Verona Rosario (Book 5: A Mob...

By royal888

18.6K 887 542

This story happens at the same time as Leandro and Nicandro and Arcangelo stories. Many readers were wonderin... More

1. Fresh Start
2. Her Paths
3. Intensity
4. His World
5. Crossing Lines
7. Captains
8. Internship
9. Different Worlds
10. Shining Light & Darkness
11. Actions & Emotions
12. Harbouring Secrets
13. The Approval Question
14. Persistence
15. Relations
16. New Generation
17. Emotions & Confessions

6. Fire & Water

1.1K 55 9
By royal888

Ottavio made his way to the party at Verona's dorms. He entered through the gardens section because the barbecue was there. As he entered he noticed that the students were eating, talking and dancing to music inside the building. There was hardly anyone outside.

As Ottavio walked towards the main building he noticed a fountain in the corner of the outdoor space. That was when he saw her sitting alone and looking at the fountain. He changed direction of his path and walked towards her.

Ottavio noticed that Verona was shielded almost from the sight. But he had spotted her. She loved water, fountains and frozen ponds and lakes. That was how she got into ice skating... Love of water... Of course she would prefer to be sitting next to a nice water fountain. Ottavio loved fire. She loved water. They were opposites. . Her cousins liked to make comments on this fact.

As he approached Verona she noticed him suddenly as she had looked past the fountain. Verona quickly put away the paper cup that was on her lap shakily. Was he there because he knew what the girls at her dorm alongside her had done? Was that why he had showed up at this time of night at her dorms? To deal with culprits. Oh no.

Ottavio reached her "Hello Verona..."

Verona stood up facing up to his towering figure. She swallowed hard and then asked with caution "Ottavio... What are you doing here?"

Ottavio took out her purse and handed it to her "You left something in my office this morning... I brought it to you..."

Verona was relieved he wasn't there for investigating the misconduct of her and the dorm girls. She too a sigh of relief and couldn't help give a nervous smile that Ottavio may have associated with her being happy to see him with her purse "You found it... Thank you... I thought I had lost this purse..."

Ottavio said "That is no problem..."

Suddenly, the music that was playing inside became louder now. Ottavio narrowed his eyes as he turned his head. The party goers for going too far. Everyone on campus knew the rules on music that was too loud. He said "I will be right back..."

As he turned to walk away, she said "Ottavio... Wait... Erm... Where are you going?" She had to occupy him.

Ottavio turned and said "I need to deal with a matter inside and will be back..."

Verona noticed how things got even worse now. Just then someone inside had decided to play the electric guitar. It was very very loud. Verona knew how much Ottavio hated loud music. This was not good.

Verona noticed how he turned his head and his deadly look zeroed on the entrance of the dorms party hall. He said with venom in his voice "An electric guitar at this time of might? Thats it... They need to be dealt with severely..."

Veroan watched in horror as he started walking towards the entrance. She quickly ran after him "Wait... Ottavio...."

Ottavio stopped walking and turned around of course.

Verona said quickly "Can we ... go somewhere else? Let's go for a walk outside here. I like night time walks..." She had to get Ottavio away now or he was going to slaughter the girls in her dorm.

Ottavio raised an eyebrow "For a walk? Now? I am in the middle of something Verona..."

Verona said "I am going to walk around the lake... Come with me... I can't go later... I dont want to miss the end of party fireworks and not to mention the curfew time keeps getting closer... Do you want to join me in a walk?"

Verona didnt think he would say yes but he did. Was she using his love for her to save her friends in dorms. She did and did not feel guilty about it. He was brutal.

They walked away from the noise and left the grounds of the dormitories and started walking towards the lake of the campus in silence. Once they reached the lake, Ottavio said "Verona... I need to talk to you about something  Verona.. You have to be honest with me... Completely honest..."

Suddenly Verona's heart dropped. Did he know about her incident in Irish school? Was he aware of what her friends from the dorm had done? Had he found out? She became very scared in that moment.

Ottavio said stopped walking and so did Verona.

Verona braced herself for a what he wanted to say to her.

Ottavio looked into Verona's eyes and stood towering over her "It is important that you tell me the truth...."

Verona nodded and said nervously "Ok... Sure..." She was awaiting a grilling. She was going to break if he interrogated her. She had no doubt. Who could stop him if he wanted the truth? She was afraid of what he would do next after he found out what exactly had happened. Her friends could get a taste of his wrath tonight depending on her answer. She would try to take all the blame. She would try. But she wasn't sure it was easy to convince him of it. Lying to him could make things worse.

Ottavio asked "Why didnt you sign up for cheerleader squad?

Verona was taken back. Was he really not asking about what had happened? He actually didn't know? "Huh?"

Ottavio asked "Tell me the reason..."

Verona was shocked and relieved that she had a lucky escape and he had no idea what she had done that night and how many rules she had broken.

Ottavio sighed "Verona... Answer my question..."

Verona jumped and then said "I guess I am not interested..."

Ottavio raised an eyebrow and said "Really? Why? I need to know why you didnt join.... Tell me why..."

