
By ellieruewrites37

314K 9K 7.7K

Logan Romano took the NHL like a hurricane- dark and brooding. With his natural talent, brute force and shee... More

✩ 𝚊𝚞𝚝𝚑𝚘𝚛'𝚜 𝚗𝚘𝚝𝚎 ✩
✩ 𝚌𝚊𝚜𝚝 & 𝚙𝚕𝚊𝚢𝚕𝚒𝚜𝚝 ✩
one| lifesaver
two| a bad day
three| red wine stain
four| stranger
five| worlds worst dog
six| mind games
seven| money on the mind
eight| conditions
nine | moving day
ten | home decor
twelve | snooping
thirteen | curiosity killed the cat
fourteen | dinner
fifteen | karma
sixteen | the burden
seventeen | designated drinkers
eighteen | irresponsible
nineteen | the aftermath
twenty | girlfriend
twenty one | pillow wall
twenty two | hate
twenty three | soon you'll get better
twenty four | matilda
twenty five | hospital bills
twenty six | charity case
twenty seven | trouble in paradise
twenty eight | mission: forgiveness.
twenty nine | bruised
thirty | all or nothing

eleven | challenge

10K 334 392
By ellieruewrites37

Me: How classy would it be if I throw up in
a bush right now?

Cece💋: Not very, Nove. Not very
Cece💋: is it too late to make a break for it?

Me: I'm already in the fancy shmancy box...

Cece💋: r.i.p girl, you've just gotta brave it
Cece💋: I'm sure you'll be fine!

Me: i politely disagree.
Me: this actually might be the worst
experience of my life

Cece💋: worst comes to worst, buy a couple
of shots and be so drunk that you can't
even remember the trauma!
Cece💋: good luck, girlie. sending prayers🙏❤️‍🔥

I hate ice hockey.

I hate the loud crowds, the booming commentary, the aggression, the noise of the skates, the weird cages that cover the players faces.

And now I'm adding a new thing to the hate list- I hate the executive box.

I have never felt so out of place in my life.

Every person that's sat in this box is worth millions. They're all decked out in clean-cut engagement rings, custom made suits and stilettos I've only ever seen advertised in Cecilia's fashion magazines.

They laugh at jokes I don't understand and exchange stories about their wild adventures at the country club and the havoc they reeked during their annual trip to the ski resort.

The men sit by the bar, nursing expensive glasses of scotch and chuckling in the way all rich white men do.

I don't belong here.

"Are you lost, sweet pea?" A woman with perfectly laminated brows and fluffy eyelashes asks me, a martini resting in her manicured hands.

My alert eyes drift to the done-up brunette by her side. I'm extremely impressed by how her forehead doesn't crease in the slightest as she frowns down at me.

"Oh, erm, no. I'm not lost, thanks." I gulp, wishing that I could afford a drink at this damn bar. "I'm, uh, just new around here."

The women look at each other and smirk. "We could tell. More women here slap a bit more makeup on and at least try to look good." One says patronisingly.

"And you don't even have a diamond ring on that finger. Talk about puck bunny." The other snickers, twisting her own engagement ring.

That damn rock glistens almost as bright as the sun when it catches the light. And usually, I love things that sparkle. But this diamond has clear undertones of mocking and practically screams 'I'm better then you'.

"She can't get married, Margot. She barely looks over fifteen!"

Margot covers her mouth with her hand but that doesn't stop me from being able to hear her giggling.

"You're a tiny little mouse, aren't you? Bless, must be frightening being around the big boys, hm?"

"Oi, tweedle bitch and tweedle bitcher." My bones practically jump out of my skin in shock at the addition of a new voice. "Lay off and go redirect that energy towards your cheating husbands."

I watch in what can only be described as awe when a supermodel-worthy woman comes to my side.

For a split second, I take on the role of a creepy man and let myself admire how her toned legs go on for miles, her dark hair shimmers and her cheekbones slice through the middle of her face.

This woman is flawless.

"My husband does not cheat on me!"

"I let him cheat so it's allowed!" The women say in perfect unison, proving my new crush's point perfectly.

"I feel sorry for you girls, really, I do."

Mrs botox-lady glowers. "Get off your damn high horse, Ciara. You're no better then the rest of us!"

Ciara? As in Carter's wife Ciara?

No. Freaking. Way.

"But I am better then you, Margot. Because I'm not a raging asshole. Now scram! I have my new best friend to meet."

I've known her all but two seconds and I can already say with certainty that Ciara Vaughn is one badass lady.

