Multiverse of (Y/N) (NO REQUE...

By lightcero

281K 2.8K 13.8K

Bored and with nothing to do, a strange deity decides to summon a bunch of people to watch the stories of one... More

Return of the Dragon Knights Part 1
Return of the Dragon Knights Part 2
Return of the Dragon Knights Part 3
(M/N) Black
Monster Family x Male Reader
Unity, Duty, Destiny Part 1
Unity, Duty, Destiny Part 2
Unity, Duty, Destiny Part 3
Unity, Duty, Destiny Part 4
Unity, Duty, Destiny Part 5
Unity, Duty, Destiny Part 6
Unity, Duty, Destiny Part 7
Small Interlude
Christmas Special 2023
King of Curses
Kamen Rider Zi-O Part 1
Kamen Rider Zi-O Part 2
Kamen Rider Zi-O Part 3
Death And All His Friends
Summoning Mishaps
Kaiju Girls x Male Reader
Kaiju Girls x Male Reader 2
Christmas In Gotham
Return of the Dragon Knights Part 4
Return of the Dragon Knights Part 5
Return of the Dragon Knights Part 6
Power Rangers-Kaiju Girls Part 1
Power Rangers - Kaiju Girls Part 2
Power Rangers - Kaiju Girls Part 3
Power Rangers - Kaiju Girls Part 4
Power Rangers - Kaiju Girls Part 5
Power Rangers - Kaiju Girls Part 6
Power Rangers - Kaiju Girls Part 7
Power Rangers - Kaiju Girls Part 8
Power Rangers - Kaiju Girls Part 9
Power Rangers - Kaiju Girls Part 10
Independence Day Part 1
Independence Day Part 2
Filler Chap: New Guests
Independence Day Part 3
Independence Day Part 4
Introducing Paradigms and Chaosbringers
Independence Day Part 5

Kamen Rider Zi-O Part 4

3.5K 57 172
By lightcero

(Anyone who's seen episode three of Zi-O will understand why I put that song at the top)

(Or if you've read a fanfic about Kamen Rider Zi-O)

Finally finished with writing this chapter out.

Took a while too.

(F/D) = Favorite Drink

Don't own the art or video.


"Now then!" Zero announced. "Let's get to the last part (for now) of this world viewing!"

"Here, (M/N) and the gang will meet up with Dr. Strange and the well known heroes of America!"

Smirking, Zero hit play.

-The next day-

(M/N) sighed as he walked down the stairs and into the dining room.

Where surprise, surprise. His dear friends (and he used that term loosely for now) were already eating.

"Cue the awkward tense atmosphere!"

Mikey yelled.



Mikey yelled as Raph finger smack his forehead.

"Good morning."

(M/N) greeted the two.

No sense in being an ass right now. He had no desire to give them an excuse to try to kill him.

"Yeah, let's try to keep it calm and civilized."

TenTen nervously sweatdropped.

"...We're doomed aren't we?"

Shino Aburame asked.

"Most likely."


Tsukuyomi greeted.


Geiz said.

"How the hell did they ever become friends let alone best friends?"

Sirius shook his head.

"Why not ask Man of Bats and Man of Steel?" Luna Lovegood airily asked. "They are the best example of best friends."

Batman twitched and glared at her for that jab. Only for Luna to ignore him.

(If you've seen Harry Potter, you know Luna sees things in a different perspective. So, I don't think she would be easily scared by Batman)

While Superman and the rest of the Justice League just silently laughed.

'Vengeance will be mine!'

Batman thought to himself.

'So far, so good...'

(M/N) thought to himself.

Baby steps was the first step in getting them not to kill him.

"Good luck with that."

RODK Xenovia deadpanned.

"Methinks that they are going to be incredibly stubborn."

"Thou would be correct."

Zestial and First Hassan both said at the time.


"This is getting out of hand!" Velvette stared in horror. "Now, there are two of them!"


Went the toaster as (M/N) toasted bread popped out.

"All right."

The teen smiled as he walked back to the table.

Before realizing.

'Damn! Forgot to grab the butter knife.'

"Why am I getting the feeling something weird is going to happen?"

Zeke tilted his head.

Several others doing the same thing.

"Hey, Geiz." He spoke to the other male, who quietly ate. "Could you please pass me the butter knife?"



"What the!?"

Went the knife and the bread as it was stabbed to the wall.


"There you go."

Geiz smirked at him.



"...Double Bruh."

"Are we sure they aren't the psychos here?"

RODK Loup Garou asked his king.

"I'm questioning that myself."

RODK Sona said.

"Thank you." (M/N) said. "I appreciate it."

"Riiight." RODK Issei sarcastically said. "Sure, you do."

Anyone that knows (M/N), even if only for a little, could tell how fake it sounded.

Grabbing the impaled bread, he walked back to his chair. His Uncle walking out from the other room as he did so.

"Ah! (M/N)!" Stan Lee shouted. "Practicing your knife throwing skills again?"


Tsukuyomi and Geiz thought to themselves.

"Probably about to go out and commit a murder."

RODK Koneko said.

"...That sounds about right."

(M/N) shrugged, not caring that he admitted that he might have been preparing to kill somebody.

...They can probably guess who.

(M/N) just rolled his eyes as he sat down.

"(F/D) is on the table."


(M/N) said as he drank his (F/D), while his uncle went to get grab something.

"Oh, yeah!" Stan Lee shouted. "I almost forgot!"

"Forgot what?"

Dido (AZ) cautiously asked.

Turning back to this nephew.

"Starting today, Geiz and Tsukuyomi will be attending Union High with you!"





*Cue spitake*


(M/N) spit out his drink.

"Excuse me!?"

He shouted in shock.

Before turning to the time travelers.

"How old are you two!?"

"Good question."

Yumi shook her head.

"Geiz and I are 18."

"Are you freaking kidding me!?"

Mina shouted.

"They looked to be young adults already!!"


(M/N) stared at them in shock, as he slowly turned his head away. Geiz still eating.

"...The freaking hell?" (M/N) muttered to himself. "We're the same damn age?"

Why did he feel like screaming at the top of his lungs?

"The stress is getting to him."

Wong noted.

'Is it too late to move back to America?'

"I mean, if you want to deal with idiocy at its finest then sure."

Blitzo shrugged.

"...You do really that you have described MANY countries by that specification, right?"

(M/N) deadpanned.

"Stupidity isn't just rampant in America but also in many other countries. We're just the one that people want to say: 'Man! Glad I'm not an American!' And not even realizing that they're no better in terms idiocy."

"Some countries are probably even worse in that department than the USA."


Blitzo had nothing to say.


(M/N) thought in despair.

He'll never understand why his uncle decided it was a smart idea to leave the U.S. and work in Japan.

"He's not originally from Japan?"

Gudako asked.

"Born in America." Zero simply said. "Then his uncle decided to move them to Japan because he wanted some peace while working on his works."


'I mean, Union High is cool.' (M/N) thought to himself. 'And I have a girlfriend as well.'



He had completely forgotten about her!


Many said.

"Can't blame him though."

Millie said.

"He's had quite the insane experience."

"That is true."

...No surprise there. After the hectic first day of being a hero, he would forget quite easily. He almost forgot about his bike which is in the repair shop due to sustaining some damage!

