The Slime and the Shield

By WGS564

66.3K 1.9K 5.6K

Out of boredom and wanting something new Rimuru decides to view other worlds and he finds one that interests... More

The 4 Cardinal Heroes
The Slave girl
The Wave of Catastrophe
The Saviors
The Devil of The Shield
Cal Mira

Catastrophe's Loss

3.3K 116 284
By WGS564

Quick question while this chapter is out should I add another That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime Character if so who do you think it should be I thought Milim would work since well I don't think I need to elaborate but I'm open to suggestions on more characters

Naofumi: I can't trust anything you say GET LOST

Rimuru: (Cold but I can't blame him)

Melty: Please wait you have to hear me out

Naofumi: I don't have to listen to a damn word that comes out of the filthy royal mouths

Rimuru: Sorry Melty but you should leave

Knight: Princess Melty his royal majesty calls please come with us

Melty: Very well I'll go I have to leave now Filo

Filo: Mel wait

Naofumi: Filo, no, don't

Melty then left

Raphtalia: Why couldn't you have given her a chance to explain herself

Filo: Hey Masters I don't understand how could you treat Mel so coldly why, tell me why, please

Rimuru: Well I think we should at least give her an explanation it's not like she won't understand

Naofumi: . . .Fine

Rimuru then explained the history between Naofumi and the royal family

Filo: But that can't be Mel is not like that

Rimuru: As far as we know but we can't be sure so it would be best to keep your distance we don't want any trouble with the Royal family but anyways while we're here we should probably get those class upgrades we heard about

Naofumi: Good idea partner

They made their way to the church

Naofumi: (Why is the shield the only one that's missing)

When they entered they had an unwelcome surprise

Naofumi: 15 gold pieces

Rimuru: Is that all fine

Rimuru handed the nun 30 gold pieces

Naofumi: Go on you 2 and Rimuru don't you want one

Rimuru: Believe me an upgrade is the last thing I need

But then they received the news that they weren't allowed to obtain any class upgrades

Ciel: Suggestion you could just kill them and take it for free

Rimuru: (Tempting but unnecessary) fine we'll just take our money elsewhere your loss

The party left the church

Rimuru: (I could do a self-made class upgrade but maybe later it's not even like we need an upgrade right now)

The party slept at an inn and left in the morning for a job while they aided refugees and heard of their struggle and the bow hero's involvement in it thanks to Rimuru's abilities the people were better off when they encountered the bow and sword hero they reprimanded them for their recklessness when the conversation was finished the Shield's party encountered the same group that wanted to help them Rimuru gave them decent gear

Rimuru: Be careful I made that suit so that if you betray us then they will explode on your person

The party was intimidated

Naofumi: Heh nice joke partner

Rimuru: Joke?

Raphtalia: Master Rimuru you were kidding right

Rimuru: . . .

Raphtalia: RIGHT

Rimuru: Let's all do our best out there with this gear you guys should be able to defend the people easily

Rimuru refused to elaborate on if they would explode or not the next day arrived and the team was ready Rimuru warped them to the town and teleported all the civilians to a safe shelter

Ake: We can handle things here the front lines need you guys

Rimuru: Right don't die

The party of the Shield left they found the other 3 heroes struggling and arguing against what looked like an undead pirate ship

Rimuru: Struggling again are we now that is just sad

Naofumi: Honestly do we have to do everything for you

The three heroes were furious with that comment

Rimuru: Let's show them how it's done guys

Without another word they each destroyed all the monsters while the other heroes could do nothing but watch soon the dimensional soul eater was spawned the other heroes tried using lightning Magic to no use

Naofumi: You can take this one if you want Filo

Filo: 'Kay

With that Filo unleashed a fury of quick strikes and wind attacks that destroyed the beast with ease

Naofumi: Looks like that puts an end to that

Rimuru: Good job Filo you did very well

Filo: Thank you, Master

Rimuru was patting her head much to her joy

Itsuki: I'll be damned

Ren: So basically they cheated

Motoyasu: You can bet things will be different next ti-

A dog biscuit was hurled into Motoyasu's face


Filo: Hey don't tell me you're a sore loser

Rimuru: C'mon Motoyasu answer the girl

While Motoyasu seemed to be antagonized by Rimuru and Filo

Suddenly everyone felt another ominous prescience it was another soul eater

Itsuki: Another one

Ren: I've definitely never seen this in a game before

Rimuru: That's because it's not a game whatever Raphtalia you can-

Suddenly the soul eater was defeated without another word by an attack from above

Ren: Just how broken are you guys

Rimuru: That wasn't us

Glass: How very disappointing

A woman with black hair wearing a dark Yukata suddenly appeared from above

Glass: Some of you actually had trouble with weaklings like these are you really the heroes holding the world's fate in your hands

Glass: There are only two here worthy of being called heroes and what are your names

Rimuru: (Can't lie she's kind of a hottie)

