The Walking Dead Eye For An E...

By Blakewolf1

1.5K 29 22

Months have passed since Joan was killed by Violet, but there have been some issues with Violet. Is Clementin... More

What Is Wrong?
What Have I Done?
What Am I Seeing?
It's Not Your Fault
I Don't Want To Be Saved
Nightmare Come True
Feeling Ok
Who Am I?
Sick In The Head
Eyes Filled With Tears
She Needs To Know
I'll Be Fine
Am I Allowed To Feel?
How Can I Help Her?
It Was An Accident
Would I Do It Again?
Meeting Someone From The Past
You're One Of The Good Ones
We Talk But Argue More
Are The Walls Finally Breaking?
The Truth Hurts Sometimes
Image Of The Past Are Scary
Destroying Myself
Photo's Tell A Story
What To Feel When You Don't Want To
A Trip For The Family
Anger Is Not The Best Medicine
What Is Normal?
May We Meet Again Some Day

Her Mind Is A Mess

47 1 0
By Blakewolf1

(Clementine's Pov)

I woke up and looked to Violet, when Ruby and I had talked before Violet made the rash decision of heading back to Joan's old community. Ruby thinks that Violet has developed another persona, or at least the old her in this case. I know I should have fought her on this tell her that this was all in her head but I couldn't. I didn't want her to get angry or upset it's just, I don't know what to do for her at this point.

"Hmm, you, ok?" I hear and look back down to Violet. She was looking at me and I look over to the side and then back to her.

"Just tired is all." I tell her.

"You should sleep more than, we don't have to work on the wall of a while." She mutters and closes her eyes again.

"Do you know where we are?" I asked her and she opened her eyes and looked at me again.

"In Texas with the others." She mutters and I sit up.

"No, no we aren't." I tell her and she gets up and looks around the room a bit. she looked confused and she rubbed her head then tapped her head a bit then looked around again. She got up quickly from the bed and I get up as well and I grab her by her shoulders.

"Where?" She asked panicked and looked around.

"Hey it's ok, it's ok, you wanted to take us on a supply run." I lie to her and she looked down at me.

"I don't... I don't remember." She tells me.

"It's fine, we should look around the town a bit? I think we need some seeds for the garden." I tell her and she nods.

"I'll let you get changed, let me get AJ." I tell her and she nods again and I head out the room and I see AJ. I pull him over to the side so Violet couldn't hear us talking. He looks confused for a bit but I stopped him.

"AJ listen to me... Violet just isn't feeling good, ok?" I tell him.

"What do you mean?" He asked and I look to the door and whispered to him.

"Look, she is... sick... in the head, so her personality sometimes changes now and we have to help her a bit on this... Ruby knows more on this but right now she is... Normal?" I questioned the last part of my sentence a bit and looked to him.

"Ok... ok I get it; she thinks she is someone else?" He asked.

"Sort of, she thinks she is her old self back in Joan's old community sometimes, look we just have to help her a bit is all." I explain and he nods.

"Ok, I get it." He says and we head into the kitchen. It wasn't long until Violet came out and I see that she had our bags and I grabbed mine.

"How far from home are we?" She asked.

"A few hours, we had to come out farther because we couldn't find anything really good in town." I explain to her and she nods.

"Alright, well we should head back to that one gun shop, if the fucker is still there we can get him." She says and I nod.

"We can do that once we stop at the house and rest up deal?" I asked and she nods.

"Yea sure, sounds like a plan." She tells me. We had wondered into the town and got a good look around. We walked into a garden store and found plenty of seeds and other gardening tools, guess many people didn't think about surviving by growing their own food in this part of town. Though we were surrounded by some farmland not many people could settle down to farm as Walkers come by.

"Hey AJ over here." I hear and look to see AJ going over to Violet as they looked at the shelves. I see some flower seeds and I grabbed a few to look at.

"CLEM!" I hear AJ yell and I turn to see him smiling as Violet was knelt to the ground. I come over to both of them quickly and I hear some small barking.