"Look on the bright side."

Plo Koon said.

"There's a bright side?"

Spinner asked.

"It wasn't destroyed."

Was all the Jedi Master said.


"Here you kids go!" Stan Lee interrupted his nephew thoughts. "Lunches for everyone!"

(M/N) shook his head in amusement.

"You are way too-woah!" (M/N) jumped back as Tsukuyomi and Geiz grabbed their lunches.

"Rude much?"

Sighing, he grabbed his and started for the door.

"Heading to school now, uncle!" He called out. "I'll see you later."

"Later gator!"

Was Stan Lee reply.

"Oh, boy."

Terra (KH) nervously said.

"Let's see where this goes."

-Short while later-

In the busy city of Union, people were milling about and minding their own business.

"Oh great."

Nova grumbled.

"I don't have to be a Psychic to see where this is going."

Sabrina chuckled.

She didn't need her psychic powers to know that something bad was going to happen.


Time froze.

"Well!" Tony spoke up. "That didn't take long."

Heure could be seen walking along the frozen street.

"Him again!"

Okoye growled.

"...Something looks off about him."

Naruto said.

Though...he looked like he had seen better days.

His clothes had rips, tears, and stains all over. A result of being flung into a hostile planet. His appearance disheveled, yet somehow, he was able to keep a stoic approach.


Several laughed at the sight before them.

If only because he was internally seething as he tried to get his emotions under control.

'That no-good second-rate wannabe magician!'


Rick Stanton whistled.

"You really got him good!"

"I try."

Dr. Strange simply said.

'He'll regret making a fool out of me!'


Stark deadpanned.


Suddenly, he stopped as he sensed another presence.

"Seems like things did not go the way you wanted it to."


"Another Time Jacker!?"

Black Widow snarled.

"What does it take for them to take a hint?"

Sparx groaned.

"Do you really want an answer to that, Sparx?"

Gibson asked his fellow Monkey.


"Maybe we should call them Time Jackass."

Stolas suggested.

"Not a bad idea."

A female voice spoke out as a young female appeared from behind him.


Heure simply said.

"I honestly did expect that Kamen Rider Another Build you made would have been perfect to be the new king."

Ora simply mock said.

"You can tell how tight they are."

Striker deadpanned.

Which was to say...they weren't.

Sighing, Heure explained.

"There were unexpected interferences that caused it to end in failure."


Ora asked, her attention now on him.

"From who?"


Heure simply said.

"That old bastard?" Ora said as she walked to a chair and leaned on it. "He actually came back?"

"Yes, but no."

"Not Ohma Zi-O." Heure corrected. "A young Zi-O, from 20XX."

(M/N) can be seen walking on the empty street towards Union High.

"He's not as powerful as Ohma Zi-O, but his strength is not to be underestimated."

Heure admitted.

"You ought to be careful." He warned Ora as he started walking around. "After all, are you not searching for your own candidate to become King?"


"You mean to tell me there are all trying to create their own kings?"

Flash frowned at that.

"Each one desires to be the one who will herald the dawn of a new age."

Shredder spoke up.

"Fools, the whole lot of them!" He clenched his fist in anger. "They know not of how futile their foolish endeavors really are!"

"By the time they realize it." Mirage crossed her arms. "It will already be too late for them as their fates will be sealed."

"Grreeeaaaat." Pietro sarcastically said.

"You don't have to worry about me." Ora grabbed a pinwheel from a child hand. "I already have a scheme that's ready to be put into motion."

She says as she blows the pinwheel.

"I would normally scoff at that." Heure said. "But I did say 'interferences' Zi-O is not the only threat we face."

"Are you referring to the Resistance Members?"

Ora asked.

"No." Heure said, surprising her. "My current state is the result of an unknown variable that should not exist in this time."

Blinking, Ora took a closer look and realized her fellow Time Jacker state of affair.

"...What happened?"

She asked.

"He bit off more than he could chew."

Thor simply said.

"That's for sure."

"I was met with resistance by someone that isn't mentioned in Ohma Zi-O history." Heure explained. "He easily incapacitated me and sent me off world. I only barely managed to get back to this point in time."



"...Is this a potential threat to our plans?"

Ora asked.

"Yes." Heure stated. "No doubt about it. And Zi-O recognizes him, which means that if they joined forces. We can kiss our plans at creating a new king goodbye."

"Hmm." Ora said. "Perhaps after creating my candidate, I'll take a look at this world history. There's a good chance that things are not as they seem."

With that said, she blew on the pinwheel.

Watching as it spun as the scene changed.

"Okay." Ginny shivered. "That girl was creepy!"

"I'll say."

Melty shuddered.

"That girl is not someone we should underestimate."

Many people agreed with that statement.

"Good thing it's not that far."

"Oh, hey. It's (M/N) again!"

The teen muttered to himself.

Before stopping and looking behind him, sighing.

"What's going on this time?"

Chiro groaned.

"Probably his new 'friends'."

Nova shrugged.


He asked as Geiz and Tsukuyomi stared at him, dressed formally.

"Just to let you know, Union High isn't that strict on dress code." (M/N) said. "So long as it isn't overly revealing they won't get on your case about it."


He said as he continued walking.

"We're not actually attending your school, idiot."

Geiz explained.

"Say what?"

"Come again?"

"If you insist."

Angel waggled his eyebrows.



Vaggie shouted.


Union Issei and Union Mineta shouted.

"Why does he and that monk get a pass at being perverted but we get beaten up!?"

"Yeah! Talk about a double standard!"


"Because unlike you, they are actually likeable and can kick your ass."

Nahida evilly smirked.

Destroying their hopes and dreams.

(M/N) raised an eyebrow.

"Well, it's not like we can just explain that we're from the future, can we?"

Tsukuyomi explained.

"Okay." General Gyozen shook her head. "This is getting ridiculous. Haven't they figured out that their timeline is all wrong!?"

"Have to agree." Ilene Chen (Monarch) nodded her head. "They seem to be under the belief that (M/N) time is filled with ordinary, unsuspecting people."

"Why haven't they realized that there are people with superpowers?"

Vivienne frowned.

"Because they are too focused on their mission."

Serizawa spoke up.

"They're too focused on (M/N) and trying to stop him from becoming Ohma Zi-O, that they have yet to let the reality of both (M/N) word and what they have seen so far to sink in."

"It would seem to be the case."

RODK Ozpin observed.

"Saying that we're in high school is just a convenient excuse to do what we need to do."


"That being?"

(M/N) 'smiled'

"Uh-oh." Nora sweatdropped. "That's not a good sign."

When (M/N) makes a smile like generally means that his patience is almost gone.

"Don't forget." Geiz spoke up. "Our mission is to prevent Ohma Zi-O from ever coming to be."

"Killing you is still on the table, but maybe there is still a chance for you to be saved."

"...Didn't I already tell you guys to check up on your history?"

"You did, but they just don't do it."

(M/N) groaned.

"Haven't you realized by now how off the history you know is, compared to what you're seeing now?"

(M/N) was seriously thinking about going back home to America.

"Dew it!"

Palpatine said.

Count Dooku and Anakin twitched.

'I'd rather test my luck with having a gun to my face and the supervillains of America then having to deal with these two nutjobs.'


He thought to himself.

