From Darkness, Love Came Thro...

By FinleyLivesInTheVoid

4.5K 140 54

A long KingDings fic because this ship does not get the attention I think it deserves. I love this ship, and... More

Part 1: Dreams To Wake From
Part 2: Reunited
Part 3: Its Okay To Need
Part 4: Smells Like Coffee
Part 5: Toriel And Asgore Have A Healthy Friendship
Part 7: Morning After
Part 8: *cough* Demiromantic Rep *cough*
Part 9: I Give You Cavities
Part 10: Just Some Father & Son Time
Part 11: Have A Filler Chapter

Part 6: Have Cuteness

418 13 16
By FinleyLivesInTheVoid

"How long ago did he lock himself in there?" Asgore asked as Alphys explained what had happened. When she's told Gaster about the other scientist from the C.O.R.E. project, he'd stumbled up the stairs and locked himself in his room before she'd even had a chance to get off of the couch.

"A-A-About half an h-hour ago." Alphys stammered, "I t-t-t-tried to get h-him to c-c-come out b-but-but h-he won't listen." Alphys started to bite her nails, worry for her old friend seeping in, "I-I've never s-s-seem him so-so u-upset!"

Asgore had...he'd seen the old scientist like this during failed DT experiments...and whenever he had to put a new human SOUL in containment. As good as Gaster was hiding his feelings from others, Asgore seemed to have a sense to see through the façade and to how he was really feeling. The same was true vice-versa, Gaster always being able to tell when the King had to much on his shoulders. That was part of why their friendship had been so important to the, both...and why it has hurt so much to loose.

"Did you call his sons?"

"N-No..." The dinosaur monster admitted with some guilt, "S-Sans and- P-Pa-Papyrus have b-been s-s-so w-worried about h-him already."

"That is true..." Asgore had been worried as well, but his concern for Gaster was nothing compared to the Gaster's sons. Sans, who liked to nap whenever convenient, hadn't slept but an hour or two the entire time Gaster had been unconscious. Papyrus hadn't gone to a single sparring session with Undyne, and couldn't bring himself to cook any spaghetti for anyone. Asgore could understand why Alphys wouldn't want to worry them further if she didn't have to.

"D-Do you th-think h-he'll talk to you?"

"I'm sure I can get him too." Asgore gave a reassuring smile, "Go on to work, Alphys. I wouldn't want you to be later than you already are."

"O-Okay y-your m-m-majesty." Alphys gave a curt nod and quickly left the house, leaving Asgore to deal with the skeleton on the other side of the door.

Asgore sat down, back to the door, "Gaster? It's Asgore."

A moment of silence...then a reply, "I heard..."

"So you know about the others..."

"It's all my fault."

"You has no idea what was going to happen. If you had, you would've prevented that accident altogether."

"That doesn't change the fact that their lives were ruined because of me." Gaster's voice shook, and it sent alarm bells off in Asgore's head. The scientist was crying...


"Dead...yet not dead...shadows of what they were...they're forgotten, or at least they were. Now they just have nothing of themselves left. That's what Alphys told me. She told me how the human, Frisk, had taken her to each and every one of them, and how they hadn't even recognized her. They aren't alive...they aren't dead...they're shades...oh god what did I do to them?" Gaster's voice broke into a hitched sob.

"Gaster," Asgore was going to try and reassure the skeleton, but different words came out of his mouth, "If anyone can help them, it's the greatest scientist monsterkind has ever known."

"But I don't know how!"

Asgore felt his stomach drop as an echoing sob came from Gaster's side of the door. Never, in the entire time the King had known him, had Gaster ever admitted to not knowing something. Gaster had always been knowledgeable on everything he's ever discussed with him, and always so sure of what he set his mind to. Hearing him admit that he didn't know honestly scared the goat monster a little, and gave him a view at how much Gaster's mental state had been deteriorated by the whole ordeal he's been through.

"Gaster..." Asgore's voice was calm and soft, "Please open the door." The King thought Gaster hadn't heard him over his own sobbing, but the door clicked open right before he could repeat himself.

Asgore turned to see Gaster sitting on the floor in the bedroom, crossed arms resting on his knees, his head hidden behind them. The sleeves of the purple sweater he wore was slightly wet around the sleeves from trying to dry his own tears, and the grey sweatpants he had on were rumpled from him tugging at them as a way to try and calm himself. It broke Asgore's heart to see him like this, and almost brought the goat to tears.

The King stepped into the room, closing to door behind him, and took a seat by his friend. Gaster managed to reduce his bawling to shaky breaths peppered with the occasional sob, but it was clear that he was at risk of breaking down again at any moment. He was trying so hard to shove his feelings down that they only seemed to come up twice as hard, leaving him a blubbering mess.

