❛ THE LOVE CLUB ❜ - 𝖼𝗆𝖻


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᎒ ੈ ✩ ‧₊ ᎒ ࿐ 🌊🥥 𝘛𝘏𝘌 𝘓𝘖𝘝𝘌 𝘊𝘓𝘜𝘉 IN WHICH his childhood best friend is forced into f... More

000; cast
001; the brunette version of barbie
002; i'm completely down to earth
003; they always say opposites attract
004; paying me to be your friend
005; every couple has a song
006; that damn smile
007; this girl never shuts up
008; he's a good kisser
009; they'd be so jealous of you
010; we made it exclusive
011; i can smell pasta
012; you stress me out
013; more than just pretty
014; lisa is always right
015; you laughed at mine
016; i'm not kissing you
017; you're sharing a bed
018; his little sex doll
019; such a pretty nickname
020; the date of a lifetime
021; its always been like that
022; are you single
023; you look very beautiful
024; the guy has it bad
025; you look better in my clothes
026; just get ready here
027; he's a missionary guy
028; i used the chapstick
029; i'm already missing you
030; those tulips are dying
031; it hardly looks fake
032; it feels wrong to kiss you
033; you don't need to compliment her
034; i could fall asleep like this
035; he was already eye-fucking you
036; open your mouth
037; the month of love
038; then go home
039; i do really like you
040; your fake valentine
041; your prince charming
042; the full two minutes
043; step up your game a little
044; he didn't turn up
045; corbyn bailed on her
046; it wasn't your fault
047; a quick morning fuck
048; we kept it pretty platonic
049; her lipgloss is all over you
050; the things im going to do to you
051; the bookstore boyfriend
052; her only goal is to stress people out
053; let go of her hand corbyn
054; your reputation era
055; a fake breakup
056; i can go kill him
057; i just wanted to see you
058; you bumped into her
059; she's not available
060; you're torturing me
061; you can stay over
062; that was a mistake
063; no mentions of Rosemary
064; are you in love with her
065; i can see why you love her
067; let's get you into bed
068; you sleep with rosy
069; on my mind all day
070; you're wearing yourself thin
071; thea really upset you
072; what the fuck was said

066; she was the fake date

810 31 18

my stupid heart don't know
i've tried to let you go
so many times before,
then wound up at your door


"That's odd. She's late."

"She's two minutes late." Evelyn corrected Harry, keeping her head down to focus on the task she was doing while Harry paused for a few seconds before he turned himself to the girl.

"When has she ever been two minutes late?" He asked.

"Harry. It's two minutes."

"...You know something." He squinted his eyes and tilted his head, crouching down to Evelyn's level on the floor as she shook her head, "Evelyn."

"I don't know anything." Evelyn shrugged.

"Girls night was two nights ago," he began, watching her stay silent while letting out a sigh, Evelyn about to respond to him before the bell of the store rang and their boss walked in.

Rosemary took down her umbrella while the door shut, keeping to herself as she walked through to the back of the store and past her two employees already at work.

"Good morning Rosy." Harry smiled at the girl.

"Hi," she quickly replied, walking into her office and shutting the door as Harry furrowed his eyebrows and looked back at Evelyn.

"For someone who has a party in two days over an award for her store and someone so passionate about this store... actually, for Rosemary in general, that was extremely out of character." Harry explained as Evelyn looked up at him.

"I don't know if she's ready to speak on it... that's all." Evelyn replied, watching his face slowly fall before he subtly nodded and sighed.

"Is it about him?" Harry asked.


"Okay... James?"

"No," she said through a sigh, hearing Rosemary's office door open and the girl walk over to the counter.

"Has there been any problems so far today?" She spoke up, breaking the silence between the three of them while setting up the computer screen.

"Evelyn broke a nail." Harry replied.

"I cried about it." Evelyn added on as Rosemary glanced to them with a small smile, "I'm over it now though."

"And some guy called about the store, a complaint he wanted to make, that's all." He shrugged, turning back to his task as Evelyn watched Rosemary's smile drop as she turned her head to the counter.