"Man!" RODK Dove shouted. "They're really driving him to insanity!"

"Let's hope that doesn't send him over the edge."

Chocho nervously added.

"Well, let's just hope his sanity holds out until it gets through their thick heads that not everything is what they think it is."

Hawkgirl said.

"Otherwise, they are going to end creating perhaps an even worser version of Ohma Zi-O."

"You even went so far to get uniforms." (M/N) shook his head, unknowingly pissing Geiz off with that action. "Must have been tough."


Geiz gripped (M/N) as he turned his head back to him.

"I can end you now, if you prefer."

"...Are we sure there's not going to be something between them?"

Yagyu asked calmly.

Though the nosebleed said otherwise.

"Yagyu!" Hibari shouted. "Don't overthink things again!"

"Sorry, Hibari!"

Giving Geiz an unimpressed stare. (M/N) quickly grabbed Geiz arm, before doing a twist like gesture and sending Geiz spinning to the ground.

"Probably didn't see that coming."

Lute said.


"Don't ever try to threaten me with a good time."

(M/N) stared at him.

"Oh, lala!"


"Ow! Alastor!"

Geiz just stared for a moment before getting up.

"All right, enough!"

Tsukuyomi placed a hand on their chest, keeping them apart.

"Oh my."


"OW! Artemis!"

"You had that coming, Aphrodite!"

"Look, just go about your usual routine for now."

Tsukuyomi told him.

"It'll be fine, no one going to think of two normal students doing anything."

"...This chick is freaking crazy!"

Adam said.

All of a sudden, Somebody's Watching Me starts playing in his head.

"Yeah." Dabi deadpanned. "That fits quite well with the current situation."

He had a bad feeling about this.

The feeling (and the song) did not go away as he went to his first class.

"That's a little bit creepy."

A little into his P.E. class, (M/N) pauses for a moment as he senses eyes on him. Slowly and subtly turning his head, he sees.


Filo asked.

"I think he would rather see a purple dinosaur than those two."

Naofumi sweatdropped as did his fellow heroes.

...Tsukuyomi and Geiz behind a tree. With Tsukuyomi using binoculars to observe while Geiz tried to hide behind a white cloth.

(Was that part of Tsukuyomi dress? I wasn't completely sure)

(M/N) sweatdropped.

As did the audience at that.

"Those two would have never lasted in the spying business."

Mr. Krabs cackled like a sailor as he walked away.

Remembering that one time when SpongeBob and Squidward were scared of a 'bad' patty.

...Though nearly being taken to Davy Jones locker wasn't a fun experience.

'Normal, they said.'

That was NOT normal in any way possible.

"I could hide better than that when I was a kid."

Naruto shook his head in disbelief.

Not even Konohamaru was that bad!

"Sensei." (M/N) entered a faculty room, gaining the teacher attention. "Here are today's NOTES!"

(M/N) shouted the last part as he eyes looked at the window.

"Please don't tell me."

QE (AZ) groaned.

Only to see Tsukuyomi and Geiz staring (rather menacingly may I add with those expressions) at him.


'Wow.' Zero sweatdropped. 'Never thought I see the day when royalty cursed.'

"Something wrong, (L/N)-San?"

The teacher asked in concern at the teen unexpected shock.

"Whatever you do...don't look back."

(M/N) groaned.

"Good day, class!"

His teacher greeted.

"Hello, Sensei!"

The class greeted back.

"Today we're going to start off with the question of: Who the heck are those two staring at us on the third floor window?"

"...You have got to be kidding me."

Katie Killjoy deadpanned.

Having been silent until now.

"Wow!" Tom Trench said. "What a bunch of idiots."

"For once, we are in agreement Tom."

Killjoy said.

This was further proved by the fact that she didn't spill her coffee on him.

He pointed to, yet again, Geiz and Tsukuyomi peering through the glass.

"Wonder what theories are they coming up with?"

'Oh, come on!' (M/N) mentally shouted. 'They're making Neon from Goddess of Victory: Nikke look competent!'

"Who's Neon?"

Kadoc (FGO) tilted his head in confusion.

"Basically like Azur Lane, but on the ground and fighting against Raptures instead of Sirens that threaten all of humanity."

Theresa (AK) explained.


Azur Lane looked interested at that.

"Should we call security or the heroes?"

A student asked.

"...Just ignore them."

The teacher decided.

If they wanted to look like fools that's on them.

"Well at least the teacher kind of chill."

RODK Blake sweatdrop.

"They live in a world where powers are the norm."

Dom Toretto said.

"I highly doubt this is anything out of the ordinary for them."

(M/N) opens a stall.

"Please don't."


He shouted in shock as Geiz was just standing with his arms crossed.


"Okay." A bully said in disbelief. "This is going to far, even for them!"

"At least let him use the bathroom in peace!"

This got several bullies nodding their heads in agreement.

Even they never went to far as to stalk someone at the toilet!

...If only because sometimes they let it rip after having something that didn't agree with their stomach.


(M/N) just quietly shut the door and speedwalk out of there.


He just mentally repeated to himself as he left the restroom.


Flash shouted.

"Even Batman respects a person privacy unless it's absolutely necessary to speak to them!"

Amanda Waller twitched, remembering their discussion that one time when Cadmus revealed themselves.


Geiz opening the door as he went after him.

"Jesus H. Christ on a stick while riding a skateboard!"

RODK Irina just stared in disbelief.

"They really are acting like persistent lovestruck stalkers that don't take NO for an answer!"

'...And I thought I was stubborn.'

Ghidorah sweatdropped, remembering how persistent she was trying to get Godzilla to join her or die.

" least Tsukuyomi wasn't there too."

Jr. sweatdropped, not sure if that was a good thing or not.


(M/N) opens the door to the rooftop as he looked around and saw not hair or hide of his stalkers around.


Robin shouted.

"They couldn't possibly have followed him there!"

'Don't count on it.'

Some thought to themselves.

(M/N) smiled as he walked to sit down.

Only to stop as a thought hit his head, causing his smile to turn upside down.

"Oh, come on!"

Robin shouted in frustration.

"Sorry, Robin."

Jon Kent nervously said (If you don't know, he's Superman son in the Super Sons comics) to his friend.

Doing a certain pose that a girl from Hawaii that had a sister who owned an Alien dog had done. He pointed behind him and to the sky before turning around.

(Get the reference?)

Lo and behold, Tsukuyomi and Geiz were on the rooftop entrance roof. Wearing binoculars and eating.

"...Son of an emerald whore!"

Cell yelled.

Causing people to jump.

'How long has he been here and alive!?'

The DBS cast mentally questioned.

"...He's going to become Ohma Zi-O in spite, isn't he?"

Akai deadpanned.

"Oh, yeah." "Wouldn't blame him." "Might be petty, but they definitely have it coming."

...You know it's bad when everyone, from heroes to villains, agree.

Twitching, (M/N) took a deep breath.

Before his eyes suddenly widened and he quickly pointed out.

"What now!?"

RODK Weiss shouted in frustration.

"What is that!?"

(M/N) shouted as he pointed at something.

Without even thinking, the two quickly turned their heads to the sky trying to see what (M/N) saw.

Quickly and quietly, (M/N) utilized the Joestars secret family technique.



Raven (RWBY) nodded her head in shock and awe.