"It's a puppy." Violet says as she picked it up. I watch her as she pets the dog a bit it looked to be a German Shepard puppy but it could be mixed for all I know. I don't hear anymore barking and I look around some more.

"We have enough with the dogs back-."

"We can't leave it here, that's cruel." Violet interrupted AJ and he looked to her then back to me.

"It's a cute dog... and it would be sad to just leave it here." I state and I see Violet looking at me then back to the dog for a bit. I kneel down and place my hand on her shoulder and she looks to me then back to the dog.

"Do you think we can take care of it?" I ask her and she nods a little.

"Yea... I can hunt some more if we need too, I don't mind it." She tells me and I nod.

"Ok... ok we can bring the puppy." I tell her and she nods a bit. she then sets the dog down and it seems to already stay by her as we walked into another store, we found some guns and Violet went over to the lock box they had and looked at it.

"Need a crowbar?" I asked and she shook her head.

"It's probably money, nothing worth taking." She tells me and I watch her as she goes over to the side and grabbed some ammo. She then looked at a small revolver.

"Snubnose revolver, looks like AJ's old gun." She says as she held it and the she put some bullets in the chambers. I saw her look around and she found a holster for it.

"How do you know what it's called?" I asked as I watched her.

"Juliet knew her guns, her dad taught her and I was bored so she taught me." She explained. She then looked to AJ who was holding a rifle and then she looked to me.

"I think AJ is old enough to start having his own collection, don't you think?" She asked me quietly and I look to him then back to her.

"If he wants." I say and she nods.

"Hey, grab whatever you want we can bring it back home." She says to him and he says ok. I then look and find a few boxes of ammunition and we head back to the truck. I saw a few Walkers on the side and I look back to Violet who stared at them for a bit. the puppy growls lowly for a bit but Violet hushes them and she looks back to the Walkers.

"Come one, they aren't that close." I tell her and she looks to me and nods. We all get in the truck and I start to drive us back home. I watch as Violet kept her eyes on the front window and she would take deep breaths here and there. AJ was asleep in the back from what I could see and I gripped the wheel a bit.

"We should be back home in an hour." She says and I look at her as she kept her eyes to the front. I look to see that we were indeed almost an hour away from the trailer park and I look back at her then back to the road.

"Clem... is something wrong with me?" She asked.

"Why do you ask?" I ask the question.

"Sometimes... I feel like I'm just a backseat driver in my own head you know?" She asked and I look to her then back to the road.

"No, I personally don't... but I do know how it feels to be on auto pilot." I tell her and she laughed a little bit.

"No one will know unless they are crazy like me." She tells me.

"You aren't crazy, you just need some help."

"So, there is something wrong with me." She says and I look at her to see her holding her head with one hand and she takes a breath and laughed.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't laugh at something that is serious." She tells me.

"You have your own way of coping." I tell her.

"Sure... sure." She mutters.

"Violet I am telling you, that it is ok... you need some help a-."

"How the hell am I suppose to get help Clem? There are no qualified doctors, no therapists, nothing... sure as hell can't take medication if there is any to begin with." She says and I look at her.

"We can talk to you; your friends are there to help you." I tell her.

"What friends? Louis fucking hates me because you and I are together, Ruby might hate me for what I tell her, same with Omar." She rants.

"Minerva is willing to help you." I tell her.

"I don't want to bother her." She says.

"That's your problem Violet, why do you think it would be a bother to us to help you? For fuck sake, Louis still cares for you, once AJ told us about you being hunted by a crazed fucker, he was the first one to run out those gates." I tell her.

"Then why the hell does he keep giving me a hard time? I get it, I'm being a depressing fuck I can't help it, I can't think right sometimes and yea I say things out loud that I really should keep in my head but it just comes out... maybe he thinks I'm just trying to get attention for it." She says.

"He just... needs time." I say.

"Time for what? What did I do to him?" She asked.

"You've changed, from what I heard you changed more than what he knew you as and fuck he told me he was jealous of you for being able to change." I tell her.

"Lies." She mutters.