"Sorry about that. This box is crawling with nasty bitches like that." She shivers and loos her arm with my elbow. "It's okay, you've got me to protect you. I'll bat off these freaks all damn game if I have to!"

I chuckle and walk with her to the marble-top bar. "I seriously can't thank you enough. There's just something about rude rich people that leaves me a quivering mess!" 

"I was just like that when my husband first invited me up here too. You eventually get used it and learn how to put them in their place."

The barman rushes over to us without even being called. Ciara orders a bottle of champagne and just as I'm beginning to pale at the thought of paying for that, she tells him to place the order on 'Mr Romano's tab'.

I like this woman's style.

"Sweet baby Jesus, I've been so rude! I haven't even introduced myself." She tuts. "I'm Ciara Vaughn, Carter's wife. It's so nice to finally meet you."

She wraps her toned arms around me, enveloping me in warmth and what I'm 99% sure is Chanel No.5.

"Hi, I'm November Levine. Logan's new puppy-sitter." I introduce myself with a warm smile of my own. "But my friends call me Nova."

"Well, that's not what my husband calls you! All I hear is 'shortcake' this and 'short stuff' that!"

I chuckle and nod shyly. "I had only known him maximum ten seconds before he served me a handful of nicknames. I guess that's me done for life now, huh?"

"Oh, absolutely." Ciara snickers, sipping her champagne. "Once Carter gives you a nickname you're officially stuck with us forever. We may as well adopt you now and make you a Vaughn."

"I think I could live with that. I'm sure you and Carter will raise me well."

"Damn straight we would, Nova!" She exclaims. "So, how are you finding hockey life so far? Is it everything the movies paint it out to be?"

My eyes travel around the fancy box and land on the big screen visible from the glass. "Erm, not quite. Can I tell you a secret, Ciara?"

She rests her glass of champagne on the bar and places her hand on my knee. "Nova, I love secrets. And I'm the absolute best at keeping them! I swear on mother Mary, baby Jesus and the donkey."

I tip my head back in laughter, my face splitting into a wide smile.

There's something about Ciara Vaughn that somehow immediately makes me feel lighter. It's almost as though I can forget those nasty women earlier and the horrible cab ride I had over here. I can forget how dismissive the staff were when I got lost in this maze of a stadium.

Heck, I can even forget the fact that Logan, my boss Logan, specifically told me to not come today and here I am, sat in the freaking executive box!

Ciara's presence is calming. Soothing. Reassuring. And if that isn't what I need in my life right now then I don't know what is.

"Good." I sigh in relief and cup my hand around her ear. "I don't know the first dang thing about hockey! I'm totally clueless!"

As I expected her too, she giggles at me softly, shaking her head in what must be despair. "Oh, sweetheart, you can't be that bad. I'm sure you know more than you think."

"Nuh uh. I swear, I know diddly squat! Test me and see." I encourage her, relaxing even more as my glass of champagne starts to fizz its way into my blood stream.

Expensive booze and amazing company? Maybe the executive box isn't so bad...

"Alright, alright. It's pop quiz time." Ciara hums and points to the ice. "You see that little spot on the ice? There's a whole bunch of them. What're they for?"

I purse my lips and squint at the small spot on the ice. Although, it's a little hard to focus on it when gigantic players with sticks and angry faces whizz all over it.

So inconsiderate of them!

"Oo! Is it where the players stand to sing the national anthem? Like in dance, how you have spots to know you're in the right position?"

Nailed it. Go Nova!

"Erm, good guess, honey. I like your creativity!" She rubs my arm and speaks with an enthusiasm I was all too used to hearing when I was at middle school.

It's the 'you're totally and completely wrong but don't cry about it!' voice.

"It's actually where the face-off's happen so-"

"What's a face-off?" I ask, my face contorting into a grimace as a men on the ice in a red jersey gets roughly shoved into the plastic boards.

Ciara hisses at the nasty blow too before returning her attention back to me. "Let's keep things simple for now. We can learn about face-off's the next time you come to watch."

Next time? Oh God, is there going to be a next time?

I could barely muster up the courage to come this time! And now I'm expected to show up again, do this all again, repeat this experience again?

Nuh uh! No way.

"Oo, this is an easy one. What does that little 'c' on Logan's jersey mean?"

I squint at the ridiculously tall man with 'Romano' printed on the back of his jersey.

I hate to admit it but I'm 99% sure that I could spot Logan without his name on his back. Hell, I could probably spot him sat hundreds of miles away.