Verona shrugged "Erm... I just dont want to be a cheer leader..."

Ottavio asked "Are you sure? I asked the head cheer leader why she hadn't recruited you even though you were part of the cheer leader team in your old school... She said you were approached by the team but said no... I need to know why you said no..."

Verona said "I said no because I am not interested... That is the only reason..."

Ottavio stared at her "So you didnt say no because anyone from the cheer leader team disrespected you or upset you or anything like that?

Verona asked "What do you mean? Why would you think that? Everyone here has been kind to me... "

Ottavio said "I dont know... It was just odd you wouldn't do something here that you are so good at... I thought maybe someone didnt know their place and upset you and put you off..."

Verona shook her head "You actually think anyone would dare disrespect me after what you did on the first day in the cafeteria?"

Ottavio asked "I only gave you a white rose pendant that was yours...  If anyone cant manage to respect you they will be dealt with..."

Verona sighed "Why do you feel the need to deal with people who may not respect me?... What's wrong with having some tough time? I cant believe I am just one bridge away from having a normal life and you are the obstacle in my way..."

Ottavio said "You can get across the bridge if you like... I will get you to come back... I wont let you escape me this time... If you run I will catch you... I thought I made it clear..."

Verona said "Ottavio... I know that... And I know if I went across the bridge you could follow... No rules stops you from doing that..."

Ottavio said "I am glad we have an understanding..."

Verona said "Can we make a compromise? Let me live a normal life across the bridge for one week only... I need to live my dream... Let me transfer for one week so I can feel what it's like for no one to know me? I know your family are governors of this school and you have so much power here... I know I have no chance of appealing to transfer without you blocking it... So I am asking you... One week..."

Ottavio said "No... I would never allow that...."

Verona said "You know what? I am so tired tonight... We can discuss this later? This conversation is not over..."

Ottavio said "We can discuss it again. My stance wont change..."

Verona sighed "Why aren't you willing to listen to me? ...."

Ottavio walked to her "I always listen to you..."

Verona turned to Ottavio "Let me go across the bridge... Just for one week... A normal life is what I asked for..."

Ottavio said "We have talked about this... You being here gives you a normal experience.... Get used to how things are done differently here to your old school..."

Verona sighed "Its not so different to my old school... I always got special treatment for being a Rosario... I dont want special treatment... I want normal treatment... You didnt even give me a proper sanction for being late after curfew... Coming to your house is no sanction..."

Ottavio said "Verona... The definition of a sanction is something you wont volunteer for because you wont enjoy it... I know you wont enjoy coming to my house and wont volunteer for it so I gave you the option... I know you dont enjoy meeting and greeting my family... You never understand the Orsinos ... My family does things differently to Rosarios... A sanction is something you wont choose to do if you were to have the option... So you got normal treatment when it came to your well deserved sanction for breaking curfew..."

Verona stared at Ottavio thoughtfully and then said as she nodded "I definitely wouldn't have volunteered to come to your house... You have got that right... Your family are different to mine... I am hoping it wont be so bad... I feel tense around your family but Its just one night over a quiet dinner perhaps... Right?"

Ottavio said "Actually its alot more than that... You will be meeting my family... And families you have never met before that your family never works with..."

Verona said "So I am meeting people I never meet again in my life... It makes no sense.... What do you mean?..."

Ottavio said "I would ask you to come to my house on the day of the Legacy Summit that is hosted at the Orsino mansion this year..."

Verona froze. She knew what he was talking about. She had heard of Legacy Summit.

Ottavio said "Your father is invited for the upcoming Legacy Group Summit that's hosted at the Orsino residence ... As you may have heard the Legacy group include certain crime families. Your family doesn't work with any of them. But Orsinos do.... Your father was the only one invited amongst Rosarios, O'Neils or any of the families of the allies of your family... Your father needs to attend because no one else can but him in his circle.. Its good for networking and finding out about what some other top entrepreneurs do... Your father was invited by my father because our fathers are friends.... Your father confirmed his attendance months ago and he can bring immediate family members to accompany him... If he asks you to accompany him, I want you to say yes..."

Verona was shaking her head "You want me to come to visit your family on a day that the Legacy summit is happening? Why?"

Ottavio said "I have my reasons...."

Verona said "My people and yours are so different..."

Ottavio said "Your people and my people are different... But my people would become your people one day... I have no doubt... My family could be your family one day... In that summit, there will be people who are in the circle of the Orsino family and not in your family's circles... But you will see them frequently when you become my girl."

Verona shook her head "If I become your girl... Not when..."

Ottavio's eyes narrowed and it made her gulp. Ottavio took a step towards her making her take a step back. She had blurted out her honest feelings. She explained quickly sensing him getting angry "You never know... You may meet someone else... You may meet another girl and forget me...."