"You haven't even fucking talked to him, when we get there all three of us are going to talk, and no you are not getting out of it, you are not going to be drinking either I am putting my god damn foot down." I say to her and she looks at me as I look back at her. She seems a bit shocked at this and I shake my head and we finally get back to the trailer park. Once in the others look at us and I shake my head and look to Louis as I came up to him.

"You and Violet need to talk, now." I tell him and he looks to me a bit in shock but he nods. I watch as the kids greet the new dog and Violet stays in the truck as AJ takes the kids and the dog to the other trailers. I go over to Violet and open her door and she looks at me and I point to Louis.

"You, him and I in the trailer now." I tell her and she looks over to Louis then back to me. she was a bit hesitant but nods as she gets out the truck and we all head into the trailer. I take a seat as does Violet and then Louis and I look at both of them as they keep quiet. I sighed and rubbed my head.

"Ok, you two are getting on my nerves with the fighting bullshit, you two were best friends, now talk it out." I tell them and they both look at me then each other. Violet's leg was bouncing a bit and Louis was looking to the side wall a bit before I slammed my hands on the table. They both jump from the sound and I glare at both of them.

"What am I supposed to say?" Louis asked.

"Oh, I don't know, fucking anything." I tell him and he looked to Violet then back to me.

"Fine I'll start it up for you two... Louis why are you an ass to Violet?"

"I am not-."

"Bullshit." Violet says and we both look to her.

"You've been mad at me since the whole Delta bullshit." She says to him.

"I have not." He says.

"Bullshit, you hate the fact that Clem likes me, I've seen it and you... you fucking said she was using me as an experiment, when she went to get Joan off our backs, you remember that?" Violet asked him and he looked to her.

"You remember?" He asked.

"Of fucking course, I remember... I remember you saying that to me, I remember us fighting and you never once denied the accusations I made about you liking her." She tells him.

"No, I'm jealous because you were happy... I don't have that, yea it's pretty fucking petty but fucking hell." He tells her.

"Then why the hell have you been giving me a hard time all these years?" She asked pissed and I look at her.

"Because you were able to change... sometimes it was bad and sometimes it was good, you changed when Tennessee died, when you were in Joan's community you changed, you were brainwashed by her and fuck had I known you were being tortured like that I wouldn't have made it worse on you had I known and I feel like an asshole for it, believe me I really do." Louis says and I see that Violet moved her head to the side a bit.

"You changed from what I use to know you as... you were once so quiet, honest to God I thought of you as a little sister." He says and Violet laughed.

"I'm older than you." She tells him.

"Yea but you're still small." He says and she shakes her head.

"Vi... yea I'm a piece of shit I know it, I haven't been the best when it came to our friendship but fuck, I can't do anything that won't set you off." He says.

"I just... no fuck you." Violet says.

"Vi." I say and she looks at me.

"No, he's lying, I... no." She says and as she is about to Leave Louis grabbed her arms and she looks at him.

"Violet I am not lying to you... for fuck sake look at you, you took charge after Marlon died, you did not me, yea I was a bit jealous at that, then when you and Clem said we should go to the farm, I wanted to just stay at the school, I was a fucking coward when I was with the others, I fucked up when I didn't help Ruby when she was pregnant with Delilah and that Walker came after her, I was a coward and I always will be." Louis tells her and I look at him.

"You would have helped her, you have... done so much in all honesty and I am mad at myself for not being like you in that manner... I have been a coward and I am just... I don't know how to explain it." He tells her and she shoved him off of her.

"You're fucking mad because I changed? That I wasn't fucking weak?" She says pissed.

"No, I just... I can't explain it." He says and she shook her head and looked away from him.

"I don't want to hear it anymore; I am done here." She tells us and she leaves the trailer.

"How the hell was that helpful?" Louis asked and I look at him.

"At least she heard you out." I mutter.

"But she didn't care, she never cares." He says.

"Right now, she might not, look we just have to work with her-."

"Why? She doesn't want to work with us, she never does, she wants to do it all herself, she's been a bitch about it for a long time, you know this Clem, I know you see it too." He tells me and I sighed.