Logan has a this certain presence about him. One where you can't help but stop and stare. This assertive, dominant, confident, demands-you-attention kind of presence that draws the eye.

Well, it draws my eye at least.

It's like he puts out this incredibly intoxicating energy. He's all muscle, strength, intoxicating masculinity and pure power. And I can feel that.

"Is it for the Centre?" I reply to Ciara, my voice wavering with uncertainty.

You'd think being a born and bread New Yorker, I'd have a little familiarity with hockey. My Grandpa was a die hard Rangers fan after all.

But I personally couldn't care any less.

The only sport I have ever engaged with was dance. And maybe now a little basketball. But only when my little brother Brody plays or when I visit home and he forces me to watch the Brooklyn Nets game with him.

And now I live with a professional hockey player. Who is friends with other professional hockey players. One of which has a wife I'm going to beg to adopt me.

So I guess, if all goes to plan and Ciara agrees, I'll be the daughter of a hockey player soon enough.

"Really good guess, Nova! But, it's erm, it actually stands for captain. Logan's the captain." She explains softly and points to him on the ice. "He plays right wing. Not that that means anything to you, huh?"

I tip back the remaining champagne in my glass, my skin quickly warming up with the alcohol buzzing its way into my system. "Nope, not really. But captain, huh? Is that why he's so, erm, uptight?"

Uptight is putting it nicely...

"Nova you are too sweet." Ciara smirks at me. "You can call him an asshole you know? It's okay to say it if it's the truth."

"Oh. I thought you guys were friends. I didn't want to start bashing him in front of you." I laugh in relief. I guess now I can rant to my new BFF, hopefully future adoptive mother, about my boss from hell.


She swishing the liquid in her glass around. "No, no! Me and Lo are friends. Best friends. He's my son's Godfather actually."

I choke on the champagne in my mouth.

"I'm so sorry! I didn't mean anything by it. He's just-"

"Don't stress that pretty little head of yours, Novie." Ciara pats my hand gently. "Logan may be one of my closest friends but I call it how I see 'em and that man is one conceited, obnoxious, rude, dickhead who needs to be taught a lesson or two in manners."


Well I can't say she's wrong...

"He's hard to deal with at the best of times. And I guess he's a special pain in the ass for you, you know, considering he fancies the panties off of you."

Ciara's hand flies over her mouth. She gasps.

My eyes widen. My right lower lash line twitches. I audibly gulp. "I- I'm sorry. What was that last part?"

"I shouldn't of said that, shit! I'm going to get my head ripped off for that later." She scolds herself. "All I meant to say was that Logan has the hots for you so that's why he's such an ass."

"H-he has the hots for me?" I whisper-yell, my eyes now blued to and following the back of the jersey that reads 'Romano'.

"I shouldn't have said that either! Ugh! This champagne is going right to my head."

"I must not be hearing you right because there is no way that man." I jab my thumb at the big screen as another goal is scored by the man in question. "Him, him on that big TV, has the hots for me."

Ciara narrows her eyes at me. "Well why the heck wouldn't he? You're gorgeous! If there's one thing Lo loves it's a pretty girl!"

"He definitely doesn't love me. More the opposite actually." I scoff at the thought of Logan finding me attractive.

He's made it pretty damn clear how he feels towards me. And none of the emotions are positive.

It's all anger, frustration, irritation; the list goes on and on. That's pretty much the opposite of liking someone or thinking they're beautiful.

"Ah, Novie. I'll let you in on a trade secret when it comes down to Logan Romano."

I give her my full attention, my hears perked up and ready for this tidbit.

"The man you've met is full of rage and resentment. He's hurt and he's bruised. But the man I know he is deep down, Nova," She shakes her head and sighs deeply.

"That man is loving, free-spirited and protective."

Logan Romano; loving? Protective? Free-spirited?

I seriously doubt that.

"If I know Lo like I think I do then you, Nova, will be able to break down those barriers of his until that rage filled Logan is nowhere to be found." 

I cast my eyes down to the floor. "That's very sweet, Ciara, b-but I don't think I'll be able do that. I'm not special. I'm just his temporary employee."

She chuckles. "Now that's where you're wrong."

"I am?"

"Big time." I roll my bottom lip into my mouth and try to anticipate her next words. "You're not just his employee. You're his roommate too! And more then that, you're November freaking Levine!"

Ciara grabs my shoulders and looks deep into my eyes. Her presence is still warm but all playfulness has gone. She's deadly serious.