"What was said?" Rosemary asked him.

"Rosy," Evelyn mumbled with a frown, watching her look back at Harry who was hesitant to speak on the details of the complaint.

"He... there was an issue with his order."

"What was the issue?" Rosemary asked, beginning to work on the orders needed to be sent out that day, creating one of many bouquets.

"I don't think that matters, we fixed the issue so it's fine." Evelyn shook her head, "he was happy with the service he received so problem solved, it's all good."

"Harry?" Rosemary raised her eyebrows as the boy sighed and glanced to Evelyn.

Evelyn shook her head at him while he frowned and looked back over to Rosemary, "the bouquet was wrong, had the wrong flowers in it and he hated the way it looked."

Rosemary paused, removing her hands from the bouquet she was making with a disappointing frown growing on her face, nodding just once before giving them both a small, forced smile.

"How'd you fix the issue?" She asked them.

"Well we gave him a choice between a refund or we'd send out the correct order..." Evelyn began as Harry nodded.

"He wanted the correct order, it's for his wife's birthday. We told him we'd get it sent out today." Harry explained with a smile.

"Did you offer a discount for the next purchase?"

"...When have we ever done that?" Harry furrowed his eyebrows and tilted his head.

"You should've given him 10% off." Rosemary argued, "as an apology."

"But we've never given-"

"Next time do exactly what you did with that complaint, but add the discount for the next purchase." Rosemary explained as she cut off Evelyn's concern, "it's important I keep a good reputation for the store, especially if I win that award on Friday."

Harry and Evelyn nodded in confusion before turning back to the display they were working on, allowing Rosemary to continue with the orders for delivery.

With the store being open less than a half hour and a handful of customers coming and going, Rosemary had finished serving one of her regulars before she returned back to the bouquets, hearing the bell ring from the door.

And as she assumed the customer would be looking around the store before approaching one of the employees, the girl didn't look up from her current task, not knowing who was currently walking towards the counter she was behind.

"Hi," Miriam smiled as she stood at the counter, causing Rosemary to quickly look up and face the girl.

"...Miriam." Rosemary replied as Miriam nodded, "hi, sorry for the other night."

"That's okay." Miriam shook her head, "I thought I'd come in here as you know... Corbyn said it was too good not to."

"He did," she raised her eyebrows and looked down to the bouquet she was making while Evelyn and Harry both turned their heads to the pair, "would you like to buy some flowers?"

"I would, for you." She said while Rosemary paused and slowly shook her head.

"No," Rosemary said through a small laugh, "it's okay, I don't need-"

"I appreciated what you did the other day."

"I was crying."

"Why were you-"

"Harry." Evelyn put her hand over Harry's mouth, her eyes widened while she shook her head.

"You didn't have to invite me in." Miriam shrugged as Rosemary quickly smiled at her while nodding.

"It was raining and dark, i didn't want anything to happen to you." Rosemary explained, "I'm sure you would've done the same."

"...can I at least buy you a coffee? We can go out for coffee?" Miriam suggested with a shrug, "I can see why Corbyn loves you, you're a literal walking angel."

"Coffee sounds good." Rosemary replied.

"Okay." Miriam smiled, grabbing a pen and card as she wrote down her number, sliding it across the counter to Rosemary, "there's my number so we can arrange a day."

"Perfect," Rosemary smiled in response, "I'll text you after I finish work."

"Yep, cool. Take your time," Miriam smiled, turning herself away from the counter and headed towards the door of the store.

Once the girl had left and Rosemary returned to finishing up an order, Evelyn and Harry raised their eyebrows while staring at their boss, waiting on her to speak up with context on what had just happened.

Rosemary let out a small sigh as she looked up to the two of them, resting her hands on the counter before she shrugged, "she was a fake date the other night."

"We need more context than just that." Harry furrowed her eyebrows, "why were you crying? Why was she a fake date? You invited her in where? Why the hell were you crying?"

"Thea said some shit, that's all." Evelyn glanced to Harry as he rolled his eyes and sighed, "who is she?"

"She was a fake date to that event he had to go to," Rosemary explained, "I invited her inside his house because it was raining and dark."