"She want's to do things on her own yes, she just... it's just who she is, please just... try and work with her." I explain.

"Whatever." He says and leaves the trailer too. I rubbed my head a bit at this and looked to the side as I got up and then headed outside to see Violet and Louis glaring at each other.

"Fucker." She mutters and I look to Violet.

"Bitch." Louis says and I glared at him too.

"Ok don't start." I tell them both.

"She started it." He says.

"I was talking to both of you, not quit it." I tell them.

"You know what Clem, why don't you stop this bullshit." Louis says and I see Violet get up.

"Don't fucking talk to her like that." She tells him and I hold her back.

"She needs to learn that you aren't fixable, trying to talk to you is like trying to talk to a brick wall, you won't listen and you still think I have feelings for Clementine." He tells her and she tries to get past me.

"FUCK YOU!" Violet yells and the others start to look at us and I try to stop her.

"NO FUCK YOU VIOLET!" Louis yelled back and she shoved me out the way and Louis grabbed her. They began to fight and both fell down the steps.

"STOP THIS BOTH OF YOU GOD DAMN IT!" I yelled as I got down to them. Omar grabbed Louis and I got in front of Violet to stop her.

"No let them fight." Minerva says.

"What?" I asked and she looked to Violet and Louis.

"Let them fight." She says again and I look to Violet who was looking at Louis, still pissed off and I shake my head at this and shove her back a bit.

"LET ME AT HER!" Louis yelled.

"FUCK YOU LOUIS!" Violet yelled. I was then grabbed and pulled away from Violet who then went after Louis after he got out of Omar's grip.

"STOP THIS NOW!" I yelled but neither of them listened to me. they kept punching the hell out of each other and I was held back and I glare at Minerva.

"Watch." She says and I look and then see as the two kept fighting. It took a while but they started to laugh and Violet backed up from Louis and she was holding her gut as she laughed. I was so confused at this.

"You hit like a fucking girl." Violet says and then Minerva let me go.

"You hit like one too." Louis says as he looks to her.

"I'm supposed to you dumb fuck." She tells him.

"Fuck you." Louis says and then they both laugh it out. I watched them as they both got up and Violet came over to me and she looked down at me.

"I needed that." She says and looks to Louis then back to me.

"I am... so confused." I tell her honestly and she looks to me then to the trailer a bit.

"Look we can talk about it later, right now I need to check for Walkers, unless you want to come with?" She asked.

"Sure, let me get the rifle." I tell her and she nods as we go and grabbed the guns. We went out the gates and looked around the perimeter of the wall. There wasn't any Walkers close to the wall but we were going to check the traps as well.

"Are you going to explain?" I asked.

"The fighting?" She asked and I nod as we look at each other. She looked at the traps and then back to me.

"I honestly don't know... guess we needed to fight it out... was pretty funny though." She tells me and I looked to her.

"Look, we just... I have no idea I just started to laugh and I thought it was funny, I don't know why but it was... guess it was because we fought over something stupid, you were right we need to talk things out, and I should apologize to Louis." She tells me.

"I think you both need to apologize to each other." I state and she looks to the side.

"Maybe... but I can tell him I am sorry at least... probably gave him a black eye." She laughed a little and then looked to me.

"I get it... so are you feeling better? I mean you're up and all." I say and she nods.

"No fever, or any other pains, so yea I feel great." She tells me and I look to one of the traps. It wasn't long till Violet checked the last trap and we see a few Walkers, and she stares at them for a bit.

"You'd think they would be all gone by now." She mutters and I see her gripping her rifle.

"Maybe there were more survivors than we thought." I tell her and she looked to me.

"I don't doubt that but in all honesty most of the walkers should have at least turned into bone by now or something." She tells me and I look at her.

"You think it has to do with whatever is making the dead come back?" I ask her and she nods.

"Yea... has to be, I mean, I think... I wish we all could have some more information but those letters I found a while back was all I could find." She says and then walks down the dirt path. We then hear some shuffling and Violet aims her rifle in that direction. I point my gun as well as I see a hat.