"He used their wound up selves to his advantage."

People had a heart attack at the cold woman praising him.

"He's moved so fast that he could be a Flash!"

Kid Flash said, impressed.

"I think anyone wanting to get out of that situation would temporarily run as fast as Flash can."

Starfire added her two cents in.



Tsukuyomi said as they saw nothing, before turning to look at (M/N).

Who was gone with nothing but an outline of him blinking where he previously stood.

"He's gone!"

Tsukuyomi shouted.

"What the heck!?"

Geiz said as they got up.

"That's what they get."

Lorem shook her head as she held Gospel.

"They deserve it."

Merii chuckled.

Fuuga and Zeke just sweatdrop but agreed.

Quickly running to the gym, he hid himself in the storeroom.

Closing it, he sighed a breath of relief.

"Finally, I can eat in peace."

He said as he sat down.


Only to stop.

"You cannot be serious."

Hermione deadpanned.

Can he not catch a break!?

"Who is it this time?"

Chiharu sighed.

Turning his head he let a yell when he saw there was someone else in the room.


Startling the other person who let out a yell in response.


"Wait." Jirou slowly said. "Isn't that?"

"(M/N) you scared me!"

The teen shouted at him.

"Like you're any better, Kaminari!?"


"Kaminari? What are you doing in Union High instead of Union Academy?"

Momo asked the electric teen who shrugged.

"How should I know?"

He said.

He wasn't from there, how the heck would he remotely know?

(M/N) shouted.

Before he realized something.

"Wait...Denki?!" He shouted again. "What are you doing here?!"

"I thought you went to Union Academy?"

"So, he does attend Union."

Sero stated.

"What's he doing in Union High though?"

"I was...kicked out of Union Academy shall we say?"

Denki simply said as he continued playing his game.

"Kicked out?"

"What the hell did you do?"

Izumi asked her boyfriend.

Who just shrugged.

How would he know what his counterpart did? There were so many possible explanations to draw from.

(M/N) asked confused.

"Why would they kick you out?"

"..." He didn't say anything before sighing.

The audience leaned closer eager to know what had happened.

"Let just say Union isn't all that it's cracked up to be."

"And just like that." Sheffield "I don't need to hear the full story."

Many people nodded their heads, causing Union members to bow their heads in shame.

Except for the hardcore idiots of course, who believe they did no wrong or could do no wrong.

While some of the actual good Union students just sighed.


"I, may or may not, have brutally electrocuted a porcupine/hedgehog/Pomeranian chimera and the walking representation of all of humanity sins in human forms after I saw them bullying and sexually harassing some fellow students in the school."

Here, everyone turned their heads to Union Bakugou and Union Issei who glared at them defiant.

"What!?" Dude in need of anger management shouted. "They should know their place and I am more than happy to teach them!"

"All the world boobies belong to me!" Future prison bitch shouted. "For I am the Harem King!"


They were slapped so hard that their necks broke as they did a 90 degree turn.

"Shameless filth."

"Unfortunately, they are Union 'top' students and hold the greatest potential of becoming great heroes. So, to the eyes of Union my attack was unprovoked and inexcusable. Even with both the students I saved, and my friends support, they still had me punished by sending me to Union High for remedial courses. And to think about my actions and how wrong it is to attack people for no good reason."


Poison Ivy, as well as others, screamed in disbelief.

"Those two scumbags were assaulting other students and that wasn't a good excuse!?"

Poison Ivy shouted.

"Unbelievable." Yorktown shook her head. "He protects them, and you show your gratitude by blaming him for their actions."

"Truly deplorable."

Silverash frowned at them.

"I'm glad we don't have to deal with you in our world."

Pramanix gave them a glare that was colder than Kjearg itself.

No one said anything, how could they even begin to explain?

Besides, after realizing what their actions have caused them. They felt no desire to defend the 'stars' of Union anymore.

"...Are you fucking kidding me?"

(M/N) stared at him.

"You protected your fellow students and your reward is to be kicked out of the hero classes for actually doing what a hero is supposed to do? Protecting the innocent and the weak?"

"Wow." (M/N) shook his head. "So much for trying to be bring about equality. If they can't even deal with the problems Union has internally, I have no hope that they will achieve this so called 'peace' that they constantly preached about."


Batman and Iron Man spoke in unison.

The two giving Unionverse an unimpressed stare.

Followed by their friends also following suit. Yes, even the nice and timid ones were enraged at them.

Union said nothing, because they know that if it wasn't for Zero interference. They would have still been on the same path as the Union of that world.

"There's actually more to it than that."

Zero said, getting their attention.


Aizawa said.

"Basically those idiots have a lot of pull due to connections with the devils, their former schools, and certain influential people."

Zero sighed, so Ei took over.

"Union in that world does want students to be equal and also to be respectful of others. But unfortunately, they cannot fully discipline due to backlash because the public adores their fake selves. Most of them don't realize that it is just a mask, a façade to foo the rest of the world into believing their the next big stars."

"...How is that NOT surprising?"

Beerus groaned.

"Something I ask myself, Beerus."

Champa groaned as well.

"On the bright side, the teachers are competent and not stupid."

Mikoto added.

"And yes, that includes Glynda Goodwitch."

Union Glynda squawked at that.

"Just what is that supposed to mean?!"

"Exactly as it means."

Cain glowered at her.


"But hey." (M/N) smiled. "At least you didn't sacrifice your ideals just to fit in with the rest of the sheep."

"Good work on using your brain."

Ava nodded.


Denki said, both versions a little scared at being complimented by Union (M/N) mom.

What? They seen how scary she is and she is also married to a gangster who seems to be even more protective than her!

"Good work."


Denki smiled as he got back to his game.

"What are you playing anyways?"

(M/N) asked.

"It's a game that is considered unbeatable." Denki explained. "Many have tried, but all have failed."

"And you want to be the one who wins, huh?"

(M/N) easily guessed.

"You know it."

Denki smirked.

"All right." (M/N) started opening his lunch box. "I'll leave you to it."

"...Why am I getting a feeling something bad is going to happen?"

Aqua deadpanned.

"Because in our line of work, bad things always happen in every corner."

Terra also deadpanned.


Ventus sweatdropped, knowing how true that is.

As did the Hazbin/HB crews.

Denki smiled as he started playing again.

A couple of minutes had passed when Denki said.

"I'm finally getting to the end!" He shouted excitedly. "I'm so close to-huh!?"


Sakura Matou said.

"Here it comes."

Albel said.

He shouted in shock as his game started flashing.

"What the?"

(M/N) blinked, having caught the flashing lights from the corner of his eye.

"That's we-what!?"

(M/N) shouted as he saw:

(Another Rider Ex-Aid)

"Another Rider!?"


"Wait..." Green Lantern eyes widened. "That girl! This must be her candidate to become the new King!"


Malty facepalmed.

"Can't believe we forgot about her!"

"Let's hope he can get them out of this."


"Gack!" (M/N) shouted as he was thrown to the floor.


Velvette winced.

"That most definitely had to hurt."

"Ya think!?"

Cherri Bomb and Sir Pentious both shouted.

Denki screaming in shock as he tried to zap the monster with his quirk.

Only for it to have no effect!

"Not good!"

"Gah! (M/N)! Help!"