"His house?"

"He was told he had to bring her to the family emergency."

"But it wasn't a family emergency?" Harry questioned her.

"If he told Randy it was because of me he wouldn't of been allowed to go," she frowned, "I went to see him because I was crying, I needed him."

"So..." Evelyn began to smile, "you're both okay again? Back on track?"

"No." Rosemary said with a raise of her eyebrows, "I don't want to ruin the friendship."

"Oh my god," Harry threw his arms up in frustration and let out a huff, "Rosemary, you two work so well as a couple."

"You don't know that, Harry. We haven't-"

"You were basically together." Harry interrupted her as she looked up at him again, "you see each other every day and don't get bored, he knows how to make you feel better and he knows every small thing about you, he works with a schedule you think makes you difficult. You'll work as a couple."

"You two do look like the perfect couple." Evelyn nodded in agreement as Rosemary smiled slightly, "I think you're both pushing each other away because you're both scared."

"I need to speak to him still."

"Speak at your party on Friday." Harry suggested, "go to a private corner and have a talk or something. Just figure it out."

"I don't want to rush things." She shrugged, "I'd rather take things really slow with him than risk not speaking to him again."

"...You were the one who ghosted him."

"She had a reason, Harry."

"But she's complaining about not speaking to him."

"If we take it slow we have time to put up our boundaries and figure things out about how we work with relationships, that's what I mean." The girl explained, watching her two employees nod in agreement.

"I think you're just confusing yourself."

"Yeah... just speak to him on Friday." Evelyn smiled at her.



corby worby
feeling any better?

rosy posy
yes! a lot better, thank you for the
other night :)

corby worby
always rosemary

corby worby
you free tonight? we could go for

corby worby
there's a nice italian place right around
the corner

rosy posy
gonna have to pass :( see you at
my party though?

corby worby

corby worby
yeah of course, i'll be there


does she hate me if she turns down

if it's italian, yes.

jack pls don't say that

jack. u know that's the one he suggested.

ok we don't know that for sure

it's the ONLY food he takes her out for
dinner for

not true, they went to a spanish restaurant
on one of their dates

fake date. for the media.

it was their first REAL date actually

they went spanish dancing

ok. ur right.

it was italian i suggested

okay maybe she's just busy yk
how she is

too busy for corbyn?

is she ok btw? why'd she call u
the other night?

oh it was rosy?

who else would it be

jo r u deaf daniel said it was her

she's okay

why'd she call

she was upset, girls night didn't go to

i'd rather not get into it

so she came over i assume?

she stayed over yes

stayed over?


as friends?

they always do that zach

but they aren't even friends again

we are

ok so she stayed over but you didn't cuddle
or kiss or anything did you?

we cuddled

oh my god

you two are just messing with each other
at this point


how r u gonna say u won't be a thing
again but THEN cuddle

bro get back together

they were never actual together

why r u two not getting back together???

i want to i just don't want to rush it

and she said shes scared so idk

i'll wait until she makes a move

rosemary is too busy to make a move

you'll just have to keep persisting

if rosy really wanted to, she'd make a
move daniel

ur going to her party right?

ur definitely going we're dragging u

in ur best suit xxxx

or would she prefer u naked???

i already said to her i'm going

things won't go back to how they were
with her

mf you cuddle.

yeah but this just sounds like a
friends with benefits thing

i'm not gonna do that to her

ur confusing me

so ur cuddling in hopes she'll change her

change her mind on what??? she wants
him it's obvious

why else would she call him when she knows
he's at an event

bc she was upset

and she called the boy she isn't friends
with rn?

we are friends

i think

i'm trying not to rush bc i don't want to mess
things up again with her

don't think you can rush a friendship?

shut the fuck up jack

that friendship seems rushed

shut the fuck up jonah

ok... anyways

maybe she turned down dinner bc she's
waiting until her party to talk to him

why would she do it at her party when
we know she'd rather speak to him in private


i'm just trying to think of all possible

corbyn just wait until you see her

on friday


okay fine



miss me? (:

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