Naofumi: How about you introduce yourself before asking someone's name

Glass: Oh pardon me whatever happened to my manners I am called Glass and that's all you need to know for now feel free to consider me your enemy

Rimuru: I'm certain if you knew what happens to my enemies you wouldn't use the word so casually

Naofumi: I'm Naofumi

Rimuru: And I'm Rimuru

Glass: Naofumi and Rimuru well well then may I suggest that we begin the only battle of this wave worthy of the name

Rimuru: (Ciel she talks big but just to be sure she's not anything to worry about is she)

Ciel: Master and his party are more than sufficient enough to defeat her

Rimuru: (Thanks Ciel just checking)

Glass: Why are you waiting to attack why not send those servants of yours at me first

Ren: Servants!? What the hell

Itsuki: You just called us-!?

Motoyasu: Naofumi's servants!?

Rimuru: Wouldn't be a bad idea but as if we let people as weak as them be our servants you insult us Glass

Glass: I see forgive me I did not mean to disrespect one of the only people here with strength I suppose then mere weaklings would be a more appropriate title

Rimuru: You're not far off

Ren, Itsuki, Motoyasu: SCREW THE BOTH OF YOU!

The other 3 heroes and their parties surrounded Glass

Ren: Meteor Slash

Motoyasu: Meteor Thrust

Itsuki: Meteor Shot

Their attacks hit but Glass appeared to be unscathed

Glass: Is that all you've got

Glass then readied to counter

Glass: Zero Stance Rondo Reverse 4 Seasons

The Heroes and their parties were defeated by the attack quite easily

Glass: As I was saying before mere servants

Itsuki: How did she do that

Glass: I know at least this will be entertaining

Naofumi: Sorry lady but I was never much into entertaining

Rimuru: But still here's the first act

Naofumi: Shield prison

Glass was captured by the shield prison she couldn't escape it for a minute

Rimuru: Black flames

Glass was able to escape just in time but was ambushed by Raphtalia and Filo who attacked her in the air she could just barely keep up with them

Glass: Impressive

Rimuru: You just may have bit off a bit more than you can chew Glass

Glass was attacked from all sides she was struggling and it was all she could do to counter

Rimuru: (I may be holding back a lot but I can tell this woman is quite powerful by this world's standards at least)

Glass was barely on her feet she was outnumbered and outmatched

Naofumi: Give up and tell us who you really are and we may let you live

Glass: I see it seems I greatly underestimated all of you I have no choice but to retreat

With that, she flew back into the portal trying to retreat

Naofumi: Are we just gonna let her go

Rimuru: We know she's no threat to us just leave her be (I could've followed her but the waves will end soon so I guess it's unnecessary)

With Glass's disappearance, the wave also stopped

Filo: Is it all over

Rimuru: It seems so Filo

The party went to the town thankfully everyone was alright and there were no casualties and little to no collateral damage Rimuru and Naofumi were contemplating everything that happened and planning their next move when 2 familiar knights approached them

Ake: Excuse me Shield hero and Blue Hero

Mald: You are both to report to the royal castle at once

Naofumi: Huh

Rimuru: Let's not

Ake: Please heroes I beg you I know how you feel believe me I understand but please go with the captain

Rimuru: (I really need to start learning how to say no to people like him) Whatever we need to pick up our reward so this does give us the opportunity

Naofumi: I guess you have a point

When the duo arrived at the castle the King was reviewing the battle through a crystal ball even though it was a flawless victory with the look on his face you would think otherwise

Aultcray: I saw what happened through the crystal ball you did well to quell the waves as much as I loathe to admit it

Naofumi: (Wow don't be grateful or anything)

Rimuru: Well what can be said except your welcome

Aultcray: I have an order for you both it's clear that the reason why you have obtained such incredible strength unbecoming of the Shield Hero is that ally of yours that's present as heroes it is your duty to share this power with the kingdom as well on details on how to mass produce it

Rimuru and Naofumi looked at each other and then had the same wicked grin on their face they then both pointed down the king was confused

Naofumi: If you want our help so badly come kneel

Rimuru: Maybe if you grovel enough for us to forgive you we may oblige

Everyone in the room was shocked by his words

Naofumi: You see where I come from when someone asks for something they usually grovel before the one who has what they need isn't that right partner

Rimuru: Yes, I'm quite familiar with that custom as well partner they say I beg you please bless me with your superior power to my insignificant being

Aultcray: INSOLENT CURS!!!

