm and freeze the enemies. At the same time, Eric's father would create an electrical aura around the two of them that would block the radiation. A lazarus beam would soon hit them, but it wouldn't hurt them for the electrons that were covering their body. Then, several shots begin to be fired, with some of them missing. However, the mistake would be deliberate, as the shots would be reflected by the frozen bodies and then hit back against them, causing them to be shot and having to run while taking cover.

Alpha:( Shit, his shots are reflected by the ice because they are rays of light. But if we don't freeze them, how are we going to defeat them? Even if we kill them, they will come back again and again! The demon is also undetectable... Fuck, what do we do-)

A knife slashes through Alpha's back and into his chest, the blade gleaming through the lazarus waves. Energy begins to bubble up in that region and infest itself within.

Alpha: J-Jade!... Please take good care of my son Eric-

           The spirit then explodes into greenish lights, later reconstructing himself as an undead spirit. The nordic seeing that soon became furious, using his injured arm to manage to hold mjölnir with both hands, raising the melee weapon and closing the skies with black clouds. A large tornado of cold air surrounds him, with the boy delivering a blow to the air that releases a large wave of air that freezes everything, including Lazarus. He jumped towards the demon and hit him several times while his body regenerated. Jade then began to absorb the cold in his hand and in the air, setting it on fire, giving an extreme force blow to Barbosa's face to purge him, making the spirits, angels and demons die for good.

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