Denki shouted as the Another Rider grabbed him and began doing something.


Only to drop Denki as the male fell unconscious.


(M/N) shouted as he got up, glaring at the Another Rider.

"You are one ugly motherfucker."

"Love the Predator reference."

(M/N) growled.

"Thankfully." He took out his Rider Belt. "I know how to deal with you guys."

"Kamen Rider time!"

Ziku Drive!


(M/N) shouted as he transformed into Kamen Rider Zi-O!"


(M/N) shouted as he realized Another Rider was not there.

"Where did he go!?"

"How the heck did he do that?!"

RODK Yang shouted in shock.

"Teleportation of some sort?"

Severus Snape frowned at that.

"No doubt." Moody snarled. "Probably didn't think him much of a threat."

"That will be his undoing."

Hestia frowned, concerned for the unconscious male state.

"Denki!" (M/N) shouted as he ran to the teen. "Wake up!"

Lowering his head, he could hear Denki breathing.

'Okay good, he's not dead!'

He thought to himself as he tried to shake the male awake.

"That's a relief."

Gudako sighed.

"But what did he even do?"

Spoiler frowned.

"Denki, wake up!"

He continued shaking the male.


"What now?"

The door opened to reveal Geiz and Tsukuyomi who had finally found him.

"The one time he would actually need them is the time he wanted peace and quiet."

Panda sighed.

"The irony."


"What happened?"

Tsukuyomi asked as Geiz stared in surprise.

"We got attacked by Another Rider." (M/N) explained as he powered down. "The monster did something and now Denki won't wake up."

"We need to get him to the hospital." Geiz finally said. "Now."

With that the trio alerted the authorities of an attack on the students before being escorted to the hospital for questioning.


"Another one has joined us."

The doctor in charge of Denki sighed.

"What do you mean?"

(M/N) frowned at that.

"His symptoms are the same as many other patients we have recently been receiving." The doctor explained. "No one can figure out if it's natural or a villain attack."


RODK Kirishima sarcastically shouted.

"No worries then!"

"Curse those Time Smackers!"

Adam shouted.

"Sir, it's pronounced Time Jackers."

Lute said.

"Your point?"

Adam asked.


"The Pros want to keep it on the down low." The doctor also added. "They don't want to cause unnecessary panic because no one knows who's causing it."

"Don't want to cause a panic?" Shazam deadpanned. "Or don't want to lose their reputation?"

"A little of that, a little of this, a whole lot of everything."

Gojo Satoru shrugged.

"Of course." (M/N) shook his head. "They don't want to admit that they can't find the source. Because they always have to be there to save the day and nothing else. There is no secret, insidious plot being hatched. All the villains are already being captured and imprisoned before that happens."

The doctor merely chuckled.

"Unfortunately for them, we have already made contact with other hero organizations to lend us their aid."

"Hopefully, we can find the cause and fix it before it's too late."

"Thank God for people actually having a brain."

RODK Xenovia breathed a sigh of relief.

(M/N) walked out of the room as he stopped in front of Geiz and Tsukuyomi.

"They think it's some sort of biological attack from a villain." He stared, crossing his arms. "That was no villain attack, that's the Time Jackers next attack no doubt."

"But only they know."

Richelieu said.

"If the rest of the world were to learn of them then we all know what will happen next."

RODK Ozpin pointed out.

And it was true.

No doubt, the 'chosen ones' will demand them to hand over their Drives to those they deemed worthy and things will not get pretty from there.

"We need to stop it from claiming anymore victims before it's too late."

(M/N) started walking to the entrance.

"How though?" Tsukuyomi got up. "The Another Rider could be anywhere."

"The Time Jackers most likely want me out of the way because I'm Zi-O." (M/N) simply said. "It's only a matter of time before they send it after me."

"I'm going to even out the playing field by forcing them to send it my way before it becomes unstoppable."

"Smart, yet reckless."

Athena shook her head.

"He's getting tired of their nonsense."

Artemis pointed out.

"Stop." Geiz spoke up causing (M/N) to stop in front of the doors as he turned back to them. "You need to stay out of this."

"Not this shit again."

Aquaman facepalmed.

"If you confront Another Rider you will have to use Zi-O power again. Which will result in you stealing a past Rider's power."

"...Huh?" (M/N) frowned. "What are you babbling on about?"

"They really need to work on their communication skills."

Rodan deadpanned.

"What do you mean 'stealing a Rider power'?"

He asked annoyed.

"Can you stop speaking in riddles?"

"That's my job."

Riddler added.

Geiz stared at him before walking.

"When you took Build's power, he faded from existence."

Geiz explained.

"That's when you started down the path of Ohma Zi-O."

"So, that's why he doesn't want him to fight."

Martian Manhunter realized.

"To stop him from becoming Ohma Zi-O"

"The young man is wasting his time."

Wonder Woman shook her head.

"He isn't going to back down from this."

"Stubbornness runs in the family, it seems."

Gojo Satoru looked at (M/N) parents who just shrugged and gave a 'I have no idea what you are talking about' expression.

Right...suuuuure they don't.

For goodness sakes, (M/N) father a freaking gangster!

"Anyways, stay out of this." Geiz continued. "We can handle this."

"Stay out of this?" (M/N) frowned. "You are asking for the impossible!"

Geiz glared at him who stared unintimidated at the taller male gaze.

"It's going to take a lot more than that to stop me."

(M/N) shook his head.

"You guys keep thinking that the future is set in stone." (M/N) started. "But you still fail to realize that your information is seriously outdated. Have you not realized how different things are in this world?"

"Asking me to stay out of this when I have the power to help, to make a difference?"

(M/N) mind flashes back to when he was young.

From learning of his parents death in a car accident, to the Snap that destroyed life as we know it. Then to the world trying to recover from that, only for 5 years later everyone that got Thanos'd to come back and having to readjust to the fact that everything has changed since their 'deaths.'

People winced at that.

That wasn't going to be a pleasant experience growing up with.

'Probably the one thing I might not necessarily agree with the Avengers on.'

He bitterly thought to himself.

"Really?" Banner said. "Why?"

It might have been painful, but people were finally starting to move on with their lives.

When they were brought back, it opened up old wounds and those that died had to find themselves adjusting to the fact that 5 years had passed. Not only that, but everything (and everyone) that they knew and loved had finally started to move on. Not to mention, where could they go if their homes where no longer theirs?


"...Yeah." Scott Lang scratched his cheek. "We really didn't think that one through."

"On this note." Hank Pym spoke up. "I understand now why Stark didn't want to go through with it in the first place."

"We really screwed up on that part."

Steve Rogers looked down.

They were so caught in their own self-pity that they didn't realize what the aftermath was going to be.

Of course, people weren't going to suddenly be happy that their loved ones were back. Some had moved on and had married other people or had accepted that this was their new reality.

And what about those that were snapped and came back? To them, not much time had passed, and they were probably a little disoriented from the Snap. Then to come back confused, afraid, and seeing things have changed would no doubt be stressful for them.

...They didn't want to know how many have probably died, committed suicide, or turned to a life of crime (Or 'other' professions) because they had nothing left.

And who knows how those who had families were feeling. To see your loved one married to someone else and being happy when the last thing you remember is that you guys where married? They would have seen it as a betrayal regardless of learning the truth. Hurt because they have moved on and they were left in the dust.