"Get the hell out of hiding." Violet tells the person and they get up with their hands raised.

"Well nice to meet you again." The man says and Violet puts her finger on the trigger.

"Oh, and you brought a friend hu?" He says as he walks up to us.

"Take one more step and I blow your guts out." Violet tells the man and I look at him then to Violet.

"What, we are friends right?" He asked and then I hear the rifle go off and the man held his gut as he fell to the ground. I watch as Violet lowered her rifle and she walks up to the man and then kicks him a few times. I hurry over to her and pull her back as she glared at the body. I then she her smile and she laughed at this and I place my hands on her shoulders and she laughed some more.

"That was the fucker who shot me." She says as she stopped laughing. She looked back to the body and moved away from me. she lifted up her leg and slammed her boot to the mans head a few times cracking the skull and then taking her rifle and shooting him in the face. She cleared the rifle and I look to see the Walkers coming over to us so I grabbed her hand and we went into the woods. We ran back to the trailer park and opened the gates just as we did a Walker tried to come in but Violet slammed its hand into the gate and she pointed her revolver at its head shooting it.

"What in gods name happened?" Aasim asked as he came up.

"Took care of it." Violet mutters as she looked to him.

"Took care of what?" Ruby asked.

"I guess we met up with the man that shot Violet... he-."

"Man was bit, took him out." Violet lied and I look to her then to the others as they look back at me.

"Is this true?" Omar asked.

"I... I didn't see any bites... not until after Violet shot him." I lied and they looked to both of us.

"Anyway, I think there could be a heard, not too sure about it but with this many Walkers, I wouldn't put it past them." Violet says and we all agree on it. We all got settled down and I watched as Violet checked the wall some more and then would keep watch by the gate. She seemed a bit paranoid as well but we didn't say anything to her, we didn't want to set her off. I look to Louis as he comes up to me and stops as he looked to me for a bit.

"Look I think Violet.... Is paranoid.... Was the guy really bit?" He asked.

"Like I said, I didn't see the bite till she shot him. It was on his hand." I tell him the lie and I look to see Violet looking back to us. She turned her head back to the gate as if to show she wasn't listening but I knew she was, though I don't blame her.

"Look I think she is just scared about the Walkers; I mean she did fire off the rifle so she might be blaming herself." I explained.

"Still... alright, well I best be checking parts of the wall." Louis says and I nod as he leaves. We worked for a good while before a large number of walkers had actually come by and Violet was sitting on the makeshift lookout with her gun in hand. Everyone else was inside their trailers and AJ was standing on the porch as he looked to me. I motioned that I was going to stay with Violet and he nods and I turn back and head up the ladder and looked to Violet as she just messed with the revolver she found.

"Louis asked about me hu?" She asked.

"Yea... you just shot him." I whispered and she stopped messing with the rifle for a bit.

"He deserved it... he shot me first." She mutters and I smiled a bit at this. I know I made me look bad but it was just a childish thing for her to say.

"Not like the bigger herds." She says and I nod.

"No, not at all... that's good, means they'll pass by quickly." I tell her.

"Just imagine if James was the one walking around in this heard." She says and I look at her.

"Could be... if he isn't gone already." I stated and she sighed.

"Yea... I get it." She says and goes back to messing with the revolver.

"You know AJ did the same thing." I tell her.

"Did what?" She asked.

"Messed with his gun like you are... it annoyed me, so I asked him what he was doing... he said he was pretending we had bullets." I tell her and she stopped.

"This was before we got to the train station." I laughed a little and looked to the Walkers.

"I'm sorry." She says.

"Sorry for what?" I asked.

"I... I didn't realize how bad you two had it... I mean I knew it was bad but... I don't know, I get it now, how it is to survive out there, even though we were in communities for a while." She explained and I look at her.

"V-." but I was interrupted by a scream of some kind.

"AHHHH!" I hear and we both get up and looked around the heard a bit before we saw a few people running up to the gate of our home.

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