"Just be yourself, Nova. That will be more then enough to melt that man's icy heart."

I doubt that. I doubt that big time.

But I'll let Ciara have this one.

And hey! Who knows? Maybe in time Logan and I will warm up to each other! 

... Not likely but I guess if this past week has taught me anything it's to expect the unexpected.

"Great job today, boys. First rounds on me."

The team whoops as we pile into the crowded bar, the chants and cheers we heard sang around the stadium now being repeated while we fight our way to the very back.

There's a big grin on every players face tonight. We're all practically buzzing with excitement and are still running high on adrenaline and endorphins.

Even after 9 years of playing serious hockey, that feeling of pure relief and pride you get after a big win never goes away. If anything, it's gotten stronger.

I never walk away from a winning game without a shit-eating grin on my face. Or without an extra kick in my step or swagger in my walk.

That's one of the things I love most about my job. That it has the power to make me feel this damn good.

"Carter! Babe, over here!" Ciara, Carter's wife, yells over the top of our chanting.

I can barely see the top of her head as we approach the table in the far right corner until she climbs up on her seat and waves her arms way over the crowds head like a fucking maniac.

Carter frantically waves back and shoves past the rest of the guys to get to his wife quicker. "Did you see that last goal? Did you see it? I slotted the puck in that top corner and the poor little bastard didn't stand a chance!"

"I did see it!" Ciara gushes excitedly, using her husband's shoulders to climb down from the chair. "It was amazing, sweetheart! I'm so proud of you."

Carter Vaughn is one of our top goal scorers. In fact, he's one of the top scorers in the entire NHL. There's usually not a game that goes by that Carter doesn't get a shot in.

Him scoring really isn't a rarity. But still, after every single game, Carter will rush back to his wife to tell her all about it.

And every time, Ciara is just as excited for him.

It's sweet really. That after all this time he still cares enough to go running back to her with the news. And that after all this time, Ciara cares enough to listen.

I guess that's love. A kind of love that I can't even imagine being in.

"Fuckin' hell." Our centre, Ryker Maddox, whistles and nudges both me and Jonas in the ribs. "Who brought Blondie with 'em?"

My eyes dart to the table the team has flocked to.

You've gotta be fucking kidding me.

Nestled in the far corner, squeezed in between Ciara and Greyson, is the wide-eyed blonde in question.

Nova sits with a polite smile on her face as she gets introduced to the players on my team. Her fingers run through her neatly curled hair every-so-often and her chest rises and falls a little faster with each man that approaches her.

She's completely surrounded by my teammates. They've all flocked to her in desperation, each of them grinning down at her like she's the last cookie in the fucking jar.

Maybe it's her pouty lips, silky blonde hair or striking blue eyes that drew them in. Or maybe it's the way her her cheeks turn pink whenever you shuffle closer to her, it could even be how her small waist perfectly curves out to her hips.

Whatever it is, it has Maddox completely compelled. He may as well be fucking her on top of the bar by the way he's staring her down.


"Aw, Nova's here! Thanks for inviting her, Lo." Jonas cheers, waving and catching the eye of the nervous woman being swarmed.

"I didn't fucking invite her." I grumble and flag down the bartender. He rushes over, notepad in hand. "A beer. And keep them coming, Eric. It's going to be a rough night."

He chuckles and slides the $50 I placed in his palm into his back pocket. "It always is, Logan, it always is. Do you want me to bring it over to your usual table?"

"Please." I sigh and cast my eyes back to a giggling Nova. She has her palm resting on our left defence's arm, her eyelashes fluttering as he no doubt attempts to flirt the panties off of her. "What's Blondie drinking?"

Given her flushed cheeks, hazed expression and more confident laugh, I'd say Goldilocks is drinking something strong.

"Ciara's got her on the cocktail menu. I think the favourite has been our mojito." Eric replies with a chuckle.

I wet the seam of my lips, my eyes glued to the male hand resting on her leg. "Send her another. On me."

If I have to put up with her tonight then I at least want to be able to tolerate her. And the last time I met drunk Nova, back when she was trapped in my bathroom, she was slightly more bearable.

That and... Well, I guess it's a half apology for being such an ass to her yesterday.

But mostly the first thing.

"God, I can't get over how fucking hot she is."

"Be quiet, Maddox. For once." I groan, pinching the bridge of my nose.

"But dude! Have you fuckin' seen her? I mean, look at that body! I stare at those tits and I just wanna-"

"Shut the fuck up, Ryker!" I yell, yanking on the collar of his coat and dragging him closer. "Don't say another fucking word about that woman, do you understand me?"