Asgore let out a sigh, "Gaster," The large monster acted on instinct, not realizing what exactly he was doing until after he'd pulled the skeleton into his arms, "Trying to ignore how you feel will only make it worse."

Gaster seemed surprised by the sudden contact, and his eyelights came up to look at Asgore, "I...uh..."

Asgore felt a slight bit of embarrassment, "Um- S-Sorry I were upset I- I wanted to make feel better." Asgore began to pull away, but found a small, thin hand gently grabbing his arm.

"It's okay...I was just surprised. I don't mind it. It's...comforting actually..." Gaster didn't meet Asgore's eyes as he said this.

Asgore was glad Gaster wasn't looking at him because his face felt like it was on fire, "If you're alright with it..."

Gaster merely nodded, and leaned against Asgore's chest, allowing Asgore to hold him in his lap a bit more securely. The King gently rested his chin on top of Gaster's skull, and tried not to flinch when he felt Gaster's hand press flat on his chest. Gaster could hear the King's SOUL beating in his chest, and he found it comforting. Pressing his hand to Asgore's chest allowed him to feel it faintly, and it provided a steady rhythm that he found soothing, and made it easier for him to calm his breathing. If he could've seen the King's face, the skeleton would have seem pink appearing in the white fur that covered Asgore's cheeks.

Asgore would've been lying if he were to say he didn't enjoy having Gaster in his arms like this. Having him so close made something inside him feel like a rekindled fire that had been out for a long time. The King found a small voice in his head hoping he'd get to hold him like this again, and feel the comfort of his presence. Once again not really thinking about what he was doing, Asgore brought his hand up to gently cup Gaster's skull. The scientist's face became dusted with purple when he felt the larger monster's gentle touch, but he didn't pull away from it. In fact, Gaster leaned into the touch, finding a soft smile appearing on his face.

"Gaster?" Asgore spoke after they'd stayed like this for a good few minutes, sad to break the silence, "How do you..." Asgore looked down, seeing the skeleton's eyes closed, "...feel..."

Gaster had fallen asleep in his lap, and just seeing how peaceful he looked made Asgore's SOUL beat hard. He'd never seen Gaster look so...cute. Realizing that Gaster looked incredibly cute curled up asleep in his lap like this made the goat monster's face turn bright red. He's never thought of the skeleton as cute before, and felt like he wouldn't mind thinking so more often. For now though...

Asgore carefully scooped Gaster up bridal style, not wanting to wake him. He walked over to the bed and set the smaller monster down, tucking him in. Before turning to leave, he made a mental picture of how peaceful Gaster looked like this, then turned to leave. The thin hand that grabbed his paw made him stop in his tracks, turning to see what the scientist needed.

Gaster was looking up at him with half closed eye sockets, bleary with sleep, "Don't go..."

"...okay..." Asgore sat on the edge of the bed, but felt his eyebrow raise when Gaster tugged on his paw again.

"You're warm...and soft." Gaster scooted over, and Asgore stuttered when he realized what he wanted.

"Are you sure?" Asgore fidgeted with his ear a bit.

Gaster suddenly gave Asgore a hard stare, "Lay your fluffy butt down, you dork."

Asgore felt a chuckle escape him, "Well I can't argue with such a demand." The King laid down beside the scientist, resting his head on his arm, and opening his other arm up a bit.

Gaster snuggled up to Asgore quickly, smiling when the goat wrapped his large arm around him. His own arm went around Asgore, his face nuzzled into the King's chest. Asgore's chin was resting on his skull, the King holding him closely to his chest. Gaster could smell the buttercups Asgore always tended to mixed with the smell of the tea he liked to drink, and found the scent to be a comforting one. The whole situation was comforting to Gaster in a way he wasn't familiar with, and he found himself craving more moments like this.

Of course, Gaster hadn't been kidding when he said Asgore was warm and soft. He was asleep again very quickly, much to the King's amusement. Asgore shifted only slightly, just so he could see Gaster's face, which made his SOUL skip a beat. The goat wondered to himself if he'd get to see Gaster like this in the future, and hoped he would. Seeing him like this made Asgore happy in a way that was familiar to him, but he couldn't quite place his finger on how it was familiar. Asgore shoved his thoughts away for now, feeling sleep coming to take him as well.

As his eyelids started to grow heavy, Asgore felt himself acting out of instinct again. He leaned closer, pressing a gently kiss to Gaster's forehead. Before he could really think about what he just did, Asgore rested his chin on top of the skeleton's skull again. Soon, both monsters were asleep in the warm embrace.


"Uh...Sans..." Papyrus was speaking much quieter than usual, and that got his brother's attention rather quickly.

"Yeah, bro?"

"Why is the King in Dad's bed with him?"


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