Where would they live after that?

Truly, The Avengers, Justice League, Union, and many other organizations had their work cut out for them when they learned what their actions had caused.

(Thinking about it, I honestly never thought about it until I came across a picture on Pinterest with a comment thread talking about this. And yeah, it might not be shown in MCU but no doubt that people were very confused when they undid that Snap)


(M/N) shook his head.

"Do you have any idea what it's like to feel powerless, Geiz?"

Geiz eyes widened as he remembered the fight against Ohma Zi-O.

"Oh boy!" Flash gulped. "Here we go again."

Of his fallen comrades as they were effortlessly beaten.

Geiz grabbed (M/N) shirt as he glared at the unfazed male, while Tsukuyomi looked worriedly.

"I know that." Geiz said. "More than you know."


"Then you have to trust me."

(M/N) said.

"Otherwise, you'll fail in your mission to stop the rise of Ohma Zi-O."

Removing Geiz hand from his shirt, he left the hospital.

"(M/N), wait!"

Tsukuyomi ran after him.

Geiz slowly walking out, conflicted.

"He really is more stubborn than you, Bats!"

Joker shouted out in laughter.



Batman hit Joker.


Joker laughed.

"But where do we start from here?"

(M/N) muttered to himself.

"Good question."

Theresa (HI3) said to herself.

"I know you're out there...Woz."

Said male appeared from out of nowhere.

"You call for me, my King?"


Tsukuyomi and Geiz stared at the self-proclaimed prophet.

"If you're looking for clues about the new Another Rider. I'm afraid you'll have to find out on your own."

"Then what was the purpose of (M/N) calling for him?"

Leo Valdez frowned.

"You'll see."

"Another Rider can wait."

(M/N) response surprised the time travelers.

He wasn't going after them?

"We have more important business to talk about."


Woz stopped in front of them.


"Oh, you got to be kidding me."

Loki PTSD started acting up.

Strange hid his smile.

"Woz, what are you doing?"

Geiz asked, glaring at the man.

For under them...was a ring of fire (energy).

"Um." Woz said with confusion. "This isn't me."

"Then who-WO-AHHH!"

The four fell down the portal to who knows where.

"Knew it."

Loki glared at Dr. Strange who had the audacity to point at himself and nonverbally say 'Who? Me?' at his face.

That damn sorcerer.

-New York City, Sanctum Sanctorum-

"Are you going to tell us the reason you brought us here, Strange?"

"Oh, so now we're going to be introduced."

Tony said.

"So, Woz is the fourth person he was talking about?"

Goku asked.



"Use your brain, Kakarot!" Vegeta shouted. "They were just sucked down into a portal, of course he's the fourth one!"

"Didn't have to hit me for that, Vegeta!"

"Oh, I know." Vegeta smiled. "I just felt like it."

Tony Stark aka Iron Man asked his friend of sorts.

"And here I thought we were friends, Tony."

Strange had a look of mock hurt at that.

"Haha, very funny magic man."

Tony sarcastically laughed.

"In case you've forgotten, we have things to do."

He added.

"Agreed." Batman spoke up. "We still have our cities to protect. Not to mention, we still have yet to find the disturbances affecting Time and Space despite our best efforts."

"So, they're aware?"

Minato rhetorically asked.

"They've been affected by temporal disturbances way too long."

Zero sweatdropped.

"Even though time gets 'fixed' every time (M/N) and the others defeat the Another Riders. They are still aware of the anomalies happening, even if everyone else has forgotten."


"It's weird though." Green Arrow frowned. "We know they had happened, but people don't remember."

"Is it the result of someone not only messing with time, but also altering their memories?"

It was a strange case to be sure. When they had detected the anomaly in Japan, they had tried to finish their missions as quickly as possible. But when they finally teleported to Japan, the threat was already over, and no one remembered what had happened.

Not even the heroes who sustained damage could remember how they got them.

"That's some powerful stuff, there."

Michelle Jones-Watson aka MCU Peter Parker MJ said in amusement.

"I'm aware."

The Sorcerer Supreme answered.

"I just thought it be best if we bring all the cards to the table."


"Aren't we all here though?"

Rhodey asked.

"Oh, right!" Strange realized. "Forgot to introduce our guests!"


Loki gave him an unimpressed look.


Strange asked.

"Um? Strange?" Hawkeye said. "There's no one here."

"One second."

He said as he waved hi hands in the air, opening a portal.



Went our heroes as they hit the floor.

"We have been falling...for THIRTY MINUTES!!"

"I knew it!"

Loki hissed at the unrepentant Sorcerer.

That grade A jerk magician was such a troll!

(M/N) shouted as at the bottom.

"And get off me!"

He managed to push them off of him.

"Here are our guests of honor." Dr. Strange said. "They can explain more in depth about what is going on."


The Avengers and the Justice League just stared.

What the hell?

The four finally managing to regain their bearings.

"Where are we?"

Tsukuyomi looked around.

"Never seen this place before."

Geiz frowned.

"The book has never shown this place."

Woz was confused as he flipped his book and could not find anything mentioning this place.

"...I know where we are."

(M/N) said.

"Really?" Geiz asked. "Where?"

"In the City That Never Sleeps."

Green Arrow said.

"Well it needs a freaking nap."

Vlad King said.

"See you in a year, huh?" (M/N) repeated, before turning around. "I guess it's time we had that talk, huh?"

"Dr. Strange."

He greeted the sorcerer.

Startling the other three as they turned to see that they were not alone.


"Tsukuyomi." (M/N) interrupted her. "Geiz, Woz."

"Meet Dr. Strange and his trusted companion Wong." He pointed at them.

"The Avengers."

This time he pointed to the Avengers.

"And the Justice League."


Tsukuyomi uneasily greeted.

"Can't say I blame her." Pietro laughed. "I would be scared at being in the presence of awesomeness!"

"Why thank you very much for the kind words, brother."

Wanda snarked at him.

"Damn it, sister!"

"Who are you?" Geiz said, getting tense.

"Calm yourself, child from the future."

Wong spoke up.

"We are not your enemies."

"Probably should not have said that."

Vox said.

"Cause that will really make them suspicious of you!"

"Well, unless you want us to be."

Tony said.

"Saw that coming."

Everyone from the RODK verse and those that know of them said.

Tony just chuckled.

"Stark, not now!"

Steve Rogers hissed at him.

"I'm just saying."

"Why did you bring us here?"

(M/N) asked.

"And with such a large audience as well."

"Ah, yes." Strange said, getting to the heart of the matter. "Let's talk about you and your friends meddling with time and the new threats that have arisen because of that."


"How do you know about that!?"

Geiz shouted in shock.

"They know much more than you'd think."

"Time Jackers?"


They all said in unison.

Wow...they don't like to be compared to the Time Jackers.

Tsukuyomi questioned.



The two shouted as (M/N) hit them in the back of their heads.

"Oh, can't say I saw that coming."

Kankuro winced at how hard the teen had hit them.

It reminded him of when Temari hit him.

"You idiots!" He shouted. "I keep telling you and telling you to catch up on your history!"

Sighing, he turned to the groups of superheroes.

"You guys explain."

He sighed as he sat down.

"Very well..."