He holds his hands up in surrender. "Sorry, sorry! I didn't mean it like that. I just meant that she's a hell of a lot more beautiful then most women. That's all, Lo."

I release my vice grip on his coat and grumble, "Too bad she's a fucking nightmare."

"I bet she is." He whispers, probably thinking that I can't hear his dumb ass comments. "So, what's her deal?"

"What's her deal?" I repeat back to him with a scowl and take a long pull from my beer.

I have a feeling tonights one of those nights where I need to be blackout drunk to enjoy it.

"Yeah, like is she your ex girlfriend or just a hookup?"

Jonas begins to hysterically laugh.

I gulp my drink down with shocked, wide eyes. "What the fuck is that supposed to mean?"

Maddox jabs his thumb over his shoulder at Blondie. "I mean, it's pretty obvious y'all have a little thing goin' on. I just don't wanna step on any toes, you know your my boy!"

I hate this kid. But more than that, I hate that every man and his damn dog thinks that there's something between Nova and I when in reality we couldn't have anything less to do with each other.

"Mad, I'll let you in on a secret." Jonas whisper-yells to him. "Logan and Nova are married. They're actually madly in love and are-"

"Do you ever shut the fuck up?" I groan. "There is nothing going on. There will never be anything going on. She just works for me. That's it."

If I have to repeat myself one more time I swear, I'm going to lose my shit.

I shoulder past both idiots and head straight to the crowded table. The last thing I need right now is to hear how i'm secretly pining after November and how we're 'perfect for each other'.

Perfect my ass.

"There he is! How's my favourite Italian man doing?"

My lips tip up in a small smile as Ciara loops her arms around my next. "How many cosmo's have you drank tonight?"

"None!" She hisses and sits back down on Carter's lap. "We've been on everything but cosmo's tonight, hey, Novie?"

"Oh, is that right, Novie?" Our eyes meet across the table. The dim lights cast a low shadow over her soft features, making her eyelashes seem longer, her blue eyes darker and her stare more seductive.

She shifts in her seat, moving away from the thirsty bastard currently trying to bat for her attention. "Hi."

"Hi." I say back slowly. I watch her sway slightly from side to side and snicker. "How many drinks have you had so far?"

Blondie giggles nervously and adjusts the deep V of her white shirt. "A few. A lot. Enough that I don't feel the urge to strangle you... Yet."

"Shame." I hum, swigging my beer. "I don't mind a little light choking, sweetheart."

I expected Nova to back down after my comment. To cower away and blush shyly like she has before.

But this time she rises to the challenge. "I guess that makes two of us. Although I don't like anything done to me lightly, Mr Romano."

My voice catches in my throat.

I can feel my pants tightening as my dick hardens from her words and her penetrating gaze. I hope to God she stops fucking looking at me like that until I feel compelled to do something about the hard on she's just caused.

But Nova doesn't back down.

She keeps her eyes dead locked with mine even while she takes a sip from the drink I bought her. She keeps her eyes fixated on mine even when one of my desperate teammates is whispering in her ear.

She even carries on this intense game of who-will-look-away-first as she takes his hand and lets him guide her out to the makeshift dace floor.

I watch her strut away from the table, her hips swaying in that scrap of material she probably calls a mini skirt.

I'm so fucked.

"Nova." I call right before she's dragged away and out of my touch. "Don't go embarrassing yourself."

Blondie leans in close, her perfume drifting its way up my nose and completely infiltrating my senses. "Oh, I won't. Don't you worry about me, Mr Romano."

She wets her pouty lips and lowers her voice to a sultry whisper. "I can handle myself. You'll see."

My fists clench around my beer bottle, knuckles turning white, as she winks at me and slowly backs away and into the bustling crowds.

I can just about make out the very top of her blonde head until she totally vanishes into the masses with one of my teammates arms firmly wrapped around her small waist.

"Is it just me," I drawl to Carter. "Or was that a challenge?"

He smirks and chuckles to his wife. "Dude. You are in way over your head. She's going to eat you alive."

"We'll see about that." I briefly catch sight of her looping her arms around the neck of her newfound dance partner before she slips away again.

It's only after a few moments of staring, waiting and searching that I see Goldilocks again.

This time, her crystal blue eyes are directly set on me. So is the smirk painted on her pink lips.

But her body? Her body is pressed against a man she's only just met.

I glower and mouth, "Game on, sweetheart."