The look in Ottavio's eyes made her freeze. The intensity behind his words and his tone of voice shook her "Verona.... Nothing and no one can stop me from coming after you... I will remove any obstacle that comes between us... I will destroy anyone who would ever try to take you away from me... I will make you mine Verona.... You keep denying it... But it wont make a different to how I feel about you... Do you think I will ever give up on pursuing you... You actually think I will find another girl and forget you?... It will never happen... I will never give up on loving you... Never..."

Verona looked away and took a deep breath from the intensity in the air. She said "Its late... I should go back to my dorm..." Verona then turned around around and started walking away knowing full well she was poking the dragon.

Ottavio's voice came from behind her "I wasn't finished.... But you walk away this time because I let you... Dont ever doubt my love for you... It makes me want to prove who you belong to very badly..."

Verona took the threat very seriously. She really needed time to process their conversation and needed to think. She was glad he honoured his word and gave her space and time when he could see she needed it.


Verona woke up to the sun rays. She hoped Ottavio didnt try to prove that she was his because she had walked away from him. He liked making people pay for defying him but of course he made her pay in special ways.

Verona got ready and made her way through the corridors of her dorms. As she was walking past the common room and games rooms she could see how the atmosphere had changed. Everyone saw her differently now it seemed. She sacrificing herself to save the girls who had crossed over to the Irish school had gone down so well. 

Everyone not only respected her now but they saw her as brave and worth following for some reason... As she left the dorms, the appreciation for what she had done seemed to have spread around like wildfire. She had many offers from many girls to put herself up for roles of head girl or student council president. She was not interested. She never wanted to have power. She had too much power in her old school and now wanted to be a regular girl with little attention on her. But her stunt last night had not helped her situation at all. Now so much more attention was on her.

As Verona walked inside the cafeteria she tried to ignore the stares and whispers. She walked to the girls from her dorm, Claudia and Emilia who were seated having breakfast in the cafeteria. They smiled warmly at her as she walked towards them. They made room for her and sounded welcoming.

Verona sat down at their table and went to the point straight away "What is going on here? People haven't stopped talking about what happened last night... It was one thing to talk about it at the dorms party last night but another thing to spread it around campus.... What if people on top here and the girls get sanctioned for going over to Irish school?"

Claudia said "If you dont get caught you dont go down in this school Verona..."

Emilia nodded "People on top wont hear about what happened... These rumours wont reach the top of the hierarchy. So dont worry..."

Verona said "I hope so..." She then stood up "I should go get some breakfast..."

The girls smiled at her and their smiles were genuine.

Emilia said "You know, no one will forget what you did for us... It saved us from getting caught... If we had been caught there would have been a big deal made by the Irish School.... We are the same school but we have rivalry with the Irish...."

Claudia said "Yes... We would have served life in detention and that's if we were lucky... So ... Thank you Verona... We owe you so much... And everyone in school appreciates your noble act."

Verona said "No problem..." She then walked away. She had been thanked so many times that day she had lost count. She walked towards the breakfast counter and she kept hearing people whispering about her. There were many voices of admiration. She sighed. They even admired her for not giving out names and not reporting them when she could have. She wanted to lay low and last night had made her even more popular. But why couldn't she have no attention on her?

As she was walking along the breakfast counter she noticed it became very empty and the line to get food disappeared. Really? And the place was silent. Was Ottavio about? She decided to quickly get a pastry to go. She didnt want to stay if Ottavio had entered. She did not need more attention.

As she grabbed her pastry and walked away towards the exit she made sure she did not look around. But of course she found herself face to face with him suddenly in the middle of the cafeteria.

She looked into his eyes "Good morning..."

Ottavio said "Good morning..."

Verona said "I will see you around..."

She was about to walk around him but Ottavio said "Stay...."

Verona sighed. Verona knew full well if he asked anyone to remain behind, direct defiance and ignorance of his request was not an option. It could make things worse for her. Alot worse. She tried to peacefully and gently refuse him "I don't like sitting inside today. Its nice weather outside... I guess I will see you later...." 

Ottavio said "I will join you outside..."

Of course he did. Just when she had gained the trust of some people, Ottavio was there to make a statement and remind people that she was special to him. At least Verona managed to ensure that she was not sitting with Ottavio  in the cafeteria and they were going to be somewhere less crowded for breakfast. Some damage control was success. Less attention was bonus. 


Verona managed to keep her breakfast short with Ottavio with excuse of going back to her dorms. Verona went back to her dorms to pick up some books for her next lesson. She still had time until the start of lessons. Upon entry to the dorms site, she was informed that he father had left a message for her to call him back. She went to her dorm and sat down at her desk. She dialled her father's number.

Her father was at work but she needed to make confirmations and arrangements for an event and she was invited to go. The same event Ottavio had warned her about. Her father was attending the Legacy Summit at the Orsino Mansion and wanted to know if she wanted to join the party gatherings that came with such summit that families of attendees took part in.

Verona was contemplating what to say. She asked "Is it ok if I come?" If her father said she shouldn't come then the problem was solved. She could tell Ottavio that. But her father left the choice upto her. She had no excuse not to attend if her father didn't interfere. 

She put the phone down after her conversation ended. She sighed. Ottavio was getting his way. He always did. 

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