Dr. Strange said as he turned to the three from the future.

"You best sit down, because you're in for a long story."

-One long ass explanation later-

"Do you understand now?"

Dr. Strange said as the three were trying to absorb everything they were told.

"...Everything that we knew is a lie?"

"Well technically not really."

Alastor spun his cane.

"It's just that it happened in a different timeline."

Tsukuyomi was in shock.

"But how?" Geiz denied. "How can this be!?"

"Indeed." Woz was in a state of shock. "(M/N) is Ohma Zi-O younger self. The book tells of his story, he will become Ohma Zi-O."

"Yes, but not in the way your history says he will."

Carmilla deadpanned.

Their worlds had come crashing down when the superhero groups explained to them everything about their world.

About the Avengers, the Justice League, the Pro Heroes/huntsman/shinobi/etc. About the hero and villain societies. About how the world is full of superpowered people.

They were told things that were never mentioned or learned about in their timeline.

"Can't help but feel sorry for them." Mirai Trunks shook his head sadly. "And I don't think it's like when I came back to the past and my actions caused the timeline to split."


Zero said.

"Different for sure!"

"And yet." (M/N) spoke up, having been leaning on the wall with his arms crossed. "None of you have ever heard about the heroes of the past."

He stated.

"And that's how I knew that it couldn't have been the 'me' you see here now, that would one day rule the world with a reign of unparallel terror."

He started explaining.

"Even if I was the one to become the Demon King that will bring misery to you, fifty years in the future, the crux of the matter is that it should have been harder for me to keep my grip on the world."


"What does he mean by that?"

Hibari asked.

"With people like Batman, Stark and others. It should have been more challenging for him to assert complete control over the world."

RODK Irina explained.

"They're well known for making plans for all kinds of apocalyptic scenarios."

"Oh, yeah."

"What do you mean?"

Geiz asked.


(M/N) sighed as he continued explaining.

"I mean that there should have been some sort of history of me fighting against both heroes and villains. There should be some sort of file about me detailing possible ways I could be defeated. Or a plan that could eventually end in my defeat."

"Hell! Their should be Kamen Riders far more powerful than the ones in your time to be able to counter my powers over time!"

"With brilliant minds like the Batman!"

He points to the Batman.

"Tony Stark! Aka Iron Man!"

He points to Tony.

"T'challa and his technological genius sister Shuri!"

He points to the Royal siblings of Wakanda.

"And these are just some of the most brilliant people in the world! And Batman would not have died without leaving a contingency plan behind!"

(M/N) shouted.

"Even if it was impossible even for him to defeat me now. He would at the very least leave information for future generations to utilize to their advantage and push me back!"

"That's a good point."

Red Robin said.

"Batman always has a plan, even if it's instantly he will always come up with a plan."

"Even if he won't be the one to put the plan into motion."

Many people nodded at that.

"And that's not even counting those who are literally invincible with only a few weak points!"

He points to Superman and the like.

"Or those that can manipulate Time as well!"

He points to Dr. Strange.

(Who else can manipulate Time in the DC and Marvel verses?)

"And with the Time Stone, it should be impossible for them to have missed out on an apocalyptic threat happening under their noses!"

"He's really laying it out on them."

Bane sweatdropped at the teen harsh tongue lashing.

"Can't say I'm surprised." The Riddler spoke up. "These guys are idiots for not bothering to check the inconsistencies that (M/N) had mentioned earlier."

"Can't argue with that."

"Time Stone?"

Woz looked intrigued at that.

"...One of Six powerful stones known as the Infinity Stones." (M/N) admitted. "Basically, gather all six and you're the master of the universe."


Those that participated in the Infinity War shuddered from the memories.

That was definitely not a fun period of time.

"And that's another point to address."

He added.

"They could have gathered the Infinity Stones and used them to wipe me out of existence. Not even Ohma Zi-O can stop an attack that he can't see coming."


Some asked as they looked to the experts.

"It is possible."

RODK Gasper said.

"I mean, we wouldn't really know since they are complete different universes. Maybe it would work, or maybe Ohma Zi-O might keep one out of their reach."

"Who knows?"

Gudao said.

"It's an interesting possibility but we probably won't know unless they decide to use it against Ohma Zi-O."

"But don't the Infinity Stones have that restriction that they can only work in their universe and not in another universe?"

Shirou asked.

"True. That would render the point moot if Ohma Zi-O is not from their timeline."



...That was a good point.

"So, that's why you had a hard time believing us." Tsukuyomi finally realized. "Because when I did not give signs of recognition about them, you felt something was wrong."

"Yes..." (M/N) said. "And regardless of my feelings towards Union Academy, I know they have some powerful assets in their arsenal."

" least he's not vindictive that he can't admit that."

Edgeshot said.

"HE BET-!!"



Godzilla and Ghidorah shouted as they crushed Union Bakugou and Union Issei.

"And again, no one was ever mentioned in the history of Ohma Zi-O."

"But." Geiz looked defeated. "What does this mean then for the future?"

(M/N) had no answer.

But he didn't need to.

"Based on what we have learned in this little meeting." Dr. Fate began speaking. "We can make a theory."

"The future belongs to a different timeline.

"Of freaking course!"

Homura shouted.

"It can never be that easy to solve!"

"With us? Never!"

Alastor cackled.

His words grabbed their attention.

"A different timeline!?"

Geiz shouted in disbelief.

"Yes." Dr. Fate nodded his head. "One that has no influence on our timeline."

"But how?"

Woz asked.

His normal, confident self completely decimated as he was left lost and confused.

"THAT is the multimillion-dollar question, my good Reindeer Games lookalike."

Tony spoke up.

"Oh, come on!"

Loki shouted.


"Why is it that they fell into this timeline instead of the one that is actually connected to theirs?"

He turned to the magic users for an answer.

"This is a guess." Dr. Strange began. "But everything we have learned from both sides suggests that."

"The Time Jackers have a hand in this."



Mirko shouted.

"They had something to do with this!?'

"You're kidding right?"

Tony said after a moment of silence.

"Unfortunately, I'm not." Strange said. "After using the Time Stone to see into the future after I met them last year. I've been drawing many conclusions as to what may have happened. I can conclude that if they had never come back into the past, (M/N) wouldn't have become Zi-O in the way that he did."

"He was still destined to become Kamen Rider Zi-O?"

Kurogiri asked intrigued.

"He would become Zi-O when the Hero Faction up and released Trihexa from her prison. That's when (M/N) would transform and defeat her when others couldn't."

"How surprising."

Maleficent sarcastically said.

"Of course." Here he smirked at a suddenly nervous (M/N) who did not like the look on his face. "So, began his harem too."


Many people shouted at that.


And the losers shouted in despair.

But that's not important right now.

"You heard me." Strange chuckled. "You managed to defeat Trihexa despite using it for the first time, greatly impressing her."

"...That's not part of the future either."

"Well...the future isn't always set in stone."

Woz blinked.

"And Yang?"

(M/N) asked.

"She was okay with this?"

"...You know quite well how your girlfriend is."

Stargne told him.

"...Yeah, good point."



The time travelers shouted in shock.

"Okay, yeah." Woz in a very uncharacteristically move threw his book in the air as he had a 'totally done with this bullshit!' expression on his face.