The strobe lights change from blue to red. And with them, my mood switches from cool, calm and collected to a burning flame building up in my chest.

And it's all because of a 5 foot 3 blonde with too much liquid courage.

November's back is flush against Ryker Maddox's chest. Her hips are glued to his, the two of them moving in sync with the thundering beat of the song. She has a slender arm looped around his neck with his crusty ass lips attached to her ear.

"Damn, Maddox is laying it on thick." Greyson chuckles to me. "I mean, knowing him, he's probably saying the filthiest fucking shit to her."

My jaw clenches. My knuckles turn stark white from the strangling grip I have around my beer bottle.

"Ha! He's going in for the kill. The hand is officially wandering."

I snap my eyes to the two of them. That's when I realise, for once, Grey's actually 100% right. Mad's hand is travelling down the side of Blondie's waist, his fingers splayed across the bare skin between her shirt and skirt.

"God, poor Novie." Grey whispers. "She's way too good for him. Like a hundred miles out of his league."

"Ain't that the fuckin' truth." I grumble back to him, my jaw ticking as I sit back and glare at the leech sucking on Goldilocks' neck.

She's deliriously drunk, that much is fucking obvious. I don't think a sober Nova would be comfortable with getting practically fucking groped in front of the entire bar.

"Do you think she likes him?" Jonas asks, his words all slurred together.


"Not a chance in hell." Greyson and I say in unison.

Grey narrows his eyes at me. "Lo, they may as well be having sex right now. I'm pretty sure she likes him."

"And I'm pretty sure that she's just trying to prove a point." I jab back. "Pain in my fucking ass."

I say the last part loud enough in hopes of Nova hearing me over the whispers of sweet nothing in her ear. And judging by the scowl on her face and the fire burning in her eyes, I think I succeeded.

Her pout and downturned eyebrows aren't as intimidating as she seems to think but the challenging smile on her face sure as shit is.

A hint of mischief in a usually innocent woman is almost bone chilling.

"Did you hear that, Ryker?" Blondie yells up to him, putting at least a metre's distance between them. "I just heard Logan say free shots, on him!"

Maddox whoops, attracting the attention of the other drunken dancers. "No way! I love this guy!"

I hate this guy.

"Actually," She climbs up on a barstool and uses Mad's shoulders for balance as she hollers, "Free shots for everyone! Put it on Mr Romano's tab."

I don't even have a split second to process what she's just done before Eric, the backstabbing bartender, tosses her a bottle of tequila and Nova is on top of the bar, pouring shot after shot to total strangers.

I should rush up to her, yank the bottle out of her hands and scream at her for wasting my money.


But I don't. Like a pussy-whipped fool, I fight back a smile and watch as she soaks her white shirt through with liquor and laughs hysterically.

I've never seen her so wild. So free.

It's like all of the anxieties that usually hold her hostage have been released, and with them so has her inhibitions. She's letting loose. In an extreme way, sure, but I can almost feel my heart warming from seeing the bright beam on her face.

That is until booze-filled Blondie fucks it all up.

She starts with a little sway from side to side. Then she slips a little on the soaking wet bar top. Next is a stumble. She catches herself before she face plants head first against the surface.

I can predict what's about to happen from a mile away. Any person with common fucking sense can.

"Maddox! Mad!" I call to him, shouldering my way through the rowdy dancers and shot-takers. "Ryker! Look alive, dumbass!"

He doesn't hear me. But Nova does.

Her attention flickers away from her attempts at balancing on the bar and focusses on my quickly approaching form.

"Stay still. Do not fucking move, you hear me?" My stern warning falls on deaf, dumb and drunk ears.

"What?" She screams back, cupping her ear. "I can't hear you, Lolo. Haha, Lolo! Like Lolly!"

This woman is going to be the death of me.

My legs propel forward at a lightening speed when Nova's torso begins to tip forward and her arms start to flail about like an injured bird just shot out the sky.

"Eric! Ryker! Fucking someone! She's going to fall off of the damn bar!"

Dozens of eyes finally flash to my in recognition but it's too late. Nova's left foot has already slipped over the edge of the wet surface.

I aggressively shove past a large group of horny, fresh-faced 21 year old guys right as an ear-piercing scream rips through the bar.

Blondie's right leg swiftly joins her other, her entire body now stumbling to the ground quicker than the old lady on a barstool can move out of the way.


I make it to her just in time to watch her stick the landing. Or in this case, eat shit.

"Ow!" November whines from the dirty floor, her hand pressed against the back of her head and her limbs splayed out like that white-painted figure at a crime scene. "Son of a mother duck!"