Knights surrounded the two

Naofumi: As things stand now if we wanted we could kill you right here and walk straight out the door

Rimuru: Hell we could take over this sorry shallow excuse of a nation if we truly desired and there's nothing you or any of the heroes could do to stop us


Rimuru: Are we after all it was our party that defeated not only the wave's strongest monster but the woman who brought the other heroes to their knees

Naofumi then had a wickedly menacing grin

Naofumi: With that information what could you do to possibly counter us

The knights surrounding them were shaking and the king was silent

Rimuru: What? No response

Rimuru had his hand on his ear in a mockingly way

Authors Note: I have not watched Akame Ga Kill or Black Clover at this moment in time, so please don't be toxic in response to these memes

Naofumi: We only came here for one reason the reward for our efforts but don't even bother

Rimuru: We don't need money given to us by your filthy hands

The duo then turned their backs on the king ready to leave

Naofumi: We're willing to tolerate you and cooperate only until the waves die down

Rimuru: Don't even think of wasting our time by calling us again

They started exiting the throne room

Aultcray: I'm the king I forbid either of you to disrespect me this way

Rimuru: Sorry but I have no respect for a cowardly man who married his way into the throne I've met countless rulers but my least favorite kind even over the evil ones are weak cowards like you and don't even think of trying to target our other party members they'd tear you to shreds

Though he tried not to show it by masking it with anger Aultcray was terrified he tried to curse them in response but before he could a knife in the shape of a dog biscuit was hurled in his direction just missing his head

Naofumi: Shut up and if you've got a complaint about us go cry about it to your wife we only respect true authority

They left without another word they left for Shieldfreeden in hopes of better treatment and use of their Dragon Hourglass they stopped on the road for a moment

Naofumi: I love traveling it makes me feel free shackled by no one

Rimuru: I know the feeling of traveling alongside people you trust is a great bliss

Naofumi: Yeah, no royalty to deal with not even the other heroes

Melty: Found you

They looked to see Melty in a carriage with other knights escorting her

Rimuru: You just had to jinx it didn't you

Naofumi: I know just my luck

Filo: Huh It's Mel hey we're over here Mel it's so good to see you

Naofumi: Filo

Rimuru: Remember our talk

Raphtalia: Masters I know it wasn't very long but we did travel together as a team

Filo: Mel's a good person you know she really is

Rimuru: Maybe but she's still royalty so that usually means trouble for us but I suppose it won't hurt to hear her out don't you think Naofumi

Naofumi: Fine if you insist so badly

Melty: Sir Shield Hero and Sir Blue Hero I have a request please return to the capital and speak with King Aultcray again

Naofumi and Rimuru: Not a chance

Melty looked peeved but she continued after collecting herself

Melty: I want you both to apologize for your conduct and reconcile


You're hilarious I would rather fight this world's deities with my bare hands than apologize to that loser

Naofumi: FORGET IT

Melty: We need your help heroes we just can't stop the waves without you besides you'd be nowhere without the king's financial help don't you understand

Rimuru: You must really not understand the situation between us if you did you'd know we've been making a fortune despite that bastard's refusal to give us anything

Naofumi: We're the ones that are graciously working with you guys only until all the waves are gone that is

Melty seemed to be losing patience

Raphtalia: Master Naofumi, Master Rimuru

Naofumi: She's royalty too

Rimuru: Sorry but currently no trust


Filo: Mel

Melty: Don't you agree with me Filo isn't this silly

Filo not wanting to disappoint her Masters or her friend did not answer

Melty: You agree with me don't you Raphtalia

Raphtalia: Well um actually I am Master Naofumi and Master Rimuru's Sword you know

Melty: You see they agree with me both of them

Naofumi: Actually they don't

Rimuru: Yeah I didn't hear that

Melty: Look just apologize to father just this once otherwise Mother's going to yell at him when she comes back

Naofumi: That really sounds like a him problem

Rimuru: While you may have more class than your b****y sister it's clear you still have much to learn

Melty: What are you implying

Rimuru: This is not how an effective ruler negotiates if you want something then you can't just go around demanding it especially if said party has no obligation to you you must gain their respect and trust and realize both sides of the problem and solve the problem efficiently and accordingly you could've used the relative more amount of trust some of our party has in you to gain our sympathy to hear you out on why this situation is so dire or admonish the king for his unjust treatment of Naofumi instead of just coming around demanding things like we work for you and even if we did that, is not how you gain respect among your comrades and subordinates all this approach does is make you look like a desperate whining child

Everyone seemed shocked at Rimuru's words Melty even felt slightly defeated

Rimuru: Along with that a leader must be aware and never let their guard down like for the approaching danger behind you

Melty: What are you talking ab-

A knight was about to strike her with his sword but Rimuru with haste stopped the attack and broke the knight's sword

Rimuru: You really have a lot to learn

That's all for now I plan on seeing That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime the Movie: Scarlet Bond and no spoilers or hints or I will take an unnecessary hiatus or add cringe stuff in the story whichever annoys you guys worse hope you enjoyed this chapter

Seriously though no spoilers

. . . Ok I know the memes and I know that they said protect but hear me out though for real

Before you leave I'd like to take a moment to acknowledge someone who has recently passed away some of you may not have known his channel but I feel the need to have a moment to post this to honor someone who I admire who recently passed away it honestly doesn't feel real and it really hurts like a part of something I loved is gone and I believe this video puts it in the best way to honor him Rest in Peace fallen hero

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