The Kamen Riders fans shouted in shock at that!

"You know it's serious if he throws his precious book like that!"

Was it really THAT surprising that past Zi-O had a girlfriend!?

"Yeah?" (M/N) raised an eyebrow. "Why sound surprise? You finally accepted this world is not your own. Why is me having a girlfriend a shock?"

"Because Ohma Zi-O does not have a girlfriend!"

Geiz shouted.

"And that's Ohma problem not mine."


(M/N) shook his head.

"If he doesn't want a girlfriend and a son, that's his problem."

"Annnnd now he's opened up another can of worms."

Zeref sweatdropped.

"His fault."

The Hunters said.


They shouted.

"Incredible!" Woz shouted, instantly bouncing back from that news. "IWAE! For the king has already secured his heir!"




(M/N) shouted, face red with embarrassment as he hit the man on the head.

"Poor (M/N)."

(M/N) shook his head.

"You're pitying...yourself?"

Valentino gave him a look.

"If I have to suffer, then you better damn well be sure that my counterparts should suffer as well."

"...How is it that you can freak me out this easily?"

Valentino deadpanned.

"I'm a freaking crossbreed of a Angel and Incubus, take your pick!"

(M/N) said.


Valentino wisely said nothing.

"Look!" (M/N) got back on track. "What they are trying to say is that: The Time Jackers must have somehow linked your future to our past. Two timelines that have no connection to each other!"

"But for what reason?"

Spiderman asked.

"Why would they go through all that effort to link to unrelated timelines?"

"Good question."

Logan (Wolverine) grunted out.

"Perhaps they know something."

Superman said.

"Or maybe they are trying to throw everyone off for a loop."

Batman interjected.

"They're trying to stall you guys while they mess around with the other timeline."

"Doesn't explain their reactions though."

Nightwing pointed out.

"Perhaps only their leader knows."

Talia Al Ghul frowned.

"If that was the case." (M/N) frowned, sensing a flaw in that statement. "Then they should know about you guys. The Time Jacker that we ran into had no idea who Dr. Strange was. If he did..."

"The fight would have been much harder to win."

Dr. Strange said.

"It might also be possible that only their leader is aware of the two timelines connecting." Batman thought of a different alternative. "Because their leader is probably the one who did it in the first place, but never told the others about it."

"What is the leader up to, I wonder?"

RODK Azazel murmured out loud.

"Either way." Dr. Strange shook his head. "There is still another matter of great concern."

"The Another Riders."

(M/N) simply said.


Dr. Strange nodded his head.

"From what I've seen, you are the best chance we got at repelling these monsters. So, we ask you."

"Stop them before they caused irreversible harm to both the world and the people."

"But of course." (M/N) raised up his Rider Watch. "That's why I was chosen was it not?"

"To become King and protect the world with power worthy of a King."

"Though, I'm going to guess that you'll have some people watching me to make sure I don't fall to the path of Ohma Zi-O."

"You are correct, Man of King!" Thor boomed, causing some people to flinch at his loud tone.

"How many times have I told you not to shout?"

Loki scowled at his brother.

"Apologies, brother."

"There might be others who will try to tempt you into the path of a tyrant Demon King instead of a Benevolent Demon King. We must ensure that you will not fall to the temptations of evil!"

"Only evil he'll probably be tempted is to 'punish' evil hot women."

Ibara Shiozaki deadpanned.

"...It's telling when no one can argue with that."

Pony Tsuburaba said.

"All right, enough shouting." Loki sighed. "Let's send them on their merry way. If memory serves me right, they have Another Rider to deal with."

"Very well."

Dr. Strange opened a portal.

"We wish you and your companions' luck."

"Thanks." (M/N) said as he walked forward.

Only to stop.

"?? What's on his mind now?"

Before turning to his new group of friends.

"I know this is a lot to take in." (M/N) started. "And I know it will still be hard for you to accept the fact that this is technically not the past that you were trying to fix."

"I don't know if my actions will have any affect on your timeline...but I'm willing to fight Ohma Zi-O if you'll have me."


"I would like it if we could start over and try to be friends."

(M/N) held his hand out.

To no one surprise, they didn't grab it.

"Of course."

Sam Wilson shook his head.

"Stubborn to the very end."

"They just had their world crashing down, Wilson."

Bucky pointed out.

"Of course they won't be instantly jumping in agreement."

It was a tense silence as the superheroes just watched in silence.

'I guess it was too much to ask for.'

(M/N) mentally sighed.




"Someone actually made the first move?!"

Mirio spoke up.

To (M/N) complete surprise.

Geiz was the one who was gripping his hand in a firm handshake.

"I honestly don't know what to think." Geiz admitted. "Everything we thought we knew is wrong, and killing you will not do anything."

"I came to the past with the intent of stopping Ohma Zi-O rise from ever happening. And now I'm finding myself in an alliance with his younger, idealistic self."

"...But." A small smile crept onto his face. "For the first time in a long time, I feel hope."

"So, that's when they became friends!"

"So, friends?"

(M/N) asked.

"Heh." Geiz laughed. "Friends."


Tsukuyomi stepped forward as Geiz stepped back.

Grabbing his hand, she spoke.

"It is too much to take, in all honesty."

She admitted.

"But...if this can help bring an end to Ohma Zi-O reign of terror. I'm willing to help you gain the power you need to defeat him."

Smiling, she stepped back.

"You two may be alike, but you couldn't be any more different."

"...Is that a good thing or a bad thing?"

Tetsutetsu Tetsutetsu sweatdropped.

"Take it as it is."

Anakin just said.


(M/N) said, before turning to Woz.

"And you?"

"My king." Woz kneeled down. "Even though you are not the Demon King we know, my loyalty will always be with you Kamen Rider Zi-O."

"Why does he have such loyalty to him?"

Hood asked.

"Even though he knows he is not the Ohma Zi-O he knows or will become. He still swears to fight by his side."

"Well, on the bright side he will a powerful ally."

Prince of Wales said to her fellow Shipgirl.

"The Demon King who protects."

For some reason, (M/N) believed in the sincerity of his words.

"Then rise, my friend." (M/N) smiled. "There's no need to bow as we are friends."

Woz simply got up.

"But can you tone down on the randomly appearing schtick?"


"God damn it."

Percy said.


The Gods said.

"...Walked right into that one."

Percy sweatdropped as the others laughed.

Woz simply said.

Causing everyone to laugh at how blunt the man was.

"All right."

(M/N) face got serious and so did theirs.

"We got Another Rider to deal with."

"Let's go!"

"Right!" "Yes!" "Lead the way, Zi-O"

With that said, the four went through the portal.

And back to Japan where they began their search.


"And this is where we'll stop with Zi-O for a while."

Zero smiled.

"Man!" RODK Ruby complained. "It was just getting interesting!"

"But damn, was it awesome!"

Goten shouted.

"Hell yeah it was!"

Mini Trunks shouted.

"I agree." "Never thought I'd see such incredible potential!" "Now I want to be a Kamen Rider."

"And this is just one of most recent series in a long series of Kamen Rider?"

"Can't wait to get back home and binge watch them."

Many people were busy talking about the world as Zero smiled.

Glad that they enjoyed it.

(Except certain losers, but they were silenced because no one wanted to hear their whining)


Have a good day/night!

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