I loom over her, a smirk on my smug ass face. "That's what you get for spending all my money. It's karma."

"Karma hurts." She whimpers and closes her eyes. "Is it normal to be seein' black dots all around?"

"No." I frown.

Blondie peaks open one eye and slurs, "Whoops. Guess I'm in trouble then, huh, Lolly."

This nickname better not fucking stick.

"Oh, you're in big trouble, sweetheart. When we get home I swear-"

"Shit, babygirl! I didn't see you down there, are you okay? That was a pretty big fall..." Ryker fucking Maddox appears by my side, his brows knitted together in fake concern.

I didn't think I could have hated this guy any more than I did half an hour ago but now?

I mean, 'babygirl'? Seriously?

Grow up.

"Ryker! There you are! I was looking for you all the way down here! How the heck are you doing fella?"

Some people shouldn't be allowed to drink. November Levine is one of those people.

"Better now I've found you, beautiful." He holds his hand out for her to take. "How about another dance?"

And some people shouldn't be allowed to breathe. Ryker Maddox is one of those people.

Nova takes his slimy hand and lets him pull her up to her feet. That doesn't last very long though because the second she's upright and vertical again, she crashes back down against Mad's chest.

"You smell like my Great-Aunt Nelly's freezer." She mumbles into his damp t-shirt.

My eyes roll to the back of my fucking skull when Maddox tries to move her onto the makeshift dance floor. "You're shitting me, right? There's no way you think this girl is going to dance right now."

"What? Why can't she? She's perfectly fine!" He argues but his point isn't exactly supported by the now hiccuping Nova.

"Don't be an dumbass, Mad." I scold and hook my arm around her waist. She instantly drops her head back against my chest and smiles. "We're getting you home and into bed. Clear?"

Goldilocks nods deliriously. "Oo, bed. I usually get to know a guy first but I guess you're pretty hot so I'll let my rules slide just this once."

"Not what I meant, Blondie. But it's cute that you think I'm hot." I toss her arm over my shoulder and start our very slow walk out of the bar.

She pokes and prods at my ribcage with her bony little elbow. "I'm pretty sure I learnt how to walk all by myself, Mr Romano. I'm not an idiot."

I'm not a religious man, but if I was I'd be begging and pleading for the lord to give me some strength to put up with this annoying, irresponsible, little brat.

"Fine. Fall over. Make an ass of yourself. Be my fucking guest." I drop my grip on her waist and take 3 steps back.

Like I expected her stubborn ass to do, Nova makes her first attempt to carry on walking without any help.

And like I knew her drunk, concussed, ass would do- she instantly trips over her own two feet and melts into a heap on the floor.

"Aw, no! How'd this happen?" She whines like a child.

I pinch the bridge of my nose and huff. "Get up. I'm not spending my whole night waiting for you to get up from the damn floor."

"I can't." Blondie pouts up at me, her big blue eyes hazy and sad. "My leg's don't work no more."

"Screw you, God." I curse up to the ceiling. I wrap one arm under her knees, the other resting on her back and toss her over my shoulder like she weighs nothing.

Like a Goddamn rag doll.

"Let's go, Drunkylocks." All of my strength right now is going towards not staring at her ass.

Don't look at her ass. Don't look at her ass. Do not look at her fucking ass.

"Oh my God, Logan!" Nova squeals, pounding my back with her fists. "Look at my ass! Is my whole ass out right now?"

I hate my life. "Don't know. Don't care."

"Well freaking check then! I don't want this entire bar sneaking a peak at what my Mamma gave me!"

Mustering up all of the self-restraint left in my body, I let my traitorous eyes travel over to her exposed skin.

Sure enough, her tiny skirt has risen up all the to her hips and the pink lacy thong she's wearing is on full display. For all eyes to devour. Including mine.

Look away. Do not stare at her. Look away.

I release my grip on her knees and make contact with her waist as I hook my fingers around the fabric and harshly tug it down to cover her up. "Done. You're fine now."

My voice is hoarse and filled with gravel. My only hope is that Blondie is too drunk to notice my obvious struggle.

"Phew! Crisis averted, huh? That could have been real, real bad."

It was real fucking bad. For me anyway. Now I'll have the image of her perky ass and skimpy little panties scorned into my filthy mind forever.

If I didn't have to resist her before, I certainly do now.

"Your shoulder is comfy." Nova sighs, her fingertips ghosting over the hair on the nape of my neck. "I like it up here. I can see things so high up!"

I blatantly ignore her and push open the bar door. The bracing November air whips around us, so cold it almost knocks the oxygen straight out of my lungs.

The taxi I called earlier waits on the curb with the driver leaning against the door, having a smoke. "Mr Romano?" He asks in between puffs.

"1010 5th Avenue, please." I instruct and carefully place Goldilocks back on her feet, keeping my arm tightly wrapped around her waist.

She still manages to stumble slightly and grips my bicep for support. "Sweet lord, those are some hard muscles. You must work out a lot."

I open my mouth to come back at her ridiculous comment but she cuts me off with her hysterical laughter.

Nova clutches her stomach and wheezes, laughing uncontrollably at her own joke. "Good lord, I'm hilarious! Have you ever met anyone funnier then me? Be honest."

"Yes. Every person I have ever met is funner then you." I deadpan and steer her towards the open car door. "Now let's go home and get ahead of the killer hangover you're going to have tomorrow."


"No?" I repeat in a lethal tone.

"Nope. I don't want to go back to your place." She huffs. "I want a McDonald's."

Such. A. Fucking. Brat.

I narrow my eyes at her and make another move to get her into the cab. She plants her feet into the pavement and pushes back against my chest. "We are not getting a fucking McDonalds. So stop acting like a Goddamn child and get in the car!"

Blondie's eyes flash with anger. "I'll stop acting like a child when you stop acting like my Dad!"

"Shut up and listen to me when-"

"But Daddy." She pouts up at me, her fingers trailing up to the centre of my chest and resting on where my racing heart lies. "I just want a burger. And some fries. And maybe a milkshake too. You get me that and i'll be a good girl. I promise."

I am a twisted, twisted man. Because this? This right here has sent me into overdrive.

My pants have never felt so tight and I have never had to try so hard to push down the urge to bend her over the hood of this car and spank her ass raw.

Get it together, Logan.

"You'll stop complaining?"

She smiles slightly. "I'll stop complaining."

"And you'll do as I say?"

"I'm very good at following orders, Mr Romano."

You can not have sex with her. Scratch that. You do not want to have sex with her.

"Fine." I say through gritted teeth and try to not flinch when Nova hugs me in thanks. "Can you stop off at the nearest McDonalds on the way home, please?"

The cab driver smirks, putting out his cigarette. "Of course. I don't know why you even bothered arguing with her, sir. The wife always wins."

I don't get the chance to correct him before he's climbed into the car and started the engine.

Blondie is grinning from ear to ear as she drunkenly shuffles into the car and crawls to the other side. "I can't believe I won! Who would have thought, right, Lolly?"

"Don't get used to it, sweetheart." I grumble. "It won't happen again."

Nova sighs up at me, a taunting smile on her lips and a mischievous glint in her eye. "We'll see about that, Mr Romano."

This woman is going to be the fucking death of me.


Omg you guys. I loved writing this chapter so freaking much🤭🤭


the tension? Whew mamma. The audacity? Ooo its off the freaking charts. The vibes? Unmatched.

Let's discuss!
1st of all- I love Ciara's character🥹 she's so sweet and so mommy. I can't wait for you guys to get to know her! Same applies for all the side characters tbh!

2nd of all- SHOCK HORROR was that a sneak peak at soft (ish) Logan? I mean, I think the ass-wholeness was hella turned down this chapter! WE ARE MAKING PROGRESS GIRLIES

3rd- drunk Nova should be a character in her own right. I love the confidence, the boldness, the cheekiness. also like... she's so hot?!?!

How did you guys feel about this chapter? And are we excited for the next?

I can sense some minor bonding taking place🫣

As for my life; well girls, final year of uni is ROUGH
I'm so tired all the time. Like exhausted. I have so much to do and not enough time to do it in😩

But we'll make it through the tunnel!

In other news, I just started reading 'Twisted Games' by Ana Huang and... omg

I LOVE IT! Rhys😩😩😩 i'm 100% going to read more of the twisted series so if you've read them, lmk which i should read next!

I'm also so excited to say that Fallen from the Stars (FFTS) has hit 31K reads! This story is growing so quickly and I'm so beyond pleased.

I love writing it so i'm blessed y'all love to read it❤️

Catch me up on you my friends! I'm dying to know it all xx

As always:
Follow, vote, comment, share-
y'all know how it goes!

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Instagram: ellieruewrites.37_
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Tiktok: ellieruewrites

Stay safe my beautiful babies🥹
and happy february!

All my love,

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